The most romantic kisses. How can you make your heart beat faster? most romantic kisses romantic kisses

romantic kisses

How can you make your heart beat faster?

Some kisses are more exciting than others. Romantic kisses always make the heart beat faster. This is because, in fact, such a kiss is more than a simple connection of the lips and tongues of partners.

What is this energy that fills a romantic kiss? This is a connection of souls, a mystical, spiritual fusion that goes beyond physical reality. In order to believe in the existence of this force, it is not at all necessary to be a believer. One can simply proceed from the fact that the magic of relationships between people arises from the chemical reactions that occur in the heart. No astrological or philosophical system can adequately explain this phenomenon. So, the secret of the romance of this heart-pumping kiss lies in a special situation that allows people to connect on some spiritual level through a look, a conversation, a dance, or a touch. Be sincere in conversations with your girlfriend. Smile at her from across the room, catching her eye on you.

Is a simple kiss really more romantic than a French kiss?

Absolutely! In almost every situation, a simple kiss is much more romantic than a tongue kiss. According to statistics, 46% of women complain that kissing their partners is not always romantic. "How to make him kiss like in the movies?" they ask. The guy reading these lines should proceed from the fact that his girlfriend thinks the same way. Of course, you should not ask her if this is true, but I absolutely guarantee that if you are romantic, she will appreciate it. She will really like stupid, from your point of view, leading to nothing and not exciting kisses.

In what situation is it possible to kiss on the eyes?

As romantic as possible, a kiss on the eyes is great for a situation where your girlfriend is very upset about something or is crying. By kissing her in the eyes, you seem to dry her tears with a kiss. In doing so, you will avoid discussing a topic that is unpleasant for her and at the same time show empathy.

In addition, a kiss on the eyes is suitable when you just want variety and tenderness.

Do not forget that this kiss expresses such romantic love that some may find it too "sweet". If you see that your partner did not expect you to show so much tenderness and affection, end the kiss on the eyes with some kind of rougher kiss, like a kiss-nibble.

What kisses do women consider the most exciting?

Every guy reading this book should highlight the following sentence with a highlighter: Women like neck kisses 10 times more than men. Why - it is not clear, but a kiss on the neck drives women crazy. If you don't kiss your girlfriend on the neck, you risk losing her. The statistics speak for themselves: more than 97% of women are turned on by a kiss on the neck.

What is the best way to kiss a girl on the neck?

The answer is in the remark of one girl: "When a guy hugs me from behind, when I feel his breath on my neck, when he bites or kisses me, it seems that I get an electrical discharge of a thousand volts!" This is exactly what is required of a guy. Remove the hair from her neck, gently nibble or kiss her neck - and she will melt in your arms!

How else can you kiss her on the neck?

Start with a kiss on the lips, then after a few kisses, slide down and kiss gently on the neck. Return to her lips. After a while, kiss her again on the neck, kiss her under the chin, on the side and behind. Watch her reaction - it's very important. If she looks bored, try some other kiss, but usually a kiss on the neck has a strong arousal effect on a woman.

How do women respond to neck kisses?

    I'm getting wild!

    When he kisses my neck, I get goosebumps.

    I like to feel the teeth on my neck, the light biting, the sucking movements - I love everything!

    When my boyfriend kisses my neck, I start shaking with pleasure. The same thing happens when he kisses my ear, but still, kissing my neck feels more intense.

Do girls like ear kisses?

Oh yeah! If a guy neglects his girlfriend's ears, he misses a great chance to excite her with the simplest kiss. The fact is that girls love kisses on the ear 2 times more than guys. “When I asked my boyfriend to kiss my ear,” says one girl, “he looked at me like I was crazy. I told him that it gives me great pleasure, but since he didn’t like it himself, he decided that and I can't like it. Although I really enjoy it. Should I tell him that it turns me on a lot (and it really does)?" Well guys, got it? Women not only love kisses on the ear more than men, but they also react to them much faster and more intensely.

What is the best way to kiss a girl on the ear?

First kiss the outer part of the ear. Then - urine. If you want, you can even gently bite or suck on her. The most important thing to remember here is that by kissing on the ear, you affect not only tactile, but also auditory stimuli. Despite your best efforts not to make any sounds, you will not be able to avoid them completely. But you can muffle them by gently whispering all sorts of love nonsense into her ear, for example: "My dear, you stepped on my foot!" No, I'm serious, whatever you whisper to her at this point (even a phrase like, "Honey, did you pay your rent?") will turn her on. Everything happens due to the fact that the close location of the sound source amplifies it and adds to it the overtone of a whisper. In addition, the warmth and softness of your lips will play an important role. At this stage, almost nothing can seem wrong, unless you start talking in your normal voice - it will seem too loud to her. Don't make any loud noise, it could damage her eardrums. Here, sighs like "Oh-oh-oh!", Or "Mmmm!", Or something like that - she will like everything, all sorts of nice nonsensical phrases that mean nothing but love.

What is a teasing kiss?

First of all, agree with your girlfriend that for one minute during the kiss she will not answer you and will let you kiss her. Now kiss her with the most sensual kiss you can imagine. However, the rules of the game forbid your girlfriend to respond to your kiss, she must purse her lips tightly and not open her mouth. Some wise thoughts!

    A kiss is a contraction of the mouth due to the openness of the heart.

    A kiss is something that you cannot give without taking and take without giving.

    Whoever wants to climb a ladder must start climbing from below (German proverb).

    For a kiss, one is not enough, three are too many, two is just right.

    A man who can safely drive a car while kissing a beauty simply does not pay due attention to the kiss.

    Kissing someone who smokes is like kissing an ashtray.

    The difference between kissing your own sister and kissing your girlfriend is about 55 seconds.

Kiss - compatibility test

Kiss- the action is in many ways more intimate than the sexual act itself. And though sex starts with kiss Not every kiss ends in bed. After all, kissing is the surest way to find out if you are really a couple. There are (and even quite often) cases when they reveal the incompatibility of people. This is probably the secret super-task of a kiss. Two can be interested in each other and even the most ardent sympathy, they feel good together. But first kisses they will show that there is no passion here, there is only tender friendship. And sometimes the very first touch of the lips causes a paradoxical reaction - coldness, even hostility. It is this reaction that will follow if a man and a woman, suitable for each other in all respects, are physiologically incompatible.

No wonder women pay so much attention to the first kiss. In addition to the erotic and psychological aspect, the biological aspect is very important for them in a kiss. By and large, kissing a man, a woman conducts her own express analysis.

As wittily noted in one of the publications on a given topic - a woman at the moment kiss, using its on-board computer, calculates the man's body temperature, takes a sample of saliva for acidity, measures his pulse and carefully studies his hormonal system, data on which he receives from saliva and his smell. In the end, an ingenious calculating device gives the woman an answer: is this male suitable for her as a successor to the human race, or is her mother already worried, and it's time to go home ...

That's why first kisses are the most important moment in the development of relationships, perhaps even more important than the first experience of sex. By the way, exactly how you kiss can tell a lot about you in general, as well as about your mood at the moment.

A kiss carries a wide variety of sexual signals. Well, firstly, the concentration of "pheromones" in the smell emanating from you can already tell a lot about the state of your sexuality at this piquant moment. Further, if your lips are tightly compressed, then this indicates an unwillingness to continue the game. If they open and let you in, then your partner can only accept the invitation, because this means - act more boldly! If the partner's tongue moves towards, this indicates his clear desire, especially if he is tense at the same time. Soft, as if elusive, language may indicate a preference for a slow love game.

And although here are some points that can significantly affect your behavior during a kiss, you still need to learn how to feel each other yourself. Good lovers, even at the stage of this lip game, achieve full contact and mutual understanding, which allows them to get maximum pleasure from intimacy.

Four male kisses

So we come to the most important thing - the first kiss with him will tell you a lot of interesting things about this man. Depending on the manner of kissing, men can be divided into four categories, each of which has its own style of communication with women.


He has tense intense and nervous kiss. His lips and/or tongue are a little tighter than they should be. Such a partner is very fond of biting, and his activity has a somewhat hysterical connotation. In moments of passion like feverish kiss can be very exciting.

What is he? He will most likely push the initiative in a relationship on you. He believes that his business is to entertain you to the best of his ability, and you should set the direction and generally dispose of it. As confident as he looks, it's really you who sets the rules. Be him a really good, kind hostess and "order" such joint entertainment that he will also like. He is pathologically sociable: take as the norm his one-man theater, which he will arrange for another beauty. His hobbies are short-lived. Keep this in mind when he starts talking about eternal love: it would be nice to test his feelings with time. You will become an ideal couple if you are balanced, confident in yourself and ready to gently and unobtrusively dominate the relationship. Run away from him if you can't forgive flirting on the side.


He kisses hard, his movements are rhythmic and monotonous, he acts very powerfully and decisively. Some critical girls have it kiss evokes an association with an aluminum spoon, which is dangled in the mouth. However, these girls are in the minority.

What is he? You will be at peace with him. Don `t doubt. This is a real and really very reliable man. But do not expect fireworks of feelings and crazy romantic fantasies from him. He is certainly a traditionalist in his views. Until you get to know him better, don't ask him to have anal sex, or, God forbid, get on a snowboard. May not understand. Be ready for a measured married life: a man of this warehouse approaches everything in detail and will stubbornly drag you towards the registry office if he loves. And also thoroughly resist going there if marriage is not yet part of his plans. You are made for each other if you have a penchant for quiet family joys and you first of all need moral support and peace of mind from your partner. Throw it if you want a waterfall of emotions, impulses and adventures.


He kisses gently, almost without using his tongue. His kiss is wet perhaps even too much. His lips seem to be narrowed. He hugs you carefully, like an antique vase. In general, kisses very gently.

What is he? It will be an excellent, very affectionate and caring partner. Maybe this is not a volcano of passions, but you will surely find a sea of ​​tenderness in his soul. So be tactful and careful with his feelings. You may have to stroke his knee yourself so that he decides to make you at least some indecent offer. In general, your life together will be much more successful if you guide and support him. It’s not that he didn’t know what to do, it’s just that support is very important to him. The main plus in a relationship with him is that he will follow you to the ends of the world and will drag both backpacks. And his love will light the way for you. But to determine what is called the edge of the world is your business. Get away from him if you prefer self-confident male fighters.


Kiss with him, like a bag of candy with different flavors. He can kiss in any of the three ways described above, moving from one to the other easily and naturally. Most likely, at the same time, he will adapt to you, to your desires, which he will be able to capture very accurately.

What is he? Lucky you. It is possible that luck will continue for several more hours, and then a sensitive person can be taken away. A lot of people like him and he knows it. So hold on tight to him. Now about the pleasant. Most likely, he will slightly dominate the relationship, but in general, you will steer together as equal partners. Mutual understanding is the key word in dealing with him. Do you need to live up to his expectations? He has a high bar. You will be fine together if you are expressive and confident. Run away from him if you are not going to constantly defend the title of the ideal woman.

Kiss records

In the water park of the Italian city of Rechione, an international championship in ... sports kisses took place. In the "underwater kiss" class, the Italian students Andrea and Gianni won, who kissed holding their breath for 1 minute and 24 seconds. In the "basketball kiss" nomination, the participants were required not so much endurance as dexterity, but the "athletes" did it (although not all of them). It is worth noting that many boys and girls (and traditional, i.e. mixed couples competed in non-traditional kisses) did not even know each other before the championship, but this did not prevent them from having fun and winning prizes.

Andrea and Gianni couldn't break the underwater kiss world record, which is 2 minutes 18 seconds and was set back in 1980 by Toshiaki Shirai and Yukiko Nagatai from Japan. The longest kiss that took place on land, according to the Guinness Book of Records, lasted without interruption for 17 days and 9 hours. And the longest movie kiss lasted 185 seconds. It took place in the movie Now You're in the Army, and was performed by Jane Wyman - Ronald Reagan's first wife - and actor Regis Toomey. The largest series of kisses was carried out by Alfred Wolfram from New Bridgeton in 1990: in 8 hours he managed to bestow this sign of attention on 8001 women. The record for "rate of fire" belongs to the fair sex: Barbara Augustin kissed 76 men in 3 hours.

In general, studies show that kissing is one continuous benefit. To summarize: who kisses more often, he lives longer.
Firstly, kisses relieve stress, depressive states, frustrations and fears. They cause the release of adrenaline into the blood, which helps to raise the tone. In addition, kisses develop the lungs: if in a normal state a person takes about 20 breaths per minute, then when he is absorbed in a kiss, their number can reach 60.
Kissing prevents the formation of wrinkles, since 39 facial muscles work during this pleasant process, incl. muscles that control the mouth and jaw (but this should be a REAL kiss, not a primitive "smack").
Those who want to lose weight can supplement physical education and diet with kisses: one kiss - minus 12 calories. A little, of course, but the main thing here is diligence.
So kiss for health and for your pleasure! And follow the news of science - who knows what other undoubted benefits tireless researchers will be able to discover in this wonderful activity.

Kisses: to whom and where are they prohibited by law?

Let us turn to the legal side of the issue, especially since it has a rather long history. But today we, perhaps, will not look into the depths of centuries, but let's see what "kissing" laws take place in the modern world.

First - about curiosities

It is quite widely reported that in some places in the United States the law restricts the right to kiss. And if in Iowa this concerns attempts to kiss a stranger, and in Colorado it is forbidden for a man to kiss a sleeping woman, regardless of who she is, then in other places, for example, in Connecticut, husbands are required to refrain from Sunday kisses addressed to their own wives. .

In some cities in California and Indiana, disqualification extends to mustache wearers. Yes, yes, we are talking about a fixed taboo to kiss mustachioed men. In some cases, time limits are set. In the same Iowa, you can’t indulge in this pleasant activity in public places for more than five minutes (I wonder if you mean the total duration or a one-time?). And in South Dakota you can kiss at concerts, but here there is also a standard: 3 minutes for a couple.

Now for the serious

I am convinced that curious legal norms regarding the regulation of kisses are hardly observed. But there is also quite serious law enforcement practice in terms of responsibility for them, and in a variety of countries, both very distant from us, and those that are much closer. Judge for yourself.

In Malaysia, for example, even the most innocent kiss in a public place is punishable by a $75 fine. In Indonesia, a public kiss is punishable by a prison sentence of up to 10 years (!) or a fine of one hundred thousand dollars (and even more recently noisy and cheerful kissing holidays were held in Bali). Even in loving France, there are prohibitions regarding attempts to kiss while on the railway tracks.

Iranian movie star Gohar Qeyrandish, who allowed her to kiss the director's forehead and shake hands at the 2004 Best Film of the Year award, was sentenced to 74 lashes, although later, after the fifty-year-old actress's public apology was replaced by the country's highest court with conditional measure.

In the United Arab Emirates, the rules are very strict. In Abu Dhabi, for this they are sent to prison for 10 days. A few years ago in Dubai, two tourists, one from Ukraine, the other from Uzbekistan, kissed on the street and were fined a thousand dollars each. The police report stated that they had committed an illegal act that violated public morality.

Last year, two British citizens were prosecuted there for kissing in a restaurant, receiving a fine of 1,000 drachmas, a one-month jail term and subsequent deportation from the country. The police were called by the lady at the next table, outraged that in front of her and the children with whom she came to eat, this happened. Since the offending couple decided to defend themselves by filing an appeal, the case dragged on and, by the way, just today, on April 4, the final verdict should be delivered.

The Italian, who allowed himself, being tipsy, kissing with an Egyptian in a taxi, was "caught" by a policeman near the Dubai airport and paid three thousand dollars, and his partner had to pay less - 545 "green".

Another Italian citizen, a forty-eight-year-old businessman who came to the homeland of his Brazilian wife, kissed his eight-year-old daughter in the pool, and, according to the statement of the married couple, who saw the kiss of a fair-skinned gentleman with a swarthy girl, was detained and brought to trial for harassment of persons under 14 years old, which entails serving in prison for a term of 8 to 15 years.

However, in Italy itself, the law has tightened the attitude towards kissing. One 65-year-old citizen for trying to kiss the glove of a young beauty was sentenced to a year in prison, in return for which he paid a fine of 25 million lire. If he dared to touch her lips with his lips, it would be regarded as sexual violence, to the cheek, neck, uncovered part of the arm - as an insult. Kissing on the forehead, however, is not forbidden. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Some kisses are more exciting than others. Romantic kisses always make the heart beat faster. This is because, in fact, such a kiss is more than a simple connection of the lips and tongues of partners.

What is this energy that fills a romantic kiss? This is a connection of souls, a mystical, spiritual fusion that goes beyond physical reality. In order to believe in the existence of this force, it is not at all necessary to be a believer. One can simply proceed from the fact that the magic of relationships between people arises from the chemical reactions that occur in the heart. No astrological or philosophical system can adequately explain this phenomenon. So, the secret of the romance of this heart-pumping kiss lies in a special situation that allows people to connect on some spiritual level through a look, a conversation, a dance, or a touch. Be sincere in conversations with your girlfriend. Smile at her from across the room, catching her eye on you.

Is a simple kiss really more romantic than a French kiss?

Absolutely! In almost every situation, a simple kiss is much more romantic than a tongue kiss. According to statistics, 46% of women complain that kissing their partners is not always romantic. “How to make him kiss like in the movies?” they ask. The guy reading these lines should proceed from the fact that his girlfriend thinks the same way. Of course, you should not ask her if this is true, but I absolutely guarantee that if you are romantic, she will appreciate it. She will really like stupid, from your point of view, leading to nothing and not exciting kisses.

In what situation is it possible to kiss on the eyes?

As romantic as possible, a kiss on the eyes is great for a situation where your girlfriend is very upset about something or is crying. Kissing her in the eyes, you seem to dry her tears with a kiss. At the same time, you will avoid discussing a topic that is unpleasant for her and at the same time show sympathy.

In addition, a kiss on the eyes is suitable when you just want variety and tenderness.

Keep in mind that this kiss expresses such romantic love that some may find it too "sweet". If you see that your partner did not expect you to show so much tenderness and affection, end the kiss on the eyes with some kind of rougher kiss, like a kiss-nibble.

What kisses do women consider the most exciting?

Women like neck kisses 10 times more than men. Why is not clear, but a kiss on the neck drives women crazy. If you don't kiss your girlfriend on the neck, you risk losing her. The statistics speak for themselves: more than 97% of women are turned on by a kiss on the neck.

What is the best way to kiss a girl on the neck?

The answer is in the remark of one girl: “When a guy hugs me from behind, when I feel his breath on my neck, when he bites or kisses me, it seems that I get an electrical discharge of a thousand volts!”. This is exactly what is required of a guy. Remove the hair from her neck, gently bite or kiss her neck - and she will melt in your arms!

How else can you kiss her on the neck?

Start with a kiss on the lips, then after a few kisses, slide down and kiss gently on the neck. Return to her lips. After a while, kiss her again on the neck, kiss her under the chin, on the side and behind. Watch her reaction - this is very important. If she looks bored, try some other kiss, but usually a kiss on the neck has a strong arousal effect on a woman.

How do women respond to neck kisses?

  • I'm getting wild!
  • It drives me crazy!
  • When he kisses my neck, I get goosebumps.
  • I like to feel the teeth on my neck, the light biting, the sucking movements - I love everything!
  • I go crazy when he kisses my neck. It excites me very much.
  • When my boyfriend kisses my neck, I start shaking with pleasure. The same thing happens when he kisses my ear, but still, kissing my neck feels more intense.

Do girls like ear kisses?

Oh yeah! If a guy neglects his girlfriend's ears, he misses a great chance to excite her with the simplest kiss. The fact is that girls love kisses on the ear 2 times more than guys. “When I asked my boyfriend to kiss my ear,” says one girl, “he looked at me like I was crazy. I told him that it gave me great pleasure, but since he himself did not like it, he decided that I could not like it either. Although I really enjoy it. Should I tell him that I am very turned on by this (and it really is)? Well guys, got it? Women not only love kisses on the ear more than men, but they also react to them much faster and more intensely.

What is the best way to kiss a girl on the ear?

First kiss the outer part of the ear. Then - a urine. If you want, you can even gently bite or suck on her. The most important thing to remember here is that by kissing on the ear, you affect not only tactile, but also auditory stimuli. Despite your best efforts not to make any sounds, you will not be able to avoid them completely. But you can muffle them by gently whispering all sorts of love nonsense into her ear, for example: “My dear, you stepped on my foot!”. No, I'm serious, whatever you whisper to her at this point (even a phrase like, "Honey, did you pay your rent?") will turn her on. Everything happens due to the fact that the close location of the sound source amplifies it and adds to it the overtone of a whisper.

In addition, the warmth and softness of your lips will play an important role. At this stage, almost nothing can seem wrong, unless you start talking in your normal voice - it will seem too loud to her. Don't make any loud noise, it could damage her eardrums. Here, sighs like “Oh-oh-oh!”, Or “Mmmm!”, Or something like that - she will like everything, all sorts of nice nonsensical phrases that mean nothing but love.

What is a teasing kiss?

First of all, agree with your girlfriend that for one minute during the kiss she will not answer you and will let you kiss her. Now kiss her with the most sensual kiss you can imagine. However, the rules of the game forbid your girlfriend to respond to your kiss, she must purse her lips tightly and not open her mouth.

Sign of trust!

Why we started kissing is still a mystery. However, it is generally believed that earlier the kiss was a sign of trust. By letting another person come so close to them, people showed that they were not afraid of him, that they completely trusted him.

Today they say that we still have not lost the habit of kissing, because we like this process, because it gives us pleasure.

It doesn't matter which answer is actually correct. People have been kissing for so many centuries that the kiss has become an integral part of their culture, and the peoples of the whole world have taken and are taking part in the development of the art of kissing.

The alphabet of a kiss

The beginning of the development of the kiss was laid around 3000 BC, when people, worshiping the gods, sent them kisses.

In ancient Rome, not only friends and family members, but also merchants and just passersby were kissed as a sign of greeting.

At the same time, in Egypt, almost no one knew anything about kissing. It is believed that Queen Cleopatra, known for her many love victories, never kissed a man.

In the Middle Ages in Italy, a man who kissed a girl in public had to marry her.

The history of the origin of the custom of putting crosses to indicate kisses at the end of a letter is interesting. For the most part, the people of the Middle Ages were illiterate, therefore, when signing an agreement, for example, on the sale of land or other goods, they simply put a cross instead of their name and kissed it as a sign of the sincerity of their intentions.

During the great plague in London in 1665, a ban was imposed on the then popular greeting kiss in society. The fear of dying from being infected by a kiss from a neighbor or friend made such greetings as curtseys, bows, raising hats, waving, etc. popular.

In 1979, David Bowie invented the "lipograph" - an imprint of a person's lips, which is his intimate autograph. In America, there was even an auction of famous people's lipographs. All proceeds, amounting to $16,000, went to the Children's Protection Fund. At this auction, one Mick Jagger lip print sold for $1,600.

Class differences in kissing!

In the Middle Ages, the implementation of a greeting kiss depended not only on the relationship that existed between people, but also on class affiliation. The lower the status of a person, the farther from the face he imprinted a kiss. They kissed equals on the lips, people of a slightly higher rank - on the hand, people of an even higher class - on the knee, and those for whom you are just dust (primarily the clergy) had to kiss their feet or even the ground at their feet. That's where the line was born: "I'm ready to kiss the sand on which you walked" ...

A kiss that says: "Good luck and happiness"!

A wedding is never without a kiss. In fact, it is believed that if the bride does not cry when the groom kisses her for the first time during the wedding, their marriage will be unhappy.

Kiss - a wish of happiness and good luck was born during another annual holiday - Christmas. The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe dates back to the rites of the Druids, who believed that this plant had magical powers. And some here believe that kissing lottery tickets can also bring good luck. It never really helped me.

Kissing statistics.

Your lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than your fingertips.

A real kiss can increase your heart rate from 72 to over 100 beats per minute.

One kiss burns approximately 3 calories.

Recent medical studies have shown that a long passionate kiss increases the pulse and hormone levels in a person's blood so much that it can shorten a person's life expectancy by almost 1 minute.

In the 50s. 20th century Baltimore scientists have found that 278 different cultures of bacteria are transmitted from one person to another during a kiss, 95% of which are not dangerous.

Men who have a habit of kissing their wives in the morning before leaving for work live 5 years more than others.

During his pilgrimage to Laza, the pious Buddhist kisses the earth more than 30,000 times.

Each subsequent generation begins to kiss "for real" earlier than the previous one.

70% of young people from 16 to 24 years old kiss for the first time before they turn 15, while only 46% of their parents had such an experience.

Every tenth young man begins to kiss "for real" before reaching the age of 10.

Short chins kill the desire to kiss in about a third of women. Even worse, 57% of women are affected by body odor, and 77% by bad breath.

The majority of Britons surveyed say that the hottest kiss on screen is that of Richard Gere and Debra Winger in A Soldier and a Gentleman.

Most romantic kisses

How can you make your heart beat faster?

Some kisses are more exciting than others. Romantic kisses always make the heart beat faster. This is because, in fact, such a kiss is more than a simple connection of the lips and tongues of partners.

What is this energy that fills a romantic kiss? This is a connection of souls, a mystical, spiritual fusion that goes beyond physical reality. In order to believe in the existence of this force, it is not at all necessary to be a believer. One can simply proceed from the fact that the magic of relationships between people arises from the chemical reactions that occur in the heart. No astrological or philosophical system can adequately explain this phenomenon. So, the secret of the romance of this heart-pumping kiss lies in a special situation that allows people to connect on some spiritual level through a look, a conversation, a dance, or a touch. Be sincere in conversations with your girlfriend. Smile at her from across the room, catching her eye on you.

Is a simple kiss really more romantic than a French kiss?

Absolutely! In almost every situation, a simple kiss is much more romantic than a tongue kiss. According to statistics, 46% of women complain that kissing their partners is not always romantic. "How to make him kiss like in the movies?" they ask. The guy reading these lines should proceed from the fact that his girlfriend thinks the same way. Of course, you should not ask her if this is true, but I absolutely guarantee that if you are romantic, she will appreciate it. She will really like stupid, from your point of view, leading to nothing and not exciting kisses.

In what situation is it possible to kiss on the eyes?

As romantic as possible, a kiss on the eyes is great for a situation where your girlfriend is very upset about something or is crying. Kissing her in the eyes, you seem to dry her tears with a kiss. In doing so, you will avoid discussing a topic that is unpleasant for her and at the same time show empathy.

In addition, a kiss on the eyes is suitable when you just want variety and tenderness.

Do not forget that this kiss expresses such romantic love that some may find it too "sweet". If you see that your partner did not expect you to show so much tenderness and affection, end the kiss on the eyes with some kind of rougher kiss, like a kiss-nibble.

What kisses do women consider the most exciting?

Every guy reading this book is obligated to highlight the following sentence with a marker: Women like kisses on the neck 10 times more than men. Why - it is not clear, but a kiss on the neck drives women crazy. If you don't kiss your girlfriend on the neck, you risk losing her. The statistics speak for themselves: more than 97% of women are turned on by a kiss on the neck.

What is the best way to kiss a girl on the neck?

The answer is in the remark of one girl: "When a guy hugs me from behind, when I feel his breath on my neck, when he bites or kisses me, it seems that I get an electrical discharge of a thousand volts!" This is exactly what is required of a guy. Remove the hair from her neck, gently nibble or kiss her neck - and she will melt in your arms!

How else can you kiss her on the neck?

Start with a kiss on the lips, then after a few kisses, slide down and kiss gently on the neck. Return to her lips. After a while, kiss her again on the neck, kiss her under the chin, on the side and behind. Watch her reaction - it's very important. If she looks bored, try some other kiss, but usually a kiss on the neck has a strong arousal effect on a woman.

How do women respond to neck kisses?

I'm getting wild!

It drives me crazy!

When he kisses my neck, I get goosebumps.

I like to feel the teeth on my neck, the light biting, the sucking movements - I love everything!

I go crazy when he kisses my neck. It excites me very much.

When my boyfriend kisses my neck, I start shaking with pleasure. The same thing happens when he kisses my ear, but still, kissing my neck feels more intense.

Some kisses are more exciting than others. Romantic kisses always make the heart beat faster. This is because, in fact, such a kiss is more than a simple connection of the lips and tongues of partners.

What is this energy that fills a romantic kiss? This is a connection of souls, a mystical, spiritual fusion that goes beyond physical reality. In order to believe in the existence of this force, it is not at all necessary to be a believer. One can simply proceed from the fact that the magic of relationships between people arises from the chemical reactions that occur in the heart. No astrological or philosophical system can adequately explain this phenomenon. So, the secret of the romance of this heart-pumping kiss lies in a special situation that allows people to connect on some spiritual level through a look, a conversation, a dance, or a touch. Be sincere in conversations with your girlfriend. Smile at her from across the room, catching her eye on you.

Is a simple kiss really more romantic than a French kiss?

Absolutely! In almost every situation, a simple kiss is much more romantic than a tongue kiss. According to statistics, 46% of women complain that kissing their partners is not always romantic. “How to make him kiss like in the movies?” they ask. The guy reading these lines should proceed from the fact that his girlfriend thinks the same way. Of course, you should not ask her if this is true, but I absolutely guarantee that if you are romantic, she will appreciate it. She will really like stupid, from your point of view, leading to nothing and not exciting kisses.

In what situation is it possible to kiss on the eyes?

As romantic as possible, a kiss on the eyes is great for a situation where your girlfriend is very upset about something or is crying. Kissing her in the eyes, you seem to dry her tears with a kiss. At the same time, you will avoid discussing a topic that is unpleasant for her and at the same time show sympathy.

In addition, a kiss on the eyes is suitable when you just want variety and tenderness.

Keep in mind that this kiss expresses such romantic love that some may find it too "sweet". If you see that your partner did not expect you to show so much tenderness and affection, end the kiss on the eyes with some kind of rougher kiss, like a kiss-nibble.

What kisses do women consider the most exciting?

Women like neck kisses 10 times more than men. Why is not clear, but a kiss on the neck drives women crazy. If you don't kiss your girlfriend on the neck, you risk losing her. The statistics speak for themselves: more than 97% of women are turned on by a kiss on the neck.

What is the best way to kiss a girl on the neck?

The answer is in the remark of one girl: “When a guy hugs me from behind, when I feel his breath on my neck, when he bites or kisses me, it seems that I get an electrical discharge of a thousand volts!”. This is exactly what is required of a guy. Remove the hair from her neck, gently bite or kiss her neck - and she will melt in your arms!

How else can you kiss her on the neck?

Start with a kiss on the lips, then after a few kisses, slide down and kiss gently on the neck. Return to her lips. After a while, kiss her again on the neck, kiss her under the chin, on the side and behind. Watch her reaction - this is very important. If she looks bored, try some other kiss, but usually a kiss on the neck has a strong arousal effect on a woman.

How do women respond to neck kisses?

  • I'm getting wild!
  • It drives me crazy!
  • When he kisses my neck, I get goosebumps.
  • I like to feel the teeth on my neck, the light biting, the sucking movements - I love everything!
  • I go crazy when he kisses my neck. It excites me very much.
  • When my boyfriend kisses my neck, I start shaking with pleasure. The same thing happens when he kisses my ear, but still, kissing my neck feels more intense.

Do girls like ear kisses?

Oh yeah! If a guy neglects his girlfriend's ears, he misses a great chance to excite her with the simplest kiss. The fact is that girls love kisses on the ear 2 times more than guys. “When I asked my boyfriend to kiss my ear,” says one girl, “he looked at me like I was crazy. I told him that it gave me great pleasure, but since he himself did not like it, he decided that I could not like it either. Although I really enjoy it. Should I tell him that I am very turned on by this (and it really is)? Well guys, got it? Women not only love kisses on the ear more than men, but they also react to them much faster and more intensely.

What is the best way to kiss a girl on the ear?

First kiss the outer part of the ear. Then - a urine. If you want, you can even gently bite or suck on her. The most important thing to remember here is that by kissing on the ear, you affect not only tactile, but also auditory stimuli. Despite your best efforts not to make any sounds, you will not be able to avoid them completely. But you can muffle them by gently whispering all sorts of love nonsense into her ear, for example: “My dear, you stepped on my foot!”. No, I'm serious, whatever you whisper to her at this point (even a phrase like, "Honey, did you pay your rent?") will turn her on. Everything happens due to the fact that the close location of the sound source amplifies it and adds to it the overtone of a whisper.

In addition, the warmth and softness of your lips will play an important role. At this stage, almost nothing can seem wrong, unless you start talking in your normal voice - it will seem too loud to her. Don't make any loud noise, it could damage her eardrums. Here, sighs like “Oh-oh-oh!”, Or “Mmmm!”, Or something like that - she will like everything, all sorts of nice nonsensical phrases that mean nothing but love.

What is a teasing kiss?

First of all, agree with your girlfriend that for one minute during the kiss she will not answer you and will let you kiss her. Now kiss her with the most sensual kiss you can imagine. However, the rules of the game forbid your girlfriend to respond to your kiss, she must purse her lips tightly and not open her mouth.

Sign of trust!

Why we started kissing is still a mystery. However, it is generally believed that earlier the kiss was a sign of trust. By letting another person come so close to them, people showed that they were not afraid of him, that they completely trusted him.

Today they say that we still have not lost the habit of kissing, because we like this process, because it gives us pleasure.

It doesn't matter which answer is actually correct. People have been kissing for so many centuries that the kiss has become an integral part of their culture, and the peoples of the whole world have taken and are taking part in the development of the art of kissing.

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Category: ARTICLES » Psychology Articles

How to kiss correctly [The best guide to the art of kissing] Nesterova Daria Vladimirovna

romantic kisses

romantic kisses

Romantic kisses are much more than just the merging of partners' lips. Such kisses make the heart beat faster and "jump" out of the chest. These are the most beautiful, most memorable and most exciting kisses. They can represent the usual contact of parted lips, in which a guy and a girl put so much love that it turns into a harmonious fusion of bodies and souls, memories of which remain for life.

The dizzy kiss

The girl throws her head back, bends her back, and the guy kisses her, sticking his tongue into her mouth. The partner can combine French kissing and sucking on the partner's tongue and lips.

Love, tenderness and passion

Partners take turns kissing each other with parted wet lips. Then they move on to gentle kisses of the entire surface of the lips.

The guy and the girl take turns running the tip of their tongue over each other's lips, then one of the partners initiates a French kiss. They alternate it with other types of passionate kisses.

Periodically, the guy and the girl rest, caressing each other's lips, including their inner surface.

Breath of love

Partners do not touch their lips, but place them at a close distance. The girl takes a deep breath and then exhale. The guy sucks in her breath. Then the partners switch roles.

chocolate kiss

One of the partners clamps a slice of chocolate or candy with his teeth and touches the lips of his beloved (beloved) with his half-open lips. The guy and the girl kiss, sucking on one slice of chocolate for two.

heady kiss

One of the partners takes champagne or other light wine into his mouth, kisses his beloved (beloved), pouring a heady drink from his mouth into his mouth.

A kiss that quenches thirst

One of the partners takes cold water, soda or juice into his mouth, kisses his beloved (beloved), pouring a thirst-quenching drink from his mouth into his mouth. Also, a kiss can be done with a piece of food ice, frozen juice.

fruit kiss

One of the partners clamps a slice of fruit with his teeth and touches the lips of his beloved (beloved) with his half-open lips. The guy and the girl kiss, passing each other a slice of fruit.

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