Birthday script for a girl of 7 years old in a cafe. Birthday script for a girl, or how to arrange a real holiday. Decorating the venue for the ceremony

** Dad brings Masha into the festively decorated hall to the music. I meet guests


Masha has a birthday!

How good is Masha!

Princess! not otherwise

Came to us today!

Guests came to the party

Masha congratulate,

Give gifts, jokes,

Play with her and dance.

I ask everyone soon

Stand around the princess

And a loaf for Masha

Start driving already.

** (loaf) Masha accepts compliments, congratulations.

They say compliments. 1 adult, then a child. Adult…. (I throw the ball)

Then again Loaf or happy birthday


Masha, invite guests to the table.

** We pass sit down at the table

Leading :

Yes, I see you are tired.

Well, it's time to play.

I'll guess a riddle

And you have to guess.


The seven brothers are always inseparable,

They walk in a row, one after the other.

The first is heavy, but not at all boring.

The other four follow him.

With the sixth and seventh, everyone always rests.

Tell me: what are those brothers called?

Answer: Seven days of the week What day of the week is it today? That's right, today is Saturday.

Leading :

That is a day off. On weekends, people relax. And so I suggest you go to the park. There I will offer everyone an activity that you will show, and the audience will try to guess what you did.

laugh room,

Boating on the water

Carousel ride


Electric car riding

Horse racing

(Who guessed, that ball, toffee ...)

Leading :

Dad is proud of his daughter

There is no happier mother.

After all, our dear Masha,

Their eldest daughter Masha

Turned 7 years old.

And Grandpa with a smile

They sit at the table.

Behind the granddaughter furtively

They are watching in excitement.

And grandmothers quietly

Tears will be wiped from the eyes,

And with my beloved granddaughter

They will go dancing.

Masha is seven years old today!

Imagine exactly seven!

And there is nothing more beautiful in the world

And it's better not to.

**Second puzzle and game

Seven bearded kids

They lived happily, richly.

But the eighth settled

Resident in the forest house:

Girl with black hair

What is her name - you know yourself.

It was no coincidence that I came to the forest.

I found help from my brothers.

Brothers will help, understand

What are those brothers called?

Answer: Seven dwarfs.

Leading :

Who among you loves fairy tales? And who knows the fairy tale about the turnip? This is the story we are going to play. I will read a fairy tale, but not in the ordinary language, but in the language of the gnomes. But I hope that you all will understand me, and we will have a very interesting and funny fairy tale. So, for example, a fairy tale about a turnip in the Gnome language sounds like this: "ska about re". Everyone understood. And Masha's birthday is like this: Ma's day is ro. So, the role of the turnip:, Grandfathers:, Grandmas:, Granddaughters: Masha, Bugs:, Cats:, Mice:.

(The host reads a fairy tale in the language of the gnomes, the roles are played birthday girl and guests)


Mom always went to the forest,

To chew on the grass.

Children are strictly forbidden

Open doors for the wolf.

But this fierce robber -

A very cunning rogue

Deceived and ate babies

What are their names?

Answer: Seven kids.

** Game "Goats".

The children stood in a circle. I got up with them and offered to join hands, lead a round dance and sing a song:

Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother,

Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother.

That's how, that's how, little gray goat,

That's how, that's how, little gray goat.

Then I suggested replacing the word "grandmother" with a gesture (imitation of knitting). We went the next circle, sang a song, but the word "grandmother" was not pronounced, but silently showed a gesture. The third circle - they replaced the word “goat” with a gesture (show horns). They also walked in a circle, sang, but instead of the word “grandmother” they silently “knitted”, and instead of the word “goat” they silently showed their horns. Gradually, all words are replaced by gestures, and the last circle passes in silence - the song consists of only gestures.

"Once upon a time" was replaced by two claps.

"Grey" was replaced with a half-squat.

“That's how” - with a gesture of okay (thumb up - in our opinion, “In!”).

Leading :

Gathered for a birthday!

Masha is celebrating 7 years!

And more important than this date

Probably didn't see the light.

Soon the garden will say goodbye

Mashenka will go to school,

It will be good to study

And find friends.

Interesting to live!

She walks easily!

And what will she take

Let everything work out!


The girl lived in the forest

I waited for my brothers every day

Evil stepmother queen

That everything looks in the mirror:

- Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter? -

Poison apple watered

And gave it to the princess.

But the princess only fell asleep,

Thus, she deceived the queen.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Those who know answer.

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

** Let's dance!

1. We got into a circle. In the middle is the birthday girl. Holding hands, we walk in a circle with the words:

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest

Found myself a princess, princess, princess

( the birthday girl goes in the opposite direction, and to the words “I found myself a princess”, she chooses a person from the circle and dances with him in the center, and all the rest stop and dance facing the center)

Let's jump with you, jump, jump

And kicking legs, kicking, kicking

And clap hands, clap, clap

And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp.

(The birthday girl stands in a general circle, and the princess she has chosen remains in the center. The dance continues until she gets bored)

2 . We stand in a circle. We walk in a circle, holding hands.

(clap hands)

If it's fun, do it (clap hands)

If life is fun

We smile at each other

(clap hands)

If it's fun, do it (stomp feet)

If it's fun, do it (stomp feet)

If life is fun

We smile at each other

If it's fun, do it. (clap hands, stomp feet)

If it's fun, do it (showing Pinocchio's nose)

If it's fun, do it (show Pinocchio's nose)

If life is fun

We smile at each other

If it's fun, do it. (clap our hands, stomp our feet, show Pinocchio's nose), etc.


I got bitten by a hippopotamus

And out of fear I climbed on a branch

And here I sit

And my foot is there

The hippo went back to the forest

Here I am! Here I am!

I was bitten by a hippopotamus.

4. Dance on the newspaper.

5. Dance with a panicle.

6. Singing songs.

7. Penguins

8. Let them roam

9. Chunga-changa

The seventh name day of a child is an important and solemn event not only for the baby, but for the whole family. At this age, the little one moves to a new life stage: he leaves the kindergarten and goes to the first grade, which means that his self-awareness changes, such personal qualities as organization, responsibility and independence appear. Therefore, a seven-year-old kid will no longer be interested in round dances, listening to children's songs and solving simple riddles. It is necessary to prepare a special scenario for a child for 7 years, corresponding to the interests and age characteristics of the baby, as well as to ensure the safety of holding his name day.

The birthday of a child of 7 years old should be organized so that the children have fun, interesting and exciting. Animators leading children's holidays, outdoor games, entertaining contests and quizzes will help you with this. Some children are delighted with a costume party, where all participants (including relatives) will dress up as heroes of their favorite fairy tales or animated films. The birthday person himself can take an active part in drawing up the holiday program, take into account his wishes, temperament and level of development. Seven-year-old girls and boys want to see friends at their celebration, as well as brothers and sisters, including cousins, if they are close to his age.

Answering the question: "Where to celebrate a child of 7 years old birthday?", I will offer several places for the celebration:

  • children's cafe, if the birthday boy and his friends prefer to solve puzzles, riddles, eat sweets and ice cream.
  • a game complex, an entertainment center or a water park, if the hero of the occasion and his guests are fidgets, they love active games and entertainment.
  • at home, if the area allows, and there are no funds to visit the above establishments
  • in nature, if the name day falls on the warm season. In this case, you can have a picnic by going to the country house, to the forest or to the river.

As with the choice of venue, so with the choice of a gift, you need to decide in advance!

“What to give a child of 7 years?” - this question worries both parents and guests on the eve of the children's holiday.

A gift for a child for 7 years should be chosen depending on the gender of the child, his interests, temperament and character. I do not recommend giving school supplies to the birthday boy, because the child perceives them as a necessary thing, and not as a pleasant surprise. They know that parents will definitely buy them, as well as school uniforms, so that they have something to study with and in what at school. There were cases when a kid dreamed of visiting a circus, a dolphinarium or a water park and asked his parents to give him just such a gift for his birthday. Do not deny your child the pleasure, make his dream come true!

Here, I will give a number of examples of what kind of gift for a child of 7 years old - it is desirable for a boy to give:

  • a set of accessories for drawing, if the kid is fond of drawing
  • sports equipment and accessories if the child is involved in sports. Do not forget that the equipment must be appropriate for the child's sport.
  • a hockey stick, skates or a soccer ball if the boy likes to play this sport.
  • an inexpensive mobile phone or tablet, if you are ready to give the birthday man modern technology
  • toys for children 7 years old: cars, yachts and airplanes of different sizes, both simple and radio-controlled
  • bicycle, roller skates, scooter, which must correspond to the size of a seven-year-old birthday.

If you decide to celebrate your child’s holiday on your own, then I recommend preparing contests for children 7 years old:

  • competition “Guess: “Who am I?”, where the player, with his eyes closed, determines by touch: who is sitting in front of him.
  • competition "Spoiled phone", when children whisper in each other's ear, a word or phrase conceived by the first player
  • competition "Fast driver", when each participant of the game stands at the finish line and winds the thread, at the end of which there is a machine. The winner is the one whose car reaches the finish line first.
  • contest "Chamomile", during which children tear off a petal from a homemade flower and depict an animal that is drawn on it.
  • competition "Musical chairs". For the competition, chairs are placed, which are smaller in number than the number of participants. To the sounds of cheerful music, children walk near the chairs, and as soon as the music ends, the kids sit on the chairs. Whoever lacks a chair is out of the game. As the game progresses, the number of chairs is also removed.

You can also include a quiz in the script, because children really like to solve intricate riddles on various topics. A quiz for children 7 years old can be on the following topics:

  • Fairy tale travel quiz
  • Flora quiz
  • A quiz about everyone and everything.

Well, at the end of the holiday, a sweet table is laid: the birthday boy blows out seven candles on the birthday cake, the children drink tea or juice and eat sweets.

If you want, you can give each participant in the holiday a balloon, and let them launch them into the sky for good luck.

Read more:

Crafts for children 6 years old: applications, origami, modeling

Letters for children 6 years old - Learn the Russian alphabet

Speech development of children 6 years old

Sports sections for children 6 years old

My eldest daughter recently (at the time of writing, of course) had a birthday. She is 7 years old! It's hard to believe she's so big already! 7 years is an important date. One period of life ends - preschool - and another begins, one of the most important - school.

I really wanted to make the holiday for my daughter such that she would always remember it with warmth and joy. And I think I succeeded. Daughter loved her birthday. She was sorry that it ended so quickly (although we had fun all day). Of course, I couldn't have done it without my helpers. Thank them very much!

In this article I want to tell you how I prepared and spent a children's party. You may want to take some ideas for yourself.

I decided to spend the holiday at home. To make the holiday a success, I needed

* arrange a room where a children's party will be held

* invite girlfriends and friends of the daughter,

* think and prepare children's birthday script suitable for children 7 years,

* choose the right music

* as well as invent and prepare children's holiday menu.

So, let's start with the design.

I took the idea of ​​the newspaper "I'm growing up", but I designed it not like last time, but in the form of a stadiometer: I placed photographs, one for each year, with inscriptions from bottom to top from 1 year old to 7 years old on my daughter's locker so that you could see her growing up.

Well, on the day of the holiday, the room, of course, was decorated with balloons and balloon flowers. (Unfortunately, not everything was photographed).

It was enough to create a festive atmosphere.

We had difficulties with this, since in the summer many children left in all directions. Therefore, out of the four invited to us, only one girl was able to come. Well, it's not a problem. The main thing is not the quantity, but the mood! So, we got 3 children: a birthday girl, her younger sister and one friend.

When considering the scenario, the most important thing here is to find a topic that would be close and interesting to the birthday girl.

Since my daughter is very fond of cartoons about Luntik, loves to talk about the characters of this cartoon, their actions, wants to get into this magical country where Luntik lives and get to know him and his friends, we decided that the birthday plot would be based on that we are going to visit Luntik. And, finally, having overcome difficult obstacles and coped with the tasks, we come.

The props that we used to hold the intended children's birthday contests:

* rope (magic track),

* mobile phone

* face painting

* pictures of animals (fish, horse, hedgehog, elephant)

* music (Barbariki and others that my daughter likes)

* air balloons without drawings (one for each child)\

* pencils for painting balls (we used those with which you can draw on the body)

* pieces of apple, banana, strawberry, cheese on toothpicks

* handkerchief (for blindfolding)

* watermelon ball

* small prizes (one per child) - we used lollipops suspended on strings

* cartoon about Luntik

Holiday scenario:

I will not prescribe here all the words that the hosts said (myself and my niece is an actress), you can improvise.

1. Loaf

This is a tradition that children know from kindergarten - it is customary for them to sing "Karavai" to the birthday man.

All children and leaders stand in a circle, the birthday girl in the center of the circle, and everyone sings and makes movements:

Like Marina's name day

We baked a loaf

Here is such a height(everyone raises their hands)

Here is such a low(everyone sits down and puts their hands down)

This is the width(circle stretches as wide as possible)

Here is such a dinner (we make the narrowest possible circle, surrounding the birthday girl)

Caravan, caravan,

Whom do you love, choose(everyone clap their hands).

Birthday girl says:

Of course I love everyone

But (chooses someone) more than anyone else!

And now we sing "loaf" quietly so that no one will listen to us!

And now let's sing quickly, quickly, so that no one catches up with us! We have time to make movements and sing!

And now let's everyone say their wishes to the birthday girl and give a gift!

2. Congratulations from Luntik

The bottom line is that a text message comes to the birthday girl's phone (or to your phone, if she doesn't have her own yet). (We just gave our daughter a phone, turned it on, and a text message came). And so it was written:

"Marina! Happy birthday! Come visit! Luntik."

If you do not want to bother with SMS, you can write a letter from Luntik in advance.

3. Preparation for the trip.

The guys, of course, agree to go to Luntik. But we are asking.

Guys, is Luntik big or small?


Are we compared to him?


What do we need to do to get to Luntik?

Be small like him.

And who lives there near Luntik, who are his friends?

Children list, we find out that they are all insects. And we ask the children what kind of insect each of them wants to turn into. In accordance with this, we make face painting on the face of each child. We got 2 butterflies and one ladybug.

4. Magic path.

How to get to the magical land? Only along the magic path. We lay out the rope, and everyone in turn tries to walk along it and not fall to the side. When everyone has practiced, we say that only friendly guys can go to the magical land, so we need to hold our hands when we go. To the cheerful music, the guys go through the whole magical path, we praise them.

5. Who lives in the magical forest?

We are in a magical forest. Imagination challenge. We invite children to imagine who can live in a magical forest, who they see in a magical forest. They need to depict the movements, facial expressions of these animals, residents, and the rest guess.

It gets cold in the forest, and to keep warm, we start dancing.

6. Little wizard.

I also see someone in the magical forest! I'm pretending to be a wizard, the kids have to guess.

Yes, it's a wizard. He loves to turn everyone into different animals and birds. But he is still small, and he does not always succeed.

Look, he wants to turn us into someone else! Let's see if he succeeds. We explain to the children that we will turn into the animal that the wizard will have in the picture. I wonder if that fits in with what he says!

The magician says the magic words:

"Crible, crable, booms, spin, spin

I turn everyone into skunks!"

But it shows a picture, for example, a fish. Children should act like fish, I turn on the Barbarikov song "A fish swims in the sea like this ...", and everyone dances like fish.

The wizard does the same, trying to turn children into a frog, a camel, but he gets a horse, a hedgehog (The Barbarikovs have just the songs "Hedgehog" and "Young Horse") Then he finally manages to turn everyone into elephants.

But we can’t be big to go to Luntik. Therefore, we ask the children to remember the magic words that the magician said. We say them together to become small. Hooray! you can continue the journey!

7. Meteor shower

This competition is relevant for us because of the recent meteorite fall in our city. Therefore, jokes with meteorites cause a lot of emotions in our children and adults. You can replace the word "meteorite" with any other.

Balloons begin to fall on the children. We say they are meteorites and we must not let them touch the ground. Thus, to the music, children dance and beat the balls, not allowing them to fall. They liked it very much. Then everyone catches one meteorite as a prize.

8. Draw a good mood.

We ask the children what their mood is and find out that everyone is in a good, cheerful mood. We give them special pencils and invite them to draw on their meteorite balloon how good their mood is. You can turn on fun music as a background while the children draw.

Then each of the guys and the hosts can show everyone their balloon and say: "I'm in such a good mood!"

9. Treat Cave

With our good mood, we continue our journey along the magical path and find ourselves in a dark cave. Here Luntik left us a treat so that we would not get very hungry along the way. But we can only tell what it is by taste, as the cave is dark.

We blindfold the children in turn and let them try a piece of goodies (apples, strawberries, bananas, cheese, whatever). He says that this, everyone confirms, we praise the child, we give him a delicacy to eat.

10. Hot watermelon.

We refreshed ourselves, left the cave and found ... a hot watermelon! He wants to play Edible-Inedible with you! Is watermelon edible? And this watermelon?

We play edible-inedible. Everyone becomes the leader in turn. In addition to the usual rules, we add that you cannot hold a watermelon for a long time in your hands, otherwise you will get burned!

11. Luntik's gifts

In the distance, the country of Luntka is already visible. We run closer. We see prizes suspended on strings. Luntik is glad that we came and he asked Uncle Shnyuk to hang these prizes for you. We blindfold each one in turn and he cuts off the prize with scissors.

12. If you have fun, then do it!

Okay, we're already here! Are you having fun? Do you like to dance? Let's come up with a dance together now, because only friendly guys can go to the country of Luntik. The leader puts on a hat and begins. We sing to the tune of the English song "If you" re happy and you know it ". If all the children present have studied English, you can sing in English.

If you're having fun, then do this: (leader shows movement)

If it's fun for you, then do it (all sing together and repeat the movement)

The hat moves on to the next one. The next participant repeats the previous movement and adds his own, everyone repeats, under the same words and song. At the end, a dance is obtained, consisting of the movements of each participant!

13. Hello, Luntik!

Here we come. Luntik is waiting for us. We turn on any cartoon about Luntik for children.

In the meantime, we are preparing a festive table for them.

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Write in the comments your impressions, which children's birthday contests you would also take for your holiday. Write how you usually celebrate your children's birthdays.

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The children have grown up, and it's time to introduce them to the cheerful and mischievous clowns Veselinka and Igrinka, who will bring a lot of joy, games and riddles, surprises and tricks to your home.

Remember that birthday only happens once a year, make this holiday bright and unusual! And then your child will remember for a long time how interestingly his five, six or seven years were celebrated. Good luck to you!

What you need for the holiday:


Two disposable plates;

Four small cubes or skittles;


200 g caramel;

Two staplers;

Twenty lollipops.

To the cheerful music, the clown Veselinka runs in. Igryka hid behind her back.

Veselinka: Hello, kids, Tanya, Vanya and Marishka! And we are funny clowns, I'm Veselinka, and this is my girlfriend Irvinka! (Pointing to an empty seat next to him.) Oh! And where did this Igrinka go? Have you seen her?

Children point to Igrinka. Cheery puts his hand to his forehead and starts looking in one direction, then in the other, slowly turns around, looking for a girlfriend. The toy at this time makes the same movements in the other direction, mimicking Vesselinka. Finally Veselinka, having outwitted Igrinka, turns around sharply and finds her friend. Both laugh and hug.

Veselinka: Oh, this Igryka will always come up with something to play with.

igrynka: That's why my name is Igrynka! Let's play soon.

Veselinka: Stop, stop! We just came, and you immediately play. And say hello?

Game: Hello Veselinka! Now let's play?

Veselinka: And say hello like a clown? Clowns are funny.

Game: All? Can you play now?

Veselinka: What a jerk you are. How about saying hello to the guys?

Game: Is it with these? This is me in a moment!

Veselinka: Only, chur, say hello somehow unusual.

Game: You're always coming up with something like this. OK. Unusual, so unusual. I will now greet each one separately. And you listen carefully. Be sure to answer! Go!

Game: Tanya, Lena, Olya, Nastya! I say to you loudly: "Hello!".

Children: Hello, Igrynka!

Game: And huge, like a buffet, I send the boys hello!

Children: Hello!

Game: Have you said hello to everyone now?

Veselinka: No, not with everyone!

igrynka: How is it not with everyone? Say hello to the boys, say hello to the girls. Ah-ah-ah! What about with the parents? This is me now. Hello parents, child tormentors! Is your darling happy now, Cheery?

Veselinka: Nope! And do you know why, Igrinochka? Where are we with you? For a birthday!

Game: Is it true? Congratulations! (Shakes hands with any of the children, but not with the birthday boy.) How you have grown! Just a real giant!

Cheery: No, Igrynka. It's not his birthday.

Game: Exactly. So, here is this princess! Congratulations! (Shakes her hand.) Oh, what a beautiful dress! And what curls! And the shoes! A real birthday girl!

Veselinka: Toy! That's not her.

igrynka: Not her again? So this is exactly the little one! With such rosy cheeks, in such cool pants. Is he the birthday boy? How not again?

So Igorka sorts out several children. Finally, she breaks down and asks them for help. They show her the birthday boy.


Why didn't I think of it right away?

Here he is boy

In denim pants

With a blush on your cheeks

With gifts in hand.

Hello, hello, birthday boy!

You are like an alarm today.

Before everyone else, probably got up,

And invite your friends?

Why are we standing here, Veselinka? We've been saying hello for half an hour now.

Cheery: And what happened? Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?

Game: How congratulations have already been waiting for!

Cheery: Where?

igrynka: In a magic bag. Karkushka flew to us for the holiday. And so we will congratulate in Karkush.

Cheery: How is that?

Game: Karkusha will congratulate, and the guys and I will shout “Kar-kar-kar” together. So, Karkushka congratulations! (Takes out a Karkusha doll from a multi-colored bag, puts it on her hand).



I, Karkusha, came to you,

Brought congratulations!

You croak in response

Or shout together "No"!

Open your mouth wider

And congratulations to Antoshka!

Congratulations on your birthday!

Children: Kar-kar-kar!

Karkusha: Everyone - bad mood!

Children: No no no!

Karkusha: Let p-grow big, smart!

Children: Kar-kar-kar!

Karkusha: Like a crocodile, green!

Children: No no no!

Karkusha: Let him be brave, strong!

Children: Kar-kar-kar!

Karkusha: Like a beautiful fly agaric!

Children: No no no!

Karkusha: Will be kind and happy!

Children: Kar-kar-kar!

Karkusha: Naughty and pugnacious!

Children: No no no!

Karkusha: So that mommy loves!

Children: Kar-kar-kar!

Karkusha: I beat with a strap more often!

Children: No no no!

Karkusha: May he be successful!

Children: Kar-kar-kar!

Karkusha: You, Antoshka, are the best!

Children: Kar-kar-kar!

Veselinka: Thank you, Karkushechka, for the cheerful congratulations. Come on, guys, say goodbye to Karkusha, she is in a hurry about her business.

The children say goodbye, Karkusha flies away.

Cheery: And where are you, Igrinka, in such a hurry? Well, just like a locomotive was late!

Game: Well, of course, on a steam locomotive. (Looks at his watch) Just a little bit more and we'll be late for the fun fairy locomotive.

Cheery: And who is this ship? And why is he fabulous? Toy: Of course I am! And he is fabulous because he also sings! Hey trailers, line up! And you, Veselinka, will be the last trailer.

Children are built behind Igrinka. At her command, the locomotive honks before departure.

Game: Tu-tu! Go! Road song for-pe-wai!

All together, moving in a circle, holding each other, children and clowns sing "The Song of Friends" (words by S. Mikhalkov, music by M. Starokadomsky). You can replace the name "Petka" with the name of the hero of the occasion, for example, Antoshka.

We're going, we're going, we're going to distant lands,

Good neighbors, happy friends.

We have fun, we sing a song,

And the song is about how we live.

Beauty! Beauty!

We bring a cat with us

Chizhik, dog,

Antoshka the bully,

Monkey, parrot

What a company!

Having made a circle, Igrynka stops abruptly, the children bump into each other.

Cheery: What's wrong, Ivy? Already arrived? And where to?

Igrynka: Who asks that? Now I will teach you. As soon as we arrive at the station, you all shout cheerfully in unison:

Ah, Igrinkin locomotive, where did you bring the children? Children repeat.

Station "SINGING"

Game: Song Station! And what do they do at the song station? That's right, they sing.

Cheery: Especially since we have a birthday. He needs to sing a "birthday" song. Ready guys?

Game: Hang on, Cheerful. Would you even ask if they know birthday songs?

Veselinka: Of course they do. Does everyone know the song of the crocodile Gena?

Children: All!

igrynka: Come on, sing, and I'll listen.

Children begin to sing "The Song of the Crocodile Gena" (words by A. Timofeevsky, music by V. Shainsky).

Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles,

And the water flows like a river on the asphalt... The game stops them.

Game: It's boring. Let's sing this song like a clown.

Veselinka: How is that?

The game divides the children into two teams, lines up opposite each other.

Game: So, these will be the Karkushki (pointing to the 1st team), and these are the Frogs (pointing to the 2nd team). The game rehearses a song with the children, replacing the words with croaking and croaking. Then he goes to the middle of the room and announces loudly.

igrynka: The combined choir of Karkushek and Frogs is performing! The combined choir performs the verse of the song and the chorus. The verse is sung by the Karkushki, and the chorus is sung by the Frogs. At the end of the song, everyone applauds themselves together. You can replace the song with another: “Loaf”, “Happy birthday to you”, etc.

Cheery: Hey locomotive! Isn't it time to hit the road?

igrynka(takes an alarm clock out of his pocket). Oh! Of course it's time! According to Veselinka's command, according to my desire, wagons, cling to each other yourself! Song for-pe-wai!

Children and Veselinka:

Ah, Igrinkin locomotive,

Where did you bring the kids?

Station "AIR-BUBBLE"

Game: And at the Vozdushno-bubble station everyone plays with balloons.

Balloon games are played.

Air cake game

To play, divide the children into two teams. Each team is given one plastic plate and one balloon.

Rules of the game: the ball is placed on a plate, the plate is taken with the right hand, the left hand is removed behind the back. It is necessary to bring the "airy cake" to the landmark, go back and pass the plate to the next participant. The team coped with the task when all participants passed the relay. Draw the children's attention to this. that you can't hold the ball. If he flies off the plate, you need to put him back and continue the relay.

Game "Stomp"

Two participants are called for the game. A balloon is tied to the leg of each participant.

Rules of the game: you need to crush the opponent's ball with your foot, and save your own. The one whose ball survived won. The game can be played several times with different children. Boys love this game very much. A great opportunity to show your dexterity!

Air Harvest Game

The game reports that magical fruits have ripened in the magical land - multi-colored spatulas. We urgently need to collect them, not letting a single spatula fall to the floor.

On command, Veselinka starts blowing soap bubbles, the children catch them. There are no losers in this game - everyone together gathered an air harvest.

The game distributes small prizes to all participants.

What's great: the game is simple, but all children, regardless of age, enjoy catching soap bubbles.

Game: By wagons! The train is on its way!

The game stops abruptly again.

Children and Veselinka:

Ah, Igrinkin locomotive,

Where did you bring the kids?

Station "Slastyonkino"

Igrynka: At the station "Slastenkino" gathered more lovers of sweets. And who is our biggest sweet tooth? Of course it's me! And who else? Wow, how many of you! This is cool. This means that you and I will not be bored, because at the Slastenkino station, sweets are not only eaten, but they are also played with. How can you not? I will teach you now. "Sweet" games are held.

Candy beads game

Veselinka offers to make a gift for the mother of the birthday boy - beads made of sweets.

Children are divided into two teams, each team receives 200 g of caramel sweets and a stapler.

Rules of the game: on a signal, the children begin to make beads, fastening candies by paper tails with a stapler, as a result, two long candy chains will be obtained. There is no need to rush in this game. Explain the importance of doing the job carefully. When both teams complete the task, connect both chains. Wonderful shiny multi-colored beads are solemnly handed over to mother (mother usually shines with happiness).

Game "Real Princesses"

Only girls participate in this game (or you can call the game “Real Princesses and Princes”, and then both girls and boys take part).

To play on a hard chair (or stool), lay out 3-4 "chupa-chups" imperceptibly and cover them with a scarf. The number of chups depends on the age of the children: the older the children, the more sweets.

igrynka: Let's remember in which fairy tale one princess did not sleep well? They put a lot of featherbeds on her bed, but still something interfered. What is the name of this fairy tale? That's right, The Princess and the Pea. Let's find out if there are real princesses among our girls. It will be necessary to sit on our throne and count how many peas lie on it.

Rules of the game: girls take turns coming up, sitting on a chair and “counting” peas. You are allowed to squirm in your chair. You can't help with your hands. The real princess who accurately counted the number of peas will win.

If no one guessed right, we can say that our girls are just learning to be princesses, and next time they will certainly succeed. Or give comforting “chupa-chups” to all participants.

The game "I love Chupa Chupch!"

This competition is for boys. Two people are invited to participate. The competition will probably have to be held several times, since everyone will want to participate. And let there be “chupa-chups”!

Rules of the game: put “chupa-chups” on a plate. Participants take one chups, put them in their mouths. With a “chupa” in your mouth, you need to clearly and distinctly say: “I love “chupa-chups”!” Then the participants take one more “chups” and pronounce the phrase just as clearly.

The game continues until the participants can pronounce the words. The main sweet talker wins.

The game is fun, but you need to ensure that the participants are careful.

igrynka: On the wagons, sweeties! The train is on its way! The children are building a locomotive. They move on with the song. Having made a circle, Igrynka stops abruptly again.

Children and Veselinka:

Ah, Igrinkin locomotive, where did you bring the children?

Station "DANCE"

Veselinka: As you may have guessed, dance lovers gathered at this station. And now we will play a wonderful game. And it's called "Hide-and-seek dancing."

Attention game "Hide-and-seek dancing"

Rules of the game: when the music starts, everyone starts dancing, repeating the movements of the clowness. As soon as she puts her hand to her forehead, looking for something ahead, you need to quickly sit down. Those children who gape (or maybe danced) and did not have time to sit down are out of the game.

Veselinka specially distracts children with funny movements.

Whoever survives until the end of the game wins.

igrynka: Oh, Veselinochka, and our train somehow unexpectedly came to the terminal station. And so you want something else.

Cheery: Don't be upset, Igrynka. We have one more important thing to do.

Game: Is it true? How amazing! What is it?

Veselinka: Presentation of gifts and wishes from all, all the guys.

Game: Wishlists and Wishlists? This I love! Please give me your gifts! Wish me well, and I went.

Veselinka: Why do you have to give gifts and wish all sorts of wishes? In honor of what holiday, you ask?

igrynka: In honor of the birthday, of course!

Cheery: Do you know how far away your birthday is?

Game: How?

Veselink a: As far as the moon! Who's birthday guys today?

Children: Anton!

igrynka: Therefore, we will wish him all sorts of things now. Right, Cheery?

Veselinka: Exactly.

Everyone stands around the hero of the occasion and wish him something good. Every child, even the most shy, will say at least one or two words. And, believe me, this is more valuable than the best poems, because from the heart.

Then the lights go out and Mom brings in a birthday cake with candles. All children make a wish and blow out the candles.

Why all the children, and not just the birthday boy, you ask? Didn't you want to take part in this when it wasn't your birthday? And besides, it’s so nice to make a wish at such a mysterious moment when candles are burning! It is somewhat reminiscent of the New Year, which means that miracles are waiting for us somewhere very close! Miracles to you and unforgettable holidays, dear children and parents!