Poems about the wedding of the great poets of the world are the original accent of the celebration. Wedding poetry Congratulations on the wedding day of famous poets

A canvas or banner with poetic lines about love is one of the most popular wedding decoration options. We have selected several wonderful poems by Dementyev, Fet, Bely, Rozhdestvensky, Dobronravy and Shakespeare, which can be used to decorate the ceremony area, photo zone, backdrop behind the presidium, invitations and other wedding printing.

Photo: Through the golden sieve
late larches
The sun is filtering
Quiet light.
And everything that is YOU
Everything is the only one for me.
For this meeting and for many years to come.
Oh that look!
Oh, this unfading light!
I will make a prayer out of confessions.
I am forever soul
And a believer in body
Into your love
And your beauty.

Andrey Dementiev

That single evening contained two lives.
We didn't know if we'd see each other again.
A happy accident can be a meeting
And there is no accidental love.

And it was not a random invented occasion
You call on that stormy day.
Closed our souls invisible wire
Invisible current of two people in love.

Accidental cannot be a necessity
When it is impossible to live a minute
Without the one whom the heart called beloved
Without the one who still needs to be deserved ...

Andrey Dementiev

Photo: Thank you for beeing.
Because your voice is spring
Comes like good news
In moments of resentment and doubt.

Thanks for the honest look.
Whatever I ask you
Your pain hurts in me
Your strength is accumulating in me.

Thank you for beeing.
Through all distances and time
Some hidden currents
Suddenly they will remind you again - you are here.

You are here on earth. And everywhere
I hear your voice and laughter.
I enter our friendship like a miracle.
And I rejoice in a miracle in front of everyone.

Andrey Dementiev

We matched with you
on a day to remember forever.
How words match lips.
With a dry throat
We matched like birds with the sky.
like earth
with long-awaited snow
coincides at the beginning of winter,
so with you
we matched.
We matched
not yet knowing
about evil and good.

And forever
matched with us
this is the time on the calendar.

Robert Rozhdestvensky

Photo: distant, dear,
Wait for me...
Distant, dear:
I will...
Your eyes will become me
Two stars.
They will look at you in the fog
- Two stars.
We are far away
- Let's see;
And they gave me a break
- Will become: smoke.
Between us, flaring up,
- The babble of years ...
Between us, flaring up,
Light shines.

Andrey Bely

What happiness: both the night and we are alone!
The river is like a mirror and all glitters with stars;
And there ... throw your head back and take a look:
What depth and purity above us!

Oh, call me crazy! Name
Whatever you want; at this moment I'm weakening my mind
And in my heart I feel such a surge of love,
That I can’t be silent, I won’t, I don’t know how!

I'm sick, I'm in love but, suffering and loving -
Oh listen! oh understand! I don't hide my passion
And I want to say that I love you -
You, you alone I love and desire!

Athanasius Fet

Photo: We can't live without each other

My leafy street
People's eyes are fixed
We would like to become a little sincere
We cannot live without each other.

The speeds around are crazy
We can hardly contain ourselves
So you have to be careful
We cannot live without each other.

I heard the right words
I was looking for the right path
And your words are memorable:
"We can't live without each other."

My finishing ribbon
Everything will pass and you will accept me
Will you accept me now
We cannot live without each other.

Nikolai Dobronravov (words from the song of the same name)

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
Oh no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth "s unknown, although his height be taken.
Love "s not Time" s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be an error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Sonnet 104

To me fair friend you never can be old,
For as you were when first your eye I eyed,
Such seems your beauty still: three winters cold,
Have from the forests shook three summers" pride,
Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned,
In process of the seasons have I seen,
Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burned,
Since first I saw you fresh which yet are green.
Ah yet doth beauty like a dial hand,
Steal from his figure, and no pace perceived,
So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand
Hath motion, and mine eye may be deceived.
For fear of which, hear this thou age unbred,
Ere you were born was beauty's summer dead.

Poems for a friend for a wedding

Let's raise our full glasses
At our wedding table.
And, as expected, first
Let's make a toast in honor of the young.
With all our hearts we wish them
Like they did for a long time
So that their love is strong,
Like this good wine;
So that life is their full cup,
From which happiness does not subside,
So that the groom and our bride
Live together in love for a hundred years!

Poems about weddings and love

To be able to love is a great gift of nature!
Not everyone is given this gift,
To carry through storms and adversity
A raging fire in my soul
Love and tenderness to keep forever,
To seem like the best
The person walking by!
Time is running inexorably
With him, feelings can moderate the heat.
Let the first love change over the years
Quiet friendship mature time.
Children will be born, let them grow up,
May neither pain nor sadness touch them,
May the courtyard not be covered with ashes, in which
Any trail knew by heart!
So that tenderness does not leave your eyes,
So that other lips are not for you!

Happy wedding day congratulations poems

Love, family - only in your power.
A crystal vessel full of roses,
A gift from heaven, the basis of happiness,
For many, only a source of dreams.
Take carefully the gift in your hands,
Like a light candle flame.
Do not spill and carry
Through all obstacles and swords.

Poems about weddings and love

The wedding is dancing from the crown,
Flutters ribbons.
Hearts get engaged
To applause.
No for sadness forever
Time and place
If the groom is sad
Sweeten the bride.

Poems about weddings and love

A magnificent wedding in full swing
Guests in a wedding frenzy,
This is where the story ends...
You remember the command:
Wife - respect husband
And do not scold without work!
Well, for a husband to be with his wife
And do not run after another!
To live life like this
We need to get the letter wet!
And to drink to the end,
Gotta lighten it up somehow!

Poems for a friend for a wedding

May this day, like a bright holiday,
Will pour joy into your home,
And your life will forever be decorated
Hope, Happiness and Love.
And let Love spring dawn
Does not go out for many years
Let only at the wedding be "Bitter",
And never in your life!
Live happily and amicably
Have everything. what is needed in life
Keeping the fire of love holy
Until the wedding golden!

Unusual wedding congratulations

Strong happiness, tenderness and passion,
Loyalty in friendship, life, love.
Kiss more, fight less
Century you go through life together.
Be beautiful, be happy
And mother-in-law, mother-in-law will be happy.
Be healthy, always happy,
May Advice and Love be with you!

Poems about weddings and love

We wish you all the best!
Live long just like this:
Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years.
And if, say, sometimes
Trouble will suddenly come
Fight shoulder to shoulder with her -
Two pairs of hands are much stronger!
Still left to wish
Raise good children
A bunch of girls and guys -
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!

Poems about weddings and love

This joyful day of your life
May you remember forever
And sadness, doubt, separation
May you never have.
May your union, born today,
Warms the warmth of your souls,
Let this flame never cool down
Among worldly blizzards and cold.
Be happy, dearly loved,
So that your house is full of friends,
May all wishes come true
Yours will be now and then.
We wish you sunshine and light,
Smiled to life again and again.
Only lovers are given all this,
So long live love forever!

Poems with a wedding

Dear newlyweds...!
On this solemn and festive day
Congratulations on your wedding day.
Happy combination of loving hearts,
Families of Creation!
We sincerely wish you joy and happiness.
May you be spared from misfortune.
May cherished dreams come true
Stored in cozy corners of love.
And the song of goodness, mutual understanding and peace
Let the beautiful lyre play for you in spring.
And green leaves will form
In Two wedding gold rings.
Natural picture with the wind will scatter
But yours - let it last forever
In the Constellation of good luck and warmth,
Prosperity, hope and fiery love.
You yourself are the masters of the universe
Your Destiny; single and sacred.
And remember this to the end
Filling your hearts with love.
Smiles meeting day after day.
Patience in response to insults.
And the emergence of new life
Let the long-awaited continuation be
The union of two beautiful souls.
Let your husband be your protector.
Wife - a reliable strong rear.
And so that good things never pass.
Live bathed in gold
Pouring sweet champagne.
And keeping mutual loyalty
Do not lose love through the years.

Poems about weddings and love

Blessed by the hand of fate
Light inspired by love,
Your marriage union has come to an end.
And you - in captivity of family ties.
The road to you is one in life,
And you walk on it with God
From a wedding towel
A year later, in the hand - a hand.
Before you is the kingdom of Hymen,
His cares and concerns
Now fill your days
May they be happy!
I wish you much happiness
Live in peace and harmony
So that the house is full of children,
And there was no need for anything.

Congratulations on your silver wedding

Dear newlyweds!
On your wedding day, I want to remind you of the folk wisdom that says that a giant who has never known love will not reach the waist of an ordinary man in love, because love elevates. I wish you to keep the lofty feelings that lift you to heaven for the rest of your life!

Congratulations on your wedding year

Dear newlyweds!
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and the formation of a family. The most valuable thing in life is great human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life! Advice and love!

Congratulations on the wedding in an original way

Happy birthday to your family!
Let her minutes of bad weather!
Let the trouble go!
Peace, love, harmony, friendship, happiness
Let it live forever!
Many loyal friends
And welcome guests.
Jokes, dances, singing, laughter
Let everyone in the house please!
So that in a friendly family
There was the brightest light.
We wish you only happiness
Love to you and advice!

Poems for a friend for a wedding

Let's raise our full glasses
At our wedding table.
And, as expected, first
Let's make a toast in honor of the young.
With all our hearts we wish them
Like they did for a long time
So that their love is strong,
Like this good wine;
So that life is their full cup,
From which happiness does not subside,
So that the groom and our bride
Live together in love for a hundred years!

Poems about weddings and love

To be able to love is a great gift of nature!
Not everyone is given this gift,
To carry through storms and adversity
A raging fire in my soul
Love and tenderness to keep forever,
To seem like the best
The person walking by!
Time is running inexorably
With him, feelings can moderate the heat.
Let the first love change over the years
Quiet friendship mature time.
Children will be born, let them grow up,
May neither pain nor sadness touch them,
May the courtyard not be covered with ashes, in which
Any trail knew by heart!
So that tenderness does not leave your eyes,
So that other lips are not for you!

Happy wedding day congratulations poems

Love, family - only in your power.
A crystal vessel full of roses,
A gift from heaven, the basis of happiness,
For many, only a source of dreams.
Take carefully the gift in your hands,
Like a light candle flame.
Do not spill and carry
Through all obstacles and swords.

Poems about weddings and love

The wedding is dancing from the crown,
Flutters ribbons.
Hearts get engaged
To applause.
No for sadness forever
Time and place
If the groom is sad
Sweeten the bride.

Poems about weddings and love

A magnificent wedding in full swing
Guests in a wedding frenzy,
This is where the story ends...
You remember the command:
Wife - respect husband
And do not scold without work!
Well, for a husband to be with his wife
And do not run after another!
To live life like this
We need to get the letter wet!
And to drink to the end,
Gotta lighten it up somehow!

Poems for a friend for a wedding

May this day, like a bright holiday,
Will pour joy into your home,
And your life will forever be decorated
Hope, Happiness and Love.
And let Love spring dawn
Does not go out for many years
Let only at the wedding be "Bitter",
And never in your life!
Live happily and amicably
Have everything. what is needed in life
Keeping the fire of love holy
Until the wedding golden!

Unusual wedding congratulations

Strong happiness, tenderness and passion,
Loyalty in friendship, life, love.
Kiss more, fight less
Century you go through life together.
Be beautiful, be happy
And mother-in-law, mother-in-law will be happy.
Be healthy, always happy,
May Advice and Love be with you!

Poems about weddings and love

We wish you all the best!
Live long just like this:
Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years.
And if, say, sometimes
Trouble will suddenly come
Fight shoulder to shoulder with her -
Two pairs of hands are much stronger!
Still left to wish
Raise good children
A bunch of girls and guys -
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!

Poems about weddings and love

This joyful day of your life
May you remember forever
And sadness, doubt, separation
May you never have.
May your union, born today,
Warms the warmth of your souls,
Let this flame never cool down
Among worldly blizzards and cold.
Be happy, dearly loved,
So that your house is full of friends,
May all wishes come true
Yours will be now and then.
We wish you sunshine and light,
Smiled to life again and again.
Only lovers are given all this,
So long live love forever!

Poems with a wedding

Dear newlyweds...!
On this solemn and festive day
Congratulations on your wedding day.
Happy combination of loving hearts,
Families of Creation!
We sincerely wish you joy and happiness.
May you be spared from misfortune.
May cherished dreams come true
Stored in cozy corners of love.
And the song of goodness, mutual understanding and peace
Let the beautiful lyre play for you in spring.
And green leaves will form
In Two wedding gold rings.
Natural picture with the wind will scatter
But yours - let it last forever
In the Constellation of good luck and warmth,
Prosperity, hope and fiery love.
You yourself are the masters of the universe
Your Destiny; single and sacred.
And remember this to the end
Filling your hearts with love.
Smiles meeting day after day.
Patience in response to insults.
And the emergence of new life
Let the long-awaited continuation be
The union of two beautiful souls.
Let your husband be your protector.
Wife - a reliable strong rear.
And so that good things never pass.
Live bathed in gold
Pouring sweet champagne.
And keeping mutual loyalty
Do not lose love through the years.

Poems about weddings and love

Blessed by the hand of fate
Light inspired by love,
Your marriage union has come to an end.
And you - in captivity of family ties.
The road to you is one in life,
And you walk on it with God
From a wedding towel
A year later, in the hand - a hand.
Before you is the kingdom of Hymen,
His cares and concerns
Now fill your days
May they be happy!
I wish you much happiness
Live in peace and harmony
So that the house is full of children,
And there was no need for anything.

Congratulations on your silver wedding

Dear newlyweds!
On your wedding day, I want to remind you of the folk wisdom that says that a giant who has never known love will not reach the waist of an ordinary man in love, because love elevates. I wish you to keep the lofty feelings that lift you to heaven for the rest of your life!

Congratulations on your wedding year

Dear newlyweds!
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and the formation of a family. The most valuable thing in life is great human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life! Advice and love!

Congratulations on the wedding in an original way

Happy birthday to your family!
Let her minutes of bad weather!
Let the trouble go!
Peace, love, harmony, friendship, happiness
Let it live forever!
Many loyal friends
And welcome guests.
Jokes, dances, singing, laughter
Let everyone in the house please!
So that in a friendly family
There was the brightest light.
We wish you only happiness
Love to you and advice!

A wedding is a wonderful occasion for guests to recall classical literature. Some people get confused after that.

But wait, congratulations are constantly heard at the wedding celebration. They are addressed to the newlyweds and their parents.

Poems from the classics

Often, guests take ready-made poems from the Internet or. Few people know that great poets wrote not only about love, but also about such an event as a wedding. Therefore, this is a great option to get acquainted with classical literature.

And at a celebration in a restaurant, read a beautiful poem that has become world-famous in popularity. In addition, if you do not know how to express your thoughts beautifully and evenly, then this is another reason why you should choose poems for the wedding of great poets.

Who else but poets can speak so expressively about love. Perhaps they are the only ones given that right. Fortunately, today there is a great legacy in Russian literature. Therefore, absolutely anyone can choose a work from such a wide variety.

The most popular options are:

  1. A. Blok - the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady".
  2. L. Filatov - "Wedding".
  3. D. Byron - "On the day of my wedding."
  4. V. Vysotsky - "Wedding".
  5. N. Zabolotsky - "Wedding".
  6. G. Derzhavin - "The Bride".
  7. S. Yesenin - "Play, play, talyanochka, raspberry furs."

Sometimes, it is enough to hear the slightest passage from a lyrical work in order to understand whose pen it belongs to. Using poems as a congratulation, it is not at all necessary to read it out in full.

You can voice only an excerpt, saying before that the words: "As the great poet Gabriel Derzhavin said, ...,."

The thought of lyrical works is one - love. It unites and unites hearts. G. Derzhavin's poem "The Bride" is especially popular. In it, the author describes the beauty of a girl about to get married.

He gives such beautiful epithets, from which any young lady will be thrilled. Such a poem can also be read by a young spouse, with the entry into a legal marriage.

After all, the author in the work says that he would like to be treated kindly by such a beautiful bride. Derzhavin compares the bride with a rose and a gentle angel. Not a single beauty can resist such metaphors.

Like no one else, it was Vladimir Vysotsky who was able to reflect the mood of the wedding celebration. He tells in his short poem about how the common people celebrate the ceremony of marriage. It is necessarily accompanied by loud songs, dances and night festivities.

At the end of his lyrical monologue, the author says the right words, arguing that wedding is the beginning of a new path and a real victory.

For him, the earth is drunk from a long festivity at a celebration. The trees are brides dressed in white. The windows of the houses and the skyscrapers themselves dressed up like guests who came to the celebration. Nothing like a poem is perfect for congratulations on a winter wedding.

Poems of modern famous poets

After all, this is a grandiose event at which people succumb to various emotions.

  1. B. Akhmadulina "The Bride".
  2. S. Bazhin "The Bride".
  3. K. Sluchevsky "The Bride".
  4. E. Asadov "Silver wedding".
  5. L. Rubalskaya "Frankly."

As the names suggest, most of the lyrical works are dedicated to future spouses, and for the time being brides. Their image is always filled with special tenderness, awe and femininity.

If the bride wants to do to her missus and express her feelings in front of everyone, then the lyrical monologue of Larisa Rubalskaya “Frankly speaking” is suitable for this.

In it, a young girl expresses love. She thanks her lover for giving her the opportunity to be with him. Although the young lady herself is far from beautiful, she is sure that she is good in love.

Bella Akhmadulina, on behalf of her lyrical hero, expresses her desire to become a beautiful bride. She needs all this in order to get to the wedding, which she dreams of so much.

But in the end, the girl is tormented by the only question and misunderstanding of what will happen to her after the celebration is over. She is still young and beautiful, so she does not fully understand what happens after the wedding and how the life of a husband and wife develops.

In fact, the wedding is not the end. Rather, the culmination of relationships or their logical continuation, after which an equally happy life follows.

Useful video

A. Blok - "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", accurate comparisons and metaphors, lyrical epithets - all this makes the poetic form vivid and memorable.

It is best to learn the piece by heart. However, if this is not possible, then try to read out loudly and expressively. Diction and intonation play an important role in the pronunciation of wedding poems.

It's easy to ruin a classic. Therefore, practice in advance to expressively recite it at the wedding celebration.

1. The famous French writer Andre Maurois said: “A successful marriage is a building that needs to be reconstructed every time.” We wish the newlyweds that they always have the strength for such a reconstruction and that the “building” of their family stands strong, it is beautiful outside, and warm inside!

2. I wish the groom to become an ideal husband. How to do it? Bernard Shaw once said that an ideal husband is a man who thinks he has an ideal wife. It will not be difficult for our groom with such a bride!

3. Mark Twain believed that no person is able to understand what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century. Looking at our newlyweds, I will allow myself to disagree with him, because real love is shining in their eyes now. However, I wish them that having been married for a quarter of a century, they still understand and feel what true love is!

3. Remember Victor Hugo. He owns a simple and at the same time brilliant statement: “The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved.” We sincerely wish our newlyweds to maintain confidence in mutual love for many years to come!

4. I wish young people to love each other more and more over the years. Is it possible? Surely yes! After all, as the writer Richard Bach noted, lovers who accept each other's ideals become more and more attractive to each other over the years. So, accept each other's ideals, and may your young family only grow stronger over the years!

5. Albert Camus, writer and philosopher, said: “There is something in the world that you always have to strive for and that is sometimes given into your hands, and this something is human tenderness.” I think that everyone who is destined to know human tenderness is lucky. Our newlyweds are doubly happy, because their tenderness is mutual. I wish them to carry this tenderness through life!

6. Newlyweds are often wished happiness in family life. But how to achieve it and how to keep it? Emile Zola said: "The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness and responsiveness." I wish you to use this recipe, and maybe invent your own, but in any case, be happy!

7. Family starts with children. I did not come up with this, Herzen said it. So today we are celebrating only the wedding - the union of two hearts. I hope that the appearance of a family, in the full sense of the word, will not be long in coming. I wish your family to be big and friendly!

8. Leo Tolstoy very rightly noted that a true marriage is only one that illuminates love. I see that the marriage of our young people is true in this sense, and I wish that their mutual love helps to overcome difficulties and multiply joys!

9. You say that these two young people once met, an accident. And I will say in the words of Nabokov: "The game of chance is the logic of fate." I raise a glass to their happy fate, may it favor them!

10. Anything can happen in life - both grief and joy, but, as Stravinsky said: "There is no force more powerful than love!". So let this power help you in all life's vicissitudes!

Speak greetings and congratulations, wish happiness, love and prosperity, express your opinions or statements of great people. One thing is important, be sincere in your wishes, and we hope that these few useful toasts will help develop your eloquence!