Cake from small modules. Modular origami cake. Origami cake from triangular modules. Petals for roses

December 1 at the site of the Country of Masters - Birthday! We are exactly one year old. During this year we have made so many wonderful friends - Golden Hands Masters from all over the world. It gives us great pleasure to communicate with you, to see how creative energy erases boundaries, ignites hearts, not noticing distances. We would like to invite you all to a celebratory tea party. Therefore, we have prepared this birthday cake for you and we are happy to share the recipe for its preparation.

Cake recipe

First, prepare triangular origami modules, folded from rectangles of different sizes.

  • Module-1: 1/4 sheet of A4 white paper, 175 white and 7 green.
  • Module-2: 1/8 sheet A4, 166 white and 14 green.
  • Module-3: 1/16 A4 sheet, 14 white and 14 green.
  • Module-4: 1/32 A4 sheet (60x38 mm), 7 white and 7 green.

For a plate, you will need approximately 130 pieces of Modules-4 (colors of your choice).

  1. Take 42 Module-1 for the first row and the same for the second. Connect modules like this. First row: modules are on the short side, second row: modules are on the long side.

  2. When you make 4 modules in the first row and 3 in the second, immediately begin to collect the third row. Modules on the long side, put on in a checkerboard pattern.

  3. Continue to collect three rows at the same time. The third row also has 42 modules.

  4. Close all rows in a ring.

  5. Turn over to the other side and, gently pressing the edges with your fingers, turn the figure inside out. The edges should go to the center, and the middle should go up.

  6. It turns out here is such a figure.

  7. Turn over and put on the fourth row of Modules-1.

  8. Take 7 green Modules-1 and put them on every sixth pair of corners.

  9. Take 14 Module-2s and put them on the sides of the big green ones.

  10. Put on 14 Modules-3 on the sides of Modules-2 and put on in the middle 7 Modules-4.

  11. Take the same number of white modules as green modules of exactly the same size. Put them on not in a checkerboard pattern, but directly on the green modules. The bottom tier of the cake is ready.

  12. Perform the upper tier of the cake in the same way as the lower one, only from Modules-2. Each row is made from 22 modules. Also collect three rows at once, lock into a ring, turn inside out and put on 2 more rows. In total, there are 5 rows in the upper tier.

  13. This is what the top tier looks like when flipped over:

  14. Now you need to make a cake stand - a plate. Close the ring by inserting approximately 130 Module-4s (or Module-3s) into each other. Cut out a circle from thick paper, its size should fit under the lower tier (about 20 cm), glue a ring to it.

  15. To prevent the bottom tier of the cake from spreading, make a support inside the cake. For example, you can cut off part of a small plastic bottle.

  16. Put the bottom tier on a support. If large distances between the modules have formed in the base, they can be closed by inserting Modules-2 into the gaps with the pockets facing out.

  17. Place the top tier exactly in the center of the bottom tier. Try to find a groove in each corner of the upper tier in the lower tier. This can be done with the help of a toothpick. When all the grooves are matched, the upper tier will easily enter the lower one. Push it in a little.

  18. This is what the finished cake looks like.

    You can start decorating.

rose recipe

For roses, you will need Modules-4 (60x38mm): pink - 27 pieces, yellow - 27 pieces, red - 9 pieces, green - 16 pieces.

rose petals

Decorate the cake

Roses and leaves can be placed on the cake at your discretion. For example, in this way:

A candle can be made from a folded paper tube, which is glued in a spiral with a thin strip of foil. A light - from two modules.

Looks like it's time to invite guests!

Such a gift will undoubtedly be pleasant to the one to whom you give it, especially if this person mom, grandma or your friends.

A cake made from triangular pieces looks very colorful, but you will need a lot of patience to make it, as you will have to prepare a lot of modules.

It is also worth mentioning that for such a cake you need to make modules of different sizes. For more information on how and what sizes to make a module, you can read by clicking on this link.

How to make a cake from modules

First you need to prepare modules of different sizes, which means you need to cut out rectangles of different sizes.

Cake from modules scheme

Here is a detailed instruction on the size, quantity and color of the modules that you will use when making an origami cake:

Type 1. Module of 1/4 A4 sheet - 175 white and 7 green.

Type 2. Module of 1/8 A4 sheet - 166 white and 14 green.

Type 3. Module from 1/16 A4 sheet - 14 white and 14 green.

Type 4. Module from 1/32 A4 sheet (rectangle size 60x38 mm) - 7 white and 7 green.

To make a plate from modules, you will need about 130 triangles of the 4th type. You can choose the color you want.

Cake from triangular modules

1. For the first row, prepare 42 Modules. Prepare the same amount for the second and third row.

- You need to connect the modules in such a way that in the first row they stand on the short side, and in the second row on the long side.

- When you connect 4 modules in the first row and 3 in the second, you can start preparing the third row. Fasten the triangles on the long side in a checkerboard pattern.

2. Collect three rows at the same time and lock them into a ring.

3. Now the whole structure needs to be turned over to the other side and gently press its edges with your fingers so that it turns out. You should get a design in which the edges go to the center, and the middle goes up (see picture).

4. Turn the structure over again and start building the fourth row of type 1 modules (1/4 sheet A4).

- seven green modules in the fourth row must be attached so that there are 5 white modules between them.

5. Prepare 14 type 2 modules and attach them to the sides of the green type 1 modules.

6. Prepare 14 type 3 modules and attach them to the sides of the type 2 modules, and insert seven type 4 modules into the middle.

7. Directly on the green triangles, insert the same number and the same type of white modules.

8. To make the top tier, simply repeat the instructions for creating the bottom tier, but with type 2 modules. It is also worth mentioning that the top tier consists of five rows.

- Each of the three rows should contain 22 modules.

- It is also desirable to collect three rows at the same time.

- Close the ring, turn the structure inside out and add two more rows.

9. We make a cake stand. You need to prepare 130 modules of the 3rd or 4th type and, inserting one into the other, close the circle to make a plate.

To add the bottom to your plate, you need to cut out a circle of thick paper, about 20 cm in diameter. Next, just glue the circle to the modules.

Advice: to prevent the bottom tier of the cake from spreading, it is worth making a support in the form of, for example, a small plastic bottle or a larger half bottle.

10. First put the bottom tier on a support. In the event that you notice large distances between the modules, try to close them by inserting triangles of the 2nd type into the gaps with the pockets facing out.

11. Now put the bottom tier on a support. Also, if you find large distances between the modules, cover them with triangles of the 2nd type, inserting the modules with the pockets outward.

12. The top tier now needs to be placed exactly in the center of the bottom. Find a groove in the bottom tier for each corner of the upper tier. Try using a toothpick for this.

After that, you picked up all the grooves, the upper tier will enter the lower one. You will need to push it in a little more.

How to make an origami cake from modules (video)

Now it's time to decorate the cake. For this example, roses from modules are used as decorations.

Cake from modules. Master Class. Roses for cake.

To make roses you will need:

Type 4 modules:

  • pink - 27;
  • yellow - 27;
  • red - 9;
  • green - 16.

To make one rose, prepare 9 modules of the 4th type.

- Unfold 3 modules and cut off the valves.

- tightly screw each module onto a thin stick, such as a skewer, toothpick, or thin pen refill.

* When winding the module, make sure that its long side remains at the same level.

- Make sure that the twisted blanks have a flat end - so they can stand on the table

- expand 6 more modules and screw their corners onto a stick

- now you need to cut a circle with a diameter of 25 mm from the same color as the roses. Lubricate the valves with PVA glue

Bring the halves of the triangle together and glue it onto the circle. Repeat the same with two more modules

- In the same style, glue the next circle of rose petals. You'll have to pull the halves together harder

- insert two rolled blanks one into the other. Lubricate their ends with glue and glue to the center of the flower

- Lubricate the third blank with glue and glue around the first two.

Origami cake from triangular modules. Rose petals.

To make one leaflet, you need to unfold two modules, grease the valves with glue and insert them into the pocket of another module. The valves of the second module must also be lubricated with glue, but on the reverse side, and glued.

The place where you glue both parts will be the central vein of the leaf.

You can wind the corners of the leaf onto a stick.

Leaves and roses can be attached anywhere on the cake.

You can add a candle - to do this, roll a piece of paper into a tube. Next, glue the tube in a spiral with a thin strip of foil. Make a candle flame by gluing two modules together.

And here are a few more examples of cakes made from paper modules made using the same technology.

Modular origami - cake

How to make a cake from triangular origami modules?

  1. Prepare two white modules and one brown. Each of them is made from a paper rectangle of the appropriate size in relation to a standard A4 sheet (1/2, 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16). You can choose their size yourself, depending on the desired size of the cake (for the first tier we use 1/2). White modules will depict protein cream on the cake, and brown ones will represent chocolate.

  2. Connect these three modules together.

  3. Having prepared the required number of modules and connecting them in pairs, we make the first block.

  4. To make a life-size paper cake, you need to make 8 of these blocks. They will make up the first tier of the cake.

  5. Connect the blocks into a single whole, and then start laying out the pattern on top using 1/4 modules. The scheme of a cake pattern made using modular origami depends on the number and alternation of white and brown modules. In total, approximately 80 pieces go to the first tier, and about 40 to the second, respectively. Decorate the second tier with the same pattern.

  6. To make a cake stand, prepare small (1/16) modules of various bright colors, and connect them into a snake. It will have several tiers depending on the desired thickness.

  7. Lock the snake into a ring and try on its diameter in relation to the cake. If the ring is too large, the modules can be stacked more tightly, and vice versa.

  8. Cut out a circle of the required diameter from cardboard.

  9. Fix the snake around it using a glue stick.

  10. Now glue the first tier to the base of the cake.

  11. Install the second tier of the cake on the first one by connecting their modules. Align the walls of the tiers so that they are strictly vertical or beveled inward.

  12. To close the hole in the center of the cake, make a rosette using the modular origami technique. To do this, make 8 modules from dark brown or black paper, unfold them and open the pockets.
  13. Next, prepare 8 brown modules 1/8 in size and dark brown, respectively, 1/16. Insert them into each other - these will be 8 chamomile petals.
  14. Each petal is installed in the center of the cake without the use of glue. To do this, it should be inserted between the modules of the upper tier so that its sharp edge reaches the conditional center of the cake.

  15. If you do everything right, a very small hole will remain in the center of the cake, which is easy to close with any curly decoration.

You can also make other beautiful crafts from the modules, for example, an elegant swan.

"Modular origami. Cake"

  • Davydenko Marina Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, technology, additional education teacher

Sections: Technology, Elementary School



Outline plan:

I. Organization for the lesson

1) Greeting, 2) Checking the readiness of the workplace:

each on the desk:

3) Briefing on the rules of safety

II. Learning new material

1. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson

– Today we have an unusual lesson: we will go on a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun. Look at the map of the Russian Federation. Orient yourself: determine the main sides of the horizon (north, south, east, west). Judging by such a long name, where should we look for this country? It is in this country that a new day comes before anyone else on the planet, they are the first to celebrate the New Year. This island country is the birthplace of the art of paper folding. This art is called origami.

If a girl, or maybe a boy, Suddenly likes an unusual book, You can confidently say right away: This child knows how to dream, Wants, like an adult, to create his own world, Settle birds and animals in the forests. An adult will help create this fairy tale, The main thing is to make a hint in time ... The magician who invented colored paper Red, yellow and blue, He probably believed that the guys could Make figures from different squares. These figurines all over the world Knew only Japanese children. The white crane became the symbol of peace, the paper boat became the symbol of friendship…. ... Yellow birds striving into the sky, Quickly fluttering from paper pages, Fairy butterflies, pink hares You can do it with your fingers. We invite you to try with us Learn the technique of "origami"!

2. The concept of origami. ( Application , slide 1)

The word "origami" is translated from Japanese as "folded paper". "Kami" is a similar sound to the Japanese words for "paper" and "God". There is a close connection between religious ritual and the folding of paper figures. It is no coincidence that the first origami appeared in Shinto shrines. One of the rituals with their use was to make small Sanbo paper boxes. Pieces of fish and vegetables were placed in them, which were intended as a gift to the gods. In the XII-XIV centuries. Origami goes beyond temples and conquers the imperial court. The aristocracy and courtiers had to have certain skills in the art of folding. Notes folded in the form of a butterfly, a crane, a flower or an abstract geometric figure were a symbol of friendship or good wishes for a loved one. They sometimes managed to express more attention, love than words can do. The ability to fold has become one of the signs of a good education and refined manners. Various noble families used origami figurines as coats of arms and seals. Until the middle of the XIX century. Origami is becoming a popular pastime for the people of Japan. It was then that the figurines were invented, which later become classic. The development of origami as a trend in contemporary art is associated with the name of Akira Yoshizawa. In 1978 he visits the USSR, where he demonstrates his art in Moscow, Leningrad and Nakhodka. Only in 1989 in Moscow and in 1991. in St. Petersburg, public organizations of origami centers are being created. One of the first mentions of origami in Russian domestic literature was written by Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. He noted the most important thing, that with the help of origami, people could transfer the ability to create beauty with their own hands to each other. Today we will not make boats or airplanes familiar from childhood, nor will we make complex figures. We will make our product using the “modular origami” technique. ( Application , slide 2) Creating three-dimensional figures from triangular origami modules is an exciting and fun process. The whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (modules). Each module is folded according to the rules of classic origami from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by nesting them into each other. The resulting friction force does not allow the structure to disintegrate.

3. Module manufacturing ( Application , slides 3-11)

1) A sheet of A4 paper, folded in half, is divided into 2,4,8,16 or 32 parts and cut into rectangles. ( Application , slides 4-5) 2) Fold the rectangle in half lengthwise. ( Application , slide 6) 3) We outline the middle by bending and unbending across in half. We turn the "mountain" towards us. 4) Bend the edges-folds to the middle. ( Application , slide 7) 5) Turn over. 6) Raise the edges up, bend the corners, hide them. ( Application , slide 8) 7) Fold the module in half. ( Application , slide 9)

4. Analysis of the technological map and the manufacture of the required number and size of modules.

5. Practical work: making the required number of modules of certain colors.

6. The value of origami classes.

– Scientists say that it is useful for children to engage in origami. Origami lessons:

Origami classes help to master reading and mathematics, improve handwriting. Artists use origami as a way to express themselves creatively. Scientists, architects, and mathematicians explore origami geometry for beauty or practical applications. Doctors use origami to help patients recover from illness. The story of the little girl Sadako Sasaki, who lost her parents during the Second World War, spread around the world. She lived in Hiroshima (shown on the map), in her uncle's house. Sadako fell ill with blood cancer (leukemia), and with this terrible diagnosis she was admitted to the hospital. Doctors could not help the girl. Throughout her illness, Sadako folded figures of classic Japanese cranes from any pieces of paper that fell into her hands. She believed in an old legend that a thousand of such folded figures could help her fulfill her cherished desires. At first, Sadako prayed for her recovery, however, when she realized that she was dying, she began to pray for world peace. Sadako managed to fold 644 cranes. "Kusudama", which is planned to be done in the next lessons, translated from Japanese means "medicine ball".

7. Assembling the cake. ( Application , slides 12-30)

8. Decoration. ( Application , slides 31-32)

III. Lesson summary

- What do you remember about the art of origami? What is modular origami? We made a huge cake to decorate the interior. Each of you has invested his part of the soul in the creation of this masterpiece.

Homework: prepare square paper (15 * 15) for the manufacture of "kusudama" modules. ( Application , slide 33)


First, prepare triangular origami modules, folded from rectangles of different sizes.

  • Module-1: 1/4 sheet of A4 white paper, 175 white and 7 green.
  • Module-2: 1/8 sheet A4, 166 white and 14 green.
  • Module-3: 1/16 A4 sheet, 14 white and 14 green.
  • Module-4: 1/32 A4 sheet (60x38 mm), 7 white and 7 green.

For a plate, you will need approximately 130 pieces of Modules-4 (colors of your choice).

  1. Take 42 Module-1 for the first row and the same for the second. Connect modules like this. First row: modules are on the short side, second row: modules are on the long side.
  2. When you make 4 modules in the first row and 3 in the second, immediately begin to collect the third row. Modules on the long side, put on in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Continue to collect three rows at the same time. The third row also has 42 modules.
  4. Close all rows in a ring.
  5. Turn over to the other side and, gently pressing the edges with your fingers, turn the figure inside out. The edges should go to the center, and the middle should go up.
  6. It turns out here is such a figure.
  7. Turn over and put on the fourth row of Modules-1.
  8. Take 7 green Modules-1 and put them on every sixth pair of corners.
  9. Take 14 Module-2s and put them on the sides of the big green ones.
  10. Put on 14 Modules-3 on the sides of Modules-2 and put on in the middle 7 Modules-4.
  11. Take the same number of white modules as green modules of exactly the same size. Put them on not in a checkerboard pattern, but directly on the green modules. The bottom tier of the cake is ready.
  12. Perform the upper tier of the cake in the same way as the lower one, only from Modules-2. Each row is made from 22 modules. Also collect three rows at once, lock into a ring, turn inside out and put on 2 more rows. In total, there are 5 rows in the upper tier.
  13. This is what the top tier looks like when flipped over:
  14. Now you need to make a cake stand - a plate. Close the ring by inserting approximately 130 Module-4s (or Module-3s) into each other. Cut out a circle from thick paper, its size should fit under the lower tier (about 20 cm), glue a ring to it.
  15. To prevent the bottom tier of the cake from spreading, make a support inside the cake. For example, you can cut off part of a small plastic bottle.
  16. Put the bottom tier on a support. If large distances between the modules have formed in the base, they can be closed by inserting Modules-2 into the gaps with the pockets facing out.
  17. Place the top tier exactly in the center of the bottom tier. Try to find a groove in each corner of the upper tier in the lower tier. This can be done with the help of a toothpick. When all the grooves are matched, the upper tier will easily enter the lower one. Push it in a little.
  18. This is what the finished cake looks like.

    You can start decorating.

rose recipe

For roses, you will need Modules-4 (60x38mm): pink - 27 pieces, yellow - 27 pieces, red - 9 pieces, green - 16 pieces.

rose petals

Decorate the cake

Roses and leaves can be placed on the cake at your discretion. For example, in this way:

A candle can be made from a folded paper tube, which is glued in a spiral with a thin strip of foil. A light - from two modules.

Source - Country of Masters

Helpful Hints

Such a gift will undoubtedly be pleasant to the one to whom you give it, especially if this person mom, grandma or your friends.

A cake made from triangular pieces looks very colorful, but you will need a lot of patience to make it, as you will have to prepare a lot of modules.

It is also worth mentioning that for such a cake you need to make modules of different sizes. For more information on how and what sizes to make a module, you can read by clicking on this link .

How to make a cake from modules

First you need to prepare modules of different sizes, which means you need to cut out rectangles of different sizes.

Cake from modules scheme

Here is a detailed instruction on the size, quantity and color of the modules that you will use when making an origami cake:

Type 1. Module of 1/4 A4 sheet - 175 white and 7 green.

Type 2. Module from 1/8 A4 sheet - 166 white and 14 green.

Type 3. Module from 1/16 A4 sheet - 14 white and 14 green.

Type 4. Module from 1/32 A4 sheet (rectangle size 60x38 mm) - 7 white and 7 green.

To make a plate from modules, you will need about 130 triangles of the 4th type. You can choose the color you want.

Cake from triangular modules

1. For the first row, prepare 42 Modules. Prepare the same amount for the second and third row.

You need to connect the modules in such a way that in the first row they stand on the short side, and in the second row on the long side.

When you connect 4 modules in the first row and 3 in the second, you can start preparing the third row. Fasten the triangles on the long side in a checkerboard pattern.

2. Collect three rows at the same time and lock them into a ring.

3. Now the whole structure needs to be turned over to the other side and gently press its edges with your fingers so that it turns out. You should get a design in which the edges go to the center, and the middle goes up (see picture).

4. Turn the structure over again and start building the fourth row of type 1 modules (1/4 sheet A4).

Seven green modules in the fourth row must be attached so that there are 5 white modules between them.

5. Prepare 14 type 2 modules and attach them to the sides of the green type 1 modules.

6. Prepare 14 type 3 modules and attach them to the sides of the type 2 modules, and insert seven type 4 modules into the middle.

7. Directly on the green triangles, insert the same number and the same type of white modules.

8. To make the top tier, simply repeat the instructions for creating the bottom tier, but with type 2 modules. It is also worth mentioning that the top tier consists of five rows.

Each of the three rows should contain 22 modules.

It is also desirable to collect three rows at the same time.

Close the ring, turn the design inside out and add two more rows.

9. We make a cake stand. You need to prepare 130 modules of the 3rd or 4th type and, inserting one into the other, close the circle to make a plate.

To add the bottom to your plate, you need to cut out a circle of thick paper, about 20 cm in diameter. Next, just glue the circle to the modules.

Advice: to prevent the bottom tier of the cake from spreading, it is worth making a support in the form of, for example, a small plastic bottle or a larger half bottle.

10. First put the bottom tier on a support. In the event that you notice large distances between the modules, try to close them by inserting triangles of the 2nd type into the gaps with the pockets facing out.

11. Now put the bottom tier on a support. Also, if you find large distances between the modules, cover them with triangles of the 2nd type, inserting the modules with the pockets outward.

12. The top tier now needs to be placed exactly in the center of the bottom. Find a groove in the bottom tier for each corner of the upper tier. Try using a toothpick for this.

After that, you picked up all the grooves, the upper tier will enter the lower one. You will need to push it in a little more.

How to make an origami cake from modules (video)

Now it's time to decorate the cake. For this example, roses from modules are used as decorations.

Cake from modules. Master Class. Roses for cake.

To make roses you will need:

Type 4 modules:

  • pink - 27;
  • yellow - 27;
  • red - 9;
  • green - 16.

To make one rose, prepare 9 modules of the 4th type.

Unfold 3 modules and cut off the flaps.

Screw each module tightly onto a thin stick, such as a skewer, toothpick, or thin fountain pen refill.

* When winding the module, make sure that its long side remains at the same level.

Make sure that the twisted blanks have a flat end so that they can stand on the table

Unfold 6 more modules and screw their corners onto a stick

Now you need to cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 mm from the same color as the roses. Lubricate the valves with PVA glue

Bring the halves of the triangle together and glue it onto the circle. Repeat the same with two more modules

In the same style, glue the next circle of rose petals. You'll have to pull the halves together harder

Insert two folded blanks one into the other. Lubricate their ends with glue and glue to the center of the flower

Lubricate the third blank with glue and glue around the first two.

Origami cake from triangular modules. Rose petals.

To make one leaflet, you need to unfold two modules, grease the valves with glue and insert them into the pocket of another module. The valves of the second module must also be lubricated with glue, but on the reverse side, and glued.

The place where you glue both parts will be the central vein of the leaf.

You can wind the corners of the leaf onto a stick.

Leaves and roses can be attached anywhere on the cake.

You can add a candle - to do this, roll a piece of paper into a tube. Next, glue the tube in a spiral with a thin strip of foil. Make a candle flame by gluing two modules together.

And here are a few more examples of cakes made from paper modules made using the same technology.

    I offer here such a recipe for a birthday cake from origami modules: you will need modules of various sizes 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, colors - white, brown and dark brown. The bottom tier of the cake is made from large 1/4 modules.

    This is the final cake:

    You can also make a third tier, just take 1/8 modules already. And on top of this tier, come up with any decoration, not necessarily a camomile.

    Cake assembled from origami modules, will be not only an excellent gift for a birthday person, but also an original decoration of the festive table, which will bring a lot of delight to guests. Moreover, it will be very pleasant for the birthday man to receive such a present, because his donor tried very hard, since it is not easy to make a cake from modules, it requires skill, skill, patience, and experience (although with due diligence you can do without it).

    In order to make an origami cake, you can watch a very detailed video tutorial:

    As you can see from the lesson, the cake is not just multi-tiered, but small roses, which are also made using the origami technique, were used to decorate it.

    In order to make a cake from origami modules with our own hands, we need modules, for this cake you need:

    This cake is not difficult to make, the difficulty lies in making a large number of modules, but children can help you in this matter, younger students can quite cope with the task :) So you can make a modular origami cake with your child.

    Before you make a cake from origami modules, you need to calculate everything. To do this, you must have a scheme for a cake of modules. The whole job can take about 10 hours. And for a beginner who is not familiar with the art of origami - 2 days.

    Especially for you, I found a video instruction on how to make an origami cake. A smart girl explains how to make a paper cake for 20 minutes:

    If you have any questions, you can go to the video page, where the girl answers them.

Such cake you can "bake" out of paper for a variety of holidays and anniversaries. Candles are added at will and in any quantity. You can also decorate it to your liking. From him
you won’t get better, but joyful emotions are guaranteed!

The sequence of making modular origami "Magic Cake"

1. Prepare the following types of triangular modules:
- modules-1 from 1/4 sheet of A4 white paper: 175 white and 7 green;
- modupi-2 from 1/8 to sheet A4; 166 white and 14 green;
- modules-3 from 1/16 sheet A4: 14 white and 14 green;
- modules-4 from 1/32; sheet A4 (60x30 mm): 7 white and 7 green for the cake; 27 pink, 27 yellow, 9 red and 16 green for roses and about 30 (colors of your choice) for a plate.

2. Take 42 white modules-1 for the first and second rows. Connect modules like this:
the first row - the modules are on the short side, the second row - on the long side.

3. When you make 4 modules in the first row and 3 in the second, immediately begin to collect the third row. It also has 42 modules, they should stand on the long side, put on in a checkerboard pattern.

4. Close the rows in a ring.

5. Turn the workpiece over to the other side and, gently pressing the edges with your fingers, turn it out.

6. Turn the workpiece over again and put on the fourth row of modules-1.

7. Take 7 green pieces-1 and put them on every sixth pair of corners.

8. Take 14 modules-2 and put them on the sides of the large green ones.

9. Put on 14 nodules-3 on the sides of modules-2, and between them 7 modules-4.

10 . Put on each green module one white module of the same size. The bottom tier of the cake is ready.

11. Perform the upper tier of the cake in the same way as the lower one, only from modules-2. It has five rows of 22 modules each. Also collect three rows at once, lock into a ring, turn out. Then put on two more rows.

12. Now you need to make a plate for the cake. Close in a ring a chain of about 130 modules-4 (or modules-3) inserted into each other. Cut out a circle from thick paper, its diameter should match the diameter of the lower tier (about 20 cm). Glue a ring of modules to it.

13. To prevent the bottom tier of the cake from spreading, make a support inside it. For example, you can use part of a small plastic bottle as a support.

14. Put the lower tier on a support. If large distances between the modules have formed in the base, they can be closed by inserting modules-2 into the gaps with the pockets facing out.

15. Place the top tier exactly in the center of the bottom one. Try to find a groove in each corner of the upper tier in the lower tier. It is convenient to help yourself with a toothpick. When all the grooves are matched, the upper tier will easily enter the lower one. Push it in a little. The magic cake is ready. You can start decorating.

16. For one flower, take 9 modules - 4 of the same color (pink, yellow or red). Unfold 3 modules and cut off the valves. Tightly screw these modules onto a thin stick (skewer, toothpick). Twisted blanks should have a sufficiently even end to stand on the table.

17. Expand the remaining 6 modules and screw the corners onto the stick a little.

18. Cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 mm from paper of the same color. Lubricate the valves of one of the six previously prepared valves with glue. Slightly bring the halves of the module together and glue it onto the circle.

19. Glue 2 more of the same modules on the circle.

20. Glue the next circle of petal modules inside the first circle. To do this, bring the halves of the modules together more strongly.

21. Insert two tube blanks one into the other. Lubricate the ends with glue and glue the part to the center.

22. Slightly expand the last tube blank, grease the end with glue, glue it around the first two tubes. The rose is ready.

23. Make leaflets in the same way as for.

24. Now decorate the cake. Place roses and leaves on the cake as you wish. A candle can be made from a folded paper tube, spirally pasted over with a thin strip of foil. A light - from two modules. Looks like it's time to invite guests!

Used materials from the book "Funny figures. Modular origami". Author Tatyana Prosnyakova.