Toasts for 70 years to dad

70th Anniversary

And we wish you happiness.

Instructing with his advice,
My grandchildren, my children.

There is still a lot to be done in life.
Today we congratulate dad

Forever happy, forever beautiful.
We love you and wish you peace

Celebrating the seventieth anniversary,
You rejoice that there are grandchildren, children.
And that's it, father, we are proud of you,
And the fact that he achieved everything along the way.
Like leaves your hair falls
But the more valuable is the warm velvet of the voice.
Let health be a full cup
And we will visit you more often.

Let now the November of your life
Falling leaves took my hair away,
But your experience illuminates thoughts
Anniversary gold stripes!
Seventy to live is a great happiness,
Well, it's better to say hello to a hundred.
Let the days soar in the autumn dance.
Your anniversary, daddy, has arrived!

For a happy holiday
Gotta treat the guests
Pour them, definitely
To make it more fun.
Our dad knows about it -
Always ready for the holiday
Hospitable he is the owner,
Rich table - beauty!
Many bright anniversaries
He noted for a lifetime.
Knows how to entertain guests
And drink wine well.
Let's say thank you to dad
In his seven decades
For a fair character
He is our authority.
Let health not fail
His long years
So that in any weather
I could dance easily!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years to dad from his daughter

Seventy years is a wonderful date,
There is still a lot to do in life
Today we congratulate dad
We wish him happiness and health!
May my beloved father be cheerful,
Forever happy, forever beautiful
We love you and wish you peace
Together we all congratulate you!

So the seventh ten came,
And no typos here.
I will come to congratulate you
And from the heart I will bring a gift.
After all, today you are 70 years old,
Anniversary, of course, you invite guests.
You are a man, and you deserve congratulations,
I want you to be happy today.
I send greetings
I want a bag of gold.

70th Anniversary
Today we celebrate yours, dad.
Best health, long life
And we wish you happiness.

Let the years of your strength not take away.
You do not get sick at all and do not grow old,
Instructing with his advice,
My grandchildren, my children.

I wish dad to be healthy
After all, this is the most important thing in life right now.
And I want to smile again
After all, seventy happens only once!
Let the decades fly by
And you, beloved dad, will be happy,
Crossing over a century
Don't forget to live a long time.

70th anniversary
You meet in the circle of guests:
few friends,
Your graying children.
Yes, life is great.
But still far from a hundred!
There are strengths, and young
Soul, as in youth!
And you come on, father, hold on!
Fight for life more actively!
Make friends with sports
So that the ailments are carried away.
You are very dear to us, father!
For us, you are both a friend and a sage:
You always give good advice
There is no more reliable person!
And we would like to wish
Meet with a smile every day
So that you can live to a hundred
And keep the joy in life!

Dear, dear, adorable dad!
Today is such a wonderful anniversary.
And at seventy you are happy to wish
Happy, pleasant and sunny days.
Let everything in life be just the way you want,
So that every day of yours gives pleasure.
So that these lines with love and tenderness
A source of steel and happiness and strength!

Today, dad, sincerely
And congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
I love you, let the sparks
They don't fade inside.

Feed you inspiration
Love, also happiness.
Keep moments in your soul
Good, let it be joyful

Your every day goes by
Don't lose your health.
I want true friends
For you to see everything.

Dad, you are always for us
An example of the best man.
I want to congratulate now
Let it be in your life

Whatever your heart desires
Don't bury your dreams.
Let health not decrease
Your strength will multiply.

Let the evenings fly comfortably
Sincerity in them, love lives.
Let you not be sad
This year will be successful!

Today is your special day
You are 70, but there is no need to hide them.
let these years not frighten you,
they are your wealth and reward.

And it does not matter that the hair turned gray,
the soul, as before, remained young!
and 70 is not autumn, not the limit,
then your maturity, wisdom, is not the limit,
then experience, joy, but not yet old age.

You are a prominent man
And in full bloom!
Although you are today
Already met seventy!

wonderful date
And a happy holiday!
Let life give you
Only one happiness!

We magnify you
Today, daddy
We are all anniversaries!
You are our beauty!

Congratulations to dad on his 70th birthday from his daughter

May a new day dawn for you!
And this morning will be the brightest,
And the sky will be the color of mother-of-pearl,
A new stage in life will begin!

It cannot be said that exactly at seventy,
Old age always comes
It can definitely be delayed.
Only moving forward, not backward!

And for you, daddy, there is more
The opportunity to enjoy this life
Well, judge, what are your summers?
Dear, believe me, everything will be fine!

Happily united in it
Both kindness and beauty.
When a woman is beautiful
Not counting her summer.
Everything suits her, surprisingly, -
Trouble and joy and excitement.

Seventy dad - it's time to congratulate!
Wish you happiness, smiles, health!
Magnificent gifts from life,
So that you are sure to be healthy,

To fill the house with fun
The sun was always shining outside the window,
The mood was always joyful
How on this holiday is your birthday!

My dear, beloved dad,
Your anniversary today.
Seventy is a big date
Your life is behind it.

Boast your health now
Forget troubles and sorrows.
Act and dream freely
Be happy and lucky.

Daddy, take from us children
Congratulations on a glorious anniversary.
Seventy is a long time for everyone,
But we want you to be able to
Rejoice in your presence.
You know how dear to us, we love.
How we need your affectionate glance,
Your humor - you are always rich with it,
Wise, from the heart, instructions.

I am carried away by the memory of those years,

When all the kindness is given to me,

Dad's reliable hand held,

My child's palm, not releasing.

"Buy me a daddy toy as soon as possible,

Ride on the sled and scratch your back.

I want skates and this trinket "-

Many years have passed since then,

But our attitude has not changed.

We'll be kids in a hundred years

And we will feel care without a doubt.

Here, dad, you turned seventy.

Whiskey has long been covered with gray hair.

But the strength is enough to live fully.

and another hundred years!

Congratulations from the grandchildren:

Grandpa's birthday. Who is he with us?

Our beloved grandfather is simply the highest class!

What to please him? How to give thanks?

On the birthday of a grandfather, with whom would we compare?

If our grandfather was completely gray-haired,

With a long, very long white beard,

If he had been in a dressing gown and a turban, then

We would call him "Grandfather Hottabych"!

If our grandfather was in a white robe,

With a bag of medicines and vaccinations

People and animals - who hurts,

We would call him "Doctor Aibolit"!

If our grandfather was gray-haired, with a big nose,

With a white beard, in a cotton wig,

If he brought us a bag of gifts, -

We would call him "Grandfather Frost"!

Grandpa can do everything - work miracles,

Fairy tale - if something hurts - the pain to speak,

And gifts from him often appear, -

For three wizards, he alone copes!

So, our grandfather is the most beautiful!

We love you very much - this is also clear!

There is no better grandfather in the world - this is beyond a doubt!

Be healthy! Live a hundred years! In a word, happy birthday!

Congratulations from the Pioneers:

(A team of five people is given bundles. They have a tie and cap. After changing clothes, the participants are given cards with words.)

Host: And now the floor for congratulations is given to honored guests. (Pioneers enter.)

We, the pioneers of our country's children!

There is no one happier than us in the world.

To be with you again today

We came to congratulate the hero of the day!

His whole life serves as an example for children

Both Octoberists and pioneers.

We came to you to learn from the elders,

How to drink, so as not to get drunk at all,

How to eat to keep a figure

We came to congratulate Vitaly's grandfather!

We say without despondency and laziness:

We don't know generational conflict.

You, grandfather Vitaly, are younger than we are,

We should take an example from you in this.

We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.

We have been in love with you, grandfather Vitaly, for a long time.

We can't find a better friend

We came to congratulate you today!

(Sing a song.)

Fly like fires blue nights!

We, the pioneers, want a glass of wine.

It's high time for adults to pour:

We came to congratulate Vitaly's grandfather!

Leading: Now we will hold a solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of our anniversaries.

Dear grandfather!

Please accept our congratulations

And guidance for life.

Promise us not to get sick

Get younger every year

Don't be sad and don't be bored

Every day is easy to meet.

Be ready!

Anniversary: ​​Always ready!

Host: Exercise

And in the garden to dig in the beds,

Don't forget about grandchildren

Invite more often.

Be ready!

Anniversary: ​​Always ready!

(Drum roll, tie a tie to the hero of the day.)

Matryoshka performance:

Dear guests! Hit your palms.

To us for the anniversary

Matryoshkas have arrived.

Wooden spoons, ruddy nesting dolls.

They want to congratulate the hero of the day,

Give a gift and play on spoons.

Nested dolls: We brought you bagels, bought for rubles.

The first bagel - for business!

The second - that my mother gave birth!

The third - that they got married and had children!

And the fourth - for the success that is present, but not for everyone.

Fifth bagel - for the Lyceum!

And the sixth - for the anniversary! And the seventh - pour it soon!

Don't lose our gift, put it on everyone for the holiday.

(Each bagel is on a ribbon. Bagels are handed to the hero of the day.)

Ditties competition

Presenter: Well, dear guests, are you tired of having fun? No? Then we continue our holiday! The next one is the funniest. This is a ditty contest. To do this, you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. In response, she should hear a funny ditty, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.

At the end of the competition, you need to take stock: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (it can be sweets, fruits, souvenirs, etc.) and medals "For the best performance of ditties." The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal "For resourcefulness and fun."

Song our grandfather, young!

To the tune of "Junior Lieutenant"

Our dear grandfather, sit and listen,

Well, as young you are the best.

Something you don't dance, something you don't dance. Ooo

Our dear grandfather with a strange smile,

Could easily become a screen star

You are already a star, and there are only show-offs on TV. Ooo

And don't hide your smile from your face.

Our dear grandfather in honor of the round date,

Everyone came to you, your guys, grandchildren gathered,

And great-grandchildren are still a car, but then.

You called us all, and thank God

We don't have many holidays.

And anyone here will say who will respect us all - he, only HE.

Our dear grandfather, you are like a young one,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years do not matter, and you are always with us, even if far away.

Our young grandfather, we live without end,

And don't hide your smile from your face.

After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Our dear grandfather, you are like a young one,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years do not matter, and you are always with us, even if far away.

Our young grandfather, we live without end,

And don't hide your smile from your face.

After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Our young grandfather, we live without end,

And don't hide your smile from your face.

After all, without her, it’s very, very difficult for us.

Congratulations on the anniversary of dad 70 years. custom slideshow - youtube

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Dad is 70, not 20!
So what? You are young.
Well, how can they stay?
There is one simple recipe.

Take a kilo of comfort at home,
A liter of happiness, a pood of love,
Mix everything very cool -
And at least 300 years live.

You will be fresh, healthy and cheerful,
Full of strength and perspective.
Life will flow like a song
Negativity won't come.

Daddy, you are our foundation
Our wisdom, our stronghold.
You just get better with age
Cheerfully move forward!

Dad is seventy today
And don't give even forty.
You are fit and fashionable
Well, years don't matter.

I wish to be healthy
Many, many more years
Play with new paint
Your life is a bright light.

Happy Anniversary, dear dad. May this day become not only a date of 70 years, but also a wonderful celebration of your soul, memory and heart. I wish you, daddy, good health and cheerful strength. You are a real man, brave, sincere, confident, kind, cheerful, and I want you to remain so at any age. Good mood to you, good luck, warm family holidays and love!

Dad is hope and support,
Dad is the head of the family.
He is like a lighthouse on the sea
The path in life showed me.

Today he is only 70.
Still far from a hundred
And I want two hundred,
He lived freely, easily.

To please us with advice,
To grow the tree of life
What would all that conceived,
Enough health and strength.

So that he does not lose activity,
Faith, hope, love.
I wish you success, luck,
And new victories ahead.

Seventy years is a wonderful date,
There is still a lot to be done in life.
Today we congratulate dad
We wish him happiness and health!

May my beloved father be cheerful,
Forever happy, forever beautiful.
We love you and wish you peace
Together we all congratulate you!

I look at this man - and do not believe
Daddy, years have no power over you.
I congratulate you on your Anniversary!
And 70 is written in vain.

You're still the same as then on the shoulders
He planted me and walked with the parade.
So let time heal you
You are the best, we do not need another!

I want to see joy in your eyes
And your firm character is invariably.
Let there be only goodness ahead,
And many, many more birthdays!

70th Anniversary
Today we celebrate yours, dad.
Best health, long life
And we wish you happiness.

Let the years of your strength not take away.
You do not get sick at all and do not grow old,
Instructing with his advice,
My grandchildren, my children.

Let, today on this day,
Round birthday date
It will not be laziness to celebrate
Keeping the mood.

Let the day be colored
In the colors of different wishes,
A good light shines
Lighthouse among the sea of ​​buildings.

May you be years old
Just do not grow old in soul,
Wisdom, so that pure light
You blessed us all.

My dear, beloved father!
You are my main example in life!
I wish you health
Let the dawn not fade in your eyes!

I love you very much,
Your grandchildren are proud of you!
Anything you want, I'll give you
If only you were happy with fate!

You are seventy today, father,
Daddy, you are the most wonderful:
In all matters, you, dad, well done,
You are kind, you are caring, attentive!

Know, the main thing is not to grow old with your soul,
May happiness fill your soul!
I wish you to be healthy, not to get sick,
Let it be whatever your heart desires!

70 today dad
It's hard for me to find the words
So that wishes from the heart
Give you everything.

In the house, you are undoubtedly the boss.
Loves, appreciates all the family
For support, help in business,
Dear daddy, you.

I just want to cheer up
And don't give up positions.
Also briskly drink a glass,
It's also fun to dance.

Dad is 70, not 20!
So what? You are young.
Well, how can they stay?
There is one simple recipe.

Take a kilo of comfort at home,
A liter of happiness, a pood of love,
Mix everything very cool -
And at least 300 years live.

You will be fresh, healthy and cheerful,
Full of strength and perspective.
Life will flow like a song
Negativity won't come.

Daddy, you are our foundation
Our wisdom, our stronghold.
You just get better with age
Cheerfully move forward!

70th Anniversary

And we wish you happiness.

Instructing with his advice,
My grandchildren, my children.

Celebrating the seventieth anniversary,
You rejoice that there are grandchildren, children.
And that's it, father, we are proud of you,
And the fact that he achieved everything along the way.
Like leaves your hair falls
But the more valuable is the warm velvet of the voice.
Let health be a full cup
And we will visit you more often.

Let now the November of your life
Falling leaves took my hair away,
But your experience illuminates thoughts
Anniversary gold stripes!
Seventy to live is a great happiness,
Well, it's better to say hello to a hundred.
Let the days soar in the autumn dance.
Your anniversary, daddy, has arrived!

70th Anniversary
Today we celebrate yours, dad.
Best health, long life
And we wish you happiness.

Let the years of your strength not take away.
You do not get sick at all and do not grow old,
Instructing with his advice,
My grandchildren, my children.

Good luck and good health,
Do not know, father, you will never have grief!
May the angel protect you
Live in color you for many years!

Guests will come to you on your birthday,
Eyes full of joy will sparkle,
Grandchildren will never let you grow old
Peace in the family and great happiness!

Today we congratulate dad

We love you and wish you peace

Daddy, take from us children
Congratulations on a glorious anniversary.
Seventy is a long time for everyone,
But we want you to be able to
Rejoice in your presence.
You know how dear to us, we love.
How we need your affectionate glance,
Your humor - you are always rich with it,
Wise, from the heart, instructions.
On the anniversary, glorious birthday
We wish you joy and good
To make life boring
So that the disease does not torment you.
The soul would not hurt for us.
He was in a great, cheerful mood,
Like today, on a glorious birthday!

Seventy years is a wonderful date,
There is still a lot to do in life
Today we congratulate dad
We wish him happiness and health!
May my beloved father be cheerful,
Forever happy, forever beautiful
We love you and wish you peace
Together we all congratulate you!

Today is a holiday for the whole family - your anniversary!
And we wish you, dear: do not get sick;
May your life be good, like in a fairy tale,
And let your soul sing with joy.
So that luck always walks by,
And the bird of happiness brought its gift,
And so that you have enough strength for everything,
So that God, dad, bless your deeds!

Seventy dad - it's time to congratulate!
Wish you happiness, smiles, health!
Magnificent gifts from life,
So that you are sure to be healthy,
To fill the house with fun
The sun was always shining outside the window,
The mood was always joyful
How on this holiday is your birthday!

I wish dad to be healthy
After all, this is the most important thing in life right now.
And I want to smile again
After all, seventy happens only once!
Let the decades fly by
And you, beloved dad, will be happy,
Crossing over a century
Don't forget to live a long time.

May this day be blessed
Your seventieth birthday
And you will rise to a new level
Peace of mind, longevity.
May happiness and love await ahead,
Hope, faith, as the basis of life.
Only these feelings let excite the blood,
And only good thoughts will come.
Daddy, believe everything will be fine
And remember that we love you very much
And so that in life does not happen
We will always be with you, dad.

Let's meet the dawn We are with you, father! Your seventy years After all, the end is not yet: This is the time when You became the wisest of all! And it's time to put you on a pedestal! And a medal for love And patience, hand over! Through sorrow and pain He walked, teaching us all to live! We all say to you: “You are so good!” Grateful to fate that we have a father!

70th anniversary
You meet in the circle of guests:
few friends,
Your graying children.
Yes, life is great.
But still far from a hundred!
There are strengths, and young
Soul, as in youth!
And you come on, father, hold on!
Fight for life more actively!
Make friends with sports
So that the ailments are carried away.
You are very dear to us, father!
For us, you are both a friend and a sage:
You always give good advice
There is no more reliable person!
And we would like to wish
Meet with a smile every day
So that you can live to a hundred
And keep the joy in life!

May your anniversary, dad,
Starts with a smile
And what do you think -
Always-always comes true!

You - the warmth of the soul,
Good luck and love.
Even if in your 70s
The fires of victory are burning!

We love you very much
Your advice is important to us.
For us, you are the most important
Authority in the family! ©

Dad is 70 today
Celebrate with the whole family!
May good luck and luck
Will be with you forever.

Let it accompany you
Guiding star,
And love doesn't leave
Never in this life!

You smile more
And don't frown for no reason
Just like before, stay
The best of men! ©

I am carried away by the memory of those years,
When all the kindness is given to me,
Dad's reliable hand held,
My child's palm, not releasing.
"Buy me a daddy toy as soon as possible,
Ride on the sled and scratch your back.
I want skates and this trinket "-
You know how to fulfill your childhood dreams.
Many years have passed since then,
But our attitude has not changed.
We'll be kids in a hundred years
And we will feel care without a doubt.
Here, dad, you turned seventy.
Whiskey has long been covered with gray hair.
But the strength is enough to live fully.
Respectable age is sometimes forgotten.
We ask - you will fulfill any assignment,
What to fix, sew - run to you.
Help you make the right decision
You will help to unravel even in trouble.
For grandchildren, grandfather is always beloved,
After all, you spoil them and allow everything.
They are sometimes "indomitable" with you,
For them, you embody kindness and kindness.
Fate was sometimes cruel to you
After all, there were so many difficulties to overcome.
All the burden of childhood in the heart sleeps deeply,
And so much strength is needed for grief to subside.
The disease drove away and received an education,
I didn’t sit idle and didn’t wait for mercy,
You managed to realize the calling in life,
In the family - you are our Head.
Perseverance, labor paved the way,
With idleness and laziness, you are enemies.
Your employees have always appreciated you.
Integrity, honesty - these are your traits!
We wish you, daddy, good luck and health.
We wish you many round dates in life!
May courage be with you forever
Well, the disease will turn back!

Seventy dad - it's time to congratulate!
Wish you happiness, smiles, health!
Magnificent gifts from life,
So that you are sure to be healthy,
To fill the house with fun
The sun was always shining outside the window,
The mood was always joyful
How on this holiday is your birthday!

With a strong man's hand
You keep order in the family
And at seventy it's easy
You will always solve any question,
I wish dad a happy birthday
Health, loyal friends,
Doing favorite thing
And just enjoy life!

Daddy, take from us children
Congratulations on a glorious anniversary.
Seventy is a long time for everyone,
But we want you to be able to
Rejoice in your presence.
You know how dear to us, we love.
How we need your affectionate glance,
Your humor - you are always rich with it,
Wise, from the heart, instructions.
On the anniversary, glorious birthday
We wish you joy and good
To make life boring
So that the disease does not torment you.
The soul would not hurt for us.
He was in a great, cheerful mood,
Like today, on a glorious birthday!

Papa golden!
We just wish from the bottom of our hearts
Health, happiness, kindness,
Do not remember sorrows and troubles,
Live happily until a hundred years.