Which troops have blue uniforms? The uniform of military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces - from hussar uniform to office uniform. Modern ceremonial military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces

High-quality military clothing is the key to high combat effectiveness of the army. Modern Russian military uniform meets all requirements: it is comfortable, reliable and functional. A new military uniform was released in our country in 2018, and now every member of the armed forces is equipped with it.

Military uniforms are divided into three main types:

  • Front door - used during special events (at parades, on military holidays, at ceremonies for receiving military awards, etc.);
  • Field - used during combat operations, service, providing assistance to civilians during natural disasters, etc.;
  • Office - used in cases not falling into the first two categories.

Global reform of the Russian army uniform

The modern history of Russia includes several unsuccessful attempts to change military uniforms. While our country was spending huge amounts of money on unsuccessful experiments, in the US Army, military clothing became more comfortable, its performance characteristics increased, and innovative materials were used in the production of clothing.

The modern military uniform began its journey in 2007, when the post of Minister of Defense was held by Anatoly Serdyukov. It was then that a large-scale sketch competition was organized, in which thousands of designers from all over the country took part. The Ministry of Defense awarded the victory to the famous designer Valentin Yudashkin.

For the next two years, specialists were developing the final versions of a new army uniform, intended for further equipment of the Russian Army. The result was a set of clothing that was in many ways similar to American uniforms. The developers did not agree with this opinion, although many factors spoke in favor of this comparison.

The winter military uniform caused particular dissatisfaction. It did not protect the soldiers from the cold. For this reason, the Ministry of Defense received many complaints every day about the poor quality of the winter kit. This led to an outbreak of colds among the military. There were also complaints about the appearance of the uniform: some stylistic solutions were copied from kits in other countries. The stumbling block was the quality of the fabric and thread: new military clothing quickly became unusable.

Negative reviews and dissatisfaction among soldiers and army specialists forced the Ministry of Defense to think about changing the equipment. The decision to take American clothing as a basis was a mistake; such costumes were not suitable for the conditions of our country. The new set of military uniforms, developed subsequently, consisted of 19 parts. The approximate cost of one set is 35 thousand rubles. The ceremonial version did not suffer any special changes, since the field uniform is of particular importance.

New field military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces

The first change that caught my eye was the change in the location of the shoulder straps on the uniform. In 2010, a “NATO” version was proposed, the shoulder straps in it were located on the “belly”. Many servicemen did not like this, since they were “used to seeing shoulder straps on their shoulders.” The chevrons on the uniform are located on both sleeves. An addition was the appearance of fitted overcoats, quickly secured clothing items with Velcro. For the first time in history, Russian officers received warm sweaters. It was not possible to completely replace foot wraps and boots.

Valentin Yudashkin was blamed for the failed project of a new military suit. In 2012, he spoke to reporters and stated that the clothes he used were very different from his version. In particular, to reduce costs, materials were replaced with lower quality ones. Journalists came to the conclusion that all that remained of the designer’s version was the appearance.

The new generation of military uniforms was developed based on feedback from thousands of soldiers from across the country. The shape of the aircraft has become multi-layered. This allows each soldier to independently choose the necessary items of clothing, guided by the goals and objectives assigned to him, as well as weather conditions.

The modified VKPO set includes a basic suit, several types of jackets, boots for different seasons and much more, including a balaclava, a synthetic belt and high-quality socks. Military uniforms are made from mixed fabric, which includes 65% cotton and 35% polymer materials.

Every soldier had new-style Russian military clothing at the end of 2018, as previously planned by the Ministry of Defense. The change of equipment took place in three stages. In 2013, 100 thousand new kits were issued, in 2014 - 400 thousand and in 2018 - 500 thousand. In 3 years, a million military personnel were provided.

The complete rejection of foot wraps deserves special attention. Modern images of military uniforms include 12 pairs of socks for one soldier, which he uses throughout the year. It is planned to soon increase the number of pairs per military man to 24.

VKPO kits for wearing at different atmospheric temperatures

The new model military uniform is presented in two sets:

  • Basic uniform for wearing at temperatures above +15 degrees Celsius;
  • Multi-layer system for wearing in temperatures from +15 to -40 degrees Celsius.

In winter, soldiers wear lightweight or fleece underwear sets. They are selected depending on the air temperature. In particularly cold areas, both sets of underwear can be worn one on top of the other.

For equipment in the summer, trousers, a jacket, a beret and boots are used. The surface of the clothing is carefully treated with an innovative solution that repels moisture. It allows clothes to remain dry in the rain for up to two hours. To protect against mechanical influences, military clothing is equipped with reinforcing elements. Such kits are used in parts with a high degree of load.

The rules for wearing military uniforms allow you to use a fleece jacket in the autumn season: excellent thermal insulation is provided by the pile with which it is covered on both sides. A windbreaker jacket, worn with fifth-layer trousers, protects from strong winds.

A demi-season military suit is intended for the autumn period. The material from which it is made provides reliable protection from the wind, a good degree of vapor permeability and dries quickly after getting wet. During heavy rainfalls, it is permissible to use a wind and water protection kit. The membrane and reliable sizing of the layers provide reliable protection from moisture.

In winter, insulated jackets and vests are worn to protect against moisture and wind. Despite the high degree of frost protection, they are light and practical. For very low temperatures, an insulated hat and balaclava are provided.

Modern ceremonial military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces

The basic design of the dress uniform has not changed for many years, as it continues to meet modern requirements while paying tribute to history. Only a few elements have been replaced in recent years due to their obsolescence. The dress uniform is worn at parades, holidays, when receiving military awards, etc.

In the Russian army there are three approaches to the formation of such a set of uniforms:

  • Traditional. Clothing sets include elements created back in the 19th century. A good example is the ceremonial set of the Presidential Regiment of the Russian Federation - their costumes are identical to the uniform of the Imperial Guard, adopted in 1907;
  • Modern. The cut of the dress uniform corresponds to the daily set, the same colors can be used. For example, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the color of the ceremonial jacket coincides with the everyday one. Casual elements are complemented by ceremonial elements;
  • Universal. The color of the ceremonial suit may be the same as the everyday one, but the colors of the ceremonial elements must be different without fail.

The dress uniform must strictly meet the following standards:

  • The stylist of the military uniform of the military personnel of the Russian Army must be observed;
  • A military suit for ceremonial purposes should be strict and elegant;
  • Only high-quality materials should be used in production.

Changes to the design of the dress uniform are rarely made, its main stylist is determined by history. Various additional elements may change each year. Changing the materials used in production is permissible only if it improves the quality and performance characteristics of the suit.

The general's ceremonial outfit deserves attention. It is also similar to a casual suit, but has a difference in color. The color of the dress uniform is gray, worn with bluish trousers and black boots. There are stripes on the collar and cuffs.

Everyday uniform of military personnel

The color of the daily uniform depends on rank and affiliation. Military clothing of the Russian Army of the everyday type for generals and officers is olive-colored, in the Air Force it is blue. The caps match the color of the equipment. The color scheme was based on the 1988 model. Decorative elements on the caps are painted gold. Winter clothing for men has not changed since the last reform.

Girls in military uniform can now feel comfortable. Dresses and skirts fit comfortably around the body, highlighting feminine beauty. Women's military clothing - olive or blue. In the winter season, a short, fitted coat is used. Female sergeants and enlisted men wear an olive casual uniform. In the warm season, there should be a cap on the head, in the winter - an astrakhan beret, introduced by the latest reform.

Sergeants, soldiers and cadets are deprived of their daily uniform due to uselessness. As an alternative, they are encouraged to wear winter or summer field equipment.

The military uniform of this type in the winter period of the year provides for a gray coat for military personnel (blue for the Air Force and Airborne Forces). For the autumn period, a blue demi-season jacket is provided, for rains in the summer season - an elongated raincoat that does not allow moisture to pass through. Black coloring for additional clothing items (belt, boots and socks).

Modern office uniform of the Russian army

Such a set of clothes is a kind of everyday wear, used by generals, officers and employees of the Ministry of Defense of certain ranks. A military suit of this type resembles the everyday clothes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The kit includes:

  • Soft cap. All military units - green, airborne units were left with a blue beret;
  • A cap-colored shirt with long or short sleeves (the choice depends on the weather). Shoulder straps can be attached to the shoulders with Velcro; a tie is not applicable;
  • White T-shirt (worn under the shirt);
  • Cap-colored trousers and straight-cut shirts.

In the cold season, it is acceptable to use a warm jacket with an office uniform. It is possible to additionally attach a hood. The cap can be replaced with a warm hat with earflaps. Shoulder straps are attached to the shoulders of the suit with Velcro.

Every year the office uniform undergoes minor changes. These include the introduction and abolition of various costume sewing, changing the shape of insignia, etc. It is prohibited to use an office suit as a field suit. Care and rules for wearing a military uniform

The rules for wearing military uniforms are regulated by order 1500 - the suit must always be clean. To keep it that way, you need to know about some of the intricacies of caring for it. Improper washing or drying can spoil the appearance, which will lead to official troubles. Before cleaning clothes, you should read the information on the label.

It is recommended to wash woolen clothes by hand in warm water. If this is not possible, then you can use the washing machine, but the washing mode should be the most gentle. Military clothing sizes can become smaller if washed with hot water. It is prohibited to wring wool products.

Everyday military equipment is less demanding to care for. It can be washed in the washing machine in any mode with any detergent. In addition, the casual suit can withstand water of any temperature.

It is not recommended to clean a beautiful dress uniform at home. It is better to entrust this process to professionals in the dry cleaning service.

The new Russian military clothing, introduced into service in 2018, surpasses the previous generation in all respects. This became possible after refusing to copy American designs, which are unsuitable for the climatic conditions of our country. The military uniform of the Russian Federation is considered one of the best in the world.

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There is a lot of information on Soviet uniforms and equipment on the Internet, but it is scattered and unsystematic. Several years ago I began to be interested in Soviet uniforms and equipment, then it grew into an article. Of course, I am far from being the ultimate truth, so I will be glad if more knowledgeable people correct and supplement the article. I also did not consider emblems and insignia.

First, a little history. Even before the First World War, a uniform appeared in the Russian army, consisting of khaki trousers, a tunic shirt, an overcoat and boots. We have seen it more than once in films about the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars.

Soviet uniform from World War II.

Since then, several uniform reforms have been carried out, but they mainly affected only the dress uniform. The “edgings, shoulder straps, and buttonholes in the uniforms” changed, but the field uniform remained virtually unchanged.

In 1969, the field uniform was finally replaced. The cut of trousers has changed, they have become less baggy. The tunic was replaced with a fully unbuttoned tunic. According to one version, the replacement of the tunic with a jacket was caused by the need to decontaminate clothing in the event of a nuclear war. Removing a radioactive tunic over the head is dangerous to health, so it was recommended to tear it apart, rendering it unusable, which was an unjustified waste of property. The tunic could be unbuttoned and removed without loss.

The tunic of the 1943 model and the closed tunic of the 1969 model.

The form was sewn from dense cotton fabric. The trousers had two regular mortise pockets on the side, the jacket had two mortise pockets at the bottom. Compared to modern types of form, and even by Western standards of that time, this is very little. Shiny buttons and cockades, as well as colored shoulder straps, had to be replaced with green ones in wartime.

Soviet uniform and equipment of the 1969 model. A live illustration of the Rules for wearing military uniforms. Trousers, jacket, cap, boots. Equipment: belt with shoulder straps made of artificial leather. On the belt there is a pouch for magazines (under the soldier’s right hand) and a grenade (under the left hand), and a bayonet-knife. On the shoulders there are duffel bag straps with a chest strap (forming the letter H). The strap of the gas mask bag runs diagonally across the chest.

Soviet uniform and equipment of the 1969 model. On the back there is a duffel bag. A large bag on the side is a gas mask.

Tarpaulin boots

A visual aid to shoe care.

The main footwear was tarpaulin boots with footcloths. Kirza is, roughly speaking, a rubberized tarpaulin. This material was developed before the Great Patriotic War to save leather. The top of the boot is sewn from tarpaulin. The lower part, a kind of "galosh", is sewn from leather, because. when walking, significant loads fall on it, which the tarpaulin will not withstand.

The underwear was in the form of a shirt with long sleeves and long underpants made of white fabric, the so-called. "beluga". In summer it was made of thin cotton, in winter it was made of flannel. Such underwear is still found in the army.

Headdress - cap.

The cap appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, when military aviation began to emerge. Initially, it was called the "folding pilot's hat." A soldier is not allowed to wear a hat. The main headdress then was caps. But the pilots wore a leather flight helmet during the flight, and had to put their cap somewhere. The cap could easily be folded and put in a pocket. Subsequently, the cap became a popular soldier's headdress due to its simplicity and cheapness.

In winter - an overcoat and a hat with earflaps.

Work uniform

There was also a work uniform. It was intended for dirty work such as construction, loading and unloading or equipment repair. The winter version - a padded jacket and trousers reminiscent of a collective farm sweatshirt - could also be worn as a field

Winter work jacket

There were also more advanced items of clothing.

In particular, with some reservations, the traditional division of the basic color of the uniform by type of force for the navy, ground forces and aviation, respectively, black / green / blue, is retained, similar to the uniform worn in various periods by the military of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union , although, strictly speaking, such a division is true, first of all, for the color of ceremonial uniforms (and even then not always).

Comment: a) In the navy there is a wide variety of uniform sets that have different, but also traditional for the Russian fleet, colors, in particular dark blue (for example, flannel, naval suit (working dress)) and white (for example, summer ceremonial and ceremonial dress uniforms for officers to be worn at high air temperatures, as well as a uniform). b) The so-called “green” color of the ground forces uniform, in fact, may imply:
  • The color of the sea wave of the ceremonial uniform of officers of the RF Armed Forces, restored in 2010 (also valid until 1994), which has continuity with the color of the ceremonial uniform of officers of the SV Armed Forces of the USSR, as well as with the color of the uniform of officers of infantry and artillery units of the Russian Empire in the 19th - early 20th centuries .
  • The olive color of the ceremonial and casual uniforms of soldiers and officers of the RF Armed Forces in the period from 1994 to 2010, which, although close in color, is still different from the khaki color (which, strictly speaking, can hardly be called green) of casual and field uniforms (as well as ceremonial uniforms for soldiers) uniforms of soldiers and officers of the USSR Armed Forces and field uniforms of soldiers and officers of the Ground Forces of the Russian Empire (after 1907). Since 2010, the olive color of the dress and casual uniforms of soldiers and the casual uniforms of officers of the RF Armed Forces has acquired an even brighter green hue, so that the color differences have become even stronger.
c) The continuity of the blue color is true for the ceremonial uniform of officers of the Air Force, Airborne Forces and Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR. The blue color of the everyday uniform of officers of these types and branches of the military was not always like this - in the USSR, the everyday uniform of officers for a long time was khaki, like the dress and everyday uniform of soldiers; Only the uniform of the Air Force command staff was entirely blue during the 20–30s. (with breaks).

Also in the RF Armed Forces there are a number of uniforms that were used in the USSR and the Russian Empire.

For example, a general view of the belts and aiguillettes of ceremonial crews and honor guard units on especially solemn occasions, such as parades on Red Square and in other cities on the occasion of state and military holidays, meetings of heads of state and government delegations, ceremonies and the giving of military honors.

In general, historical continuity is also preserved by such insignia as general appearance, shoulder straps and lapel insignia of belonging to one or another branch of the military (service). In particular, the general appearance, color, shape and pattern of shoulder straps (including the weaving of officers' and generals' shoulder straps), as well as the signs and designations on them (straps, gaps, stars) are preserved. Since the times of the Russian Empire, the emblems of belonging to one or another branch of the military/service (lapel and for placement on shoulder straps) of artillery, aviation, troops and communications services, military medical service, and also, since the times of the USSR, tanks have remained virtually unchanged troops (only the type of tank on the emblem has changed).

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Office uniform of the Russian Ground Forces | MILITARY UNIFORM OVERVIEW

    ✪ VKBO vs VKPO Summer field uniform of the RF Armed Forces. Original vs Replica | MILITARY UNIFORM OVERVIEW.

    ✪ Demi-season VKPO/VKBO statutory form for the winter period | MILITARY UNIFORM OVERVIEW

    ✪ Composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were created by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 466 in May 1992. Prior to this, on December 21, 1991, the member countries of the CIS Treaty agreed to maintain a unified command of the Armed Forces until they were reformed. The former Minister of Defense of the USSR, Air Marshal E. I. Shaposhnikov, became the Commander-in-Chief of the united Armed Forces (since February 14, 1992 - the CIS Armed Forces). In March 1992, the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS Allied Forces) and the Main Command of the CIS Allied Forces were formed, which included the former Armed Forces of the USSR (primarily units of the Soviet Army and Navy).

On February 11, 1992, in the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the CIS Armed Forces No. 50 “On temporary changes in military uniforms for the period 1992-1995.” a description was given of “temporary changes” in the uniform, and in fact - a new form of clothing for the transitional period:

  • for marshals and generals, a ceremonial cap was introduced on the model of an everyday one, a ceremonial ceremonial uniform on the model of an everyday tunic, but with ceremonial shoulder straps, ceremonial untucked trousers without stripes, with piping according to the branch of service, and it was also allowed to wear officer-style caps during the summer everyday uniform for the formation;
  • for marshals, generals and colonels, hats were abolished (they were replaced by gray astrakhan hats with ear flaps; for colonels - made of tsigeika fur):
  • the piping on the cuffs of the ceremonial uniforms of officers, warrant officers, long-term servicemen and female military personnel, as well as sleeve insignia according to the branch of service for the last three specified categories, were abolished;
  • a cockade with an emblem was introduced on the crown of the caps of officers, warrant officers and long-term servicemen, the same for everyday and ceremonial uniforms;
  • berets for female military personnel and caps for the ceremonial uniform of conscripts were replaced by officer-style caps;
  • the woolen jacket of marshals, generals, officers, warrant officers and military personnel of long-term service changed the fastening to buttons with a zipper, sewn-in chest pockets with patch pockets (and sewn-in side pockets with zippers also appeared);
  • for marshals, generals and officers and generals, warrant officers and long-term servicemen, ceremonial belts as well as the shoulder belt of leather equipment were excluded;
  • for conscripts and cadets, a wool jacket of a unified type with sewn shoulder straps made of the same material was installed instead of the ceremonial uniform and closed everyday jacket;
  • the letters “SA” on the shoulder straps of conscripts were abolished, while the wearing of metal letters “K” was established on the sewn-in shoulder straps of field jackets and everyday tunics of cadets;
  • the wearing of buttonholes on the collars of woolen and cotton tunics of conscripts and cadets was abolished, while golden emblems (on cotton tunics - protective) were attached to the corners of the collars.

The same document made the following changes to the uniform of the generals, compared to the uniform of the Soviet Army of the 1988 model:

  • the embroidery on ceremonial caps and generals’ uniforms became similar to everyday embroidery and disappeared from the cuffs (along with the soutache piping on the collar and cuffs),
  • The gray ceremonial tunic was paired with untucked trousers, with piping, but without stripes, to match the tunic, as well as a cap with a gray crown and a colored band.

Thus, in the first year after the collapse of the USSR, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continued to wear the military uniform of the Soviet Army, which in general terms repeated the uniform of the 1988 model. True, many officers and generals allowed themselves very serious deviations from the usual standards assigned to them (for example, Lieutenant General A.I. Lebed, judging by photographs, often appeared in a blue uniform with ceremonial shoulder straps and awards and a blue cap with the Air Force emblem on the crown, assigned to generals of the Air Force, but not the Airborne Forces), especially in the field conditions of multiple conflicts in post-Soviet territory.

By October 1992, the first proposals of the Logistics Service on the uniform of the RF Armed Forces were ready, based on the experimental developments of the second half of the 80s. In May 1993, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army P. S. Grachev, in a special directive, determined the need to switch to a new uniform by 1995. At the same time, the transition was planned to be gradual, it was allowed to wear things from old sets and the old model, guided by the same Rules wearing military uniforms 1988

In October 1992, the draft of a new military uniform was considered by members of the military board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and received their approval (Decision of the President of the Russian Federation of October 24, 1992 No. Pr-1873). After experimental wearing of the new uniform by military personnel at the Nizhny Novgorod Higher Military School of Logistics, the Ryazan Higher Military Airborne Command School, and in the troops of the Moscow, Leningrad and other military districts in 1992-1994, some changes and additions were made to the draft of the new uniform. Thus, for conscripts to wear in full dress uniform, a cap and jacket of the type established for officers and warrant officers was introduced, and the wearing of cotton uniforms was extended to the winter casual uniform.

The question of the military heraldry of the Armed Forces remained uncertain. The Minister himself put on a new uniform in the summer-autumn of 1993 - with a Soviet general's cockade on his cap. In the same way, all military personnel were ordered to wear a uniform - until the issue of military and state symbols was resolved.

Finally, in May 1994, a new uniform was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (dated May 23, 1994, No. 1010). By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 1994 No. 255, “ Rules for the wearing by military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of military uniforms and insignia by military rank approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation" However, a detailed description of some items of uniform and the rules for wearing them took place much later - almost four years later (PR. MO No. 210, 03.28.1997; PR. MO No. 15, 01.14.98).

Badge of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The very first element of the new uniform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was a patch (badge) "RUSSIA. Armed forces", established in the summer of 1992 to be worn by all military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the left sleeve on all types of uniforms. The patch was a black shield with a gold inner border, a tricolor and corresponding golden inscriptions at the top and bottom of the tricolor. With minor changes, the sleeve insignia of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 1994, although its official description was given only in the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 1998 (No. 15). A similar patch with the image of the State Emblem of the USSR and the inscription "Armed Forces of the USSR" in a circle was developed back in the late 1980s, but remained at the project stage.

This insignia was supposed, first of all, to officially distinguish a Russian serviceman (as a combatant) from the general mass of former Soviet military men throughout the post-Soviet space, wearing out the old Soviet military uniform (including from a number of different, not always official, armed formations in the former republics of the USSR that are not related to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), as well as to distinguish it from many internal Russian armed structures that also appeared at that time in large quantities (MB RF, later FSK Russia and FSB Russia, as well as the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia), also legally wearing the uniform of the USSR Armed Forces. At the same time, it was assumed that the privates and non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces would wear a plastisol badge, and officers and warrant officers would wear a woven badge, but the first option turned out to be more convenient, economical and practical for everyone at first.

Subsequently, not only state-owned enterprises, but also various private firms were allowed to produce signs - hence the variety of badges, differing in manufacturing technology (from PVC and paint to silk-screen printing and embroidery), color shades, fonts, as well as additional elements. Some senior officers and generals could afford to have a badge made to order, for example, for a dress uniform.

Summer uniform

The adopted form differed significantly from the Soviet one in the direction of simplification. According to the nomenclature, the new uniform contained 1.5 times fewer items than the uniform of the USSR Armed Forces. First of all, in the Ground Forces and the Air Force, the officer's dress uniform in sea green and blue, as well as the steel-gray general's uniform, was abolished. Colored shoulder straps (for soldiers and sergeants), colored cap bands and buttonholes on jackets and overcoats were abolished. Depending on the specific item of clothing, the emblems of the military branches were placed in the corners of the collar or on the shoulder straps.

For everyday and dress uniforms of the Ground Forces and Airborne Forces, a single basic olive color was established; for the Air Force - blue. The first received a red device (except for the airborne forces, air defense, and ground forces aviation - here the device was blue), the second - blue.

External images
Samples summer uniform clothes Armed Forces. From 1997 (according to the Rules 1997 until 1997 on the crown there is an image of the State Coat of the Russian of the RF).
Samples winter uniform clothes Armed Forces. From 1997 (according to the Rules 1997 until 1997 on the crown there is an image of the State Coat of the Russian of the RF).

The casual cap of a basic color with piping (according to the device) did not differ from the dress cap and, in general, repeated the general design of the cap of officers of the Soviet Army. A ribbon of a basic color was attached to the band (for generals, with an embroidered ornament of laurel leaves, slightly changed in 1994 in proportions and design compared to the Soviet model) with a pattern reminiscent of the braid pattern on the shoulder straps of long-term conscripts; all generals, officers, warrant officers and contract sergeants received a filigree strap, while conscript soldiers received a lacquered one.

As a winter headgear, all military personnel were installed fur hat with earflaps(for colonels and generals - by special order, from gray astrakhan fur). An officer could order a hat at his own expense from improved fur (astrakhan) for wearing outside of duty.

For all military personnel (including women) it was introduced as the main headdress. cap base color, with instrument-colored piping and a slightly modified cut (compared to the Soviet model) - rectangular, with a high central part, fan holes were located on the right side of the upper side. On the cap, in addition to the cockade, a tricolor was initially attached to the left (sewn on woven (early samples from 1992) or metal, on clips (1993 and later)).

The military personnel of the Airborne Forces were left blue beret- with a new cockade and installed emblems, as on caps.

Instead of the ceremonial uniform and everyday jacket, a unified single-breasted uniform was introduced for all military personnel. jacket jacket without edging with patch pockets and buttons on the flaps, with sewn shoulder straps. The ceremonial uniform differed from the everyday uniform of officers and generals only in the gold metal shoulder straps. The ceremonial shoulder straps on the jackets of super-conscripts and conscripts did not differ from everyday ones. At the ends of the generals' collars, golden-yellow laurel leaves were embroidered in a slightly different design than in the 1988 samples. Officers, warrant officers and conscripts had golden insignia for the branches of the military. For superconscripts and privates, these badges were often of a simplified design, at first of the Soviet type, which were preserved in abundance in the warehouses of the Voentorg. In 1994-1995 new signs were introduced - slightly larger than the old, Soviet ones, partially modified (for example, in tank troops). Images on the emblems of the military branches were placed in wreaths of laurel branches (the latter circumstance caused criticism from many officers who believed that the signs were difficult to read in such “funeral” wreaths).

They relied on the jacket untucked trousers(officers and long-term conscripts, that is, all contract servicemen, still have colored piping, and generals have instrument-colored stripes) with black boots. The uniform was accompanied by a black leather belt with a golden two-pronged frame buckle. Out of formation, the belt was not worn. Boots for everyday uniforms were universally abolished and retained as an exception only in honor guard companies. Yufte and tarpaulin boots (with wide tops, tightened around the calves with straps) were reserved for working and field uniforms.

Worn under my jacket shirt with a tie of basic color (in the Air Force - black), with chest pockets with buttons on the flaps, with full dress uniform White shirt. The shirt could be worn without a jacket, with attached braided shoulder straps of a basic color, with gaps and signs according to the branch of service. A shirt with a tie was also worn with a wool jacket with a zipper. For hot weather, a shirt with shoulder straps, without a tie, and with short sleeves was allowed.

Winter uniform

Overcoats were replaced with "winter short coat" basic color of a single cut - both for generals (with instrument-colored piping on the collar, cuffs, sides, strap and pockets) and officers (without edging), and for privates: double-breasted, with five buttons for wearing with folded lapels, with the possibility of fastening in cold weather, a fur collar (for officers). There was no difference between a dress coat and a casual coat either in cut or in the elements of the set. The shoulder straps for outerwear were also the same (except for the field uniform). A white muffler was required for the winter dress uniform, and black gloves for the winter uniform for all military personnel.

It was installed and shortened to the hip line demi-season raincoat(base color without edging); in cold weather, officers and generals were also allowed to fasten a fur collar, including astrakhan fur, to the collar of this coat - just like with a winter coat.

Initially, it was not planned to place any elements or fittings on the collars of the generals’ coats, however, already on the experimental samples, P. Grachev made an amendment to decorate the collar of the general’s coat with a fitting in the form of stamped tin leaves fastened with metal tendrils. In the final version, they returned to the buttonholes of basic cloth with gold edging and sewing in the form of laurel leaves, similar to the design of the overcoat buttonholes of Soviet generals.

The demi-season raincoat, in general, repeated the design of the 1988 sample raincoat with a change in the basic colors and insignia.

The uniform of female military personnel has changed significantly - the cut of the jacket (with two buttons, without breast pockets), coat (with a hidden fastener with a fur collar), and tie has become new; a dress (of a basic color) was supposed to go with the jacket, and straight trousers to go with the woolen jacket.

Field uniform

At first glance, it remains virtually unchanged field uniform- camouflage colors, cut 1984-1988, with the exception of high-lace-up boots (“ Bertsev"), new insignia and new symbols. Boots were often replaced with yuft and tarpaulin boots (as practice has shown, in some cases they are even more comfortable than boots, including in combat situations). On summer and winter jackets, established sleeve patches were sewn on (there was no color difference between the patches on the field, casual and dress uniforms), the emblems of the military branches were placed on the collars - the same as on the casual uniform, but steel-gray (“muted”) colors. Since 1994, stripes indicating the branch of service and the emblem of the branch of service, as well as the blood type and Rh factor (R(+)(-)) of the serviceman (yellow stamped PVC pattern) began to be placed on the chest of a serviceman’s jacket or peacoat (above the breast pockets). on a black background). The orders did not indicate what kind of camouflage pattern should be used, however, film and photo documents, including those of the first Chechen campaign (“Measures to establish constitutional order in the Chechen Republic”), show that in the first half of the 90s it was widely used camouflage of the “oak” or “butane” type, instead of the “birch” type, which has moved away from widespread practice, remaining, however, in a number of special forces units, as well as in the Border Troops. In 1993, a camouflage pattern of a new color appeared (VSR-93, the so-called “vertical”), and in 1998 - VSR-98 (“flora”, another option is “watermelon”).

For many items of field uniform, the cut, location of pockets and belt, fasteners, etc. were changed. In the production of winter uniforms, it was planned to actively use polymers to reduce the wear and contamination of clothing, increase its light resistance and camouflage properties. True, in conditions of economic difficulties, most of these innovations remained on paper.

Elements of heraldry and insignia

In 1994, stripes appeared on the right sleeves of all types of military uniforms, indicating membership in one or another branch of the military, duplicating the signs on the collar. The patches were black circles with yellow edging outlines and white inscriptions, yellow emblems in green wreaths (all drawings and inscriptions were made of colored PVC). The wearing of stripes on the right sleeve was determined by the unit commander. The recommendations stipulated that a serviceman could sew the emblem of a district, type of force, specific unit or formation (if any) on his right sleeve - by order of his immediate superior. It was forbidden to sew more than one emblem on a sleeve.

This actually legitimized the extremely widespread practice of the first half of the 90s, when various units and units, including the so-called “elite” (aerobatic teams of fighters, long-range aviation, airborne units, special forces, 201 MSD, based in the territory Tajikistan, even some military commissariats, etc.) on their own initiative, with the public or tacit support of the command, developed, manufactured and wore their own emblems. The question of centralized approval of such emblems or bringing them to a single model was not raised during this period - the matter was left to the local authorities and the responsibility, since it was believed that such decoration could raise the rather low prestige of military service and the authority of the army among the population, especially youth. In the absence of such an emblem, the serviceman could always decorate the empty sleeve with the standard, officially approved emblem of the military branch.

The stripes for the years of training of cadets of military educational institutions were retained - now these stripes have taken the form of golden (yellow) chevrons (corners) made of PVC on a fabric base of the base color (or a couple of tones darker). They were placed on the right sleeve under the all-army badge of belonging to the RF Armed Forces.

Shoulder straps on all types of military clothing, the shape was changed to a hexagonal one with a small button at the top and became smaller in size (not reaching the collar of the jacket or coat, and also became slightly narrower in width). The ceremonial shoulder straps of officers and generals remained gold with edging and gaps in the instrument color. The ceremonial shoulder straps of long-term conscripts did not differ from everyday ones and had instrument-colored piping on the sides of the shoulder straps. Sergeants and foremen were given metal corners (instead of stripes) as insignia (see Military ranks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1994-2010)). The general layout of insignia on shoulder straps remains the same. .

Perhaps the most difficult issue was the problem of the combined arms symbol - the cockade or emblem on the headdress. Not least of all, this was due to the uncertainty of the state symbols of the Russian Federation during this period, when the more or less established symbol was only the tricolor state flag, already used on cockades in the symbols of the police. A variant of a return to the pre-revolutionary cockade of the Russian Imperial Army (a convex oval of silver rays converging towards the center (officers), or a smooth silver oval with a border along the edge (lower ranks), in the center there are alternating ovals of gold (officers) or orange inscribed into each other ( lower ranks) and black with a black oval directly in the center) were not considered because they did not contain heraldic references to the symbols of the Russian Federation. In December 1993, by Decree of the President, the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation was established - a golden double-headed eagle on a scarlet shield with a silver horseman on the chest - however, on the cockades approved on April 5, 1994 by the decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, these colors were also absent.

New cockade was an analogue in shape of the pre-revolutionary model or the Soviet officer’s cockade (“nut”, “nut”), but somewhat smaller in size and simplified in shape. The design of the cockade was the same for all military personnel: a convex volumetric ellipse with a corrugated surface in the form of golden rays converging towards the center, in the center - alternating ellipses of orange (2 pieces) and black (2 pieces) inscribed into each other with a black solid ellipse directly in the center. On top of the black and orange design was a golden star elongated in its shape with smooth straight rays. Heraldically (and formally) the cockade was a symbol not of the Russian Federation, but of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, that is, it denoted the departmental, and not the state, affiliation of the serviceman. The cockade for the field uniform was made in green, greenish-gray, gray or steel-gray versions with the same dimensions and design. The cockade was worn on all hats with all types of clothing by all military personnel.

All military personnel wore caps and field caps cockade established sample (in the latter case - in the field version). For warrant officers, officers and generals on berets and hats with earflaps, the cockade was worn with emblem in the form of ten laurel leaves framing it; A cockade with exactly the same emblem was worn on the caps of officers and warrant officers (the emblems embroidered on the band were not widely used in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, unlike, for example, the units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs). On the caps of generals, the cockade was worn with sewing of the established pattern (1994), sergeants and soldiers - without an emblem and sewing.

On the crown of the caps of officers and generals was attached a golden metal State Emblem of the Russian Federation established design with a red enamel shield on the chest. The flight emblem on the crowns of the Airborne Forces, aviation pilots of the Ground Forces and the Air Force was cancelled. Such placement of the coat of arms was justified, since in this situation it was the coat of arms, and not the cockade, that heraldically determined the state affiliation of the serviceman. However, the caps of warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers were not covered by the coat of arms. This placement of state symbols led to an inevitable constructive increase in the crowns of officers' and generals' caps and the latter acquiring a characteristic shape ( "airfield", "pinochet"), serving as food for army jokes and anecdotes. Since 1995, coats of arms embroidered with gold thread and colored silk have become increasingly common among senior command personnel.

Marks of Excellence

For military personnel of the Guards units (ships) and formations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a new badge “Guard” has been approved, which is a convex St. George’s cross, covered with white enamel, the side and lower ends of which are located against the background of the St. George’s ribbon, and the top - against the background of the fluttering State flag Russian Federation with a shaft and a golden brush. In the center of the St. George Cross there is a round plate covered with red enamel and framed by a golden laurel wreath, in the center of which is a golden image of St. George the Victorious on horseback, slaying a dragon with a spear. Plates are placed on the upper and lower parts of the laurel wreath: at the top - with the golden inscription “Guard” on a black background; below - with the inscription “Russia” in black on a golden background. The sign is made of metal. Its height is 43 mm, width is 33 mm, and on the reverse side there is a device for attaching to clothing.

Metal breastplates for military personnel who graduated from military educational institutions have also undergone changes, the uniform of which remains the same, but on their front side, instead of the State Emblem of the former USSR, the State Emblem of the Russian Federation is now located - quadrangular, with rounded lower corners, a red heraldic shield pointed at the tip with a golden double-headed eagle. Since 2007, the main figure of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation has been placed directly in the center of the sign; for military personnel who graduated from military educational institutions with honors, intersecting oak and laurel branches of golden color are placed below it. For military personnel who have graduated from secondary military educational institutions, an image of the emblem of the Armed Forces is installed in the center of the sign. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 25 of January 15, 2001 confirmed the wearing of badges by military personnel who graduated from the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval, military music schools and cadet, naval cadet, music cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

New badges for class specialists of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and “Warrior-athlete” badges have also been introduced.

The badge of class specialists for officers, warrant officers and midshipmen, except for aviation flight personnel, is a figured shield superimposed on a silver anchor, two crossed swords and unfolded wings with beams of golden-colored rays emerging from under them. In the center of the shield is the letter “M” or the number 1, 2 or 3, covered with white enamel and correspondingly indicating the class of the specialist: master, specialist of 1, 2 and 3rd class. The field of the shield, covered with blue enamel, is bordered along the contour by a strip covered with white enamel with golden rivets. The sign is made of metal. Its height is 28 mm, width is 68 mm. On the reverse side there is a device for attaching to clothing.

The design of the badge of class specialists for petty officers, sergeants, soldiers and sailors and the badge “Warrior-Sportsman” of three degrees remained without significant changes.

The badges of the class qualifications of military aviation flight personnel are unfolded wings, in the center of which there is a figured shield, superimposed on two crossed swords, located with the tips down. At the top of the shield there is a five-pointed star of golden color, the two lower rays of which are superimposed on the shield. The shield is framed by silver branches emerging from its base: oak on the left and laurel on the right - for military sniper pilots, sniper navigators; oak, ending with laurel on the left and right - for military pilots (navigators) 1st class; oak left and right - for military pilots (navigators) of the 2nd class. On the badges of military pilots (navigators) of the 3rd class and those without a class, there is no frame of branches. The surface of the shield is covered with blue enamel. On the shield of the badge of a military pilot-sniper, navigator-sniper there is a convex silhouette of an aircraft directed to the left, and below there is a plate covered with red enamel with a golden inscription, respectively: “Pilot-sniper” or “Navigator-sniper”. In the center of the shield of the insignia of military pilots of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes there are, respectively, the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in red, and for military navigators there is a bomb with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 on it, also in red. On the shield of signs of pilots and navigators who do not have a class, there are no numbers. All metal surfaces of the sign, except for oak and laurel branches, are golden in color. The badge is stamped from metal. On the reverse side there is a device for attaching to clothing.

New in clothing form

Many items were radically changed in cut (to increase ergonomics) or in fabric composition, some were introduced for the first time in domestic practice:

  • semi-woolen knitted sweater, cap and balaclava to increase the heat-protective properties of the winter field clothing of military personnel, as well as for wearing in cold weather in the spring-autumn period with summer field clothing;
  • insulated rubber boots for wearing in cold and humid climates, which are shoes with rubber heads, waterproof nylon tops, fastened with a zipper;
  • a bag for carrying and storing field clothing and personal items, made of waterproof nylon fabric with variable capacity (large, medium, small);
  • a duffel backpack instead of a duffel bag made of waterproof nylon camouflage fabric with two voluminous pockets on the outside, length-adjustable shoulder straps and lacing on the sides, allowing you to change its volume;
  • camouflage cover for a steel helmet made of camouflage fabric;
  • a new type of sleeping bag made from materials that ensure that a serviceman can stay in a sleeping bag for six hours at a temperature of −(minus)20°C;
  • thermal insulating mat (“foam”) made of polyethylene foam, used as bedding under a sleeping bag; The mat on one side is brightly colored to facilitate visual search for wounded military personnel.


In accordance with general trends, the ceremonial dress code has changed. ORPC(more precisely, two companies of the OBPC) of the 154th separate regiment of the military commandant’s office of Moscow. The Army platoon received a uniform with an olive base color, the Air Force platoon with blue, and the Navy with black. The cut of almost all elements of the uniform (tunics, caps, ties, shirts) was similar to the general army one. The exceptions were breeches with piping for wearing in boots (as well as the chrome boots themselves, left especially for the ORPK for the convenience of ceremonial marching and performing drill techniques) and an overcoat with five buttons along the side, which retained the general cut of the Soviet officer's overcoat (in the form of belt and boots, the overcoat was worn strictly buttoned up, while the overcoat-coat of the Ground Forces and Air Force, model 1994, was worn only with open lapels). A white muffler was supposed to be under the overcoat.

The winter uniform included a hat with earflaps made of gray astrakhan fur, with a cockade and emblem; Officers wearing an overcoat in cold weather with a ceremonial uniform were allowed to wear an astrakhan collar. The emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the ORPC, worn on the left and right sleeves of tunics and overcoats, was embroidered with colored silk or gimp and had a edging made of twisted gilded cord of natural gilding (for this reason, the chevron was subject to mandatory surrender upon dismissal or damage).

The ORPK has retained the traditional ceremonial elements of the uniform - gilded officer belts (now required for both soldiers and sergeants), gold embroidered emblems for cockades, gold leaves along the edge of the visor of caps, gold shoulder straps for officers, soldiers and sergeants (the latter with brass letters "VS" " in Slavic script), aiguillettes for tunics and overcoats, the chest emblem of the PKK in the form of an elongated five-pointed star. Small golden stylized laurel leaves were attached to the collars of tunics and overcoats.

This uniform for the honor guard units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was approved on June 4, 1995. by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 186.

Units used as an honor guard in the field (as a rule, cadets of local higher educational institutions or military personnel of commandant companies were used in this capacity) traditionally borrowed some elements of the uniform of the Moscow ORPK (for example, white gloves and aiguillettes, occasionally bleached belts), however, as a rule , their uniform was not much different from the general dress uniform: for example, they wore coats with open lapels, and did not wear cowhide boots with chrome heads at all.

Parade May 9, 1995 Uniform for army generals

A unique showcase of the new form was the celebrations dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and their culmination - parades on Red Square (on foot, with the participation of veterans) and on Poklonnaya Hill (with a military display). technology and aviation) May 9 1995

Especially for the parades, emblems were developed according to the branches and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of a special design made of yellow PVC on a colored cloth base (artist - V.K. Rozhkov), approved by the Minister of Defense on March 31, 1995. The emblems were supposed to be worn on the right sleeve. Since they were produced in a limited edition, only for participants in the parade in Moscow in 1995, their wearing quickly ceased.

In addition, participants in the parade squads received white gloves, traditional for Soviet parades, yellow silk aiguillettes on the right shoulder, Soviet-style ceremonial officer belts and daggers, bleached belts (for cadets of some educational institutions and the combined orchestra), as well as a twisted golden edging cord on the right shoulder. sleeve insignia of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, similar to the one already existing in the OBK of the 154th OKP, but without gilding.

In a new, but not officially established dress uniform, Army General P. S. Grachev appeared at the parade on Poklonnaya Hill, who, as the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, accepted the parade (on Red Square, the Minister's uniform was the established ceremonial weekend one, with gold shoulder straps and a white shirt, but without awards, ailets, gloves and ceremonial belt). Elements of the new ceremonial combat uniform of the army general explicitly or implicitly copied elements of the uniform of the Marshals of the Soviet Union while maintaining the basic elements of the new military uniform of the Russian Federation (color, cut, style, etc.). The army general's cap was decorated with the State Emblem of the Russian Federation embroidered in colored silk, the cockade on the band was framed by oak rather than laurel leaves, and the same leaves were located on the visor of the cap under a contour gilded roller along the edge of the visor. The filigree strap was replaced with a leather strap with gilded embroidery - in the form of a stylized garland of oak leaves, tied with a ribbon. Oak leaves adorned the collar and cuffs of the Minister’s ceremonial jacket, and along the edge of the collar and cuffs there was a thin golden soutache piping.

On May 11, 1995 (that is, after the holiday), all these non-statutory changes were formally legalized as for the front door, and for everyday form all army generals . On everyday uniforms, the laurel leaves on the collar were also replaced with oak leaves, and in the fall of 1995, army generals had laurel leaves replaced with oak leaves and on the buttonholes of their coats.

Some features of the first half of the 90s

The characteristic special features of this period include the following:

  • many innovations were introduced randomly, without being formalized by relevant orders, directives, rules (or formalized retroactively), and were also random in nature, not systemic;
  • the top leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation received, in fact, a free hand in matters of military uniforms and military symbols, which they took advantage of, often embodying their own aesthetic principles in certain projects, loosely connecting them with traditions and economic opportunities , expediency and basic comfort in wearing;
  • for many military personnel, these aesthetic experiments had the opposite effect: during the crisis of the first half of the 90s, the production and wearing of military uniforms became an expensive pleasure, and the production itself was often, for economic reasons, entirely at the expense of military personnel, without compensation for costs; hence the desire to save money by wearing field uniforms made of relatively cheap and affordable camouflage, locally and out of place, even in capital cities;
  • conscripts in the provinces and distant garrisons, often until the early 2000s. continued to wear Soviet uniforms (with appropriate changes - new sleeve insignia, cockades, with the letters “SA” removed from shoulder straps, and buttonholes from the collars of tunics and greatcoats, etc.) due to the lack of new kits in warehouses or the economic impossibility of them ordering and acquisition by the military department;
  • huge stocks of uniforms remaining from the Soviet Army in army warehouses (plus those exported from the Warsaw Pact countries in the early 90s) with the relative (given the economic problems of the 90s) high cost of new sets forced the rear services to use, in order to save money, first of all, it is the Soviet legacy;
  • In practice, such “exotic” options were also encountered, such as sewing a new type of uniform, but not from olive-colored textiles, but from khaki-colored material, established for the everyday uniform of the Soviet Army, which was also available in warehouses in large quantities.


In the second half of the 90s. Changes in military uniforms continue, but they are now more focused, professional and more or less integral and complete.

March 27, 1997 By order of the Minister of Defense, new “Rules for wearing military uniforms by military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”.

Systematization of military heraldic symbols

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 27, 1997 No. 46, “ military heraldic sign - emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" The badge is a double-headed eagle of golden color, in general terms reminiscent of the State Emblem of the Russian Empire, adopted under Emperor Nicholas I: with sharp, lowered wings, on the chest there is a specially shaped shield, with a white horseman in a red field; in its paws the eagle clutches a sword and a laurel wreath; the symbol is crowned with an imperial crown. In accordance with the “Regulations on the military heraldic sign...”, it could serve as the basis for the development of other elements of military heraldry, primarily emblems of the Armed Forces.

After the approval of the heraldic sign by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 1997 No. 210, new ones were approved Rules for wearing military uniforms by military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The wearing of an eagle with a design of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation on the crowns of everyday and ceremonial caps of officers and generals was canceled, the wearing of a heraldic sign of yellow metal was established (embroidery of the sign with gold thread or colored silk was allowed). The tricolor on caps and berets was also abolished, replaced by a heraldic sign of a smaller size than on caps.

In 1997, the development of emblems for the Armed Forces began, which was completed a few years later. In each case, a heraldic sign was taken as a basis, and its color or the objects in the eagle’s paws changed. The emblem was developed in two forms:

a) on a woven sleeve badge;

b) on a metal breastplate on a jacket (on a screw) and on a shirt (when worn without a jacket) - on a leather strap with a fastening to the button of the right breast pocket.

Moreover, each emblem could ultimately be produced in three versions: large (image of symbolic objects on an instrument background in a silver or gold wreath, topped with the heraldic sign of the RF Armed Forces), medium (an eagle with symbolic objects in its paws), small (image of symbolic objects on the instrument background).

By Order of the Russian Ministry of Defense No. 210 dated March 28, 1997, sleeve emblems for the branches of the Armed Forces are introduced on the right sleeve, without canceling the existing emblems for the branches of the military. The sleeve insignia was a cloth circle of a certain color (with a colored edging) in the center of which was placed a stylized eagle modeled on the emblem of the RF Armed Forces, holding in its paws certain symbolic objects of gold or silver color. In a more or less completed version by the beginning of the 2000s. The picture was as follows (field color, edging color in brackets):

  • red (gold) - Ground Forces,
  • black - Navy (gold), General Staff (orange), Air Defense (blue; badge canceled in 2004).
  • blue - Air Force (gold, red since 2004), Airborne Forces (red, green since 2005), air defense aviation (black; badge canceled in 2004).
  • dark blue - Strategic Missile Forces (red), VKS (this emblem did not initially contain the image of an eagle); in 1997, the Aerospace Forces became part of the Strategic Missile Forces, then the Space Forces (KV) from 2002 again with an emblem on a blue (dark blue) background with a blue edging,
  • light blue (or cyan) - aviation of the Ground Forces (gold) - the badge was canceled in the early 2000s due to the entry of the DIA into the Air Force.

In the early 2000s. The emblem of the Rear Front of the RF Armed Forces appeared - a silver eagle, a silver edging, a crimson field.

By Order of the Ministry of Defense of January 14, 1998 No. 15, employees of the Central Office and units directly related to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation were given a gold emblem with a gold edging of the sign on an olive (in the color of the uniform) field, with an additional edging of the sign along the contour with red piping.

This sign was changed by Order No. 425 of December 17, 2004. According to it, military personnel who do not belong to any branch of the Armed Forces (for example, employees of the Central Army of the Moscow Region, security units of the central bodies of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, doctors of central hospitals, employees of military registration and enlistment offices or military commandant's offices, cadets of some higher educational institutions) received a general arms emblem, similar to the emblem of the Ground Forces, but with silver rather than gold instrument metal.

The sleeve badge could be made from PVC, colored silk or metallized thread, either centrally or on an individual order, in compliance with technical conditions. Emblems embroidered with colored metallized threads were in great demand - especially for officers to wear with their dress uniforms.

At the end of the 90s. By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, other sleeve insignia were established:

  • sleeve insignia of nationality for military representatives in foreign countries (a badge in the form of a shield with a pointed lower and convex upper side, in the center of which there is an image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation; in the upper part of the badge there is the inscription “Russia”; along the perimeter of the field of the badge there is an edging; the coat of arms, inscription and edging are golden, the field of the shield and sign is red.);
  • for contingents of military personnel participating in peacekeeping activities, an insignia has been established according to their belonging to a special contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, taking part in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security (The insignia is in the form of a rectangle, in the center of which the letters “MS” are located. By There is an edging around the perimeter of the sign field (the letters and edging are golden in color, the sign field is blue).

In the early 2000s. The development of signs and emblems continues intensively with very effective attempts to streamline the already existing diversity of emblems of specific units and formations. These emblems were often the product of private initiative and appeared, as a rule, in the first half of the 90s. It should be noted that most of these self-created initiative emblems could not pass the approval procedure in special heraldic organizations of the RF Ministry of Defense, because their symbolic and color range, as well as the general design, often not only did not correspond, but also contradicted the requirements of heraldry.

However, by 2003-2004. Sleeve emblems of the Main Commands of the Armed Forces, individual headquarters, formations, units (for example, the General Staff and its Directorates, commandant companies, commandant's offices, units of the Russian Federation Spetsstroy, etc.), as well as research institutes, higher military educational institutions and training centers begin to appear . All emblems were approved and developed centrally. The basis of all emblems was a cloth circle of the established color with a colored edging along the edge. A characteristic feature of these emblems is the use in the design of ribbons of Soviet orders with which the unit was awarded: thus, on the emblem of the 15th Central Scientific Research Institute, the ribbon of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was placed, and the MVVKU - the Orders of Lenin, OR and BKZ. Guards units and formations and their successors were given a Guards St. George ribbon instead of an edging.

By Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2000 No. 625, the Regulations on the military heraldic signs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were put into effect. The regulations determined the composition and purpose of the military heraldic symbols of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this provision, orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation approved the military heraldic insignia of the branches of the Armed Forces, branches of troops (services) and changes were made to the description of sleeve insignia and lapel insignia - emblems of the branches of the Armed Forces, branches of troops (services).

By Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2004 No. 425, the wearing of sleeve insignia for belonging to the RF Armed Forces and the RF Navy (“tricolor”, “Russia”) was abolished. The emblems of districts, commands, headquarters, educational institutions or specific units moved to the left sleeve of military personnel - in accordance with the order of the immediate superior. The emblems of the Armed Forces, the Central Office of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense were still sewn onto the right sleeve. For example, cadets and teachers of the Military University wore the emblem of the university on their left sleeve, and the emblem of the Ministry of Defense on their right sleeve. All emblems became uniform in design and size; the basis for the emblem was the emblem of the higher structure. Emblems were now approved centrally on the recommendation of the Military Heraldic Service of the RF Ministry of Defense; no unauthorized initiative from below was now allowed in these matters.

Particular changes in the second half of the 90s - early 2000s.

In 1997, the army generals on their shoulder straps had one large star with an emblem replaced with four smaller stars, like all other generals (as was already the case in the Soviet Army until the mid-70s). In the same year, but somewhat later, special distinctions in dress and everyday uniforms were abolished for army generals, making them equal to other generals, which was reflected in the new Rules. The insignia for army generals that had existed since Soviet times was also abolished - the Marshal's star on a tie (although, in fact, it was awarded even after the formal abolition, for example, to I. Kvashnin in November 1997, since there were unawarded copies in the Gokhran funds) . A set of oak leaves, special elements of the dress uniform with special sewing on the cap were left only to the Marshals of the Russian Federation - this title was received at the end of November 1997 by the new Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation I. D. Sergeev. Marshals were also allowed to wear the coat of arms on the crown (instead of the heraldic emblem of the RF Armed Forces).

Instead of removable shoulder straps, instead of removable shoulder straps, for military personnel (except senior officers) to wear on summer raincoats, sewn shoulder straps were introduced from the fabric of the top of the raincoats with a field of the base color, without edgings or gaps. On the sewn-in shoulder straps of the raincoats, it is established to wear golden insignia for military ranks (stars and squares) and emblems for the branches of the Armed Forces, branches of the military (services).

On January 23, 2002, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 82, in order to “further reform” and “unification,” the blue uniform of officers, generals, warrant officers, sergeants and privates of the Air Force and Aerospace Forces was abolished. The general color of the uniform of the Russian Armed Forces became olive, and identification of a serviceman by the appearance of the uniform was impossible. Identification was now served by piping on the cap, gaps in shoulder straps, edging of golden ceremonial shoulder straps, emblems for types and branches of troops (services) on the collar or shoulder straps, as well as new sleeve insignia for types and branches of troops, services, formations, military units.

The first to wear the new uniform were participants in the May parade on Red Square (students and command staff of the air force academies), as well as senior officers of the central command and headquarters of the Air Force. However, the corresponding order of the Ministry of Defense in pursuance of the Presidential Decree was never issued, and therefore aviators, far from Moscow parades, continued to wear blue uniforms until 2008-2010.

On August 13, 2004, by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 240 for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, new insignia for types and branches of troops (services) were installed on the collar or shoulder straps - without wreaths, partially returning the design to the emblems of the times of the USSR and even the Russian Empire. The motorized rifle troops now received their own emblem.

In May 2005, the papa hat with a gray cloth top trimmed with golden soutache, made of astrakhan fur, was reintroduced for colonels and generals.

Another attempt was made to change the signs on headdresses, primarily the cockade. In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 8, 2005 No. 531 (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2006 No. 921), Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2006 No. 395 introduced a single cockade for military personnel in the form of an elongated hemisphere with lateral surface consisting of 32 dihedral rays of golden color with grooved edges. The central part of the cockade is flat and consists of an ellipse and concentric stripes: the first (outer) is covered with orange enamel, the second is black, the third is orange, the ellipse located in the middle is covered with black enamel. The replacement of the badges was planned gradually - by all persons in military service in federal departments, and not just in the Armed Forces.

A unique symbol of the new stage of change, beginning with the arrival of the new Minister of Defense (A. Serdyukov became him in 2007), as often happened, were some moments of the May 9, 2007 Parade on Red Square, which differed from the existing Rules. Thus, airborne paratroopers marched in front of the stands in vests worn under their tunics with blue sewn-on shoulder straps. The trumpeters of the Combined Orchestra of the Moscow Military District now have “swallow’s nests” on their sleeves - semicircular flaps of red cloth with white trim above the top of the sleeves - like the musicians of the military bands of the Russian Imperial Army.


New reforms

In 2007, after the arrival of new leadership at the Ministry of Defense headed by A.E. Serdyukov, an active discussion began on the reform of the military uniform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On the one hand, it was necessary to optimize the production and manufacture of field uniforms, taking into account both the two past campaigns in Chechnya, and in terms of price-quality ratio.

On the other hand, the military needed to be distinguished from the mass of employees of the “law enforcement agencies” and their units dressed in olive uniforms. Uniforms similar to military ones were worn by the agencies and troops of the FSB of Russia, the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia (and before it the tax police), the FSO of Russia, and so on. In 2005, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, a direct ban was introduced on the wearing in “civil departments” of a uniform similar to the uniform of military personnel of the Armed Forces. The same was confirmed by the Decree of 03/11/10: “ uniforms and insignia of persons who are not military personnel cannot be similar to military uniforms and insignia of military personnel". Despite the fact that the “security” departments took a number of steps aimed at introducing clear differences between their own uniforms and the military ones, there was a need to specifically specify the military uniforms.

Finally, the eternal dispute between unification (cheapness, interchangeability and simplicity) and “beautification” (increasing the prestige of the service), as well as the proclaimed transition to a contract basis and large-scale reform of the entire structure of the Armed Forces - all this led to the fact that transformations in the field of military uniforms are overdue and became an urgent necessity in the new conditions.

The main objects of the new transformations were the front and field uniforms, especially the latter. However, for the most part, the first one fell into the area of ​​interest of the mass media - also because of the participation in the competition for the design of new military clothing by such a well-known figure as V. A. Yudashkin (and his model house), who eventually headed the design group. The fashion designer himself, in a number of interviews, again emphasized the need to “decorate” the form, giving it an external gloss, “so that one would like to serve in it.” Already in January 2008, the Russian Ministry of Defense held a display of new models of ceremonial (winter and summer) uniforms for military personnel of the Armed Forces, several variants of the field uniform of the new “digital” camouflage, as well as ceremonial uniforms for the 154th regiment. The uniform was approved by the Supreme Commander as the official uniform for the May 9, 2008 Parade and almost all subsequent ones. This made it possible not to introduce a new uniform of clothing by a general order, but to annually establish its summer version for formation as a dress uniform only for a specific event.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2010 No. 293 “On military uniforms, insignia of military personnel and departmental insignia,” the new uniform was approved. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 336 of September 3, 2011 No. 1500 “On the Rules for wearing military uniforms and insignia of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, departmental insignia and other heraldic insignia established in the prescribed manner, and special ceremonial ceremonial military uniform clothing for servicemen of the honor guard of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, rules for wearing and using the new uniform were introduced, and the time frame for a complete transition to it was determined - three years.

In accordance with the same Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2010 N 293 “On military uniforms, insignia of military personnel and departmental insignia” and the same Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation “On the Rules for Wearing Military Uniforms...” the wearing of cockades by military personnel has been restored model 1994 to replace the 2006 badge.

However, the main goal of the reform initiated by A. E. Serdyukov was to increase the combat effectiveness of the army while optimizing military spending. In this context, the dress uniform was not a very significant problem. Much more important was the field uniform - that is, the clothing in which the serviceman would perform his direct work, and not receive orders, introduce himself to his superiors, or march in parades.

Dress uniform

The new uniform was officially presented for the first time at a parade in Moscow on May 9, 2008. At first glance, there was a return to the uniform of the Soviet Army of the 1969/1988 model, which, however, was not particularly hidden by the developers. Colored bands on caps (red, blue and black) and colored shoulder straps of cadets, soldiers and sergeants were returned, as well as flight emblems on the crowns of Air Force officers, the size of the caps themselves were reduced, emblems with cockades (even in the Air Force and Airborne Forces) and heraldic ones were removed signs with thulium; the well-known “sea wave” color of officer and general uniforms of the Ground Forces (blue in the Airborne Forces and Air Force), ceremonial embroidery on the collars and cuffs of generals’ uniforms and the bands and visors of generals’ caps returned.

However, the new uniform is structurally different from both the 1994 model uniform and the Soviet Army uniform. These differences are as follows:

  • the generals' double-breasted jackets have a fastening with four (not six as in the SA) buttons; single-breasted officer's jackets, as well as the jackets of soldiers, sergeants and cadets, have three (not four) buttons, which sharply increases the cutout of the jacket; the jacket itself does not have breast pockets;
  • officers have no buttonholes on their jackets and no piping on the cuffs, as well as the cuffs themselves;
  • general sewing is made using a simplified technology (in particular, there are no sequins), but has a more magnificent pattern and is uniform for all types of shapes;
  • the general cut and design of the jackets is with a fitted and narrowed silhouette, especially at the waist;
  • The uniforms of soldiers, sergeants and cadets retained the olive shade of the 1994 model, in contrast to the khaki uniform of the SA.

All military personnel at the parade wore new sleeve insignia. The shape of the heraldic shield of the sleeve insignia according to the branches and branches of troops (services) of the Armed Forces partially repeated the shape of the sleeve insignia of the branches of the military (services) for soldiers and sergeants of the 1969 model. The new signs only in design (yellow or white-silver) resembled those approved in 1998-2004. and officially existing at that time. Both the shape of the backing and edging (heraldic shields /for units and subunits/ or an open book /for cadets and students and teachers of military institutes and academies/) and the background color (to match the jacket - sea green, blue, gray or olive) have changed. , in the upper part above the heraldic sign a yellow (gold) inscription “RUSSIA” appeared, recalling the sign of belonging to the RF Armed Forces, which was canceled back in 2004. An emblem was installed on the left sleeve according to the branch of the Armed Forces, district, command, and on the right sleeve - the emblem of a specific unit (regiment), commandant's office, educational institution, brigade, up to and including a separate company.

The introduction of the new dress uniform promised to be very unhurried - after all, this uniform at state expense was reserved only for parade crews, officers and generals directly participating in the annual Moscow parade (that is, not even all deputy ministers and generals and officers of the Central Army of the RF Ministry of Defense), as well as newly made lieutenants upon graduation from higher educational institutions. The rest had to wait until the deadline for wearing the old uniform and its elements expired, or order the entire uniform at their own expense, which was financially problematic for many military personnel.

In addition to the dress uniform directly shown on the paving stones of Red Square, changes additionally affected the dress uniform of generals, as well as the everyday uniform of generals, officers, sergeants and soldiers (except for military service). The general design of all types of uniforms, the arrangement of sewing, edgings, stripes, and insignia were adopted as for the dress uniform, only the base color changed. The ceremonial uniform of generals out of formation is gray, with sea green (blue) trousers with stripes and piping, a cap with a gray crown, and black boots. Sewing on the collar and cuffs is the same as on a common dress uniform, but without the soutache piping.

The shoulder straps for the dress uniform for officers and generals remained gold, for other types of uniform - to match the tunic, overcoat, jacket, jacket; however, the shape of the shoulder straps was changed to pentagonal, the size of the shoulder straps became slightly larger in length than the existing 1994 model at that time.

Casual uniform

Casual uniform generals - protective (olive) color, in the Air Force - blue, a jacket with sewing on the collar like on a dress uniform - but without soutache piping and without sewing on the cuffs.

Casual uniform officers - protective (olive) color, in the Air Force - blue.

To sergeants, soldiers and cadets as everyday form suggested wearing field camouflage(winter or summer), but with regular rather than subdued cockades, insignia and emblems.

All sleeve patches have a field that matches the jacket.

Caps with a protective crown (olive, in the Air Force / later, VKS / - blue) color, with a colored band and piping according to the branch of service. The colors for the most part reproduced the scheme of 1988. A cockade was attached to the band, and the generals had stylized laurel leaves framed in rich gold, like on ceremonial caps. An emblem was attached to the crowns of officers and generals of the Air Force - a winged star of yellow metal. All military personnel (except conscripts) have a yellow truncal strap on their caps.

Officers and generals of the Airborne Forces retained a blue woolen beret as their main headdress; in full dress they were allowed to wear a vest with blue stripes instead of a shirt (like servicemen of the GRU Spetsnaz units).

Winter hats remained unchanged.

All officers and generals were waiting for the return of a gray coat (in the Airborne Forces and the Air Force - blue) for the winter uniform (double-breasted, with six buttons / the top two are decorative /, with narrow sides-lapels only for open wear / buttoned entirely along the side like an overcoat, a new coat it was impossible - the design did not allow /, the generals had piping on the side, collar, strap, pockets; in addition, the generals were entitled to a fur collar). The hats of generals (with a red or blue /Air Force, Airborne and VKS/ cap trimmed with gold soutache) and colonels (with a gray cap and the same soutache) were also preserved; officers serving in the Moscow commandant’s office could also wear hats made of astrakhan fur ( at your own expense and on an individual basis).

Additionally, generals and officers were entitled to a demi-season jacket in protective (blue) color (senior officers - black, leather, with or without a removable astrakhan collar) in their winter uniform, as well as a demi-season raincoat in protective (blue) color (senior officers - black leather ) in summer clothing;

The coat of sergeants and soldiers became single-breasted, with five buttons, olive green, with a traditional turn-down collar (with emblems of the military branches), colored sewn shoulder straps, and had no piping.

Gloves, belts (for everyday combat uniforms), boots and winter low shoes, socks - black.

New uniform for female military personnel

For female military personnel, astrakhan berets were additionally installed for winter uniforms, accompanied by a fur astrakhan stand-up collar and a fitted short coat (for officers - gray or blue). The summer headdress for women was a cap with a cockade.

Dresses and skirts have changed significantly in design, becoming more form-fitting.

For female military personnel holding an officer rank, they were required to wear a dress uniform in “sea wave” or blue, with a gray (blue) coat; the dress uniform of sergeants and privates is olive. The everyday uniform was set in exactly the same color (except for the Airborne Forces and the Air Force).

A white muffler was required for the dress uniform, and olive or blue for the everyday uniform.

Ceremonial uniform of the honor guard units of the Preobrazhensky Regiment

Has undergone radical changes ceremonial uniform of the OBK company(separate honor guard battalion) of the 154th Separate Commandant Regiment (from 2013 - Preobrazhensky) Regiment, reminiscent in appearance of the ceremonial uniform of the ORPK 1958-1971. This form was clearly approved and accepted as valid already in 2008 and has not changed significantly since then.

Each of the two companies of the OBPC retained a three-platoon composition with a specific uniform (ground forces - “sea wave” base, red device, Air Force - blue base, blue device, Navy - black). The obligatory aiguillette, ceremonial cap with a filigree strap and ceremonial belt for all soldiers and officers have been preserved. On the bands (dash color) around the cockade, on the collars (base color) and cuffs (dash color) there is highly stylized embroidery in the form of gilded laurel leaves (with natural gilding). There is instrument-colored piping along the collar, crown and band of the cap, along the center along the sleeve, on the seams of the back and flaps, and along the breeches. On the chest there is an open lapel in instrument color (for sergeants and soldiers it is false, with a button closure at the front). The shoulder straps were left as they were. Later, the emblem of the Russian Armed Forces returned to the crown of the caps.

The winter ceremonial uniform of the OBPC could not be shown at the May 2008 parade, but it became no less impressive - a radically fitted, tapered gray overcoat-coat with five buttons with a standing astrakhan collar, for officers - double-breasted (aiguillette and dress belt - required ), with piping along the false lapel, sleeve length, pockets and strap, a hat with earflaps made of gray astrakhan fur, with a cockade with an emblem of laurel leaves.

Field uniform

In 2010-2011, a new change in military uniforms entirely affected field uniforms. New models of uniforms for officers and generals were introduced (for example, sweaters, whose design resembles the woolen jackets of the US Army). On all samples field uniform The shoulder straps, instead of their traditional placement on the shoulders, were moved to the chest and sleeves, and Velcro elements appeared. The main camouflage for all types of field clothing was the “digit” developed back in 2008. It should be remembered that for soldiers, sergeants, warrant officers (already liquidated as a category of military personnel in 2011, but soon restored) and cadets, the field uniform was at the same time everyday - with the appropriate cockades and headset.

Field winter and summer jackets acquired a stand-up collar, and special headdresses were developed especially for winter uniforms (although earflaps were retained). For the summer uniform, it was decided to introduce khaki-colored berets (with the preservation of blue berets in the Airborne Forces) with the prospect of completely abandoning the cap - it was planned that the berets would vary in color depending on the type or type of troops, units, etc.

New types of equipment, protective equipment (Kevlar helmets, goggles) and camouflage, as well as equipment for special-purpose units, were developed. Many elements of the uniform underwent special experimental wear in military units in the conditions of the Far North, tundra, desert, etc.

The Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2011 was a kind of demonstration of the new field uniform. It was the only parade of its kind, in which all the troops passing in front of the stands (with the exception of the ORPC, the Parade Commander and the Combined Band, as well as the troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs) were dressed in various types of field camouflage uniforms. For all parade participants (except those mentioned above), olive-colored berets became a single headdress (for the Air Force, Aerospace Forces and Airborne Forces units, as well as the Separate GRU Special Forces Brigade - blue).

The new form caused mixed reactions. The placement of shoulder straps and insignia caused especially a lot of critical feedback, although the idea of ​​a new field uniform and its samples did not cause significant criticism, including from specialists.

Once again, the new uniform became the subject of heated public discussion in November 2011, after it became known about massive colds among conscript soldiers in one of the garrisons who used the new uniform as an everyday uniform, which, according to many experts, could be the cause of the cold. The general level of discussion of the problem turned out to be so high that V. Yudashkin was forced to publicly renounce his authorship in this project: according to him, his original project was greatly changed by military specialists of the Central Military District [ clarify the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Despite the fact that the regulations on the form of clothing and the rules for wearing it remained in force, the new management immediately initiated a number of significant and non-significant changes:

  • the design of the shoulder straps of army generals was changed, which, in fact, became a copy of the Soviet model introduced in the mid-1970s;
  • a new field uniform was installed - in fact, a somewhat updated existing one, but now with shoulder straps not on the chest, but again on the shoulders;
  • sleeve patches were introduced on camouflage shirts and jackets, similar to sleeve patches on a jacket (colored on casual uniforms and muted on field uniforms), as well as a plastisol tricolor of a semicircular shape and a yellow frame in the upper part of the sleeve (similar to the existing sign in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations); The method of attaching stripes has been changed - now they are attached to field and office uniforms using Velcro;
  • stripes of a new design have been introduced on camouflage jackets and shirts above the front pockets - “Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” on the right, the surname and initials of the serviceman on the left (colored on everyday uniforms and muted on field uniforms);
  • the army belt with a copper badge was cancelled;
  • the wearing of award badges and stripes on the outer summer shirt of officers and generals is prescribed;
  • shoulder straps of a special design were installed for employees of the Russian Ministry of Defense who do not have military ranks, according to class ranks; for employees without military ranks, white instrument metal and white (silver) embroidery are installed instead of yellow (gold);
  • The design of the jackets of senior command personnel has been changed (with six buttons, not four);
  • the heraldic emblem was returned to the ceremonial caps of generals.

Other changes

  • Since 08/01/2015, military personnel of the Aerospace Forces have worn the so-called “ aviation personnel insignia"(similar to the one worn on the crowns of officers in the USSR Air Force) in the form of wings and a star resting on them. Before this, military personnel of the All-Russian Military District wore on the crown the heraldic emblem of their branch of the military (Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1500 of 2011).
  • By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2016 No. 485, white closed jackets were introduced for officers and midshipmen of the Navy instead of white summer jackets.

Changes to field uniform

In the field uniform, the novelty boiled down mainly to the following. According to a representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the new set of regular field uniforms for military personnel includes 19 items of clothing; the cost of one such set today is about 35,000 rubles, while special forces soldiers are entitled to an expanded set of equipment.

The set of new field clothing for soldiers and officers includes the following items:

  • costume;
  • various types of jackets, differing in seasonality;
  • vest;
  • hat and beret;
  • boots for different seasons (3 types);
  • gloves and mittens;
  • balaclava.

The new uniform is based on the principle of multi-layering. Military personnel can independently combine uniform items, depending on the tasks assigned to them and weather conditions. The new set of field uniforms is the same for both soldiers and officers. The new uniform consists of several types of jackets, a vest, a beret, a hat, 3 types of boots (summer, winter and demi-season), mittens, and gloves. For the first time, a balaclava was included in the equipment of military personnel. The new uniform is made from a mixed fabric consisting of 65% cotton and 35% polymer materials.

The uniform includes 2 different sets for wearing in air temperatures above +15 and from +15 to −40 degrees. In the first set, underwear is a short-sleeve T-shirt and boxer shorts. The underwear is worn directly on the body and has the characteristics required for the comfort of military personnel:

  • quickly absorbs moisture and dries;
  • provides the necessary air exchange.

For cold weather, 2 sets of underwear are provided: lightweight and fleece. Each of them can be worn directly on the body or fleece over a lightweight one (in severe frosts). Lightweight underwear differs from the basic summer set in that it has elongated sleeves and long underpants [ specify] . The fleece has a fleecy back surface and an insulating layer.

For summer conditions, a field suit consists of a light jacket, trousers, beret (cap) and summer boots. For tailoring, mechanical stretch is used, additionally treated with a water-repellent compound. In places where the greatest load is placed, the suit is reinforced. The rules for wearing a military uniform allow you to use a fleece jacket with thick pile on both sides in cool weather. The jacket has a layer of thermal insulation. The jacket itself can be rolled into a minimal volume. A windbreaker jacket is provided for protection from the wind.

For cold weather conditions, the main suit is demi-season. It protects well from the wind. The material from which the suit is made has high vapor permeability and dries quickly. For special field conditions, military personnel will be able to use a wind and waterproof suit, which will provide protection from moisture even in heavy rain. This is achieved through a special membrane that “breathes” but does not allow wind and water to pass through. The seams of the suit are taped for greater reliability.

For cold weather, the equipment also includes an insulated vest. These elements - the suit and vest - are compact and lightweight. Made from wind- and waterproof fabrics. Additionally, in cold weather, you can wear a balaclava, which can be worn as a hat, and an insulated hat for very cold weather.

Form for hot climates

The first type of uniform is a shirt with short sleeves, a turn-down collar, chest pockets with flaps and a zipper, with shoulder straps, trousers, and boots of a basic color. The headdress is a soft cap with a hard visor (“baseball cap”) with a field cockade. The overall cut of the uniform is similar to that of an office uniform. Under the shirt is a T-shirt in a basic color. Shorts may be worn instead of trousers. The placement of insignia and various departmental emblems is similar to the office uniform. All signs and emblems are muted or in the same tone as the main color. Award bars are not worn on clothing (although Heroes of Russia in practice often wear the Gold Star without other awards or bars).

The second type of uniform is an elongated jacket with a zipper, with shoulder straps, patch breast and side pockets (the jacket can be worn with the sleeves rolled up) and trousers with ankle boots. Under the jacket is a T-shirt of a basic color. The jacket can be worn with or without a belt. This uniform is made from fabric of a lighter shade. All elements of the form are the same color.

External images Scheme of placement of official military symbols, insignia, personalized insignia and designations on military uniforms (new model) Scheme of placement of official military symbols, insignia, personalized insignia and designations on the uniform of federal civil servants of the Ministry Defense of the Russian Federation.

a) a soft cap in green (blue in the Air Force, Aerospace Forces and black in the Navy) color, darker and brighter than the usual everyday colors of the uniform, without piping, a band to match the crown, a black lacquered visor, a yellow wicker trumpet strap; on the band there is a cockade of the established pattern, for generals - with sewing on the band and visor as on ceremonial and everyday caps; on the crown of the Air Force, Airborne Forces, VKS - flight emblem; a blue beret was left for Airborne Forces servicemen;

b) a shirt of thick fabric with a turn-down collar, with long or short (at temperatures above +25°C) sleeves (in the color of the cap), chest pockets with flaps, side pockets with a hidden zipper, a general zipper, with drawstrings shoulder straps; worn with an open collar, without a tie, over trousers; on the sleeves there are signs of affiliation, as on a jacket, and a plastisol tricolor of a semicircular shape and a yellow frame in the upper part of the sleeve (similar to the same sign in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia), on the chest there is a sign on the right: a yellow rectangular outline, inside the inscription: “Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ", the sign on the left is the same rectangle with the surname and initials of the serviceman; award stripes, signs of higher educational institutions, etc. are worn on the shirt - like on a tunic;

c) a white (blue) T-shirt to be worn under a shirt (in the Airborne Forces and Navy - vests with blue and black stripes, respectively);

d) straight-fit trousers in the color of the shirt and cap, without stripes or piping.

For wearing in the cold season, a jacket of a basic color is provided with a fastening hood with fur lining, with shoulder straps and sleeve insignia similar to a shirt; it is allowed to wear a hat with earflaps instead of a cap. The shoulder straps on the jacket are hard galloon viscose with gaps, on counter shoulder straps, or muffs. On the shoulder straps there are golden metal stars in accordance with the military rank and the emblem of the branch of service.

The order specifically stipulates that office uniforms cannot be used as field uniforms.

In 2013-2014 a number of changes were made to the office uniform, primarily related to senior command staff:

  • sewing was introduced on the band and visor of the cap, as on a dress uniform, but without the soutache border along the edge of the visor;
  • it is established to wear a heraldic emblem on the crown (except for the Air Force-VKS), small gold leaves at the ends of the collar;
  • for the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the right - the sign of the Minister based on the heraldic sign.

Since 2016, an analogue (made of simpler materials, with a simpler design) of an office uniform has been installed - for soldiers and sergeants.

Defense Control Center Staff Uniform

Military police uniform

In March 2015, the Charter of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was approved. Military police personnel are required to wear a military uniform of the combined arms type of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, regardless of categories (except for the Navy).

The special insignia of military personnel of the Russian Military Police are red beret and black shoulder badge with the inscription “MILITARY POLICE” and the abbreviation “VP”.


The re-equipment of the army with new uniforms in all its types was completed by the end of 2015.

  • In 2015, the design of sleeve insignia for field and office (shirts and jackets) uniforms was changed - in particular, the tricolor took on a rectangular shape and formed a single whole with the emblem on the shield, the shield also acquired a classic “French” shape (edging of the shield along the instrument, field - by base); at the bottom of the shield (under the tricolor) is the established emblem of the branch of service or service.
  • Since 2016, on camouflage uniforms, the metal signs of the military branches on the collar of the jacket and shirt have been replaced by embroidered yellow or gray-green (in the “muted version” for the field uniform) silk - the same pattern on a rectangular base with red (in the “muted version” - gray-green) edging. The metal cockade on field caps is also replaced by an embroidered one (gray and green silk).

New clothing for the Russian army was supposed to be developed back in 2009 under the leadership of the country's chief couturier Valenitin Yudashkin. However, the disagreement of the officers pushed back the deadline for its production. The new model military uniform was presented only in 2012, by the BTK Group company from St. Petersburg.

The new military clothing is made of 8 “layers”. When performing various combat missions, a fighter can use the layer he needs, depending on weather conditions and tactical goals. The new set of military clothing includes 19 elements, namely:

  • three sets of underwear;
  • fleece jacket;
  • windbreaker;
  • summer and winter socks;
  • winter season vest and cap;
  • protective suit against moisture and wind;
  • insulated suit and hat;
  • balaclava;
  • scarf;
  • half-woolen gloves and mittens in which the insulation is removed;
  • winter hat;
  • shoes - two pairs;
  • trunk

The suit, with the function of protection from wind and rain, will give the soldier an additional two hours of comfort without the need to wear other uniforms. It has already shown itself well during flood rescue operations in the Far East.

The insulating suit is equipped with a special insulating material that can easily be folded into a small bag. In this form, it is easily attached to a soldier’s equipment. When it is necessary to use it, it is quickly taken out of the bag. The suit retains heat well and provides the soldier with freedom of action without restricting his movements. The insulated suit goes well with such a new piece of equipment as a fleece jacket. Thanks to the presence of an air layer, it provides additional heat-protective properties.

Mittens, headdress and shoes

In addition to the fleece jacket, the modern uniform of the RF Armed Forces is also equipped with another new element - mittens. Their main function is not to perform active tasks, but to keep your hands warm. Due to the simple fixation, the mittens can be quickly removed without having to hide them in a pocket. This allows the fighter to actively move into the combat phase without losing the gauntlets themselves. They are very easy to put on over gloves, in which you can conduct combat fire and perform a number of other actions.

In addition to the standard cap and warm hat, it was approved to equip the uniform with a hat-mask, or the so-called balaclava. As for shoes, it was decided to provide them not only to special forces and officers, but also to the entire armed forces. The new model shoes are equipped with thicker soles compared to older counterparts.

Russian Armed Forces pants

Trousers new sample molds have a number of differences from the old version:

As for the internal pockets, compared to the old handicap, where they were patch pockets, in the new version they come with a lining. The reinforcing part in the area of ​​the fifth point, which reaches the belt, has also become larger.

Jacket of the Russian Armed Forces

This item of clothing has been significantly transformed by introducing new details and eliminating old ones. The main changes include:

Among other innovations, it is worth noting the absence of a ventilation system under the arms, as well as the presence of special tucks on the back, which will give more freedom of movement.

Materials used

It was decided to exclude the use of cotton, except for summer suits and underwear. Practice has proven that this material is not entirely suitable for such clothing. It was replaced by polyamide and synthetic insulation. Because of this, the fabric for clothing has become more durable and dense. Thanks to the use of new materials, the new military uniform of the Russian Armed Forces allows servicemen to comfortably overcome various military obstacles even in forty-degree frost.

Military uniforms - field, everyday and ceremonial uniforms - are always regulated by the relevant decrees of the Ministry of Defense. However, there are special forces formations in the law enforcement agencies of ministries and departments not related to the Russian Armed Forces, which perform specific tasks, for which they use a very wide range of military and universal uniforms.

Classification of special purpose units

Existing special forces units in Russia belong to different departments. The Russian Armed Forces have the following special forces units:

  • Ground Forces (ground forces) - DShB brigades and DShP regiment;
  • GU - 25th regiment and brigade;
  • MO – center of Senezh;
  • GRU - PDSS detachments of reconnaissance points Parusnoye (Baltic Fleet), Tuapse (Black Sea Fleet), Zverosovkhoz (Northern Fleet) and Fr. Russky/Dzhigit Bay (Pacific Fleet);
  • Airborne Forces - 45th Guards Brigade (Kubinka);
  • Navy - detachments of the Caspian Flotilla, Black Sea, Baltic, Pacific and Northern Fleet.

The Russian special services also have special forces units:

  • FSB - operational support departments, regional departments and services, departments A (Alpha), B (Vympel) and C;
  • Border Service of the FSB - regional services and departments, DShM of border detachments, special intelligence groups OGSpR;
  • SVR – Zaslon detachment;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs - Thunder squad;
  • National Guard troops - instead of internal troops, detachments were created: Wolverine (Krasnoyarsk-26), Rus (Simferopol), Skif (Grozny), Peresvet (Moscow), Svyatogor (Stavropol), Bulat (Ufa), Ratnik (Arkhangelsk), Kuzbass (Kemerovo) , Bars (Kazan), Mercury (Smolensk), Mechel (Chelyabinsk), Typhoon (Khabarovsk), Ermak (Novosibirsk), Edelweiss (Minvody), Vyatich (Armavir), Ural (Nizhny Tagil), Rosich (Novocherkassk), 604 TsSN;
  • Rosgvardia - combat units of SOBR and OMON;
  • FSIN - republican departments Saturn (Moscow), Rossy (Sverdlovsk), Typhoon (Lenoblast), Iceberg (Murmansk), Guardian (Chuvashia), Akula (Krasnodar), Yastreb (Mari El), Vulcan (Kabardino-Balkaria);
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations – special risk center Leader;
  • FSUE Communications-Security – Mars department.

Some of the above special purpose units are military, that is, by default they are staffed by military personnel. The other is departmental, that is, it employs employees who are assigned special ranks, and not military ones. The two largest ministries of the Russian Federation include both:

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs - the special forces of the National Guard are staffed by military personnel, OMON and SOBR are not military formations;
  • FSB - special forces of the border troops and departments A, B and C, respectively.

Formations of special forces perform combat missions in settlements and forests, under water and in the air, so field uniforms, ammunition and weapons are very different. A presidential decree in 2005 prohibited the use of insignia and military uniforms in security units of the FSB, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the PPS and other departments that were not formed from military personnel.

These highly mobile units go on combat missions, carry out guard duty and learn skills in various forms.

Military special forces

When passing urgent, extra-long or contract service as part of special forces, a soldier is obliged to comply with the rules for wearing uniforms and insignia. The state provides formations of Special Forces with VKBO sets (all-weather set of basic uniforms) of 19 items of clothing. Self-assembly from VKBO elements is allowed, depending on combat and training tasks and weather conditions.

Any “camouflage”, “body armor” and “unloading” of a third-party manufacturer that does not meet the requirements of the charter is considered a violation of the dress code. However, the Special Forces are considered the elite of the RF Armed Forces, commanders may allow the use of more comfortable clothing, for example, American or European special forces.

Special forces of combat swimmers actually arose during the Second World War, however, the units were so secret that field and everyday clothes were altered by their employees on their own from the most suitable form of various branches of the military.

In 1974, during the formation of the famous Alpha (Group A of the KGB of the USSR for the fight against terror), working in a less secret mode, the problem of equipment also arose, so the officers wore blue jackets and suits for pilots and technical workers, which turned out to be the most convenient for their tasks.

When a limited contingent of troops was introduced into Afghanistan in 1979, the special forces field uniform for hot climates and mountainous terrain was urgently developed based on the uniform of the troops of Congolese President Colonel Mabuta; the suit was sewn according to GOST 17 6290 from raincoat fabric with water-repellent impregnation.

Officially, the “Mabuta”, “jump suit” or “sand” was the uniform of “Alpha”, GRU units and the newly formed Vympel department; in fact, paratroopers and infantrymen bought it for cash with the permission of their commanders for everyday wear.

The modern Russian special forces uniform is comfortable and functional, but there are Western analogues that are superior to it in some properties/qualities. For example, until recently, a protective helmet did not have devices for fixing a tactical flashlight, night vision device and other devices. The colors and patterns of some camouflage fabrics and clothing styles from American and European manufacturers are better suited to specific local conditions.

Rules for wearing uniforms by military personnel of the Russian Federation

In 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense signed decree number 300 on the rules for wearing military uniforms. The latest changes were made to it in 2017, but before that significant adjustments were made three times:

  • 1997 - symbols were added, wearing rules were introduced;
  • 2008 - simplified dress uniform, improved field uniforms;
  • 2011 - partial return to the form of the USSR, development of the VKBO.

Until 2008, the equipment of special forces of the Armed Forces and non-armed forces departments was almost identical. Moreover, the guard’s uniform almost completely copied the uniform of the elite units participating in hostilities, therefore, in these formations and organizations, military symbols and army uniforms were prohibited.

VKBO kit

In 2011, a new uniform was developed for general purpose units and special forces units. The customer of the project was the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the contractor was the domestic light industry holding BTK Group. An integrated scientific approach was used, so the design bureau included:

  • University of Technology and Design St. Petersburg;
  • Naval Engineering Institute GOU VPO;
  • Institute of Medicine RAMS.

A ready-made VKBO set was tested in 8 military units for 3 months in 2012 in different regions of the country - the south of the Russian Federation, the Trans-Urals, the Central region, and the Arctic. The customer put forward the requirements:

  • anti-slip surface of shoe soles;
  • petrol and oil resistance of the upper part of the shoe;
  • ergonomics of each element;
  • durability, compactness, low weight;
  • camouflage properties (camouflage);
  • protection from adverse conditions;
  • provision and ability to regulate heat balance;
  • moisture management at any level of physical activity.

The final VKBO set consists of 3 pairs of shoes and 20 items that provide a multi-layer effect. In other words, each subsequent layer is put on the previous layer to achieve a comfortable thermal balance in any weather conditions and climatic zones in different seasons of the year.

The delivery schedule was carried out in stages from 2013 to 2015. The transition from the existing uniform to the new uniform occurred gradually. Part of the personnel dressed in the VKBO, at the same time the uniforms of the old type were worn out.

The form is considered everyday and field, so the summer kit is designed for indoors all year round and outdoors at an air temperature of +15 degrees. The winter kit is effective for temperatures from -40 degrees to +15 degrees. Three pairs of shoes are designed to be worn in the temperature ranges of -40 - -10 degrees, -10 - + 15 degrees and above + 15 degrees. Clothes that are not currently in use are transported and stored in a special bag.

  1. moisture-wicking underwear short (T-shirt and shorts) made of 100% polyester or long (underpants with a codpiece, sweatshirt with a round neck, long sleeve, adjacent silhouette);
  2. fleece underwear from a sweatshirt with long sleeves (zip to the middle of the chest, chin protection, thumb hole) and underpants (selective bouffant, elastic band inside the waistband) made of 7% elastane and 93% polyester;
  3. fleece jacket (100% polyester), 2 internal and 2 external pockets, chin protection, elbow pads, shoulder pads and a stand-up collar made of finishing fabric, there is a wind-shelter valve, side zipper, double-sided fleece, worn with a warm, protective or demi-season suit ;
  4. windbreaker (2% elastane and 98% polyester), "figure" camouflage, worn with trousers of the next level, drawstring at the bottom with clamps, ventilation valves in the pockets, water-repellent finish;
  5. demi-season suit (1% elastane, 99% polyamide) made of trousers with removable suspenders, the seat area and knees are reinforced with high-strength pads, side seams with zippers, and jackets with a two-way zipper, hood, front pockets, stand-up collar, pads on the elbows;
  6. windproof suit (PTFE membrane inside 100% polyamide) made of jacket and trousers, linings, double flap, hood, waterproof zippers, side seams of trousers with zippers;
  7. insulated vest (100% polyamide and PTFE membrane), one internal pocket is tightened with a cord, the second is closed with a zipper, front external patch pockets, windproof placket with hidden buttons;
  8. insulated suit (100% polyamide), hood is adjustable to fit the face, pockets in the sleeves, reinforced linings, mitten clips, bottom of trousers with elastic bands, top to mid-thigh with zippers.

Fleece underwear weighs 516 g, regular 281 g (long), insulated suit 2.3 kg. The summer suit (digital camouflage) has an increased cotton content (65%). The thread is reinforced using rip-stop technology, the fabric practically does not tear. A headdress is provided for him - a cap. The second cap is worn with a demi-season suit. The scarf is made in the shape of a bib and is adjustable in volume.

Universal hat-balaclava made of 30% polyamide and 70% wool, transformable. An insulated hat with two elongated flaps allows for wearing in several positions. Winter socks made of wool with the addition of polyamide. The mittens have removable insulation and fasteners for jacket sleeves. Five-fingered woolen gloves, black.

However, the basic kit does not provide 100% equipment for solving special forces combat missions, so special forces units use additional equipment, ammunition, and weapons. For example, body armor, unloading vests, camouflage suits, wetsuits, jumpsuits for paratroopers.

Casual dress

Unlike rapid reaction forces, special forces plan operations in advance, so daily activities traditionally include:

  • classroom training (theory, tactics);
  • performing guard duty;
  • rest and personal time.

Thus, army special forces use the new VKBO kits, which are quite sufficient for these tasks. For training in special disciplines, field uniforms are used - camouflage suits, body armor, wetsuits, jumpsuits.

Field uniform

Due to the special status of special forces, they solve very different tasks:

  • sabotage and anti-terrorism activities;
  • intelligence and counterintelligence;
  • ensuring the safety of one’s own unit and eliminating enemy structures of the same name;
  • organizing mass riots on enemy territory and fighting them in one’s own regions;
  • protection of objects/persons and their physical destruction.

The field black uniform of the OMON of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB provides visual control - friend/foe, demoralizes the enemy, and the diving suit of the PDSS GRU naval combat swimmer ensures covert penetration under water. The “Izlom” camouflage is good for moving through the forest as part of a group, and the “Leshy” camouflage suit is used by a sniper in a long-term firing position.

Ceremonial uniforms

The dress uniform of military personnel and employees of special forces units is much easier to understand:

  • they belong to certain branches of the military;
  • ceremonial uniforms are used during dismissal, at a gala event or during vacation, that is, at events not related to combat missions.

Special forces soldiers are dressed according to the rules of wearing military uniforms.

Airborne Forces

Usually the special forces demobilization uniform is decorated with aiguillettes and numerous piping elements of ceremonial clothing. In fact, aiguillette is an element of the dress uniform for special ceremonial occasions according to Decree No. 300 of 2015 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The ceremonial uniform of an airborne special forces officer includes:

  • jacket, trousers and cap made of blue (sea wave) wool;
  • a vest with blue stripes instead of a white general-arms shirt;
  • ceremonial golden belt;
  • black boots with high tops;
  • blue beret or cap.

In winter, airborne troops dress in the same uniform, and on top of it they wear a casual warm blue jacket and black gloves. Instead of a beret/cap, a fur hat with earflaps or a cap can be used.

In the summer, soldiers, sergeants and cadets wear a blue beret, combat boots, a vest and a casual suit.


The uniform of the Special Forces belonging to the Navy is completely identical to the uniform of the Airborne Special Forces. Since the rules for wearing a dress uniform clearly state that all special forces, regardless of belonging to a specific branch of the military, receive the right to wear a blue vest and ankle boots. The beret has the color of the military branch.

PS FSB (border service)

The jacket of an FSB officer is no different from the uniform of a serviceman - three buttons, sea wave color, fitted. The shoulder straps of employees of departments A, B and C have a cornflower blue edging on a silver or gold field, the border service has a green edging. The ceremonial military uniform is equipped with boots or boots (for formation), and a golden belt. The color of the overcoat is gray-steel, it fastens with 6 buttons.

Special Forces of the National Guard Troops (maroon berets)

A distinctive element of the dress uniform of the special forces of the former Internal Troops, preserved after they were renamed the National Guard, is the headdress. The maroon beret appeared in 1978, until 1989 it remained a non-statutory element of the uniform, to which senior officers turned a blind eye. The qualification test for the right to wear it was legalized only in 1993.

Simultaneously with the maroon beret of the VV special forces, vests with stripes of a similar color appeared, by analogy with the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps (blue and black vests in the color of the berets of these branches of the military, respectively).

PDSS and MRP GRU (combat swimmers)

PDSS units were created to identify and eliminate enemy underwater saboteurs. However, to effectively combat them, the squad includes combat swimmers (the same saboteurs, but their own). In addition, there are separate formations in each fleet for highly specialized tasks, for example, protecting the water area and ships inside it under water or organizing sabotage.

These formations of Russian special forces are considered the most classified so far. During the Soviet era, they were provided with the standard uniform of privates and sergeants of the home fleet. We wore it on leave and on vacation; we never took part in parades.

Currently the situation continues. The dress uniform of the MRP and PDSS detachments is completely identical to the uniform of the Navy.

Dress code for particularly hot regions

The Russian Army does not provide dress uniforms for hot regions. But for the Russian soldier there is a special everyday uniform from the manufacturer BTK Group consisting of 8 items:

  • socks;
  • t-shirt;
  • baseball cap;
  • Panama;
  • shorts;
  • trousers;
  • jacket.

This is the uniform worn by the MTR units of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria. All clothing is sand-colored without a camouflage pattern.

Female form

In Special Forces formations, women's everyday and field clothing has special sizes. The jacket-shirt is equipped with a large number of pockets. The dress uniform is distinguished by the presence of a blouse and skirt made of wool instead of a men's jacket and trousers. Berets, ankle boots and vests are preserved in full for the special forces that the Russian Army has.

Special units of law enforcement agencies and ministries

After 2008, special forces uniforms staffed by non-military personnel use differences from army uniforms. This was done on purpose to avoid confusion. However, even before the renaming, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received the right to wear a maroon beret and vest.

By default, employees use a full police uniform (MVD) or similar uniforms of their own department (FSB, FSIN). In most cases, a domestically produced VKBO kit is used as an everyday uniform. The field uniform corresponds to the tasks of the units and differs significantly from the army uniform.

For example, the Special Forces formations of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs use a black uniform.

Standard uniform

By analogy with the army, the latest edition of the Rules for Wearing Uniforms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place in 2011, so the special forces “parade” is practically no different from the PPS uniform. The main nuances are:

  • even at special events, riot police are allowed to wear gray camouflage, and SOBR is allowed a black summer suit;
  • instead of an army field uniform, there is an analogue - uniforms for performing service and operational special tasks;
  • instead of a jacket, the suit set may include a “Gorka” (mountain suit) of an anorak style (put on over the head) or a single-breasted jacket with a zipper;
  • By analogy with the airborne troops, a beret is provided, only green or black.

Unlike the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the GRU special forces uniform is subject to the rules of wearing of the Ministry of Defense, that is, by default it is army.

Individual uniform and ammunition

If the army Special Forces are characterized by covert operations, police special forces often confront armed formations “face to face”, therefore the cut of the clothes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB and its protective characteristics often turn out to be unsatisfactory when using a standard set. Uniforms of American and European production are purchased, including by the special forces officers themselves:

  • bulletproof vests Redut, Defender and Bagariy of modular type;
  • unloading vests manufactured by Armak;
  • Molle pouch sets;
  • OpScore, Omnitek-T and ShBM helmets;
  • submachine guns Veresk SR-2M and PP-2000.

Standard AKs are equipped with length-adjustable stocks and Picatinny rails, allowing you to attach additional devices to the machine gun.

Special Operations Forces MTR

The unit reports to the Minister of Defense, was created in 2009, and the data of the current SOF commander is classified. They are considered a rapid reaction force and conduct operations abroad (Somalia, Aleppo) and within the country (North Caucasus).

From its inception until mid-2014, exclusively foreign special forces uniforms were used to equip these units:

  • Propper BDU (multicam colors);
  • special equipment kits for hot climates;
  • Arcteryx Leaf;
  • Tactical Combat, Field or Performance;
  • tactical overalls Fortreks K14;
  • helmets Warrior Quiver and 6B7-1M;
  • ballistic helmet Spartan;
  • diving suit GKN-7 set Amphora diving;
  • anti-fragmentation suit Reid-L;
  • body armor 6B43;
  • unloading vest 6Sh112.

Currently, the BTK Group holding company provides decent quality materials, design and functionality of equipment; domestic uniforms are used, with rare exceptions.

In the media, this unit is usually called “Polite People” because of the corresponding attitude towards journalists during the maintenance of order in Crimea in 2014. During the operation, his disguise was either a security guard's uniform or civilian clothing.

Variants of camouflage suits

Domestic camouflage for military uniforms is of several types:

  • Deciduous forest - created during the Second World War in 1942, suitable for the forest;
  • Silver leaf - has additional names “birch” and “sunny bunny”;
  • Amoeba - appeared in 1935, the spots are large, there are options for any season of varying color intensity;
  • VSR-93 – “Butane”, more often called “vertical”, the design completely merges the form with the vegetation;
  • VSR-98 - “Flora” or “Watermelon” because of the corresponding stripes, is considered basic for the European part of the Russian Federation;
  • Flora digital - called the “Russian number”, is the youngest option.

Initially, camouflage was used to disguise special forces weapons and their uniforms to match the surrounding terrain. Such field clothes were worn by all units of the Special Forces. However, for special operations, there are better camouflage options:

  • Goblin - the cape is hung with tufts of green, brown and yellow colors, blends in with any vegetation and tree trunks;
  • Kikimora is a high-strength, shapeless marsh-colored fiber.

There are known options from third-party manufacturers of camouflage fabric and ready-made sets of tactical uniforms made from it:

  • Twilight - color from black to light gray (twilight);
  • Cobra - looks like the scales of a large reptile, blends in with the woodland and tall grass;
  • Kink - waterproof fabric for deciduous and coniferous forests;
  • Frog - large digital squares;
  • Multicam - the American version for urban areas, slums, communications, not suitable for forests;
  • Suprat - a domestic development of a forest camouflage pattern and suit style, costs three times less than imported analogues;
  • Amoeba - created from illogical fabric, has the largest operating experience;
  • Black - for units of departmental security forces (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and UPSIP) for the purpose of quickly identifying each other;
  • Winter – pure white or with black spots;
  • Desert – advantage of sandy and brown colors;
  • Jungle – yellow and green;
  • Urban – considered basic, has a gray background and a dark “number”.

In addition to the Special Forces, camouflage clothing is used by combat units and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Armed Forces, GRU, FSB and even civilians and organizations. For example, a police officer and a fisherman can be dressed in camouflage. Until recently, the uniform of a security guard was practically no different from army uniforms.

Foreign analogues of camouflage fabric are most often superior to domestic developments:

  • Apu Pat - the name of the style of clothing and the color of camouflage fabric, does not change color when wet;
  • Woodland - a budget version of the previous material, darkens when wet, nicknamed “NATO”, has four shades - rich green for swamps, moderate for forests, brown for mountains and basic universal;
  • Marpat - has three options for desert, city and forest, digital spots with black, brown and green shades, breaking the symmetry of human anatomy, which the observer’s eye usually clings to.

Digital drawing is considered the best option, as it is developed in a special camouflage department of the Karbyshev Central Research Institute. The shape of the pixel interferes with the concentration of the gaze on it and “falls out” from the field of view. For example, the “kink” option has the following masking properties:

  • the scheme is divided into color parts - mustard, dark green and brown;
  • the fracture imitates the three main coverings of a coniferous forest - moss, foliage and fallen needles;
  • the deforming visual perception of the silhouette behind the camouflage fabric is achieved by increasing the size of the pattern;
  • digital areas of green color should be close to the real size of the needles, brown - to the dimensions of moss spots, and mustard - to dry foliage.

Camouflage colors are often used for sewing everyday uniforms, since the fabric is very strong.

Special uniforms

In addition to the Kikimora and Leshy camouflage coats, several categories of military specialists have special uniforms:

  • scuba divers and divers;
  • paratroopers and snipers;
  • saboteurs and anti-terrorism groups;
  • sappers and miners.

For the same reasons, special forces weapons are diverse:

  • Pecheneg and AKM machine guns;
  • pistol Vityaz PP-10-01, Glock-17 and PYa;
  • AK-105, 74M and APS (underwater) assault rifles;
  • sniper complexes VSK-94 and Vintorez;
  • PRTK Cornet complexes;
  • hand grenade launchers GM-94 and grenade launchers GP-34.

Special forces move overland in SUVs, KamAZ-Mustangs, BTR-82 armored personnel carriers, armored vehicles and ATVs.

Delivery by air is carried out by AN-26 transport personnel and Mt-8MTV-5 helicopters, by water by BRP SEA-DOO jet skis, and under water by tugboats and nuclear submarines.

Thus, the dress uniform of special forces units is a kind of camouflage. Everyday uniforms are most often the same, but field uniforms are very diverse and unique.