Terzhinan vaginal suppositories during pregnancy. Candles terzhinan during pregnancy: reviews, instructions, dosage

Terzhinan - vaginal suppositories. Experts prescribe this drug for vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa), which was provoked by various infections, bacteria. When a girl is pregnant, she often develops immunodeficiency, which is why experts prescribe Terzhinan.

At the specialist Treatment of vaginitis using suppositories
specialist doctor on monitor
pregnant doctor study

Women in an interesting position are prone to infectious diseases. Those diseases that took place in a latent form and did not cause any special problems in the normal state, became more active due to pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the microflora of the vagina is undergoing changes, like the whole organism as a whole.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of vaginitis, which is caused by the sensitivity of microorganisms to the substance. Therefore, the main indications for use:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • mycosis;
  • mixed infections of the genital tract;
  • trichomoniasis of the vagina;
  • vaginitis, frolic due to fungi of the genus Candida;
  • mixed vaginitis.

It is also prescribed for prophylaxis before surgical interventions, childbirth, abortion.

With a specialist for examination

Taking into account the fact that during pregnancy a favorable environment develops for the development of candidiasis, vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis, specialists need to carefully select the drug for treatment. That is why, the main thing that the doctor looks at when choosing terzhinan during pregnancy is the safety of the medicine for the expectant mother and baby.

It contains ingredients that together can prevent the occurrence of relapses. These are antifungal agents and antiseptics or antibiotics.

The use of the drug at different times

Gestational ageIndications for useContraindications
First trimesterIncreased leukocytes, thrush. After a doctor's appointment. When the symptoms are mild and the disease does not threaten the health of the expectant mother and baby, doctors suggest waiting with the treatment of infectious diseases until the second trimester.Strictly after the appointment of a doctor, since any drugs in the first trimester must be taken with caution.
Second trimesterTerzhinan during gestation is prescribed to get rid of microbes, bacteria and fungi, with the appearance of severe itching, burning, swelling.In the 2nd trimester, only individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the components is taken into account.
third trimesterThe drug is prescribed for infection, as well as to normalize the microflora of the vagina and restore the mucous membrane and epithelium. It is also prescribed for the treatment of the birth canal, in order to avoid infection of the infant with candidiasis.Almost all are minimized, since the nervous system has already formed. Therefore, the appointment is determined by the doctor individually, as well as throughout pregnancy.

For the treatment of vaginitis

Discharges and other consequences

Sometimes, when terzhinan suppositories are used during pregnancy, a woman may be frightened by the appearance of discharge. It is necessary to determine the reasons why this is happening. This usually has no negative consequences. It's all about the candles themselves. They have features and when introduced into the vagina, they begin to dissolve under the influence of heat.

The mucous membrane absorbs the main part, the rest comes out. That is why part of the drug may come out during the next day after application. This is a normal process and is the norm. And it happens when using vaginal suppositories or when using rectal suppositories. There are no other reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge.

Sometimes a woman may experience slight discomfort after using candles. It can be expressed as a slight burning sensation, irritation on the skin. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist; before that, the pregnant woman should stop taking terzhinan. This happens when a woman has a sensitive mucous membrane or is allergic to the components of the drug.

In any case, all side effects are expressed in a local reaction. It happens that the reason is the incorrect input of the candle. In some women, the increased vulnerability of the vagina, if the painful sensation passes quickly, it is not worth stopping the treatment.

If a double dose of the drug enters the body, its components can cause poisoning of the body and harm the unborn child. When taken orally, the drug may pass into the placenta to the baby. It is not yet recommended to take terzhinan in the 1st trimester, it is better to wait until the 16th week of pregnancy (if there is no urgent need, and the doctor does not insist on taking the drug).

There will be discharge after use

There can be no overdose of the drug, since it is not absorbed into the blood. That is why the increase in concentration is impossible. At an increased dose, the condition due to which the drug had to be taken may worsen. The reaction may be ambiguous, the symptoms may stop, but may also intensify. In this case, you need to remove the candle and consult a gynecologist.

Contraindications are limited only to individual intolerance and allergies. The action of terzhinan does not go beyond the vaginal mucosa. In any case, taking the drug should be under the supervision of a specialist, he will select the drug, taking into account the characteristics of the condition and your body.

Features of the drug

The instructions for terzhinan say that the drug must be used at night. A woman during pregnancy should insert a tablet (before use, it must be held in warm water for at least 30 seconds) deep into the vagina once a day. Before going to bed, the most optimal time is when a woman can lie quietly and not move, which will contribute to the normal absorption of the drug. If you use candles during the day, after the introduction of at least 10-15 minutes, you must lie still. Usually the duration of treatment is 10 days. If the expectant mother has candidal vaginitis, then the doctor can extend the course to 20 days.

Features of the use of terzhinan at an early stage up to the 16th week of pregnancy are that the first trimester is always dangerous for taking medications and, if there are any pathologies, it is worth following the recommendations of a specialist. But it is impossible to ignore the inflammatory processes. In special cases, the specialist prescribes an individual treatment regimen, it will be necessary to follow his recommendations. Because infection can lead to premature birth or abortion.

Each woman has an individual treatment plan

In the 2nd trimester of danger, there are fewer restrictions than in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. The main prohibitions on the use of antibiotics, but terzhinan contains them in small quantities. Therefore, the medicine is safe for a pregnant woman and a baby. The dosage remains normal, in the absence of any discomfort.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, approaching the time of childbirth, you do not need to give the body a heavy load. This applies to the use of terzhinan, other drugs, as well as physical and emotional stress. Until the last month, the dosage remains normal. At any time, you can not use the medicine on your own, only after consulting a specialist.

Terzhinan during pregnancy is practically one of the most commonly used and approved drugs in obstetric practice today. The presence of immunodeficiency is typical for a pregnant mother. Susceptibility to infection with various infectious diseases is high. Moreover, many of them may already be in the mother's body, but do not manifest themselves in any way until the slack in health appears. Some problems are associated with the microflora of the vagina, it can be both candidiasis and gardnerellosis. It is important to detect these problems in time and begin to actively deal with them.

Indications for the use of terzhinan during pregnancy

Used for the treatment of many diseases. Naturally, they are all associated with the microflora of the vagina. So, it can be used for nonspecific recurrent vaginitis. This condition is characterized by a constant change in the "composition" of the microflora. Simply put, it indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. This can even be caused by an infection in the bladder. The drug actively fights with bacterial vaginosis, as well as vaginitis of Trichomonas etiology.

The medicine perfectly copes with vaginitis of mixed etiology. Especially if the problem was caused by anaerobic flora, as well as the presence of yeast-like fungi. The drug can be used to prevent purulent-inflammatory complications before surgical interventions in the pelvic area. The spectrum of action of the drug is really wide. Its effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed. Most importantly, it is absolutely safe.

Release form

Terzhinan is produced exclusively in the form of vaginal tablets. One such candle contains enough useful components that can have a positive effect on a woman's body and save her from inflammatory processes. So, one suppository contains 200 mg of ternidazole. This component is the main one. The excipients are neomycin sulfate in the amount of 100 mg and prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate 3 mg. But that's not all, it also contains excipinite. It contains geranium and clove oil. These components have an anti-inflammatory effect.

One package contains 6 or 10 candles, depending on the manufacturer. When purchasing terzhinan during pregnancy, you need to build on your own needs. Usually the duration of treatment is 7-10 days. Therefore, preference is given to package number 10.


Terzhinan is a combination drug for topical use. It is widely used to correct gynecological problems. It has an active antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. It contains powerful components that help to achieve a positive effect.

Ternidazole. This is an antifungal medicine that belongs to the group of imidazole derivatives. Neomycin sulfate is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It belongs to the group of aminoglycosides. Nystatin is also an antibiotic, but an antifungal. It belongs to the group of polyenes. Prednisolone is a dihydrated analog of hydrocortisone. All these components together have an incredible effect on the body and allow you to cope with many problems. Each component is responsible for its function, thereby allowing the exclusion of viruses and infections.


Ternidazole. This is an antifungal medicine that belongs to the group of imidazole derivatives. It is able to inhibit the synthesis of enzymes of the constituent part of the cell membrane. All this leads to the accumulation of the active component inside the fungal wall, thereby disrupting its structure and leading to complete destruction.

Neomycit sulfate helps in this action. It has a bactericidal effect against gram-positive microorganisms. Its mechanism of action is to influence the ribosomes, as well as the active inhibition of cell protein synthesis. Microbial resistance develops slowly.

Nystatin is highly active against yeast-like fungi. It is able to bind to the cell membrane of fungi and thereby disrupt its permeability. Thus, the growth of negative cells slows down. As for Prednisolone, it, in turn, suppresses the functions of leukocytes. Thus, he restricts their migration to the affected area. In addition, the substance is able to inhibit the activity of phospholipase A2. Which ultimately leads to suppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes.

Can terzhinan be used during pregnancy?

The main aspect in the treatment of the drug is its use in the form of suppositories. This is a combination tool that has a lot of positive properties. So, it performs an antifungal effect, and also acts as an antibacterial antibiotic and manifests itself as an antiseptic. That is why this drug is in special demand.

This remedy is produced in the form of tablets for vaginal use. The action of the drug is based on its rich composition. Yes, it contains an antibiotic, but due to its non-toxicity, Terzhinan can be used even during pregnancy. Perhaps this is its main feature. In addition, the drug is widely used during breastfeeding. But this does not mean that it can be used randomly. Everything is done according to the clear indications of a specialist. To date, this remedy is one of the few that, having such a rich composition, does not harm the baby at all.

Contraindications for use

In general, terzhinan during pregnancy has no contraindications. Because its action does not go beyond the mucous membrane of the vagina. All components included in its composition are not absorbed into the blood and do not penetrate the body. Therefore, it simply cannot negatively affect the fetus.

Despite this, there are contraindications. The fact is that women can have a banal allergy to the components that make up the drug. The remedy is rich in antibiotics, however, their dosage is negligible. But even this may be enough for the development of a persistent allergic reaction. Therefore, people with hypersensitivity should avoid it.

If a woman does not suffer from allergic reactions, she can safely use the medicine. True, after consultation with a specialist. Because it is simply necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each organism.

Side effects

In some cases, after the administration of the drug, a woman may feel discomfort. It consists in the manifestation of a slight burning sensation or irritation. In this case, it is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist and stop taking suppositories. Most likely, the woman has a too sensitive mucous membrane or has an allergic reaction to any component of the drug. It's not worth the risk, you need to learn in detail everything about this condition.

Side effects of terzhinan during pregnancy are usually manifested in the form of local reactions and do not go beyond them. You can feel discomfort for the first time minutes after the introduction of the candle. After a while, nothing shows up. This can be caused by both allergic reactions and incorrect insertion of the candle itself. Some women suffer from increased vaginal vulnerability. If over time the pain decreases, you should not stop treatment. Usually the inflammatory process subsides after several applications of the drug.

Yellow discharge after terzhinan during pregnancy

Many women begin to be frightened by the appearance of discharge. It is worth understanding why they appear. So, in most cases, they do not carry any danger. The fact is that the candle has some features. When introduced into the vagina, it begins to dissolve. The mucous membrane seems to absorb the necessary components. But she doesn't need everything. Therefore, the remnants of the candle can gradually come out over the next day after entering. This is a completely normal process. It is observed both when using vaginal suppositories and rectal suppositories.

The principle of operation of candles is the same. The mucous membrane absorbs the necessary components, everything else flows out safely. Therefore, many women are advised to use panty liners during the period of using candles. There are no other reasons why yellow discharge can be observed. If there are some doubts, it is still worth consulting with a gynecologist.

Dosage and administration

The tablet is applied at night by inserting it deep into the vagina. It is enough to use one suppository per day. The drug must be administered at bedtime. This is convenient in terms of the fact that the woman will not actively move and thereby allow the tablet to be absorbed. After the introduction, it is recommended to lie down for 10-15 minutes without moving. The duration of treatment with terzhinan during pregnancy is 10 days.

If the expectant mother suffers from candidal vaginitis, then therapy can be increased up to 20 days. If menstruation has begun (such cases occur during pregnancy), it is necessary to continue therapy with the drug. Until the moment of administration, the product should be kept in water for literally 30 seconds, so that it is thoroughly wetted.

The use of terzhinan in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

The tool can be used even in the first trimester of pregnancy. Despite the fact that it contains antibiotics, it is not able to have a negative effect on the developing fetus. The fact is that the pill does not go anywhere further than the vagina. It is not absorbed into the blood and does not penetrate into the body in any way. Therefore, there are no contraindications. If a woman has pathologies of fetal development or individual characteristics, it is worth consulting with a doctor. In any case, it is not recommended to use terzhinan alone during pregnancy.

The first trimester has always been the most dangerous. During this period, it is recommended to abandon any funds. But it is also impossible to leave the inflammatory process unattended. Because infection of the uterus can lead to infection of the fetus. Ultimately, abortion is not ruled out. Therefore, treatment should be carried out with caution.

The use of terzhinan in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy is not as dangerous as the first and third. There are no special restrictions regarding the use of certain drugs. Naturally, antibiotics are banned. Despite their content in the composition of Terzhinan, it is actively used. The fact is that this medicine is absolutely safe for both mother and child. It does not penetrate the body at all, therefore it is not capable of being absorbed into the blood and even more so into the mother's milk.

The dosage during this period is no different from the standard treatment regimen. If a woman experiences discomfort, then the dose can be prescribed individually or the treatment period is significantly reduced. When using any medication, you need to take into account the positive effect for the mother with a possible negative effect on the baby's body.

Naturally, leaving the problem untouched is also not worth it. It can give a lot of negative complications, including infection of the baby and the risk of abortion.

The use of terzhinan in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester, you should always be especially careful. The fact is that approaching the time of childbirth, you should not give the body additional stress. This applies not only to taking medications, but also to physical and emotional overstrain.

In general, candles of this type can be used at any time during pregnancy. True, special caution should be exercised for the first time and the last months. Antibiotics and other serious medicines are not recommended. Despite the rich content, including the group of antibiotics, Terzhinan is used even in the last months of pregnancy. It is not capable of harming the body of the mother and child. So there are no concerns here. But, despite this, it is highly not recommended to use the drug on its own. It is always necessary to adhere to an individual scheme of use and in case of discomfort, seek the help of a doctor.

Candles terzhinan during pregnancy

Sometimes joyful moments of future motherhood can be overshadowed by trips to the doctor. This not only spoils the mood, but can also harm the body. So, a young mother is exposed to the negative influence of many microorganisms, bacteria and infections. Her body is under stress. Therefore, any harmful "inhabitants" are able to penetrate the body and cause inflammatory processes in it.

Most often pester the problems of the genital area, namely candidiasis, vaginitis and vaginosis. In this case, treatment should be immediate, because there is a risk of infection of the child not only during the period of pregnancy itself, but also during childbirth. It is known that thrush can harm the baby's eyesight.

In order to eliminate unpleasant diseases, it is enough to resort to the help of Terzhinan candles. Yes, they contain antibiotics in their composition, but they do not harm the baby. The suppository does not go anywhere further than the vagina and is not even absorbed with the help of blood. Therefore, there should be no worries. The medicine is prescribed for absolutely everyone. The exceptions are those girls who suffer from hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. The product is absolutely safe for both mother and child. Despite this, it should be used only on special recommendations.


There were no cases of overdose. The fact is that the drug is not able to be absorbed into the blood, so its increased concentration in the body is simply impossible. If a woman takes the remedy in an increased dosage, then the maximum that will happen is that the general condition will worsen. Perhaps both the elimination of all symptoms, and the worsening of the manifestations of the disease. In this case, you need to remove the suppositories from the vagina and seek help from a specialist.

An overdose is possible if the agent has entered the body. For unknown reasons, the woman could simply swallow the medicine. In this case, you should immediately do a gastric lavage. After all, the components of terzhinan can cause severe poisoning and harm the baby. Because immediately after oral administration, the drug can pass through the placenta to the child. It is not even worth trying to deal with the problem on your own. We need to flush and wait for the ambulance. Treatment is symptomatic.

Interactions with other drugs

No features of the interaction of terzhinan with other drugs have been identified. Despite this, it is not worth using the medicine along with other medicines. After all, we are talking about a pregnant girl. In this case, it is generally recommended to abandon any drugs. It is even more impossible to combine them independently.

In some cases, with a more advanced form of thrush and other inflammatory processes, several drugs are prescribed simultaneously. Such a decision can only be made by the attending physician who leads the woman's pregnancy. After all, despite the complete safety of some funds, they should still be used with caution. In any case, even a small risk of harm always remains. The body of each pregnant girl is so individual that you can expect anything.

In no case should you make diagnoses by comparing your own symptoms with the same symptoms described on the site or heard from a friend. A gynecologist should make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Storage conditions

Usually, candles are stored in the refrigerator. The fact is that, due to their composition and streamlined shell, they are able to quickly melt. Therefore, keeping them at room temperature will lead to spoilage. Naturally, you should not succumb to their influence of direct sunlight. As the instructions say, terzhinan can be stored at a temperature of 25 degrees. but still, the refrigerator is the optimal condition. Before use, the tablet is cut off, waited for 5-10 minutes, and as soon as it warms up, you can use it.

If there are already children in the house, it is better to hide the drug away. Indeed, to the touch, he can remind the baby of candy, and even an unpleasant smell will not frighten him away. Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning, it is worth finding the optimal place for storage. It can be a dark place, without direct sunlight and an acceptable temperature. Such conditions will preserve the life of the drug. If the package is damaged or opened, it is not recommended to use candles.

Best before date

The shelf life of terzhinan is 3 years. For a given period, it must be stored under certain conditions. It is recommended to place candles in the refrigerator, even though the optimum storage temperature can be 25 degrees Celsius. It is still advisable to send them to the refrigerator. This will prevent them from melting and spoiling.

At the end of the expiration date, the use of the product is prohibited. Especially for a pregnant mom. Do not feel sorry for the medicine, it is better to get rid of it. Throughout the shelf life, you should pay attention to the appearance of the package. It should not have visible damage and punctures. Otherwise, terzhinan cannot be used during pregnancy. Most likely, it has lost its main pharmacological properties and will not bring any benefit.

Compliance with storage conditions is the guarantor of a long service life of the drug. If the product has melted, it must also be thrown away. It is not recommended to freeze it and use it.


When choosing a quality treatment, many mothers pay attention not only to the effectiveness of the drug, but also to its safety. Today, there are a lot of medicines that can help in the fight against inflammatory processes. Thus, both Terzhinan and Pimafucin. Because of this, many mothers are wondering what is better and what should be used from it.

A lot has been said about the beneficial properties of Terzhinan. It is completely safe, does not harm the mother and child. In addition, it is effective and its only contraindication is hypersensitivity to its main components. But what can be said about Pimafucil.

Many mothers praise Pimafucin. Indeed, the tool is able to get rid of inflammatory processes. And most often enough 6 days to completely recover. In some cases, relief occurs after 10 days. But, it doesn't always help. The medicine has a weaker composition and, therefore, it is not always easy for him to fight the infection, especially if a woman has had it for a long time. Therefore, Trezhinan is the undisputed leader, and side effects of this drug occur much less frequently.

Terzhinan or polygynax during pregnancy?

Terzhinan contains neomycin, this antibiotic is able to overcome many bacteria and infections. Helps him in this Nystatin and Prednisolone. Thanks to the cumulative activity, the effect is simply amazing. Most importantly, the tool can be used even during pregnancy. The chances of harming the baby are negligible. If you follow all the recommendations, then the treatment will be not only effective, but also safe. The main feature of the drug is the removal of unpleasant symptoms in a short period. It is enough to use one candle to feel significant relief. It is important to bring the treatment to the end and not stop, even if the discomfort has gone. After all, there is always a risk of a chronic course.

As for Polygynax, everything is somewhat different here. Yes, the tool also fights inflammation and destroys all unfavorable microorganisms. But it is stronger, so there is a risk of harm to the baby. It contains three antibiotics. Unlike Terzhinan, Polygynax is not able to simultaneously remove several infections. For example, if they have a different form of education. Therefore, eliminating only bacteriological inflammation, there is a risk of aggravating the course of an infectious disease. In this matter, Terzhinan is the most effective. Therefore, preference is most often given to him.

Macmirror or terzhinan during pregnancy?

There are no significant differences between these drugs. So, they contain nystatin in their composition, which helps fight many types of infections and bacteria. Some gynecologists believe that Macmirror is much safer than Terzhinan. Perhaps that is the way it is. But after all, Terzhinan is not particularly toxic and is not capable of harming a developing organism. It's hard to say for sure which is better.

McMirror has the same indications as Terzhinan. It actively fights thrush, and also eliminates inflammatory processes that were caused by the presence of fungi, bacteria and Trichomonas. It can not be used in case of hypersensitivity to some of its components. The product contains Nifuratel and Nystatin. In combination, they are able to extend the antimicrobial action. The components of the drug are not absorbed through the blood and do not enter the body. They are used for 7-10 days. The principle of use is the same as that of Terzhinan. Which of these drugs to choose, the attending physician decides. Most often, Terzhinan is preferred due to its effectiveness.

Terzhinan is a combination drug that contains an antimicrobial and antifungal component. It is prescribed as a prophylactic against thrush during pregnancy, before surgical interventions in the small pelvis, the installation of a spiral, childbirth and abortion.

Terzhinan during pregnancy is prescribed in the II and III trimesters, and at an earlier date, Pimafucin is prescribed for the treatment of thrush.

The composition of the drug and indications for use

Candles terzhinan during pregnancy are prescribed for the occurrence of vaginitis of various origins, trichomoniasis or candidiasis. Symptoms of these diseases are profuse white discharge with an unpleasant odor, burning and itching.

Terzhinan can be prescribed only after receiving the result of a vaginal smear for the determination of pathogenic bacteria.

And in case of detection of bacteria in a smear in a pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with Terzhinan.

Many women resist any treatment during pregnancy. But in vain, because in the presence of such diseases, the infection of the baby often occurs during its passage through the birth canal, but intrauterine infection of the fetus can also occur.

What makes Terzhinan tablets able to cope with a number of infections? It's all about its composition.

It includes:

  • antifungal component Nystatin, active against the fungus of the genus Candida;
  • neomycin sulfate eliminates pneumococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, Escherichia coli, Shigella and Proteus that develop in the vagina;
  • ternidazole- an agent that has a depressing effect on the anaerobic flora;
  • prednisolone- glucocorticoid agent with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action.

All of the above components in the complex give a quick positive result, so after two applications the woman feels significant relief.

Dosage and method of application during pregnancy

Candles from thrush Terzhinan are available in one dosage form - in the form of solid vaginal tablets.

The drug is prescribed after 13 weeks of pregnancy, but with high rates of infection with a bacterial infection, it can be prescribed from the first days of gestation. Such exceptions are present when there is a high risk of transmission from mother to child, and it is not possible to replace the drug with a similar drug.

The instruction says that the candle is administered once a day at night, after wetting the tablet in water. Such manipulation will allow it to dissolve well and be absorbed into the walls of the vagina.

If it is not possible to put the drug at bedtime, then it is necessary to lie down for 10-15 minutes after the administration of the tablet.

The course of treatment is discussed with the doctor, taking into account the nature of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body. Usually, with candidiasis, treatment is carried out for 10 days, even in the absence of pronounced symptoms.

Sometimes the reception is extended up to 20 days, depending on the manifestation of a fungal infection.

As a preventive measure, suppositories can be used for up to 6 days.

You should carefully consider the instructions for use if the patient wants to get the maximum effect from the drug. Skipping the drug or taking an incomplete course of treatment will lead to the fact that the infection will develop again after a while.

Side effects from taking the drug and special instructions

During the course of treatment in the first days, side effects may appear in the form of irritation in the vagina, burning or itching. In rare cases, an allergic reaction.

These unpleasant sensations occur during the large-scale death of pathogenic microflora under the action of antibiotics. Usually, after several doses, side effects and signs of the disease gradually subside.

If any allergic reactions to the components of the drug occur, it is urgent to tell your local gynecologist about this.

For any vaginal infections or bacterial infections, sexual intercourse is not recommended. This is based on the sensitivity of the mucosa during the inflammatory process, and any friction can cause additional harm or lead to microscopic damage. In addition, in most cases, candidiasis and vaginitis cause very unpleasant sensations, and itching during intercourse can increase.

Remember! If a future mother has vaginitis or trichomoniasis, both partners must undergo treatment. If this requirement is ignored, infection will occur with every sexual contact.

The release of the drug is carried out without a doctor's prescription, but self-medication is not recommended.

The state of pregnancy is always a joyful process, but some events can easily make a pregnant woman worry. These include not only irritation, malaise, fatigue and various mood swings, but also visits to the attending specialist. The most common factor in such symptoms is simple thrush, which often occurs during pregnancy.

Also, the disease can be provoked by various types mushrooms Candida is the natural inhabitants of the vaginal microflora, the spread of which is inhibited with a woman's healthy and strong immunity. But in the process of waiting for the baby, the woman's immunity begins to decline sharply and become weak. With all this, strong immunity is very important for the birth of a healthy child, and it is this symptom that creates a kind of start for the development of pathogenic microflora. Terzhinan vaginal suppositories can help in such a situation during a woman's pregnancy.

Terzhinan during pregnancy

During pregnancy are especially provoked various diseases in the vaginal area that occur due to microorganisms, bacteria and Candida fungi, as well as from Trichomonas, vaginitis and candidiasis of various forms. For this reason, for the normal functioning of the immune system and to eliminate unpleasant signs, gynecologists prescribe special candles Terzhinan.

The components included in the drug Terzhinan.

IN composition medicines are available:

Considering all the possibilities of the components of the drug, Terzhanin differs from other similar drugs in its effective fight against a large number of bacteria and microorganisms. With the help of active influence on harmful pathogens and infection, the drug inhibits the activity and reproduction of harmful organisms. Also, suppositories have a positive effect on the microflora of the vagina, contributing reduction of inflammation processes in it.

Terzhinan is usually used by women not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life, if this is so important.

Basic steps for applications facilities:

It also happens when the remedy is used to prevent various diseases, to example:

  1. Before performing any operations or procedures of a gynecological nature.
  2. Before an abortion.
  3. Before the birth.
  4. Before implanting any intrauterine devices, including spirals.
  5. Before the development of hysterography.
  6. Before the development of diathermocoagulation of the cervix and after this process.

Sometimes Terzhinan can be prescribed as a prophylactic against various infections during pregnancy in the first and last trimester.

Price for this medicinal product mainly depends on the number of capsules in one package of the product. In most cases, in pharmaceutical institutions, you can find cardboard packages that carry 6 or more candles, the price of which varies from 370 to 550 rubles.

Can Terzhinan be used during pregnancy?

The tool carries antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal and antibacterial features that positively affect the normalization of the functioning of the vaginal microflora. Can Terzhinan be used during pregnancy? A woman in the process of bearing a baby can use this medicine if she has certain symptoms of the disease, and also as a preventive measure.

Sometimes women are afraid to start using such candles. vaginal type, as they contain an antibiotic. But according to the opinions of many medical specialists, the drug acts only locally, without being absorbed into the free bloodstream, so it is absolutely in no way able to affect the child's embryo and its further development. Terzhinan can be used at any period of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding of a newborn, since with the help of local action, the particles of the drug are not able to penetrate into the milk itself.

Most often, Terzhinan is taken during pregnancy as preventive actions, including in the early stages of pregnancy, for example, when a woman before that time had certain diseases in the vaginal mucosa in order to avoid their reappearance. At a time when the disease manifests itself already in the last trimesters, the remedy is used by a woman in order to prevent infection of the child herself, who at that time passes through the woman's birth canal.

Sometimes women get really worried process discharge after the use of Terzhinan during pregnancy and the development of abundant white discharge of a foamy nature, but this process only means that the drug is positively excreted and cleanses the mucous membranes of the body from the effects of pathogenic microflora.

What is the dosage of the drug, as well as the method of application

According to the prescriptions of the treating drug, Terzhinan during pregnancy should be injected deep into the vagina once a day and one capsule. It would be better to do this before going to bed so that the effect of the drug lasts as long as possible. If you use such candles in the daytime, then after the introduction of the drug you need to stay in a supine position for about four hours.

In order to to avoid If a tablet accidentally falls out of the vagina, it is best not to use hygienic tampons, since the tampon will close the mucosa from treatment with the medicinal components of the drug and the proper healing effect simply will not occur.

The course of application of the medicine will vary from 7 to 10 days, but if the mucous membranes of the vagina are irritated by some kind of fungal disease, the treatment process must be carried out by the doctor himself for twenty days.

Special contraindications and intolerance to the drug

Before start of the course of treatment, most women complain of burning and itching in the area that is to be treated with a treating agent, but because of this, treatment is not worth it at all, since such phenomena are quite justified and are considered a normal reaction of the body of a pregnant woman to the process of inhibiting the effects of pathogens on the vagina and its mucous membranes. Such negative sensations, with the normal course of treatment, can disappear on their own in a few days. But if this is not done within three days and the burning sensation remains, then you should go to see your doctor.

The therapeutic effect of capsules on the body occurs only local way of exposure, so there will be no negative impact on the body of the expectant mother and on the growing child.

Probably, the presence of individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug can be considered one of the main contraindications to the use of Terzhanin, but this happens very rarely. Symptoms at this time include an acute burning sensation and severe itching in the vagina, which occurs immediately after the capsule is inserted inside.

To prevent re-infection with this disease and subsequent cases of recurrence of thrush, it is necessary to exclude all kinds of sexual contacts during the course of treatment, with all this, your soul mate must also be subjected to a certain course of drug treatment.

What do doctors think about the effects of the drug Terzhinan and the features of its use?

A large number of gynecologists say that Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy are considered not only an effective component in the fight against thrush, vaginitis and various pathogenic pathologies of the female genital organs, but are also completely safe for both the child and the pregnant woman.

In the instructions for this remedy, you can see information that it is worth taking the drug during pregnancy only with the special recommendation of a doctor and with special care. For example, in the second and third trimester, candles are used when there is a special need for this purpose, for example, a threat infections embryo of the child at the beginning of the opening of the cervix or during childbirth.

One myth is widespread that Terzhinan's suppositories can change the mother's hormonal background, dramatically rebuild it, which during pregnancy can adversely affect a woman's overall health, including abortion. At the same time, this also applies to other products from the Terzhinan brand, such as solutions, injections, as well as oral capsules, which are never prescribed to women in a position by doctors.

Sometimes women talk about inconvenience and unpleasant sensations that arise during the introduction of a candle, as well as insufficient healing effects. But in the case when the drug is used according to the instructions, then no inconvenience or difficulties should arise. Before the introduction of the capsule, it should be placed in warm water for 20-30 seconds. In addition, pre-soaking the candle will help it dissolve much faster, which is why the healing effect will be the highest.

It is important to always remember that you do not need to use the drug on your own, even if there are indications for its use. Assign well Terzhinan can only be treated by an experienced specialist. Using self-medication during pregnancy is extremely dangerous for the life of a small child.

How to use vaginal suppositories?

Like any other remedy, Terzhinan candles carry special properties and a method of use. Before you start using the drug, you should study it comprehensively.

Means Terzhinan follows apply Thus:

Should remember that bacterial vaginitis can be freely inherited sexually, so it is worthwhile, together with your own treatment, to conduct a course of prevention for your partner. Candles or tablets can not be used orally, as the drug affects the body only locally.

Specific actions of Terzhanin

The tool contains a special impact:

  1. Antifungal.
  2. Preventive.
  3. Antibacterial.
  4. Healing.
  5. Soothing.
  6. Anti-inflammatory
  7. Antiprotozoal.

In addition to prevention against thrush, this drug is also used to treat Trichomonas and other gynecological diseases of the microflora or the birth canal of pregnant women.