Wavy nails. Uneven fingernails and toenails: causes and treatment

Even the most expensive and sophisticated manicure looks terrible on sick nails. Especially if the nail plates are dotted with "waves" and "ridges". Why are fingernails wavy? Is it possible to solve this problem on my own?

Factors in the formation of "waves"

Ugly "ridges" can be located along the plate or across. They can be large or small. But the essence of this does not change. There is a disease. Unfortunately, this is not only a cosmetic defect.

1) Fungal infection.

Most often, "waves" appear due to infection with mycoses. This fungus can be picked up in baths and saunas, in swimming pools and gyms, with handshakes and through household items. He will “cling” only to some people, but he will not be able to others.

The main reason for this selectivity is our immunity. A weakened body is not able to resist infections from the outside. And in the humid environment of baths and gyms, harmful microorganisms feel great.

Another reason for susceptibility to fungus is injury to and around the nails. In most cases, we ourselves injure our hands. The cuticle was removed incorrectly, the hangnail was pulled out by the root, damaging the skin, injured with nail scissors. Injuries and microcracks are entry holes for the fungus. It easily gets under the skin and begins its vital activity.

If you suspect a fungal infection, you should consult a dermatologist. Only in laboratory conditions can you find out the type of fungus. Only after that the doctor will prescribe drugs for treatment. It is difficult to cope with a fungal infection on your own. Harmful microorganisms of a certain type are resistant to the active substances of one drug, but sensitive to other drugs.

2) Problems inside the body.

Weakened immunity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys can deform our nails, making them ugly. It is also noticed that nails, hair and skin react to stress and nervous tension. We may not be aware of the internal state, but the hair begins to fall out, the skin loses its natural shade, the nails exfoliate and deform.

A complete examination of the body will help to find out the problem. With nail diseases, as well as with questions like “what to do if I am shawarma”, it is better to go to the doctor. Only to different specialists ...

How to remove ugly "combs"?

1) Proper nutrition and vitaminization.

Every day in the diet should be vegetables, fruits, herbs and dairy products. For the health of marigolds, useful substances such as:

  • vitamins A, C, E, group B (they strengthen the plate and contribute to its rapid growth);
  • iodine and calcium (necessary for growth and strength);
  • silicon and sulfur (provide elasticity to the plate, protect against inflammatory processes).

2) Good rest and no bad habits.

One of the factors of health is a good night's sleep. And you need to get enough sleep every night. It is impossible to “get” the missing hours of nightly sleep over the weekend, for example.

Bad habits weaken our immunity. Because of this, we become vulnerable to viruses, bacteria and fungi. Each healthy organ is a well-coordinated work of the body and a strong defense system. If something goes wrong, the entire system is disrupted.

Healing your body from the inside, we must not forget about the proper care of hands and nails. Here are some simple rules:

1) Do all your homework with rubber gloves (this way you minimize the harmful effects of household chemicals and high humidity, which is no less dangerous for hands);

2) Trust manicure only to professionals (you can do unedged manicure at home);

3) Never pull out, do not gnaw off the hangnails, soften the cuticle and gently move it with a stick;

4) Periodically pamper your nails with baths and masks (sea salt, chamomile, essential and vegetable oils are good);

5) Regularly massage the nail plates with a soft toothbrush;

6) Before applying varnish, protect the nail with a base coat.

During the period of illness, you can not build up nails and polish them. Proper care, vitamins and a healthy diet will help to cope with the problem. But it takes time for a new nail to grow. The waviness is cut off. It's impossible to fix it.

Strong nails with a perfectly smooth and shiny surface look great even without a decorative manicure with an exquisite nail design. It is enough to give healthy nails the desired shape and lightly polish their surface with a manicure buff to feel confident at any event. But what if the fingernails become ribbed and why do ugly bumps, depressions, white or black spots sometimes appear on the surface of the nail plates?

Our nails can be called a kind of indicator, with which you can approximately determine the cause of the pathology that caused the formation of ribbed stripes on the surface of the nail plates. These strips can be located both along the nail plates and across. It is very difficult to apply varnish in an even layer on an uneven surface of nails and make a fashionable manicure. But you can’t consider ribbed fingernails only as an unpleasant cosmetic defect that you can constantly fight with a leveling gel. If the surface of the nails continues to remain bumpy and uneven even after the growth of new plates, then you should definitely visit a doctor so that a specialist can help find out the cause of the pathology.

Even the location of the grooves on the nail plate can indicate the cause of the deformity. If deep strips are located across the plate and have a wavy shape, then it is quite possible that the metabolic process is disturbed in the body or there are problems with the functioning of internal organs. Ribbed stripes along the nail may appear after a tangible matrix injury (bruise, finger pinching) or with a deficiency of nutrients in the body. The grooves on the nail plates may differ in size or be almost the same. The deformation is especially pronounced on the thumbs, since the plates are harder and thicker there. Often, with the growth of the nail plate, a single deep depression is formed, the size of which remains unchanged. If the nails on the hands hurt, begin to turn yellow and exfoliate, then there is a high probability of damage to the nail plates and periungual skin by a fungus.


In the photo: nails with ribbed stripes located along or across the plate


In order to permanently get rid of ribbed stripes on the nails, it is important to identify the cause of their appearance and eliminate it. But until this moment, I want to walk with a beautiful manicure and special means for leveling the surface that can be applied to the nails instead of the base layer will help solve this problem. Established brands include: Mavala Ridge Filler, Zinger Smoothing Base Orly, Ridgefiller Smoothing Primer Basecoat, Smart Enamel.

- in the photo: leveling base for decorative coating


Nutrient deficiency.
Factors such as an insufficient amount of fluid in the body, as well as a deficiency of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids negatively affect the growth of healthy nails. In this case, the nail plates become brittle, dull, mottled with weakly expressed longitudinal stripes. The same symptoms are observed with a lack of red blood cells in the blood or with a low hemoglobin content (anemia);

Violations in the work of internal organs.
Deformation, compaction of the nail plate and the formation of transverse grooves may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus. Ribbed nails are formed during inflammatory processes in the intestines, with poor absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, with a violation of the thyroid gland. Longitudinal grooves can be a symptom of beriberi, diseases of the cardiovascular system or respiratory organs;

fungal infection.
The formation of rough breaks and stripes against the background of a darkened nail plate may indicate fungal infection of the nails. Later, others join these symptoms - the appearance of yellowish or brown spots, brittleness and delamination of the nail plates. Thin ribbed stripes may appear on deformed nails after prolonged use of certain medications (primarily antibiotics). In any case, be sure to consult a dermatologist or a mycologist in order to start treatment on time if mycosis is detected;

Incorrect nail care.
Accidental trauma to the nail fold with manicure tools can lead to infection of the matrix with infection. Pushing back the cuticle with a spatula of a metal pusher or removing keratinized skin with a trimmer, you can injure soft tissues to the point of blood. From the damaged matrix, a nail will grow with uneven ribbed stripes and white spots. You can also severely damage the structure of the nail plate by constantly grinding its surface with nail files with a large abrasive;

Household chemicals.
Serious deformation of the nails can also be caused by active substances that are part of cleaning products or dishwashing detergents. Often, ribbed nails grow back after frequent contact of fingers with chlorinated water, with various descaling additives, with household chemicals for cleaning glasses. Wear rubber gloves to protect your nails and skin while cleaning, dry your hands and apply a special cream to your skin after contact with hard water;

Decorative coating.
You can even damage the structure of the nail plate with high-quality varnish or gel polish if you apply a color coating immediately on natural nails without protecting them with a base layer. Remove the hardened coating only with a special nail polish remover (gel polish). The same applies to extended nails, which must be softened before being removed with an orange stick or cotton pad. After each nail extension, be sure to take breaks (2-3 weeks) so that the natural plates rest and "breathe".


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A rare woman is able to remain calm, noticing wavy fingernails. This condition of the nail plates spoils the aesthetic appearance of the brush. First of all, they try to solve the problem by applying a decorative coating. In some cases, these methods help to put the hands in order, but after removing the “camouflage”, the nails are in a more deplorable state. What to do if wavy fingernails appear?

How to fix a cosmetic defect

To improve the appearance of the hand, a number of procedures are used, some of which contribute to further aggravation of the situation.

For example, nail extensions. The brush will look well-groomed, but under the protective coating, the nail plates will be without air for a long time.

Their condition will worsen, extensions sometimes have to be removed due to soreness in the fingertips.

It will take a long time and seriously to treat nails in the future, you will have to forget about the decorative coating, as well as about a beautiful manicure, for a long time.

The abuse of therapeutic gels and oils will not save the nails.

Rubbing them too much into the stratum corneum will soften it, the cuticles will become very tender, and there is a risk of injury, and as a result, a fungal infection.

Polishing the nail, performed in compliance with the technology - no more than once a month and only with a soft polishing file - will remove the top layer and remove the cosmetic defect for a while, but then ugly waves will again appear on the nail plates. Polishing does not change the structure and quality of the nail.

Only by identifying the reason why the deformation of the nails occurred and restoring the synthesis of keratin, you can give the hands an aesthetic appearance.

Causes of nail deformation

Nails are a kind of indicator of the state of the body.

Most often, a change in their appearance occurs with a deterioration in health.

Transverse waves or ribs on the nail plates indicate a disorder in the work of the endocrine, vascular or digestive systems. It is these disorders in the body that block the production of keratin, which ensures the hardness and healthy appearance of the nail plates.

After the first sign - waves and bumps - the nails begin to crumble, change color, or become soft. Cracking nail plates indicate a malfunction in the reproductive organs, vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis.

If the toenails become wavy, but the hands remain unchanged, a fungal infection or the initial stage of psoriasis can be suspected. Transverse grooves and discomfort in the fingers are the primary symptoms of these conditions.

Deformation can be caused by contact with aggressive substances that destroy the surface of the skin and nails.

Sometimes the cause of wavy nails are household injuries or damage that appeared due to a poorly performed manicure. If the injury was not deep and the bed of the nail - the matrix - was not damaged, then in the future these grooves will disappear.

If the matrix is ​​damaged, then the situation can sometimes be corrected only by opening the nail bed and removing the keratinized plate. But this procedure - which is required only on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia - may not help restore the hands to their original state.

Another seemingly insignificant reason is the violation of the integrity of the horny coating with a manicure pusher - a cuticle spatula.

If the traumatic effects are systematic, the cornified plate may not recover.

What to do to give the hands an aesthetic appearance?

If there were no injuries or contact with aggressive reagents, then why the nails become wavy should be clarified during a general examination of the body. The cosmetic defect is eliminated along with the treatment of the underlying cause that caused its appearance.

Treatment should begin with the transition to a balanced diet - a balanced diet helps to increase the production of keratin. It will be necessary to introduce foods containing a large amount of essential nutrients - vitamins and polyminerals - into the diet. These include vitamins: A, E, C, B12 and B6.

To improve the quality of nails, you need to take care of saturating the body with microelements:

  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • gray;
  • silicon;
  • fluorine;
  • selenium.

It is especially important to increase the content of products with a large amount of selenium in the daily menu - the smoothness of the nail plate depends on it. It is included in the chemical composition of black currants, olives, bran, garlic, seaweed.

In late winter and early spring, it is best to introduce the necessary nutrients into the diet in tablet form.

Prevention of nail deformity

A special manicure should be done to prevent increased deformation of the nail.

This type of cosmetic procedures includes unedged methods of hand care:

  • European and Japanese way; SPA manicure;
  • When performing work that requires contact with water or household chemicals, it is necessary to protect your hands with gloves. Under protective waterproof rubber, you need to wear additional cotton, which has sufficient hygroscopicity;
  • It is necessary to systematically massage the hands, the nails during it are treated with a special manicure massage brush;
  • Various baths effectively restore the surface of the nail plates. They can be made with sea salt, based on vegetable and essential oils;
  • A very good firming and regenerating agent is salted lemon. Citrus must be cut in half, steeply salted with sea salt, left for 10 minutes to activate the reagent. Then dip your fingertips into the lemon halves for 15 minutes. A week of such procedures, and the hands will acquire a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

If salt is abused, then the fingertips will begin to "bake". In this case, the treatment session must be interrupted, otherwise the salt will corrode the cuticles, and the fingers will become unhealthy and untidy.

Before applying decorative varnishes, it is imperative to apply protective base coats. If the nail plate is tender, and subject to pathological changes at the slightest traumatic impact, then it is advisable to abandon varnishes with decorative inclusions.

It is unpleasant to find in yourself an external modification of the texture of the nail. Why does corrugation or irregularities appear on it? Few people ask this question, but in vain. After all a change in the texture of the nail plate appears not without reason. What to do, how to reverse this and restore smoothness and health? Let's talk about the main causes and ways to treat shear waves on the nails.

Older people who have vertical grooves on the nail plate (raised lines run from the cuticle to the base) have no reason to worry. This age anomaly, it becomes noticeable over the years. But the plate in the horizontal corrugation is worth attention. The side view of the nail noticeably gives out waves, take a closer look, the profile will show you depressions and hollows.

Often, the corrugated plate on the nails is cosmetic in nature, which is the result of improper, rough trimming of the cuticle by negligent manicurists. But this is not always the case. Consider the most important reasons for this phenomenon:

Mycosis fungus

Development of nail fungus

Half of the cases of wavy dystrophy - bacterial fungus. When you experience some discomfort: swollen hands, insensitive fingers and painful itching, you need to visit a specialist.

Symptoms indicate a dangerous infection that is risky for health and does not require monitoring processes. Diagnosis may be obvious on examination by a dermatologist and after a scraping test. There is no universal approach to killing bacteria, they are responsive to one drug and completely resistant to another.

- functional disorder of the body (hormonal, cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive failure).

- mechanical injury;

- congenital anomaly;

- psoriasis, lichen planus;

- cancer.


Eliminating the cause of wavy nails with the help of laboratory tests, the patient's history, information about his activities And lifestyle, dermatologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Functional failure, require doctors of a narrow profile. In the case of psoriasis, depriving and other bacteria with infections, therapy is delayed for a long time, you need to be prepared for this.

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Medicines and ointments for fungal infections

Lacquer against toenail fungus Oflomil - one of the most effective drugs

The main medical remedies that help normalize the growth of the nail plate and rid it of the fungus include:

- glucocorticosteroids (hormonal drugs);

- vitamins and microelements that regenerate the tissue of the nail plate (A, B, C, D, P, E; calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc in tablets, injections and diet);

- antihistamine drugs (tablets Suprastin, Tavegil and Dimedrol);

- from traditional ointments (tar, salicylic);

- prednisolone ointments, hydrocortisone are used at the beginning of treatment;

- non-halogenated ointments: Flucinar, Advantan, Dermazolone, Oxycort;

- Psorkutan or Calcipotriol cream (not a hormonal drug, it is used for a long time).


To speed up the process of nail regrowth, you must follow some measures:

- regularly strengthen nails using salt baths;

- use cuticle oil, this nourishes and moisturizes the nail plate (continuous use of it eliminates wave-like grooves, eventually they disappear forever).

In order for nails to grow healthy and not bother you, it is important to know How not to get infected.

The answer is simple - to adhere to the rules of hygiene, from time to time to carry out preventive measures to cleanse the nails and develop proper resistance to disease in the form of the use of a full complex of vitamins for the growth of nails and hair.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, people almost never face problems of an infectious nature. To be absolutely healthy, it is important not only to have the purity of internal organs (to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins), but also to carry out prevention from diseases that infect a person from the outside. A healthy body is resistant to the attacks of viruses and bacteria. A robust life support system provides daily protection against environmental aggression.

An important priority for a healthy lifestyle is nutrition, sleep, exercise, outdoor activities. These factors are beneficial to metabolism and longevity. A smooth plate will grow, replace the nails with waves, and the causes and treatment and their tedious search will cease to bother. Following the recommendations after a while gives a positive result.

What does abnormal nail growth indicate?

When the nail plates grow incorrectly (exfoliate, grow in waves), it is necessary to determine the causes and begin treatment. As a rule, nails and hair are the first to make it clear that a person has serious health problems.

If we take into account delamination pattern , as vertical and horizontal stripes and grooves appear on the nails, as well as a shade of blue or poor (slow) growth, then according to these manifestations, an experienced doctor will definitely find the cause and indicate that the patient has a particular disease.

It is the incorrect growth of nails that may indicate any deviations from the norm.

Of course, traditional medicine is quite strong, but it's up to you to take risks or not.

The poor condition of the nails (for example, when the nails grow in waves) is not a reason for self-treatment, not a reason for self-selection of folk remedies, without any experience.

It would be best to contact a more competent specialist with suspicions of a problem.

However, it is still possible to consider the possible causes of improper nail growth.

What do changes in the nail plates tell us?

Structure of the nail

Consider the main causes and symptoms of abnormal nail growth.

Vertical stripes indicate that you most likely have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If a bluish tint appears on the nails, the nails themselves begin to exfoliate, this is nothing but heart problems.

Nail plates with white stripes, grooves and a bumpy structure may indicate the presence of diabetes. They may also indicate metabolic disorders.

Horizontal stripes indicate probable infectious diseases.

If the nails grow reluctantly and at the same time are concave down, this may be the cause of iron deficiency anemia.

It's important to understand!

Before you self-medicate, you need to contact the clinic for advice. Only a timely examination will help to exclude possible diseases and the specialist will competently advise you, focusing on the examination.

It is very unpleasant to find irregularities on the nails that spoil their entire appearance. Sometimes the "crests" of these waves can cover all nails, located across the nail or along the entire length of the nail plate. This “waviness” of the nails becomes even more noticeable when they are covered with bright varnishes, and, as you know, they are used for special occasions, which is doubly upsetting. So why do wavy nails appear and what can be done to restore their smoothness and health?

Often we pay attention to the fact that wavy nails have formed on the thumbs. And the most common reason for this is injury. In addition, the nails on the thumbs are larger than the rest, and therefore all the flaws on it are much more noticeable than on other nails. However, if such a problem as an uneven surface of the nails exists, then it will definitely appear on all the nails. Perhaps you just need to take a closer look and you will see it right now.

Especially gives out wavy fingernails side view. The “profile” of the nail will immediately show you the full depth of the cavities and hollows. It happens that the "crests" of such waves are located at the same distance from each other, and sometimes they differ in wavelength. Maybe there is only one transverse groove along the entire length of the nail plate, which does not move anywhere and does not grow back as the nail grows.

There may be more than one or two such hollows. They can be subtle, very shallow, and real furrows. If you cover them with bright varnish, especially varnish without mother-of-pearl, wavy fingernails become even more wavy, and bumps on the nails are visible even to the naked eye.

Why do wavy nails appear?

Unfortunately, wavy nails are not always a purely cosmetic problem. Sometimes it is the result of improper, rough cutting of the cuticle, inaccurate home care for the hands. But this is not always the case. Often, wavy fingernails hide quite serious problems, nails speak of health, or rather, problems with it.

And the first place in the ranking of problems from which bumps are formed on the nails is occupied by mycoses - fungal infections. If you or your manicure specialist suspects that the nails may be affected by a fungus, you should consult a dermatovenereologist or mycologist.

The most striking confirmation of infection is yellow nails, but even on the basis of this, the "nail diagnosis" cannot be fully confirmed. Today, scientists have several dozen species of fungi and their subspecies. Fortunately, modern laboratories have the ability to diagnose a wide range of them. A doctor, only on the basis of a laboratory test, can diagnose nails and prescribe a drug that will help. There is no universal approach here, the bacteria that "live" in your body can be sensitive to one drug, and completely immune to another.

In the future, elementary hygiene rules will help to avoid infection with a fungus, which will protect not only you, but also your loved ones from the risk of infection!

In second place is another reason due to which an uneven surface of the nails is formed - non-fungal lesions of the nails. In addition to mycoses, the nail plates are deformed by other types of various pathogenic microbes. That is why it is necessary to immediately contact a dermatovenerologist, who will identify the true cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

What do nails say about the health of the owner?

Everyone knows that fungus and other infections can be acquired in public places, such as saunas, beaches and other things. It is enough for someone to go to a fitness center or a nail salon just once to “pick up” some unpleasant nail disease! However, a logical question arises: why, in this case, visit swimming pools, saunas, etc. many, but not all suffer from such diseases?

The answer is simple: high immunity. And people who lead a healthy lifestyle, just they are different. Their body is resistant to most viruses, bacteria, etc. In other words, wavy nails say the following about the owner’s health: “Your immunity, lady, is frail!”.

Healthy intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs and other organs of the human body work in harmony, daily providing us with protection from the aggressiveness of the environment. Of great importance for a person and the beauty of nails and hair is good nutrition, healthy sleep, active rest and regular walks in the fresh air. All these factors contribute to good metabolism, longevity and beauty.

What to do if wavy nails?

In order for your nails to become healthy, even and shiny, grow quickly and correctly, you need to consume food that provides the body with vital minerals and vitamins.

Many mistakenly believe that a balanced diet is very difficult and expensive. However, the truth is that our body absorbs easily and with real benefit only those foods that we have been accustomed to for centuries - so to speak, primordially Russian vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes, legumes, greens, ...) and fruits (pears, apples - in summer, in winter - tangerines and oranges), nuts, seeds, etc.

It is in these products that there are necessary nutrients for the health of nails and for the health of the body as a whole. Vitamins that are needed to strengthen the nail plate are vitamins A, E and C for better nail growth B vitamins and iodine, provides hardness to the nails calcium, elasticity - silicon, the correct structure iron, A sulfur- an element that is undeservedly deprived of attention, which will save your nails and cuticles from inflammatory diseases.

The uneven surface of the nails, their concavity and thinness, unhealthy color, yellow nails mean that your body needs iron. Its main sources are: meat and poultry, liver, tuna, oats, peas, legumes, cabbage and zucchini, berries (especially blueberries and raspberries) and all fruits. Iron is best absorbed with fluorine and vitamin C. Fluoride is found in: fish and shrimp, meat, eggs, milk, cereals, tea, potatoes, spinach and onions, nuts, apples and grapefruits. Vitamin C - comes in abundance in citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes. There is a lot of it in absolutely any berries, fruits and vegetables with bright colors, and, of course, in greens. In order for the nails to receive an additional, “shock” portion of vitamin C, they need to be immersed in the pulp of a lemon - in this way, you will strengthen your nails and make them lighter.

Lack of sulfur also provokes deformation of the nails. Sulfur is provided by fresh salads, cabbage, eggplant, onions, garlic, oatmeal and buckwheat.

If your nails exfoliate, and depressions in the form of dots, white spots appear on their surface, or even a fungus begins and bacterial infections develop, then your body suffers from a lack of vitamin A, vitamin C, and a lack of zinc. Zinc is found in grains and legumes, nuts, seafood, leeks and leafy greens.

When you have gray-yellow nails, dull, with grooves or stripes, this indicates a lack of vitamins B5, PP and selenium in the body. Cereals, bran, offal, chicken meat and eggs, broccoli, and yeast are generous for vitamin B5. Nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, enters the body from the same nuts and seeds, from yeast, porcini mushrooms, brown rice, eggs and milk, meat and fish. Selenium is found in offal, olives, eggs, black currants, seaweed, bran, garlic. It is from selenium that the shine and smoothness of nails depend.

If you are really worried about health problems, you often suffer from colds, experience constant fatigue and do not know where to start ... Then first of all donate blood for a general analysis and contact an experienced therapist.

How to treat uneven nails at home

Wavy toenails or toenails are not always a problem associated with a change in general well-being or metabolic disorders. Often, transverse grooves on the nails appear due to mistakes in home nail manicure.

But, do not be discouraged, if this is true, you have a reason to breathe a sigh of relief, take into account the mistakes and continue to take care of your nails correctly. After all, if a lot of effort, money and time are required to resolve health problems, then cosmetic errors are easy to eliminate. The only limiting factor in this matter is time, or rather the individual growth rate of your nails. After all, the grooves cannot be aligned. It will take some time for the nail plate to grow along with the existing defect.

And now let's take a look at the most common, traumatic nails “mistakes” in turn, and also what to do if wavy nails are the cause of embarrassment.

Traumatization of the nail plate. The deformation of the nail can occur due to the fault of a banal ballpoint pen. For example, if you press the pen too hard against the nail of your index or middle finger while writing. In this case, there is excessive pressure on the root or other part of the nail. Indeed, as a rule, the uneven surface of the nails, their foliation, crumbling and other troubles occur on the nails on these fingers! The same problem happens to women who type a lot on the keyboard, but not with all fingers, but with two or three.

Rough cuticle removal. Wavy nails appear after rough cuticle removal. Using metal tools at the root of the nail plate, it is very easy to damage its structure. Cuts, wounds, cracks make the skin of the hands and feet susceptible to damage by all sorts of bacteria, which only exacerbates the problem of uneven nails. Therefore, barbaric methods of getting rid of burrs should be avoided - biting, tearing, etc. If you already have wavy fingernails, you need to remove the burrs and the skin around the nail very carefully.

The easiest way to do at home is not trimmed manicure. You will need a cuticle softener and an orange stick for this. Preliminary it is recommended to make a warm bath, preferably with sea salt, as well as a gentle, gentle nail massage.

Treatments that can heal wavy toenails and toenails sooner and prevent them from forming in the future include:

  • 1. Unedged manicure: SPA manicure, European, Japanese;
  • 2. Household and cotton gloves for housework. After all, it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences later;
  • 3. Nail massage a soft toothbrush, and preferably a special manicure;
  • 4. Baths with sea salt that enrich the skin and nails with minerals;
  • 5. Trays from vegetable and essential oils. Mixtures for them can be used as a means of strengthening, moisturizing nails, as a massage agent for nail plates, depending on the concentration and composition;
  • 6. Base and treatment coatings. Get in the habit of using such products before applying decorative varnishes - this will protect your nails from damage, and prevent the negative effects of varnishes.
  • 7. Matte varnishes with mother of pearl. Try to use decorative varnishes with a uniform structure, without inclusions and sand that can damage the nails. In order not to emphasize the unsightliness of already damaged nails, choose not very bright colors and mother-of-pearl - so defects will not be evident.

The procedures are absolutely useless for the treatment of deformed nails:

  • 1. Nail extension. This procedure is just a camouflage for your problem, it does not eliminate either home care errors or the cause of the disease;
  • 2. Nail polishing. This procedure, of course, is useful in itself, because it “grinds”, removes the layer of dead cells from the nails. But, firstly, it can be carried out once a month, not more often, and only with a soft buff or a special polishing file. Therefore, if you polish wavy fingernails, you will only remove the top layer without changing the shape and structure of the nail plate in any way;
  • 3. Excessive hydration of cuticles and nails. You should not fanatically rub creams and gels into your fingers and nail plates, you do not need to do this if your nails are wavy, and even more so if they are healthy. Otherwise, you run the risk of encountering no less of a problem than wavy nails. Gradually, the cuticle will become too tender and more prone to various injuries.

Diagnosis of nails: "absolutely healthy"

According to many, healthy nails are the result of good heredity or a gift from nature. However, girls with bad nails “by nature”, who have put a lot of effort into their health and beauty, and achieved a positive result, are unlikely to agree with this statement.

After all, just periodically cutting and filing your nails is not enough. They, like other favorite parts of the body, need to be groomed and cherished, and regularly and as professionally as possible, or at least correctly. Healthy nails require healthy care.

Firstly, an important stage of care is the correct manicure. Healthy nails will not remain for long if they are thoughtlessly filed in different directions and on the sides, biting the skin around with their teeth and gnawing the cuticle with tongs until they bleed.

Secondly, nails, like hair, have a porous structure; they absorb substances from the surface of the nail plate. Therefore, they should be protected from harmful liquids, protected with gloves, given a break from decorative coatings, less likely to apply "poisonous" colored varnishes, especially without a base for varnish. Marigolds need to be regularly “feeded”, nourished with oils, creams and using special strengthening varnishes.

Third, it is impossible to have beautiful, even, smooth, strong - healthy nails if you do not follow the basic rules of hygiene: get an individual, personal set of manicure tools and do not forget to treat them with disinfectants every time before and after the next use. And let your nails always make you happy and make you proud!

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