All possible ways to sterilize bottles for newborns: in a double boiler, microwave oven, double boiler, slow cooker, special sterilizer. Until what age should you sterilize? How to sterilize baby pacifiers? New pacifier how to process

The rule for caring for newborn children is unchanged: in the first months of life, the child must live in an environment close to sterile.

Young parents face many questions about how to provide a child with comfortable living conditions.

So, for example, you can’t give a baby a pacifier if it fell on the floor or any other surface, just licking it to an adult. Sterilization is necessary and there are many ways to do it.

Is sterilization really necessary and why?

Sterilization of nipples is necessary because there are a lot of pathogenic bacteria on the surfaces of furniture and floors and the quality of cleaning does not play a big role. Only the baby’s immunity that has begun to form is not able to resist their action. It is necessary to help the child adapt by subjecting the nipples to active sterilization even before the first use.

REFERENCE. There is no need to worry that the pacifier will not withstand the high temperatures of sterilization. They are made of materials that are designed for such an impact.

Pacifier preparation

Before sterilizing a pacifier, it must be prepared. Preparation includes washing the product in soapy water. It is recommended to allocate a separate enameled pan for this, which will not be used for other needs. And you will also need tweezers to remove the nipple from boiling water.

Sterilization Methods


The easiest and most affordable way to sterilize pacifiers. How to boil nipples correctly? Water poured into an enameled pot is brought to a boil, then nipples are placed in it. They need to boil for 2-3 minutes. Experts say that this time will be enough for the bacteria to die, because they are not viable enough to last even a minute at high temperatures.

The disadvantage of this method of sterilization is the reduction in the service life of the product, since over time the plastic part may be deformed from high temperatures.

It is important to consider the material from which the nipple is made. Silicone and latex are used in their production. Latex pacifiers do not withstand prolonged heat treatments, wear out quickly and attract dust. Silicone - wear-resistant and more hygienic.

steam appliances

They are used not only for processing bottles for food, but also for pacifiers. Exist:

  • ultraviolet;
  • electrical;
  • steam sterilizers for microwave ovens.

They are convenient because sterilization time can be controlled and not burn the product, as can happen when boiling.

Electric sterilizers and those designed for microwave ovens are united by the need to use water.

IMPORTANT. When choosing a microwave sterilizer, make sure it fits the size of your microwave.

Action algorithm:

  1. Pour the required amount of water into the sterilizer.
  2. Place pacifiers in it.
  3. Close the lid and microwave for 2-6 minutes.
  4. After the process is completed, open the lid and take out the products. If it is necessary to maintain sterility for some time, leave the sterilizer closed.

sterility can be maintained up to 24 hours when the lid is closed. Such sterilizers are convenient in that they are lightweight and do not take up too much space. Of the minuses, you can pay attention to the fact that not everyone has a microwave.

Electrical devices

Work directly from the network. They are equipped with a water tank where it is heated to boiling temperature and have an automatic shut-off function.

  1. Fill the reservoir with the required amount of water.
  2. Place the pacifiers in the device.
  3. Connect the machine to the network.
  4. Set the required time for sterilization, which varies from 8 to 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the pacifiers with tweezers.

The undoubted advantage of this method is that the process is automated.

The downside is the large size of the appliances and not every apartment has a place for it.

UV devices

Most often they are portable and run on batteries. And their compact size allows you to carry such a sterilizer with you and treat the nipple as soon as necessary.

  1. Place the pacifier in the sterilization compartment and close the lid.
  2. The lamp will be active for 6 minutes, after which the device will turn off automatically.
  3. Take out the nipples and put them in a container.

The advantage of this method is that the process does not require the presence of water, and ultraviolet radiation has an additional bactericidal effect. UV light kills over 99% of bacteria.


A convenient way to sterilize pacifiers is to process them in a slow cooker.

  1. Rinse the multicooker bowl thoroughly.
  2. Pour 1 liter of filtered water into it.
  3. Install the steam rack.
  4. Place the nipples on the grate.
  5. Set the "Steam" mode for 10-15 minutes. If there is a "Sterilization" mode - 7-10 minutes.
  6. Once the process is complete, remove the nipples with tweezers and place them in a clean container.

Double boiler

A similar sterilization process is used when using a double boiler.

  1. Pour water into the lower compartment of the appliance.
  2. Fold the nipples on the top tier.
  3. Set the "Steam cooking" mode for 5-15 minutes.
  4. Take out the nipples with tweezers after the process is completed.

The advantage of these methods is the automation of the process. Hot steam destroys pathogenic microorganisms, which is the key to the health of the baby. You can sterilize pacifiers in the microwave.

ATTENTION. When choosing this method of sterilization, carefully read the instructions for the nipple, make sure that this method of processing is acceptable.

  1. Take a heat-resistant utensil suitable for the microwave. Most often these products are made of thick glass.
  2. Place the nipples in a bowl and fill them with water so that it completely covers the product.
  3. Put the dishes in the microwave.
  4. Sterilize at maximum power for 6-8 minutes.
  5. Remove the nipples from the water with tweezers, place in a container.

The advantage of this method is that it does not take much time, but sterilizes just as well.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out that there are many prejudices about the dangers of microwave radiation.

Chemical method

Tablets for treating baby nipples are offered by Bebe Confort and Milton.

The advantage of this method is that solution can be used within 24 hours and take out the nipples only when it is necessary for the child. The possible smell remaining on the pacifiers can be a disadvantage.

It is imperative to control the sterilization process so that the nipples do not become unusable. Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend sterilizing nipples, as sterilization can harm the baby's body in the future. Due to the fact that the body of the newborn will not be ready for the microbes of the outside world.


Sterilization of the nipple will help to avoid adverse consequences for the child's body. Now there are many types of processing and it is easy to choose the most suitable one for an individual family, depending on the equipment available in the house.

Even if the baby is breastfed, avoiding the use of bottles is unlikely to succeed. Indeed, in addition to milk, the baby can drink water, tea or fruit drink. Therefore, almost every parent faces the question - how to properly care for the first children's dishes?

The neonatal period is accompanied by the immaturity of the body and a strong susceptibility to various infections and diseases, including intestinal ones. In order to protect the baby's gastrointestinal tract from unnecessary negative consequences, all children's dishes should not only be thoroughly cleaned, but also sterilized.

Sterilizing baby bottles is extremely important. It helps to localize pathogenic microbes, thereby helping the imperfect, at the time of the newborn, body defenses to resist harmful bacteria. After sterilization of children's dishes, it must be properly dried. Indeed, in a humid environment, harmful microorganisms multiply as quickly as on dirty objects.

How long does it take to sterilize baby bottles?

Sterilization is required only until the moment when the immune system itself can not resist microbes. As a rule, sterilization of baby bottles is carried out up to 12 months. After a year, the body's defenses are able to fight viruses and microbes themselves and they do not need additional protection.

Among pediatricians, there are different opinions, some believe that sterilization of children's dishes is necessary before 18 months, while others believe that it can be stopped as early as 6 months. Parents should take note that the further the neonatal period goes, the less often sterilization can be performed, and by 1-1.5 years it can be completely stopped.

There is also an opinion that sterilization is necessary only in extreme cases , For example:

  • before using the bottle for the first time (after purchasing it);
  • after childhood illness;
  • after prolonged use.

According to the doctor Komarovsky sterilization of baby bottles subsequently leads to the development of allergies and weak immunity in the child. He urges parents to sterilize only those dishes in which formula milk will subsequently be stored.

Therefore, the only correct decision is how often to sterilize baby bottles - no. Each parent chooses the best solution for him.

Feeding rules

Regardless of whether breast milk was or is, it is not recommended to store it there for more than an hour. The remains of milk after feeding should always be poured out, because microorganisms managed to get into it from the oral cavity during feeding. If, for any reason, the mother is unable or unwilling to dilute formula each time, dilution of several servings of formula at a time is allowed. But they must be diluted in different bottles and stored strictly in the refrigerator, and heated before feeding.

If the bottle is not used for a long time, then its storage is permissible in the form assembled and closed with a cap. This will help to avoid the population of its unnecessary bacteria.

What needs to be sterilized?

Sterilization of baby dishes includes not only the sterilization of the bottle itself, but also all its parts that can get into the baby's oral cavity. Namely:

  1. Feeding accessories (bottle, cap, nipple, ).
  2. Dummy. It is very important that mom has several clean pacifiers in case one of them falls on the floor or gets lost.
  3. Teether toys.

Ways to sterilize baby bottles

Before any of the sterilization methods used, the bottles must be thoroughly washed with baby soap, baking soda, or special labeled 0+. Bottles should be washed immediately after feeding to prevent milk from drying to the walls. For hard-to-reach places, use a brush or brush. If the family has a dishwasher, then you can use it. But it is necessary to wash children's dishes separately from adults, and apply only. Only after the children's dishes are washed and all soap suds are removed from them, you can proceed to sterilization.

  1. Boiling

The method is quite common at home. To do this, you need to place the disassembled children's dishes in a saucepan, pour water and wait until it boils, hold it on the stove for about 5-10 minutes. After sterilization, lay out all parts of the bottle on a clean towel or diaper, waiting for complete drying and cooling. You can use a special dryer for bottles. For this method of sterilizing baby bottles, we highlight one big drawback - these are big risks of spoiling plastic and latex dishes, especially if this manipulation is carried out constantly.

  1. Sterilizing baby bottles in a steamer

Cleaning bottles of germs with steam is in no way inferior in efficiency to boiling and even has its own advantages. The method is more gentle with respect to children's dishes. If there is no double boiler available, then you can hold the dishes over the rising steam from the pot or kettle. Another similar method is sterilizing baby bottles in a slow cooker.

Either a sterilizer (a special device for sterilizing children's dishes) or a deep glass saucepan with water must be placed in the microwave oven. The bottle and all its parts must be under water and not on the surface. This method will not work if children's dishes contain metal inserts. 90 seconds will be enough, but pediatricians advise to carry out the procedure in the microwave for at least 5 minutes. During this period, all pathogenic bacteria will die. In addition, many manufacturers have begun to indicate on their products that the product is suitable for use in the microwave. Dishes that have been sterilized in a microwave oven do not lose any deformations and do not lose their appearance.

  1. Sterilizing baby bottles at home with tablets

On sale there are special tablets or powders that must be diluted in water. Next, baby bottles are placed in the finished solution and left for 30 minutes. After removing them, they do not need to be additionally rinsed, but only dried. This sterilization is absolutely harmless to the child's body and is effective even in cold water. After treatment, the solution can be left for a day, because that is how much time it retains its disinfectant properties. But despite this, many mothers are in no hurry to resort to her help, and use other methods, and pills for sterilizing baby bottles are remembered only on trips where alternative methods cannot be applied.

  1. Baby bottle sterilization bags

At the moment, specialized packages are on sale, they are convenient to use, taking them with you on a trip. In a box, as a rule, there are 5 packages, each of which can be used up to 20 times. In 1 package, on average, up to 3 sets of bottles of different shapes fit. The package has a window so that you can check the location of the accessories. There is also a note area where you can mark how many times this package has been used. The disadvantage of this device is the need for a microwave oven, in which this package is installed.

  1. Disinfection of children's dishes in a sterilizer

Parents who decide for themselves that sterilization is extremely necessary and turn to this procedure constantly, acquire a sterilizer for their convenience and saving time. The device helps to efficiently and effectively clean children's dishes, up to the nipple. The main advantage of this method lies in its gentle cleaning, and you don’t have to worry about possible risks for dishes. In terms of time, the procedure takes no more than 10 minutes, and all that is needed is to fill the sterilizer with water and set the desired mode. For one procedure, the device can disinfect from 6 to 8 bottles. Another advantage is the ability to leave the dishes in the sterilizer for 6 hours until they are completely cool.

Bottle sterilizers can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Steam (cleaning occurs due to steam).
  2. Cold (dishes are cleaned with specialized antiseptic substances).

IN steam sterilizers be sure to add water before use. When heated, the water will begin to evaporate, and the steam will clean upstream accessories (nipples, bottles, etc.). Such devices can work independently from the power supply or be placed in a microwave oven. Microwave sterilizers are more compact, so they are usually cheaper, but they can clean no more than 4, less often 6 bottles at a time.

Cold sterilizers not so convenient, since it is necessary to buy special substances for disinfection, monitor the correct dosage and time of use.

For convenience and better orientation among the variety of models, experts have created a rating of popular steam plan models. The following features of the sterilizer were taken into account:

  • price policy;
  • capacity;
  • the duration of the sterilization procedure;
  • availability of indicators and process automation;
  • availability of additional features.

Rating of the best sterilizers

  1. Beurer JBY76

The leading position in the rating is occupied by a device from Germany costing from 2500 rubles. The sterilizer is produced in bright yellow color, which will add mood to any, even cloudy day. The device has a display that allows you to control the time of the disinfection procedure.


  • compact;
  • bright design;
  • LED display;
  • cleans up to 6 bottles in just 8 minutes;
  • automatic shutdown;
  • sound and visual notification;
  • after the sterilization procedure, it can keep the bottles clean for up to 3 hours under a closed lid;
  • does not require the use of additional chemicals (only water is used);
  • the lattice fixing the bottles is removed;
  • the set includes tongs for removing hot dishes;
  • energy saving mode;
  • relatively low price.

No deficiencies found.

  1. Beurer JBY40

Optimal price-quality ratio. A German product, costing from 1,050 rubles for sterilizing baby bottles in the microwave, appealed to many parents. The cleaning process takes about 5 minutes. Up to 5 sets of bottles are removed into the sterilizer at a time. It is allowed to wash the device in the dishwasher, does not take up much space in the kitchen, and due to its compactness, the device can be easily taken with you on a visit.


  • suitable for all models of microwave ovens;
  • small dimensions;
  • attractive cost.


  • not used without a microwave oven.
  1. Ramili BSS150

The uniqueness of this device from the UK lies in its cycling when sterilizing baby bottles. Thus, the sterility of the dishes inside the device is achieved for 2 days. Optionally, sterilization can be repeated every 6 or every 12 hours for 48 hours. The available display shows about all manipulations and processing time. In addition, the device includes a steamer mode, which allows you to heat baby puree or mixture in it. The capacity is for 6 bottles. The duration of sterilization takes no more than 8 minutes. The price varies from 3700 rubles.


  • universality;
  • auto shutdown;
  • the presence of a display;
  • the ability to sterilize bottles of various shapes;
  • stand included for accessories (pacifiers, teethers, bottles, etc.);
  • the presence of a steamer mode.

No deficiencies found.

  1. Chicco Steril Natural

A sterilizer from Italy, costing from 3730 rubles, is designed to clean 4-7 sets of bottles (depending on their size). Suitable for sterilizing nipples, breast pumps and other baby accessories. Before sterilization, the device needs to warm up to a certain temperature, which takes up to 7 minutes. Further, the disinfection process lasts for 5 minutes. If the cleaned things are not taken out, but left in the sterilizer, then every 5 hours the disinfection will be repeated.


  • the set includes a mesh to hold small objects;
  • transparent body;
  • automatic sterilization mode is designed for every 5 hours;
  • the duration of the procedure takes 5 minutes;
  • automatic shutdown;
  • suitable for bottles of any shape;
  • there is no need to add water to the tank at each cycle.


  • the device must be warmed up before sterilization.
  1. Tefal Baby Home BH 7300

The modern design of the French sterilizer with an openwork stand is able to fit in any kitchen. Despite its small dimensions, the sterilizer holds 6 bottles. When fully filled, the cleansing time is 9 minutes, if 1 bottle is sterilized, then the cleansing time is reduced to 6 minutes.


  • stylish design;
  • automatic shutdown;
  • can be used for all types of bottles;
  • small dimensions;
  • it is possible to adjust the top shelf;
  • the cover of the device is made of double walls, which reduces the risk of burns;
  • controls the water level in the tank (if there is not enough water, it will automatically turn off).


  • overpriced (from 4100 rubles);
  • scale that forms over time with use must be removed manually.
  1. Philips Avent SCF281/02 for microwave

Sterilizer from the UK, costing from 1990 rubles for microwave ovens.


  • low cost;
  • fast sterilization (2 minutes);
  • ease of use.


  • sterilizes Philips Avent bottles only;
  • does not work without a microwave;
  • not suitable for dishes with metal inserts.
  1. Philips/Avent SCF284/03

The sterilizer for children's dishes will become an indispensable tool for parents raising twins or children of the same age. The device consists of 3 modules that can be combined with each other. Sterilization of nipples, bottles, food heating, cleaning of spoons, pacifiers, teethers, and other accessories takes just 6 minutes. The basket for bottles is designed for both narrow necks and wide ones.


  • fast and efficient work;
  • multifunctionality of the device;
  • automatic shutdown;
  • forceps included;
  • the ability to clean 6 bottles at once (330 ml each);
  • sterility under a closed lid lasts up to 2 days;
  • compactness.


  • high cost (from 5200 rubles);
  • high power consumption.
  1. Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature

A very small device from the UK, costing from 1160 rubles, designed to cleanse 1 bottle. The device can work both in a microwave oven and in a cold way using tablets.


  • compact;
  • low cost;
  • the set includes a bottle of 150 ml, tweezers and a pacifier from 0 to 3 months;
  • comfortable in using.


  • cleans only 1 bottle at a time;
  • special tablets are needed if the parents decide to use the cold sterilizer;
  • the manufacturer does not recommend opening the product immediately after steam cleaning (required time 3 minutes);
  • every month it is necessary to clean the device from scale.
  1. Maman LS-B210

Inexpensive and convenient Chinese sterilizer with food heating function. The appliance can hold up to 2 bottles or jars of puree of any kind. Food is heated to the required temperature. The cost is from 1500 rubles. The duration of the cleaning procedure takes a quarter of an hour.


  • easy to use;
  • compact;
  • low cost;
  • universal.


  • the required temperature is set manually;
  • there is no automatic shutdown function;
  • long sterilization process.
  1. Canpol babies electric

The device is designed for 5 bottles with a wide neck or 6 bottles with a narrow one. The container is supplemented with a filter, which makes it easy to remove dirt.


  • the presence of a filter;
  • the device is made of high quality plastic;
  • spacious;
  • comfortable in using.


  • high price.
  1. Tufi

A distinctive feature of this device is the built-in dryer, which allows you to dry the bottles after sterilization. Up to 8 sets of bottles can be cleaned at one time. The manufacturer offers 3 operating modes of the dryer to choose from - 20 minutes, 40 minutes or 60.


  • auto power off;
  • the ability to sterilize up to 8 bottles;
  • choice of mode.


  • long drying time.

The sterilization of baby bottles in this device is combined with the heating of baby food. Miniland Warmy Plus is easy to use and very compact. You can use the sterilizer in the car by connecting it to the cigarette lighter.


  • attractive price;
  • convenient for traveling by car;
  • uniform cleansing;
  • it is possible to program the time of heating or sterilization;
  • sound and light effects at the end of work;
  • if there is not enough water in the tank, the device goes into standby mode.


  • the water dispenser is not convenient to use;
  • the device is designed for only 1 bottle;
  • overheating of a jar of puree is possible;
  • frequent blockages;
  • it is impossible to sterilize plates, brushes and many other necessary children's accessories.

The decision on which method to carry out sterilization and whether to carry it out at all remains with the parents and is decided on an individual basis.

Every mom, especially expecting her first baby, should know how to sterilize baby bottles.

The appearance of a baby in a family always translates the life of the family into a special mode. The baby bottle becomes a common household item, its washing becomes a routine procedure. Some mothers take this extremely responsibly, and strive not only to wash, but also to sterilize the dishes after each feeding, zealously protecting their child from germs.

Newborn babies often suffer from colic and stool disorders, the reason for this is the imperfection of the digestive system, which in the first months of life experiences an increased load, learns to digest incoming food. The ingress of pathogenic flora with dishes or a pacifier will create additional pressure on the body. What is the easiest baby bottle to keep clean at home?

Which bottle is best?

A huge variety of accessories for babies allows parents to choose the right utensils in shape, size and price. Inexperienced parents are primarily attracted by the appearance of the product or an interesting shape. A bottle is a dish for a child, buying it should be guided only by questions of practicality. The best tableware for a child:

  • should be easy to wash;
  • do not lose appearance during sterilization;
  • withstand a large number of treatments;
  • be resistant to shocks and falls;
  • have a shape that allows you to hold it in your hand.

Simple-shaped bottles with a capacity of up to 200 grams are easy to clean. Brushes should be separate, used only for this purpose.

Many mothers use liquid for washing baby dishes, but there is no practical need for this (this is not a pan with fat that cannot be washed in another way).

Although the manufacturer claims that such household chemicals are well washed off, in the first months of a child’s life, bottles can be washed without much effort with ordinary baking soda, without loading the baby’s body with chemical residues that may not be entirely harmless.

Glass bottles are slightly heavier than plastic ones, but they are well washed and sterilized in any way without changing their properties. They can break, but in the first months of life, parents monitor this, so the risk to the child is minimal.

Plastic bottles have many advantages:

  • they are light;
  • they are easy to wash;
  • do not fight;
  • their cost is much less than glass.

But such dishes have many disadvantages:

  • the use of containers from an unknown manufacturer can lead to the release of toxic substances into baby food;
  • it is difficult to sterilize - plastic does not withstand high temperatures, getting microcracks and losing shape;
  • due to cracks and frequent washing, it loses its appearance.

Having 2 bottles of different sizes made of different materials is necessary, even if the baby is breastfed, sometimes there is a need to express milk. If a baby is formula fed, having several different bottles is a must.

Is it always necessary to sterilize?

Young parents of first-borns, who do not have their own experience, are forced to choose between the advice of progressive pediatricians and the harsh pressure of pediatricians of the old Soviet school and grandmothers with aunts who raised their children in Soviet traditions.

According to this concept, the child cannot defend himself against infection on his own and must be surrounded by maximum sterility. Therefore, bottles and all children's dishes should not just be washed, but sterilized.

A completely different position is taken by the Ukrainian pediatrician Komarovsky, a number of pediatricians of the new school - they believe that parents should not interfere with the child's formation of the immune system by excessive protection from those microorganisms among which he will have to live.

Purity is necessary, but excessive zeal is harmful. It is excessive cleanliness, coupled with the use of disinfectants, that is the trigger for the development of allergies, does not allow the child to form sufficient immune protection at the very moment when it is provided by nature - in the first years of life.

According to Komarovsky, only dishes for storing milk, which is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms, should be subject to sterilization.

Whatever point of view parents support, it is necessary to sterilize dishes for children from time to time. New mothers should know how to properly sterilize baby bottles at home and how often to do it.

Until what age is sterilization necessary?

For a breastfed baby who has enough milk, only a water bottle may be needed until 6 months of age. It is enough to wash it with hot water and sterilize 3-4 times a month.

For a child who is fed with milk mixtures, sterilization in the first month of life is carried out at the choice of the parents, daily or every few days. Spaying can be done less frequently as they get older.

Pediatricians of the new school deny the need for sterilization after 6 months, doctors of the Soviet school recommend sterilizing feeding bottles and utensils before 18 months (this is motivated by the late maturation of the child's immune system).

What else needs to be sterilized?

For feeding a child, not only bottles are used - cups, dishes for mixing mixtures, spoons, spare nipples. From time to time, these items can be sterilized. This is carried out together with bottles, items are washed before sterilization.

You can sterilize:

  • suction for milk;
  • spare pacifiers;
  • teeth rings, chewing toys;
  • toys that a child chews on teething and that can tolerate boiling.

Many are interested in how to sterilize nipples? If these are silicone products for bottles, they are placed for sterilization along with other utensils, a bottle cap and pacifiers (on the top shelf of a double boiler, for example). If the nipple needs to be replaced, you can use separately boiled products in a saucepan. Some mothers store sterilized pacifiers and nipples in a separate airtight container.

Brightly colored toys made in China should not be given to the child to gnaw.

Preparation for sterilization

Children's dishes are washed immediately after feeding the child - it is impossible to postpone this due to fatigue or lack of time. Milk formula bottles after consumption:

  1. They unwind, separate the lid and the nipple, they are also separated;
  2. Empty from half-eaten mixture, milk or porridge;
  3. Rinse for the first time with cold water - this way the glass is better cleaned of milk residues and becomes transparent;
  4. Wash with hot water using baby dishwashing liquid, special soap or baking soda;
  5. Pollution at the bottom is washed with a ruff;
  6. The remains of food on the thread for the nipple are washed with a special brush;
  7. The nipples are washed using the same products and a brush for washing baby dishes;
  8. Rinse children's dishes first with warm, then cold running water, turn over on a clean towel or folded gauze and let the water drain.

Types of sterilization

When is sterilization necessary? First of all - after buying dishes, then after:

  • bottles have not been used for a long period;
  • after the child was sick;
  • intermittently after too long use.

There are many ways to properly sterilize bottles and nipples, from traditional pot boiling to disinfectant tablets. To sterilize bottles and nipples, you can use all household appliances that can heat the contents to boiling point.

Grandma's way

The easiest way to sterilize children's dishes is elementary boiling. How to do this correctly and how long do you need to boil items?

  1. In a large saucepan with a lid on the bottom, put gauze folded in several layers.
  2. Washed children's dishes, which are to be sterilized, are carefully placed on gauze.
  3. Fill the pan with water so that it covers all the dishes by 3-5 centimeters.
  4. Bring water to a boil over medium heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Water after cooling is poured out, sterilized bottles are stored until they are needed.

The method can be applied to all types of dishes.


The industry produces many types of special sterilizers:

  • single;
  • multiple;
  • steam;
  • electrical;
  • microwave designs.

Washed children's dishes are installed in the sterilizer compartments and act according to the instructions. Bottles can remain in the device until use.

Most often, steam sterilizers powered by the Philips AVENT network are used for sterilization. It is designed to handle multiple bottles (6) and can also serve as a container to store clean sterile products for up to six hours. For sterilization you need:

  1. Prepare dishes and sterilizer;
  2. Pour water into the reservoir compartment;
  3. Install the bottles in the sterilizer;
  4. Turn on and set the mode.

Sterilization time - up to 12 minutes, the dishes should be used as needed.

Double boiler

The question of how to sterilize bottles in a double boiler is quite relevant - now there is such a device in almost every kitchen. For this you need:

  1. Pour water into the steamer;
  2. Set the washed dishes with the neck pointing down;
  3. The rest of the small dishes and nipples are installed in the upper part of the double boiler;
  4. The cooking program is set for 15 minutes;
  5. After the dish has cooled down, it can be used.

Bottles can be used as needed.


This device is now in almost all families. The kitchen assistant will perfectly cope not only with cooking, but also with sterilization. How to sterilize bottles in a slow cooker correctly?

To disinfect dishes:

  1. A liter of water is poured into the device (bowl);
  2. Prepared baby bottles and pacifiers are washed and placed on the steamer grate;
  3. Select the steam mode;
  4. After 15 minutes, the device is turned off.

Ready-made bottles are used as needed.

microwave oven

Every mom should know how to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave. This method is used for all dishes that need to be disinfected without a sterilizer. In order to ensure a sterile regime for some time after processing, the bottles are placed in a special bag or container, which will be sterilized in the oven along with the bottles placed in it. The container is filled with cold water, put in the oven, and turned on for 10 minutes.

Disinfection with tablets

For "camping" conditions, on a trip, when it is not possible to use sterilizers or boil children's dishes, you can use disinfectants in tablets (Milton, Bebe Comfort). This is a patented pharmacy product that does not harm the child's body. For disinfection, the tablets are poured with cold water and the bottles are kept in it for at least 30 minutes, longer is not necessary. The preparation can be used for dishes that cannot withstand boiling or steam.

Sterilize nipples It is very important for newborn babies, because their immunity is still too weak and it cannot fight the microbes that surround us every day and are on various surfaces. The task of parents is to help the baby adapt to our world, and for this it is necessary to regularly and, most importantly, properly sterilize the nipples.

Features of nipples from different materials

Features of teats made of different materials need to be sterilized in different ways. Nipples are often divided into two types, they can be either rubber or plastic. Rubber ones are more convenient, since completely different methods can be used to sterilize them. As for plastic ones, the situation with them is more complicated, and in order to have an idea about the methods of their sterilization, it is first of all advisable to consult with the seller or a representative of the manufacturer.

Nipples can be made from several materials:

  • latex;
  • silicone.

The first type is ideal for newborns, all because they are distinguished by their softness and lack of rubber taste. Silicone nipples are more rigid, but they are ideal for those babies who have a tendency to allergies and who have already started teething.

Sterilization Methods

Methods for sterilizing pacifiers can vary. The simplest and most popular is disinfection by boiling. To do this, first of all, you need to take an enameled pan and draw water into it, then bring it to a boil, then lower the nipple into it and boil for several minutes. There is another, faster way, but this will require a double boiler. All you need to do is put the pacifier on one of the levels, then turn on the device for two minutes. When you take it out, it will be absolutely sterile.

In addition, microwave sterilization is one of the most popular teat sterilization methods. This method does not require much time and effort. However, before disinfecting, make sure that this action is allowed in the instructions.

There is another great method, for it you only need a kettle, which will need to be preheated, then bring the nipple to its spout and hold for about a minute. The main thing in this case is to follow the safety rules and not burn your hands, for this it is recommended to use medical or cosmetic tweezers.

There are also other less popular methods, these include:

  • sterilization with special antiseptic tablets. The main advantages of this method are a high level of disinfection and ease of use;
  • you can sterilize the nipple in the dishwasher. It must be remembered that this should be done correctly. First of all, for this it will be necessary to choose the appropriate mode, because if the water temperature is less than eighty degrees, then there can be no talk of any sterilization;
  • after sterilization in the microwave, it is possible to process the nipples in a microwave sterilizer, however, among the main disadvantages of this method is the fact that after regular disinfection of the nipples in this way, they become sticky and unusable.

If you're determined to keep your baby germ-free, you can purchase a sterilizer that can sterilize pacifiers, pacifiers, and bottles. The peculiarity of this device is that disinfection in it occurs thanks to an ultraviolet lamp. However, this method also has its drawbacks. The thing is that this lamp has an additional bactericidal effect.

General recommendations are very important for a young mother who wants to protect her baby, but does not know how to do it. First of all, before using a new nipple, it must be prepared, for this it is recommended to wash it in soapy water and sterilize it. Many young mothers worry that boiling for two or three minutes does not give an effective result, but this is a delusion. During this period of time, the bacteria completely die, because they are not able to survive at this temperature even for a minute.

It is necessary to regularly change the nipples, if we are talking about latex, then the replacement must be done every two to three weeks. If you prefer silicone pacifiers, then it is advisable to change them after four to five weeks of use. The thing is that this material is more resistant to foreign substances and does not absorb them. If you find any damage to the nipple, then it should be replaced immediately, since such a pacifier may further harm the health of the baby. A damaged piece can come off and get into the baby's airways.

We have considered the main rules for nipple sterilization, however, everyone chooses a more convenient and suitable method for themselves, depending on their capabilities and how much free time you have.

Remember that in order for sterilization not to be carried out every half hour, it is necessary to protect this item of children's use from dirt and germs using a special chain to which the clip is attached.

Pediatricians recommend disinfecting bottles and pacifiers for at least the first three months of a baby's life. At this time, the baby's immunity is too weak, so an infection can easily enter the body and cause a serious illness. To avoid this, children's dishes should be thoroughly washed, cleaned and sterilized.

After three to four months, the child's body adapts to new conditions, and the body becomes stronger. Therefore, at this age, dishes after washing can not be sterilized, but simply poured over with boiling water. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to properly sterilize baby pacifiers and bottles.

Sterilization Methods

  • The most common and affordable way for everyone is boiling. In this case, put the bottles washed in the sink into a container of boiling water and leave for 7-10 minutes. After that, the dishes are taken out and put on a clean, dry towel. Sterilization of the nipples takes place in the same way in a separate pan or other container;
  • Modern parents often use a microwave oven for sterilization. This is a quick, easy and practical method in which the dishes are placed in a container, filled with water and closed tightly with a lid. Then microwaved for 5-6 minutes;
  • For cold sterilization, special antiseptic tablets are used. Such products are distinguished by a high degree of disinfection and ease of use. They reliably and efficiently eliminate harmful bacteria and preserve the appearance of products, while boiling or sterilizing in a microwave oven can spoil them. To prepare the solution, one tablet is dissolved in cold water, in which the baby's dishes are placed and left under a closed lid for at least 30 minutes;
  • Steamer and multicooker is another modern method of processing and sterilization. Water is poured into the lower compartment of the double boiler, where the bottles are placed upside down. The nipples are removed to the top of the device. The dishes are sterilized in the “Cooking” mode for about ten minutes. To process dishes in a multicooker, items are laid out on a wire rack, a liter of water is poured into the container of the apparatus and left for ten minutes in the “Steam” mode;
  • Today, manufacturers offer a steam electric sterilizer, which is designed specifically for sterilization, disinfection and disinfection of dishes and other items. Products are placed in the device, filled with water and the desired mode is selected. The process takes about ten minutes, while the device can hold up to six products at a time.

It is very convenient to clean the bottles with a special brush or a brush with a long handle. They will help to clean up the remains of food inside the container. Today, many manufacturers of baby utensils produce such brushes, plastic and glass bottles, silicone and latex nipples, as well as the first real utensils for babies. Popular brands include Avent, Bebe Confort, NUBY, Nuk, Medela and others.

After washing, rinse each item thoroughly in running water and dry by laying on a clean, dry towel. Bottles and containers are placed upside down. Don't wash the dishes! Let it dry on its own both after washing and after sterilization.

Pediatricians recommend sterilizing nipples and bottles after each feeding and before first use. These items must be disinfected separately. After three or four months, the dishes can no longer be sterilized, but simply doused with boiling water after washing.

How to sterilize bottles

Remember that not every bottle can be boiled multiple times. For example, plastic is deformed through several similar procedures. Damaged leaky bottles can no longer be used! However, many people still choose food-grade plastic dishes, as it is convenient and safe. Plastic items do not break and are light in weight. To sterilize plastic utensils, choose a cold method using antiseptic tablets. Then the products will last a long time.

Glassware can be sterilized multiple times, including using boiling water. Glass bottles last longer. Products are easy and convenient to wash, but they weigh more. Therefore, it will be difficult for a child to hold glassware. But such products are easily beaten and can injure the baby. Read more about how and which bottle to choose for a newborn.

Regardless of the type, the container must be airtight and safe for the baby. Wash the bottles immediately after feeding and do not dry the container with a towel or tissues, but dry it naturally. Keep children's utensils separate from adults and use only for the child!

How to sterilize nipples

Nipples are sterilized by the same methods as bottles, but always separately. In addition, two to three minutes are enough for the process. In a double boiler, products are placed separately in the upper compartment of the apparatus. Sterilization is also carried out using traditional boiling in a saucepan, in a microwave, a slow cooker, a special sterilizer or a cold method.

When using pacifiers, wash products regularly and check for integrity, especially after hot sterilization. Over time, the material may burst or crack. Before first use, the nipple is washed in soapy water and then sterilized. The easiest method is to dip in boiling water for two to three minutes.