Knitting for girls 1 year. Knitting for children spokes. Scheme of a dress for a girl and a description of knitting

Recently, I have been fascinated by knitting sweaters. Following the blouse with openwork sleeves, a pullover based on "Anemone" by S. Volkova contacted.
The process of knitting according to the picture turned out to be very entertaining and exciting: unraveling the pattern, placing it in the correct proportion for a good fit, loop after loop, row after row ... You can compare this breathtaking process with the search for a pirate treasure. Yes, sometimes there are false paths and dead ends on the treasure map, but this only spurs interest, forcing you to unravel, bandage, learn new knitting techniques and loop weaving tricks.
When knitting, the sweater pattern was associated with raspberries, probably influenced not only by the shape of the pattern, but also by the rich color.
After the WTO, the pullover stretched 2-3 cm in length, which did not really upset me, since
knitted for height 104-110 cm for the next cold season. The daughter shows that the sweater is too big, but I really don’t want to wait for winter to write a post.

Brief description of the process:

Yarn Lana Grossa Superlana 100% merino wool, 50g/110m, knitting needles No. 3.5 and 4 for elastic, No. 4.5 for the main fabric. Consumption 5.5 skeins.
The front and back pattern is a multiple of 4 loops minus 1 loop for symmetry. Rapport 4 loops.
The height of the raglan line is 16 cm, the half-girth of the chest is 33 cm.

The setting row of the front and back pattern (it is also the last row of the neck elastic): (1i, 1l, 1i, 1l) x8 times, 1i, 1l, 1i.

In my case, the loops are distributed as follows:

The pullover was knitted from top to bottom, gradually adding loops in the "berries". In the first rapport, the berry consists of 3 loops, in the second of 4, in the third and subsequent of 5.

The rapport with a berry of 5 loops is highlighted in green, with which the main part is connected.

Loops along the raglan line are added only from the side of the sleeves in each 2nd row 18 times.
Before the raglan line, a reverse yarn over is knitted (on oneself), after the raglan line, a straight yarn over (away from oneself).
After the elastic, the sprout is knitted in elongated rows with a height of 1 pattern repeat. In fact, there are 2 rapports of berries from 3 loops on the back.

After the raglan line, the loops were distributed as follows:
43 p. sleeve - 78 p. back - 43 p. sleeve, - 78 p. before.
She took the loops of raglan lines to the front and back (4 loops each). For the undercut, I scored 5 loops under the armpits.
Attention! The pattern is plastic. The number of loops in the rapport varies, since the number of rapports is odd.
I alternated 148 and 156 loops.

Raise from the undercut by 7 loops. Total 50 loops. Dec 2 sts on the 4th row (1 time), on the 8th row (5 times) until 38 sts are reached. Then knit to the desired length, ending with 8 rows of elastic. The loops are closed with a needle.

1l - 1 front loop.
1i - 1 purl loop.

Pink bolero-

Here is the diagram of the bolero

Age: 0-1 year old

Description: Cast on 22 sts and work 5 rows in garter st. Next, divide the knitting as follows: the extreme 6 p. - garter stitch (these loops form the edge strips of the product and sleeves), the middle 10 p - faces. satin stitch (4 rows of front surface correspond to 2 rows of garter stitch on the slats). To round off the front, work in garter stitch to the sleeve placket, turn the knitting in the opposite direction and repeat this technique 2 more times. Thus, there will be 5 rows of garter stitch on the front placket, 2 rows on the sleeve placket. Knit another 5 sections with this technique (you get a rounded edge of the product). Decrease 1 st on both sides of the slats (on the middle front part you get 8 sts), knit 3 cm. Make another decrease of 1 st (on the middle front part - 6 sts). Knit 10 cm in this way, as shown in the diagram.

Similarly, tie the 2nd shelf.

For the back edge of the gate, dial 16 p., There should be 52 p. on the knitting needle. On the middle 28 p., Forming the back edge of the gate with slats, knit 4 rows of garter stitch, then -15 cm faces. stitch and 5 rows of garter stitch. Close all loops at the same time. The back is finished.
Connect the sides and crochet the edges of the product. Make ties.

Baby set. gently

DRESS (short and long):

Cast on 49 sts very loosely.
1-4 r: persons
5 r: 1 person * 3 out, 1 person *
6 p (person. side): 1 out * 1 person (yarn, 1 person) twice, 1 out * (73 p.)
note: mark the last row with colored thread as the right side.
7 r: 1 person * 5 out, 1 person *
8 p: 1 out * 5 persons, 1 out *
9 p: 1 person * 5 out, 1 person *
R 10: P1 * K2, yarn over, K1, yarn over, K2, P1 * (97 p)
11 p: 1 person * 7 out, 1 person *
12 p: 1 out * 7 persons, 1 out *
13 p: 1 person * 7 out, 1 person *
14 p: 1 out * 3 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 3 persons, 1 out * (121 p)
15 p: 1 person * 9 out, 1 person *
16 p: 1 out * 9 persons, 1 out *
17 p: 1 person * 9 out, 1 person *
18 p: 1 out * 4 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 4 persons, 1 out * (145 p)
19 p: 1 person * 11 out, 1 person *
20 r: 1 out * 11 persons, 1 out *
21 p: 1 person, 11 out * from one p. 2 persons - for the front and back walls,
11 out * (156 p)
22 p: 1 person, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 7 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over

right, yarn over * 1 knit
23 p: 2 persons, 9 out * 4 persons, 9 out * 2 persons
24 p: 2 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 5 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over

right, yarn over * 2 persons
25 r: out
26 p: 3 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over

right, yarn over * 3 persons
27 p: 4 persons, 5 out * 8 persons, 5 out * 4 persons
28 p: 4 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 1 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 8 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 1 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 4 persons
29 p: out
30 r: 5 persons, nakid, 3 vm. persons (middle loop in the center), yarn over
*10 persons, nakid, 3 vm. persons (middle loop in the center), yarn over * 5 persons
31-32 r: persons
33 p: out
34 p: (2 vm. persons) -2 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 5 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 4 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 5 times * (2 vm. persons) -2
times (180 p)
35-36 r: persons
37 p: out
38 p: (2 vm. persons) -2 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 7 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 4 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 7 times * (2 vm. persons) -2
times (228 p)
39-40 r: persons
41 p: out
42 p: (2 vm. persons) -3 times, yarn over, (1 person, yarn over) - 7 times

times (252 p)
43-44 p: persons
45 r: out
46 p: (2 vm. persons) -3 times, yarn over, (1 person, yarn over) - 9 times

times (300 p)
47-48 r: persons
49 p: out
50 r: (2 persons) -4 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 9 times

times (324 p)
51-52 r: persons
53 p: out
54 r: (2 vm. persons) -4 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 11 times

times (372 p)

1-2 r: persons
Short dress 3 p: 62 out, close freely 62 p., 123 out, close
loose 62 p, p63 (248p)
Long dress 3 p: 124 p, remove the last knitted 62 p for
first sleeve, 186 out,
slip the last knitted 62 sts for the second sleeve, purl 62 (248 sts)

4 r: (2 vm. persons) -5 times, yarn over, (1 persons, yarn over) - 11 times

times (264 p)
5-6 r: persons
7 p: out
8 p: (2 vm. persons) -5 times, 1 persons, (nakid, 1 persons) - 12 times

times (280 p)
9-10 r: persons
11 p: out
12 p: (2 vm. persons) -6 times, yarn over, (1 person, yarn over) - 11 times

13-14 p: persons
Repeat 11-14 rows: for a short dress up to a length of 23, 25, 28cm /
newborn, 3, 6 months
for long dress up to length 46.48, 50 cm / newborn, 3, 6 months
Finish 14 p.

SLEEVES (for a long dress)
1 p: ​​(2 vm. persons) -5 times, yarn over, (1 persons, yarn over) - 11 times,
(2 vm. persons) - 10 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 11 times, (2 vm. persons) -5 times
2-3: persons
4 p: out
5 r: (2 vm. persons) -5 times, 1 persons, (nakid, 1 persons) - 12 times,
(2 vm. persons) - 10 times, 1 persons, (nakid, 1 persons) - 12 times, (2 vm. persons) -5 times
(70 p)
6-7 r: persons
8 p: out
9 p: (2 vm. persons) -6 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 11 times,
(2 vm. persons) - 12 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 11 times, (2 vm. persons) -6 times
10-11r: faces
12-23 r: repeat 8-11r -3 times.
All loops are free to close.

Sew the back seam, crochet the remaining 8 cm at the neck:
1 r: st b / n
2 p: arch of 3 air. n (button hole), skip the first 2 sts
b / n, then st b / n in each st b / n previous. row
Sew a button.


Cast on 55 sts very freely.
1-2 r: persons
3 p (button loop): 1 person, 2 vm. faces, nakid, faces ...
4-6 p: persons
7 p: 4 persons, 3 out * 1 persons, 3 out * 4 persons
8 p (person. side): 3 persons, 1 out * 1 persons (nakida, 1 persons) - twice, 1 out *
3 persons (79 p.)
9 p: 4 persons, 5 out * 1 persons, 5 out * 4 persons
10 r: 3 persons, 1 out * 5 persons, 1 out * 3 persons
11 p: 4 persons, 5 out * 1 persons, 5 out * 4 persons
R 12: K3, P1 * K2, yarn over, K1, yarn over, K2, P1 * K3
(103 p)
13 p: 4 persons, 7 out * 1 persons, 7 out * 4 persons
14 p: 3 persons, 1 out * 7 persons, 1 out * 3 persons
15 r (button loop): 1 person, 2 vm. persons, yarn over *1 persons, 7 out * 4
16 p: 3 persons, 1 out * 3 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 3 persons, 1 out * 3 persons (127
17 p: 4 persons, 9 out * 1 persons, 9 out * 4 persons
18 p: 3 persons, 1 out * 9 persons, 1 out * 3 persons
19 p: 4 persons, 9 out * 1 persons, 9 out * 4 persons
20 p: 3 persons, 1 out * 4 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 4 persons, 1 out * 3 persons (151
21 p: 4 persons, 11 out * 1 persons, 11 out * 4 persons
22 p: 3 persons, 1 out * 11 persons, 1 out * 3 persons
23 p: 4 persons, 11 life * from one item 2 persons - for the front and back walls, 11
out * 4 persons (162 p)
24 p: 4 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 7 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
*2 persons, yarn over, 2 cm. persons with an inclination to the left, 7 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 4 persons
25 p: 5 persons, 9 out * 4 persons, 9 out * 5 persons
26 p: 5 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 5 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
*4 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 5 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 5 persons
27 p: 3 persons, out of ……….., 3 persons
28 p: 6 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
*6 persons, yarn over, 2 cm. persons with an inclination to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 6 persons
29 p (button loop): 1 person, 2 vm. persons, yarn over, 4 persons, 5 out * 8
persons, 5 out * 7 persons
30 r: 7 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 1 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 8 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 1 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 7 persons
31 p: 3 persons, out ... ...., 3 persons
32 p: 8 persons, nakid, 3 vm. persons (middle loop in the center), yarn over
* 10 persons, nakid, 3 vm. persons (middle loop in the center), yarn over * 8 persons
33-34 r: faces
35 p: 3 persons, out……., 3 persons
36 p: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) - 2 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 5 times
* (2 persons) - 4 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 5 times * (2 persons) - 2
times, 3 persons (186 p)
37-38 r: persons
39 p: 3 persons, out…………., 3 persons
40 r: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) - 2 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 7 times
* (2 persons) - 4 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 7 times * (2 persons) -2
times, 3 persons (234 p)
41-42 r: persons
43 p: 3 persons, out…………., 3 persons
44 p: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) -3 times, nakid, (1 person, nakid) - 7 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 6 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 7 times * (2 vm. persons) -3
times, 3 persons (258 p)
45-46 r: persons
47 p: 3 persons, out…………., 3 persons
48r: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) -3 times, nakid, (1 person, nakid) - 9 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 6 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 9 times * (2 vm. persons) -3
times, 3 persons (306 p)
49-50 r: persons
51 p: 3 persons, out…………., 3 persons
52 r: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) -4 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 9 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 8 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 9 times * (2 vm. persons) -4
times, 3 persons (330 p)
53-54 r: persons
55 r: 3 persons, out…………., 3 persons
56 r: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) -4 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 11 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 8 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 11 times * (2 vm. persons) -4
times, 3 persons (378 p)

1-2 r: persons
R 3: K3, purl 124, remove the last knitted 62 stitches for the first
sleeves, 186 out,
slip the last knitted 62 stitches for the second sleeve, purl 62, knit 3 (254
4 p: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) -5 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 11 times
* (2 persons) - 10 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 11 times * (2 persons) -5
times, 3 persons (270 p)
5-6 r: persons
7 p: 3 persons, out…………., 3 persons
8 p: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) -5 times, 1 persons, (nakida, 1 persons) - 12 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 10 times, 1 persons, (nakida, 1 persons) - 12 times * (2 vm. persons) -5
times, 3 persons (286 p)
9-10 r: persons
11 p: 3 persons, out…………., 3 persons
12 p: 3 persons, (2 vm. persons) -6 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 11 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 12 times, nakid, (1 persons, nakid) - 11 times * (2 vm. persons) -6
times, 3 persons
13-14 p: persons
15-18 p: repeat 11-14 rows.
Close all loops freely, sew on buttons.

SLEEVES (similar to a long dress)


Cast on 17 sts freely.
1 p: ​​out
2 r (right side): 1 out, * 1 persons, (yarn, 1 persons) -2 times, 1 out *
(25 p)
3 r: 1 person * 5 out, 1 person *
R 4: P1 * K2, yarn over, K1, yarn over, K2, P1 * (33p)
5 r: 1 person * 7 out, 1 person *
6 p: 1 out * 3 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 3 persons, 1 out * (41p)
7 p: 1 person * 9 out, 1 person *
8 p: 1 out * 4 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 4 persons, 1 out * (49p)
9 p: 1 person * 11 out, 1 person *
10 r: 1 out * 5 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 5 persons, 1 out * (57p)
11 p: 1 person * 13 out, 1 person *
12 p: 1 out * 6 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 6 persons, 1 out * (65p)
13 p: 1 person * 15 out, 1 person *
14 p: 1 out * 7 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 7 persons, 1 out * (73p)
15 p: 1 person, 17 out * from one p. 2 persons - for the front and back walls,
17 out * 1 persons (76p)
16 p: 1 person, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 13 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 2 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 13 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 1 knit
17 p: out
18 p: 2 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with a tilt to the left, 11 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 4 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with a tilt to the left, 11 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 2 persons
19 p: 3 persons, 13 out * 6 persons, 13 out * 3 persons
20 r: 3 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 9 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 6 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 9 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 3 persons
21 p: out
22 p: 4 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 7 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 8 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 7 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 4 persons
23 p: 5 persons, 9 out * 10 persons, 9 out * 5 persons
24 p: 5 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 5 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 10 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 5 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 5 persons
25 r: out
26 p: 6 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 12 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 6 persons
27 p: 7 persons, 5 out * 14 persons, 5 out * 7 persons
28 p: 7 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 1 persons, 2 vm. persons with
tilt to the right, yarn over
* 14 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 1 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination
right, yarn over * 7 persons
29 p: out
30 r: 8 persons, nakid, 3 vm. persons (middle loop in the center), yarn over
* 16 persons, nakid, 3 vm. persons (middle loop in the center), yarn over * 8 persons
31-32 r: persons
33 p: out
34 p: (2 vm. persons) - 3 times, yarn over, (1 person, yarn over) - 7 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 6 times, nakid, (1 person, nakid) - 7 times * (2 vm. persons) - 3 times
35-36 r: persons
37 p: out
38 p: (2 vm. persons) - 3 times, yarn over, (1 person, yarn over) - 9 times
* (2 vm. persons) - 6 times, nakid, (1 person, nakid) - 9 times * (2 vm. persons) - 3 times
39-40 r: persons
41 p: out

One of the most beloved types of needlework in our country is knitting. Many women discover this useful and interesting leisure option during pregnancy, when you are at home most of the day. And the incentive to learn the basics of knitting is a great desire to create comfortable, high-quality clothes for your future baby or baby with your own hands. From simple booties, baby hats and socks, a beginner knitter moves on to knitting openwork blouses, skirts, sweaters and dresses for children.

Fortunately, nowadays you can find many interesting master classes and patterns describing knitting methods for both girls and boys, as well as for very young children.

We knit children's things for a newborn boy


Children's knitting. Sweatshirts, vests for a boy


Scheme of a dress for a girl and a description of knitting


Knitting sweaters for girls with knitting needles. Schemes with descriptions, video


Knitting sweaters for young children is one of the most favorite leisure activities for moms. On needlework forums, you can find photos of fashionable and modern blouses for girls knitted by needlewomen. In fact, it is not at all difficult to knit the same models - it is enough to master the basic skills of knitting with stocking and circular knitting needles. And step-by-step master classes and clear video tutorials will help you knit even complex patterns correctly and consistently.

Children's hats for girls. Knit according to the scheme, video MK


Knitting needles for newborns. Schemes with descriptions, video


Every loving mom tries to provide her newborn baby with the best, most comfortable and safe clothes. Mom wants to see her beloved baby not only in comfortable, but also beautiful clothes. And it’s not at all necessary to spend the already scarce time (and a lot of money) looking for suitable attire for the crumbs. You can knit clothes suitable for the child with your own hands.

On the pages of the site, we have already posted interesting master classes and video tutorials on knitting booties, slips, blouses, bodysuits, sliders, skirts, sundresses, hats for newborn babies.

We knit a skirt for a girl. Video MK and schemes


How to knit a children's coat with knitting needles. Video MK, schemes


It is interesting that the options for a coat for a girl, knitted by different knitters according to the same pattern from the same yarn, will differ markedly from each other. Therefore, hand-knitted clothes for children will always be unique and original.

Knitting a children's sundress with knitting needles. MK and video


Knitted sundresses for children are very practical and comfortable. Lightweight cotton models for the summer season are especially popular. The girl feels comfortable in such a dress, the skin breathes and does not fade.

For the autumn-winter season, you can knit a warm sarafan made of thick threads with wool fibers that make up the yarn. Any models of sundresses for children have straps or elegant straps, but sleeves are not provided in any version. Straps can be on buttons, on buttons, on ties, on ribbons. They are narrow and wide, straight and cruciform, knitted or sewn from soft fabric. The most popular styles of children's sundresses are trapeze, straight, sun.

Bolero knitted for girls. MK and schemes


Classic bolero- This is a short blouse in the form of a comfortable cape on the shoulders. A bolero with a collar not only warms and protects the girl from windy weather, but also serves as a wonderful decoration for a little princess.

In a previous article, we told you how to crochet a comfortable bolero for a girl. From this material you will learn how to knit different models of this type of clothing on knitting needles. Below you will find step-by-step master classes for beginner knitters and visual video tutorials on knitting a bolero with knitting needles.

Knitting a children's vest with knitting needles. MK for beginners


Today knitting for children on knitting needles has turned from the daily leisure of our grandmothers into an exciting hobby for young mothers. After all, you can knit fashionable clothes for your girl from high-quality yarn. Learning the basics of knitting is not at all difficult, and thanks to numerous needlework sites, you can find and choose the right model with a diagram and description of the knitting steps.

In this material you will find diagrams with descriptions and video training for beginner knitters. We will learn to knit elegant vests for girls with our own hands.
bright and original models of children's hats with patterns for girls are amazing! But it is not always possible to find a model of a headdress suitable in size and quality for your child on the shelves of our stores. It is easier to knit a beautiful, modern hat for a girl from high-quality yarn than to look for a suitable purchase option.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Having mastered the art of knitting, any mother can become a high-class master in this matter. The advantages of having these skills are innumerable - this is saving on replenishing the wardrobe, which kids have to update very often, the opportunity to show their creativity, to acquire exclusive things that surrounding friends and acquaintances do not have. Knitting in itself is a very interesting and enjoyable activity that can grow into a profitable business.

Models of knitting children's clothing with knitting needles with a description and diagrams

Do you want to regularly delight your baby with new beautiful knitted items without significant financial costs? You have a great opportunity to acquire the necessary skills. After studying the diagrams, photos, patterns and video tutorials below, you can, get step-by-step accessible instructions for creating different wardrobe elements and learn how to work in several techniques.

Envelope for newborns

Envelopes for newborns are a very convenient and practical wardrobe item for the little ones. They perfectly keep heat, do not constrain the movements of the baby, create a favorable microclimate for his body. Despite the fact that the baby blanket is a combination of a baby blanket with a jumpsuit, it knits easily and quickly. Using the knitting chart below, you can learn how to knit an envelope in a cheerful red shade with an optimal combination of wool and acrylic and a embossed pattern that is pleasant to the touch.

Set and costume for children up to a year

In the first year of life, children actively explore the world. They begin to pay attention to their wardrobe, the rudiments of aesthetic taste are being formed. You can please kids of this age with beautiful self-knitted sets and costumes, in which all the elements are harmoniously combined, and the things themselves are comfortable, attractive, resistant to wear.

The first instruction will help you knit a three-piece suit - comfortable pants, an elegant jacket and matching slippers. When knitting, a soft pink color is used, an openwork structure that will delight not only you, but also the eyes of the young owner of the kit. The technique of making products is combined, crochet and knitting. Thanks to the 100% natural composition, such a set will not cause discomfort to the delicate skin of the baby.

The little fashionista is guaranteed to be pleased with the white and pink set presented in the following knitting pattern. The set includes a dress, a raglan jacket, a hat and crochet booties. The set is made of 100% cotton, using a hook and knitting needles of the 3rd size. If you wish, you can complement the costume with a matching scarf made in a similar technique, and decorate the beret with beads or a pompom. In such a set, the girl will be ready for a walk, and you will have to answer questions from curious people around you, where did you get such beautiful children's clothes.

(img3= Diagram 3)

Girl's dress

Girls under the age of 3 just love knitted dresses of various styles. You can please your beauty with a set, complemented by an elegant bolero or sleeveless jacket. To make an original drawing on products, use your imagination to the maximum, then you will knit a real design masterpiece. The diagram below contains detailed instructions for creating a set of a bright sundress and a hat. The combination of purple and lilac flowers will cheer up the owner of such an outfit, instill a taste for a harmonious combination of shades from childhood.

Jacket or sweater for a boy

In the wardrobe of a young gentleman, knitted blouses and jackets must be present. They are able to warm in cool weather, give the appearance of the baby an elegant look. It is appropriate to wear such an element of clothing over T-shirts, T-shirts and shirts. Using the instructions below, you will learn how to knit a jacket in a pleasant "boyish" color with an attractive embossed pattern. It is made from natural cotton yarn using straight and circular knitting needles in sizes 4 and 5. The jacket will be in perfect harmony with jeans and a matching beret.

Vest or tank top

A versatile piece of clothing suitable for fashionistas of both sexes is a vest or sleeveless jacket. This is ideal for changeable weather when it is hot to wear a coat or poncho, but a T-shirt or shirt is no longer warm enough. Use the instructions with which you will knit an elegant warm vest. Due to the neutral beige color, it will suit both boys and girls, and the acrylic yarn with the addition of viscose will make it warm, resistant to wear and repeated washing. The model has a simple, but original pattern.

Scarf and hat

Sets of accessories for children (for example, from a hat and a scarf) are easy to knit, they do not require a large amount of yarn, and are completed in a short time. Such products are available even to beginner knitters. The delicate white color of the kit will look fresh on your child (see instructions below). It matches perfectly with all shades of outerwear. Funny design elements (bumps, pompoms) are guaranteed to please the child. 100% wool will not irritate the delicate skin of the child, reliably retaining heat. Knitting is done with knitting needles 3 and 3.5 sizes.


An original and effective accessory, distinguished by its practicality, is a shirt-front. It is able to replace a scarf, warming the baby's neck, so it is very convenient to put on a shirt-front under outerwear in winter. Even beginner needlewomen can knit such products. An elegant white shirt-front, the instructions for creating which are described in the diagram below, is knitted with an elastic band with a transition to an interesting pattern. When working, acrylic threads are used, knitting needles of sizes 2, 3.


In the cool season, the baby's feet should be reliably warmed. Booties-socks cope with this task perfectly. This is one of the simplest do-it-yourself products, as you can see by reading the diagram below. It is gradually painted in a simple style. The neutral beige shade makes the product not easily soiled, which is very important for kids.

Description of knitting patterns for free

The main distinguishing feature and decoration of any knitted product, giving it an exclusive look, is the pattern. There are many of them. To master different techniques for knitting original patterns, you need a little diligence. You will learn knitting options faster if you use several step-by-step descriptions of the sequence of their implementation.

Stocking stitch, sometimes referred to as jersey or stockinette stitch, is one of the simplest patterns that has a neat, elegant look. Unlike embossed patterns, jersey fabric can be ironed, steamed, and other types of heat treatment without the risk of losing its external properties. In this technique, you can knit a skirt, sweater and many other products. To perform it, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  • first row - all front loops;
  • the second - all the loops are purl;
  • step-by-step repetition of the previous procedures.

The rice or moss pattern is a cute knitting technique, the elements of which resemble knots. To knit a fabric with such a pattern, you need to dial an even number of loops on the knitting needles. When knitting in this technique, the front loop lying on the knitting needle is knitted on the wrong side, and the wrong one is vice versa. The knitting system is as follows:

  • 1 row - one front loop, one wrong side;
  • 2 row - one purl loop, one front loop;
  • repeating the pattern from the first row.

The pattern called "Holes" gives the surface a pleasant openwork look. It is performed as follows:

  • For the sample, a multiple of 12 loops is typed on the knitting needles, 2 loops for symmetry, 2 edge loops.
  • 1 row - a loop with a crochet, 2 loops are knitted together with the front behind the back walls, 10 front loops, a loop with a crochet, 2 loops together - front behind the back walls.
  • 2 row and all other even ones are knitted with purl loops.
  • Rows 3, 5, 7 and 9 are knitted.
  • 11 row - 6 front loops, a loop with a crochet, 2 loops knitted front behind the back walls, 4 front, 2 front.
  • Then the pattern is repeated from the first row.

The purl stripe pattern gives the product a pleasant and attractive ribbed 3D structure. It's easy to do it:

  • 1 row - only facial loops;
  • 2nd row - purl only;
  • 3 row - as the first row (facial loops);
  • 4 row - all loops are purl;
  • 5 row - similar to the previous odd rows;
  • 6 row - all loops are purl;
  • 7 row - all loops are purl;
  • 8 row - all loops are facial;
  • 9 row - repetition of the pattern from the first row.

Video tutorials for beginners: knitting children's clothes up to 3 years

Creating a masterpiece of design art for your little fashionista with your own hands using knitting needles, a hook and yarn is a task that any mother can do. Video tutorials from YouTube for beginners will help to facilitate the process. They contain a step-by-step visual creation of knitted products for children, and all the tips are presented in an accessible form. The videos contain instructions for knitting simple accessories and more complex wardrobe items. This will allow you to gradually increase your level of knitting skills, regularly delighting your child with new clothes made with high quality and with soul.

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