Egg hair masks, homemade recipes for all hair types. Egg face mask - professional home care

At all times, women took care of their hair with all kinds of cosmetics. Egg-based hair masks are still very popular. Chicken eggs are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins A, B, B2, D, lecithin, a complex of mineral salts and amino acids. The proteins that make up the eggs restore the structure of the hair and stimulate their growth. Regular use of chicken eggs in hair products will help maintain the natural beauty of your hair. In this article, you will find the most popular and effective egg beauty hair mask recipes that you can make at home.

Lemon-egg mask

We need 2 eggs, or rather the yolks from them, and half a lemon. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix with the yolks until a homogeneous consistency and apply with soft massaging movements to the root zone, gradually distributing along the entire length. On top, it is desirable to put on a cellophane cap and wrap with a towel. If there is no hat at hand, you can take advantage ordinary cling film. We rest with the mask for about 30 minutes, after which we simply wash it off with warm water, without using shampoo. This marvelous mask perfectly removes excess sebum, perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and protects hair from environmental influences.

Egg-oil mask

To prepare it, you need to separate the yolks from two chicken eggs and combine them with three tablespoons of oil. Oil can be anything, for this mask, castor, peach, almond, and affordable olive oil are suitable. The procedure will take about an hour. To wash off the egg mask, use warm water and a natural shampoo. This mask is good for weakened and very dry hair.

A revitalizing egg mask for all hair types

Mix 1 chicken yolk, two tablespoons of castor oil, one teaspoon of glycerin and one teaspoon of vinegar. We need table vinegar 9%. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy. As soon as the mixture has become homogeneous, we immediately proceed to the application. If you have dry hair, start at the roots and then apply to the entire length of your hair. For oily scalp, apply a mask, retreating from the roots of 2 centimeters. We cover our heads and rest for half an hour. Then wash your hair with warm water and a gentle natural shampoo.

egg mask for hair loss

To prepare this mask, mix two yolks, two tablespoons of honey and vegetable oil, a little dry yeast and a glass of cognac. The resulting mixture is slightly heated in the microwave or using a water bath and distributed through the hair. We put on a hat and warm the head with a towel on top. We rest with a mask on our heads for at least an hour and a half. Then rinse with room temperature water and shampoo. This mask perfectly stimulates dormant hair follicles, and also restores the structure of weakened hair. Regular use of this mask can eliminate the problem of hair loss.

Egg mask with honey

Using a mixer, we prepare a cocktail of chicken yolk, a tablespoon of honey, one banana and half a glass of beer. We distribute the cocktail through the hair and walk like this for at least an hour, having previously wrapped our heads. Hair after such a mask will grow better, stop breaking and will shine great.

Egg Shine Hair Mask

With a mixer, beat 1 egg and 100 grams of natural yogurt into foam. Apply to the entire length of the hair, retreating from the roots a couple of centimeters. After half an hour, wash off the mask with shampoo. Hair after such a mask will not only acquire a dazzling shine, but will also be easier to comb.

Features of using egg masks

In order to avoid unpleasant moments while caring for your hair with egg masks, use the following tips:

  • Egg masks should be washed off with warm water only. The fact is that egg white tends to coagulate at high temperatures and stick to the hair. Washing off such a mask will be a real problem.
  • It is best to use medium sized eggs as they are laid by younger hens.
  • You should not get carried away with egg masks either. Excessive use can have the opposite effect - weaken the roots and cause hair loss and brittleness. Use masks no more than twice a week.
  • For oily scalp, egg masks with vegetable oils should be applied avoiding the root area.

As you can see, an egg mask can be used to solve any hair problem. The components of the mask can be the most affordable products in your kitchen. It takes practically no time to prepare such a product. But the result will not be long in coming, and health, vitality and natural beauty will return to your hair.

The egg is the most affordable product of all the products that are used in home-made face masks. Simple, cheap, effective - this is how you can characterize the use of egg masks.

Benefits of egg face masks

Raw eggs are included in the list of products that were the first to be used in home cosmetology. And this is not surprising: a product that can be found in every home in sufficient quantities is popular due to its versatility. Egg masks are recommended for any skin type, an interesting feature of the egg is that the protein is suitable for use on oily skin, the yolk is suitable for dry skin.

Protein for the face

Egg white is 85% water and contains the following skin-friendly substances:

  • Proteins ovalbumin, ovotransferrin - contain amino acid residues, are involved in providing cells with iron, immune cellular processes.
  • Lysozyme is an antibacterial enzyme.
  • Ovomucin is a two-component protein belonging to the class of glycoproteins. Stimulates cell regeneration, restores the functions of the epithelium.
  • B vitamins - take part in energy cellular metabolism, ensure the normal condition of the skin.

Indications for the use of protein masks:

  • oily skin;
  • acne, pimples;
  • loss of skin elasticity, atony.

Face yolk

The yolk contains more nutrients than the protein, so it is used for dry skin types. Useful substances of the yolk:

  • Fatty acid: linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic - prevent skin aging, moisturize and nourish it.
  • vitaminsA,b12,b6,D- provide nutrition to cells, regulate redox processes.
  • Niacin- deficiency of this substance leads to the development of dermatitis.
  • Pantothenic acid- takes part in all types of metabolic processes in the body, is necessary for the absorption of vitamins by cells, normalizes lipid metabolism.
  • Biotin- Its deficiency causes dryness and unhealthy skin color.

Indications for the use of masks from the yolk:

  • dryness, peeling of the skin;
  • prevention of aging;
  • loss of natural skin color.

Making egg masks

How to choose eggs

When choosing eggs in a store, it is not necessary to look for dietary ones, the expiration date of which is no more than 7 days; for the manufacture of masks, ordinary canteens with a shelf life of 25 days are quite suitable. For the manufacture of home cosmetics, you can use not only chicken eggs, but also duck, turkey, quail. Quail should be taken 4-5 times more because of their low weight: the average weight of a chicken egg is 50 g, a quail egg is 10 g.

How to separate the protein from the yolk

In order for the mask to have the desired effect, it is important to completely separate the protein from the yolk. This is done in several ways:

  • With the help of funnels, in which the egg is carefully placed and waiting for the protein to flow out.
  • In the shell, small holes are pierced at both ends of the eggs and the protein is shaken out through them, turning the egg over a plate. The yolk remains inside the egg.
  • Using an empty plastic bottle with a volume of 0.3-0.5 liters. The egg is broken on a plate, the bottle is squeezed with fingers, releasing air from it, and brought close to the yolk. The fingers are unclenched, while the yolk is sucked into the bottle.

How to prepare a mask

Masks should be prepared immediately before use, since after mixing with other ingredients, the protein or yolk may lose their properties during long-term storage.

The protein is whipped with a whisk until foam is formed and immediately mixed with other components.

If the mask contains products that need to be heated (honey, butter), you need to ensure that their temperature when mixed with the egg is low in order to prevent the egg from curdling.

Rules for the use of egg masks

  • The mask is applied to cleansed facial skin, to enhance the effect, you can first make a steam bath in herbal decoction of chamomile, linden, calendula. After the bath, the pores expand, the nutrients of the mask penetrate the skin better.
  • The mask is evenly applied with a brush or spread with fingertips. The protein mask causes a feeling of tightness; when it is on the face, one should try not to make active facial movements, since the protein tends to peel off and fall off when it dries.
  • Hold the mask for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, apply a cream on the face according to the type of skin.
  • For therapeutic purposes, egg masks are allowed to be done after 1-2 days, for prophylactic purposes - once a week. The total number of masks is 10, after which you need to take a break for 1-2 months, at which time you can use masks with other means.

Recipes for egg masks

For dry skin (with yolk)

  • Nutritious. Oatmeal is poured with hot water, after swelling, take 2 tbsp. l. flakes, mixed with yolk and 0.5 teaspoon of oily vitamin A.
  • soothing. 1 st. l. chamomile flowers pour 100 ml of boiling water, insist in a sealed container. After cooling, filter, to 3 tbsp. l. infusion add 1 tbsp. l. pink or blue clay, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Add yolk, beat.
  • Softening. The yolk is beaten with a tablespoon of fat sour cream and a tablespoon of grapefruit or orange juice.
  • With lifting effect. 1 tsp dry gelatin is poured into 40 ml (8 teaspoons) of water at room temperature and left for 20-40 minutes to swell; then placed in a water bath and heated until complete dissolution. After cooling, add the yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil to the gelatin solution, beat.
  • Anti-aging. In a blender, grind the banana to a puree state, combine a tablespoon of the pulp with the yolk. Banana can be replaced with melon, persimmon, avocado.
  • Moisturizing. To the yolk add 1 tbsp. l. a spoonful of oatmeal and fatty yogurt.

For oily skin (with protein)

  • Anti-inflammatory. Whipped protein is combined with 2 tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 drops of tea tree oil are added.
  • Scrub mask. A tablespoon of sugar is added to the whipped protein, mixed and immediately applied to the skin with massage movements, left for 10 minutes.
  • from black dots. The protein is whipped, applied pointwise to places where there are accumulations of black dots, covered with pieces of paper napkin on top. After 15 minutes, the napkin is moistened with warm water, removed: skin contamination should remain on the paper.
  • Whitening. Whipped protein is mixed with 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed cucumber juice, add a teaspoon of cognac and lemon juice.
  • Light lifting. Rub a juicy green apple on a fine grater, combine a tablespoon of applesauce with whipped protein.
  • Smoothing. Flour is added to the whipped protein until a creamy mass is obtained, then half a teaspoon of lemon juice is added.

For normal skin (with egg)

  • Tonic. In a blender, beat the pulp of the cherry, mix 1 tbsp. l. pulp with one egg. Add one teaspoon of olive oil and sour cream, beat, add oatmeal until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  • Nutritious. A tablespoon of fine-grained cottage cheese is beaten with an egg, two teaspoons of vegetable oil are added.
  • Whitening with lemon. Mix in a blender an egg, two teaspoons of lemon juice and heavy cream.
  • Mattifying. Fresh potatoes are peeled and rubbed on the smallest grater, 2 tbsp. l. potato mass is mixed with an egg.
  • To improve complexion. Fresh carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, a teaspoon of sour cream and an egg are added to two tablespoons.
  • Against fading. The egg is mixed with one tablespoon of liquid honey (thick honey is heated in a water bath), add a teaspoon of peach and almond oil.
  • Moisturizing. Two tablespoons of oatmeal boiled in milk is mixed with an egg and a tablespoon of glycerin.
  • For mature skin. Boiled potatoes without salt are crushed to a state of puree, 2 tbsp. l. mixed with egg and 1 tsp. olive oil.

Egg masks are a first aid for the face, they can be prepared even with a minimum set of other ingredients. From one egg you can get a mask for any skin type, hardly any other product can boast such a property!

Eggs are considered not only a high-quality nutritious product, they can always be used in the preparation of various masks, as an additional facial treatment. Eggs are quite effective as one independent remedy, and also just perfectly combined with various natural products (honey, sour cream, vegetable oil, various essential oils, and so on). The effectiveness of eggs is also surprising when preparing an egg mask for wrinkles.

Their widespread use is indicated for absolutely any type of skin, it is only important to consider that with oily skin type it is better to use protein, and for dry skin - yolk. The yolk face mask for wrinkles is quite easy to apply, prepares very quickly, and as a result of long-term use, they give just an excellent cleansing and nourishing effect.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Useful Components

There is no doubt that the yolk contains many useful components. It contains such useful substances as:

  • Choline - has a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect;
  • Iron - perfectly nourishes the cells of the epidermis with oxygen molecules;
  • Vitamin D - significantly slows down the process of skin aging;
  • Vitamin B5 - helps fight the appearance of age and mimic wrinkles, and also has smoothing properties;
  • Vitamin B12 - helps in the renewal of skin cells;
  • Vitamin A - does not make it possible to thin the skin, while giving the skin the necessary elasticity and firmness;
  • Vitamin H - takes part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism at the cellular level;
  • Vitamin E is a "carrier" of antioxidant properties.

Benefits of using egg face masks

An ordinary egg consists of only two parts, so an egg face mask for wrinkles at home can be made on the basis of protein or on the basis of the yolk. In some types of wrinkle egg face masks, a whole egg can be used.

Why is chicken yolk so useful for the skin? In addition to the fact that it contains a large amount of useful vitamins (A, B, D, E), as well as trace elements (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, etc.), it also contains a special component called lecithin, each yolk contains 25 g.

Lecithin is the most important component for the effective restoration of damaged facial skin cells.

It quickly tones, moisturizes and softens the skin, gradually stimulating the restoration of its barrier function. It also contributes to a much better penetration of various nutrients directly into its deepest layers. These vitamins and microelements actively maintain the necessary hydration of the skin, preventing the possible appearance of peeling.

A rejuvenating face mask with yolk is mainly recommended for dry and severely rough skin. Adding a certain amount of additional components to such an egg yolk face mask for wrinkles will help you quickly solve any task.

Benefits of protein

As for protein, egg masks with its addition have a tightening and slightly drying effect, actively eliminating excessive oiliness and removing the shine of the face. Thanks to these properties, protein masks can be used by owners of oily and problem skin. During the drying of the protein on the face, it effectively draws out absolutely all impurities from the pores, so the egg mask for wrinkles and black spots on the face will be equally effective.

Protein contains a sufficient amount of amino acids and various vitamins (group B in particular), which is why masks with its addition additionally tighten the skin and also increase its elasticity.

The egg anti-wrinkle face mask should only be used on a thoroughly cleansed face. To give a lasting and visible effect, they are recommended to be carried out regularly twice a week. Immediately after applying the mask, it would be better to make sure that the face remains motionless for a while. For fifteen to twenty minutes, for the duration of the mask, it is recommended to simply lie quietly. After completing the procedure, the skin can be wiped with a tonic, and then moisturized with any care product.

Indications for use

Absolutely anyone can use a face mask with yolk from wrinkles. The composition of the egg does not contain any trace elements harmful to the skin, so you should not be afraid to apply it. The main indications for the use of egg wrinkle masks are as follows:

  • Constant dryness of the skin with obvious signs of tightness (you need to take the yolk as the basis of the mask);
  • Too oily skin, which is characterized by excessive oily sheen, a huge number of black dots and acne on the skin (protein should be used as the basis of the mask);
  • The appearance of the first signs of aging and noticeable fading of the skin (dull complexion and wrinkles) (it is better to use a whole chicken egg in the mask).


Among the contraindications for using a face mask with yolk from wrinkles at home, there are:

  • Hard hairline on the skin of the face;
  • The presence of noticeable tumors on the skin.

Protein masks for wrinkles

Face masks from an egg at home against wrinkles have a regenerating, cleansing and drying effect. That is why they are mainly indicated for those people who have problem skin prone to frequent rashes.

Protein mask with oatmeal and lemon. To prepare an egg face mask for wrinkles for dry skin, you need to beat one protein into a thick foam, drop a little lemon juice - about 2-3 drops, and then add oatmeal, the result should be a thick slurry.

Egg white mask for blackheads. It is necessary to dissolve in water only one tablespoon of ordinary cosmetic clay. After that, the protein whipped with a blender must be mixed with this clay paste. Beat the resulting mass for 1 minute, then apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes. After use, it is recommended to re-moisturize the skin with cream.

Mask for wrinkles from honey and protein. You need to mix just two proteins with two tablespoons of honey, the same volume of oatmeal, adding ½ teaspoon of peach or almond oil. After that, you should mix all the components, and then apply a freshly prepared product to your face. Such an effective mask of protein and honey can just perfectly cope with wrinkles, even out the tone of the face and nourish the skin with useful substances.

Mask of protein and hydrogen peroxide. One protein should be whipped into foam, then only five drops of lemon juice, bergamot or grapefruit juice should be added to it, as well as 10-12 drops of ordinary hydrogen peroxide 3% concentration. This mask has a tightening effect that eliminates wrinkles. In addition, the prepared composition has an excellent whitening effect.

Protein-vegetable mask. You need to take one protein whipped into foam and mix it with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. After that, add grated carrots or cucumber and a little starch.

Protein-fruit mask. An apple previously grated on a fine grater must be combined with a pre-whipped egg white. Apply a prepared egg face mask for wrinkles for dry skin at home, followed by previously washed face skin. Wash off after 25 minutes.

Protein mask with sorrel. Thoroughly beat the protein into foam, then add one glass of finely chopped sorrel to it, mix the mass thoroughly and apply to previously cleansed skin.

Yolk face masks

The yolk is a product rich in useful minerals and vitamins. An egg yolk face mask for wrinkles effectively moisturizes the skin, and also relieves possible irritation, and completely evens out its tone. In addition, egg yolk masks deeply nourish the skin, making it smooth.

Softening yolk-honey mask. It is necessary to mix the yolk with honey, mix the resulting mass until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then apply it on clean face skin, leaving for 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating mask with olive oil and yolk. To prepare it, you need to beat 15 ml of olive oil together with one yolk. Apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face, leaving for about 20 minutes.

Toning mask from the yolk. You need to beat one egg yolk, then add one tablespoon of grapefruit and lemon to it. Stir thoroughly, apply on face, leaving for 15 minutes. After the mask, you need to apply any moisturizer for the face.

Nourishing mask with yolk from wrinkles. This type of mask is great for many owners of dry, thin and overly sensitive skin. You need to take one tablespoon of a little warmed honey, then mix it with 1 teaspoon of any butter, adding one yolk. Mix all the ingredients, and then apply the mass on the skin of the face, leaving for 15 minutes. It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm water.

Smoothing face mask with banana and yolk. You need to mix one tablespoon of thoroughly mashed banana with one tablespoon of fat sour cream and the same amount of honey. Then add the beaten egg yolk to the resulting mixture. Apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product and moisturize the skin with any oily cream.

The most important thing is that you can prepare such a face mask with yolk for wrinkles at any time at home. After all, eggs are always an affordable and especially useful product that is always at hand.

The benefits of night masks

Night masks have a simply unique effect. When using the yolk from wrinkles, the skin of the face is simply instantly rejuvenated in just a few hours, after which it acquires a rested and fresh look. There is another very important tip: while using a night egg mask, you can sleep better on an old pillowcase, which will not be afraid to spoil at all.

  • The yolk should be mixed with any moisturizer, adding salt (much better sea) and various liquid vitamins, for example E. This type of mask is great for normal skin, allowing you to maintain its tone.
  • Brew a fairly strong green tea, then stir the mass with the yolk. After that, you need to add a few drops of Shea butter or other oil.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, from folk methods to the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

Beauty requires sacrifice. To agree with such a statement or not is a personal matter for each of us. But we can say with confidence that beauty still requires effort on the part of every woman. Do you want to have beautiful and even skin, the appearance of which will not betray your true age?

You should follow the right lifestyle, as well as carry out daily care.

Adopt effective folk recipes, this will allow you to save money on expensive creams!

Despite the fact that any cosmetics store offers customers a huge selection of different hair care products, many prefer to use proven home remedies.

One such popular remedy is an egg hair mask.

Our great-grandmothers often used chicken eggs instead of shampoo, that is, they simply washed their hair with them. Let's figure out how useful such a procedure and a mask, which includes an egg. This unique natural product contains many valuable substances, so nutritionists recommend eating eggs regularly. However, this product is suitable not only for food, but also for maintaining beauty.

The composition of this unique product combines many valuable substances. The yolk actively nourishes, saturates with vitamins. Protein - Provides proteins and amino acids.

Vitamins of group B, which are part of the egg, are especially useful for hair. These substances have a positive effect on the growth rate, maintain the brightness of the color, and prevent hair loss, strengthening the roots.

How to carry out the procedures?

When planning to restore the beauty of hair at home and protect it from future damage, it is worth using eggs for care. But first you should get acquainted with the rules of the procedures:

  • for the preparation of masks, quail or chicken eggs are used, duck and goose eggs are not suitable for cosmetic procedures;
  • it is advisable to buy eggs in farm shops or in the market, choosing homemade ones, as they contain the maximum amount of nutrients;
  • if the product is purchased in a store, then you should try to choose the freshest products possible;
  • do not chase sizes, small eggs are carried by young birds, therefore it is in the products of the second category that there are more nutrients;
  • when planning to carry out cosmetic procedures, it is worth getting all the necessary ingredients from the refrigerator in advance, it is important that they have the same temperature close to room temperature;
  • you need to apply the compositions only on dry strands, otherwise they will drain, and this will reduce efficiency;
  • you can keep egg masks from 30 minutes to 3 hours, it is not recommended to apply the composition at night, since over such a long period the egg may begin to deteriorate and the hair will acquire an extremely unpleasant odor;
  • you need to wash off the egg compositions with cool water; when using hot protein, it can curl up, and it will be more difficult to remove it from the hair;
  • after the head is washed, let the strands dry naturally and only then take hold of the comb. Do not worry, after egg masks, the strands are combed very easily;
  • it is desirable to carry out the procedures twice a week, the full course is 12-15 masks, although a positive result will be noticeable almost immediately.

Read also: Effective hair masks with linseed oil

When planning to use a new composition for you for the first time, you must definitely do an allergy test. Remember, there are cases when a person calmly consumed certain products inside, and when they were applied to the skin, an allergic reaction occurred. Therefore, do not spare the time to conduct a tolerance test.

Best Recipes

There are recipes for egg masks for hair of various types. If the strands are too dry, the masks help to make the hair more elastic and saturate it with moisture. If the sebaceous glands work intensively and the hair becomes greasy quickly, then an egg mask will help normalize their condition. And if you periodically replace regular shampoo with an egg, you can forget about dandruff.


In stores you can find shampoos of different brands with the names "Yolk" or "Egg". However, these cosmetic products contain a lot of artificial additives and cannot be compared with a natural egg in terms of their effectiveness.

Making an effective homemade shampoo is very simple, just beat an egg with a little water (a couple of spoons). For dry hair, it is better to mix the egg with milk. If the hair is long, it may take two or even three eggs to wash it.

The whipped mixture is applied to the hair and the skin is massaged well, rubbing the shampoo into the roots. Massage should be continued for at least 3 minutes. Then you need to rinse the strands well with water and apply a balm, or rinse with acidified water or nettle decoction.

It is enough to carry out such a procedure a couple of times a month, the rest of the time to wash your hair with regular shampoo.

For dry and weak strands

Hair become like straw? Are they dry, break easily and delaminate at the ends? In this case, the ideal option is an egg yolk hair mask. And to enhance the effectiveness, a mixture prepared from burdock and castor oils, mixed in equal proportions, is added to the yolk.

The amount of ingredients depends on the length of the strands. With a short haircut, it is enough to take the yolk of one egg and two teaspoons of a mixture of oils. You need to shake the mixture well so that it is homogeneous. When applying, you need to actively massage the skin, as if rubbing the composition into the roots. Keep for at least an hour, then wash off using shampoo.

Read also: Coconut Oil Hair Masks: 12 Easy and Healthy Recipes

For extra volume

Thin hair is very difficult to put in a beautiful hairstyle, as they clearly lack volume. To solve the problem, it is worth making a mask for hair density. For cooking, you will need ground cinnamon, liquid honey and, of course, eggs.

Proportions of ingredients - for one egg take half a tablespoon of honey and a full tablespoon with a small crust of cinnamon powder.

If possible, it is better to buy not ground cinnamon, but the one that is sold with sticks, and grind it immediately before preparing the mask. It is necessary to beat the whole egg (without separation into protein and yolk), add melted honey and cinnamon powder. Whip it all up again. Keep the composition on the hair for at least an hour.

For moisturizing

Do you constantly use a hair dryer and flat iron to straighten your hair? When using high-temperature styling, the hair loses moisture, so you need to use moisturizers. The kefir-egg hair mask will solve the problem. This procedure is recommended to be done in the summer for those girls who do not use a hair dryer, as the mask protects the strands from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix both components in equal amounts. How to do it? If the household has a kitchen scale, then you must first weigh the egg (without the shell), and then add the same amount of kefir.

If there are no scales, then when breaking an egg, you need to try to crack the shell in the middle, then pour kefir into half of the shell to measure its amount. For one egg you need two halves of the kefir shell. Beat the products until smooth. Keep the mask on for 60 to 90 minutes.

For extra nourishment after curling or coloring

Chemicals are not the best way to act on the hair. Therefore, after dyeing or curling with the use of a product such as "Curl", the strands often become lifeless. An egg-honey hair mask will help eliminate the deficiency.

Any honey can be taken, only it must be preheated so that it acquires a liquid consistency. If the hair is normal, then a whole egg should be used, if dry, then only the yolks. Take one egg or a couple of yolks per tablespoon of honey. You need to mix everything and distribute the mixture along the length of the strands. Keep for about an hour.

The development of cosmetology began when women noticed that many plants, fruits and other natural ingredients have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Many will say that nothing has changed, just care products have become more compact and easier to use, and cosmetics manufacturers have done us a great favor by putting them in tubes and jars. But even natural (at least 60% herbal ingredients) products cannot be stored for half a year without preservatives. So isn't it better to remember the old traditions and prepare lotions and creams with your own hands? For example, an egg face mask is considered to be one of the most effective for home use.

Eggs are purchased by almost all housewives. Few people don't have them in the fridge. Indeed, in addition to omets and scrambled eggs, they are used for baking muffins and preparing various batters and sauces. A mask of protein or yolk is done in minutes. Let's say right away that eggs are rarely used in their entirety for cosmetic procedures, since each part of them has its own properties.

For example, for oily skin with enlarged pores and acne, a mask with protein is more suitable, which will give a matte finish and clean out sebaceous plugs. But dry / sensitive / withered epidermis will be delighted with the yolk.

Indications and contraindications for egg masks

So, an egg face mask is indicated for:

  • Dehydrated scaly epidermis, with a constant feeling of tightness. In this case, a yolk-based mask is useful.
  • With comedones, oily sheen and acne, a protein mask is shown.
  • Withered skin will be refreshed by a mixture of eggs and other emollients (honey, cream, etc.). After such a procedure, you will notice that wrinkles have become less noticeable, the complexion has improved, and the oval has tightened.

Despite the versatility of this product, there are still some contraindications to its use, which it is undesirable to ignore.

  • rosacea;
  • fresh scars;
  • male pattern hair (beard, mustache);
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.);
  • malignant and benign tumors under the skin.

Follow these tips and soon you will notice a positive trend in the condition of the skin of the face.

The chemical composition of the egg

To finally convince you that a mask of protein or yolk will have a miraculous effect, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the composition of the egg.
So, its middle is replete with phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, vitamins A, D and lecithin, as well as the Omega-6 complex. As you understand, this indicates a high nutritional value of the yolk. After all, a person, including his skin, needs at least 30 trace elements per day.

In the case of protein, be sure that using it for cosmetic procedures, you will saturate the epidermis with amino acids and B vitamins.

Using whole eggs can solve many skin problems. By the way, the "caviar" of quails is 2 times more useful than that of chickens.
Convinced of the expediency of such procedures, proceed to the recipes.

Using protein in face mask recipes

  • Carefully separate the yolk from the protein and beat the latter with a mixer until foamy. Squeeze lemon fresh juice (2 tsp) and juice from any sour berry (cranberry, grapefruit, cherry - 1 tablespoon) into the resulting mass. Apply to face and neck, wash off after 10 minutes. This procedure whitens and mattifies.
  • This recipe will help dry inflammation. Combine curdled milk / kefir / sour cream (2 tablespoons) with whipped protein. Distribute evenly. Wash your face after a quarter of an hour with water at room temperature.
  • Another drying and cleansing protein mask. Mix the whipped substance with oatmeal (rye or oatmeal). You should get a mushy mass. Apply it on your face and wash your face after 15 minutes.
  • Prepare a homemade peel. Grind any nuts in a coffee grinder (almost to powder). Take nut "flour" (1 tablespoon) and combine it with protein. Massage the skin from the bottom up for a couple of minutes, hold the mask for another 10 minutes.
  • For one whipped protein, 2 tsp is enough. cosmetic clay (white, blue) to cleanse problematic facial skin, relieve inflammation and make it dull. Hold 10 minutes.
  • We offer you a deep mask-film made of protein. Separate the yolk from a small egg and beat both thoroughly. We cover locally problem areas with protein, and stick toilet paper on top. We are waiting for the complete drying of the mass. Tear off the paper from the bottom up. Tighten the pores with a mixture of yolk and honey.

Using egg yolk in face mask recipes

  • Separate the yolk from the protein, beat and flavor with honey (1 teaspoon). Add 1 tbsp. oatmeal and apply on face for 15 minutes. You can use olive oil instead of oatmeal.
  • Combine the whipped mass of the yolk with mashed banana, melon or avocado (1 tablespoon). The mass must be homogeneous. Hold for 20 minutes, wash with warm water. For normal skin, whole eggs can be used.
  • After you clean the epidermis with protein, make a vitamin mask from the yolk and 1 tablespoon. fatty curd. You can replace it with cream, vegetable oil or a loaf soaked in milk.
  • Since exfoliating sensitive skin with protein is not recommended, prepare the following gentle scrub. Grind the egg shell in a coffee grinder. Combine with beaten yolk and egg powder. Gently rub into the skin, paying special attention to problem areas (T-zone) and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Separate the yolk from the protein. Shake and combine with pink or red clay (1 teaspoon). Use to care for dull skin. Hold 12 minutes.