Women's intimate haircuts: photos, types and technology. Intimate haircut for the correction of the hips and abdomen

Hair coloring; decor with rhinestones or other elements; art epilation; haircut. Often they are combined. The original methods of performing intimate haircuts are conventionally divided into the following types: absolutely clean skin, no hair - Brazilian model; hearts, geometric figures, stars and other drawings - curly; miniature triangle on the pubis - Brazilian triangle; a narrow even strip of hair - "runway".

The easiest way to do a stencil haircut at home, but it’s quite realistic to independently “depict” the “month”, “butterfly”, “runway” in the intimate zone. Popular are: sonata - the drawing resembles a yin-yang icon; lotus - the outline of a flower, which gives some femininity; the heart is a “classic of the genre”, if you add an imitation of lightning to the picture, you get a “broken” heart; letter - on the pubis, you can depict the capital letter of the name, surname or abbreviation.

Types of men's haircuts: look perfect only on the male pubis imitation of graffiti, tattoos and hieroglyphs, crown, stripe or "runway" - a very effective illusion of the continuation of the penis; droplets and month, car icon, dollar sign.

Staining of pubic hair in men is rarely used, but if the choice fell on a car emblem, then this will need to be done.

Intimate haircut tool at home: a special mirror, one side of which has a magnifying effect; the chair / stool / chair should be positioned so that the treated area is visible in the mirror and accessible to the hands. You will also need: a comb with fine teeth; any means for depilation; eyeliner or any other cosmetic; manicure scissors; tweezers with narrow and flat tips; medical alcohol; clean sheets of paper; stencil (if needed). It is best to use a trimmer.

Execution instructions

  1. Change the color of the hair in the intimate area before proceeding with the haircut. In order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction, it is worth using natural (henna) or ammonia-free paints for this procedure.
  2. All pubic hair that is located outside the boundaries of the future haircut is removed.
  3. Comb the remaining vegetation with a comb. A stencil is applied to the resulting surface, the contours of the image are outlined with a cosmetic pencil.
  4. With nail scissors or a trimmer, the hair on the hairstyle is shortened. Their permissible length is a maximum of 5 mm and a minimum of 3 mm.
  5. Wash off the line left by the pencil with warm water and soap. Check the correctness of the resulting image in the mirror, remove excess hairs with tweezers.
  6. The treated pubis must be lubricated / wiped with a disinfectant.

If an intimate haircut without a stencil is supposed to be performed, then the pencil drawing is applied “by hand”.

Skin care in the first 2-3 days, it necessarily includes a soothing cream, then the product changes to a moisturizer. It is not recommended to take a hot bath or shower, visit the sauna. Irritation can be relieved decoctions of chamomile or sage flowers, aloe juice (wipe 2-5 times a day).

Read more in our article about the types of intimate haircuts for men and women.

Read in this article

What is an intimate haircut for women

An intimate haircut for women is the creation of a “hairstyle” on the pubis, when the hair is cut off or stenciled. Staining can be applied for originality. The shape of hairstyles is chosen depending on the physique of the woman / girl, because in this way it is possible to slightly adjust the figure. For example:

  • wide hips - “drawings” with a narrow bottom are optimal (a seagull with a wingspan);
  • narrow hips - the figure will have to expand downwards (mushroom, pyramid).

The history of intimate haircuts is quite long; over the years of such manipulations, several “groups” have been identified, which include different types. And if quite recently this direction included only women's intimate haircuts, now men also use similar services.


All intimate haircuts for women are performed in several directions:

  • hair coloring;
  • decor with rhinestones or other elements;
  • art epilation;
  • haircut.

Often, one hairstyle is performed simultaneously in several directions - for example, the hair in the intimate area is first dyed and then decorated. The original methods of performing intimate haircuts are conditionally divided into the following types:

  • absolutely clean skin, no hair - Brazilian model;
  • hearts, geometric figures, stars and other drawings - curly;
  • miniature triangle on the pubis - Brazilian triangle;
  • a narrow even strip of hair - "runway".

The easiest way to do a stencil haircut at home, but it’s quite possible to “depict” the “month”, “butterfly”, “runway” in the intimate area on your own. More complex options are also popular:

  • sonata - the drawing resembles a yin-yang icon, it is not easy to complete, but with certain skills it is real;
  • lotus - the outline of a flower, which gives some femininity;
  • the heart is a “classic of the genre”, it is done easily and without a stencil, and if you add an imitation of lightning to the picture, you get a “broken” heart;
  • letter - there is a lot of room for imagination, since on the pubis you can depict the capital letter of the name, surname or abbreviation.


If earlier there was a clear separation between the types of intimate haircuts for women and men, now these boundaries have been erased. And still, There are several models that look perfect only on the male pubis:

  • imitation of graffiti, tattoos and hieroglyphs;
  • crown - is considered one of the simplest drawings;
  • stripe or "runway" - a very effective illusion of the continuation of the penis;
  • droplets and a month are also performed simply and are great for those who are just learning how to perform an intimate haircut;
  • car badge;
  • dollar sign - difficult, but very original.

Coloring of pubic hair in men is rarely used, but if the choice fell on a car emblem, then this will need to be done - the hair lines are very thin and they will need to be distinguished from the general background.

Artistic haircut of intimate places

Artistic haircut of intimate places is the creation of an unusual pattern, the use of rhinestones, sparkles, combined coloring of hairs. The result is stored for 1-2 weeks, and this indicator depends on how high-quality materials were used, whether the woman is careful about the resulting “beauty”.

Rhinestones and sparkles are attached to the hairs or skin with special glue. This product is hypoallergenic and can be used even on overly sensitive skin. Only special paints are used - they are included in the line of professional cosmetics, have a gentle composition, and are radically different from the usual hair dye products.

Wedding intimate hairstyle

The basis of an intimate wedding hairstyle- brightness, unusualness, novelty, extravagance. A haircut is done literally for 1 evening and belongs to the category of "holiday". Therefore, masters use rhinestones and feathers, multi-colored paint to create a “masterpiece”, they can make a body art drawing on the skin of the pubis with a transition to the stomach and hips.

Before performing such a haircut, you need to know for sure that the husband will appreciate the efforts, and will not experience bewilderment and intimate problems.

What intimate haircuts are in fashion

Intimate haircuts from the classic category were and remain in fashion - a narrow strip, a rectangle, a triangle. According to the survey, men just prefer such hairstyles, but they have a negative attitude towards various "hearts", "seals" and floral ornaments.

Representatives of the stronger sex demonstrate frank disappointment at the sight of colored haircuts, stones and stickers - such extravagant haircuts should not be introduced into “permanent use”.

Among men, girls considered Mickey Mouse absurd, imitation of hair and beard without a face. But they spoke positively and with humor about haircuts in the form of an arrow down, a scorpion, a cobra and hieroglyphs.

The “baby” haircut will always be in trend for any gender - the pubis is completely shaved, there is not even a hint of the presence of hairs.

Which intimate haircut to choose

You need to choose an intimate haircut taking into account the characteristics of your own figure:

  • full ladies are best suited for a classic strip, but with a narrowing at the top;
  • if the girl is too thin, then you can use voluminous, large drawings;
  • narrow hips can be visually expanded using stencils on which the image expands upwards - for example, a heart;
  • if the hips are too wide, then you should limit yourself to narrow stripes, “lightning”.

As for men, their choice depends more on their own preferences. It is best to pay attention either to classic stripes or to male symbols. If the partner is humorous, then you can dream up by inventing something of your own.

Types of intimate haircuts

The main (basic) types of intimate haircuts:

  • "drop" - a universal option, always relevant and suitable for combined staining;
  • "month" - a classic, can be performed with or without hair coloring;
  • "Lotus" - suitable for girls / women with narrow hips;
  • "New York" - a torch-shaped haircut that can be dyed in different colors;
  • "tulip" - is made in the form of a bud or a full-fledged flower on a stem;
  • "sonata" is also a classic, it consists of two elements - a crescent and a dot.

Haircuts that can be dyed in a combined way have also become popular:

  • "heart", "butterfly", "yin and yang", "spider", "fish";
  • "Hollywood" - pubic hair is completely removed;
  • "swallow" - depicted with outstretched wings, "in flight";
  • "Brazilian haircut" - only a thin strip of hairs remains;
  • "initials";
  • "Mohican" - two narrow strips are made;
  • "Tiffany" - square;
  • car logo.

How to make a haircut in an intimate place at home

In order for the procedure to turn out the first time, you need to understand in general the principle of its implementation and prepare in advance.


A whole set of tools that will be needed for the hair cutting procedure in the intimate area begins with a mirror and an armchair / chair / ottoman. The first item must be stable and preferably two-sided - a special mirror, one side of which has a magnifying effect. As for the seat, the choice must be made taking into account only one factor - it will be possible to position yourself so that the treated area will be fully visible in the mirror and accessible to hands.

You will also need:

  • comb with fine teeth;
  • any means for depilation - wax strips, special cream, razor;
  • eyeliner or any other cosmetic;
  • manicure scissors;
  • tweezers with narrow and flat tips;
  • medical alcohol;
  • clean sheets of paper;
  • stencil (if it is supposed to use it to perform an intimate haircut).

If there is a trimmer available, then for an intimate haircut it will be the best choice. Such a tool allows you to perform any pattern and either completely remove pubic hair, or simply shorten it as much as possible.

The better to cut intimate places

It is better to cut intimate places with nail scissors - it is safe, effective and the result will be good. Experts warn that this tool makes it possible to enjoy the resulting haircut for only a few days, because shortened hairs grow back quickly and the appearance of the “picture” immediately deteriorates. Choosing a more “reliable” tool is based on the following indicators:

  • razor - the effect will last only 2 days;
  • trimmer - the result will be the same as after using a razor;
  • depilatory cream for intimate hygiene - a haircut will retain its appearance for at least a week, often for 14 days;
  • epilator - the result is stored for 20 days (tweezers also “take part” in the procedure);
  • wax and sugaring - 21 days.

Regardless of which type of pubic hair removal was chosen, the presence of a trimmer is mandatory. This tool is needed to maintain the hairstyle and save the result for a long time, because it allows you to periodically cut the hairs to the desired length, smooth and sharpen the contour of the “picture”.

How to make a stencil for an intimate haircut with your own hands

Stencils for an intimate haircut are produced flexible and tight to the body, made of hypoallergenic plastic, but they can also be made by hand - you need to select a pattern and transfer it to self-adhesive paper (it is much more practical than regular paper or cardboard).

Stencils are of two types:

  • simple - the stroke on the pubis is carried out along the outer contour;
  • through - the stroke is done along the inner contour, and the stencil itself is a drawing that is cut out in the sheet.

For inexperienced ladies, simple templates are suitable - so it immediately becomes clear how the hairstyle will look in the final version. Through is easier to fix on the pubis, which is also important for beginners.

Execution instructions

If you plan to change the color of the hair in the intimate area, then this should be done before you start cutting. In order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction, it is worth using natural (henna) or ammonia-free paints for this procedure.

You will definitely need to conduct an allergy test - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trunk under consideration, the skin is highly sensitive, and even if there is no allergy when dyeing hair on the head, it is not a fact that it will not be in this case either.

The further execution algorithm (regardless of what types of intimate haircuts are chosen) involves the following steps:

  1. A shower or bath is taken. Water should not be hot, the goal is not to steam the skin.
  2. In any convenient way, all pubic hair that is located outside the boundaries of the future haircut is removed.
  3. Comb the remaining vegetation with a comb. A stencil is applied to the resulting surface and the contours of the future image are outlined with a cosmetic pencil.
  4. Hair is removed again - those that remain outside the outlined border.
  5. With nail scissors or a trimmer, the hair on the hairstyle is shortened. Their permissible length is a maximum of 5 mm, but they should not be made too short (minimum 3 mm).
  6. Wash off the line left by the pencil with warm water and soap. Check the correctness of the resulting image in the mirror, if there are extra hairs, then they are removed with tweezers.
  7. The treated pubis must be lubricated / wiped with any disinfectant.

If it is supposed to perform an intimate haircut without a stencil, then the algorithm does not change - the pencil drawing is applied “by hand”.

How to make an intimate haircut "stripe"

To make an intimate “stripe” haircut, you need to prepare the tools:

  • small comb with frequent teeth;
  • a stencil from a store or made independently from self-adhesive paper;
  • shaving foam, razor (new or with the sharpest blades);
  • nail scissors with straight ends.

It is convenient to perform manipulation in front of a mirror. Action algorithm:

  1. Take a shower and thoroughly wash the area of ​​​​the intended haircut with soap.
  2. Place a “stripe” stencil on the pubis, trying to make it clearly in the middle.
  3. All hair that is outside the stencil, shave with a machine using foam.
  4. After shaving, rinse the skin with warm water, then wipe with a solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
  5. Remove the stencil and trim the figure with nail scissors, make the length of the hairs the same over its entire area.

Every 3-5 days it will be necessary to carry out a correction of an intimate haircut, which is convenient to do with nail scissors. Hairs that grow outside the figure are removed with tweezers.

Problems when cutting intimate places

The biggest problem when cutting intimate places is irritation on the skin of the pubis, which appears in almost every case. It can be solved only by competent actions during the procedure, namely:

  • do a haircut on cleansed and steamed skin;
  • when using a razor, immediately treat the surface with disinfectant solutions (for example, Miramistin or Chlorhexidine);
  • stay "in a negligee" for another 20-30 minutes after the end of the procedure - instant contact with clothing can provoke irritation.

If an intimate haircut is performed for the first time, then an unexpected result is possible - “blurred” contours of the pattern, protruding hairs, of different lengths. You can correct the situation with nail scissors and tweezers.

Cuts are not excluded, so you should stock up on alcohol and cotton wool.

How intimate haircuts are made in salons

By and large, the algorithm for performing the procedure in question in specialized salons is no different from the one described above for home conditions. But the master uses professional tools in his work, he can depict even the most intricate drawing and decorate the haircut with rhinestones.

The cost of such a service is adequate, in salons with an excellent reputation, all hygiene measures are observed, and the whole process takes just a few minutes for a professional.

Skin care after

There is nothing original in this, the bikini area is subjected to the same caring procedures as with conventional depilation. In the first 2-3 days, the skin of the pubis must be lubricated with a soothing cream, then this remedy changes to a moisturizer. In the same period after an intimate haircut, it is strictly not recommended to take a hot bath or shower, go to the sauna and take sunbaths in the intimate area.

If irritation still appears on the skin, then you can use decoctions of chamomile or sage flowers, aloe juice quickly relieves inflammation - with these remedies, you just need to wipe problem areas 2-5 times a day.

How to keep an intimate haircut for a long time

If the hair around the drawing is not removed from the root, then the haircut in the intimate area will lose its appearance in a few days. In order not to have to repeat the procedure often, it is worth freeing this part of the pubis from vegetation by shugaring or a mechanical epilator - any method that removes hairs along with the roots.

There are several types of lotions and sprays on the cosmetic market that can slow down hair growth. These include Floresan, Arabia, Skin Doctor.

Popular questions

A lot of questions are asked about intimate haircuts from both men and women. To get competent advice, it is worth contacting specialists, but some questions are answered below.

What method of depilation is more convenient to do an intimate haircut

The most practical way to remove excess hair is to use a trimmer. But the problem is that after such a treatment, the vegetation quickly grows back and after a maximum of a week you will have to make a correction.

Masters recommend using any other method that removes hair along with its root. Yes, it is unpleasant and even painful, after such depilation irritation may develop, but an intimate haircut will retain its original appearance for several weeks.

What to do if the haircut did not work out

You can try to change the pattern - for example, to make a narrow runway out of a failed heart. But still, the best option would be the complete removal of pubic hair - let him remain completely naked. The next time you try, maybe everything will work out.

If an intimate haircut is done for the first time, then get by with a trimmer - the hair will quickly grow back and you can try to fix the failure of the first attempt in 10-15 days.

How to make coloring glitter tattoo

First, the entire pubic area is shugared, and only after that a pattern is applied using a stencil. It is performed with a special gloss that lasts a long time, does not cause allergies and looks bright even after numerous water procedures.

Glitter tattoo set for bikini design

What do men think about a haircut in an intimate place?

Opinions differ - someone admires, someone is disgusted and associated with representatives of the oldest profession. If an intimate haircut is performed by a woman for a loved one, then it is better to inform him about this and together choose a pattern and color. This in the future will not cause bewilderment or some kind of negative reaction to such a transformation of the intimate zone. In a conversation, it will become clear whether it is worth starting the process at all.

Haircut or pubic tattoo: what to choose?

A pubic haircut is a temporary "phenomenon" that can always be corrected if the result is unsatisfactory, and a pubic tattoo is permanent, even if it is made with natural henna-type paints. If any figures from the pubic hairline do not bring any negative effect on the skin and women's health, then a tattoo can act as a provoking factor:

Girls / women should not forget that there can be many men in life, and if one liked a pubic tattoo, then the next chosen one may be categorically against such decoration. It is difficult to draw a drawing, the hair in these places grows poorly and cannot create a dense “cover”. But the haircut can be changed at any time, getting rid of the muzzle of the cat and doing the “baby” or leaving only a narrow strip.

As for men, a drawing that you liked at a young age may look ridiculous and out of place over time. And it's not that easy to get it out. Therefore, it is worth thinking twice not only about deciding to beat the tattoo, but also about the plot of the image. If a hairstyle is chosen from hair, then nothing will prevent it from being shaved at any time.

Intimate haircut - the process is too delicate and it is better to do it at home. But if there is looseness and attitude towards the master as a doctor, then you should entrust the bikini area to a professional.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to make a glitter tattoo:

Many people think that intimate hairstyles are a predominantly female attribute. In fact, this opinion is erroneous. Haircuts in the bikini area look great on men and are now very common. It is considered beautiful, is approved by many women and, as a result, raises male self-esteem. The intimate haircut has a rich history. Even in ancient times, nomadic warriors made it without fail, however, not for aesthetic purposes, but for hygienic ones. This was due to the inability to properly wash. Of course, there was no talk of any design in those days, the hair was simply removed as much as possible. And now there are various types of haircuts in the bikini area, for every taste and even color (after all, creating a hairstyle is often combined with coloring). Many men, having decided on an intimate hairstyle, are afraid to entrust such a responsible thing to anyone and prefer to do everything on their own. There is nothing complicated in this, you just need to know some rules and secrets.

Male intimate haircut design

By itself, the process of creating an intimate hairstyle is simple, but at the stage of choosing a picture, a man faces serious problems. Very often, he, experiencing an abstract desire to create something creative on the pubis, does not know at all what exactly to portray there. You need to think carefully about this issue, because with a picture that will be in one of the most important places, you will have to walk for more than one day.

In fact, the drawing can be absolutely anything. The main thing is that it does not have too many curls and other complex elements. Thin lines and small details should also be avoided, as they will not be visible. The picture will merge into one spot, and all efforts will be in vain. Therefore, it is better to choose something simpler, especially if this is the first experience of an intimate haircut.

Here is a list of the most common drawings:

  1. Car logos. They look great, but, as a rule, require staining, since fine lines are still present. In most cases, the image is located in a circle, which must be drawn perfectly evenly. The result of the work depends on this.

    Creating an intimate hairstyle with a car logo image requires special care

  2. Months and drops. Easy to perform and recommended for those who have just started experimenting with intimate hairstyles.
  3. Dollar sign. When creating it, on the contrary, you have to work hard.
  4. Lips, hearts, playboy bunnies or anything else with a sexual connotation. It used to be that such drawings were more suitable for women, but now they are also popular among men. In general, absolutely all images are universal and suitable for any gender. On representatives of the strong half of humanity, you can even see butterflies and seals.

    There are many simple images that look quite impressive.

  5. Drawings resembling tattoos, graffiti and hieroglyphs. To create them, you need experience, so you do not need to immediately set yourself such a difficult task.
  6. Names or individual letters, such as initials. A simple solution, but it always looks original.
  7. Crown. Perhaps the best option for those who find it difficult to make a choice. Looks impressive and adds confidence. By the way, one of the simplest drawings.
  8. The strip, she is the "runway". Such a design is created elementary, but at the same time it is quite functional. Visually, the strip is perceived as an extension of the penis, and as a result, it seems longer.

    If it is difficult to decide on the choice of design, then you can arrange a haircut in the form of a letter, crown or even a simple strip

Video: types of male intimate haircuts for self-fulfillment

Hair coloring

Very often, after creating an intimate haircut, men resort to coloring. And the reason here is not only the desire to make the drawing colorful and bright. It's just that not everyone has black and thick hair. If they are dark blond, all the more light, and the pattern is complex, then it simply will not be visible. The result of the haircut is more likely to resemble a blurry asymmetrical spot. This is the main reason for the disappointment of men in intimate hairstyles. They think that nothing happened, but in fact they just need to lightly tint the hairs. For this purpose, you can purchase paint specially designed for this. It is applied to the hair and skin strictly according to the drawing, and after the time specified in the instructions, it is washed off. Its main disadvantage is its fragility. If you take a shower every day, then after 7-10 days the staining procedure will have to be repeated.

Special paint for intimate areas can not be found in all stores. It's easier to buy it online. But if there is no desire to wait for the order, and a natural shade (black, graphite, brown) is chosen for the future hairstyle, then you can use the tool for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes. It has similar instructions for use and will also last 7-10 days.

Video: women's opinion about the hair in the intimate area in men

Technology of male intimate haircut

First of all, you should think about what kind of drawing will be made in the intimate area, as well as how to apply it: by hand or using a stencil. Before creating a hairstyle, you should take a shower, prepare all the necessary tools, materials and take the right position. As a rule, it is convenient for men at this crucial moment to be in a sitting position, slightly leaning back and leaning against the back of a chair.

After the optimal pose and pattern are selected, you can proceed directly to the haircut:

  1. Hair is much better removed if it is pre-degreased. To do this, you can use ordinary talcum powder: treat the intimate area with it, and simply shake off the remnants.
  2. Next, a pattern is created on the skin. This does not have to be done by hand, it is much easier to work with a stencil. It can be purchased at a specialized store or ordered online. The drawing is applied to the intended place (most often this is the pubic area) and outlined with a cosmetic pencil. It is not recommended to use felt-tip pens and other stationery tools, as some of them are not visible on the skin, while others are extremely difficult to wash off later. It happens that the hair in the intimate area is so long and thick that it is simply impossible to draw anything on the skin. In this case, they are pre-cut with scissors to an acceptable length. In principle, 2 cm is enough for most intimate haircuts.

    To reduce the length of hair in the intimate area, ordinary scissors are used.

  3. All hair that is outside the area in which the drawing is located is removed (so far this is a "rough" work, the edges of the image are not aligned). How exactly to do this depends on personal preference. You can use a razor, but then after a few days, bristles will appear on the skin, which will need to be trimmed periodically. The most daring men decide to remove their hair with wax or sugar paste. This is the best option, but very painful. In addition, you need to study the rules for working with these materials in advance. There is nothing complicated here, but some nuances must be taken into account. Most men to remove excess hair. It acts on the principle of a razor, cutting off hairs, so you also need to mentally prepare for the need for regular correction of an intimate haircut.
  4. Now you can start processing the edge of the picture. This is the most crucial moment, because literally one extra left or, conversely, removed hair can turn a masterpiece into a blurry crooked spot. A narrow end trimmer can be used for leveling, but those hairs that are close to the line of the drawing are best removed with tweezers. Many neglect this rule, and as a result, they do not get the result they expected. Therefore, do not take risks and ignore this advice.
  5. The next step is hair coloring. In some cases, this is simply necessary.

    If you do not use paint, the pattern of owners of blond, gray, or all the more blond hair may not be visible.

  6. The skin is finally treated with some kind of disinfectant solution, for example, chlorhexidine. He also erases the pencil line along the edge of the picture.

Necessary tools and materials

To create a beautiful intimate hairstyle, you need to have on hand consumables and tools with which you can remove excess hair:

  1. Scissors. Needed to shorten too long hairs. If this is not done, then the haircut may turn out to be sloppy, and everything that is superfluous will be difficult to remove.
  2. Trimmer. This is a device that cuts hair at the root. The most convenient for cutting in the bikini area. There are different models on sale, which differ, including in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe blades. You need to choose an option with several nozzles. The wider ones can be used to remove excess hair from the pubis and perineum, and the narrowest (round) one can be used to treat the area next to the pattern.
  3. Razor. In the absence of a trimmer, it may well replace it. True, it is suitable only for plain drawings, since more complex ones will be extremely difficult to process around the edges.
  4. Tweezers. Needed to remove hairs directly from the drawing itself, especially if it has many bends.
  5. Talc. Used to degrease the hair before the procedure.
  6. Dark cosmetic pencil. With it, the image is applied to the skin.
  7. Stencils. Necessary if the drawing cannot be applied by hand.
  8. Chlorhexidine. It is used to treat the skin after the haircut.
  9. If desired, you can use products designed for epilation. For example, if it was decided to remove excess hair with hot wax, then in addition to it, you will also need a spatula for application and a special wax melter.
  10. Means for coloring an intimate haircut.

Photo gallery: what you need to create an intimate haircut

When purchasing a trimmer, it is important to make sure that it has a narrow nozzle. Tweezers are necessary for the design of complex intricate patterns. If you remove excess hair with wax, they will not grow for 2-3 weeks. There are paints designed specifically for the design of intimate hairstyles. The pattern is applied to the skin. using a black cosmetic pencil After the intimate hairstyle is ready, you need to disinfect the skin

intimate hair care

First of all, immediately after the procedure, you need to take care of the skin. The trimmer and razor do not injure her, but if the extra hairs were removed with wax, then it is not recommended to wet the bikini area in the next few hours. Also, within 2-3 days it is better to refrain from baths, saunas, solariums and baths.

As for the haircut itself, after some time you will need to make a correction. When exactly extra hairs grow around the pattern depends on how they were removed. If waxing or sugaring was done, then you can not worry about anything for 2-3 weeks, and sometimes more. If the hair was shaved or cut with a trimmer, then after 5 days the pattern may lose its attractiveness, as bristles will appear around it. Until she has time to grow and merge with the picture that forms the basis of the haircut, you need to remove it in any acceptable way. For example, again with a trimmer or a razor. If the design includes coloring or involves the use of glitter, then the color of the image should be updated at least once a week, as it quickly loses its brightness.

A male intimate haircut, provided that it is visually pleasing to a man and his partner, has many positive aspects. It is convenient, hygienic, and in general, it is pleasant when nothing interferes anywhere. True, you need to get used to it, because if a man has never removed hair in the bikini area before, after the first time, very strange sensations can arise. There is nothing difficult in creating an intimate hairstyle, but accuracy is required here. A fuzzy line or the slightest error in the symmetry of the pattern can ruin the whole look. Therefore, the haircut should be taken extremely seriously, take your time and, of course, use high-quality tools.

Do you want to surprise your loved one and bring a little novelty to your sexual relationship? Intimate haircuts will help you. Just be careful when choosing a drawing. There is a fine line between "sexy" and "funny" in this matter. If you want your man to have a haircut of an intimate zone that will cause excitement and admiration, and not a desire to retire to the next room and laugh, you need to choose the right pattern. How to make an intimate haircut with your own hands, which pattern to choose and about salon procedures later in the article.

The benefits of intimate haircuts

Women's intimate haircut is not only beautiful, but also hygienic. Of course, there are those who will say that the more natural the delicate area looks, the better. Here, as they say, the taste and color of markers are different. Well, girls who prefer intimate hairstyles note the following advantages:

  • A neatly executed female intimate haircut looks more aesthetically pleasing than an overgrown bikini area.
  • A haircut in an intimate place can increase a woman's self-esteem, even if no one sees your delicate drawing.
  • Intimate hairstyles are a great alternative to shaving. The procedure performed with wax will give a feeling of cleanliness for at least 3 weeks.
  • Women's intimate hairstyles are one of the easiest ways to create a romantic mood for both partners.
  • The procedure is safe, although sometimes painful.
  • The procedure can be carried out at home on your own.

Disadvantages of intimate hairstyles

According to the results of the social surveys, about 30% of women would never get a haircut in a delicate area. Perhaps the reason for this is a personal dislike for this procedure, or maybe it's the complexion and modesty of women. One way or another, another survey shows that about 80% of men would like to see such an experiment in the delicate zone of their woman. Women who are opposed to intimate hairstyles note the following shortcomings:

  • Embarrassment in front of the master who is doing the procedure. For some, due to conservative views, such a development of events does not even fit into their heads.
  • Fears of a negative reaction of the partner to the experiment in the bikini area.
  • Abstinence from visiting the solarium and sunbathing until the skin is completely restored, in case of.
  • Possible pain of the procedure.

Fears and fears that your loved one will not appreciate such an experiment are easy to dispel - gently ask about his attitude to haircuts in the bikini area. And keep in mind that most men approve of any experiments aimed at diversifying sexual relationships. And if you are just embarrassed in front of the master, you can make intimate haircuts at home.

Types of intimate haircuts

The main types of intimate haircuts are as follows:

  • Full bikini cut. This type includes complete.
  • Rectangular. This includes the Brazilian haircut and all other options when there is a rectangular area of ​​​​different sizes, for example, Calipso and Runway.
  • Triangular. This look includes all options with a triangular pattern of different sizes in the bikini area. This form is considered the most natural, it resembles a cocktail glass. These include Margarita and Champagne haircuts.
  • Decorative. This type includes all intricate drawings with coloring and the use of decorative elements, such as hieroglyphs and inscriptions.

Choose a picture

If you decide that the hairstyle in your delicate “triangular zone” is to be, choosing a pattern is one of the key points of the procedure. As a first experience, do not choose too fancy drawings. While most men love intimate haircuts, not everyone appreciates a colorful Christmas tree or a peacock tail. If this is your first experience, limit yourself to something simpler. You can start with a thin strip or a triangle. Such a drawing is easy to do for yourself at home, and the question of embarrassment in the master's office immediately disappears.

The choice of patterns is so diverse that everyone will find something to their liking: hearts, a cat's tail, a crescent and a droplet will always be relevant, and for the most daring, the masters offer a bikini design with coloring, rhinestones, sparkles and feathers. But not every man will appreciate such a riot of colors, and not every woman will give preference to this type of pubic haircut.

We make an intimate haircut with our own hands

To make homemade intimate haircuts, you will need the following "helpers":

  • mirror;
  • soft cosmetic pencil;
  • manicure scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • or machine;
  • stencil with the selected pattern;
  • antiseptic.

An intimate hairstyle at home is within the power of almost every girl. Keep in mind that you will need “material” to create a delicate haircut, so if you are used to completely removing your hair, you will have to endure a couple of weeks until the desired length grows. Armed with everything you need and sitting in front of a mirror, get down to business! The step-by-step scheme of actions is as follows:

  1. Pick a pattern and apply it to the stencil. Use a piece of thick paper or cardboard as it.
  2. Transfer the drawing with a cosmetic pencil to the selected place.
  3. Treat the bikini area with an antiseptic.
  4. Using a trimmer or razor, remove excess hair around the pattern. You can wax the procedure if you prefer.
  5. Use tweezers to correct the silhouette of the picture.
  6. Use scissors to cut the hair in place of the pattern to the desired length.

Ready! Of course, not without effort and discomfort, but any girl can make intimate haircuts at home.

Haircut delicate area in the salon

Of course, the salon procedure will give a better and more accurate result, especially if you do not yet have enough experience in creating hairstyles for intimate areas. The master knows all the subtleties of this procedure and will be able to carry it out flawlessly, minimizing possible skin irritation. When you come to the salon, the professional will offer you various types of intimate haircuts. Then you choose a pattern and sit on the couch. Step by step, the master will perform all the steps described in the instructions above, but instead of a razor and trimmer, a professional can offer you the following options for removing excess hair:

  • . Sugar is used as an epilation agent. The procedure is not as painful as waxing and does not lead to ingrown hairs.
  • Waxing. Epilation of the bikini area is carried out using wax. Quite uncomfortable and can cause severe irritation.

Women's intimate hairstyles are a fairly affordable service. The simplest option will cost you 500 rubles, and a complex bikini design costs approximately 1,500 rubles. In addition to the complexity of the pattern and the presence of decorative elements, the price may depend on the region and the level of professionalism of the master. A haircut in a delicate area can please you and your man for about a month. Gradually, with the growth of hair, the contours of the pattern will not become so clear, so at least once a month you need to adjust it.

An intimate hairstyle will make you feel attractive and comfortable. And even if you don’t have a husband or boyfriend whom you could surprise with her, make her for yourself, because everything in a woman should be beautiful!

    Remember - cut dry, shave wet. If you are only going to cut your hair, not shave it, then do it while the hair is completely dry. This will make it easier to cut. If you want to shave your hair, taking a warm bath or shower for 10-15 minutes will help reduce skin irritation.

    Before cutting or shaving, wash your pubis with soap or liquid body soap. The presence of bacteria can cause an aggravation of the infection in the event of a razor cut.

    Purchase good scissors or a clipper. For the first positive experience, it is very important how you cut your hair in the intimate area. Avoid regular size scissors at all costs and try the options below. Remember that whichever tool you choose, it will only be used for trimming pubic hair to avoid potential infections.

    • Small nail scissors are ideal for caring for the intimate area. If possible, buy scissors with blunt ends.
    • Buy a trimmer that men use to trim their beards and remove hair from their ears and nose. Trimmers usually come with attachments for cutting hair of one length. Do not use electric razors with rotating heads - they cause quite a bit of pain if used in the intimate area.
    • In extreme cases, scissors for embroidery will come to the rescue. They are small, like nail scissors, but beware of their sharp ends.
  1. Use a sharp razor. A dull razor will cause itchy red bumps. If the hair is long, then cut it in advance. Shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it. Yes, it will take longer, but there will be less irritation. Use a mild, fragrance-free shaving cream or gel.

    Cut your hair in an area in the bathroom that is easy to clean. Shave while standing in the shower or sitting over the toilet. Thus, to clean up after yourself, you just need to turn on the tap or press the trigger.

  2. Use a small compact mirror. It's hard to measure progress that you can't see. So stock up on a small mirror to check how things are going.

    Styles for women

    1. Try the artificial-natural style. You can cut the hair in the intimate area slightly, but so that it does not look very noticeable. Simply trim your hair to keep it natural. It all depends on your preferences.

      • Trim your hair with scissors or an electric trimmer. To get an even cut with scissors, use a comb, as hairdressers do.
    2. Try bikini style. Energy consumption is low, but it will be just right for the beach. Trim your hair evenly, and shave it completely along the creases of your legs so that it does not stick out from under panties, trunks or thongs.

      • Trim all hair with scissors or an electric razor so that your intimate area looks well-groomed and suitable for a swimsuit.
      • To remove hair around the edges, use a razor or chemical depilators.
    3. Try to make an intimate hairstyle. This is a playful, sexy style where the entire intimate area is shaved bald, with the exception of pubic hair, which forms a pattern. Popular hairstyles include a small triangle or heart shape.

      • Work hard on the hair so that the pattern is more clearly visible.
      • Make a drawing on the pubis with a razor or wax.
      • Remove hair around the labia with a razor, wax, or epilator.
    4. Make a runway. This is a provocative mixed style. Remove all hair from the edges of the labia, leaving a thin rectangle along the labia.

      • Work hard on the hair so that the rectangle looks more defined.
      • Remove hair around the edges with a razor, electric razor, wax, epilator, or, provided you are careful and careful about the most delicate areas, a chemical hair remover.
      • Trim your runway hair so that it's the same length.
    5. Try Brazilian style. This is the classic style of movie stars, in which all hair is shaved, including pubic hair.

      • If your hair is long, trim it to make it easier to work with.
      • Remove hair with a razor, wax, or use an epilator.

    Styles for men

    1. Choose an artificial-natural style. This is a good choice if you are looking for an easy way to get your hair in order. Trim your hair evenly to keep it natural. The length of the hair depends on your preference.

      • Trim your hair with scissors or an electric trimmer. To get a uniform cut with scissors, use a comb, as hairdressers do.
    2. Try the brief style. This style is somewhat more complex and similar to the men's version of the women's bikini style. Trim your hair evenly and shave off all the hair that grows along the creases of your legs so that the hair does not stick out of briefs, trunks, and so on.

      • Use scissors or an electric razor.
      • Remove hair around the edges with a razor or using chemical depilators.
    3. Make a lion's mane. This is a style that will enhance the look of your "friend". Remove the hair on the testicles and near the base of the penis and leave it in other places.

      • Remove hair anywhere except the pubic area with a razor or wax. The remaining hair can be trimmed or left as is for maximum effect.
    4. Make an arrow or runway. Draw attention to your dignity with a characteristic strip of hair. Shave off all your hair, leaving a flicker or thin strip on your pubis.

      • Cut your hair so that the arrow or rectangle looks sharp.
      • Shape the hair over the penis with a razor or wax.
      • Remove hair everywhere except the upper pubic area with a razor or wax.
    5. Brazilian style. Shave all hair in the intimate area bald.

      • Trim your hair to make it easier to remove.
      • Remove all hair with wax (traditional) or razor (will require more maintenance).
    • When you finish cutting, rinse your intimate area with cold water. This will close the pores, which in turn will cause less irritation after shaving.
    • For a better, more comfortable shave, pull the skin where it hangs or where it folds.
    • If you plan to shave, remember to rinse your blade after each stroke and remember to change blades when they become dull. Pubic hair is coarse and dulls blades quickly.
    • If you want your hair not to grow back as long as possible:
      • Use depilatory products that remove hair at the root level. such products cause hair loss from the root. These are quite strong remedies, and you should not use them on sensitive areas of the skin. It is better to use them on the edges of the pubic area. Do not apply them directly to the genitals. Before using the product, test it on a less sensitive area of ​​the skin.
      • Use wax or an electric epilator. It can be done on one's own, contact a professional or use an epilator. This device pulls out hair, which can be extremely inconvenient, especially if you have never done it before and you are sensitive.
    • It is believed that after regular waxing or using hair removal devices, new hair grows thinner, making further removal less painful.
    • For permanent results, consider electrolysis or laser hair removal. These procedures are performed by professionals, but they are expensive and often painful. It may take several treatments to completely remove all hair, but in the end the skin becomes completely smooth.
    • Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer, but only for the body and not for the intimate area, as it clogs the pores.
    • Do not use alcohol-based products on the genital area. Alcohol dries the skin, and there is simply nothing to disinfect there. All you need is to change the blades regularly.
    • If you have just started shaving the hair in the intimate area, do not rush to shave them all at once. Move slowly and slowly, find the style you like.
    • Apply a moisturizing oil to your skin before shaving your intimate area. So irritation will be less and the skin will be smoother.


    • Be careful with trimmers, shavers, epilators, or whatever you use to groom yourself. In the intimate zone there are many nerve endings, sagging tissues and capillaries filled with blood. If you injure yourself, then the overall impression of the haircut will not be very pleasant. Be very careful when cutting hair in sensitive areas like the scrotum or labia.
    • If you have thick hair in your intimate area and very sensitive skin, shaving can cause a lot of discomfort, sometimes even immediately after the procedure. A good body lotion will minimize discomfort, and your skin will probably get used to it over time.