Acquaintance with the surrounding vegetables 2 junior group. Summary of classes on the topic "vegetables" in the younger group. Theme "That's how mom, right golden!"

The world. Second junior group. Abstract

- develop speech, develop the ability to answer the questions of the educator;
- promote sensory development and auditory perception.
Educational tasks:
- to consolidate the ability to correctly name vegetables, describe their color, shape and size.
- distinguish vegetables by appearance; learn to write elementary descriptions of vegetables.
- consolidate knowledge of primary colors; learn to distinguish objects by color;
exercise in the difference in the names of geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, square).
- develop attention, interest, thinking;
- educate children in the habit of helping others, being active, attentive and responsive when interacting with each other;
- To cultivate interest and desire for knowledge of the world around.
- consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, clarify their name, color, shape, learn to distinguish in appearance;
- to expand the idea of ​​growing vegetable crops;
- develop observation and curiosity;
- educate respect for wildlife.
Material: A poster with the image of vegetables, a visual aid "vegetables", a basket with models of vegetables, a soft toy of a bunny, a model of a vegetable garden with beds.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Hello guys! Look how beautiful we are today!
(on the board is a poster with vegetables).

- Tell me please, what is shown in the picture? (children's answers).
Educator:- That's right, well done! Today we will talk about vegetables!
Educator:- Guys, who knows where vegetables grow? (children's answers).
Educator:- That's right, in the garden.
Educator:- Do any of you know what vegetables are good for? (children's answers). Well done, they have a lot of vitamins! What are vitamins for? (children's answers).
Educator:- That's right, to be healthy!
(the teacher takes cards with the image of vegetables and shows them in turn).

Educator:- Guys, look, what kind of vegetable is this? That's right, cucumber! What color is cucumber? Well done, green. And what form is it? Oval, that's right!
Educator:- Well done, you were right about the cucumber. And what is this vegetable? (tomato). What colour? (red) What shape? (round). Right, but what is the largest? Big or small? (small).
Educator:- Clever, what kind of vegetable is this? (carrot) What color? (orange). What shape is a carrot? (triangular). Well done!
(Knock on the door).
Educator:- Guys, it seems someone knocked? Did you hear or did I think? (knocking intensified). No, it didn't seem to. Who is it that came to us?
(Teacher opens the door).

Educator:- Oh, look, it's a bunny! Hello bunny!
(The teacher takes the bunny in his hand and speaks for him)
Bunny: Hello! Guys, I've been wanting to visit you for a long time! And here he comes!
Educator:- Guys, let's say hello to the bunny. (children greet).
Educator:- Bunny, but something you're not very happy. Are you all right? Or did something happen?
Bunny: - I'm fine, but I'm a little confused. Mom asked me to go to the garden and bring her vegetables for soup, but I completely forgot what vegetables look like and what vegetables soup is made from.
Educator:- Bunny, don't worry, my guys will help you. We were just talking about vegetables!
Educator:- Guys, help the bunny? (Yes).
Bunny: - Hurrah! I'm so glad I came to see you. I knew you would help me.
Educator:- Well, show me your garden. We will help you.
(the bunny takes out his garden).

Bunny: - Look, what kind of garden we planted with my mother!
Educator:- What you good fellows with mother! And the guys and I know how to work in the garden! Really guys? (Yes). Let's show the bunny our physical minute about the garden.
Physical minute.(children get up from chairs).
We will go to the garden, we will harvest the harvest. (Walking in a circle)
We are dragging carrots, we are dragging, we are dragging, (they bend over and imitate the “pulling” of carrots).
And we will dig up potatoes, we will dig up, we will dig up, (“digging”).
We cut off a head of cabbage (they squat down and “cut off”).
Round, juicy, very tasty, (show the circle with their hands three times)
Let's pick a little sorrel ("tear")
And we'll be back on track. (steps in place)
Bunny: - What good fellows you guys are!

Educator:- Well, let's see what has grown in the bunny's garden. (the teacher calls one child at a time (4-5 people) and they pull vegetables out of the garden.)
Educator:- Tell me, please, what is this vegetable? (potato) Can I add it to the soup? (child's answer).
Bunny: - Yes, I remembered, this is a potato! Mom definitely told me to dig up potatoes!
Educator: - And what kind of vegetable grew in the garden? (carrot) Well done, but do they add carrots to the soup? (Yes).
(Children take turns helping the bunny to pull out vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, garlic).
Bunny: - Thank you guys, now my mother will cook the most delicious soup, you are so good, you know all the vegetables !!!
Educator:- Bunny, our children know vegetables so well that they can guess them by touch!
Bunny: - I'm very interested to see how they do it!
(the teacher puts a basket with mock-ups of vegetables covered with a large scarf on the table)

Educator:- Let's play? (Let's)
Didactic game "Find by touch".
(The teacher calls 4-5 children in turn.)
Educator: - Put your hand under the handkerchief, find a vegetable and, without pulling it out, determine what kind of vegetable you found. - Well done, right!
Educator:- Well done, everyone guessed it, guys, but do you know how a cucumber differs from a tomato? And carrots from beets? (children's answers).
- Correctly, carrots are oblong, orange, and beets are red and round. . Let's repeat once again, how to call all this in one word? (vegetables).
Bunny: - Thank you guys, you helped me a lot. But it's time for me to run home, because my mother is waiting for me and I really want to try my mother's delicious soup! But before I leave, I want to give you the most precious thing I have (the bunny takes out a small fork of cabbage). This is my cabbage, which I want to treat you to!
caregiver: - Thank you very much, bunny! We are very pleased to receive such a gift from you, right guys? (Yes).
- Goodbye, bunny, come visit us again, we will be waiting for you. Come on, guys, say thank you to the bunny and goodbye! (children thank and say goodbye to the bunny).
Bunny: - Goodbye, guys! (the bunny leaves).
caregiver: - Guys, did you like the bunny? (Yes). Such a funny one! And look, he even gave us a present.
caregiver: - And what can be cooked from cabbage? (children's answers).
- Soup, pie, cabbage pies, cabbage rolls and stewed and salted cabbage are correct. And let's remember how cabbage is salted.
Finger gymnastics "Cabbage".
What a creak, (rubbing hands against each other)
What a crunch (fingers of both hands cross and rhythmically squeeze)
What kind of bush is this, (turn your open palms away from you, connecting your thumbs).
How can we be without a crunch, (cross the fingers of both hands and squeeze rhythmically)
If I am cabbage. (with half-bent fingers depict a head of cabbage)
We chop cabbage, chop (tap the edges of the palms on the table)
We three-three carrots, (moving fists back and forth)
We salt-salt cabbage, (movements in the text)
We press cabbage. (text movements)
Knock-knock, knock-knock
There is a knock in the house
We chopped the cabbage, (tap the edges of the palms on the table)
Pereterli, (moving fists back and forth)
Salted, (movements in the text)
And stuffed tightly into the tub, (tapping fists on the table)
Everything is fine with us now! (stretching the arms forward, raising the thumbs of both hands)
Educator:- Well done boys! You have worked very hard today! And tell me, please, what did we talk about today? (children's answers).
Educator:- That's right, about vegetables! And in the end I want to read you a poem:
To be healthy and strong
Gotta love vegetables
All, without exception,
There is no doubt about it!
In each there is a benefit and a taste,
And I can't decide
What is tastier than them
Which one is more important!
Teacher: Thank you guys!

Topic: "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products."


first qualifying

L.N. Zolotareva


Synopsis of GCD in the second junior group

Areas: knowledge and art work.

Activity: playful, communicative, cognitive-research, productive.

Subject: "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products"

Target: formation of a healthy lifestyle, consolidation of knowledge about the benefits of vitamins.

Equipment: illustrations of vegetables and fruits, a basket with toy vegetables and fruits, a plush rabbit, coloring pages with images of cucumber, carrot and tomato, colored pencils; musical records on the disk: physical minute "Ladoshki"; background music: calm music.


Expand your understanding of vitamins. To acquaint with the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits and their significance for humans;

Exercise children in coloring drawings without going beyond the outline.


Develop a desire to maintain a dialogue, evoke a sense of empathy, compassion for a fairy-tale hero;

To consolidate knowledge of the colors red, green, orange.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards one's health, the need to be healthy.

Cultivate independence, accuracy, aesthetic emotions.

Lesson progress:

caregiver - Hello guys! Autumn has come, and in the fall it is time to harvest. And let's repeat what vegetables and fruits we already know. (The teacher begins to demonstrate illustrations, the children answer what they see in the picture, they also call the color and shape)

caregiver - Guys, why do we need vegetables and fruits at all?

Children - They contain vitamins.


Children - To strengthen the body, not to get sick, to be beautiful and smart, to kill germs.

caregiver - That's right, guys, vitamins strengthen our entire body, it is easier for the body to fight diseases, and when it is healthy and strong, it is not afraid of any microbes. Guys, in addition to vegetables and fruits, there are also berries, they also have a lot of vitamins.

Musical physical culture minute: "Palms".

There is a knock on the door, the teacher opens, and there is a plush hare with a letter.

caregiver - Guys, look who came to us - the hare Matvey! Hello hare!

Hare – Kheh…. heh…. khe

caregiver What happened, Matthew? (The hare holds out the letter) Guys, let's lament the letter!


Children, children! Help!

Save the bunny!

Bunny Jr. began to sneeze,

My wife has no hair

What's happened? Where's the answer?

caregiver - Guys, what do you think happened to the hare, hare and hare?

Children – They lack vitamins

caregiver - And let's help Matthew and his family?

Children - Yes, let's do it!

caregiver - I have a basket with vegetables and fruits, we will give it to Matvey, and let's also color some more vegetables for the animals and give it along with the basket, huh? And before we start coloring, stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics: "Berries".

    I remove the berries from the branch (hand in front of me, relaxed hand at face level. Fingers are relaxed and hang down).

    1,2,3,4,5. (with the fingers of the other hand, stroke each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing a berry from it).

    And I collect it in a basket (both palms in front of me - “cup”).

    There will be a full basket, (one palm, folded in a “cup”, cover with another palm on top).

    I will eat quite a bit (indicate finger up, left - right).

    And I'll feed the kids! Am! (palms up and forward, palms to mouth).

Independent activities of children: Children color pictures with vegetables.


caregiver Guys, what did we talk about today?

Children - About fruits and vegetables.

caregiver – What do they contain?

Children - Vitamins.

caregiver Why do we need vitamins?

Children - In order not to get sick, to be healthy and beautiful.

Educator: Guys, Matvey has prepared a delicious surprise for you, but you need to look for it!

Children look for a surprise in the group and find chopped vegetables (carrots, cabbage, cucumber) in the house, wash their hands and help themselves.

caregiver - Here are the guys, what good fellows you all are! Helped Matthew to deal with his problem. But it's time for him to go home, we wish him a happy journey and not get sick, eat more vitamins.


    The photo of the author is used in the work.

    Proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters. A popular guide for parents and educators. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997; Tarabarina T.I., Elkina N.V.

    Gerbova V.V., Introducing children to fiction.-M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Summary of GCD on the topic "Vegetables" in the younger group


To form in children an interest in knowledge about vegetables.


Give basic ideas about vegetables; color of vegetables;

To consolidate knowledge about the place of growth;

Develop a sense of community;

To consolidate the children's ideas about harvesting vegetables for the winter.

Preliminary work:

Considering illustrations of vegetables;

Reading the fairy tale "Puff", poems about vegetables;

Plot - role-playing game "Vegetable store"

Materials: a picture of a vegetable garden; vegetables and fruit replicas; visual aid "vegetables".


Organizing time:

Our smart heads

They will think a lot, deftly.

Ears will listen

Mouth speak clearly.

Hands will clap

Feet will stomp.

The backs straighten

We smile at each other.

The teacher shows a picture of a garden and invites the children to consider.

The guys in the picture draw a garden. What grows in the garden?

Children list (tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, radishes, carrots, cabbage, potatoes)

IN.: - That's right, in a word, it's vegetables. Vegetables grow in garden beds, but in order for them to grow tasty and fresh, they need to be looked after, regularly watered and pulled out weeds. Let's get acquainted with vegetables? But before we continue our work, we will have a short physical education minute. Guys, go to the middle of the group.

Physical education "Garden"

Our garden is fine.

We dug up beds in the spring (imitation of shoveling )

We weeded the gardentilts, hands reach the floor )

watering the garden (show how watered)

Small holes are not dense

We planted cabbagesquat down, put your hands on your knees)

All summer she got fat,

Growing up and uprise slowly)

And now she is closely poor

Says: "Step aside!" (stomp your foot at the end of a sentence )

And now let's lay out the pictures with vegetables and see what kind of garden we have (children call the vegetables in the pictures).

Guys, I suggest you solve riddles about vegetables, you listen carefully and guess.

1. Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats,

Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion )

2. A girl sits in a dungeon,

And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)

3. One hundred clothes -

All without zippers. (Cabbage)

IN.: - Well done guys, now let's play?

The game "Gathering the harvest"

On the floor, vegetables are mixed with fruits, your task is to put the vegetables in one basket, and the fruits in another. This must be done as quickly as possible.

V .: - Well done guys laid out everything correctly!

Didactic game “Learn by touch”

IN.: - I will now hide the vegetables in a bag, and you try, without looking, to find the vegetable that I will name. (The teacher calls the vegetable, the child tries to feel and get the named one with his hand.)

Didactic game "What's gone"

The teacher shows the children several vegetables, then asks them to turn away and removes one. Children must guess what is missing.


Guys today we met with various vegetables and I would like to read you a poem:

To be healthy and strong.

Gotta love vegetables.

All without exception

There is no doubt about it!

Each one has a benefit and a taste.

And I can't decide

Which one is tastier

Which one is more important!

Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group "Kolobok" on the topic: "Vegetables and fruits." Tasks. To give the first ideas about the variety of objects of the world around, in particular, to introduce some vegetables and fruits (carrots, turnips, apples, pears, etc.). Emphasize that vegetables and fruits are grown by people (the result of their labor) and they need them for eating: they are washed, cut; cook soup, cabbage soup; prepare salads, etc. Say that vegetables grow in the garden, and fruits grow in the garden. Consider natural vegetables and fruits, compare, taste. Use folklore works on the theme of vegetables and fruits. Emphasize that they ripened in the fall. Autumn came to people with gifts: Sweet, ripe fruits - apples, pears, plums; delicious tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, turnips. Materials. Natural vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, turnips; fruits - apples, pears, plums. Toys stylized as animals: hedgehog, bunny, mouse. You can use the characters of the puppet theater "Bee-ba-bo". Lesson contentEducator. He tells the children that someone will come to visit them today. There is a knock on the door, and a hare enters the group on a truck. In the back of his car are carrots, a head of cabbage and a turnip. Children. They surround the guest, consider his car with gifts. Educator. Invites the children to sit on chairs and listen to what the Bunny will tell. Bunny greets the guys. He goes on to say that many delicious vegetables have grown in his garden. He brought cabbage, carrots and turnips as a gift to the children. Educator. Organizes the examination of vegetables, their comparison: orange and long carrots, round and yellow turnips, reads riddles to children: what is it? "Orange nose - green tail!" (Carrot); “A lot of clothes and all without fasteners” (Cabbage); “Yellow and strong - is it ...? (Turnip). The bunny tells the children about how he cared for vegetables - watered, loosened the ground, harvested. Children. They thank the bunny and ask to visit them more often. Bunny gets into the car and leaves. A similar scene is played out with the advent of the Mouse. She can "fly" into the group in a balloon, carrying a bag of gifts: two cucumbers and tomatoes, a few pods with peas. Children. They consider the vegetables that the Mouse brought, comparisons are made, for example, the tomato is red and round, and the cucumber is green and long. Nursery rhymes sound: “Well, this is a cucumber! It’s immediately obvious – well done!” “Look, the tomato is like a red traffic light!” etc. The mouse says that most of all she loves peas, which grew in her garden. Children. Consider the pods with peas. The guys thank the mouse and invite them to visit, for a holiday. The mouse says goodbye and "flies away" on the ball. Educator. He puts all the vegetables on a plate, in the middle of the table, emphasizes: “These are vegetables!” A scene is being played of the arrival of the Hedgehog to visit the guys, who brings apples, pears and plums in a basket. The hedgehog tells the children that fruits grow on trees in the garden. Children. They consider fruits: an apple is round, ruddy, and a pear is yellow and long like a “bottle”. The hedgehog offers fruit to the kids. Invites the guys to visit, in the orchard. Children. They thank the Hedgehog and ask him to come to them for the autumn holiday. The lesson ends with a fruit treat for the children. At the end of the lesson, the teacher tries to translate the lesson into a game, offers to treat toys with fruit, for example, Mishka, dolls Katya and Nadia, as well as Pig Piggy, etc.

Application) in the second junior group.


Target: systematization of children's knowledge on the topic "Vegetables".


  • To develop the ability to guess riddles by characteristic features, to tell a familiar poem with and without visual aids, to finish the missing words.

  • Expand vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables".

  • Exercise in the ability to group vegetables, separating them in appearance.

  • Develop general and fine motor skills, visual attention, memory, emotional perception.

The lesson is held in the form of a game with a subgroup of children 8 - 10 people.

Lesson plan:

  1. - Introductory part (Surprise moment - the appearance of the Hostess)

  2. – The main part (riddles, games, applications)

  3. – Final part (Assessment of children's work, refreshments)

3. Inserts "Vegetables" ("Find a place for your vegetable in the garden")

4. The game "Guess what the bunny took away"

5. Game exercise "Pod"

6. The game "Autumn ..." (sorting vegetables by type)

7. Finger game "Garlic has grown with us ..."

8. Application "Let's harvest"

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. In front of them is the screen of a multimedia projector, on the screen is an image of a door.

Educator: Children, look what a beautiful unusual door. You hear what seems to be someone knocking. (There is a knock on the door.) Who came to us? Let's invite a guest, say, "Come in, please."

(The display will show grandma hostess, teacher and children greet her).

Educator: Look, guys, a grandmother came to visit us and brought a magic book with her. What do you think is in it?

Now grandmother will make riddles, and you listen carefully and try to guess. If the answer is correct, the answer will appear on the screen.

I grow in the ground in the garden,
Red, long, sweet.
Golden and useful
Vitamin, although sharp,
He has a bitter taste.
When you clean, you shed tears.
I was born to fame
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.
Well done, solved all the riddles. And how can carrots, onions and cabbage be called in one word? That's right, vegetables. Have you guessed who this grandmother is? This is a grandmother - a hostess or affectionately - a hostess. Now we will tell you a poem by Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”, and grandmother will listen to us. You are ready?

(Children with a teacher tell a poem using ICT, the methods of work are indicated in the methodology for using ICT).

Educator: Children, where do you think vegetables grow? Vegetables grow in a garden bed. Look what I have hidden in my magic bag. (Children take turns taking out inserts of vegetables and calling them.)

Educator: find a place for your vegetable in the garden. (Children find the appropriate frame and put their vegetable in there)

Educator: A lot of vegetables have ripened in the garden. (Images of 5 vegetables in a row appear on the screen in sequence). But one evening, when the hostess fell asleep (the slide changes, a bunny appears on the screen), a bunny came running and took something from the garden. (There is a slide with vegetables on the screen, but one less). Try to guess what the bunny took. (The game continues 3-4 times).

Teacher: And now we'll have a little rest.

Lie down on the mat. I'll tell you a fairy tale.

IN ONE POD WE LITED, (children lie down on the rug)





HOW SUDDENLY THEY Woke Up ( get on your knees)

AND STARTED TO GROW (raise one hand up)

THEY GROW, GROW ( pull the other hand)

GROW, DO NOT TIRE ( two hands up, pull high)



(stand on toes, stretched out)


(we swing in the wind, we wave our hands)


(jump, clap your hands).
Educator: While we were resting, the harvest was already ripe in the garden.






The teacher shows the children natural vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions) in a basket and offers to help sort them into plates. During the game, the teacher asks the children questions: What is this? What color is she? Is this carrot big or small? and etc.
Educator: You worked hard, sorted everything correctly, helped your grandmother. And now sit down on the chairs, prepare your hands. Let's tell the hostess grandmother what vegetables we know.

(A finger game is being played.)

WE GROWED GARLIC, (when listing, fingers are bent)




VEGETABLES WE COLLECTED, (imitation of movements in the text)





(wave hand, say goodbye)

Educator: Well, we had fun with the hostess, but it's time for her to leave, things are in a hurry. In memory of our meeting, let's make gifts for grandmother - beautiful pictures. Looking at them, the hostess will remember her rich harvest and us.

Application "Harvest"

Educator: Halves of vegetables are glued on paper plates.

You need to find and glue the soul mate.

The children give their pictures to their grandmother. Grandmother praises each child, thanks and treats everyone with fresh carrots.

Technical means: computer, multimedia projector.

Didactic materials: presentation for MS PowerPoint lesson; inserts "Vegetables"; bed layout; basket; natural vegetables (carrots, onions, potatoes) or replicas of vegetables; carrots for treats;

3 plates; blanks of paper plates with glued halves of vegetables; the remaining halves of vegetables; sockets with glue; glue brushes; oilcloths; rags.

Methodical literature:

  1. Borisenko M. G., Lukina N. A. Our fingers play. The development of fine motor skills. SPb., 2002.

  2. Voronina S. V., Kukharenko R. Yu. "Kangaroo". Early development training for mother-child couples. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008.

  3. Video guide for new parents. School of early education.

Internet resources : riddles for kids; pictures of vegetables (onions, cabbage, carrots, etc.); pictures to the poem by Y. Tuwim "Vegetables".
Annotation: The lesson is held in the fall (in October) with children of 3 years old as a final lesson on the lexical topic "Vegetables". The lesson is built on games and game exercises, alternating in the form and nature of the activity. The lesson uses a large amount of visual material with the involvement of ICT, as well as a presentation to the MS PowerPoint poem. Methods and techniques used in the lesson: a surprise moment - the appearance of the Hostess; guessing riddles; narration of a poem with and without visual aids, negotiation of missing words; games and game exercises.

Description of the method of using ICT during the lesson.
Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. In front of them is a screen, on the screen is an image of a door. There is a knock on the door. The teacher with the children invites a guest. The grandmother-hostess appears on the screen.

The teacher asks the children to solve riddles. When children answer correctly, guesses appear sequentially on the screen. (Pictures of vegetables: carrots, onions, cabbage).

Narration of Y. Tuwim's poem "Vegetables" with the help of ICT.

The teacher tells the poem, illustrations for each part of the poem appear sequentially on the screen. When listing vegetables, the following techniques are used:

  • First, the teacher calls all the vegetables (and their images appear on the screen in sequence)

  • Images of vegetables appear sequentially on the screen, the children name them)

  • First, the teacher calls the vegetable, the children - the next vegetable (in turn). Images of vegetables on the screen appear after the vegetable is named.

  • Children independently name all the vegetables. Images of vegetables on the screen appear after the vegetable is named.
The game "Guess what the bunny took away"

Educator: A lot of vegetables have ripened in the garden. (Images of 5 vegetables in a row appear on the screen in sequence). But one evening, when the hostess fell asleep (the slide changes, a bunny appears on the screen), a bunny came running and took something from the garden. (There is a slide with vegetables on the screen, but one less). Try to guess what the bunny took. The teacher offers to check the answers of the children, on the screen is the initial picture of the garden. (The game continues 3-4 times).