Naughty ditties for teachers on March 8th. Ditties for the chemistry teacher

Not a single festive feast or event is complete without perky and cheerful ditties. After all, ditties can amuse even your most serious guest. The holiday in honor of March 8th will not be complete without ditties - International Women's Day. Since it is a women's holiday, the content of the ditties is clear to everyone - about love, about a loved one, about everyday quarrels and about all women's problems in a comic interpretation.


They love to sing ditties

Even a business woman

If they have a bottle

And there is enough food!

I'm spinning like a squirrel

I need to be on time everywhere...

Get lost, damned image,

I'll sing ditties!

So she came out

She's useless herself:

Presentations are given by -

Not a word is heard!

Ah, shawl, my shawl,

Green cell!

We write reports often

Contracts are rare!

Oh my rival


You buy foreign cars,

You go barefoot!

A star fell from the sky

Straight to the sweetheart's pants...

I tell him, as a disabled person,

I'll give it to you now at half price.

The best of moments

This is a tasting.

I understand: it’s either drunkenness.

Is it a presentation?!

Business lady waited in vain

Suitor until midnight.

At least we agreed yesterday

But force majeure happened.

Why are you, my dear, following me?

You whine: “Will you give it or not?”

Are you on this issue

Contact the sales department.

You, my rival,

You can be strange:

You poke a calculator in your ear,

Dial the number!

Show me, friend,

To the zoo claim:

Why do you, macaque,

They won't give me a license?!

I had an argument with my little guy

For two thousand bucks.

That we have a love affair

It won't reach the registry office.

And the result has already been calculated,

Whichever way it turns:

When I win, I'll be there

And he will burst!

I'll tell you in what manner

Make your husband a millionaire

If only he's just

I was a billionaire before you!

There's a fog in my head

From this fact:

All your love is a deception

Apart from the contract!

Promised me at the wedding

Milka has an exemplary life.

It turned out I didn’t hear:

All she has in her head is sales!

My darling dressed up

In thin capes.

I sit and wait:

She promised discounts!

I'll go for a walk with you

Only under the rifle.

And you won't get through me

With your quote!

The military is fine

The guns are loaded.

Eh, having fun in a big way

Officers' wives!

My darling flies on the plane,

By God, I'm not joking.

The plane is controlled by

And I’m as cute as I want!

Whether day or night he flies,

And I can't wait to get home.

No matter what takes off, I take off.

Like landing - I'm sitting down!

My dear is the best navigator,

I made a map of my life.

Apparently, something was confused somewhere,

Not to Moscow, I ended up in a hole!

And mine is the first technician,

He's a jack of all trades.

Insert the fuse into the vacuum cleaner

He can do it for you for nothing!

And my sons over there

Pre-conscripts for now.

They say they won't mow -

Into the kaka dynasty!

There was a thing - our aces

The card was lost.

So with a pack of Belomor

Checked your route!

We are always ready for shows.

Even if you wake me up at night.

Our initiative

The whole planet is ahead!

So let's go today

We'll have a feast on the mountain,

Let's destroy all alcohol

And let's declare a battle against drunkenness!

And how to tell the truth -

Well, who cares on Women's Day?

After the fifth glass of tea

Will you be too lazy to sing ditties?!

My yesterday brought something funny,

What - I can’t see for myself.\

I laughed and looked -

So the salary, oh my God!

My rights were deprived

He doesn't drive anymore.

Too small percentage

Blood in alcohol!

He needed to drink

Only red.

They say it's in his blood

Not to be seen at all!

We don't quarrel with my little one,

There is peace and grace at home.

What to do? For each other

We are not created, apparently.

Once the neighbors are at the barn

The moonshine was spilled.

So their rabbits are for dogs

They went to hit people's faces!

Two chicks licked

Vodka stopper:

In the grocery store to the naked chickens

Jumped into the box!

We boasted about the interior

We are in front of the guests:

Where are the sockets, there are pictures:

Skulls and bones!

Eh, shawl, my shawl.

Green cell!

They often bring us bills,

Translations are rare!

My cutie and I

We were walking in the city.

He took her to the zoo -

They didn't take her there!

It's good to sing to the nightingale

Evening in the grove:

No children and no whips,

No wife, no mother-in-law!

It took me a long time to find the key

To the heart of my dear wife.

Finally got one

It turned out to be a scam!

My chocolate bunny

He invited me home.

Well, of course I’m for it.

Eh, and affectionate, freezing...

Everyone who is not stupid among us

On Saturdays he goes to the club.

Glory to beer and wine!

Oh, and have fun dancing...

Previously, everything was against everyone

The accordionists were honored.

Well, now on my mind

Married only to a businessman....

You can't help but raise your glass

For our rural vocals.

You, pop girl, don’t cry, -

We will be interviewed...

March 8 ditties for mothers and grandmothers will help make your holiday at school and kindergarten fun and memorable.

Our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day!
We'll dance for you now
And we'll sing ditties.

Congratulations to mom today
Happy Women's Day from our hearts!
We sincerely wish you happiness!
How good are you!

Our dear mothers,
Spring sunshine,
Let him rise with us
Your mood.

Our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day.
And that's why today
We'll sing ditties for you.

We love and adore moms
We even admire it!
Let you scold a little
We are not offended.

Today we promise
Only to give you joy,
So that you don't get upset,
Only bring “A” grades.

My mother and grandmother,
The most beloved!
Today you are simply class,
Most beautiful!

And so that it remains in memory
This holiday is bright,
We are happy to give you
Modest gifts.

I help my dear mother,
I clean everything at home.
I even cleaned the room
So that mom can rest!

Together with dad we climbed
Very early, at six o'clock,
And into the kitchen, and there’s mom:
- Breakfast, dears, is ready.

My mommy can't sleep
My mother is a craftswoman.
Sewing and knitting and cooking,
And he even drives a car!

Let's shake out the rug, wipe it down,
We'll clean everything ourselves.
Our whole house will be clean -
Here's a gift for mom.

I was cleaning the apartment:
Vacuumed, wiped.
I'm going to be happy today
Helped my mother.

I dreamed of giving a snowdrop,
I walked around all the snowdrifts.
I dug through a lot of snow,
But I didn’t find a snowdrop.

My mommy in the world
The most beautiful,
Queen of beauty
You are my beloved one!

We love and adore moms
We even admire it!
Let you scold a little
We are not offended.

Grandmother, beloved,
The most beautiful.
Kind-hearted, like a fairy,
Hug me quickly.

My mom is the best
Kind and brave
I follow her example
I will grow up skillful.

To our grandmothers and mothers
Never lose heart!
Be more and more beautiful every year
And stop scolding us!

Once Alyosha went himself
For cereal at the supermarket.
“Mom, there’s no cereal there,
I had to buy some candy!”

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow kind
To behave.

Mother's Day, March Eighth!..
Let's help mom!..
We'll spend as much energy as we can.
Tomorrow we will rest...

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Listen to them always, in everything -
Morning, evening and afternoon.

For women - bouquets of flowers,
Respect and honor!
Maybe this holiday is coming soon
It will last a whole year!

I'll go visit my grandmother,
I'll give her flowers.
I love her very much
I can't live without her.

The ditty has a beginning,
The ditty has an end.
Who listened to our ditties,
Let's just say - well done.

We sang ditties for you,
Don't be offended
Clap your hands louder
Smile wider!

Ditties for boys for the holiday of March 8

To the tune of the Yaroslavl guys.

Women's Day is the reason

Why are we singing here?

Allow us men

Congratulations on Women's Day!

1. At childish commands

We have come to congratulate you

And boyish suffering

Oh, they brought it to you today!

2. We start cooking with dad -

There is smoke and noise in the kitchen,

It's a pity that we didn't finish with him,

Oh, culinary college!

3. They say we're badasses

You never believe

In our group the commanders

Oh, there were always girls!

Ditties have a beginning,

The ditties have an end

Who listened to our sufferings,

Oh, let's just say - well done!

Ditties for the holiday of March 8

1. Clean it yourself once a year

I decided to frying pan

But then four days

They couldn't wash me off.

2. On a scarf for beauty

Olya embroidered flowers,

And the calf looked

And I almost ate the flowers!

3. I found a broom in the kitchen

And he swept the whole apartment,

But what remained of him

Three straws in total!

4. I need a doll all day long

I'm not too lazy to sew a mitten,

My brother praised me:

You sewed a robe quickly!

5. We will be without grandma one day

Prepared lunch

You washed the dishes yourself

And since then there have been no dishes!

6. There is not a speck of dust on Sasha,

He's the cleanest of cleanliness,

He wipes his shoes

Pot towel!

7. Vovik’s dad asked:

“Did you wash your hands under the tap?”

And he heard in response:

“I washed my face, but not my hands!”

We tried, we washed away the trash,

And they washed and baked,

This made moms happy

It’s a pity that we all dreamed!

Ditties for girls for the holiday of March 8

Miss Baby

Let's start singing ditties,

Please don't laugh

There are a lot of people here,

We might get confused!

1. We know a lot of ditties

We know a whole million -

That's how funny we are

Our whole... district!

2. If there were no water,

There wouldn't even be a mug

If there were no girls, -

Who would sing ditties?

3. They say I'm a fighter

Combat, so what?

My mom is a fighter

Well, then who am I?

4. Hey, stomp your foot,

Stomp right,

I'll go dance

Even if it’s small!

5. Hey, I'll stomp my foot

Let me trample the other one,

I can't resist

Such character!

6. I didn’t want to dance

I stood and was shy,

And the harmonica began to play,

I couldn't resist!

7. Well, thank you, mom,

What gave birth to this:

Mischievous, combative

And she called her Mashulka!

8. I’m built this way

I'm in the mood to sing and dance,

I won’t dance for one day

I'm going crazy about the other one!

9. I’ll go out, I’ll go out and dance

In new shoes,

All the guys say

That I'm like a picture!


We sang ditties for you,

All ditties are good

Clap for us more boldly

And laugh heartily!

Together: Our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day.
And that's why today
We'll sing ditties for you.

1 Congratulations to mom today
Happy Women's Day from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish them health
How good you are, moms!

2 Dear, dear mothers
You are like sunshine to us.
You will be proud of us
We promise you now.

3 Eh, stomp your foot,

Stomp, my dear!

I will congratulate mothers loudest of all,

Even if it’s small!

4 Always get “A” grades

I will study

So that later at least the president

He could have married me!

5 Oh, thank you, mom,

What did you give birth to?

Mischievous, combative,

And what did she call Vika?

6 We love and adore moms

We even admire it!

Let you scold a little

We are not offended.

7 Today we promise

Only to give you joy,

So that you don't get upset,

Only bring “A” grades.

8 I'm a groovy mom,
It's hard to deal with me.
But today I promise
I will improve, I know for sure.

9 I will be my mother’s support,

I'll just grow up a little.

Rest her by the sea

I'll take you in a Toyota.

10 Mommies, our dear ones,
Your children promise
Let's grow kind
To behave.

11 On the glorious day of March 8
We won't hurt the girls.
I want to pull my braid,
They stick out so temptingly!

12 There are girls in our class -
Smart girls, beauties!
And confess, to us boys,
Love this!

13 You dance, you sing,
Love to read books.
Don't forget in class
At least give us some advice!

14 We promise you today
Give compliments.
And you will grow up a little,
We will give you flowers!

15 We sang to you as best we could,
We are only children.
Only our mothers know
The best in the world!

16 A ditty has a beginning,
The ditty has an end.
Who listened to our ditties
Let's put it bluntly - well done.

Together we they sang ditties for you,
Everyone they wanted.
Like it, don't like it,
It's time for us to take our leave!