Congratulations on the meeting of fellow students of the institute. This page does not exist. Congratulations at the meeting of graduates to classmates poems

As you know, January and February are winter and cold months. But it is these months that are the “hottest” in terms of meeting school graduates with their classmates. Some meet for the first time a year after graduation. Someone after 5 or 10 years. And for someone it has already been 15, 20 and even 25 years since graduation from school. And usually former teachers are also invited to such round dates. We have prepared for you the words of gratitude to the teachers, which you can say at the evening of the reunion of the graduates. Interesting and touching words of gratitude in prose are the best way to say what you could not or did not have time to say then at school.

Dear our teachers! You are our favorite teachers!
Back then, at school, we were just kids. And we didn't realize how much you did for us. And at that time you did for us, not a lot, not a little - our life! You tried to give us an education with which it would be easier for us to live on. You did everything to make us smart, educated people. You did your job every day, and we, because of our youth, prevented you from doing it well. But, nevertheless, we were able to finish school, we were able to settle in adult life. Who are we as adults? what have we achieved? Have we succeeded? Did we meet your expectations? Judge only you!
And we, in turn, want to tell you - thank you very much! Thank you for not leaving us in difficult situations. Thank you for the fact that, despite your problems, you solved our problems and taught us! We are sincerely grateful to you, and if it were possible, then each of us would like to be in our native school again and receive knowledge from you again!

It's been quite a few years since we left school. And even more years have passed since the day we first came to school. We don't really remember you, our teachers. But you remember our every day in your class. You remember and will always remember us.
We want to thank you for what you have done for us. And you have done a lot for us. After all, it was you who gave us knowledge, gave us education, and with it opened the way to adulthood. Thanks to your daily efforts, we got the foundation that helps us live to this day.
Everything that we were able to achieve in life, everything that we did, all this is only because you were with us all the years of our school life. Thanks to you, we have become who we are! Thank you for everything!

If it was possible to return something back, then I would return my school years without doubt and hesitation!
After all, these were the best and happiest years of our lives! School is a great memory. These are wonderful days and years. School is teachers!
You are our teachers. You are our teachers forever! Unfortunately, we are only now realizing what you have done for us. After all, having given us knowledge, having taught us the basics of life, you gave us a start in life. You gave us a ticket to life and we were able to use it in full! Look what we've become. Some of us are engineers, some work in business, some do art, some help people. We have all become human beings, we have become part of modern society.
Now we want our children to become the same as we are. We want you to teach our children. After all, you are the best thing we had. As parents, we want the best for our children!

Each of us is no longer a child. We have matured, everyone has their own way, but we will never forget a wonderful time - this is school time. You always want to return to that happy and carefree time, where you are still small, and there are still many interesting and unexplored paths ahead. We went through a lot together - we explored the world, learned by copying from each other, fooled around, made friends, grew up and fell in love. It is immutable in our memory. I wish you the same childish and carefree joy, lightness, purposeful decisions and great happiness in the present. Let that which has not yet been achieved, be sure to come closer to you!

Someone with a mustache, someone with small bellies, instead of funny braids - with hairstyles on their heads, with smart faces and almost all with gray hair - these are my dear classmates. It's good that we've gathered here, putting aside all our affairs for later, temporarily resigning our duties as responsible parents. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, getting stuck in the quagmire of life, we forget about everything, and only such meetings give us the opportunity to remember the carefree school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. My dear classmates, God grant you all endless happiness and good health for many years to come. Live positively, always smile and let the news from you that reach us always be kind and wonderful.

Today old friends got together again! To talk about life and tell who is capable of what, what they have achieved, tell about their lives, find out what's new with friends and remember the days of old! I would like to wish everyone a successful life path, so that only true friends and sympathetic people meet on it, everything that is conceived becomes a reality, and what one dreams of comes true. And let the spark of those pleasant joint memories of long-standing events always burn in all your hearts. I wish you all peace, kindness, warmth, happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful children.

Dear friends! How joyful it is in our souls from our meeting. Let us have matured and become more important, but at this table every year we will always remain the same perky boys and girls who once shared seats at their desks, learned something new together, experienced, rejoiced, fell in love. Everyone has their own path in life, and I want to wish that for all of us it would be easy, happy, full of only good events and people, and that every year, when we get together, we always have something to tell each other and something to rejoice about together!

How many years have passed, and we are all the same young, cheerful. Everyone has their own business, but we remain important to each other and are happy to meet. Such happiness that time did not spoil our relationship. I would like to see each other more often. May there be more moments in our lives that we will remember in this company.

It seems that only recently we were sitting at our desks, waiting for a call for a break, answering at the blackboard ... And now we ourselves take the children to kindergarten and school, teach them lessons, remembering our school years. Let's make promises to each other - never grow old in soul, remain the same girls and boys who believed in miracles and sincerely loved life.

I congratulate everyone on the day of the meeting of graduates and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a wonderful pastime with old friends, beloved teachers, and good acquaintances. May this day give everyone a lot of pleasant impressions, funny memories, sincere smiles, strong hugs, happy moments. Don't forget your school, remember your teachers, call your schoolmates, stay the same cheerful people!

Friends, today we are already adults, independent individuals, but not so long ago we all sat at our desks and timidly waited for a change! Let this meeting briefly return us to childhood, but the fun time of study will always remain in our memory. We wish teachers health, patience and strength to bring up more than one generation!

A beautiful bright day has come, the day of meetings of graduates. Today you can immerse yourself in happy school years and warm memories, regain your youth for a moment and become the same mischievous boys and girls who sat at the same desk and ran along the same corridors. Do not pay attention to wrinkles and gray hair, do not compare yourself with solid bellies and statuses, just return to your childhood on this day and become as happy as in your wonderful school years.

We have not seen each other for many years and have become different people, but in our memory the moments of our childhood, spontaneity and naivety are forever preserved ... Without these details, none of us would have become ourselves, so thanks to the school, classmates and teachers for these precious moments, You are always with me, in my heart and I will never forget you!

We went through life a lot
And overcame a hundred obstacles
We graduated from school, brothers
Already 25 years ago.

And everyone in life took place,
I found my calling
And experience, a friend of young mistakes,
He has come to everyone for a long time.

May this meeting give us
Warmth and youth charge,
Today we are not uncles, aunts,
We are the school mischief squad.

My beautiful, friendly class,
A quarter of a century has flown by
The school escorted us
Everyone stepped into life timidly.

In an instant the roads diverged
Home, work, lots of plans,
It's good that we got together
We are on this meeting with the class!

So let's remember
How the school made friends
Let it be 25
Saved the heart!

So we met again, my dear friends. Our issue is 25 years old today. Just think - it's a quarter of a century. You and I have changed drastically, one might say we have built our lives in our own way. Both happy and sad at the same time. It is joyful that we are here again, that we are together again, but it is sad that time is fleeting, that youth and carefree school days cannot be returned back. But today we will remember all the good things, share our achievements and experiences. I love you my classmates. Sometimes I remember our class, our wonderful teachers, our fun lessons and noisy breaks. And these memories warm my heart. To the meeting, comrades, to the happiness of each of us.

Seems like yesterday
We sat at desks.
After all, long, twenty-five years,
How the moment flew by.

But the schools are the best summers
We will never forget.
And so once a year
The path leads us here.

We are happy to see each other!
Some got a little chubby.
Well, someone is hairy
Or, on the contrary, bald.

And back in the light class
Let's remember again and again
How we quarreled, reconciled,
Friendly, fun learning.

Through thousands of barriers
Received a certificate.
Further institute, work,
Home, family, everyone has worries.

And see my friends
Time doesn't always happen.
The more valuable it is to be here
Immerse yourself in childhood.

classmates, friends,
You are always in my heart.

It's been a quarter of a century since we parted ways with the school,
Gone are the peaks in our life to conquer,
But that period of school life and fun
We will always remember fondly.

We remember these bright windows and desks,
Teachers beloved and our native class,
Let the country with the name "School" not on the maps,
She is in our hearts, she is always in our hearts!

Today our release is playing off
Silver anniversary,
We spent a lot together
Beautiful, bright, bright days.

Today I congratulate you all
Let the meeting be pleasant
And let him give an excursion into youth
We all have a wonderful evening.

They pass unnoticed
Days, minutes and years.
25 has flown by -
Now it's time to meet!

We remember and love school
That's why they gathered.
Let's not forget childhood
Remember everything and smile!

How quickly the years have flown by
How fast we all grew up
And now the number 25,
Let's celebrate soon.

Let the wagon in the life of joy,
May happiness still be 100 tons,
And many times 25
We would be tired of congratulating each other.

I wish you all warmth, comfort,
And in the sky of eternal fireworks,
So that the world, the peace of your house kept,
And everyone loved you very much.

twenty five wonderful years
Issue glorious notes
Everyone is happy with this meeting
Let's drive away the sadness.

Let the evening be fun
Let's remember the school years
Today we are children again
The rest is nonsense.

I want everyone to smile
And don't be bored today
Quarter of a century of graduation
Our school to celebrate.

And these 25 raced
Like a short lesson.
We have been waiting for our meeting for a long time,
Like waiting for a call in class.

Insanely we are glad to see everyone,
Emotions cannot be conveyed to us!
Well, how do you live? - Tell me
We miss you. - we want to say...

Let these meetings be more often,
Happy everyone to see you!
It's not uncommon for a miracle to happen
We are the best, friendly class!

Nothing is more precious than memory
It's been 25 years since!
We took place, became stricter,
But today we are schoolchildren again.

Today we go to class
Solid, solid.
The teacher will meet us again
Welcoming gratefully.

And even the heart stops
From such familiar, sweet words.
And it’s a pity they don’t call to the board,
To tell a bit of poetry.

We are grateful for the care
When we were running as kids.
For much needed work
Because we have become human!

Beautiful and original, touching and comic congratulations on the evening of the meeting of school graduates 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years later in prose, gratitude to teachers, class teacher, sincere wishes text to classmates, graduates in their own words.

Congratulations on the meeting of graduates to dear teachers in prose

Dear friends, today brings us back to school again. Gives you the opportunity to relive exciting childhood memories. Walk along the familiar school corridors, stand at the blackboard. And write in capital letters everything that has not yet been said.

We thank our teachers with whom our school years were connected. We had such great mentors, you can talk about each one endlessly. How much they had kindness and attention to us, love!!! We are who we are because of your work.

Low bow to you, our dear teachers! We wish you great patience. All the rest - they have already earned with their work, the warmth of your hearts, sleepless nights over piles of school notebooks, care for students.

Congratulations! Health to you! Let your hands not know fatigue, and let your hearts be filled with joy and pride for the pupils. Happiness to you all, professional success and confidence in the future.

Wishes to the class teacher in your own words

The meaning of the word cool according to the explanatory dictionary is belonging to the highest category in terms of qualification, corresponding to the requirements of such a category. All this is precisely said about our class teacher. We sincerely thank you for your warmth, cordiality and affection. For the comfort that was created in our friendly team.

Thank you for your patience with us, your students. For the courage and heroism shown in the field of our class teacher, for the steadfast character in the headmaster's office, when we had to defend us. Thanks a lot. Congratulations! Happiness to you. And may work always bring joy, satisfaction and well-being.

Congratulations on the evening of the meeting of graduates to classmates text

All the same, how wonderful it is to return to your school again after years. For us, these classes have always been family. Here we learned a lot. Patiently sit out the whole lesson, when spring is outside, the grass is green, the sun is shining, and the ball is beckoning to the football field.

And they also managed to cheat from a classmate who sits a few desks across. And our cheat sheets for exams, folded like an accordion or written on the girls' laps. All this, our childhood, youth.

Today is our day. Evening of memories. Congratulations! Within the walls of this school, we will forever remain boys and girls. Cheerful and mischievous. And I want to scream at the top of my voice: "Stop a moment, you're great!"

School years are wonderful. Yes, they are unique and unforgettable. First tutorial and first lesson. The first word read and the letter written.
Today we remember the moments of our school life with you. This is the day we meet. Here is the first school line. The first teacher and a desk smelling of fresh paint.

A girl with huge white bows, her briefcase you will carry on your way home from school in a few years. And there will never be anything tastier than buns from the school buffet. Because it is the taste of childhood. The last school bell and the waltz at the graduation party remained in my memory forever.

School for us today is a meeting with youth, with childhood. Here we laughed and cried, quarreled and put up, played pranks in the classroom, grew up here. Years have passed and we are together again. Everyone has found their own path in life. But, as before, we are united by good memories of school years. Congratulations! I wish us new meetings. May all your dreams and hopes come true!

Congratulations on the meeting of school graduates in prose

We came today to the walls of our native school. All adults, accomplished individuals. And remember our class in our school years. This buzzing bee hive is at recess and quiet in class. When you sit and think: "At least it has passed." You squeeze into the desk with your whole body: “What if he doesn’t notice and doesn’t call him to the board.”

Here we traveled all over the world in geography lessons. They rejoiced when experiments in chemistry were successful. They argued that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs, as if it were not enough that Pythagoras had already proved.

They wondered - "To be or not to be" along with Shakespeare's Hamlet. And who doesn’t know - “You don’t know Ohm’s law, stay at home”? It was all: exciting trips and hikes; school evenings; contests. Here we learned to be friends, fell in love for the first time.

They rejoiced at the received five and were upset by the slightest setbacks. All this happened so long ago. May the day of our meeting give an opportunity to return to childhood again. Happy Memorial Day, dear classmates! Congratulations!

The first toast is always for the meeting.
For our meeting and its continuation!

Let's drink now for a happy meeting,
What lights candles in our souls,
What brings us goodness and joy
The wind rushes in blooming, spring.
Let the ribbons on the dresses flutter,
May there be more happiness in the world for us,
May this toast keep us from bad weather,
Let us show both joy and passion!
Let everyone drink for this, our guest,
Once again, we raise a toast to the meeting!

Our friendly meetings are not frequent,
Between us - and business, and cities.
To each other "Good afternoon" and "Good evening"
We don't talk for years sometimes.
And we will meet - and immediately notice everything:
And the first snow, and a twig near the eyes.
But at this moment in the whole wide world
There is no one, I swear, younger than us.


God bless us all!
Good luck and important victories!
And living with true love
for many, many years!
Do not dilute our roads!
Don't let me forget
neither the joys nor the troubles of yesterday:
without them - colleagues and friends it is not possible to be.
So let's drink! And let's end in a nutshell
on this toast, saying:
"Allow me to gather
even after fifty years!

For the fact that, although rarely, but aptly, we hit the target.
For our today's and future meetings!

A toast to the meeting!
Let us open our feast with a reminder: if we get lost at the table, meet under it!

I love both soul and body in you,
I am grateful to fate for meeting you.
For this I will give both body and soul -
And I will never break my vows of love.

Toast to meet classmates

We haven't seen each other for many years, friends,
Everyone has their own destiny:
Work, hobbies, family
There are many worries in life!

But despite this, together we
And the evening of the meeting again united us,
And our eyes are full of joy
And the road to the past has opened again!

Let's remember the school years
And let's have a great evening
But for starters, I, like a toastmaster,
I propose a toast to our meeting!

A toast to the alumni meeting

Each of us walks through life
On your way
Everyone has many joys, many sorrows,
And a lot of new friends.
So let's drink to not forget
We are cheerful school friends,
To meet and remember more often
Days of your bright youth!
So let's drink to the fact that from a hundred ways
We remembered the way to school
And with joy to always come
To her dear threshold!!!

You can’t be a friend to everyone at once: you will please someone more, someone less, and someone will be completely offended.
So let's drink to our meeting in a close circle of friends!

Toasts for meeting classmates

We haven't seen each other for a long time
And today we met.
Like at a holiday table
Everyone is smiling!
Changed, matured
And got a little plump.
All jokes are naughty
School hobbies
Do not fade over the years
They were all remembered together.
We ate, refreshed ourselves -
The legs began to dance on their own.
It's good that our youth
Still warm in our hearts.
Husbands, wives, do not swear,
That we will return "on the horns"!

A toast in verse for the evening of the reunion of the graduates

We need to meet.
As before, we recognize faces.
And if whose name is forgotten,
It's not scary - ask and pour.
And everything that we remember, we will retell -
It's nice to run away when you're young.
Let's dance, albeit not like before,
But also with a dose of courage.
Let's write down the positions and titles,
We promise to call everyone.
Let's pay a little more attention
With whom I happened to be friends, to love ...
With whom they played tricks - it's already scary!
With whom the thread connects life.
Our student youth
Attracts like a magnet.
Victories real and imaginary
There are many in our bins.
For a long time the laws of the firm
Better than Fermat's law.
Let everything go according to notes.
May life be joyful...
I follow the lyrical lengths
I would like to propose a toast.
For us, student fraternity!
For those who are here and who are gone!
So that we can gather more than once,
After all, this is true - WELL?!

Toast to the meeting
Meetings can take place on trains, restaurants, museums, theaters, at parties and are different: casual and expected, friendly and not friendly, happier and unpleasant. Meetings can be joyful and very interesting. And today I feel great pleasure from our meeting, I hope you do too. Let's raise our glasses to that!