Caring for extended nails at home. How to properly care for extended nails

Perfect hands start with a neat manicure. And therefore, nail art masters give their recommendations on how to properly care for extended nails, not only with the help of specialists, but also on your own.

Nail art masters strongly recommend that beautiful ladies who have decorated their nails using extension techniques adhere to certain rules in order to maintain the result obtained during a long procedure.

Firstly, you should protect your nails from exposure to liquids with a high content of acetone. This rule in no way prohibits beautiful ladies from changing the color palette of their manicure using nail polish removers with a low level of the specified substance or directly with acetone varnishes. However, if such a possibility exists, they should be abandoned. Otherwise, deformations and subsequently chips may appear on the tips.

Secondly, you should accustom yourself to the fact that even strong (compared to natural) nail extensions are not intended to be used to open or remove anything.

Third, you should carefully monitor your own health. There are a number of diseases in which the body can secrete acetone (for example, diabetes). And starting therapy with antibiotics is a direct indication to contact a specialist with a request to remove artificial nails for the entire period. Only a master can do the last procedure to restore the nail plate correctly.

Read also: Hot manicure: features of doing it at home

Fourth, sudden temperature changes should be avoided. This is due to the fact that even high-quality modern materials used for extensions become brittle in the cold. And therefore, in winter, beautiful ladies are recommended to appear on the street exclusively wearing gloves. If exposure to temperature changes occurs, then it is necessary to return to a warm room and keep the marigolds at rest for 10-15 minutes. The same rules apply to exposure to hot water or steam.

Basic precautions are the key to how to care for your nail extensions yourself.

Rules for adjustment and preservation

To begin with, you should remember that extended nails require a special set of tools to correct them. Firstly, this is a special file with an abrasiveness of 100*100, which will gently remove excess along the edges and, if necessary, on the nail plate. The use of a regular file, nail scissors or tweezers is strictly prohibited, including on nails extended with gel, which is close in structure to the natural plate.

If creating certain images requires a beautiful lady to change the color palette of her nails, then you can do this yourself. But nail art experts recommend performing this procedure no more often than once every three days, and using bio-varnishes and a similar acetone-free liquid to remove it, especially when it comes to nails grown with acrylic. It is also desirable that the varnishes used in this case by the beautiful lady include acrylic or gel, depending on the material with which the initial extension was performed.

Extended nails allow many women to realize the dream of a beautiful manicure. However, no matter how well the extension is done, the nail plate grows along with the artificial nail, which means you will have to go to a specialist for correction.

Correction is also necessary in case of nail breakage or peeling.

How often do nail corrections be done??

The answer to this question will be given by the master, who will select a schedule for repeat visits based on the growth rate of the nail plate. On average, you will have to visit the salon every 3-4 weeks.

During the correction procedure, the master removes the artificial coating (acrylic is dissolved with liquid, and the gel is cut off) and reapplies it.

As a result, the manicure again takes on a neat and beautiful appearance.

Correction of artificial plates can be performed in different ways.

The following types of this procedure are distinguished:

  • Minor – performed for minor damage, usually resulting from mechanical impact (scratches, chips, peeling).
  • Medium – carried out monthly to update the artificial turf. The master applies the gel or acrylic again to remove the visible difference between the artificial and regrown natural nails.
  • Large - involves replacing the artificial plate if it breaks, is displaced, or is detached.

Gel correction is performed as follows:

1.Before starting the procedure, hands are disinfected with a special means.

2.Get a manicure with cuticle removal.

3. We use a 220-grid file along the regrown part of the nail, smooth out the transition zone of our own and the extended nail, sand the entire surface and remove the coating (shellac or varnish), the file is carried out as when preparing the nail for extensions.

Step-by-step correction of gel nails

Remove excess length and give shape. This must be done carefully so as not to injure the skin around the nail plate. At the end of the procedure, the dust is brushed off with a brush.

4.For correction while leaving the previous extension material, a couple of new layers of gel will be required. Apply a thin layer of gel with a brush to the cleaned, regrown surface and the rest of the nail, filling the niches after sanding. We dry the nails in the lamp, apply another layer of gel and send the nails to dry again.

You also cannot do without polishers or buffs. They help give your nails shine and smoothness. Buffs have 4 sides, each with its own grain size. The sides are labeled with numbers so you can easily figure out which order to use them in.

4. Degreasing - this will require a special liquid, for example, inexpensive from “Severina” or “Domix” or better known from the manufacturers “CND” or “Jessica”.

5. Application of primer - they are also presented as affordable and suitable for home use (“Irisk”, “Tango”), as well as expensive and used in salons (“CND”, “OPI”).

6. Applying a base coat - for home use, you can purchase an inexpensive base coat from SuperNail or UV Bonder.

7.Applying gel - the most popular manufacturers are “Irisk”, “Planet Nails”, “EzFlow”, “IBD”, “Masura”. Also purchase a brush from a specialty store.

8.Polymerization under a lamp - this requires a special UV lamp. They have different powers - from 9 to 36 Watts and a timer for 10, 30, 60 seconds.

9.Applying the finishing coat – for gel correction, products from Severina, Top Gloss-gel, and TNL are recommended.

How to correct acrylic nails

In addition to gel extensions, acrylic extensions are also popular. To carry out the correction, you must first remove the old coating.

It is performed as follows:

  1. The master disinfects his hands with soap or a special solution.
  2. The varnish coating is removed with ordinary nail polish remover, but always without acetone.
  3. Then the master does a manicure, removing hangnails and cuticles. For heavily overgrown nails, it is necessary to remove the shine with a fine-grain nail file.
  4. The periungual bed must be covered with adhesive tape to prevent acrylic from getting on the skin and cuticle. Then an acid primer is applied.
  5. A brush with bristles is moistened in monomer and dipped in acrylic powder. An acrylic ball is obtained, it is carefully stretched over the surface. The acrylic layer is polymerized under a UV lamp.
  6. After correction, the nail is given the desired shape, first with a file with a large grain, and then with a fine one. The procedure is completed by polishing with a buff.

If you're tired of getting your nails done

With the advent of permanent shellac and gel polishes on the nail industry market, the popularity of extensions has decreased somewhat. This is due to the fact that gel polishes also stay on the plate for at least 3 weeks and do not require filing.

As a result, you can quickly grow natural nails.

Gel polishes have the following advantages:

  • lasts a long time, does not chip, does not lose color intensity,
  • easy to apply and remove, so they are often used at home,
  • do not have an unpleasant odor, rarely cause allergies,
  • When removed, the plate is not injured.
  • help in strengthening and restoring nails.

Manicures with shellac and gel polishes are offered by almost all beauty salons, and the procedure for both application and correction takes less time than with extensions.

The choice of colors is incredibly large, and experienced craftsmen create various designs and complement them with decorative elements.

But no matter what coating you choose - gel, acrylic or shellac, do not forget about timely correction, and then your nails will remain beautiful and healthy.

Extended nails today are no longer a luxury. For many representatives of the fair sex, extended nails replace natural ones; it is convenient and beautiful, and besides, with the help of extensions you can easily hide them. The choice of material for extensions is great - you can build up gel or acrylic nails, or apply shilak.

When signing up for an extension procedure at a salon, any lady should have an idea of ​​how to care for her extended nails. The master who performs the procedure must tell the details of the care and answer all questions.

There are general rules to follow for proper care. The first thing you need to do after growing your nails is to purchase the necessary products and tools that will allow you to perform competent care at home. All procedures related to water must now be carried out only with gloves - after all, extended nails need protection. In addition, gloves will help keep the skin on your hands looking nice.

Taking care of extended legs

Having decided to get nail extensions, any girl wonders how to care for extended nails at home. To keep your extended nails in good condition, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • about a day after extensions, you should try not to expose your nails to water;
  • in the days following all water procedures, nails should be allowed to dry well, otherwise they will become fragile and brittle;
  • When performing household tasks, you need to remain careful and follow safety precautions; When cleaning, be sure to wear rubber gloves and try to avoid contact of your nails with household chemicals;
  • no need to wave your arms or tap your nails on various surfaces - extended nails, especially in the first days, are brittle and fragile;
  • you can adjust extended nails for length and shape yourself only with special tools - these should be files and polishes with an abrasiveness of 100/100; The use of scissors, nippers and simple files should be abandoned.

How to properly apply polish on extended nails

For several weeks it is not necessary to save the drawing that was made by the specialist during extension or correction. Girls sometimes want it more often than every correction. But to paint your extended nails yourself, you need to know a few rules:

  • nail polish remover should not contain acetone - it damages the surface of the extended nails;
  • the varnish chosen for application should also not contain acetone;
  • before applying varnish, you must use a base varnish;
  • The varnish is applied in no more than 1-2 layers, because it lasts much longer on artificial nails than on natural ones;
  • the choice of varnish should be based on its quality - it is better to have several bottles of good varnish than many colors of poor quality;
  • Don't repaint your nails too often.

How to care for your cuticle

Cuticle care is a separate procedure, the execution of which must also be guided by certain principles:

  • steaming nails in water is prohibited;
  • to soften the cuticle you need to use only products made specifically for this purpose;
  • if the cuticle grows rapidly, you need to use a special cream to reduce its growth;
  • In order to moisturize the cuticle you need to use vitamins, gels, and oils.

The above remedies are applied every few days. They need to be thoroughly rubbed into the cuticle. These products will also ensure good growth of natural nails, strengthen them, and prevent the formation of hangnails.

Nail correction

Correction, carried out efficiently and at the right time, is an important principle of caring for extended nails. The master will apply the necessary material to the grown part of natural nails. If you skip the correction procedure or rarely perform it, your nails will become brittle and brittle and will look very sloppy. Correction must be carried out at least every 3-4 weeks

If your nail is damaged, it is best to contact a nail technician. There is no need to try to remove the extended nails on your own - this can seriously damage your own. If this is urgently necessary, then you need not just cut the nail, but purchase special products. Gel nails can only be removed in salons.

Every two years, natural nails must be given a break from extensions. The break should last at least three months - this is the time needed to completely renew the nail plate. At this time, you need to actively apply various restorative procedures and use restorative agents.

It very often happens that our nails, which Mother Nature has endowed us with, do not cause much delight, the reasons can be very different - too brittle, which do not grow to the required length, the shape of the nail plate is not satisfactory, or some other reasons. Fortunately, now all this can be easily corrected; one of the ways out of this situation is extended nails. Here you can give free rein to your imagination - any shape you like, any length - whatever you want. And if you often change your image and clothes in your wardrobe, then in this case it is quite difficult to guess which manicure is suitable in a given case, and French manicure is designed to solve this dilemma. Beauty salon "Mango", and in particular professional manicurists will perform French manicure in the best possible way, and this discreet, but at the same time elegant and very popular manicure in our country it will look perfect.

In order for your new nails to always look fresh and natural, you need to properly care for them and this, of course, applies not only to timely correction by a specialist, but also to other effective methods. We will talk about what kind of care is needed for certain nails, what varnishes to choose for coating and what means to remove it. Similar articles

How to properly care for extended nails? BASIC CARE RULES


One of the main rules for caring for nails, no matter gel or acrylic, is caution and safety, namely, you should avoid frequent stress on your nails, sudden movements, and so on. Of course, extended nails are much stronger than our natural ones, but you should still be more careful. After all, this effect has a detrimental effect on the plate itself, the nail cracks and at the most inopportune moment can lead to serious injuries to a healthy nail. The same applies to sudden temperature changes, especially in the first days after extension. For example, visiting a swimming pool or bathhouse is contraindicated on these days. You should wash your hands with warm water and it is better to avoid contact with aggressive detergents; it is recommended to use gloves while cleaning, because they will not only protect your nails, but also the skin of your hands.


Professional correction of extended nails must be carried out at least once every 20 days, but it should also be taken into account that before this time the free edge of the nail is often erased in some way and needs to be corrected; this procedure is carried out using a special nail file. In this case, it is contraindicated to use sharp objects for trimming manicure, as well as metal files. An abrasive file 100*100 is perfect.


To begin with, it is necessary to note that the polish must be washed off with special nail polish removers, which are intended specifically for extended nails, which do not contain acetone, since acetone can soften the nail, which becomes brittle. After the varnish is removed, you need to choose a high-quality new coating. After you have chosen a shade, you should carefully apply a thin, even layer; a thick layer is unacceptable, as it interferes with the breathing of your own nail.


So now let's talk about cuticle care. Of course, if it grows quickly, then you need to use special means that slow down growth. To soften it and thereby improve its appearance, you need to use special softening oils, which can be enriched with vitamins. In addition, these products also have a beneficial effect on the growth of your own nail, as they are rubbed into the base of the nail. The frequency of rubbing is several times a week, usually with the help of massage movements - a light massage improves blood supply to the nails.


Of course, professional correction of extended nails is very important, done on time; here the master updates the shape of the nail plate, and if you wish it can be changed immediately, the nail itself is corrected at the base, whether with acrylic or gel, and the nails are varnished or designed .

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