November 7 is the day of consent and reconciliation presentation. Class hour "day of consent and reconciliation". V. Feast of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

Verkhne-Gutorovsky branch of MBOU "Field Lyceum"

Kursk district, Kursk region



consent and reconciliation

Prepared by the teacher


Verkhne-Gutorovsky branch

MBOU "Field Lyceum"

Altukhova Larisa


2013-2014 academic year

Class hour "Day of consent and primAndrhenium"

Target: give a general idea of ​​the history of the holiday and the events associated with 1612; educate interest in the study of the history of their country.

1 leader. On the 4th of November, our country celebrates a holiday - the Day of National Unity. Do you know what events this holiday is set to commemorate? This holiday was established in memory of the events of November 4, 1612, when, in a single spiritual and military impulse, the militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from foreign invaders. Russian people have always loved their Motherland. In her name they did not spare their lives, in her name they performed feats, showed valor and heroism. Songs were dedicated to her, epics were composed, poems were composed.

1 student. You are wide, Rus', on the face of the earth
Unfolded in royal beauty!
Do you not have heroic powers,
Antiquity saint, high-profile feats?
And there is something for that, mighty Rus',
love you, call you mother,
Stand for your honor against the enemy,
For you in need lay down your head!

2 leader. What do you think, what does the Day of National Unity call us to do? To the unity of Russians. After all, it is precisely in unity, in the unity of the people, that the strength of Russia is. Russia has been tested many times, experienced times of chaos, hostility and anarchy more than once. When the country weakened, neighbors attacked it, rushing to snatch a bigger piece and fatter. You can always find the most plausible pretexts for robbery and robbery. We called these times troubled, and also bloody. Internal and external storms shook the country to its very foundations, so much so that not only the rulers changed, but also the forms of government themselves. But the country rose again from the ashes. After each tragedy, she only became stronger at the envy of her enemies.

2 student. I'll run up the hill and fall into the grass -
And antiquity will suddenly blow from the valley.
And suddenly pictures of formidable discord
I will see in this moment in reality.
Desert light on starry shores
And strings of your birds, Russia,
Outshine for a moment
In blood and pearls
The blunt shoe of the high-cheeked Batu! ..
3 student. Russia, Rus' - wherever I look:
For all your suffering and battles -
I love yours, Russia, antiquity,
Your lights, graveyards and prayers,
I love your huts and flowers,
And skies burning with heat
And the whisper of willows by the muddy water,
I love forever, until eternal rest:
Russia, Rus'! Save yourself, save yourself!
(N. Rubtsov "Vision on the Hill")
4 student. Slowly the story is turning
Chronicle becomes heavier syllable.
Everything is aging, Motherland - does not age,
Does not let old age on the threshold.
We have passed centuries with Russia
From plow to star wing
And look - the same sky is blue,
And over the Volga the same shadow of an eagle.

1 leader. Look at this picture. Do you know what kind of monument is depicted on it? On its pedestal are inscribed the words: "Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Pozharsky." Why did Russia show respect to these people?

Let's go back to the beginning of the 17th century. In 1598 Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich (son of Ivan IV the Terrible) died. Since he was childless, the dynasty of "born sovereigns" ended with his death. After his death, elected people from different cities gathered in Moscow and elected Godunov to the kingdom. The time of his reign promised to be happy. A building boom has begun. Godunov sought to alleviate the situation of the townspeople, and in foreign policy he relied on rapprochement with the West. Boris invited foreigners to public service, exempted them from taxes. But in the fall of 1601, heavy rains began, followed by early frosts. The crop remained in the field. The tragedy repeated itself the following year. A terrible famine began, which lasted for three whole years. In two and a half years, about 120 thousand people died of starvation in Moscow alone. Boris forbade selling bread more than a certain limit, trying to keep the price increase. But it did not help. The price of bread has increased a hundredfold.

There was a famine in Moscow this summer,
By the winter they ate all the kittens.
Chatted that before dawn
Coffins fly through the air.

2 leader. The king ordered to issue money from the treasury to the poor, but the money began to lose value. The tsar ordered the state barns to be opened for the starving, but the bread did not last long. Riots began. The tsarist troops defeated the rebels, but could not calm the country.

On April 13, 1605, Tsar Boris Godunov died suddenly. Fedor (son of Boris), an educated and intelligent young man, was named the new tsar. Soon there was a rebellion in Moscow. The young king and his mother were killed, and the people were told that they had poisoned themselves. The path to the throne was open. Who became king? False Dmitry became king. This is Grigory Otrepiev, who fled to Poland in 1602, and came from the Galician nobles. But he was soon killed. After his death, the boyars chose Vasily Shuisky as tsar, but calmness in the country was not restored. There were more and more impostors.

1 leader. At this time, the Polish king Sigismund II invaded Russia. The Poles defeated the army of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, the Muscovites were in great agitation, and Vasily Shuisky was brought down from the throne. After the overthrow of Shuisky, Rus' was left completely without a king. The Poles besieged Smolensk. The Polish king wanted to become king. At the same time, the Swedes came to Russian land with the aim of capturing. The disasters of the Russian land reached the extreme. It seemed that Russia was dead. And then the popular feeling began to speak in the Russian people. They decided to stand for their native country against foreigners. To do this, Nizhny Novgorod decided to form a militia. Gatherings began: they talked about where to get people and money from. On the advice of the headman from Nizhny Novgorod, Kuzma Minin, each Nizhny Novgorod citizen donated a third of his property to the militia, and Prince D. M. Pozharsky was chosen as the leader. Soon other cities joined Nizhny Novgorod. In April 1612, a huge militia was already standing in Yaroslavl, with Prince Pozharsky and Minin at the head. In August, a decisive victory was won over the Poles, and in October Moscow was cleared of the invaders. The merit of Minin is that he was able to start a business, organize it, inspire the people with it and bring it to the end. To make your idea of ​​this person more complete, listen to an excerpt from A.N. Ostrovsky's play "Kozma Zakharyich Minin".

(Reading the text by role)


Eco sob throughout the cathedral!

Yes, and there was a reason!

Dies, they say, our state!

The Orthodox faith is dying!

We must stand for the Orthodox faith to death!

And who is away?

Wait a little, Kuzma Zakharyich wants to talk!


Friends and brothers! Holy Rus' is dying! Let's help, brothers, the Holy Motherland! Well, are our hearts petrified? Are we not all children of the same mother?


We all, Kuzma Zakharyich, we all want to help Moscow and the Orthodox faith.


And one more thing, brothers, if we want to help, we will not spare our wealth! We will not spare the treasury and stomachs! We will sell our yards and houses! And there will be few - we will lay wives, children!

Let's put the wives! Let's put our children!


What to tarry for nothing? Time does not wait for us! There is no military deed without a voivode: we will find, brothers, an honest husband, to whom that business is customary - to lead to Moscow and rule the zemstvo affairs. Who will be the warlord?


Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky! Prince Pozharsky! We don't need another!


Will of God! We elected Pozharsky by the whole world, and he should rule us! The voice of the people is the voice of God! Now, friends, bring whatever you can to the cause of the Zemstvo, to help the military. I, - Lord, bless the beginning! - my accumulated and labor - everything, I put it to a single ruble!


(They put money in as much as they can.)

We are all ready to give a penny of labor for you.

What is money? Money is a business!

We will give everything! Now it's time for the outfits!

Here is our money from the kvass row!

From a mitten!

From Yaroslavl!

Kostroma residents have collected - take it!

Streltsy Kolzakov, Baim hundreds!

It's a holiday, it's a holiday!


And I look, the soul grows in me. Is not the blessing of God evident! Now we have an army, and a treasury, and a commander. The time is not far off when, armed and winged, like undefeated eagles, we will rush to the enemies. Let the fierce enemy gape like a lion; we are not afraid of his cunning roar!

2leading. Prince Pozharsky, having become the head of the militia, took all power over the Russian land, but remained modest and easy to handle. He never aspired to exclusive influence on people and events.

After the victory, the Zemsky Sobor met in Moscow, electing Mikhail Romanov to the throne.

1 leader. Here are the real heroes. They managed to unite the people around the idea of ​​serving the Fatherland. They talked about brotherly love and sacrifice. Amid the malice, greed and despair that gripped the people, they reminded that there is no more feat than to give one's life for one's brother. A native of the people Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky! All their thoughts, all their will were directed to the salvation of the Motherland and the father's faith. And they did the impossible, they defeated the enemy that had taken over the country. The day of the liberation of Moscow from the invaders is celebrated as the Day of National Unity. This holiday is intended to remind that we are Russians, belonging to different social groups, nationalities and religions - a single people with a common historical destiny and a common future.

5 student. The dew is made up of dewdrops,
From the droplets of steam - fog,
Sand - from the smallest grains of sand
Russia - from Russians.
We are together: Volzhans, Urals,
Pomors and steppes -
Like strong fingers
Big working hand.
We are together: Kalmyks, Chuvashs,
Buryats, Yakuts, Mordovians
The support of our only
Moscow always remains.
6 student. Earth and water are inseparable,
Like a shore or a river
Inseparable showers,
Both wind and clouds.
The rainbow has no halves
And if a wave is a wave,
And there are no half-pinks
This is how Russia is alone!
(V. Kryuchkov)

2 leader. What is another name for this holiday? Day of good deeds. On this day, we help the unfortunate and the needy, that is, we do charity work. And what can each of you do for those who need help and support.

In conclusion, let's join hands and pronounce our motto together:

The main thing is together!
The main thing is together!
The main thing - with a burning heart in the chest!
We do not need indifference!
Anger, resentment drive away!

1 leader. Remember this feeling of unity and keep it for life. Be worthy of your glorious ancestors. All the best!


    The world of school holidays: 5-11 grades / compiled by E.V. Savchenko, O.E. Zhirenko. - Moscow: 5 for knowledge, 2007.

    Games, quizzes, holidays at school and at home. / compiled by E.G. Kuznetsova, - Moscow: "Aquarium", 2009.

    Summer camp on the basis of the school: grades 1-5 / compiled by E.V. Savchenko, O.E. Zhirenko. - Moscow: VAKO, 2007.

    School years fly by. / compiled by V.M. Druzhinina, T.N. Kuzmina - Cheboksary: ​​"Clio", 2010.

Class hour in the 4th grade "National Unity Day - a public holiday in Russia"

The purpose of the lesson:

    To tell schoolchildren about the spiritual significance of the holiday in order to form their citizenship and patriotism.

    Develop thinking, speech, vocabulary of the student.

Equipment: multimedia projector.

Lesson plan:


    Icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

    Story about the motherland.

    State symbols.

During the classes

I. Entrance to music.

(Slide - views of Moscow)

Vedas: We begin a class hour dedicated to the Day of National Unity. Listen to the poem "Day of National Unity."

Natalya Maidanik

Don't argue with history
Live with history
She unites
For feat and work
One state
When the people are one
When with great power
He moves forward.
He defeats the enemy
United in battle
And Rus' liberates
And he sacrifices himself.
For the glory of those heroes
We live with the same fate
Today is Unity Day
We celebrate with you!

Vedas: What is this poem about?

– Motherland and Unity… How do you understand these words?

III. Holiday talk.

What is the meaning of today's holiday? (in unity, unity of the people - the strength of Russia)

- What holidays do you know?

The holiday of November 4 is perceived by many as a new holiday. We have been celebrating it since 2005. How many years have we been celebrating it? (5)

IV. Disclosure of the content of the holiday.

The most important thing is that this is not a newly invented holiday, but a restored holiday. It has a very ancient history. Fast forward 400 years to the early 17th century. (slide - views of Moscow in the 17th century)

– Who do you see here? Then a terrible time began in Rus', which was called the Time of Troubles.

- How do you understand what the Troubles are? (everything mixed up, nothing to understand)

What does it take to maintain order in the state? (government, army, laws)

– None of this happened, there was no king, the laws were not observed. Enemies (Poles) took advantage of this, they wanted to seize our country, make it part of their state.

(slide - painting by K. Makovsky "Minin on Nizhny Novgorod Square")

Vedas: Can it be argued that the people passionately love their homeland? What words and deeds show this?

- Who called on the common people to stand up for the defense of the Motherland and raise money for this?

- Who was put in charge of the militia?

- Before you are portraits of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky (slides)

Let's get to know these characters. (Students' stories)

1) Kuzma Minin (full name - Kuzma Minich Zakharyev-Sukhoruky)

Minin was a citizen of Nizhny Novgorod. He was an honest and respectable merchant, the headman of the city. Minin urged the people to "stand for the faith, for the Fatherland." In Nizhny Novgorod, constant gatherings began: they talked about how to rise, where to get people and funds. With such questions addressed, first of all, to Minin.

Nizhny Novgorod was carried away by Minin's proposals and decided to form a militia, convene service people and collect money for them. On the advice of Minin, they gave "third money", i.e. one third of the property; on his own advice, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was chosen as leader.

Other cities soon joined the people of Nizhny Novgorod. At the beginning of April 1612, a huge militia was already standing in Yaroslavl with Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin at the head, and in October Moscow was cleared of the Poles.

He died in 1616. The ashes of Minin rest in the Nizhny Novgorod Transfiguration Cathedral. In 1818 a monument was erected in Moscow, and in 1826 in Nizhny Novgorod.

2) Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich (1578-1614) - prince.

Pozharsky came from the princes of the Suzdal land, and belonged to the so-called "seedy" princely families, i.e. did not play an important role in public affairs.

In previous battles, Pozharsky was wounded and treated wounds in his estate not far from Nizhny Novgorod, where the townspeople arrived to invite him to become the head of the militia, which was started in Nizhny Novgorod. He agreed.

D.M. Pozharsky lived for a long time, but did not play an important role, as one might expect. He was neither an adviser particularly close to the state, nor a chief military leader. He was not entrusted with especially important state affairs. His service was limited to minor assignments. He was buried in the Suzdal Spaso-Efimov Monastery.

3) And so it happened!(battle slide show)

The whole Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kozma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital, like a simple warrior. And then a glorious day came: the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the victors!

When peacetime came, the new tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward was the memory of the people. No wonder a monument to them stands on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia (slide-monument to Minin and Pozharsky)

Vedas: The main thing in this event is that for the first time it was not the state that defended itself, not the authorities, but the people themselves. The people who led this militia were not going to become kings or hold any government posts. People simply restored state power, elected a king and transferred power to him. This is probably the unique feature of this holiday.

V. Feast of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

Vedas: November 4 coincides with one of the Orthodox holidays. Does anyone know what holiday this is? (students' stories)

The Kazan icon of the Mother of God is especially revered by the Russian Orthodox people. The holiday in honor of her is one of the oldest in Russia; it has been celebrated as a national holiday since the 17th century.

The coincidence of these two holidays is significant. The icon of the Kazan Mother of God helped the Russian army more than once. The miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos was sent from Kazan to the militia, which was headed by Prince Pozharsky. All the people and the militia imposed a three-day fast on themselves and prayed to the Lord. And the prayer was answered. This icon helped national unity, victory, overcoming the Time of Troubles.

Later, in honor of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and in memory of all those who died during the Time of Troubles, Dmitry Pozharsky built the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square at his own expense. (Slide)

The history of the icon.

In 1579, most of Kazan was destroyed by fire. One of the victims of the fire was Daniil Onuchin. After the fire, the Mother of God appeared to his daughter in a dream and revealed to her that under the ruins of their house there was Her miraculous image. The mother told the metropolitan about the miraculous phenomenon.

A huge crowd of people headed towards the Onuchins' house. Excavations have begun. A holy image of extraordinary beauty was found.

At the place where the miraculous icon was found in Kazan, the Kazan Bogoroditsky Convent was founded. The young Matrona Onuchina was tonsured there and later became abbess.

The original icon has been kept for over 300 years in the Kazan Monastery.

Vedas: What did Minin and Pozharsky defend with the militia? (Homeland)

VI. Conversation about the Motherland.

- Listen to N. Rubtsov's poem.

Russia, Rus' -
Wherever I look
For all your suffering and struggles
I love yours, Russia, antiquity,
Your loess, graveyards and prayers.
I love your huts and flowers,
And skies burning with heat
And the whisper of willows near the troubled water,
I love forever, until eternal rest ...

Vedas Q: What is this poem about? (about love for the Motherland)

- The Russian people have long conveyed their love for the Motherland in proverbs and sayings.

- What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?

- Look at the screen. Exercise: collect proverbs. (slide)

    Motherland - mother, serve the motherland.

    Live - know how to stand up for her.

    A man without a homeland will come in handy there.

    Where someone will be born, that a nightingale without a song.

Conclusion: In order for the creativity of the Russian people to live forever, it is necessary to protect our Russian state, our Russia.

- The Russian people loved another genre of folk art. These are riddles. Listen to them. (slide - riddles about the colors of the flag)

    Snowflakes are so beautiful and light
    How perfect are the petals of a chamomile,
    Like a line written in chalk on a blackboard
    We are talking now about the color ... (white)

    Calm and pure rivers of Russian water
    Transparent and bright, like a winter evening
    And noble and spacious vaults of the sky
    The artist painted them in ... (blue)

    Russia has experienced many wars
    And our grandfathers did not die in vain
    And loyalty to the Motherland led them to glory
    Under the Banner of Victory is bright ... (red)

– What did you get? (flag)

VII. Talk about state symbols.

Teacher: The colors of the national flag are never chosen for nothing. Since ancient times, each color has a special meaning, so in our flag - (children's story)

    White color means peace, purity, truth, nobility - says that our state has no evil intentions. It is honest and friendly to all countries.

    Blue color- this is the sky, nobility, spirituality, faith, says that Russia is against the war. She wants to be friends with all the peoples of the Earth.

    Red color- courage, heroism, fire, means that every citizen of Russia is ready, if necessary, to defend the freedom and honor of the Motherland from enemies.

Vedas.: State flag The Russian Federation rises on the buildings of the supreme bodies of state power and administration, embassies, trade missions, consulates of the Russian Federation abroad, ships sailing on the high seas and in the territorial waters of foreign states.

- What is the flag for our state? (symbol)

- What state symbols do you still know? (coat of arms, anthem)

Consider the drawing of the State Emblem of Russia (coat of arms translated from German - heritage, inheritance).

- Listen to the student's story. (coat of arms slide)

1 student: In modern Russia as coat of arms with changes, the image of the time of Alexander II was adopted. It is an image of a golden double-headed eagle on a red shield. Above the eagle are three crowns (two small and one large). In the paws of the eagle is a scepter (golden rod) and a power (golden ball), and on the chest, on a red shield, a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear.

2 Student: The double-headed eagle is a symbol of the unity of the peoples of Russia; his crowns are symbols of the union of republics, territories and regions. The scepter and orb mean the strength and power of a single state. The rider on the shield is the personification of the victorious goodness, the readiness of the people to defend the country from enemies.

3 Student: We have a very beautiful coat of arms. It depicts a double-headed golden eagle against the background of the Russian flag. The eagle is a symbol of the sun, heavenly power, fire and immortality. This is a very ancient coat of arms. It appeared 500 years ago - in 1497.

4 Student: It was first introduced by Tsar Ivan III Vasilyevich - the Grand Duke of All Rus', as he was called. It was the emblem of the Moscow state, the Russian state, the Russian Empire, and now it is the emblem of the Russian Federation. Inside the Russian coat of arms is the coat of arms of Moscow. On it, on a red background, George the Victorious is depicted, striking a dragon with a spear.

The coat of arms is the emblem of the state, it is depicted on seals, passports, banknotes, documents.

- Now the guys will tell you about the anthem.

Hymn translated from Greek - a solemn laudatory song, or praise, performed on special occasions.

Country anthem! It is performed on especially solemn occasions: at meetings and seeing off of heads of state, during parades, major public holidays. At the same time, all those present stand up, and the military salute.

The day of the liberation of Moscow from the invaders is celebrated as the Day of National Unity. This is not only a celebration of the expulsion of interventionists who carry values ​​alien to us, it is a celebration of friendship and unification, a celebration of love and harmony, faith that God is in truth, and not in power. Remember the slogan of the winners: stick together, love and help each other, be able to sincerely forgive the offender.

In conclusion, let's join hands and all together say this chant: (slide)

The main thing is together!
The main thing is together!
The main thing - with a burning heart in the chest!
We do not need indifference!
Anger, resentment drive away! Remember this feeling of unity and amazing elation and keep it for life. Be worthy of your glorious ancestors. All the best!

December 2004 In December 2004, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed the Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia", in which November 4 was declared National Unity Day. For the first time in Russia, this new national The holiday was celebrated on November 4, 2005.

Troubled time Troubled time

There was a movement for the liberation of the capital from the Poles. a movement arose to liberate the capital from the Poles. The first people's (zemstvo) militia was headed by the Ryazan governor Prokopiy Lyapunov. The first people's (zemstvo) militia was headed by the Ryazan governor Prokopiy Lyapunov.

In September 1611, “Orthodox people, let us want to help the Muscovite state, we will not spare our stomachs, but not only our stomachs - we will sell our yards, we will lay down our wives, children and we will beat with our foreheads so that someone becomes our boss. And what praise will be to all of us from the Russian land that such a great deed will happen from such a small city as ours.

By decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who ruled for years, a holiday was established in honor of this great event, which became the Orthodox-state holiday of Moscow Rus' (it was celebrated until 1917). This day entered the church calendar as the Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612. By decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who ruled for years, a holiday was established in honor of this great event, which became the Orthodox-state holiday of Moscow Rus' (it was celebrated until 1917). This day entered the church calendar as the Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612.

Monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky in Moscow Monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky in Moscow The deeds of Minin and Pozharsky were not forgotten by the tsar. Pozharsky received the rank of boyar, Minin became a duma nobleman, the sovereign granted him a large estate - the village of Bogorodskoye in the Nizhny Novgorod district with the surrounding villages. In 1804, the sculptor Ivan Martos began work on the creation of a monument dedicated to the heroes of these events. But only fourteen years later, in the center of Red Square, a monument was erected on public donations, where Kuzma Minin pointed to the Kremlin. In 1804, the sculptor Ivan Martos began work on the creation of a monument dedicated to the heroes of these events. But only fourteen years later, in the center of Red Square, a monument was erected on public donations, where Kuzma Minin pointed to the Kremlin.

“Let the new holiday serve the unity of the people, the realization that Russia is our common Motherland. Worldview, national, social and other differences, inevitable in any modern state, should not interfere with our common work for the sake of the prosperity of the Fatherland and the well-being of the people living in it. The Patriarch also urged the Russians to turn November 4 into “a day of good deeds and care for people.” “Let the new holiday serve to unite the people, to realize that Russia is our common Motherland. Worldview, national, social and other differences, inevitable in any modern state, should not interfere with our common work for the sake of the prosperity of the Fatherland and the well-being of the people living in it. The patriarch also urged Russians to turn November 4 into "a day of good deeds and care for people."

MKOU "Khokhol Lyceum"

Class hour on the topic

"Day of consent and reconciliation"

Prepared and conducted

teacher of Russian language

and literature

Kryukova L.V.

R.P. Khokholsky - 2016

Introductory speech of the teacher

Man has been living among people since his birth. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the "I" of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also a small group - a school class. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where the “I” of each turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary that each separate “I” feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the “I” of each does not suppress the “I” of his neighbor. This requires the existence of certain rules of conduct that would enable each “I” to fully develop.

Let's count how many people we meet daily. At home, we communicate with relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, a librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It is difficult to count how many people you will see in one day; with some you will only say hello, with others you will talk, play, the third you will answer the question, you will turn to someone with a request. Each person is in constant communication with acquaintances and strangers at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that the behavior of another person, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often a person's good mood depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly, benevolent when communicating with him, and how insulting it can be from inattention, rudeness, an evil word. We spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of conduct at school, as well as outside it.

Unfortunately, not all school groups adopt the rules of courtesy, friendliness, and delicacy. You need to think about your mistakes in behavior. An even friendly tone, attention to each other, mutual support strengthen relations. And vice versa, arrogance or rough treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully, sharply worsen your well-being. Some believe that all this is trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It is not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships: “From one word yes forever quarrel”, “The razor scratches, but the word hurts”, “Affectionate word is a spring day”.

What do you think the word “polite” means (observing the rules of decency).

We will see how the guys treat politeness by watching the scene.

Scene "Hour of courtesy"


Girl. Guys, today we have a day of courtesy.

Two boys come out. Stas and Roma.

C. We talk a lot about politeness,

We go into battle with rudeness.

D. Yes, just talk about politeness. You get into a fight all the time, it’s impossible, as it were, to solve this by peace.

O courtesy, dear to you!

But please don't be like that.

R Oh yes. Great gift! Have you heard anything about rhyme in literature?

And you won't compose such a poem

(Lyosha runs onto the stage and gives valuable instructions.)

L So, we have a courtesy day today. You will stand on the left. you will say hello to everyone

L you. Roma, you will stand on the right at the entrance to the classroom and you will say “Welcome” to everyone. Try.

L What do I have to say. I gave you all the best.

Say goodbye to you.

L Oh, genius, who says goodbye when they meet.

R Lyokha.! And then you say, “They came, they didn’t get dusty.”

L smarter. Well, you figured it out. Passes. For example. Teacher, and I "appeared, not dusty." No. I'm better as a mom. The guests only ring the doorbell, and she “Who came to us” and everyone is happy.

R alarm, the girls are coming. (includes a girl0

Who came to us.

With Hello!

R Welcome.

Misha runs

M Hey, what are you doing here?

L Do not interfere, we have an hour of courtesy

M When did it start for you?

R At two o'clock.

M A already three.

All together Three?

C Fold the courtesy.

R Give freedom.

The boys go, Lyosha follows them. He bumps into the girl.

L Get out of the way. Everyone goes here

When will you finally be polite?

L And we have been polite for an hour. A little good.

Lyosha, but a truly polite person always follows etiquette, and not just once a year.

L What should I do?

D Etiquette. Etiquette is the generally accepted rules of conduct for a truly educated person.

L you want to say. That someone sat and came up with some rules?

By the way, it would not hurt you to know them, no culture.

Is this something I have? This is how I pull my hair.

D Well. What did I say!

I, by the way, are politeness itself. Just recently, we wanted to take an old woman across the road.

I will not be surprised that your gesture of courtesy ended on “wanted”.

L We offered to help her, but she refused.

D I would also refuse if they approached me to help me the way you fly through the corridors. Poor grandmother.

L Just think, so far no one has complained about my upbringing.

D Who will tell you about this, because you immediately climb into a fight.

L A tell me about the rules of etiquette, I will try to improve

D. Listen and remember, and not for an hour, but for life.

Let's turn to the history of the issue.

The first mention of etiquette as an established order of behavior goes deep into the thousand-year history of mankind. One of the most famous literary texts of Ancient Sumer is the "first moral ideals". High moral qualities were, in their opinion, bestowed on people by the gods. The person had to strictly follow these predestinations. Over time, the rules of behavior of different peoples have changed, reflecting the different conditions of their lives. Along with everyday business etiquette appeared.

Benefits on the rules of conduct appeared in the Middle Ages. The first treatise on conduct was published by a Spanish priest in 1204. On the basis of this essay, books on etiquette were compiled. They contained the rules of behavior at the table, conducting conversations, receiving guests.

The word "etiquette" comes from the name of the cards, "labels", which were handed out to all guests during exquisite receptions at King Louis 14. Rules of conduct were written on these cards.

Since that time, etiquette has been perceived as a ritual of communication. In the 14th-17th centuries, observance of the rules of etiquette became the hallmark of a secular person.

In Rus', the first written rules were drawn up by Prince Vladimir Monomakh. In the Teachings, the wise prince wrote: “wherever you go on your own land, never allow either your own or other people’s youths to offend the inhabitants or in the villages. Not in the fields, wherever you stop on the way ... do not pass by a person without greeting him, but say a kind word to everyone when they meet.

Previously, only the elite were taught the culture of communication, courtesy, and the ability to behave in society. Good manners were considered a sign of superiority and enlightenment.

What should be an educated person?

In front of you on the interactive whiteboard is a little man. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person.

(everyone has multi-colored cards on the table, on which children write the qualities of a well-mannered person)

Discussion of the qualities that were indicated by the students.

How many of you know how politeness is shown?
That's right, it manifests itself primarily in the words, as well as in the tone in which they are said.
Do you think politeness is born or made? Right. Become.
In order to become polite, you guys should use polite words as often as possible, from which it becomes more joyful, warmer, brighter. There is great power in these words.
And today let's check how you know the magic words. I will read the beginning of the phrase, and you must finish it with a polite word.
Even ice blocks melt
From the word warm ......

    Green old stump
    When he hears……..

    The boy is polite and developed
    He speaks at the meeting .......

    When we are scolded for pranks
    We say sorry……..

    Both France and Denmark
    Saying goodbye………

    Host: But not only your words should be kind, it is also necessary that your actions be reasonable, clear, such that you never have to blush and be ashamed of them. We must always try to be useful to people, and now listen to the poem"Very polite turkey" and think about its content.

Reading the poem "A very polite turkey"

And the next poem by A. Barto is called "Polite deed"

Listen and try to answer the question whether Pavlik did the right thing, and whether he should have been worried about his good deed, because the rules of conduct are the same for everyone, and it makes no difference whether they are foreigners in front of you or people of a different nationality.

Now let's listen. How people live in other countries, how their rules differ from ours.

Rules of conduct in different countries


Compliance with formalities is the way of life of the British. The British pay attention to details first. Never address a person by their first name unless they have received special permission. In England they take the rules of conduct at the dinner table very seriously .. never put your hands on the table, keep them on your knees or on weight.

Do not address strangers at the table unless you have been introduced to them beforehand.

France .

The French are proud of their national traditions. French cuisine is considered one of the main advantages. It is not customary to leave food on the plate, and if you want to salt or pepper the dish according to your taste, this will be regarded as disrespectful to the hosts.

The French are friendly, talkative, thrifty. They easily boil, take offense, do not forgive a dismissive attitude, even in small things. They like to discuss others, but they perceive criticism extremely painfully.


The Germans are also prudent and thrifty, but inferior to the French in a sense of humor and cordiality.

They are hardworking, they are distinguished by a love of order and organization. They differ in severity. Reticence and restraint. Like the French, they are proud of their country, its traditions, respect history.

The Germans have a habit of painting their whole life by day and hour. Punctuality is manifested in all spheres of life.


In Japan, special attention is paid to good manners and ceremonies. Which are subject to strict order.

Before. To enter the house, you need to take off your shoes. Instead of shaking hands, the Japanese bow low. It is not customary to sit down here. Crossing my legs. This is an indicator that you are not interested in the thoughts and statements of the interlocutor.

When meeting a Japanese, you must give the full name and surname. The word "master" here is replaced by the prefix "san" at the end of the word. The Japanese are very punctual and do not like being late.


The greatest value is individual freedom. Americans are just obsessed with personal integrity. They also value industriousness, thrift, enterprise, they are characterized by neglect of trifles.

Arab countries.

In Arab countries, they prefer coffee without sugar, very strong. If you drink a cup and give it to the owner, they will pour you more. If you want to refuse, then turn the cup upside down.


Australians are a sports nation. If you start a conversation about sports, you will certainly be supported. Another favorite topic is relaxation. They are very fond of small gifts and souvenirs.


The Irish are not obligatory. They may be late for the meeting, do not express your dissatisfaction with this. If you caught a taxi, you must definitely sit in the front seat, otherwise you will offend the driver.


Finns are characterized by reliability, honesty, punctuality. They just love the holidays, especially the New Year and Christmas. Gifts should be inexpensive and simple.

Now let's move on from other countries to the culture of behavior within the country.

And now we will talk about the culture of behavior in various situations: at a party, at the cinema, in transport.

« At the theater cafeteria"

The student reads a poem by G. Oster:

visit often

Theater buffet.

There are cream cakes

with water bubbles,

Like firewood on plates

Chocolates are lying

And through the tube

Drink a milkshake

Don't ask for tickets

To the balcony and parterre,

Let them give you tickets

To the theater cafeteria.

Leaving the theater

Take it with you

Under a trembling heart

Sandwich in the stomach.

As you understood. We're going to talk about behavior in the theatre.

Let's play the situation

The auditorium of the theater is conditionally shown on the stage - there are two rows of chairs, "spectators" (4-6 students) sit on them. They carefully "watch the performance." Vasechkin, out of breath, bursts into the hall. He finds his row and begins to make his way between the rows, turning his back to those sitting. He drops his cake on the lap of one of the spectators. Finally he gets to his place and begins to ask what the artists have already shown. He looked a little at the actors' play, finished chewing his chocolate bar, which he had unwrapped for a long time and noisily.

Name the violations committed by the boy.

Reading G. Oster's poem "Birthday" and discussing how to behave at a party.

Now let's listen to the poem"A Lesson in Courtesy"

What are the rules of conduct? What is this poem about? Who is the main character and how old is he? What was he taught? Did they teach him this?
Guys, you should not be like a bear cub, you should be polite in everything and always. Not only all children, but all the people around them want all their friends, all neighbors, even unfamiliar passers-by, to always respect them, and that no one would make comments to them.

But sometimes it happens that people do not listen to the comments of others, they continue to behave as they want.

Reading the verse "Adult Andryushka"

But the hero of the next poem did not understand how to behave

Reading the verse "Vovochka"

The rules of a polite, respectful attitude of people have always existed, it is not for nothing that many Russian proverbs and sayings are devoted to this topic.

Treasury of Folk Wisdom”

The interactive whiteboard contains a two-column table. The beginnings of folk utterances are written on the left side. On the right side is the end of the proverb. It is necessary to match the beginnings and endings by dragging the phrases on the right side to the corresponding lines.

Make up two parts of the proverb about the culture of behavior:

Do yourself as you wish

Not an expensive gift -

To argue about trifles -

Don't judge by clothes

The word is silver

look at business.

silence is gold.

and on a visit - as ordered.

dear love.

miss the deal.

Though not rich

From the word salvation

For an uninvited guest

To the village where the one-legged live

From one word

and from the word death.

not even a spoon.

and guests are welcome.

yes forever quarrel.

you have to walk on one leg.

(1-3,2-4, 3-5,4-1, 5-2, 6-8, 7-6, 8-7, 9-10, 10-9.)

So, let's sum up and draw a conclusion, what should be an educated person.

The personality traits of an educated person are discussed. Rules of conduct are being developed.


    Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in a relationship is mutual. Develop these qualities in yourself.

    Do not allow quarrels, fights, abuse, shouting, threats. It humiliates a person.

    Cherish your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from bad deeds.

    Help the younger, unprotected, be fair.

    Treat others the way you would like them to treat you

Municipal budgetary educational institution

P.Station Beads

Class hour

"Day of reconciliation and harmony"

Prepared by:

history teacher: Kalinina G.V.

Theme: Day of reconciliation and consent.

Target. To acquaint students with the history of the day of reconciliation and harmony .


1. From the history of Russia about the day of reconciliation and harmony.

2. Introduction in the Russian Federation of the day of reconciliation and consent .

It was established in memory of the events of 1612, when the people's militia led by Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders. Historically, this holiday is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in Russia in the 17th century. Under the Time of Troubles, historians mean the events of almost three decades, from the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1584 to 1613, when the first of the Romanov dynasty, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, reigned on the Russian throne. In this difficult time for Russia, Patriarch Hermogenes called on the Russian people to stand up for Orthodoxy and expel the Polish invaders from Moscow. "It's time to lay down your soul for the House of the Most Holy Theotokos!" - wrote the patriarch. His call was taken up by the Russian people. A broad patriotic movement began for the liberation of the capital from the Poles. The first people's (zemstvo) militia was headed by the Ryazan governor Prokopiy Lyapunov. But because of the strife between the nobles and the Cossacks, who, on false charges, killed the governor, the militia disintegrated. The anti-Polish uprising, which began prematurely in Moscow on March 19, 1611, was defeated.

In September 1611, a petty "trading man", the Nizhny Novgorod Zemstvo head Kozma Minin, appealed to the townspeople with a call to create a people's militia. At a city meeting, he delivered his famous speech: “Orthodox people, let us want to help the Muscovite state, we will not spare our stomachs, but not only our stomachs - we will sell our yards, we will lay down our wives, children and we will beat with a forehead so that someone becomes our boss. And what praise will be to all of us from the Russian land that such a great deed will happen from such a small city as ours. At the call of Minin, the townspeople voluntarily gave "third money" for the creation of the Zemstvo militia. But voluntary contributions were not enough. Therefore, a compulsory collection of the “fifth money” was announced: everyone had to contribute a fifth of their income to the treasury of the militia for the salaries of service people. At the suggestion of Minin, the 30-year-old Novgorod prince Dmitry Pozharsky was invited to the post of chief governor. Pozharsky did not immediately accept the offer, he agreed to be a governor, on the condition that the townspeople themselves choose an assistant for him, who would be in charge of the treasury of the militia. And Minin became "an elected man by the whole earth." So at the head of the second zemstvo militia were two people elected by the people and invested with its full confidence. Under the banners of Pozharsky and Minin, a huge army gathered for that time - more than 10 thousand serving local people, up to three thousand Cossacks, more than a thousand archers and many "subsistence people" from the peasants. With the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, revealed in 1579, the Nizhny Novgorod Zemstvo militia managed on November 4, 1612 to storm Kitai-Gorod and drive the Poles out of Moscow. The Great Zemsky Sobor of 1613 was the final victory over the Troubles, the triumph of Orthodoxy and national unity.

Few people know that back in 1649, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (October 22, old style) was declared a public holiday. This day entered the church calendar as the Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612. Here is what Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' said in connection with the establishment of a new holiday in Russia related to the events of 1912: “Let the new holiday serve to unite the people, to realize that Russia is our common Motherland. Worldview, national, social and other differences, inevitable in any modern state, should not interfere with our common work for the sake of the prosperity of the Fatherland and the well-being of the people living in it. The patriarch also urged Russians to turn November 4 into "a day of good deeds and care for people."

Later, due to the revolution of 1917 and subsequent events, the tradition of celebrating the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders and the day of the death of Kuzma Minin was interrupted. Thus, we can say that the "Day of National Unity" is not a new holiday at all, but a return to the old tradition.


Russia still remembers the merits of the Russian people to the Fatherland in the fight against the Polish intervention. The feat of Minin is sung in the works of his contemporaries; the following generations already composed legends that exalted him even more. 18th century historians they did not give a scientific processing of the biography of Minin and his case, but with the beginning of the new century, a number of works appeared in prose and in verse, exposing him as an exemplary citizen.