"An old wives' tale" or reality? Will cabbage make breasts grow? Let’s find out! Fact and fiction: do cabbage make breasts grow?

Doctors see only a positive effect in the fact that a variety of cabbage dishes are included in the diet. It has an impressive list of advantages, among which are related to the mammary glands, skin in the décolleté area, but not size. Unfortunately, breasts cannot grow from cabbage.

This saying comes from ancient times, when all ailments of this secondary sexual characteristic were eliminated with the help of compresses, gruels and taking vegetable brine internally. The truth is that using cabbage improves the condition, but does not increase it.

The breast consists of fat cells and pectoral muscles, on which the bust grows, among other things. There are two reasons on which its size depends. The first is genetic disposition, when (most often) along the female line there is a similarity in size between grandmother, mother and daughter.

This is why skinny girls can have sizes 4–5, while representatives of the fair sex have a girl’s body size, up to 2.

The second reason lies in hormonal balance, and not a purely “female” one.

In addition to the main ones, there are other reasons why small breasts develop:

  1. Lack of estrogen or progesterone (female sex hormones).
  2. Problems associated with the production of thyroid hormones.
  3. Anatomical feature.
  4. Excessive physical (strength) exercise, when the pectoral muscle can increase, but the adipose tissue from which the breast itself is formed decreases.
  5. Diets when there is general weight loss.

Only a plastic surgeon can increase it, but if there is a need for it, and there are no contraindications.

If small mammary glands confuse their owner with their very small size, it is necessary to pay attention to this even before the age of 18, while the body is forming. Perhaps this is a signal of serious health problems. If your breasts are small, you can emphasize their beauty and firmness with cabbage.

  1. At the initial stage of mastitis, doctors advise applying a leaf of this vegetable. It relieves swelling.
  2. When consumed internally in the form of salads from fresh leaves, the product retains vitamins C (destroyed during heat treatment) and E, while B and PP remain in cooked ones. These vitamins support hormonal levels and improve the elasticity of the skin.
  3. Fiber, which is abundant in white vegetables, cleanses the intestines.
  4. This is where one of the special zones responsible for the formation and support of immunity is located. The absorption of nutrients and, as a result, the fight even against cancer tumors may depend on it.
  5. The distant truth is that the mammary gland grows from eating certain types of cabbage, perhaps. Manufacturers of herbal medicines containing phytohormones emphasize this. They are also found in this vegetable.

But these carbohydrates also have contraindications:

  1. It is undesirable to eat a lot of cabbage, as it promotes flatulence.
  2. People with gastrointestinal diseases are also not advised to consume this vegetable in their diet (constantly and fresh). You need to consult a doctor.
  3. When a woman is still planning to feed her baby, cabbage leaves should not be applied to her breasts. This method is not used as a preventive method. May negatively affect the ability of the mammary glands to produce milk.

There's no time to be sad if there's no effect

If the mammary gland does not grow (one or both), you can visit a doctor. Perhaps this is a genetically programmed size and shape.

If a woman is concerned about the future process of breastfeeding, then the amount of milk does not depend in any way on the size of the mammary gland.

Aesthetically, this secondary female characteristic can actually be increased using a surgical method (although you need to think about whether it is worth it).

There are options that visually improve the appearance of the mammary glands:

  • Choose shapewear when your breasts gather toward the center.
  • Lifting models with a push-up effect also visually change size.
  • Special exercises in which you can pump up the pectoral muscle a little (but not much, otherwise the fatty tissue is destroyed, and it is from this that the breasts grow).

If size 2 is aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, then size zero is a reason for a medical examination. Perhaps this is the norm in some cases. But it is possible that this is a signal of a lack of female sex or thyroid hormone.

Only after curing diseases of the thyroid gland or reproductive system organs can you notice that the mammary gland is growing. If women notice a decrease in breast size during hormonal therapy aimed at treating endometriosis, fibroids or oncology, then after stopping the drugs, everything will return to its place.

Important! Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs (including oral contraception) can cause irreparable harm to health.

Busty women with thin waists are a genetically programmed situation. But it’s not easy for such women either, since they often suffer from spinal diseases. Therefore, many girls agree not to have large breasts, as long as there are no health problems.

Does cabbage make breasts grow? In order to answer this important question for any girl, you need to know how this vegetable is useful and what its capabilities are. There is no need to rely on miracles and indiscriminately believe in everything that people say. Any myth must be checked.

How is this plant useful?

Cabbage contains many different beneficial compounds that a girl’s body needs. This garden vegetable contains:

  1. A set of vitamins that have a positive effect on a woman. For example, cabbage contains vitamins such as C and E. The first of them is known as ascorbic acid, which is needed to support human immunity. Vitamin E affects the general hormonal background of a girl, maintains the skin, protecting it from premature aging, protects the mammary glands of women from the development of tumors of various kinds, and is used in the prevention of mastopathy. Vitamins B and PP help regulate metabolism in the body, improve skin tone in women, and prevent the skin from aging. They have a good effect on nail and hair growth. In order for a woman to be happy with her bust, she must have beautiful, firm breasts. The above vitamins will help accomplish this task.
  2. The plant contains many microelements that are beneficial:

  • potassium - affects the condition of the skin, removes excess fluid from the human body, thereby improving the structure of the breasts;
  • calcium - the condition of the bones and the appearance of the skin depend on it;
  • iron - is part of blood hemoglobin;
  • iodine - is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  1. Another component of cabbage is fiber. It prevents diseases such as cancer from developing in the mammary glands of women. Studies have shown that the possibility of developing cancer is sharply reduced if a woman often eats foods rich in fiber, for example, eating cabbage dishes.
  2. Like any plant, cabbage also contains phytohormones, which have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of the fairer sex and are also antioxidants. Some scientists believe that they can be used to increase breast size. If this is the case, then it is quite possible to use cabbage to enlarge your bust. Phytohormones are included in cosmetics such as breast creams. Probably due to the fact that this plant is saturated with phytohormones (especially a lot of them are found in the colored version of this representative of the flora), many women believe that cabbage can enlarge their breasts.

The direct effect of this plant on increasing a woman’s bust has not yet been identified, but there is no doubt that cabbage has a beneficial effect on the body of the fairer sex.

What benefits can this vegetable bring to the breast?

Doctors claim, citing studies, that cabbage is directly related to the development and preservation of a woman’s mammary glands in good condition, as it contains antioxidants and is a storehouse for many microelements and vitamins that strengthen the immune system of girls’ bodies. Here are the doctors' conclusions:

  1. Cabbage will help keep your mammary glands in order. It protects against the development of cancer cells in this organ, and because of its fiber, the appearance and structure of women’s breasts are greatly improved. At the same time, under the influence of substances found in cabbage, the possibility of the appearance of a cyst or the development of mastopathy sharply decreases.
  2. This vegetable removes radicals and waste from the human body, normalizes lipid metabolism, improves the elastic properties of the skin, and this directly affects the elasticity of the breast and its appearance.
  3. In order to take advantage of the beneficial properties of cabbage, a woman can consume it in different forms: pickled, fresh, in the form of brine or stewed. In any form, this vegetable is useful for maintaining breast youth and elasticity.

Can this plant affect bust enlargement and why does cabbage make breasts grow, as some women claim?

Doctors say that this, unfortunately, is impossible, since cabbage does not have any effect on the volume of a woman’s bust.

Therefore, to the question of how to enlarge breasts with cabbage, there is a direct answer: it is almost impossible to do.

Why can't cabbage increase your bust size?

Scientists have studied in detail the effects of various plants on the human body. As mentioned above, the beneficial properties of cabbage allow a woman to have elastic mammary glands covered with beautiful, youthful skin.

It was found that this vegetable helps a woman recover from mastitis and mastopathy, and in some cases prevents the development of cancer cells in the breast.

A very rare vitamin U was found in cabbage, which serves to quickly renew cellular structures in the human body. Because of this, the skin becomes younger, and the mammary glands acquire the necessary elasticity.

But cabbage also has properties that, while useful for other body systems, prevent the glandular components of the breast from growing. Their growth can only occur due to the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. But tartronic acid was found in cabbage, which puts a limit on the human body and prevents it from endlessly converting carbohydrates into fats. It destroys excess fatty compounds that accumulate in the abdomen and hips, and affects the glandular structures of the breasts in women, preventing the bust from growing larger than the size that the girl is genetically programmed.

Cabbage also contains folic acid, which can help increase the size of a woman's mammary glands. But the problem is that there is very little of it in this vegetable, and in order to get the required dose, the girl will have to eat cabbage exclusively and in large quantities.

As mentioned above, a girl’s breast size depends on genetic factors. If a woman’s mother had small mammary glands, then this representative of the fairer sex cannot have large breasts. But not everything depends on the female line in heredity. In some cases, a girl can become the owner of a magnificent bust if she had ancestors with large breasts on her father’s hereditary line. But, as geneticists say, the connection here is not direct, and in most cases, girls inherit breast size from their mother.

As you can see, cabbage can only help a woman keep her mammary glands firm and young, but is not able to change their size. There are different ways to increase bust volume: taking dietary supplements, exercising, or undergoing surgery to install implants. The choice of one or another method of obtaining the desired breast size depends entirely on the woman.

The desire of women to have large breasts and not resort to hormonal drugs forces them to look for natural ways to stimulate the growth of the mammary glands. But do breasts grow from eating cabbage, soy, flax seeds and other recommended foods?

There is no clear answer to these questions due to the multiple effects of food on the body.

What should you eat for breast growth?

Estrogens have the greatest impact, but there are a lot of foods that also help increase the shape and volume of the mammary glands. Food has only two metabolic pathways that affect the glandular tissue of the breast and stimulate its growth:

  • increased synthesis of estradiol phytoestrogens contained in certain foods;
  • general improvement of metabolic processes, ensuring the full implementation of the effects of female sex hormones.

The balance of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates, antioxidants, vitamins and other natural components of healthy food are responsible for the normalization of general metabolic processes. The list of substances that improve the growth of mammary gland tissue includes:

  1. Phytoestrogens.
  2. Proteins, especially those containing essential amino acids.
  3. Fats. They are found in large quantities in the mammary glands and are largely responsible for their shape.
  4. Antioxidants.
  5. Vitamins. They have a great influence on cell proliferation and their growth in glandular and connective tissue.
  6. Dietary supplements containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Many people believe that instead of special diets, you can take synthetic estrogens for breast growth, but this opinion is wrong. An uncontrolled increase in the level of these hormones can lead to active proliferative processes in the uterus and. Since breasts take a long time to grow, and side effects from taking estradiol occur quickly, its independent use is extremely undesirable.

What products are there for breast growth?

The effect of foods on breast growth must be weighed against their effect on the overall health of the body, because excessive consumption of certain substances can lead to problems with the stomach and intestines.

The products listed below have a stimulating effect on the growth of the mammary glands and do not harm the rest of the body.

  1. White cabbage, cauliflower, curly cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and others. The fiber in these products helps cleanse the intestines, which improves the absorption of vitamins.
  2. Legumes: beans, green peas, beans.
  3. Flax seeds and oil, black cumin oil. These products contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids.
  4. Cereals: oats, lentils, millet, bran. They have an effect that is similar to cabbage.
  5. Seeds. Contains many antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids.
  6. Cottage cheese, sour cream, hard cheese.
  7. Beer. This product increases the amount of fat in the mammary glands. Its intake by women should not exceed 300 ml per day.
  8. Coffee. Regular consumption of this drink increases estrogen levels by 30-70%, but there is also a side effect - the accumulation of fat on the stomach and sides of the thighs.
  9. Medicinal herbs: sage, arnica, hops, licorice root, linden, turmeric. They are consumed in the form of decoctions.

All of the above products, with the exception of coffee, contain phytoestrogens in small quantities. Therefore, significant amounts of this food must be consumed daily to achieve estrogen-like effects. The recommended volume of cabbage, for example, is 900 grams, so it is important not to disrupt the gastrointestinal tract with such doses.

Good afternoon, doctor! Is it true that Helba with brewer’s yeast helps increase the volume of a woman’s breasts in 3-4 months? What other foods are there that promote breast growth and how much of them should you eat to make your breasts grow a little? Tatyana, 34 years old.

Hello Tatiana! As for your age, consuming these products is unlikely to lead to permanent breast enlargement. Above in the article is an indicative list of products that slightly accelerate the growth of breast tissue. And if everything is in order with your hormones and nutrition, then the diet will not bring any visible effect of breast enlargement at all.

The opposite effect of estrogen is exerted by testosterone, the level of which is increased by rice, chips, and white flour products. It is better to limit their use during the period of mammary gland development.

Features of the action of phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens have only an indirect effect on hormonal levels. How they realize their stimulating effect on the growth of breast tissue will be discussed in the sequence of biochemical processes.

  1. First stage. Entry of phytoestrogens into the body and absorption into the blood. In most vegetables, for example, the active substance is indole-3-carbinol, which is converted to diindolylmethane (DIM) in the intestines.
  2. Second phase. DIM in liver tissue increases the activity of the detoxification enzyme cytochrome P-450 several times.
  3. Third stage. Cytochrome P-450 increases the rate of conversion of androgens to estradiol, increasing the level of the latter in the blood.

At first glance, the use of phytoestrogens should lead to a stable increase in estradiol levels, but a feedback mechanism is triggered quite quickly, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of hormones to the level familiar to the body.

There have been no clinical studies on the effect of phytoestrogens on the growth of mammary gland tissue, so the effectiveness of this method can only be assessed by reviews of women on the Internet.

But phytoestrogens also have clinically proven positive effects on the mammary glands: for example, they slow down the decrease in the elasticity of connective tissue elements.

Do cabbage make breasts grow?

The effect of cabbage on the growth of mammary gland tissue is due to many substances. Among them there are three main ones:

  • phytoestrogens;
  • vitamins;
  • cellulose.

The assessment of the effect of phytoestrogens on breast growth was given above. These active substances are clearly beneficial for mammary tissue, but their growth-stimulating effects cannot be reliably confirmed. This vegetable should provide a good hormonal effect in case of low estrogen levels in the body.

Cabbage contains large quantities of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9, carotene, P, PP, H, provitamins D. They have a harmonizing effect on metabolism, improve liver function and promote the synthesis of female sex hormones in the body.

Fiber cleanses the intestines and promotes better absorption of vitamins and phytoestrogens. Thus, cabbage itself clears the way for useful substances into the blood and indirectly promotes the development of glandular tissue of the mammary gland. However, you should not expect rapid breast growth by one size after a couple of weeks of eating this healthy vegetable.

Hello! A friend says that for breast growth you need to eat a lot of sauerkraut, cauliflower and drink fennel oil. But I doubt that if you eat this food day after day, the mammary glands will grow faster. Is it true that cabbage makes your breasts grow a lot? Amina, 16 years old.

Good afternoon Amina, the food products you listed contain useful substances not only for breast growth, but also for the body as a whole. Therefore, a teenager even needs to eat cabbage, but only in quantities acceptable for the daily diet. Cabbage alone will not make your breasts grow much, but its excessive consumption can lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

Is flaxseed oil effective for breast growth?

The effect of flaxseed oil on breast enlargement is ambiguously assessed by doctors, some of whom believe that this is a myth. The oil contains several types of polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytoestrons, vitamins A, E, K, D, which have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the tissues of the mammary glands.

On the Internet you can often see rave reviews from women about enlarging their breasts by 1 size after just 2-3 months of daily use of flaxseed oil. It can really have this effect if a girl has a deficiency of female sex hormones. Moreover, the stimulating effect on breast growth can occur at any age. There is no evidence of breast enlargement under the influence of flaxseed products confirmed by medical research.

In addition to its effect on the mammary glands, flaxseed oil also stabilizes the menstrual cycle, helps treat mastopathy and infertility, and reduces the risk of tumors. There are also negative aspects to this product. You should drink the oil with caution if you have cholecystitis, eczema and pancreatitis.

Vitamins for breast growth

There are no special vitamins for breast growth, and the point of using these substances is to normalize metabolic processes. In addition, not only a lack of vitamins is harmful, but also their excess.

Vitamins A, E, C are useful for the development of glandular tissue of the mammary gland, although it is best to use combination preparations, of which there are now plenty on the market. It is incorrect to assume that the effect of vitamins will increase with increasing dosage. What is important is the balance of these substances in the body, and not an increased amount. Instead of taking vitamins, you can simply eat a balanced diet - the effect will be the same.

Therefore, you can take vitamins if you are dissatisfied with the size of your breasts, but only women who, due to vitamin deficiency, have decreased the level of sex hormones, can count on their growth.

Good afternoon Please answer, are there any special vitamins for breast growth? They say that baby food contains many of these vitamins. Irina, 21 years old.

Good afternoon Irina, there are no special vitamins for breast enlargement. To normalize metabolism, you can use any vitamin complexes from the pharmacy, especially those containing microelements. It is better not to overuse baby food; it is fatty, high in calories and can lead to overstrain of the pancreas.

There is no food panacea that will immediately increase breast size by 1-2 sizes. However, there is a list of products, the use of which normalizes hormonal levels and general metabolism in the mammary glands. In addition, vegetables and other plant products are never superfluous in the diet and bring only benefits.

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Fashion changes constantly. But the canon of a tempting, attractive figure remains unchanged - the female breast. Most men, when communicating, pay attention to this prominent part of the body. For this reason, the female sex is seriously concerned about the size and elasticity of the mammary glands.

Cabbage makes breasts grow: truth or myth?

A woman has to make every effort to improve her body and give her bust an attractive shape. Despite the fact that size does not affect the main purpose of this organ - feeding a child, every woman strives to increase the missing centimeters of volume. Many people recommend one popular recipe: eating certain vegetables for breast growth. In this article we will try to figure out whether cabbage makes breasts grow, or we will present facts that prove the absurdity of this action.

Existing stereotypes

There are many folk myths, but the main stereotype stands out among many others: that cabbage makes breasts grow? The point is that girls are given information from childhood: if you eat foods that can activate breast growth, they will become large and plump. Teenage girls constantly ask: is it true that cabbage makes breasts grow? Many grandmothers and mothers gladly support this theory and force them to consume cabbage in large quantities. They offer it in its pure form, stew it and add it to all kinds of dishes. But few adults know that such a definition is unfounded and not supported by medical facts.

The history of the origin of the opinion about the benefits of cabbage for breast volume

Since ancient times, people have been treated using the natural wealth and resources that they found in their area of ​​residence. This has been practiced since the times when medicines had not yet been invented. If you review the information that our ancestors collected, you will find that many diseases of the thoracic region were treated with cabbage. Even tumors and serious neoplasms were subjected to similar experiments, since there were no other possibilities for a speedy recovery. Many years have passed since then, but the popular saying about “growing new breasts” is still relevant.

The first mention of cabbage

The appearance of cabbage was recorded in Egypt. Many women brewed a special infusion from this vegetable and carried out rejuvenation procedures. They believed in the healing power of this plant. Since Egyptian women were very attractive in appearance, their incompetence in maintaining natural beauty was not discussed. And, for sure, they knew for sure whether cabbage makes breasts grow.

Beneficial properties of cabbage for the body of young girls

The main component of garden wealth that can help breast growth is folic acid. It really promotes the rapid growth of body cells, however, cabbage leaves do not contain a huge amount of this substance to actively influence the volume of the chest area. Teenage girls can help their breasts grow larger with these products. Why does cabbage make breasts grow in girls aged 13-15? This happens because during puberty she is in a phase of active growth. Substances contained in cabbage can help the mammary glands swell. But in adulthood, this product will in no way be able to enlarge the breasts or fill them with additional volume.

Vitamin composition

The beneficial properties of cabbage are famous throughout the world, because it contains a lot of microelements necessary for human life:

  • Vitamins E, C. They support the female body and help cope with stress, and also form and strengthen the immune system. Medical representatives are confident that cabbage can protect the mammary glands from various tumors and formations.
  • Vitamins of groups PP and B. They are responsible for the good condition of the skin of the human body, have the ability to regulate metabolism and maintain it at the proper level. Thanks to these features, we can safely say that cabbage can slow down the aging process of cells, thus maintaining elasticity and luxurious volume for a long time.
  • Microelements: iodine, iron, calcium and potassium. These substances have a positive effect on the condition of the female breast. Potassium compounds are able to remove accumulated fluid from cells, which affects the appearance of the skin and the elasticity of the glands. The calcium content helps cleanse the skin and give it a fresh, youthful appearance, while iodine and iron are integral components of a proper diet.
  • Plant hormones. The strongest antioxidants can prolong the youth of a woman’s body. Cabbage contains a large amount of plant hormones. These substances have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system and are also considered natural breast volume savers. But still, the record holder for the content of phytohormones is cauliflower. Having considered the positive qualities of the components that make up the vegetable, it can be argued that eating cabbage helps to give youth and firmness to the breasts. But we cannot talk about colossal changes in size.
  • Cellulose. Its content in cabbage reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.

Having considered the above listed advantages of the vegetable, we can say with confidence that bust volume cannot be changed by eating cabbage. The only thing a vegetable can do is help maintain firmness and a fresh appearance.

How can you increase your breast size? Experts' opinions

If you ask a professional mammologist whether cabbage makes breasts grow, the clear answer will be no. Breast size is transmitted to girls at the genetic level from their mother and grandmother, so if the volume of the bust is naturally small, it is impossible to change it with the help of food (just as it is impossible to influence the set of genes). Only a plastic surgeon knows how to enlarge breasts. Whether cabbage makes breasts grow is an incorrect question, since it does not have medical approval.

Should you tell your daughters about the “cabbage superstition”?

Every person wants to look good, so balanced nutrition is the most important component of the life of a modern person. If a girl in the family does not want to eat vegetables, it is important to remind her of the benefits of these foods for the body. All cruciferous vegetables, which include cabbage, contain a large amount of essential substances for the full development and growth of a healthy body. Mammologists also recommend eating cabbage to prevent the formation of cancerous tumors and mastopathy. It is important to eat not only traditional white cabbage, but also pay attention to dishes with broccoli and cauliflower. This will not cause any harm to the figure, but will only give the body elasticity and preserve youth. But there is no point in maintaining information about active breast growth, since this is not a panacea for those who want to have curvaceous figures.

Sauerkraut and its effect on the female body

This is a very tasty appetizer that complements complex dishes. Do sauerkraut make breasts grow? Yes, it can affect bust growth in girls aged 10 to 14 years. During this period, the body is dependent on the products consumed, so the content of enzymes affects the endocrine system of the young body. At a more mature age, this practice remains ineffective. Sauerkraut, like fresh cabbage, can have a noticeable effect on the anatomical development of the breast only at a young age at the stage of formation of the mammary glands. In general, this healthy vegetable is recommended for nutrition as an additional source of essential microelements and fiber. When asked whether cabbage makes breasts grow, adult women can safely answer no.

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The first and most obvious sign of femininity and slimness is a woman’s breasts; most men first of all turn their attention to this part of a woman’s body. Therefore, many women worry about the size, shape and firmness of their breasts, preferring to put effort into improving them. Because of this, a pressing question on forums and in conversations among women’s groups is the question of which products promote breast growth.

The main stereotype among many others on this matter is that cabbage makes breasts grow, and in order to verify the veracity or unfoundedness of such a statement, you need to know the beneficial properties of this food product.

First, you need to understand the history of the origin of the opinion that cabbage grows a bust. Since ancient times, many diseases have been treated with herbs and natural resources, since medicines and medicines did not yet exist in those days.

According to the records and retellings of ancestors, cabbage was used to treat breast diseases, including tumors. Since then there has been a saying that cabbage grows new breasts.

Cabbage appeared in Egypt, the women of this country prepared a decoction of cabbage and used it for the purpose of rejuvenation and giving even greater beauty. No one has yet doubted the intelligence of Egyptian women in matters of maintaining the beauty and perfection of the female body. Hence such belief in the miraculous properties of this food product. But to determine the benefits of cabbage for breast growth, you need to understand its beneficial components and effects on the body.

The main beneficial component of cabbage for breast growth is folic acid. It is this substance that promotes additional cell growth, but cabbage does not contain enough of it to significantly affect breast size.

In adolescence, when a girl’s breasts are just beginning to appear, regular consumption of cabbage can promote the growth of the mammary glands; later, this product will not help the breasts fill with additional forms.

Cabbage is famous for its many “benefits”, such as:

  • Vitamin E and C complex, the first of them in every possible way maintains the normal hormonal background of the female body, and the second - forms and strengthens the immune system. Because of this, many doctors claim that a product such as cabbage can protect the mammary glands from tumors.
  • Vitamin PP and B complex, which ideally tone the human skin and are also considered natural regulators of normal metabolism. Therefore, we can safely say that cabbage slows down age-related changes and the aging process, helping the breasts maintain their elasticity and previous shape for a long time.
  • A range of microelements, one way or another, having a beneficial effect on the female breast. Cabbage potassium will help remove excess fluid from the body, which will affect the quality of the dermis and the structure of the mammary glands. Calcium will cleanse the skin and give it freshness and youth, and also strengthen the bone frame. In addition, iodine and iron are considered important components of cabbage.
  • Cellulose in cabbage in every possible way prevents the risks of the formation of cancer cells in the mammary glands. This fact has been scientifically proven by doctors in practice for many years.
  • Plant hormones, which are also abundant in cabbage, but they are strong antioxidants and prolong the youth of the female body. Doctors say that cabbage phytohormones have a beneficial effect on a woman’s reproductive system and are considered the main natural aids for breast growth. Cauliflower is richest in phytohormones.

Due to the above beneficial properties of cabbage, it cannot be said for sure that cabbage can increase the size of a woman’s breasts, but it can give it youth and firmness.

In addition, this product is an excellent means for improving health and maintaining beauty and youth.

Poll results: cabbage and breasts

In addition to the scientific data and beneficial properties of cabbage, you can determine the veracity or unfoundedness of the stereotype about its effect on breast growth through a survey. That’s what we did!

Today you can easily find girls who, due to dissatisfaction with their breast size, resorted to the method of enlargement by eating cabbage. Therefore, this survey can become another proof whether this is a myth or real facts.

  • Anna, 30 years old, breast size 4. My breasts began to appear quite early; by the age of 13 I started wearing a bra. I don’t know how much of a role cabbage played in my current breast size, but I’ve simply adored it since childhood. Our daily diet included salads with cabbage, stews with cabbage, borscht, sauerkraut, etc. I ate all these dishes with great enthusiasm and pleasure, and now I have large breasts.
  • Varvara, 28 years old, breast size 1. From a young age I was very worried about this, that I didn’t want to have breasts. All my classmates were already wearing bras; I was the only one who was like a black sheep. Therefore, with particular zeal, I began to eat cabbage in large quantities. And no matter how much I eat it, now I simply cannot look at it; at the full age of 28, I have a stable one in breast size. Therefore, I do not believe in the miraculous properties of cabbage to increase bust volume.
  • Natasha, 25 years old, breast size 3. My grandmother always told my sister and I that sauerkraut is a magical stimulator of breast growth, so we devoured it on both cheeks, starting at the age of 13-14. I can’t say which worked more - genetics or cabbage, but both my sister and I became the owners of beautiful forms. And despite the fact that we have both already become mothers twice, our breasts have not lost their firmness and size.
  • Svetlana, 29 years old, breast size 2. I don't believe in the magical properties of cabbage for breast enlargement. Personally, my experience suggests that all these nuances are a matter of heredity. In our female family there were no women with large breasts, and I was no exception to the rule. But there is an influence of weight, when I get fat, my chest also fills up, albeit slightly.
  • Marina, 24 years old, breast size 1. I was very thin since childhood, and until I was 15 I didn’t even develop breasts. Today I am not satisfied with the size of my breasts, so I resort to the help of sauerkraut. My grandmother gave me these recommendations; in her opinion, the juice of this cabbage will help to enlarge my breasts at least by size.

The beneficial effects of cabbage on the chest

There is a medical list of healthy foods that are good for the mammary glands. And in that list, cabbage, rich in folic acid, vitamin complex and microelements, takes pride of place.

Therefore it can be summarized as follows:

  • Cabbage is still good for women's breasts. But it is in no way capable of increasing its size; cabbage will help rejuvenate the skin, give it tone and elasticity. Doctors say that cabbage negates the risk of cancer cell formation and protects the mammary glands from cysts and other diseases.
  • This food product helps to transform the appearance of a woman's breasts.. Due to the intensive maintenance of lipid metabolism and cleansing the intestines of toxins, the elasticity of the dermis increases. And this is a direct path to young and attractive breasts.
  • Any variety and type of cabbage will become a treasure trove of treasures for the female breast. In addition, any type of heat treatment and cooking methods will not spoil cabbage; it will always replenish the human body’s reserves of vitamins and microelements.

And you can help enlarge your breasts with only two facts - fat cells and natural hormones. Therefore, only in combination with proper nutrition, a series of physical exercises, maintaining hormonal levels within normal limits and drinking regimen will help increase.