Banality or creativity? Classic bride price and its scenario. A cool script for the ransom of the bride in verse

Traditionally, the night before the wedding, the bride and groom spend separately. Previously, the girls were that evening with their friends and relatives. In the modern preparation for the wedding, the bride devotes herself completely. She needs to prepare her wedding dress, get up early to meet the hairdresser. The guy, in turn, says goodbye to his single life rather violently and solemnly.

His friends come to the groom and always a witness. But do not forget and abuse alcoholic beverages, because then at his own wedding he will look unworthy and there will be questions to him. The groom with a witness will have to go to redeem his beloved. She is with her parents. Near the entrance doors, his sisters, girlfriends and a witness will meet him. They are waiting for a ransom for their beauty. As it can be sweets, all kinds of fruits, champagne and, of course, money.

The groom will be asked various comic questions, please sing songs. With all this he must cope, choosing the right words. In the bride's room, a girl and a grandmother dress up in white dresses. An apple hangs in front of the room. Here the friends begin to ask for a ransom for their beauty.

If it seems to them insufficient, then the groom gets a young bride. “Is this the bride?!”, - questions pour in to the groom. He replies that no, he will be older. Then they bring out his grandmother. "Is this the bride?" He says no, my fiancee is younger. Then his girlfriends tell him that for such an unprecedented luxury that he wants, you need to pay tribute and pass the test. The groom will have to eat an apple without hands and then he will get his beloved. As soon as the groom leaves the task behind, everyone enters the room. Splashing champagne, and all the guests are treated. This is the usual way, but you can also try the ransom of the bride in prose.

The script for the ransom of the bride in prose

Near the entrance of the groom meets the witness and says the words:
"Oh, you, gentlemen,
How long have you been driving here?
And what kind of wind
Brought you to us, friends?
(listen to the answer).

Then the girlfriends and the bride's witness continue the ransom, the following words are pronounced:
“Dear groom and his friends!
You are greeted by beautiful girlfriends,
To find our bride for you,
You have a lot to go through.
Get up slowly
Sing us songs, so that loudly,
Yes, on every step you
Put down 3 kopecks.

The groom goes up the stairs, loudly sings songs that his bride knows, and does not forget to put a penny. After one of the relatives or bridesmaids pronounce the text:
“So that you can enter the bride,
You need to go through the door.
Drink all the water to the bottom.
And then the door will open.

A large bucket and a very small mug are placed. But the tasks do not end there, but only the most interesting begins. The songs begin.
“We have a bride - roses color,
There is no entrance to it without a ransom.
And for her we need
A bar of chocolate.

Here is the first installment. It is advisable to warn the groom about payment options in advance, so as not to get him into an unpleasant situation.

"And now, groom, look,
Do you see the big scarf?
How many circles on it - look
Let them all be gilded."

Here the groom is allowed to use sweets, or fruits, or money.
A cheerful song plays throughout the trials.
Next lyrics of the song:
"For the bride's figure,
We wish flowers for a truck!
The witness must give the flowers.
For every hair
Throw an orange in the bucket."

The groom needs to fill the bucket with oranges as much as possible.

“And for sponges scarlet color,
Give me a bag of candy."
"For a beautiful elegant dress,
Give grape wine.

The Witness fills everyone's glasses.

"For an even gait
Give us vodka.
For veils, the color is transparent -
We would like bottles of cognac.

The wedding is in full swing.

“(The name of the beloved) will not be given so easily,
If you want to get a bride, We need to pay a ransom.
We want to know from you in detail
For whom are we going to give it away?
Come on, dear good friends,
Praise, appreciate the groom!

The witness and friends of the groom willingly praise him.

“And now let him shine:
Where, when (the name of the beloved) met,
And noticed among the rest?
How she was dressed
What did you ask her at the same time?
"And now the second question,
It's more difficult than the first one.
Do you know everything about the bride
And about the mother-in-law - guess?
"Well, answer without delay,
When is the mother-in-law's birthday?

In the event that there is no answer, a fine is paid in cash.
Questions: Tell me, what color are your mother-in-law's eyes? The witness holds a camomile in her hands, on which there are still many questions. No response, fine.
For example, questions:
1. What was the weather like when you first met?
2. 07/20/2000 - what is it?
3. What kind of films does he like?
4. The size of the shoes of your beloved?
And many other questions you can think of.

“We see that you are dashing people
And besides, remote
And to prove it to us
You will have to dance here.
Hey, fiancé, let's dance, And rather start singing songs
The witness says:
"Heard the girls here,
About magic vodka
She is 40 degrees
Pour it for us then."

The witness fills everyone's glasses.

"For the bride-wife
- I ask for chocolate "Alyonushka".
Cut the thin thread
And the words you have to say
The word is not simple, but
Gentle, Affectionate, Golden.
We all want to hear
What will you call your beloved?

Here the groom needs to say aloud the words that he calls his betrothed affectionately. Then the groom is allowed to see the bride.

Getting a loved one at the ransom and fees at the registry office

Relatives, matchmakers, the bridesmaid and bridesmaids take out everything that they purchased at the wedding. Everyone is drinking and having fun. The witness pronounces the first toast at the wedding for the long and happy life of the young.

Everyone sits down in cars and goes to the registry office to funny songs. During registration at the wedding, a motorcade of dressed-up cars stands near the entrance. By tradition, the groom's relatives are on the right side, and the bride's relatives are on the left. But now the traditions are no longer so respected. But when you see newlyweds walking hand in hand, it looks very cute.

Celebration of the wedding ceremony

Newlyweds do not have to worry about registering for their wedding, as they only need to answer a short "yes".
At registration, you can order musical accompaniment to hear your favorite songs during the celebration.
After the solemn part, congratulations begin. And the first to take the right to speak is the woman who performed the ceremony, then all the guests. Spouses accept words of congratulations from everyone who rejoices for them on this day. Those guests who cannot attend the wedding in the cafe give flowers.

A gift at a wedding should not be very expensive, but not cheap either. If you can't afford to give such a gift, it's best to carefully decline the invitation. Gifts can be given at your convenience. After all, not all guests are at the wedding until the end of the evening, many leave it earlier for personal reasons.

Newlyweds dream that their wedding is memorable, so they start preparing for the wedding in advance. The ransom of the bride is one of the most fun and colorful events at the wedding, as almost all the guests of the evening participate in it. In this connection, it is necessary to approach this event responsibly and prescribe a detailed scenario for the redemption for planning. It should be a cool and funny story, told by the hosts of the evening, in such a way as to involve as many people as possible in the process of buying the bride.

Modern scenarios of bride kidnapping written in verse work very effectively. Then all those invited are even more immersed in the atmosphere of celebration, and the ransom of the bride turns into a fairy tale.

Cartege drives up to the entrance. A bridegroom, a witness, comes out of it, followed by guests. At the entrance to the entrance they are met by the Hosts Elena and Irina (You can take any names by substituting them in the script).

Host Elena: What is this gentlemen?
Did they come to us here?
What do you need in part?
Maybe tea, marmalade?

The groom replies that he came for the bride.

Host Irina: What a smart look
Wants to find a sweetheart.
I think there is here.
If you remember. The name of?

The groom says that Catherine (for example)

Host Elena: There is one! Lives here.
But, it just won't work.
Need something in two glasses
And it rang and rustled.

The hosts serve two empty glasses on a tray. In one groom puts paper money, and in the other coins.

Host Elena: The bride was bored there.
There is little time left.
Let everyone know that you are here.
Shout out love to her.

The groom screams as he loves the bride.

Host Elena: Well, do you know Katyusha.
Nose, Eye, Handle, Ear.
Well give me the answer
And draw her portrait.

Bridegroom Contest with Witness

For this competition, you will need to prepare the eyes, forehead, nose, lips and chin. Different photos of the same format. And the groom with the witness should make a sketch.

Host Irina: Well, here's all the armor
You are nowhere without her.
You are here for a long time.
Katya, they won't give it back

The presenter points to the bride's relatives.

Host Irina: With everyone, you know for sure.
Dad, grandmother, sister.
Sister's husband, nephew.
Are you ready to take on the challenge?

The groom agrees. The hosts escort him to the entrance.

Host Elena: Our first assignment.
Are you ready to pass now?
Answer right here on the spot.
Where are the lips of the scarlet bride?

Competition for the groom

On the wall, there is a sheet of A3 format, on which there are about 6 prints of female lips. The groom must guess where the lips of his bride are. Only one person can leave fingerprints. For each miss, the groom must complete a task from the host, for example, sing a song about Catherine, dance, or pay. After moving a few steps higher.

Host Irina: Well done for guessing.
Waiting for you now emergency.
Father loves his daughter very much
And the task will judge you.

Contest for the Pope

Hanging darts. Leaflets are glued on it (with the reverse side. For example (Fur coat, car, apartment, trip, ring) That's where it hits with a dart, then we unfold the sheet and dad says that where he got, he should give it next year. What is more expensive, fasten to The groom will probably aim at the center.

Passing the first flight.

Host Elena: Here is your first gift.
So good and all so sweet.

Host Irina: Boldly, frisky you go
How will you go further?

Host Elena: My sister has a barricade here
You will do everything right

Host Irina: Well sister, let's do the job
Let the groom begin his efforts.

competition for sister

The sister wants to check how strong the groom is, the witness and the groom are given boxing gloves, they heat up the situation, for example, that they will now measure their strength. And then they give both of them candy and who will quickly deploy it with gloves.

The groom goes upstairs.

Host Elena: What a clever bastard
All trades daring!

Host Irina: You surprised me too
Did you forget about the bride?

The groom answers

Host Elena: You've already gone half way
How to get through the next one?

Host Irina: Now the holiday will begin.
At the helm is now a nephew.

Competition for nephew

Does the groom remember his bride well? The groom is blindfolded, given a felt-tip pen, and he must depict his beloved on paper. And at the end, the nephew says that he will give this drawing for a year of marriage.

The groom passes the second flight.

Host Elena: Liho, you made a beauty
Drawn - straight feast for the eyes.

Host Irina: Just like Demi Moore
But Katya is better - I'm not lying.

Host Elena: Grandma is still here
Cherishes his granddaughter

Host Irina: Well, the groom gathered with will.
Prove that Katya is worthy.

grandma competition

Grandma does not have a big box with a hole in her hands, things are stacked there (lipstick, garlic crusher, spoon, corkscrew), etc. Grandmother says how he understands women's things. The groom must describe the object by touch, he must pay for each miss.

The groom goes upstairs.

Host Elena: Well, here is the sister's husband
Brave guy look.

Host Irina: He is like a dark horse.
Hope everything goes smoothly here.

Contest for the husband's sister

Several children's photos of the bride and her bridesmaids are taken and the groom must guess. Let him pay for each wrong photo.

The third flight passes.

Host Elena: Well, here is the finish line, there is the bride
Soon you will be with her

Host Irina: There's a beam hidden behind the door
Pick up the key to the door

Final competition

(In front of the door) This is the most interesting competition, the door is locked, the key is frozen in BOILED water. (In order for the water to be clear). In a plastic glass, then the glass is removed and let the groom suffer as he wants. Though it licks, though it breaks.

Host Elena: Well, she's beautiful
Very sweet and light.

Host Irina: Walk a little, just a little.
Only redeem left.

The groom refuses. Then he and the witness have to perform tasks from the leaders. for example, sing a song about Catherine, dance, well, or pay. At this time, all the relatives who will sell the bride sit down to the bride. The hosts escort the groom to the table and the auction begins, for how much they agreed to sell the bride. Leading actively participate in the auction. As a result, the groom redeems the bride from everyone. And sits next to her.

Regarding the entrance decorations, you can use a large number of balls, confetti, crackers and tinsel. It will also look spectacular traces on the steps, which you can make yourself or buy and arrows on the walls. Directions to the bride.

Video example of a cool bride price

To show you how it might look

Traditionally, the wedding begins with the ransom of the bride. It is held before the groom meets the bride on the day of the celebration. This ceremony is one of the unchanging traditions that accompany the wedding. It has deep roots. In ancient times, in order to take away a girl who was the first assistant in the house, one had to give something in return.

The groom tried to cover the inconvenience that would arise due to the girl leaving the house, giving valuables, cattle and other gifts in return. In our time, this rite takes place symbolically, and its task is not to bargain for money, but to give fervor, fun to the event. Let us consider in more detail how to redeem the bride, what the groom and witnesses should do, so that everyone is satisfied and the procedure does not drag on.

Often witnesses are involved in organizing the ransom of the bride. But the main part still falls on the bridesmaid.

Some couples turn to the toastmaster for help, who can develop a script for competitions and other nuances. The ransom rite consists of a series of contests and tasks for the groom and the witness.

All questions relate to the hero of the occasion. If the groom cannot answer any of them, then he must pay a certain amount or present champagne, sweets, etc.

In some cases, the redemption process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Even on the road, distant relatives and neighbors can meet the groom and demand to pay for the opportunity to travel and name the bride.
  2. In the yard of the groom, close friends of the young are waiting.
  3. Immediately before entering the bride's room, the tests are arranged by the witness and girlfriends.
  4. The task of the groom with a witness is not to deprive anyone and make some kind of payment.

The main task of all participants in the ransom ceremony is not to delay the process. Otherwise, you may be late for registration.

How to behave to girlfriends

The task of the bridesmaids is to turn the traditional groom’s bride price into a fun, well-organized event. It is better not to use poems at this stage of the celebration; make a speech in prose with appropriate funny jokes. To do this, follow certain rules:

  1. You should not force the groom and the witness to perform not very pleasant tasks. For example, eat a pood of salt or drink water with lemon. Competitions must be neutral and realistically feasible. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the mood of the groom at the beginning of the wedding.
  2. It should be remembered that the event is calculated for only 15-30 minutes at most.
  3. Try to calculate the time so that a certain period of time remains between the ransom and the trip to the registry office.
  4. Tasks are chosen so that when they are completed by the groom, the guests can see what is happening, and the photographer can take beautiful photos.
  5. When using pictures in contests, their angle should be large.
  6. When using rhyming jokes and jokes, they must be read expressively and without hesitation.
  7. In the event that the number of guests at the wedding is impressive, you should not invite everyone to the ransom. There will be enough witnesses, girlfriends, friends, close relatives.
  8. It is necessary to prepare for the ceremony in advance. Place posters and other attributes.
  9. Properly distribute responsibilities so that no one gets bored.

What to do and say to mother, sister, brother of the bride

For the parents of the bride, there are many trials on the wedding day. It is in their house that the ransom of the bride takes place and the house is full of guests. Worries begin with the bride's attire. Her mother and friends can help her.

Then the parents meet the guests after the ransom, escort them to the room where the buffet table is organized. Serving it is the task of the mother of the bride, who is helped by the bridesmaids. Treating guests with champagne is the task of witnesses. Traditionally, parents do not take part in the ransom ceremony.

But if the bride has younger sisters or brothers, then they can actively bargain for her with the groom. Girlfriends provide for this in the script. The main task of parents after the completion of the ransom before going to the registry office is the blessing of the young. Before the beginning of the ceremony, guests are asked to go outside, where they form a kind of living corridor.

After the bride and groom are blessed, they go out into the street, and the girl's mother showers the newlyweds with wheat seeds, coins and sweets for their rich, well-fed and sweet future life.

What to say to the matchmaker from the side of the groom

In ancient times, matchmaking began with certain words: “You have goods, we have a merchant,” and so on. The young people involved in the ransom should not include them in the script.

But if the task is to conduct a ceremony in the old Russian style, then this role is performed by the matchmaker on the part of the groom. It is she who begins the redemption process.

The essence is to present the purpose of their arrival and praise the merits of the groom.

How to behave to the groom and his friends

The ransom scenario is worked out in advance, and the bridesmaids must think over the behavior of the groom in advance. In any case, it must be prepared if the groom needs to say any words during the bidding process.

Basically, various tests are prepared for the groom, and he, in turn, performs them and answers questions in monosyllables. You can deal with this without much difficulty. The beginning of the auction is started by the organizers, the matchmaker from the groom's side can participate.

When asked by girlfriends why the groom came to them, the young man can simply answer in monosyllables “For the bride!”. It is difficult for the groom to prepare for the ransom directly, since he often does not know the scenario in advance. The witness can only partially acquaint him with individual moments. Therefore, the young man has to improvise on the go.

And since basically all questions relate to the bride, it is necessary to ask her in advance some moments from her childhood, shoe size, favorite lipstick color, and so on.

Let's present a list of the main areas that the groom may encounter at the ransom:

  1. Prove your love. Here you can prepare a romantic story about the love of the newlyweds to make your girlfriends feel emotional.
  2. Present your strengths. Usually this is the answer to the question of what the groom is ready to provide the bride in the future.. Here you have to praise yourself, and try not to laugh. To facilitate the task, this can be done by a witness.
  3. How the groom will spend time with the bride during their marriage. In this regard, the groom proves that the bride will not be bored with him. And you can prove it by performing any song or dance.
  4. Important dates. Here you have to prepare seriously, as they will ask not only about the day they met, but also about the first day of the first kiss, the first trip to the cinema, and so on. Usually men do not pay attention to such trifles.
  5. The bride is the best and unique. In this direction, you need to collect a list of affectionate and tender words about your beloved.

Since the groom arrives not alone, but with a retinue of friends and close relatives, it is necessary to think in advance what to say to them.

Firstly, they can actively participate in the auction, but not allow themselves too much.

Secondly, to help the groom, suggest the right words, ideas for completing the task. The main assistant of the groom at the wedding is a witness. He can actively answer questions and even replace him in the performance of any competitions.

Usually the groom is lost from excitement, so the witness must always be ready to come to the rescue of a friend. And if the girlfriends play too much and demand an exorbitant price for the ransom, then the witness can actively bargain and bring down the price.

The ransom ceremony will be a great success if it is performed in any style or timed to coincide with a specific theme.

How to meet the groom - what to put on the table

As already mentioned, after the ransom is completed, the bride's parents invite guests to a buffet table.

This tradition is connected mainly with the fact that there is still a long process ahead, consisting of marriage and a photo session.

Sandwiches and small canapes are placed on the table so that they fit entirely in the mouth. Since the photographer is working all the time and a set table can get into the photo lens, it is necessary to think over the technique of decorating dishes in advance, remove unnecessary interior items.

A large amount of alcohol on the buffet table is inappropriate. It is enough to organize champagne, which will cheer up a little and liberate the guests.

Here is another version of the scenario for the ransom of the bride:

The rite of redemption of the bride is a traditional wedding procedure, but, nevertheless, not all newlyweds consider it appropriate. This is explained by the fact that not all guests behave adequately during competitions and auctions, sometimes forcing the groom to perform unrealistic things. It is believed that the ransom can be replaced, for example, with a beautiful meeting of the bride and groom. In your opinion, is it worth paying tribute to traditions or still introducing new creative ideas into the wedding scenario?

No matter how much they call the ransom of the bride an old-fashioned tradition and bad taste, however, to this day, most brides prefer to carry out this fun ceremony (of course, with the consent of the groom). The easier and more fun the contests, the better the ransom will be. The bridesmaids must be cheerful, and the groom's friends must be bold, then success is guaranteed.

How to meet the groom without a ransom

A fun ransom action that allows the bride to feel like a princess, for whose hand a knight is fighting, not every knight likes it. Sometimes both the groom and the bride do not want to conduct a ransom due to the lack of friends who agree to this, or simply do not consider it necessary.

In these cases, there are no special requirements for meeting the groom. You can meet at the registry office according to Western custom. The bride and groom come to the registry office separately. The groom arrives earlier and, together with the witness, prepares to meet the bride: he buys champagne, a bouquet in advance, and, if desired, sprinkles the floor with petals. The bride arrives with her father or brother, who brings her to the groom and passes her hand to the future husband.

If there is a desire to still keep some of the traditions, the bride and groom can spend the night before the wedding separately. In the morning, the bride gets ready, dresses, decorates the room and waits for the groom. You need to meet the groom and other guests with a buffet and light snacks, so it would be nice to set the table in advance. The bride can decorate her home with balloons, flowers, candles, and rose petals. From the petals you can make garlands and hang them in the opening of the room like a curtain. Then the moment of the appearance of the groom will look especially solemn.

Even if you are not planning a ransom, think over in advance all the details of how beautiful it is to meet the groom without a ransom. If it is difficult for the groom to speak without preparation, then you need to think about what compliments he will say to the bride, what the bride's parents and guests will say, where the young people will stand and from what angle the photographer will work.

After the future husband has arrived at the house of his beloved, you can uncork a bottle of champagne and drink to the health of the young. Romantic persons can be invited to pronounce pre-prepared oaths. Then all the guests and young people go to the registry office.

Bride ransom: how to meet the groom

The ransom of the bride traditionally begins with the meeting of the groom. This is an exciting moment for both newlyweds.

  • If the meeting of the groom and the entire ransom as a whole will be filmed, the bridesmaids should take care of the presentability of the entrance and entrance. A painted and dirty entrance will not decorate memorable pictures. The abundance of balls, posters, flowers, petals and other paraphernalia will hide the unpresentable appearance of the entrance.
  • It would be good to discuss with the photographer in advance from what angle to shoot the ransom in order to avoid unpleasant little things in the pictures.
  • By, the bridegroom is met by girlfriends at the entrance to the entrance with pre-prepared contests.
  • Girlfriends should not only prepare contests and draw various posters, but also think in advance with what words to meet the groom at the ransom. It is good if the words are memorized.
  • First of all, one of the bridesmaids who starts the ransom (usually) should ask the groom why he came, and the groom replies that he wants to get married. In all ransom scenarios, this part is the same: the future spouse must express his desire to marry and express it with feeling.
  • If desired, you can hire a toastmaster or a leader to conduct a ransom. Then the young will be calm that everything will go smoothly.
  • The meeting of the groom is not always accompanied by contests. Sometimes a small dialogue between the girlfriend and the groom with his friends is enough, during which the task of the future husband is to praise himself beloved. Everyone around should believe that he is the most worthy groom.
  • Jokes and jokes sound good in the presence of rhyme, so quite often bridesmaids wonder how to meet the groom at the ransom in verse. You can find a lot of different ransom options on the Internet and memorize ready-made poems, but the most inventive girlfriends can rhyme the introductory word themselves. This will not take much time and will add a personal touch to the ransom, because the poems were written for a particular groom. In addition, you can do without the traditional "good fellows" and "red maidens", replacing such appeals with more modern associations.
  • The ransom in prose is also not bad, given that the groom will respond in prose, not poetry. The ransom can be thematic, then the appeal must correspond to the topic. For example, if the ransom is called “Princess Liberation,” then the girlfriends greet the guest with the words: “Hello, brave knight! You have come a long way to reach this enchanted castle where the princess lives. Tell us why you came here?" After that, the groom replies that he wants to get married, and the girlfriends ask him to tell about his exploits in honor of the beautiful princess.

The ransom precedes the wedding and sets the mood for the whole day, so it is very important to spend it fun and without misunderstandings. The bride should feel like a beautiful lady, for whose hand and heart the groom is fighting, and not isolated from the general fun. Therefore, it is possible to involve the bride in absentia in the ransom using the Internet, telephone and other technologies.

  • If you have already decided how to meet the groom at the bride price, have prepared tricky contests and funny sayings, remember that the groom must come to the registry office without stains on his suit and twisted ankles. It is better to refuse jumping on the steps, drinking three-liter cans of juice and eating onions.
  • Frankly, at almost every wedding there is an overly cheerful guest who pulls the blanket over himself. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to think right away who will participate in the ransom, and explain to the other guests that only the groom and a few of his close friends are buying, and not all relatives who will push through the entrance. If there will be some grievances from the relatives, then this slightly unpleasant moment is worth it so that the ransom goes smoothly, as planned.
  • Guests, the groom, his friends and girlfriends should be warned that it is not worth drinking for courage before the ransom. Excitement can be calmed by willpower or a light sedative, but appearing at a ransom in a tipsy state is a bad form. This will not look fun at all, as is commonly thought, but will only add awkwardness.
  • The groom, of course, should try with all his might to pass the test, but you should not show excessive greed. It looks ugly and may offend the bride.
  • It is necessary to exclude all vulgar contests from the ransom, and also ask all the groom's friends to avoid indecent jokes during the ransom. There are bachelor parties for such things, and since you have come for the bride, then you need to behave with proper upbringing.
  • If there is a competition with pulling papers on the topic “why are you getting married”, you don’t need to write on them “on a whim”, “because I’m out of my mind”, “I was forced to”. It is quite possible to come up with other funny answers or even remove this contest. If you are planning to make the guests laugh, then you do not need to do this by offending the bride.

Usually not only the witness is involved in the implementation of the ransom scenario, but also all the bridesmaids, and sometimes her relatives. We advise the witness directly on the ransom scenario write which of the friends is responsible for which test (in the wedding bustle it is not difficult to forget something important) and give everyone a copy.

In order for the groom and his friends to be well prepared for the ransom, make a list of things (champagne, chocolates, small things, etc.) that you will beg in advance.

In the proposed version ransom scenario for the witness many different tests. Do not take everything: the ransom should take no more than 15-20 minutes, otherwise the groom, who has a difficult day ahead, may get tired, or even change his mind about getting married.

Test at the entrance to the entrance

Here the girlfriends ran -

See how much they trampled!

Guess the bride's trail

To live with her for a hundred years!

At the entrance to the entrance - traces. The groom needs to guess which of the footprints belongs to the bride.

Props: painted footprints.

Test in the vestibule

Will you be with us now -

Like an Indian Sharp Eye!

Tili-tili-dough -

Who is your bride?

Children's photos of the bride and her bridesmaids are hung on a rope. You have to guess where the bride is. For mistakes - pay! You will have to kiss the one whom the groom took for the bride. If he kisses - a fine.

Props: baby photos, rope, clothespins.

Tests on floor sites

phone with lollipop

A “deaf phone” type test, only with two lollipops in the mouth of all transmitters.

Groom! Your fiancée asked you to send something through her friends! Now I will whisper this in the ear of one of your friends, he will pass it on to the next one - until these words reach you. And to show that you are ready to overcome any difficulties on the way to the bride, convey what was said with two lollipops in your mouth!

The one who makes a mistake, if any, will have to carry the groom to the 2nd floor.

Props: 10 lollipops, a phrase from the bride.

Favorite dates

To reach the bride

Pass the test!

The groom is given two sets of cards. On some - dates, on others - important events in the life of the bride. The groom must connect all the cards in pairs. Now we will check how well he knows his beloved!

Props: 2 sets of cards.


You came to us from afar -

And here is the obstacle: the river!

Do not be shy, do not force -

Bring all your friends!

The river is drawn. The groom must carry all the bridesmaids across the river - let's check if he can carry his wife in his arms every day. Moved? Can a future husband afford such a thing? Will have to pay!

Props: colored crayons, a pre-drawn river.


Have you been in love for many years?

Draw her portrait!

The groom must draw the bride blindfolded - but not just like that, but following the instructions of friends. For example, if they say that the bride has a camp like a birch, they will have to draw something similar to a birch.

The witness (so that he is not bored) in the meantime, according to the instructions of the other half of the men, must draw a portrait of the groom.

Props: 2 scarves, 2 sheets of paper, 2 markers, tape.

Mother-in-law's name

On the steps - the name of your beloved mother-in-law.

Walking up the steps, the groom must name the quality of the mother-in-law with the corresponding letter.

There are a lot of good words in the world -

Your mother-in-law deserves all of them!

Walking these steps

Tell us the qualities of mother-in-law!

Props: crayons. Write letters.

Wine and vodka test

The groom is offered to name a dozen good wines worthy of a holiday.

The groom names the brands of wines.

If you drink it all

Then you will not go to the bride!

Sing a song to pay off!

Song of the groom or payment.


And the groom is not lame there?

Come on, stomp your foot!

With a witness for a couple

You dance to us ... can-can!

Wasting no time,

We'll eat a banana for now!

We need bananas.

Before entering the apartment:

You've done it

Call the top of your head at the door!

Hallway test

It's hard to please you

Great are your requests!

However, if you can't help it,

I'll try to help.

We have one girl...

It's not easy to get it!

So be it, I'll help

But I can't do it for free.

Times are not easy these days.

And for that, the dog does not howl.

To find a bride

Pay us for information!

We bring the groom to the arrows.

We blindfold the groom, unwind, deciding which of the arrows he should follow. You never know where he will stop there, but he must first go to his mother-in-law's room. It’s not difficult for us, if anything, to give the groom the arrow we need?

Props: arrows, scarf.

Measuring IQ

Let's check the groom's IQ! Let him guess our riddles:

1. How many teeth does the bride have? (32)

2. What can no one eat for breakfast? (Dinner and lunch)

3. Who wouldn't get their hair wet in a shower? (Bald)

4. How fast must a dog run in order not to hear the sound of a frying pan tied to its tail? (A dog can run at supersonic speeds or stand).

5. What won't fit into the biggest pot in the world? (Lid)

Trials at the door of the bride's room

Poems for your beloved

On the piece of paper that is given to the groom - the words. He must quickly compose verses from them for his beloved.

Props: a piece of paper with pre-written words.


In front of a closed door, the groom must say in three languages ​​- these are at least magic words so that the door opens (a declaration of love to the bride). So what is next…

A piece of wallpaper is glued to the door, a heart is drawn on it. All the groom needs is to redeem the scissors and pave (cut) his way to the heart of his beloved!

Props: wallpaper, adhesive tape, felt-tip pen, scissors.

Tailor the ransom scenario to your friends, their habits and interests, and you will be remembered as the best a witness, and a ransom script, that you have compiled will be a good start to the happiest wedding day!

Do you want to know what signs guarantee a happy marriage and the soonest marriage of a witness? Read