Beading flowers for beginners. Beading for the very beginners: schemes and master classes. Threads for beads can be taken in different types

Today we will talk with you about how to make a flower from beads. It's actually quite easy, especially if you know some of the basics. We will learn them, and also see bead color schemes that even a beginner can handle. Nevertheless, in their beauty, such flowers are no different from more complex compositions. So let's quickly start studying our topic.

Choosing a wire

Naturally, one of the most important points in our difficult business is the wire. Or a line. It is due to this "inventory" that our craft will keep its shape. So the choice of fishing line must be approached more than seriously.

The thing is that bead color schemes, as a rule, include different beads, and the technology of "tangling" the wire can be quite complicated. So, through the same bead, you will have to pass the fishing line several times. This fact must be taken into account.

It is best to choose a copper wire with a cross-sectional diameter of 0.3 mm. In the presence of translucent beads, you can pick up several types of this "inventory", colored. There are black, and yellow, and white, and green wire - any that the buyer wishes.

The secret of beading

So, answering the question of how to make a flower out of beads becomes a little easier. And now let's try to figure out one more rather important issue with you before proceeding to weaving. It's a matter of bead selection. Due to it, the effectiveness of the craft will change. So there are many options on how to make unforgettable, beautiful and sophisticated beaded crafts.

It is best to weave a flower from several colors of beads. If it's pink, then pick up a few different shades, and then get to work. "Give" paler tones under the edging: with it, the flowers will look even more delicate and beautiful. If you opted for a dark blue color or even black, then for the piping it would be preferable to choose white or pale yellow. So weaving flowers from beads will ultimately lead to the creation of an unforgettable composition.

In addition, if you decide to weave bouquets or single flowers, then you will have to decide what diameter of beads to choose. The hole should not be too big or small. If you have given your preference to a wire of 0.3 mm, then beads with a hole with a diameter of 0.4 mm will be enough for such a craft.

Now we are ready to consider in detail how to make a flower out of beads.

Gathering inventory

So, first we will take on the most delicate and beautiful flower - a rose. Let's see how quickly and easily such beaded crafts are made. The flower is created after a little preparation. We will start with her.

First of all, decide how many buds and what color you will do. It's worth starting with one thing. Try your hand and decide if you can continue to weave flowers from beads. So, you will need a copper wire (or colored) 0.3 mm, as well as beads of 3 colors 0.4 mm. At a minimum, you should have green beads available. But the other two shades are already a matter of your imagination. For example, you can make a simple pink beaded flower with a white edging. Looks very impressive. So, stock up on wire (several skeins), beads (on the middle bag of each color), as well as wire cutters (scissors will do) and some kind of skewer for the stem (it can be a pen). True, you can do without it. Now let's try to weave a flower from beads and wire with our own hands.


Well, let's start with something that not a single flower can do without. These are leaves. In general, on crafts made of beads, the leaves are made in approximately the same way. So, with at least a little practice, you can easily and simply cope with the task.

Thinking about how to make a flower out of beads? Then cut a piece of 30 cm from the wire, then fold it in half. Put on one green bead and lower it to the very center of the workpiece. Then, from one end, it is worth skipping 2 more beads. Pass the second end of the wire through the resulting chain on the other side and tighten. In the end, you should get a "spout": a single bead in the center, a double composition is fixed under it.

A beaded flower for beginners in this way can be woven very simply. After you have received the first hints of a leaf, continue to put beads on one end of the wire, followed by fixing the "chains": 3 pieces, 4, 3 and 2 again. After that, look what happened. Tie a knot on the end row. You have your first sheet ready. Such elements will have to create 6 pieces. As you can see, nothing complicated so far. All is ready? Then it's time to move on to more difficult tasks.

Large sheets

In order to learn how to make a flower from beads, we need to make a few more leaves. They are a little different from the ones we just wove. The first difference is their purpose. Small leaves are the decoration of the stalk, and large ones serve us to support the bud, which we will learn how to make a little later.

First, cut a long piece from the wire. Its length is 60 cm. Like last time, we bend it in half and thread a green bead. Now, in order for the beaded flower for beginners to be able to hold the bud and shape, you need to make large leaves. They are made in the same way as the small ones. Only their scheme is slightly changed.

We will have to weave a sheet consisting of 11 rows: 1 bead, 2, then 3, 4, 5, 6, and then again 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Tighten the last row and tie a knot with both ends of the wire. See what you got. If you evenly tighten the "line", then a fairly neat sheet will be in your hands. Make 3 of these blanks. Each should take about 5 minutes. Do not cut off the long remaining ends anywhere. We will need them during the assembly of the composition. And now it's worth seeing how to make a flower out of beads. More precisely, let's prepare the bud.

For the bud

So, if you are thinking about how to make a flower from beads, for example a rose, and your leaves are already ready, then you can proceed to more difficult elements. For example, let's try to collect parts for a bud. They are relatively easy to create if you understand how and what to do.

First of all, take the wire, and then cut a piece of 60 cm from it. Bend it in half (in the same way as in the case of creating leaflets). Put one bead in the center of the craft. The color you plan to leave the flower. For example, pink. After that, continue to weave in the same way as the petals, but slightly changing the technique.

Create a part of the bud in 8 rows. To begin with - that same single bead of ours, then you should put on a row of 2 beads, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 pieces. Each time, fasten the craft by threading both ends of the fishing line through the entire "row" from opposite sides. Fine, but very carefully tighten the craft. Now it remains to see what happened. Something like a "skirt". This is our first petal for a bud. Only it's not finished yet. Put the craft aside, we'll deal with it later. A simple beaded flower is made up of 5 elements of this kind. So first weave all the blanks, and then we will begin to finish them. All is ready? You can get down to business.

We make out the edging

Now that the 5 petals of our bud are ready, it remains only to finish them beautifully, then fasten them together and see what we got. So, if you decide to make a colored edging (in our example, a pink flower with a white edging is considered), then the first thing you need is to complete the last, longest row of each sheet with a set of the desired edging color.

After that, take the necessary beads again, and then type 9 beads on each end. Beaded flower schemes quite often include a similar technique. After that, pass the ends of the wire through the very first bead on the petal ("nose"). Tighten and secure the craft. Look what happened. The same should be done with the rest of the blanks. But that is not all. We do not have enough 5 petals for a beautiful bud.

Now that we already know how to weave the parts to create a flower, we will have to work hard and make 4 more sheets. They are made and shaped in exactly the same way as the petals for a bud, only they have not 8, but 9 rows, the last of which includes 16 beads. In addition, the piping on the sides will consist of 10 beads. When everything is ready, you can see how to make a rose flower from beads.


And now comes the final stage of our conversation. Now we will collect a rose from the resulting blanks. Let's start with the fact that weaving flowers from beads in parts is an easy and interesting activity. All the components are quite easy to make, but putting it together can be quite difficult. So prepare a long piece of fishing line or transparent wire so that our craft keeps its shape.

Start bud formation. To do this, slightly bend 5 small petals, and then fasten them by twisting the long ends of the wire. They should be wrapped around your "leg" in a woven form. If the fishing line (wire) is quite strong, then you can do without additional support: just weave the ends into a tight leg. Next, bend the large petals. They should wrap around a small bud blank. Look what happened: a rose has formed. Do the same with the ends of the wire: wrap around the base or simply braid together.

Next, weave three large sheets under the bud. At this point, you will already have a beautiful and strong stem. It will have to "insert" small green leaves. Ready? Then fix the craft, and pass the wire or fishing line through the bud so that it does not lose shape. That's all. The beaded rose is ready.

Today we will look at some of the simplest patterns for beginner bead weaving craftswomen. These descriptive diagrams will help you understand the basic principles of creating fragile and delicate beaded flowers, on the basis of which you can design and make your own unique bouquets. Each such schematic picture is a small master class for beginners and experienced needlewomen, if you learn how to read beading patterns, you can easily weave any flower, guided only by a diagram without a description.

Master class number 1: Forget-me-nots

Remember the cute and touching flowers - forget-me-nots. For these colors, three colors of beads are used: dark blue or bright blue, yellow and pale green. The flower is absolutely simple. 6 beads are strung on a piece of wire (about 10 cm): 1 yellow and 5 blue, as seen in the diagram. The free end of the wire is threaded into the second, third, fourth blue bead, then into the yellow one. The ends of the wire are twisted under the yellow bead. The flower is ready. We carry out the green leaf according to the “c” scheme: transverse weaving in 7 rows. Combine several flowers on one stem, attach the leaves and the mini-bouquet is ready.

Master class number 2: Daisies

For a bouquet of wild flowers, you will certainly need daisies. It will take more time to create a field chamomile with your own hands than for forget-me-nots. But no flower will repeat the true Russian beauty of a charming chamomile. The set of beads is almost the same, only replace the blue beads with matte white.

10-12 petals are woven from white beads according to the “a” pattern. The wire is better to take silver. The core can be made in the same way as the forget-me-not flower. Chamomile leaves are more complex and carved than in the first scheme. The more interesting the finished flower will look.

Master class number 3: Bells

Wildflowers are beautiful and simple, like nature itself. If you picked flowers in the field, you would certainly come across fragile and naive bluebells. Their natural color ranges from pale blue to dark purple. Therefore, you can choose beads in the color that you like best. According to the “a” scheme, it is necessary to weave only 5 petals, since you will collect them in a cup, repeating the shape of a bell. Then you need to make a stamen from yellow or burgundy beads, depending on the color of the petals. The wire itself, on which the stamen is formed, will become the basis for the entire flower. Therefore, its length must be sufficient. A bell gathers around the stamen, and a green leaf is attached to the stem below, made according to the “c” pattern.

Master class number 4: Lily

Successfully complete your first bouquet, completely created by your own hands, a gentle and shy snow-white lily.

To make a lily, you will need the same set of beads as for daisies. Only the lily is a larger flower, which means you need more beads. The patterns for making petals and leaves for a lily are similar to those for bells. Only flowers made of beads have different stamens. The lily has three of them, one long and two shorter. Diagram “b” shows the number of beads for the stamens, and to make them thicker, the wire with yellow beads is twisted in a tight spiral.

Now that all the flowers for the bouquet are ready, you can make additional greenery of any size from green beads to enliven the wildflowers. You can assemble a bouquet in a vase or basket arbitrarily, and you can make different variations of bouquets depending on your mood and occasion.

We present you a photo of a flower made in three rows of glass beads and beads. The middle is a large bead.

A weaving pattern for such a product is not required, since the photo shows very clearly how the flower is made. By varying the size, color and type of beads, even this pattern can create different flowers.

By this principle, you can do anything. Elements of missing greenery, wings of a dragonfly or a flower for hairpins and brooches.

Patterns are required for complex compositions, such as techniques such as mosaic weaving.

Master class number 5: Rose in mosaic technique

It should be said right away that it is not quite easy to make such a beaded flower. The work ahead is painstaking and difficult, but the result is worth all the effort. The rose is voluminous and lively, especially if you use 2-3 shades of red and green beads to create a flower.

For a beautiful and natural beaded rose, you will need:

  • beading needle;
  • nylon thread or fishing line;
  • beads of red and green color of different shades;
  • base for the stem (rod or wire 2-3 mm thick);
  • scissors;
  • round base with holes.

Let's start our master class with a description of the manufacture of leaves for a rose. The size of such sheets can be made different. You can strictly follow the scheme below, using two shades of green beads. Moreover, the color can range from dark green to light green. For our case, we will slightly change the color scheme. Let's mix two shades of bright green mother-of-pearl beads and we will collect beads on the needle in random order.

For a rose, you will need three leaves that are sewn to a side branch, as seen in the photo. To keep the leaves and petals better in shape, use a thread or fishing line 0.2 mm thick. When you start weaving some part, the first row will turn out to be not quite even. So it should be, continue weaving according to the pattern, and after 2-3 rows the element will begin to take the desired shape.

Next, the master class moves on to weaving a green leaf. You need to start from the middle. First one half of the sheet is woven, then the second. If you use more than two shades of green, make sure they are close in tone.

Then we start weaving the sepals. In roses, they are elongated and thin. It will not be difficult to weave them. They are sewn at the very end of the work around the perimeter of the finished flower.

Now let's talk about petals. They can be of different shapes, you can create a scheme for them yourself. They are weaved in the same way as the leaves, starting from the center to the edges. First you need to make one half, then the other. In the two pictures you see two vivid examples of mosaic beadwork for rose petals. You can try any of them, each is worthy of attention. They differ somewhat in shape and color scheme, but each of the schemes will help to create a beautiful beaded rose. Now let's take a closer look at the weaving of the petals.

If you want to make the rose shown in the photo, then you will need the following number of petals: one small, three slightly larger petals, five medium and seven largest petals. The first rose petal is vertically twisted into a tube, the rest of the petals gather around it in order.

For weaving a rosebud, you can take the pattern below. It shows in detail the step-by-step execution of the petals. The petals shown in other diagrams are woven according to the same principle. Often on one branch there is a rose and an unopened bud. Do not forget to frame your flower with sepals, like a full-fledged rose.

You can decorate the stem for a rose in many ways.

  1. Wrap the rod with corrugated or tissue paper. To do this, you will first need to screw all the elements of the finished flower to the stem, wrap them with any strong thread and coat with PVA glue. Paper is the most suitable material for beginner craftswomen;
  2. Continuous entanglement of the rod with a green thread. So you can hide all the ends of the wire, but the thread must be selected close in color to the green beads;
  3. Medium in complexity method: entwining the stem with a thread with strung beads. The complexity of this method lies in the fragility of the structure;
  4. Beading directly around the stem. This option for creating a stem is very laborious and requires skill. But the overall impression of the flower will be the most natural.

Examples of weaving with mosaic technique

In mosaic technique, not only roses are made, but also many flowers and trees. Moreover, the same type of flower, made in different techniques and color shades, is good in its own way. Poppies, dahlias, asters, gladioli, apple blossoms and sakura look very original in the mosaic technique. Flowers due to dense weaving and carefully thought-out color schemes look exceptionally natural.

Not only flowers, but also green leaves of trees made in this technique look believable and colorful. If you are bored and have a lot of free time, make an autumn maple leaf from beads, which will delight you with its colors even on the most gloomy and bad weather. And the fact that you made it with your own hands will warm and cheer you up in bad weather.

Thus, flowers, trees and branches with the help of beading will appear in your collection.

You can also weave a lovely butterfly or a bright beetle from beads.

Beading trees and ornaments

Another direction of beadwork was the art of bonsai. Small trees in pots will be appropriate on any desk, and they do not require any care. A tree in a pot can be given as a gift or woven for sale, now handmade is very much appreciated.

It also became possible to make jewelry with your own hands using beadwork. Moreover, jewelry can be made in any color and for any style of outfit. Necklaces made of flowers and figured earrings made in mosaic technique or combined from small elements into three-dimensional compositions look very beautiful.

On our site you will find many lessons and master classes on different types and techniques of beading. Based on them, you can create something new and unique.

Using video trainings, you will be able to consider this or that weaving technique in dynamics. But this does not mean that you do not need photo instructions, they will also help you in learning a new type of needlework for you, but from the other side. If in the video you do not consider all the steps of weaving, then in the photo it is much easier to do it. At the same time, the video lesson is accompanied by off-screen comments and more detailed explanations of technical subtleties.

Nowadays, people are spoiled by different techniques and styles of decor in the interior, but only beading allows you to create almost any fantasy in a three-dimensional design, which helps to complement a boring interior with picturesque and unique details.

Video: Weave a flower for a brooch according to the scheme


Technique for making various crafts from beads we have already devoted many interesting articles with master classes and diagrams for beginners masters. Published materials explain the process step by step weaving elements from beads according to schemes and folding crafts (animals, women's jewelry, trees ). In this article you will find understandable master classes with photos, diagrams and video tutorials on making graceful do-it-yourself beaded flowers.

For the manufacture of flowers and other handicrafts, craftsmen use beads in the form of small beads (2-5 mm in diameter) of a flattened shape from the side of the holes, as well as oblong-shaped glass beads (up to 8 mm).

Even the simplest beaded flowers it is desirable to collect according to the prepared scheme. The final appearance of the assembled crafts is influenced by various factors: the number and sequence of beads strung, the color and shades of the surface of the beads (glossy, matte, transparent), size and shape.

The technique of weaving flowers from beads absolutely anyone can master it. True, the manufacture of some large polysyllabic flowers can take a long time, as this is a painstaking task and requires absolute composure and care. For beginners, it is important from the very beginning to learn how to read the assembly diagrams of craft elements and master basic principles of beading . Thanks to the efforts expended, you will learn how to weave bright, unique and beautiful flowers from beads (roses, carnations, chamomiles, gladiolus, chrysanthemums and many other species) with your own hands. Such flowers can decorate various women's accessories, hairpins and headbands, bracelets, handbags, clothes.

There are many beading methods. Many crafts in the form of flowers can be made using the technique of arc or French weaving, and some craftsmen make large and very original flowers. in the technique of parallel weaving. Often experienced craftsmen combine several different bead weaving techniques in the manufacture of each flower.

How to prepare for the work of a novice master?

buy 3-4 bags of beads. Choose colors that go well with each other.
String beads on wire, thread or fishing line. To begin with, we advise you to use a thin fishing line in your work.
Sharp scissors should also be on hand;

Before you start weaving crafts, spread a light, smooth fabric (shawl, towel) at your workplace. Pour small heaps with different (in color, shape) beads onto the fabric;

With the help of scissors, you need to cut off a piece of fishing line that is convenient for weaving. It is not advisable to make a segment that is too long, because due to inexperience you will easily get confused. To prevent the product from twisting or wrinkling from tension, pay attention to how the beads fit when strung on a fishing line. The beads should not be strongly pressed against each other or noticeably sag;

To weave a flower, you can draw a diagram yourself, which will indicate the color and sequence of the beads. But we advise beginners to use ready-made beading patterns to make the flower symmetrical and with regular-shaped petals.


With the help of instructions with a photo, you can easily and quickly make flowers from beads in the form of roses and make a beautiful bouquet out of them.
To make this craft, you need to prepare a thin flexible wire and one pack of pink and green beads.

we string nine pink beads on 3 loops of wire. We string 7 pieces on the free one end of the wire and thread it through the central bead of the extreme loop;

now we string 2 beads on the wire, thread through the central bead of the middle loop;

we also pass the wire through the outer loop and 7 beads, strengthening at the bottom of the petal;

we connect 5 petals with each other, and twist the inner one into a bud;

we twist the green petals using the French weaving technique - starting from the 2nd row, we fix the leaves of the flower in the center of the previous row. We attach the leaves of the flower to the bud.


Master class number 1:


Master class number 2:


Master class number 3:


Master class number 4:


Master class number 5:


Master class number 6:


Master class number 7:


Master class number 8:


Master class number 9:


Master class number 10:

Work with beads and beads is becoming increasingly popular among people who are fond of arts and crafts. Many different techniques associated with this multifaceted material are constantly emerging. Our flower beading workshops are aimed at introducing you to the most popular of them.

Beading orchid flowers

Materials needed to create an orchid:

  • wire for weaving flowers and petals, not thick, so that it can bend and intertwine well;
  • wire for the stem of the plant, thick, so that it can withstand the load from the entire product and does not bend;
  • beads to create flowers and petals (orange, brown, green, two shades of yellow);
  • yellow beads of medium size;
  • planting pot;
  • gypsum;
  • brown thread or brown teip tape (sold in floristry or needlework stores), for winding the stem of the plant.

The procedure for creating orchid petals and assembling a flower:
At one end of a thin wire, about a meter long, we make a small loop. From the free end we put on four beads of the main color of the future flower. The free end of the wire is now also bent into a loop but much larger, as shown in the pictures.

We take our four beads as the basis of the future petal. At the next stage, we begin to build up the future petal by stringing and braiding our base with wire with beads of the main color so that there are no gaps and gaps between the rows. Thanks to this, the finished product will look much more natural and aesthetic. It will be necessary to make three semicircles with wire with beads on each side of the base. To make it easier to understand the sequence, carefully study the picture.

Having finished the last semicircle of the petal, and having fixed it, a small piece of wire remains, which will need to be wrapped several times at the base of a large loop for the strength of the product.

Now you need to tidy up the rest of the wire so that the petal is ready to form a flower. To do this, we compress the large loop into a leg, and straighten the wire with a small loop and pass it from the inside of the petal through its base to the leg, fix it and cut off the excess.

The flower will consist of five petals. The remaining four are made in the same way as described above. At this stage, you need to prepare two stamens, one from a medium-sized yellow bead, and the second from yellow beads. You also need to collect small brown petals to decorate the middle of the future flower. The side brown petals should be made from a base of eight beads and one semicircle on each side. And the petal, which will be in the middle, consists of a base of six beads and two semicircles from it.

To assemble a flower, you need to connect all the prepared parts by twisting the wires. We focus on the tips indicated in the pictures. Most importantly, for the strength of the product, do not forget to tightly wind the finished flower with a separate piece of wire, thereby forming a reliable flower stem. In total, five flowers must be made for an orchid branch.

The procedure for creating orchid buds:
The bud is created with the main color, with a base of three beads and one pair of semicircles on each side of the base. To give the bud a volumetric shape, the third row of semicircles of beads must be made one bead smaller and rather tight.

For one bud, you need two such voluminous petals to sew them together with wire into a ball, after inserting a bead inside. To form a future branch, you need to make four such buds.

How to create leaves:
The creation of the entire orchid takes place according to the same French weaving system. The leaves are made in the same way as the petals, only an oblong shape. They will not be more massive than the rest of the details, for them you can pick up a thicker wire.

Make the leaves as long as you wish and in any quantity. You can sew the leaves with green wire for strength, as seen in the pictures.

The final collection and decoration of the orchid branch:

Form a stem from two wires of different diameters, twisting them together for strength. Attach all flowers and buds with the same wire to the stem, as shown in the pictures. At the very bottom of the stem, fix the leaves. The barrel must be tightly wrapped with brown thread or teip tape to hide the wire. Set the finished product in a pot of plaster. You can decorate the pot by painting the gypsum to match the color of the earth, or you can fill it with small pebbles, tree bark.

Mosaic weaving of orchid flowers:

Below are the schemes according to which it is most convenient to perform mosaic weaving of petals for an orchid. Choose the desired color scheme for the future product, and make three petals according to Scheme No. 1.

According to Scheme No. 2, you need to add additional beads. After, go back along the center of the weave and pull off the petal to achieve its relief.

In order to make the petals bigger, just add beads at the very beginning. And do all the previous manipulations.

One of the petals needs to be sewn over the edge, insert jewelry, stamens from beads and beads into the middle.

According to Scheme No. 3, you need to braid the edges of the petals to give them even more beauty and naturalness.

You can use a ready-made orchid according to your wishes, it will be an excellent decoration for your interior or emphasize your individuality as a brooch, hairpin.

Violets from beads

Required materials to create a violet:

  • beads in accordance with the desired color scheme and size of flowers;
  • the wire is flexible enough for weaving and thicker for fastening parts;
  • wire cutting tool (nippers, scissors);
  • threads for winding the stem or teip tape;
  • flower pot of the right size;
  • gypsum or other solution for planting and fixing the product.

Creating a violet:

On a piece of thin wire, make seven loops, each of seven beads. Form a bud according to the example suggested in the picture. For the strength of the stem, insert the wire thicker. Thus, make the required number of buds.

If you need a blooming bud, then on the segment with loops you need to make a loop in the middle of the main color of the future flower.

The stems need to be wrapped with green thread or teip tape.

To create stamens, you need to complete all the steps to create buds, only for three loops.

To create a violet petal, we take a new piece of wire and collect seven beads of the main color, twist and do this action in one more turn. The next turn may be beads of a different color. We do not cut the wire, we continue to make the next petal. One flower needs six petals. Twisting them with a stamen will make a small flower.

A large flower is made in the same way, only four turns. The number of colors may vary.

The leaves are created using the French weaving technique. The volume and length of the leaf can be varied.

To assemble the composition, you need to combine the created flowers and buds with each other.

We attach the leaves to the branches with flowers as shown in the picture.

In the end, it remains to fix the plant in a pot with gypsum or another solution.

Volumetric cinquefoil beaded

Only at first glance it may seem that in order to make a beautiful three-dimensional beaded flower, a lot of work and knowledge is needed. Of course, you will have to tinker, but everyone can do such work. On the example of this master class, you yourself will understand this. In it, we will create a sophisticated flower of delicate sakura

You can use a ready-made decoration of such a theme in many cases. Feminine and romantic flowers look like pendants, pendants, earrings, brooches, rings, and so on. You can also make original buttons, locks on a bag or purse, stripes for gloves, hats, scarves from flowers.

In this lesson we will work with pink and white beads, but you can use beads of any color of your choice, depending on what fate awaits the finished product and how you will wear it. Most often it is better to choose the color under the eyes or accessories.

In terms of complexity, this beadwork will be more for those who understand the basics of working with beads. For beginners, this lesson will also be useful. You can make a simple flat rose without bothering to create volume. Even if something is not clear from the description of the lesson, study the photos for it in detail, and then everything will fall into place.

Beginning of work.

Dial five beads, and thread them into the ring. Between each bead of the first row, weave another one - this will be the second in a row.

After that, add one bead between the beads of the second row. We do the same on the fourth row.

Visually, our product should grow to the sides, forming the future sakura flower. You kind of create it from the center to the edges, gradually enlivening.

After the fourth row, you can begin to form the petals.

Take smaller beads. Above the bead of the previous row, you need to make loops of three smaller beads, start baiting the petal.

We make the petal more voluminous.

Now take even smaller beads and make a petal border with them.

The finished petal must be pulled off so that it becomes convex.

By the same principle, we make the remaining four petals.

Beaded products will be a great addition to any interior, both at home and at work. Also, many products can be used as jewelry, which will add uniqueness and perfection to your style and complement it.

Master class on beading "Flowers from beads" - winter fantasy

The master class is designed for students in grades 6-7.

Appointment of the master class- interior decoration for the New Year holidays.

Goal and tasks: learning a new weaving technique (KCR - a frame with a central row), learn how to create various flower arrangements.

To cultivate accuracy in work, attentiveness and love for arts and crafts, to develop students' creative thinking, imagination, a sense of beauty.

The master class consists of 5 parts:

1. Making a flower according to French technology - a frame with a central row (CCR).

2. Weaving decorative elements (turntables, feathers).

3. Making spikelets

4. Compilation of various flower arrangements for the upcoming New Year holidays.

5. Other works made in the same technique.

Necessary materials:

· Beads for petals of white and blue flowers.

· Dark gray beads for the center of the flower.

· Blue beads for decorative elements.

Fine copper wire

· Rigid wire for flower stems.

Floral tape or corrugated paper.

· Strong threads.

· PVA glue.

Part 1

Making a flower according to the French technique - a frame with a central row (KCR).

The flower consists of 5 petals made in the technique (KCR) and the center.

Weave petals:

Form a frame with a central row 2.5-3 cm long, placing it in the center.

Run 3 pairs of arcs around the main axis.


At the end of weaving the petal, I advise you to thread the end of the wire at the top of the petal into the beads of the last arc. Then the wrong side of the petal will turn out to be “clean”.

For a flower, you need to weave 5 identical petals.

Weave the center of the flower:

String 1.5 cm of beads on the middle of the wire and pass it in the opposite direction with the working end of the wire, bypassing the first bead. It turned out "needle". At each end of the wire, make 2 more of the same needles, total -5.

flower assembly:

Distribute 5 petals around the center and twist the wire.

We tie a flower to a rigid wire, tightly wrapping it with a strong thread, grease it with PVA glue and wrap it with corrugated paper.

The white flower is ready.

Having mastered the technique of weaving KCR, I think that you can make two-color petals. I'll show you some options for color combinations.

Blue petal edge.

The blue center of the petal.

Blue petal tip.

The blue base of the petal.