Nail color disease. Diagnosis of health on the nails of the hands and feet. Nails and human diseases, how are they interconnected? Color, shape of nails and health. We determine the disease of a person by nails photo

A short flat nail is characteristic of people with an organic heart disease, which is expressed in sensitivity to "stuffiness", rejection of heat, physical fatigue

According to Tibetan medicine, nails are a by-product of bones. Look at the size, shape, surface and outline of your nails. See also if they are flexible, soft, delicate, or brittle, easily broken.

If the nails are dry, hooked, rough, easily broken, then the body is dominated by the wind.

When the nails are soft, pink, tender, easily bent and slightly shiny, then bile predominates in the body.

If the nails are thick, strong, soft, very shiny, with the same contour, then mucus predominates.

Long lines on the nails indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system. Cross grooves on the nails indicate poor nutrition or advanced diseases.

Sometimes the nails are protruding, convex, bulbous, similar to drumsticks. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

When the nail is spoon-shaped and concave so that it can hold a drop of water, it indicates an iron deficiency.

White spots on the nail indicate a lack of zinc or calcium.

Nail coloration may indicate specific disorders.

If the moon is a crescent at the base of the nail (blue means liver disorders; red is a sign of heart failure).

Pale nails indicate anemia. Excessive redness of the nails indicates an excess of red blood cells. Yellow nails indicate liver weakness or jaundice. Blue nails indicate a weak heart and lungs.

White dots on the ring finger indicate calcium deposits in the kidneys. If there are white dots on the index finger, this indicates an accumulation of calcium in the lungs.

Each finger has a connection with a specific organ. The thumb is associated with the brain and skull, and the index finger with the lungs. The middle finger is associated with the small intestine, the ring finger with the kidneys, and the little finger with the heart.

In ancient China, the primary diagnosis was made by the condition of the nails and points on the body.

Currently, this method has become very popular, as it can be done independently.

You yourself can diagnose yourself and your loved ones and identify the disorders that have begun in the body.

Look closely at your nails. You will see that the holes have become much thinner than before, or even completely disappeared. Only on the thumbs the holes are still large and light.

In heavy smokers or people who have lung problems, the holes will be small and thin. Oriental medicine, by the way, believes that if a person does not have a hole in his thumb, then he is not all right with his head. The majority of people still have a hole on their thumb, but what about others?

It is believed that the index finger reflects the condition of the large intestine. If the hole on it is significantly reduced or even absent, you need to pay special attention to the condition of the intestines, liver and pancreas. Inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases are also reflected in the holes of the nails of the index fingers.

The nails of the middle finger are responsible for the circulatory and vascular systems. If the hole on the nail of the middle finger is missing, the person has problems with blood pressure, veins and capillaries.

The hole on the nail of the ring finger reflects the work of the endocrine system. The absence of a hole on the nail of this finger indicates a metabolic disorder and problems with the lymphatic system.

The holes on the nails of the smallest finger are responsible for the condition of the heart and small intestine. That is why with age, it is the little finger hole that disappears first. The small intestine is slagged and as a result, the hole disappears. All this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (the hole of the ring finger becomes thinner), the heart cannot withstand negative changes (the hole on the nail of the middle finger disappears), and the large intestine is the last to surrender.

Our body is amazing! For example, the body can signal ailments with the help of nails. Chinese medicine has long recognized the close relationship between nails and liver health. The color of the nail plate also says a lot about the state of the blood.

Some diseases can be detected by carefully looking at your nails. Day.Az referring to "So Simple!" will tell you about 10 signs that may be a signal to see a doctor.


Discolored nails

This indicates a nutritional deficiency. The nail may also turn yellow due to the constant use of varnishes. Brown nails indicate diseases of the thyroid gland. White nails indicate a lack of iron. The bluish-gray shade of the nail plate is a lack of oxygen, problems with the lungs or heart.

brittle nails

If the nails exfoliate and break easily, there may be problems with the thyroid gland. This also happens with lichen planus (accompanied by rashes and itching). Nails can become brittle with age with frequent use of varnish, due to the influence of detergents.

hardened nails

This happens with arthritis, lung disease, diabetes. With eczema and psoriasis, the nails may be yellowish, slow growing, and thickened.

Spoon shaped nail

A concave nail means a lack of iron in the blood. You should eat more foods that increase hemoglobin levels.

Stains on nails

White spots on the nails are quite common. This is not a cause for concern. The reason may be an imbalance of nutrients in the body or even stress. As a rule, specks appear and eventually disappear. Eat food that contains a lot of vitamins.

Horizontal furrows

They can appear due to damage and trauma, due to the influence of extreme temperatures and as a result of chemotherapy.

Fingers of Hippocrates

If you notice that the nails increase and become soft, this may indicate a symptom of drumsticks. Bulb-shaped thickening of the phalanges of the fingers occurs in chronic diseases of the liver, heart, lungs.

white lines on nails

Most often found on the index, middle and thumb. They signal a lack of protein, which can be caused by malnutrition, liver problems, stress.

dark vertical stripes

May be a sign of subungual melanoma, but it usually only affects one nail. In this case, the color of the nail also changes.

Red or brown streaks under the nails

Hemorrhages under the nail plates occur due to damage to the blood vessels. But sometimes such stripes can be caused by arthritis or psoriasis.

Pay attention to your nails: they may be trying to warn you about the disease! Of course, a change in the appearance of nails depends on many factors, therefore, only by their condition it is impossible to accurately diagnose any ailment.

Nail plates are an important indicator of overall health. To keep your nails healthy and looking great, add more carrots, seafood, nuts, oily fish to your menu.

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We spend a lot of time and money on nail care. But nails in our life play not only an aesthetic role: they can determine the state of the body.

website carefully studied medical sources and learned everything about what our nails say about health.

White spots on nails

Likely cause: injury.

Small white spots on the nails are not dangerous and usually appear as a result of minor trauma. In other cases, they may signal a lack of vitamins.

horizontal white lines

Likely cause: injury or zinc deficiency.

Horizontal lines, like spots, can occur as a result of trauma to the nail plate or with a lack of zinc and calcium. In more rare cases, they can talk about diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis. In this case, you will see horizontal lines on several nails at the same time.

vertical grooves

Likely cause: vitamin deficiency or injury.

Vertical grooves on the nails are a sign of trauma to the cuticle or base of the nail (for example, during a manicure), as well as a lack of vitamin B12, zinc and magnesium.

In people older than 50 years, such grooves are normal. Our nails age just like our faces. Such grooves on the nails are a kind of analogue of wrinkles on the skin.

yellow nails

Likely cause: external factors.

One of the common causes of yellow nails is smoking and acrylic build-up. In more rare cases, this color of the nail can indicate the presence of a fungus, thyroid disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases.

white nails

Likely cause: liver disease.

If your nails suddenly turn white, it could be a sign of incipient hepatitis or other liver problems.

bluish nails

Likely cause: lack of oxygen.

Nails with a bluish tinge indicate that the body is lacking oxygen. It may be related to lung problems. Therefore, if you notice a similar symptom in yourself, you should visit a doctor.

Irregularities on the nail plate

Probable Cause: lack of nutrients, injury to the nail plate.

Irregularities on the nail can occur due to an unbalanced diet, injury during a manicure, and even as a result of stress. In more rare cases, the surface of the nail with indentations or bumps may indicate psoriasis or arthritis. The nail itself is transparent, and the skin under it appears reddish-brown.

brittle nails

Probable Cause: external factors.

The fact that our nails break before they outgrow the edge of the finger is often our own fault. Those with split nails should wear gloves when washing dishes and using cleaning products, and use less nail polish remover.

In rare cases, nails become brittle due to thyroid disease and a deficiency of vitamins A, B and C.

dark line on nails

Likely cause: disorders of the digestive system, trauma.

Dark stripes on the nails occur as a result of a variety of reasons. They can appear due to mechanical damage, as well as due to digestive problems. In some nations, darkish stripes are a normal phenomenon associated with the peculiarities of skin pigmentation.

But there are cases when blackening under the nail is associated with such a dangerous type of cancer as melanoma. Therefore, if for no apparent reason a dark stripe appears on the nail, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

spoon nails

Probable Cause: lack of iron.

A curved nail plate in the shape of a spoon, on which a drop of water can hold, is a sign of a lack of iron in the body or, on the contrary, its excessive accumulation. Also, this form of nails can be inherited.

Concave nails in babies are a natural phenomenon associated with the formation of the body. By school age, with proper nutrition and full development, the nails should become smoother.

brownish streaks

Likely cause: injury.

If you didn’t pinch your finger with a door and didn’t accidentally hit it with a hammer, then brownish streaks on the nail may indicate a disease such as infective endocarditis. However, this disease has a number of non-specific symptoms. So, if you feel good and only a brownish stripe on the nail confuses you, remember where you could injure your finger.

Nail plates are a fairly reliable indicator of the state of health of the body. In some cases, they show signs of the disease much earlier than anywhere else. Thus, often the condition and appearance of the nails help to establish the presence of a particular chronic or acute disease and start treatment at an early stage. It is very important to carefully monitor the health of the nails and if there are any deviations, consult a doctor. We will talk about what diseases can be determined by the nails of the hands and / or toes in this material.

The cardiovascular system

Diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation appear on the nails at a time when the patient may not notice other symptoms. Thus, the most characteristic sign will be a change in the color of the nail from pink to bluish. This indicates that insufficient oxygen is supplied to the fingertips. This deviation can be determined quite accurately, since in this case not only the nails become bluish, but also the fingertips.

In this case, the definition of the disease by fingernails can greatly simplify the process of diagnosing and prescribing treatment, and most importantly, it allows you to notice the disease at an early stage. Due to the fact that we can talk about circulatory disorders not only in the fingers, but throughout the body, the problem can be quite serious. That is why timely treatment to the doctor is very important. A disease of this type is most often accompanied by general weakness, dizziness, and sometimes low blood pressure.

It is very important to know how to identify diseases by fingernails, because this can help diagnose very serious diseases. For example, the appearance of a dark spot on the surface of the nail may occur due to a banal mechanical injury, such as pinching or impact. But it can also be a sign of a very dangerous disease - endocarditis. Thus, if you notice such a stain on your nail, but are sure that you did not get injured, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Blood condition

Health status of the nails

Quite often it turns out to carry out the definition of the disease by the nails of the hands, when their condition is associated with any deviation in the composition of the blood. Thus, for example, if the nail bed is very light, almost white or with a slight pinkish tint, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the patient either already suffers from anemia, or it is just beginning to develop. Anemia is a lack of iron in the body, and therefore, a general blood test, which must be taken in this case, is likely to show low hemoglobin. In this case, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for diagnosis and proper treatment.

Another alarming condition of the nails, which can indicate disorders and diseases of the blood, is an overly saturated color of the nail bed. It can be bright - or dark - pink, almost red, very saturated shade. In this case, there is likely to be a significant excess of red blood cells in the blood. This phenomenon can occur under the influence of many factors, and therefore, it is necessary to pass a general clinical blood test. If there is a deviation in it, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Somatic diseases

Diseases of the internal organs and the color of the nails are very closely related. Color changes may appear as yellowing, darkening, bluish tint, or whiteness of the nail bed. Thus, bluish nails can indicate not only problems with the cardiovascular system, but also problems with the lungs and respiratory system, since the manifestation of this shade is primarily associated with insufficient oxygen saturation.

Another factor in how to determine the disease by the nails is yellowing. This phenomenon deserves close attention, as it can occur for many reasons. Both completely harmless, such as staining with a coloring pigment from nail polish when applied without a base, and much more serious. For example, nails can turn yellow with viral hepatitis and other liver diseases.

The most dangerous disease that is characterized by such a symptom is cirrhosis of the liver, which occurs for one reason or another. That is why you should consult a doctor if the yellowing of the nails appeared quite abruptly. However, with advanced cirrhosis, the plates, on the contrary, turn white in the area of ​​​​the nail bed. This can be observed both over its entire area, and exclusively in the area around the lunula.

Lung problems may be indicated by the disappearance of the lunula on the thumbnail. If the lunula on the index disappeared, then we are talking about problems with the large intestine, pancreas and liver. In addition, this can also serve as a sign of inflammatory processes in the pelvis.

Diet Violation

Very often, nails help to identify not so much diseases of the body as to characterize its general condition. Thus, a violation of the diet, the abuse of bad habits and other factors also find manifestations on the nail plates. In particular, many changes in the condition of the nails are associated with beriberi.

  • talk about calcium deficiency. However, this phenomenon can also signal violations in the work of the central nervous system;
  • If white spots appear on the nail of the index finger, on the contrary, we can talk about excessive deposition of calcium salts;
  • Nails become thin and brittle with a lack of vitamin C, iron, vitamin D, omega fatty acids, etc.

If you notice these signs in yourself, then you probably have grossly violated your diet recently, as a result of which the influx of nutrients into the body has decreased. It is necessary to consume a lot of cereals, which will provide nails with B vitamins, butter, rich in vitamin E, is very beneficial for nails. Sour-milk and, to a lesser extent, dairy products also contribute to the influx of calcium into the body, cereals and apples will also be enriched with iron.

Diseases of the nails

However, determining health by nails in this way may not be very effective during periods of seasonal beriberi, for example, in spring. In this case, even with full adherence to the diet, the amount of vitamins in the body is still reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to nourish them from outside. Good results are obtained by rubbing an oil solution of vitamins A and E into the nail plate, for example, from Aevit capsules. You can also use complex multivitamins.

The definition of diseases on the nails should be carried out only at home, and having carefully studied them. In order for the examination to be the most comprehensive and correct, it must be performed in daylight. It is also recommended to put your hand on a sheet of white paper in order to correctly determine the color of the skin and plates and avoid affecting their perception of the shades of the environment.

“Hands are the most honest part of a woman: they will tell what her tongue will never give out,” the French joke, hinting that one can recognize a carefully concealed age by hands.

In fact, hands are much more eloquent. According to the condition of the hands, and especially the nails, one can judge the disorders in the human body.
The nails can be used to diagnose disorders of the body and some diseases:
If the color of the nails is uneven, bluish, or paler than the color of the skin, there is reason to suspect a disorder in the circulatory system or an infection in the lungs (pneumonia).
Transverse grooves on the surface of the nail indicate a recent severe infectious disease.
Longitudinal scars on the nails are a sign of an unbalanced diet.
Horizontal dents or pits remain after a sharp, adversely affecting the body, change in diet.
Brittle nails are most often caused by frequent contact with aggressive detergents. Another more serious cause of brittle nails is a metabolic disorder.
White spots on the nails indicate an excess of sugar in the blood (possibly incipient diabetes).
Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail indicates a violation of fat metabolism, and may also indicate respiratory diseases.
The appearance of bulges resembling small pearls is a sign of a protracted viral disease.
Concave (spoon-shaped) nails can be a sign of anemia caused by a lack of iron in the body.
Holes of nails become whitish or pearlescent if the skin receives insufficient nutrition.
Nails begin to exfoliate or split if there is a malfunction in the functioning of the ovaries.
On the nails, you can also establish the approximate time of occurrence of deviations in the work of a particular organ. In a week, fingernails grow about 1 mm, and the full life cycle of a human nail is about 6 months. Based on this, we can conclude that the deviation, due to which the spots or grooves that appeared near the hole, appeared about 3 months ago.

Grooves are a sign of an unbalanced diet

Nails with a blue tint may indicate an infection in the lungs

Dry and brittle nails - a metabolic disorder, with a yellow tinge - a fungal infection

In old age, the nails may be lighter, it can also be a sign of diseases.

White nails with a dark rim - liver disease
Hands can also reveal the secret of internal changes in the body:
The purple color of the fingertips indicates a poor functioning of the digestive system.
Dark red with a lilac tint color of the fingertips indicates a malfunction in the kidneys.
Spots on the skin of the tubercles of Venus indicate disorders of the reproductive system.
Red nodules between the fingers can appear with thyroid diseases.
Rough skin on the back of the index fingers is a sign of gallbladder dysfunction.

Inflammation of the connective tissues of the nail
Nail care questions: Is it true that nail polishes contain poisonous substances?
The opinion about the harmful effects of varnishes on the health of the nail plates is widespread. It is only partly fair. Only low-quality varnishes of dubious origin have a harmful effect on nails. High-quality varnishes not only do not harm nails, but on the contrary, nourish, strengthen and protect them. Especially useful are nail coatings enriched with proteins, calcium, natural oils and vitamins. However, even under the highest quality nail polish of bright or dark color (scarlet, purple, dark brown, black, etc.), a protective base should be applied - it prevents bright coloring pigments from being absorbed into the nail plate and then the nails do not change the natural color.

Bad habit or sign of constant anxiety
What are different manicure products - varnishes, bases, fixatives?
All manicure products are complex compositions made up of chemicals from five basic groups: solvents, thinners, plasticizers, film-forming agents and dyes. In addition to the basic components, the composition of manicure products includes specific additives aimed at nail care (natural oils, vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc.).
Attention: low-quality varnishes may contain substances hazardous to health. These substances not only can cause allergic reactions, but also provoke the growth of cancer cells and can cause fetal malformation in pregnant women (!).
Dangerous components of nail polishes are recognized: toluene, sulfonamide formaldehyde rubber, formaldehyde, methacrylate, dibutyl phthalate (DBF). The basis for varnish (base) is the same varnish, only without dyes. The content of caring components in the base is usually higher than in decorative varnish. The tasks of the base under the varnish are to prevent the penetration of bright pigments into the nail plate, which over time give the nails a yellow color. A special base can be replaced with a regular light or transparent varnish. A fixative (protective coating) is a tool that no longer protects nails, but decorative varnish. Its task is to protect the lacquer pigments from fading in the light, to give strength to the lacquer coating and to maintain the original luster of the lacquer. There are no caring components in the fixer, since they cannot penetrate the nail plate through a layer of decorative varnish.
The following nutritional supplements will help strengthen nails: vitamins A and D, calcium, proteins. But, perhaps, the most pleasant way is to eat 200 gr. on an empty stomach for a month. fruit jelly, as gelatin is good for nails. It stimulates their growth, makes them stronger and smoother.

This is what healthy nails look like