Paper town with your own hands. Fairy-tale town: we make the most comfortable winter decoration with our own hands. Work materials

Children's crafts not only delight the eye with brightness and beauty, the process of their creation is a special pleasure for the child, because it is so nice to give an original little thing to someone close! And when the mother joins the creativity, the matter is argued doubly more fun. If your kid has already learned how to work with scissors, invite him to make a “real” paper house together: printable templates, step-by-step instructions and interesting ideas in our article.

Working with Templates

To make a house out of paper, use ready-made templates for printing: it's much easier than drawing the desired dimensions by hand. If possible, print a color template for the first time, it is easier to assemble:

  1. Print your favorite house model;
  2. Carefully cut out the details (or the entire diagram);
  3. Bend the paper along the marked lines using a ruler;
  4. Apply glue with a small brush to the joints of the elements, press them to glue.

Your first paper house is ready. Now you can complicate the task by choosing a black and white template for printing. Prepare brushes, paints, sheets of cardboard or drawing paper in advance. Gouache or acrylic is best for coloring a paper house in texture.

So let's get started:

In general, it is better to think over the design in advance, based on the purpose of the house. If it becomes a Christmas tree decoration, use the traditional New Year's colors - red with gold, blue with silver, white. Having decided to create a whole city out of paper, choose more restrained shades.

Practice shows that no matter how simple the printout template is, there is always a risk of ruining the craft. Little tricks will help you avoid incidents when creating a paper house:

  • Not all preschool children are able to cope with cutting out small details from thick paper - at best, the edge of the element will turn out to be uneven, at worst, you will have to re-print the template, and the child’s mood will be spoiled. Therefore, cut the workpiece yourself;
  • Making out the fold lines, do not forget about the doors and shutters on the windows, they need to be bent in advance, before gluing. When the craft is fully assembled, it is difficult to bend these parts evenly, and even more so to carefully cut through;
  • Using paper with a pattern (wallpaper) for the base, it is important to make sure that after gluing in all parts of the house, the pattern will be on the wrong side;
  • The roof is always the last element in assembling a paper house; after gluing it, it is almost impossible to correct flaws;
  • Sometimes when the glue dries, the edges of the paper diverge. One of two things is to blame: there was not enough glue or you need to better press the details of the template. For better fixation, connect the elements with paper clips and leave them until the adhesive is completely dry.

Paper House - Application Ideas

With a little imagination, you can expand the scope of paper houses. Here are three popular simple ideas:

Surely your baby already has a lot of ideas for using and decorating paper houses: let our printable templates help in realizing his creative desires.

The closer the New Year is, the more you want to be transported to some magical city, where the streets and squares are decorated with garlands, candles flicker in the windows of small houses, and from somewhere under the spiers of churches a festive bell ringing rushes ... But even if you stay for the holidays in the center of a huge metropolis, you can always open a portal to a fairy tale in your own home. Today we'll show you how.

You will need:

  • cardboard, foam board or thick paper;
  • tracing paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • mock knife;
  • mounting mat;
  • glue stick;
  • LED glow plugs.

Step 1. Think of a street

Before cutting out the winter town, it is worth preparing. Look for examples on Pinterest, flip through travel guides to your favorite countries, dream up...

At first I wanted to unite in my town several real and recognizable favorite buildings from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Oslo, Berlin, but it turned out to be not so easy. To turn a real house into a paper one, you need to simplify it very much, and apply the same degree of simplification to all the houses in the composition: if one house is a children's house and the other is realistic, the composition will fall apart. If everyone is realistic, you will cut out this beauty before the next New Year. In general, I decided to just look at how others are doing, borrow some elements (roofs, windows, doors) and create my own city, mixing elements like Lego parts.

Step 2. Draw houses

As a "building material" for the house, I chose the most ordinary drawing paper. It would be possible to take foam board (for the city “for centuries”) or cardboard, but I liked that the paper transmits light a little, it is easier to work with a cutter on it, and if something goes wrong, it’s not a pity to throw out the bad option and redo everything.

The easiest way to draw turned out to be this: first you sketch out the image by hand, then draw the contours and details of each house along the ruler. If you are not embarrassed by uneven lines, you can draw by hand, but if you want geometric clarity, you can’t do without a good square: you still have time to make mistakes when you start cutting.

Two important remarks. First, leave a couple of centimeters on the bottom and sides, they will come in handy to put the town. Secondly, so that you do not have to erase the lines of the drawing later, take a thin light pencil and draw the city in a mirror image. When you put it on the windowsill, all the dirt will remain on the back.

Step 3: Cut Out the City

Take a breadboard knife with a thin and sharp blade, put on calm music and start cutting. The contour should be left for later (especially if there are pipes and spiers on the roofs), start with windows and doors. Tip for the most scrupulous: you can cut along the ruler, sequentially cutting through first all the vertical, then all the horizontal lines.

Try not to cut off too much, but where possible, make the line a fraction of a millimeter longer. So there will be no uncut places in the corners.

Step 4. "Insert the glasses"

When the city is ready, cut out a part from the tracing paper that matches its outline. Translucent paper will cover the slits at the back, creating the effect of luminous windows curtained with thin curtains. I simply applied the tracing paper to the paper and cut around the outline with a cutter, ignoring small details like spiers.

Step 5. Make stiffeners

Remember those empty fields that we left when we drew the city? It's time to return to them. On the same side from which the city was drawn, walk along the lines of future folds with something solid and relatively sharp. Make a cut as shown in the photo and glue the edges, creating something like a box.

Step 6: Light the Candles

Here is the town and ready! Put it on a shelf or window sill, place LED candles behind it (they can also press the lower curved edge so that the city stands more reliably). If you are making a multifaceted city, it is not necessary to make a tracing paper background for the background: let the first row of houses be with dark walls and luminous windows, and the second - vice versa.

In recent years, New Year's vytynankas have been quite common, although earlier in Rus' it was this method of creating decor from paper and cardboard that was incredibly popular. Such popularity had nothing to do with fashion, and the point was that paper and cardboard were considered an affordable (though not always the cheapest) material for needlework.

Today, the situation has changed and everyone can make their own version of paper decor for the New Year and Christmas without spending money. However, cutting requires specific patterns, which can be downloaded for free and without registration in this material. Look, which you can also do with your own hands.

If you are planning to make a house out of paper, printout templates are not the only source material you will need. Also on hand should be battery-powered garlands or special battery-operated LED candles. In extreme cases, you can take ordinary garlands, which, with the right approach to the construction of the house, can also be used.

Christmas villages made of cardboard

New Year's vytynanki, in order to make cardboard houses for children with illumination, require careful preliminary preparation. For the New Year and Christmas, the house is decorated in different ways. To save on decor, but still make a unique stylish decor with your own hands, you can simply use paper. Templates for cutting out a New Year's house from cardboard can be printed from this material.

Next, you need to transfer them already to cardboard from paper, and then cut them out along the contours. For cutting, sharp nail scissors are used, and for hard-to-reach parts that are inside, you can use a clerical knife.

Advice! Only when working with a clerical knife, under the already finished and translated house, you need to put a board or a dense piece of cardboard that will protect the table surface from deformation.

In addition, to cut out one house and decorate it beautifully, you can cut out entire villages. Because, the appearance of a Christmas house with illumination in itself looks stylish and beautiful, and an entire village or a small European town on the windowsill is generally stylish and fun.

It looks beautiful if the villages are buried in snow, there are paper snowmen, small cars and Christmas trees decorated with toys nearby. Near the houses, you can scatter gifts and plant funny winter animals. All these stencils and templates can also be found in the articles on our website. We emphasize that everything can be downloaded and printed from our website for free, without additional registration or, moreover, any payment.

Even a child can make Christmas houses from cardboard with his own hands, but since you have to use scissors and a clerical knife, everything must be done carefully, carefully and under the supervision of adults. A specific master class on creating such New Year's houses can additionally be viewed on the video that illustrates this material. A village of cardboard houses will look great on a wide windowsill.

Where and how to put

For narrow window sills, it is better to make one house, but be sure to pay extra attention to its decor, make excellent lighting inside. And such a house will decorate a festive New Year's table or even a Christmas tree.

In our country, the New Year is a noisy and cheerful holiday, this is a wonderful time that begins with preparation. For joint creativity with a child, be sure to use stencils from this material to make beautiful holiday houses. Interesting ideas, stylish tips and unusual solutions can be found in the photos and videos from this material. Which

Soon the New Year and so I want to feel the joy and warmth that is inherent in this holiday. And whoever has difficulties with immersion in the “same” mood, we will achieve it with the help of the right decor. Let's glue and cut! Everything is like in childhood, but the result will delight even very sophisticated connoisseurs. So, let's begin…


  1. Thin white cardboard or white paper (I took whatman paper in a roll).
  2. Artificial white snow in a spray can (optional).
  3. An electric garland or a warm candle with an artificial flame.


  1. Stationery knife.
  2. Double sided tape.
  3. Carpet/mat for cutting.
  4. Two broad lines.
  5. Glue for paper (glue stick, glue moment Crystal or glue gun).

Print the patterns. Each has suggested dimensions, but you can scale them down or up as needed.

Prepare paper sheets for cutting. If the drawing paper was on a roll, then first you need to iron it to get rid of the bend. We do this with pre-cut pieces for each detail.

We expose the iron with steam, but do not drive for a long time in one place, otherwise the sheet will bend in the other direction. Movements should be smooth, without strong pressure.

To make it more convenient to fold in the future, make cuts in the form of a dotted line at the fold points.

After everything is cut out, we take the rulers, put the parts on a flat surface. We place the first ruler on the part on the right along the intended fold.

We put the second ruler from the bottom of the part to the left of the fold and, bringing it close to the right ruler, bend it up.

An even fold without creases is formed.

Thus, we bend along all the marked lines.

Let's not forget the roof.

We glue the side of the house. You can use a glue stick, but it is better to take Moment Crystal glue or a glue gun - the structure will turn out to be more durable.

We glue the roof.

We apply glue to the joints of the roof. To prevent the glue from drying out, glue first one slope, then the other.

It is more convenient to press the roof from the inside, putting it on one of the slopes.

The house is ready! We also glue the rest of the houses.

My dears, the New Year is coming soon, and so I want to feel again the joy and warmth that is inherent in this holiday. And whoever has difficulties with immersion in the “same” mood, we will achieve it with the help of the right decor. Let's glue and cut! Everything is like in childhood, but the result will delight even very sophisticated connoisseurs. So, let's begin...


  1. Thin white cardboard or white paper (I took whatman paper in a roll).
  2. Artificial white snow in a spray can (optional).
  3. An electric garland or a warm candle with an artificial flame.


  1. Stationery knife.
  2. Double sided tape.
  3. Carpet/mat for cutting.
  4. Two broad lines.
  5. Glue for paper (glue stick, glue moment Crystal or glue gun).

Print the patterns. Each has suggested dimensions, but you can scale them down or up as needed.

Prepare paper sheets for cutting. Since my drawing paper was on a roll, I had to iron it first to get rid of the fold. We do this with pre-cut pieces for each detail.

I set the iron with steam, but do not drive for a long time in one place, otherwise the sheet will bend in the other direction. Movements should be smooth, without strong pressure.

To make it more convenient to fold in the future, make cuts in the form of a dotted line at the fold points.

After everything is cut out, we take the rulers, put the parts on a flat surface. We place the first ruler on the part on the right along the intended fold.

We put the second ruler from the bottom of the part to the left of the fold and, bringing it close to the right ruler, bend it up.

An even fold without creases is formed.

Thus, we bend along all the marked lines.

Let's not forget the roof.

Glue the side of the house. I used a glue stick, but it's better to take Moment Crystal glue or a glue gun - the structure will be more durable.

We glue the roof.

We apply glue to the joints of the roof. To prevent the glue from drying out, glue first one slope, then the other.

It is more convenient to press the roof from the inside, putting it on one of the slopes.

The house is ready! We also glue the rest of the houses.

Looks like someone has moved into the house...

We also cut out the silhouettes of houses from whatman paper.

After we cut out a sheet of drawing paper with a width of the window sill + 12 cm and a length of about 90 cm. We mark 6 * 6 cm squares in the corners, do not forget to leave an increase for gluing.

Cut out.

We bend along the marked lines. We coat the gluing allowances with glue.

We glue the pallet.

We cut the front wall along the edges by 2.5 cm and glue it inward. So we added strength designs.

We take the front silhouette, stick double-sided tape on it - two strips (one is shown in the photo, then I glued the second along the bottom edge).

We glue the silhouette from the inside to the front wall. I intentionally didn't make the silhouette full length as I will have curtains there, but you can make it as long as you want by simply duplicating part of the drawing.

I also decided to strengthen the back wall, as in the future it will be cut. To do this, we take a strip 2 cm wide and a length equal to the length of pallet 1, I have 90 cm. We paste double-sided tape on it.

And glue the strip along the upper cut of the back wall of the pallet.

We outline the holes for the electric garland opposite the houses. Instead of a garland, you can use a heating candle with an artificial flame.

We cut holes and insert garland lanterns.

Attach double-sided tape to the back. I made small pieces in several of the most critical places, so that later it would be easier to tear it off.

We glue the stencil on the window, apply artificial snow from a can.

We put the houses and admire the result in different lighting conditions.

"Frost Freshness"

"Sunny Valley"

"Winter morning"

"Frost Haze"

At this stage it would be possible to finish, but we will go further.

Let's add the silhouettes of the houses that we painted on the window to the background, and put the holofiber inside - it will add "volume" and "lightness". We stretch the garland in front of the houses, and pull it from above. It turns out a real starry sky.

And this is how the houses look in the lights of the garland.

And now our magical city will delight and add New Year's mood in anticipation of the holiday.

All the best and Happy New Year!

Always yours,

Eugene (Cheerful elephant)