What is dangerous moderate oligohydramnios. Low water in pregnant women: what is dangerous and how is it treated

The female body is most surprisingly adapted to the birth and bearing of a baby. Absolutely everything in it is provided so that the child who was born feels complete comfort and nothing could prevent him from growing well and quickly. It also has maximum protection against harmful external factors. The amniotic fluid in which the child is located takes on the task. But in order for the little miracle to be really comfortable and not experience any difficulties, water must be present in the required amount. Moderate happens quite often, but you should not immediately raise the alarm. Initially, you need to understand this problem.

The importance of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid (medical name) fully provides everything necessary for the proper development of the unborn child. It contains various vitamins, hormonal compounds, oxygen and salt compounds that are very necessary for the fetus, which are the main building materials for the entire small organism.

Amniotic fluid is not only a nutrient medium for the baby, they also protect it in every possible way from various negative factors, gently reducing physical impacts, and neutralizing infectious attacks. As their number should increase, and the composition should be constantly updated, since the needs of the developing organism also grow and change. It is very important that the doctor who observes how the patient's pregnancy goes, monitors all anomalies and failures that can happen, in particular, this is a decrease in water. Such a problem can lead to serious complications during gestation.

Definition of concept and norm

Moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy is when the volume of amniotic fluid is slightly lower than necessary. This condition is most often easily corrected. With the help of modern equipment, the problem that has appeared can be diagnosed during the 2-3 trimester. Most often, this pathology is called an implicit deviation.

At various stages of gestation, there are indicators of the volume of amniotic fluid. In the first month and a half, they are only 5 ml. Then there is a constant increase in their volume, and already a few weeks before the baby appears, it can vary from 1 to 1.5 liters. Immediately before the birth itself, the water becomes less: about 600 ml.

The intrauterine fluid is constantly updated. In the last stages of gestation, these processes occur every three hours. During the day, the baby swallows approximately 4 liters of water. The products of its vital activity are excreted through special channels and pores of the amnion. This liquid is obtained in the course of the work of the epithelium of the aquatic membrane.

If there are minor deviations from the norm downward, then this condition is defined as moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy. The treatment and consequences of this disease can be different, so the problem requires constant monitoring by specialists, and after that, the appointment of a medical correction.


Such an ailment can be divided according to the degree of duration into chronic and acute forms. The problem, which belongs to the first type, develops in stages. Treatment will take a long time. In the absence of therapy, the phenomenon gradually begins to progress. This form can occur in a future mother in the presence of a serious illness, for example, diabetes mellitus. In order to minimize the negative consequences, a woman must constantly undergo all the prescribed examinations and take appropriate medications.

Acute oligohydramnios during pregnancy is also quite common, the causes and consequences of which are milder. The most common source of the problem is infectious diseases. This condition is characterized by fewer complications and does not require special procedures.

You can also divide the disease into a primary one, which develops without disruption of the functioning of the membranes, and a secondary type, which occurs against the background of various pathologies. Under the influence of this, the amniotic fluid simply flows out.

Low water during pregnancy. Causes and consequences

The reviews of modern experts made it possible to distinguish the following categories of side effects of oligohydramnios:

- Abnormal fetal development. Most often, these are various problems in the formation of kidneys and face shapes. It is possible to exclude the presence of this factor starting from the 23rd week, after a second ultrasound examination is performed.
- A variety of untreated bacterial infections that the pregnant woman suffered. Quite often it can be a disease that a woman has caught already while carrying a fetus. The danger is easily detected as early as the 20th week. At this point, hormones begin to actively progress, thereby provoking oligohydramnios.
- Decrease in the secretion function of the membrane that forms the fetal egg, as well as the pathological production of the epithelium.
- High blood pressure, not falling during the entire period of gestation. In case of significant jumps, the amount of fluid may be lost, most often occurs at the 21st week.
-If a woman carries a child for more than 40 weeks, then already from the 38th, oligohydramnios during pregnancy may begin. The danger of low water is described above. Therefore, it is recommended to induce labor, since at 36 weeks the baby is completely ready to be born.
- Multiple pregnancy. In this case, such a pathology develops due to uneven division of blood flow in the placenta.
- Significant violations of metabolic processes, which are most likely to be detected at 21-22 weeks.

These are the main problems that oligohydramnios can cause during pregnancy.

What is the danger

The reasons why you need to see a doctor can be both minor and serious. The ailments that occur in the second trimester are of a different nature. In the middle of the cycle, the active growth of the baby falls, and in the event of a decrease in fluid, the fetus begins to compress the walls of the uterus. In turn, this can lead to the appearance of deformation of the bones of the skull, congenital dislocation of the hip and other abnormalities. Then such children are under the supervision of an orthopedist. If you contact a specialist in a timely manner, these defects can be corrected.

It is important to understand what threatens in the later stages of moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy. Causes and symptoms are also very different. At this stage, the woman undergoes the last ultrasound, according to the results of which the doctor determines the amount of amniotic fluid. During this period, the waters begin to shrink on their own, but if they are much less than normal, then special attention should be paid to this, because this factor can affect the course of childbirth. If even moderate oligohydramnios is present, then this is often fraught with the premature birth of a baby. In the case of the birth of a child on time, there is a possibility that this will affect the opening of the uterus, since it is the fetal bladder that presses on it at the time of delivery, due to which it opens.


Moderate oligohydramnios is very rarely accompanied by certain symptoms, but still, women can sometimes experience some discomfort. They will be discussed in more detail below:

1. First of all, pain in the lower abdomen should alert.
2. Trembling and nausea may appear at the time of fetal movement.
3. In the second trimester, there is an increase in the activity of the child. If the amniotic sac is fluid deficient, the movements will cause the mother severe discomfort.
4. The doctor can indicate the described problem, based on the small size of the uterus, as well as on the diameters of the abdominal circumference that do not correspond to the norms.
5. Small fetal mobility.


To date, the diagnosis of "moderate oligohydramnios" has become quite frequent. Treatment and causes may be quite minor and do not require outside intervention. With a slight decrease in fluid within 400-700 ml, it is recommended to reduce physical activity, eat well and fully, consume multivitamin complexes and be constantly monitored by your gynecologist.

In order to exclude the aggravation of the situation, an additional unscheduled ultrasound may be needed. If the symptoms become more pronounced, then the causes and treatment of oligohydramnios during pregnancy will be different. In this case, mandatory hospitalization is necessary.

After the doctor makes a diagnosis, the woman immediately goes to the hospital for the necessary tests. During stationary observation, all necessary procedures are carried out, namely:

Ultrasound (ultrasound examination);
- CTG (cardiotocography);
- laboratory tests (urine and blood).

If the gynecologist assumes that the patient has amniotic hydrorrhea, that is, the leakage of amniotic fluid, a special smear must be taken. When a woman is at the 38th week, and the cervix is ​​already almost completely preparing for childbirth, her canal will simply miss the amnioscope. With the help of such a device, it will be much easier for a doctor to determine the composition and amount of intrauterine fluid. This procedure does not violate the unity of the membranes at all and will not harm the baby. After all the tests and examinations, the doctor independently determines how to treat oligohydramnios during pregnancy. The reasons that cause such complications can be very different, and the main problems and methods for solving them are described below:

1. With amnionic hydrorrhea, the patient is prescribed strict bed rest, as well as taking special complexes of vitamins and drugs that will help reduce the tone of the uterus and prevent infection of the membranes and the child. Most often, such pregnant women stay in hospital until the birth itself, so that doctors can constantly monitor the condition of the fetus.
2. It is important to know the dangers of oligohydramnios during pregnancy, the causes of which are viral infections. Such violations can cause all sorts of pathologies. To solve the problem, it is necessary to take antiviral and tonic complexes. In addition to them, you will need vitamin and drug therapy, which improves blood microcirculation. If the doctor observes positive dynamics, then he can allow the expectant mother to return home, but put her under constant control in the antenatal clinic.
3. In case of abnormal development of the membranes, it will be necessary to use methods aimed at preventing intrauterine infection and preserving the fetus. Determination of the cause, diagnosis and treatment are carried out in the pathology department. Be sure to monitor the condition of both the patient and her child.
4. In case of overdose, the bladder is pierced - amniotomy. After this procedure, the process of childbirth immediately begins.

If treatment is organized in time and the current situation is eliminated, the prognosis for the birth of a healthy child in most cases will be favorable.


Very often, many do not consider it a problem and do not want to treat moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy. The reasons and consequences of such a step can be very different. The main ones are a small weight in a newborn or a curvature of the spine, as well as hip dysplasia. If you listen to the advice of experts, then in most cases it is quite possible to eliminate such a nuisance. This is possible only if the expectant mother will attend all scheduled examinations in a timely manner, take tests and follow the appointments made by her doctor. Thanks to this, doctors can respond to the current problem in time and correct it.

No cause or effect of oligohydramnios should be taken as a definitive diagnosis. The main recommendation that can be offered is a re-examination. It is best done in another clinic. It is also recommended to conduct because such a study helps to identify pathology that is associated with delayed fetal development. Another option is cardiac monitoring, which allows a more detailed assessment of the child's condition.

If there is such a possibility, then together with the gynecologist who is pregnant, analyze all the factors that could contribute to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid.


Oligohydramnios during pregnancy, the symptoms and consequences of which can be very different, carries a number of specific complications:

1. Compression of the umbilical canal. Under the influence of this, air will be difficult to enter and, possibly, oxygen starvation of the baby will begin to develop. If you do not pay attention to this situation, then you can even lose the fetus.
2. In case of insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, its circulation will be greatly complicated. The likelihood of a variety of infections in the uterine cavity increases. Such a problem carries the risk of injury during delivery.
3. Quite often, placental abruption is observed, the risk of damage to the cervix becomes more significant. Fragments of the amniotic membranes may remain in the cavity, which further provokes the appearance of bleeding.
4. In the case of a flat fetal bladder, there is a possibility of obtaining primary weakness at the time of labor.
5. If at 32 weeks the expectant mother was diagnosed with such a diagnosis, then she must understand what threatens oligohydramnios. The consequences and signs of this disease are most often accompanied by delay in fetal development which can complicate drug therapy.
6. Lack of amniotic fluid in general has a negative impact on growth and development. The baby does not receive all the nutrients in the right amount.

If oligohydramnios is present, the child is unable to move freely. Most often, after birth, such children are diagnosed and often a curvature of the spine is fixed. But if you respond to the current situation in time, thanks to modern equipment, you can minimize all the negative impact, and in most cases even completely eliminate it.

Is it really possible to prevent oligohydramnios?

Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment are very important factors, but is it possible to predict the appearance of a problem in advance and make sure that a woman remains healthy? Unfortunately, there are no such preventive measures. But there are special rules, following which, you can minimize the development of a variety of pathologies. These include avoiding excessive physical activity and carrying heavy loads.

It is important to pass all the tests and undergo examinations in time to help exclude various ailments, which in the future can provoke oligohydramnios during pregnancy. The causes and consequences of the transferred diseases are negative. Therefore, it is better to take measures in advance and undergo a course of treatment that improves the health of both the expectant mother and the child.

To improve your health, you need to eat right. Doctors and nutritionists recommend eating fractionally, eating at least five times a day, but in small portions. This will positively affect the health of both the woman and the baby.

gestation and childbirth

Expectant mothers are very frightened by such a diagnosis as "moderate oligohydramnios" during pregnancy. The causes and consequences of this diagnosis may be different, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the degree of the disease. If a decrease in amniotic fluid appears in the later stages, then in the absence of pathologies in the development of the child, everything will end favorably.

If oligohydramnios was diagnosed at the 27th week, then it is best to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient - undergo a biochemical and ultrasound examination, and take tests for hormones.

After all the results are in, if the fetus is clearly abnormal, the difficult decision to terminate the pregnancy must be made.

When the problem is fixed in the third trimester, and the child begins to develop with a significant delay, most often they decide on premature delivery. In any case, the final decision remains with the attending physician. It is he who determines what to do in this situation in order to minimize the risk of further complications and prepare the woman for the birth process.

In this article, you will learn on what basis the diagnosis of "oligohydramnios" is made and why it is dangerous for a woman and her baby. And also what are the causes of this deviation, how oligohydramnios is treated and what measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of complications

  • There is such a diagnosis of "oligohydramnios". This means that the amount of amniotic fluid is less than normal at a certain stage of pregnancy.
  • Now, thanks to ultrasound examinations, oligohydramnios is easy to detect, and this diagnosis is made in only 5% of pregnant women.
  • But, unfortunately, it still exists and this deviation needs to be treated as early as possible in order to avoid unwanted complications, including defects in the physical development of the fetus.

What does oligohydramnios mean during pregnancy?

  • Amniotic fluid contains many substances necessary for the baby, such as salts, hormones, oxygen and vitamins. Also, amniotic fluid protects the fetus from many harmful external factors.
  • But such a deviation happens when there is little amniotic fluid and this seriously complicates the healthy bearing of a child.
  • At different times, the amount of fluid is different, so, in the last trimester, it should be 0.8-1.5 liters. If the amount of water is less, then we are talking about oligohydramnios
  • There is a division of oligohydramnios into moderate and pronounced, to determine the severity of the deviation, the degree of lack of fluid matters

With moderate oligohydramnios, the volume of fluid is slightly less than it should be during a normal pregnancy, and is about 400-700 ml.

The treatment of such oligohydramnios consists in establishing a diet, you need to adhere to a special diet rich in vitamins and minerals, lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly visit a doctor in order to monitor the dynamics of the disease and not miss the deterioration. As a rule, this is enough and moderate oligohydramnios does not harm the fetus.

Severe oligohydramnios during pregnancy

Severe oligohydramnios means a strong deviation from the normal volume of amniotic fluid. With severe oligohydramnios, urgent and radical measures must be taken, because. This condition is very dangerous for the life and health of the baby.

Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital under the constant supervision of doctors. If you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, it may affect your unborn child - due to oligohydramnios, there may be a lag in the development of the fetus, hypoxia, which in turn will lead to problems with the central nervous system, to improper formation of the bone skeleton and tissues, and even to interruption pregnancy.

Women suffering from severe oligohydramnios, only 0.3-0.5%.

Signs of oligohydramnios during pregnancy

The pregnant woman herself usually does not feel that she has such a deviation as oligohydramnios. The only thing that can alert is the appearance of a sharp pain in the abdomen when the baby is pushing. This may indicate a lack of fluid in the fetal bladder.

The doctor on examination can identify the likelihood of oligohydramnios by lagging behind the following indicators:

  • growth of the abdomen
  • fundus measurements

According to these data, the doctor can make an assumption about a deviation from the norm, he must definitely send the pregnant woman for an ultrasound examination, where the diagnosis will be made exactly.

The ultrasound machine makes it possible to measure the amount of amniotic fluid and determine whether it is enough or not.

If you have moderate oligohydramnios according to ultrasound, do not rush to be upset, it is better to redo the ultrasound in another place, the doctor may be mistaken or the device is not accurate enough, and the results will differ.

Causes of oligohydramnios during pregnancy

All the reasons due to which oligohydramnios occurs are not fully understood, but experts distinguish the following:

  1. Leakage of amniotic fluid or scientifically - amnionic hydrorrhea. Leakage of water occurs long before the due date due to rupture of the fetal membrane. Doctors believe that this happens due to infection of the membrane or its premature aging, which leads to its thinning and the appearance of a gap. This deviation is treated with bed rest, while the fluid has time to recover and its loss does not harm the child.
  2. Violations in the development of the fetal membrane. There are quite a few such disorders and the reasons for their occurrence, too, the most common include genetic disorders and the harmful effects of the environment.
  3. Infection of the fetal bladder. There are a number of viruses from which the placenta cannot protect the child and infection of the fetal bladder occurs, its proper functioning is disrupted, which leads to oligohydramnios
  4. Overgrowth of the fetus. The placenta and the fetal membrane no longer work at full capacity, the child does not receive the nutrients he needs and the condition of his body worsens, blood circulation in the membranes is also difficult, which in turn leads to a decrease in the production of amniotic fluid
  5. Underdevelopment of the tissues of the fetal bladder or their poor secretory work
  6. Pathologies in the development of the fetus. Here, doctors identify genetic anomalies in the development of the face and kidneys.
  7. Bacterial infections in rare cases are able to penetrate not only into the birth canal of a woman, but also into the amniotic fluid.
  8. With multiple pregnancies, there are cases when blood is not properly distributed in the placenta and therefore one child does not receive the necessary substances, while the other receives too much of them.

What threatens oligohydramnios during pregnancy?

  • Low water during pregnancy can cause quite a few complications. If there is not enough water, the walls of the uterus begin to strongly compress the fetal bladder, which puts excessive pressure on the baby.
  • In this case, the baby will be in a bent state in an uncomfortable and unnatural position for him. This development of events leads to a curvature of the spine in a child and clubfoot, and the skin can grow together with the fetal membrane
  • In addition, simonart ligaments can form, which wrap around the fetus and limit its movement, can even lead to injury.
  • If these ligaments encircle the umbilical cord, the child will receive less nutrients, fetal hypoxia, impaired blood flow may occur, which will lead to a developmental delay and possibly even death of the fetus.
  • Amniotic fluid, in addition, protects the baby from the external environment that can harm him, and their lack will lead to unreliable protection or its absence.
  • With a lack of water, the cervix during childbirth can slowly open, labor activity becomes weak. The contractions are painful but not strong enough. Bleeding may occur after childbirth

If severe oligohydramnios was detected late and has irreversible fetal developmental disorders, doctors insist on early termination of pregnancy.

Moderate oligohydramnios can never have a negative impact on the child, unless, of course, the diet and lifestyle of the pregnant woman is adjusted.

Low water during pregnancy, what to do?

If the doctor has diagnosed you with oligohydramnios, he will definitely prescribe you treatment and tell you what to do.

First of all, don't worry. A timely diagnosis is 50% of the success of the treatment. Follow strictly the instructions of the doctor, if you need to go to the hospital, do not even think about it - go to bed, because the health of your unborn baby and, in some cases, even his life depends on it.

How to treat oligohydramnios during pregnancy?

A woman should understand that even with a diagnosis of "moderate oligohydramnios", she should not self-medicate or ignore it altogether.

The doctor will prescribe additional examinations: general blood and urine tests, tests for infections, fetal CTG (cardiotocography), ultrasound, a swab for water if there is a suspicion that they are leaking.

Ultrasound for oligohydramnios during pregnancy

These examinations will help to assess the condition of the child and the severity of the deviation. According to their results, the gynecologist will prescribe the necessary treatment. You also need to try to determine the cause of oligohydramnios, this will help choose the right treatment.

  • If the cause of oligohydramnios is obesity and metabolic disorders in the body, then you need the right diet, taking vitamins and drugs that improve the blood supply to the placenta. If oligohydramnios is moderate, treatment can be done at home, but if it is severe, then hospitalization is necessary.
  • If the cause of oligohydramnios was a viral infection, then antiviral drugs are prescribed and general strengthening therapy is carried out. The doctor will definitely prescribe a vitamin complex and medicines that improve blood microcirculation
  • If the cause lies in a violation of the development of the fetal bladder, doctors try to keep the pregnancy and prevent infection of the fetus. In this case, the treatment is carried out exclusively in the hospital and the woman is prescribed additional examinations to assess the condition of her body and the condition of the fetus.
  • When overdue, doctors puncture the fetal bladder and induce labor with stimulant drugs
  • It is also important to reduce physical activity, reduce motor activity and adhere to bed rest.
  • With oligohydramnios, doctors direct the woman to do ultrasound and dopplerography more often to monitor the dynamics of the deviation and changes for better or worse in the mother's body and the child's condition
  • If the gestational age is already long and the baby is full-term, then the doctor may recommend premature birth, which will be caused by special stimulant drugs

Be sure to let your doctor know if you've had this condition in previous pregnancies, and it's best to have a couple of extra ultrasounds done to rule it out or detect it as early as possible.

The index of oligohydramnios during pregnancy

An ultrasound examination diagnoses oligohydramnios based on the amniotic fluid index (AFI), which is calculated by an ultrasound machine. The device measures the amount of water in several places and calculates the IAI.

IAI table at different stages of pregnancy

In the third trimester:

  • if the index is within 5-8 cm, then the amount of water is normal
  • if the index is 2-5 cm, then this is "moderate oligohydramnios"
  • with an index below 2 cm, a diagnosis of "pronounced oligohydramnios" is made

However, it is worth noting that the IAI varies depending on the gestational age:

  • at 16 weeks, the norm is from 73 to 201 mm
  • at 20 weeks from 86 to 230 mm
  • at 25 weeks from 89 to 240 mm
  • at 30 weeks from 82 to 258 mm
  • at 35 weeks from 70 to 279 mm
  • at 40 weeks from 63 to 240 mm

The amount of amniotic fluid changes as the fetus grows, swallows the fluid, and urinates. But do not worry about the condition of the baby, because. amniotic fluid is renewed every 3 hours, and every 3 days they are completely changed.

Nutrition for oligohydramnios during pregnancy

You need to eat with oligohydramnios correctly and balanced:

  • try to eat several times a day (more than 5 meals), but in small portions
  • foods should contain many vitamins and minerals, be nutritious
  • choose natural products with minimal processing
  • exclude fast food from the menu (hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.)
  • reduce the amount of sugar and salt you eat
  • eliminate fatty foods from your diet
  • try to reduce the use of spices and spices
  • avoid products containing preservatives, flavors and dyes
  • meat, fish and seafood should be well cooked, they should not be eaten raw or semi-finished
  • refrain from eating blue cheese, unboiled milk and raw eggs
  • do not drink strong tea, try to do without coffee and completely eliminate alcohol
  • eat more fruit instead of sweets and sugar

Be sure to keep an eye on weight gain, because. a rapid set of it can also lead to oligohydramnios or worsening of an already existing deviation.

Tendency to oligohydramnios during pregnancy: how to determine?

A woman may be prone to oligohydramnios during pregnancy in the following cases:

  • mother-to-be smokes
  • multiple pregnancy
  • the woman has metabolic disorders in the body
  • there are abnormalities in the development of the fetal bladder
  • preeclampsia - late toxicosis
  • dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea
  • have a bacterial or viral infection
  • woman suffering from diabetes
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the expectant mother
  • prolongation of pregnancy
  • fetal kidney defects
  • had oligohydramnios in previous pregnancies

If you fall into the risk category, the doctor will prescribe you additional examinations and tests in order to detect deviations from the normal volume of amniotic fluid in time and start treatment as soon as possible.

Let's summarize and define the main measures for the prevention of oligohydramnios:

  1. Proper fractional nutrition, products should be as useful as possible
  2. Dieting if you have problems with being overweight
  3. Additional intake of complex vitamins
  4. Exclusion of physical activity, replace them with walking in the fresh air
  5. Timely visits to a gynecologist, passing tests, passing the necessary examinations
  6. If there are endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, for example, or obesity), you need to undergo appropriate treatment

When I was pregnant, everyone could not get enough of the fact that I had a small stomach, as it turned out later on an ultrasound scan - oligohydramnios. But, probably, it was moderate, because. the doctor did not prescribe any medications and only said that they would not allow me to walk, but my son did not wait long, he was born a little ahead of schedule - the birth was easy, there were no problems with the child's health.
Masha, 24 years old.

In fact, doctors exaggerate everything, there is nothing wrong with oligohydramnios. Well, this is understandable, they are reinsured. But here my girlfriend was persuaded to give birth prematurely, she did not agree and informed the child. My son was born healthy and on time. Grows and strengthens.
Diana, 32 years old

In both pregnancies, I was given "moderate oligohydramnios", and both times at 30-32 weeks. In the first pregnancy, no treatment was prescribed, they said that at such a period moderate is not scary, but in the second they gave injections. The doctors were different. Both girls are healthy, and this is the most important thing! Christina, 27 years old

VIDEO: oligohydramnios during pregnancy

oligohydramnios during pregnancy- this is a pathologically small amount of amniotic fluid in pregnant women. According to the classical definition, oligohydramnios in pregnant women is defined as the presence of a small (less than half a liter) volume of amniotic fluid in the uterus on the eve of childbirth, that is, during full-term pregnancy. This definition, of course, is correct and serves as the basis for making the final diagnosis, but it does not take into account the quantitative fluctuations in the volume of amniotic fluid throughout pregnancy. The fact is that most of the short episodes of oligohydramnios, which is diagnosed during pregnancy, are episodic and do not need to be corrected from the outside. Such conditions are classified as functional, not pathological, for example, diagnosed oligohydramnios during pregnancy at 32 weeks may not be detected during a re-examination in a few weeks.

Meanwhile, an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid in the uterine cavity of a protracted nature is no longer harmless. And if the diagnosed oligohydramnios at 32 weeks (or at any other time) continues to be detected in subsequent periods, it is classified as a pathology that threatens the normal development of the fetus. True, pathological, oligohydramnios is always combined with pathology of the fetus and / or placenta.

Oligohydramnios cannot be classified as a common condition. Most of the diagnosed conditions of oligohydramnios (only 3-4 cases out of 1000 births) in pregnant women are functional, and pathologies account for only 0.2% -0.3% of them.

In fact, oligohydramnios has never been considered as an independent nosological unit; it is part of a large symptom complex that reflects the pathology of the course of pregnancy and, accordingly, the development of the fetus in the womb. In addition, modern diagnostic technologies make it possible to very accurately detect changes in the formation of the fetus at almost any time, which greatly diminishes the importance of oligohydramnios as an important criterion.

The diagnosis of "oligohydramnios", obtained after an ultrasound scan, often unreasonably scares pregnant women. So that vain worries do not bother, the expectant mother should know as much as possible about her condition and the “norms” of its development. This also applies to amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid is a liquid that fills the so-called "fetal bladder" - a sterile cavity in which the fetus begins and completes development. As soon as the fertilized egg, having passed through the fallopian tube, enters the mucosa of the uterine cavity, embryonic membranes begin to form around it - chorionic (it is also the outer shell of the fetal egg) from the outside and amniotic (water) from the inside. They form a closed cavity, forming a fetal bladder, and grow with the fetus.

The fetal bladder is filled with fluid (amniotic fluid), which is 97% water. Since the amnion is involved in its production, it is called amniotic. It serves as a source of nutrition, metabolism, immune and antibacterial protection for a developing child for a long time, therefore it contains a large amount of minerals, hormones, immune complexes, nutritional and bactericidal compounds.

The formation of amniotic fluid begins even at a short time (5-6 weeks), when part of the maternal blood passes through the fetal membranes. The first slight level of fluid around the fetus is visible on ultrasound as early as the 3rd week of its development. The amount and composition of amniotic fluid changes as the fetus grows. There is a constant exchange between the child and the surrounding waters. Until the 14th week, the substances necessary for the fetus enter through its skin, then, when the skin of the child becomes dense, it literally swallows the surrounding fluid. When the absorbed fluid gives the baby everything it needs, it returns to the amniotic space again with his urine. Thus, the amniotic fluid provides the fetus with the necessary substances and eliminates unnecessary ones. Amniotic fluid is in a state of constant self-renewal (every three hours) in order to maintain the necessary composition and get rid of harmful products secreted by the fetus.

Amniotic fluid also performs a number of extremely important functions for pregnancy:

- Maintain the constancy of the environment in which the fetus grows, and also makes its existence comfortable. The amniotic fluid not only "feeds" the baby, it also has a constant temperature of 37°C, isolates the fetus from external noise.

- Perform shock-absorbing properties, protecting the fetus from injury during active movements of the mother.

- Thanks to the bactericidal component, infection of fetal tissues is prevented.

- “Help” the child to be born safely.

The volume of amniotic fluid at different gestation periods is not the same, each period has its own conditional "norm", which is a significant diagnostic criterion for ascertaining oligohydramnios or, conversely,.

Oligohydramnios is diagnosed during an ultrasound scan. It is known that the fluid around the fetus is in the recesses (pockets). By the height of the liquid level in these recesses, its total volume is determined and compared with generally accepted indicators.

It should be noted that moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy is often diagnosed. If it does not progress and does not affect the fetus, then it does not apply to pathology.

Causes of oligohydramnios during pregnancy

As already mentioned, a slight physiological deviation from the normal volume of amniotic fluid can be observed sporadically throughout pregnancy. If, after the examination, the diagnosis of a functionalist (ultrasound specialist) includes moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy of 30 weeks (or another period), but at the same time he does not diagnose any other abnormalities, there is no reason to worry. However, if during a re-examination, the specialist again writes in the conclusion, for example, “oligohydramnios during pregnancy 33 weeks”, “oligohydramnios during pregnancy 34 weeks”, and so on, this condition clearly indicates a pathology.

Pathological oligohydramnios is often associated with serious conditions. Among them are more often distinguished:

- Associated with congenital malformations of the fetus, more often - the urinary system: the absence or narrowing of the urethra, one- or two-sided occlusion (blockage) of the ureters, polycystic or underdevelopment of the kidneys up to their absence.

- Chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

- Caused by pathology of the fetus, not associated with congenital malformations of organs and systems.

- Based on the pathology of the placenta: structural anomalies in its development, fetoplacental insufficiency.

- Unspecified causes. If the examination does not reveal the causes of oligohydramnios, it is considered idiopathic, that is, a condition with an unknown genesis. As a rule, idiopathic oligohydramnios is moderate, does not affect either the course of pregnancy or the birth process. It can go away on its own with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, or it can remain so until its completion, without increasing.

It is extremely important to clarify that oligohydramnios can only provoke external pathologies of fetal development, but cannot cause chromosomal abnormalities, and even more so, congenital malformations of internal organs. On the contrary, these are malformations and chromosomal diseases provoke oligohydramnios. Thus, when oligohydramnios is mentioned together with "deformities" or genetic ailments, they mean only their frequent simultaneous presence.

Low water is provoked by late toxicosis, infectious conditions (acute and chronic) and in the mother.

Infection of the amnion membranes is considered extremely dangerous in terms of the formation of oligohydramnios, when unwanted microorganisms from the mother penetrate the placental protective barrier, infecting both the amnion and the fetus. It is intrauterine infections that more often (up to 40%) provoke severe oligohydramnios. More often, the infection penetrates to the fetus "from below" - from the vaginal or cervical cavity. If the placenta becomes infected, it ceases to perform its proper functions and the physiological regime of fetal development is disturbed, so the child may develop with a delay.

Often, oligohydramnios accompanies fetoplacental insufficiency - insufficient blood supply to the developing fetus. The only source of oxygen for the child during development is the blood that circulates in the placenta. If the fetus does not receive enough of it, oxygen starvation (hypoxia) appears, it slows down (and sometimes stops) the proper development of pregnancy.

Post-term pregnancy sometimes provokes oligohydramnios. The reliable reasons for such oligohydramnios are unclear, perhaps the mother's body is not able to meet the needs for amniotic fluid longer than the due date, so its reserves are depleted.

Identical twins with a common placenta (monochorionic monozygotic twins) are often complicated by oligohydramnios, since both children have common sources of nutrition and metabolism. If additional vessels form in the placenta, the redistribution of blood between children is disturbed: one of the fetuses receives more blood, excretes more urine, and thereby increases the amount of surrounding fluid. In a fetus with insufficient blood supply, hypoxia develops, lags behind in development, and oligohydramnios is formed. Sometimes the term “strapped twin syndrome” is used for this condition.

The amnotic sac during a normally developing pregnancy is always closed, and the fluid that fills it never leaves the fetal bladder ahead of schedule. When completed, the bubble spontaneously bursts, the waters pour out, and the uterus begins to expel the fetus. If the fetal bladder begins to release water before the 36-week period, the outflow of water is considered premature. Sometimes the waters are completely evacuated, but more often, if the rupture of the bladder membranes is high, they leak. The constant loss of amniotic fluid provokes oligohydramnios and threatens the course of pregnancy. In this situation, even moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy is fraught with complications. Diagnosis of premature outflow of water from the amnion allows special tests and ultrasound. If the pregnant woman notes an increase in the amount of liquid vaginal discharge, and the functionalist makes a diagnosis, for example, "oligohydramnios during pregnancy at 34 weeks", the situation is analyzed and eliminated after the hospitalization of the pregnant woman.

It should be noted that most diagnosed episodes of oligohydramnios are not combined with "terrible" causes and consequences.

Symptoms and signs of oligohydramnios during pregnancy

Oligohydramnios can be moderate or severe, as well as acute or chronic. Moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy is recorded more often.

Acute oligohydramnios appears suddenly, but does not pose a serious threat. More often it is preceded by an acute infectious condition of the mother: a viral infection and, tonsillitis and the like. Acute oligohydramnios of a functional nature is well stopped and quickly passes.

Chronic oligohydramnios is not so harmless, as it has a pathological basis.

Oligohydramnios can be diagnosed at any time, but the time of its appearance has a different meaning. The most dangerous is the oligohydramnios of the second trimester, since the pregnancy still needs to be prolonged due to the underdevelopment of the fetus, and the causes of oligohydramnios may not allow this. Oligohydramnios of the last trimester is also not harmless, but if necessary, the pregnancy can be terminated without prejudice to the life of the child.

Early oligohydramnios is called if it appeared before, later it is diagnosed with. Prolonged is considered oligohydramnios, continuing both in the early and late periods.

The clinical picture of the lack of amniotic fluid does not have symptoms indicating only oligohydramnios. More often it includes persistent pain in the abdomen, sometimes aggravated by the movements of the fetus and a decrease in the motor activity of the child. Moderately expressed oligohydramnios is diagnosed only with additional diagnostic methods.

Severe oligohydramnios provokes a decrease in the size of the uterus, therefore, upon examination, the doctor may notice a discrepancy between its size and the gestational age and suspect pathology, especially if there are complaints from the pregnant woman about insufficient activity (movement) of the fetus. Monitoring changes in the size of the uterus, the position of the fetus and vaginal discharge accompanies each visit to the consultation.

However, similar signs are also observed in other pathologies, for example, fetal growth retardation, and there is also the possibility of an erroneous calculation of the gestational age. Therefore, it is impossible to make a reliable diagnosis during the examination.

A completely different clinical situation develops in the presence of leakage of amniotic fluid outside the onset of labor. Unfortunately, pregnant women sometimes pay attention to leaking water only when they are significantly lost and accompanying negative symptoms appear. Any increase in vaginal discharge in the form of a clear liquid may be a manifestation of premature amniotic fluid leakage. If the amniotic fluid leaks, it means that there is a defect in the amniotic membrane through which an infection can penetrate to the fetus. To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to study the composition of the vaginal microflora (smears and cultures), as well as to examine the composition of the amniotic fluid itself.

In addition to infection, leaking amniotic fluid threatens the fetus with premature birth. Medical tactics is determined by the gestational age. If water leakage has complicated oligohydramnios during pregnancy at 34 weeks and earlier, when the lungs of the fetus are not ready to function, it is necessary to “help” them form early with medication.

Ultrasound scanning data, which is the most reliable and reliable diagnostic method, allows determining oligohydramnios. There are specially developed criteria for determining the volume of amniotic fluid at different periods of gestation:

Measurement of the vertical level of fluid accumulated in two cavities between the fetus and the amnion wall (pockets). As a rule, oligohydramnios is indicated by a level of fluid that has accumulated in the largest of the pockets, not exceeding 1 cm.

Determination of the amniotic fluid index. Conventionally, the uterine cavity of a pregnant woman is divided by two perpendicular planes into four parts, so that they intersect in the navel zone. Then, in each of the obtained quadrants, the maximum liquid volume is measured and the obtained figures are summed up. The result obtained is the amniotic index. It is correlated with the existing norm indicators for each specific gestational age:

- 0-5 cm - the index is very low (pronounced oligohydramnios);

5.1-8 cm - low index (moderate oligohydramnios);

- 8.1-8 cm - the index correlates with the norm.

The amniotic fluid index can significantly exceed the established norms and indicate an excess volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios). With polyhydramnios, it exceeds 18 cm.

The change in the amount of amniotic fluid is a very dynamic criterion. A one-time statement of oligohydramnios has no clinical significance. Oligohydramnios, especially moderate, is often only a short-term episode that does not threaten pregnancy. It is much more important to know how the volume of water changes with increasing gestational age. With the physiological development of pregnancy, it increases and becomes maximum to (one and a half liters), and then begins to decline.

So, if the examination reveals oligohydramnios during pregnancy of 30 weeks, and then - oligohydramnios during pregnancy of 33 weeks, we can talk about pathology.

Treatment of oligohydramnios during pregnancy

Therapy for oligohydramnios is not always required. If the fact of oligohydramnios is established in the first trimester, this condition is likely to pass without serious therapy. If it continues to exist for more than three months, a search for the causes and their elimination is required.

An oligohydramnios does not have an independent value, as it is a symptom of an ailment or a temporary physiological state. Any oligohydramnios, in order to eliminate it, requires a detailed diagnosis of its causes. Examination for genital infections, genetic diseases is necessary. In the last trimesters, it is necessary to assess how oligohydramnios affects the fetus, for which ultrasound scanning, CTG and Doppler ultrasound are performed.

In any situation, if serious malformations or anomalies in the development of the fetus are not detected, specialists strive to prolong the pregnancy for the maximum possible period. In this case, therapy is aimed at improving the functioning of the placenta, oxygenating the blood of the fetus, and improving metabolism in the tissues of the placenta.

The choice between outpatient and inpatient treatment is up to the doctor. Unfortunately, pregnant women do not always adequately assess the ongoing events and do not agree to hospitalization. Meanwhile, the well-being of a mother does not always imply that her child has one, so the recommendations of a doctor who has studied all the indicators are much more important.

If the examination reveals a deterioration in the child's condition that threatens his life, delivery is required immediately.

Leakage of amniotic fluid often threatens with infectious complications, therefore, it always requires adequate antibiotic therapy. To choose the right funds, the amniotic fluid is analyzed in the laboratory.

If the loss of amniotic fluid is too great, delivery is required.

Normal amniotic fluid is sterile, odorless, and colorless. Sometimes they can acquire a whitish tint or contain inclusions that look like small white flakes. With premature outflow of water, pathological signs are:

- Green color indicating severe hypoxia. This color of water is acquired due to meconium (original feces), which the child releases into the water when there is a lack of oxygen. The smell of green waters is correspondingly unpleasant.

- Bright yellow color. Indicates incompatibility between mother and child in terms of Rhesus or blood types.

- Red color. Appears when blood enters the water. The source of bleeding is the placenta that begins to exfoliate.

Severe hypoxia indicates the need for early termination of pregnancy. Placental abruption always requires hospitalization and, in most cases, an emergency caesarean section. Incompatibility of blood or Rh mother and child are treated conservatively.

It is also possible to study amniotic fluid with a whole fetal bladder. In case of overdose, chronic severe fetal hypoxia, amnioscopy can be performed. It allows you to evaluate the amniotic fluid visually using an optical device (amnioscope) and diagnose pathologies.

If it is required to investigate the composition of waters, it is necessary to take a small amount of them and examine them in the laboratory. More often, such a need arises when genetic abnormalities are suspected. Amniocentesis is performed - puncture of the largest "pocket" and suction of a small amount of material (water).

Consequences of oligohydramnios during pregnancy for a child

Amniotic fluid is significant not only for a developing child, they also help him to be born freely, making it easier. On the eve of childbirth, the amniotic sac shifts towards the cervical cavity, contributing to its opening, and also “signals” the uterus to start contracting. Before the onset of the birth process, when the bladder bursts, the outflowing anterior waters disinfect the birth canal. In childbirth, water facilitates the outward movement of the fetus.

During pregnancy, oligohydramnios provokes fusion of the skin of the fetus and the amniotic membrane. Original strands are formed that prevent the normal development of the child's body, so external anomalies appear. This complication is not common.

Insufficient amount of amniotic fluid leads to malnutrition of the developing fetus, oxygen starvation and slow metabolism. The fetus may lag behind in development, have a small mass. Also, with oligohydramnios, the placenta also suffers, which is poorly supplied with blood and experiences an oxygen deficiency.

Violations of labor activity (weakness) with oligohydramnios is observed in 80% of women in labor. The uterus for the correct strong contractions in childbirth needs a command from the brain. She receives such a command when her size corresponds to a full-term pregnancy. Severe oligohydramnios is always combined with an insufficient size of the uterus, so labor either does not begin or is poorly expressed.

Oligohydramnios is fraught with birth traumatism. A child in the absence of the necessary "shock absorber" can hit his head on the uterine wall or get injured in the birth canal. In these situations, hematomas appear in children, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed.

With oligohydramnios, the fetus can press the umbilical cord, or it wraps around it. If this happens early, the umbilical cord tissue can become necrotic (die off), and in childbirth, such entanglement disrupts the birth process.

Amniotic fluid is necessary to ensure the normal intrauterine development of the fetus. For the future baby, it is a comfortable physiological environment, an additional source of nutrition and oxygen, as well as a protective barrier that protects him from numerous external threats. In addition, the amniotic fluid plays an important role in the process of childbirth, forcing the opening of the cervix, as it is able to exert a mechanical effect on it.

Therefore, the relative lack of water can lead to various fetal developmental disorders and interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. Why is low water dangerous? What are the degrees of this condition, and what therapeutic method is most effective in such a situation?

What is "moderate malnutrition"

Indicators of the normal volume of amniotic fluid vary depending on the specific stage of pregnancy. During the first 8 weeks, this is approximately 5 ml. Further, the amount of fluid begins to increase, and by the end of pregnancy, its total volume reaches an average of 1-1.5 liters. Immediately before childbirth, there is less water (their volume is approximately 600-700 ml).

The composition of the amniotic fluid (from the word "amnion" - a fetal sac) includes amino acids, vitamins, hormones, trace elements, some types of salts, enzymes, etc.

Amniotic fluid is formed due to the functioning of the epithelial layer of the cells of the amnion aqueous membrane. They are constantly updated. At the last stages of pregnancy, this happens at least every 3 hours.

On average, the fetus has the ability to swallow 4 ml of amniotic fluid per day, and through the pores of the fetal sac, the products of its vital activity enter the maternal excretory system. With a non-critical "shift" from the normal indicators of the volume of amniotic fluid (closer to the lower limit of the norm), a pregnant woman is diagnosed with moderate oligohydramnios.


It happens that this condition is recorded already in the initial stages of pregnancy. A similar diagnosis is made on the basis of the calculation of the oligohydramnios index. In this case, a woman needs constant medical supervision and the use of certain methods of drug therapy.

The reasons for the formation of such a violation can be:

  • persistent hypertension (increase in total blood pressure);
  • the presence in the body of a pregnant woman of any inflammatory process of an infectious nature;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • hypoxia (oxygen "starvation") of the fetus;
  • diseases of a pregnant woman associated with metabolic disorders;
  • the presence of any pathologies in the fetus (underdevelopment of the excretory system will lead to a sharp decrease in the level of production of primary urine, which leads to a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid);
  • prolonged pregnancy - the placenta is amenable to reverse development, therefore it no longer has the ability to provide the fetus with all the necessary substances, including the production of a sufficient amount of amniotic water;
  • multiple pregnancy - there may be a violation of the process of distribution of placental blood, which can also lead to a shortage of water;
  • violation of secretion in the epithelial cells of the aqueous membrane of the amnion.

Types of oligohydramnios

According to the duration of the course, two types of oligohydramnios are distinguished: acute and chronic.

Chronic oligohydramnios has several levels of development. This condition requires long-term therapy. If qualified assistance is not provided on time, the disease will worsen., which will lead to serious consequences for both the expectant mother and the child.

Chronic amniotic fluid deficiency can occur if a pregnant woman suffers from some kind of systemic disease, such as diabetes.

In order to minimize all possible risks and apply appropriate therapy in time, in case of oligohydramnios, a woman needs to register with a antenatal clinic as soon as possible and regularly undergo all necessary examinations.

The most common cause of acute oligohydramnios is an infectious disease. This form of pathology leaves fewer negative consequences for the health of the baby and does not need special treatment, since the situation usually stabilizes with the successful elimination of the disease that caused it.

In addition, oligohydramnios is classified depending on the functional activity of the cells of the aquatic membrane. According to this principle, primary and secondary forms are distinguished. Primary oligohydramnios is characterized by the absence of any functional disorders in the fetal membranes. With secondary oligohydramnios, damage to the structure of the amnion is observed, as a result of which water flows out.


Quite often, the clinical picture of moderate oligohydramnios does not have pronounced manifestations (therefore, this condition in some cases can be regarded as borderline with the norm). However, a pregnant woman should pay attention to some signs characteristic of this condition, if they occur. Among these symptoms:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • painful tremors;
  • weak and rare tremors;
  • the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age (identified by an obstetrician-gynecologist).

If any of these symptoms appear, even if they seem insignificant, you must immediately inform your doctor about them so that he can prescribe a series of examinations with which it will be possible to detect oligohydramnios.

Possible Complications

Insufficient volume of amniotic fluid can be an impetus for the development of a number of complications, among which:

  • Violation of blood flow in the umbilical cord. Because of this, the baby does not get enough oxygen and food. Persistent hypoxia can provoke the development of irreversible disorders in a child and even lead to his death.
  • "Fault" in the process of circulation of amniotic fluid. Such a condition can lead to infection, and also significantly increases the likelihood of traumatic childbirth.
  • Flat amnion. This complication can provoke a weakening of labor activity in the first stage of labor.
  • Placental abruption. Small fragments of the placenta are retained in the uterus, which increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Fetal underdevelopment. If in the process of intrauterine development a child regularly did not receive the amount of nutrients and trace elements he needed, then his body weight at birth would be less than normal.

Diagnostic methods

The main methods of instrumental diagnostics used by the doctor to determine the volume of amniotic fluid are ultrasound and dopplerography. With their help, you can assess the umbilical blood flow, how much the child lags behind in development, as well as the condition of the vessels of the expectant mother and fetus.

In addition, in addition to studying the functional ability of the baby's cardiovascular system, an obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe cardiotocography. With established moderate oligohydramnios in the third trimester this study is carried out at 30, 32, 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy.

When registering, a woman must be screened for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.


Correction of this state should be carried out in several directions:

  • the appointment of drugs that normalize metabolic processes in the placenta;
  • drug therapy for the underlying disease.

If a pregnant woman suffers from any disease associated with metabolic disorders, or is overweight, then, most likely, a pregnancy specialist will recommend a special diet.

Moderate oligohydramnios usually does not need constant monitoring in a hospital, it is possible to normalize the state of the future on an outpatient basis.

In addition to drug therapy, with moderate oligohydramnios, the expectant mother must observe some restrictions regarding her physical activity. She should also make sure that her daily diet contains foods rich in vitamins and trace elements.

In many ways, the duration of pregnancy plays a decisive role in drawing up a therapy plan. This pathology requires the most careful control in the 2nd trimester. If oligohydramnios is diagnosed at 37 weeks, then this may be an indication for a caesarean section.


Currently, no effective methods have been developed to prevent the risk of developing oligohydramnios. But there are a number of recommendations, the exact implementation of which will help a pregnant woman reduce the risk of this pathology.

Plays an important role diet of the expectant mother. It should be rich in all the elements (vitamins, proteins, trace elements and other valuable substances) necessary for the normal development of the fetus and ensuring the satisfactory condition of the pregnant woman.

For the future mother and the health of her baby, it is very useful to observe a balanced regimen of physiological stress and rest. Labor should be moderate, as excessive overwork can adversely affect the health of a woman and her baby.

However, you should not go to extremes and completely deprive yourself of even minimal loads, as this can lead to rapid weight gain, which can complicate the course of pregnancy.

One of the main factors determining the nature of the course of pregnancy and the success of delivery is emotional background of a woman. The presence of stress and regular mental overload dramatically increases the risk of developing any associated complications, including oligohydramnios. A pregnant woman needs to undergo all examinations prescribed by a doctor on time.

It is necessary to use any supplements or medications only with the approval of a specialist, and not relying on incompetent reviews.


Moderate oligohydramnios is formed against the background of some pathologies of intrauterine development of a child or diseases of a pregnant woman. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of pronounced symptoms. At timely therapy this deviation does not pose a big threat to the normal development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. The period at which moderate oligohydramnios was diagnosed is important, since in different periods of pregnancy such a violation can have its consequences.

Amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) can vary in volume at different times. It depends on the presence of various diseases and the duration of pregnancy. In this article, we will understand the causes and symptoms of oligohydramnios, as well as talk about methods of treatment, prevention and possible consequences.


Did you know? According to statistics, oligohydramnios occurs in 4% of pregnant women.

Oligohydramnios during pregnancy can be moderate and severe. In the first case, the symptoms practically do not make themselves felt. A moderate lack of amniotic fluid is determined only after an ultrasound examination.
If the lack of amniotic fluid in the mother is in a pronounced form, then the following symptoms:

  • during fetal movement.
  • decreases in size (the size of the abdomen decreases, and this can even be observed visually; obstetric examination shows a decrease in the height of the fundus of the uterus).
  • Loss of energy and feeling unwell (nausea, weakness, dry mouth).
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen with periodic aching and pulling.

Only a doctor can confirm the lack of amniotic fluid. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for further examination and treatment.

Possible consequences

Oligohydramnios during pregnancy is a dangerous disease that entails adverse consequences for both mother and child.

For woman

Oligohydramnios during pregnancy poses a certain danger to the mother. First of all, a woman will feel constant unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which are constantly intensifying at the moments of active movement of the child. In addition, a lack of amniotic fluid can, in rare cases, lead to a miscarriage.

Oligohydramnios in the last weeks of pregnancy leads to complications with. Often this manifests itself in the form of weak labor activity. Weakness occurs because the fluid cannot press hard enough on the cervix. As a result, doctors have to use drugs that stimulate labor.

For a child

Low water during pregnancy can lead to serious consequences for the child. With a lack of amniotic fluid, the walls of the uterus begin to actively stick to the fetal sac, and this leads to strong pressure on the fetus. As a result, the child bends into the wrong position, which leads to an increment to the fetal membrane of the skin.

In addition, due to pressure on the fetus, the child may experience curvature of the spine, a violation in the development of the skeletal system, a violation of the nervous and brain activity, abnormal formation of limbs, wrinkling and dryness of the skin, hypoxia, lag in weight and growth.

Important!With oligohydramnios, drinking plenty of fluids (water, juice, milk, etc.), about 2 liters per day, helps.

However, diagnosis by ultrasound should be based on repeated studies.

A one-time ultrasound can only indicate that a woman has some kind of problems during this particular period of pregnancy. They can be associated with past viral diseases, and in the future they will disappear on their own and irretrievably. If ultrasound is done constantly for 1-3 months, and at the same time there is always a lack of amniotic fluid, then this indicates the presence of severe oligohydramnios.

Currently, many doctors diagnose oligohydramnios on the basis of a single ultrasound, which in itself can only mean a statement of fact. In this case, active drug treatment is not prescribed. Pregnant women can be prescribed a course of treatment based on harmless complexes.

If ultrasound repeatedly shows a pronounced insufficiency of amniotic fluid, then pregnant women are additionally prescribed dopplerometry of the vessels of the placenta(duplex ultrasound scanning of blood vessels) or Fetal CTG(cardiotocography, which helps to assess the characteristics of the fetal heartbeats). If the results of the above two diagnostic methods are normal, then this means that there are no serious deviations, and oligohydramnios was only temporary, functional.
In case of poor data in the study of CTG and dopplerometry, doctors prescribe additional examinations and: studies on anti-rhesus bodies, the presence of infection in the blood, glucose values, etc. Be sure to do a targeted ultrasound, which gives a detailed picture of everything that happens. If possible, karyotyping and amniocentesis are also prescribed. The last two diagnostic methods allow you to identify chromosomal and genetic abnormalities of the child.

Did you know?Down syndrome and trisomy 8 and 13 in the fetus cause oligohydramnios in almost 100% of cases.

Sometimes a gynecologist may suspect that a woman has amniotic hydrorrhea (amniotic fluid leakage). In such cases, water smears are prescribed. In late pregnancy, a lack of amniotic fluid can be detected by amnioscopy, a procedure that is safe for both mother and fetus.

Treatment Methods

If you find yourself with any of the symptoms mentioned above, then you do not need to self-medicate and immediately consult a doctor to prescribe a specific course of treatment for oligohydramnios during pregnancy. Doctors first conduct a complete diagnosis and exclude variants of fetal malformations. Otherwise, other specialized treatment will be prescribed.
If gynecologists have established amniotic hydrorrhea, then they prescribe to a pregnant woman special preparations and vitamin complexes, which contribute to the prevention of infection of the child and reduce the tone of the uterus. In addition, in this case, it is necessary to comply with the bed. Doctors often prescribe inpatient treatment under full supervision until the very beginning of labor.

Sometimes a viral infection can cause a lack of amniotic fluid in pregnant women. In such cases, antiviral and restorative medications are prescribed. Additionally, vitamin complexes and drugs that stimulate blood microcirculation are prescribed.

If the pregnancy is delayed, then they do an amniotomy (puncture of the bladder) and immediately take delivery. In addition, there are cases when a pregnant woman has an anomaly in the development of the fetal membranes, which is why oligohydramnios occurs.

In such cases, prevention of intrauterine infectious lesions and therapy aimed at maintaining pregnancy are needed. And do not forget that timely diagnosis of amniotic fluid deficiency and quality treatment lead to a favorable outcome.


To prevent oligohydramnios, you can use birch sap, which has a good diuretic effect. To reduce and enrich the body with vitamins, you need to eat chokeberry.
It contains vitamins that doctors prescribe when symptoms of lack of amniotic fluid are detected. Rowan can be consumed both in the form of berries and in the form of juice.

To prevent oligohydramnios against a background of stress or overwork, you need to take tinctures of medicinal herbs. The best of this kind will be tinctures from motherwort herbs or. Take these drinks before going to bed, they perfectly soothe and relieve spasms.