How to remove fresh paint from clothes. How to remove paint from clothes after paintball, construction and Holi festival

How many housewives know how to remove paint from clothes? Not many, some will say, because before painting, everyone tries to put on old things that they don’t mind throwing away on occasion. But minor troubles are inevitable, and hard-to-remove marks from a renovated park bench, splashes from hair dyeing, or watercolor “masterpieces” of children’s creativity may appear on your jeans or favorite blouse. Wash or throw away? Let's talk about how to remove paint from clothes at home.

Is it worth taking it?

Before you begin to suffer, you should figure out whether there is common sense in the upcoming waste of time? A few rules will help you understand whether you should get to work or give up on the stains:

  • Fresh stains are much less resistant to removal than old ones.
  • It is easier to wash several small stains than to remove one large stain. If your favorite T-shirt is completely soiled, you will have to part with it.
  • Splashes and drips disappear faster if they hit thick fabric - canvas or denim. Light and thin fabrics are more difficult to wash.
  • Any dye has a base - water, oil, emulsion, and others. For each base, a different method of removal is preferable: watercolor or gouache can be easily removed by machine washing, and the water-based emulsion can be wiped off under running cold water. Oil paints are recognized as the most resistant, which also work well with the right approach.

So, you should think about dealing with paint on clothes immediately after the stain is discovered. The first thing that is recommended to do is determine the type of dye. This is what will determine the way to combat pollution at home.

Water based dyes

Water-based paints are familiar to everyone since childhood - these are watercolors and gouache. It’s easy to get rid of traces of creativity on clothes:

Simple ways to remove grease stains from various clothes

Water emulsion

Water-based emulsion or latex dye is widely used in repair work. It is an emulsion of pigment and small polymer particles. How to remove water-based paint from clothes? Usually there are no problems with removing such spots:

  • Laundry soap. Soiled clothing should be placed in a soapy solution with hot water added. Leave to sit, then completely remove the stain by hand or machine wash.
  • Alcohol. Pure technical alcohol is not easy to find, so you can use what you have in the house. The fabric is stretched, alcohol is applied to it, and then wiped with a rag.
  • A solution of vinegar and ammonia. A mixture of two parts ammonia and vinegar with one part salt is applied to the stain for a few minutes, and then cleaned with a toothbrush.


Acrylic is considered a water-soluble dye, so in theory getting rid of an acrylic stain is easy. But if the dirt has had time to dry within a couple of hours, then regular washing will not be enough. How to wash acrylic paint?

Oil dyes

Oil dye stains are among the most difficult to remove. To remove such contaminants, “heavy artillery” is used. Therefore, before you wash oil paint from clothes, you should make sure that the fabric will not be damaged. To do this, experienced housewives advise testing a small, inconspicuous area of ​​fabric with the chosen product. After making sure that the clothes will not be damaged, you can proceed to the following algorithm:

  1. Almost instantly the oil dye is picked up by the crust. First, you should scrape off this crust using a knife or a stiff brush.
  2. Next, moisten the stain with turpentine. Gasoline purchased at a special hardware store will also work. In particularly serious cases, you can think of solvent No. 646 or acetone.
  3. Some housewives use a mixture of butter and washing powder to soften the oil pigment. The composition is suitable for delicate fabrics; it is carefully rubbed into the stain, then left for a couple of minutes.
  4. When the dye becomes soft, it is removed with a cotton swab. A piece of bandage or gauze is also used for this purpose.
  5. After the pigment wears off, an oil stain remains on the fabric. It is already easier to deal with fat; for this they use ammonia, glycerin, and finally, dishwashing detergent.
  6. It's time to start doing laundry! For machine washing, housewives use regular powder paired with a stain remover.

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A similar algorithm is applicable to enamel, which is considered the most resistant. When using aggressive solvents, it is important not to get carried away, as the quality of the fabric and its appearance can be seriously affected.

Hair dye

Ammonia dyes, which women use to give their hair a new shade, are difficult to remove from clothing. Immediately after the dyeing procedure, you should carefully inspect the items, and to be sure, immediately wash them in a machine with regular powder. If the stain was discovered much later, heavy artillery will have to be used. How to remove hair dye from clothes?

How to remove old paint from clothes at home

When time is lost, it becomes almost impossible to get rid of pollution. The coloring composition dries, forms a crust and is firmly absorbed into the fabric fibers. Experts say that the easiest way to remove old stains from watercolors, water-based emulsions, and gouache. Acrylic, oil paints, and hair dyes are practically unaffected, although it’s still worth a try.

The appearance of a paint stain does not mean that the clothes are completely damaged or need to be taken to the dry cleaner. If you make an effort, you can remove such contaminants yourself. The most important thing is to try not to let the paint dry on your clothes. Also remember that the sooner you start removing stains, the greater the chance of not leaving a trace of their presence.

Basic methods

Removing a stain from watercolor paint or gouache on clothes will not be difficult: you will need to wash the items with laundry soap or washing powder. But if the stain was formed from contact with oil paint, then removing it will cause a lot of trouble.

First of all, you need to apply a small amount of turpentine, kerosene, acetone or alcohol to ordinary cotton wool, depending on the material from which the clothing was made. Next, use a damp cotton swab to gently wipe the stain, removing excess paint from the clothing. Acetone is not suitable for leather or synthetic products. If the material tends to shed heavily, it is not recommended to use ammonia.

An equally effective way to remove oil paint stains is purified gasoline. This method is also suitable for removing old paint stains, dried paint, including hair dye stains. You can purchase this miracle product in one of the stores that specializes in household goods. This substance is easy to use, like other stain removers, just moisten a piece of cotton wool in it and treat the stains. As for the gasoline that fills the car’s tank, it will not cope with the task. You may be able to remove the main stain with it, but several more stains will appear on the clothing nearby, and then the item can be considered completely damaged.

Removing Dye from Wool Clothes

The most difficult and troublesome task is removing paint stains that appear on cashmere and wool products. Here, when choosing an effective remedy, you need to be extremely careful - alcohol, gasoline and acetone will not work. For example, if a stain from oil paint or acrylic paint appears on a coat or woolen jacket, then you need to use regular sunflower oil.

If the moment is missed, and the paint has already ingrained itself into the clothes, then you will need to make more effort, and the effect may be far from the desired one. First, using a knife or razor, carefully, so as not to damage the thing, you need to try to clean off the crust of dried paint. Next, wipe the stained area with alcohol or acetone. In this way, you will be able to ensure that the paint begins to gradually dissolve, and it will be possible to remove its excess. Then the only task left is to get rid of the remaining trace of the stain. Since this procedure can be quite lengthy so as not to rub the paint even deeper into the fabric, it is worth changing the cotton wool several times. To consolidate the result, you need to treat the area where the stain was recently with a strong soda solution.

If you manage to get rid of the dirt, you should rinse the cleaned clothes separately from your other things in warm water, since the smell of, for example, gasoline or turpentine can be transferred to them. After rinsing, be sure to take the treated item out into the fresh air to eliminate any remaining unpleasant odor.

Removing Dye from White Clothes

For white and light-colored items, the method using laundry soap and white toothpaste is suitable. First, apply a thick layer of toothpaste to the stain. Leave it to dry a little, but not until completely dry. Then wash everything thoroughly, but without strong pressure, with soap and wash in warm water. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated.

It is also possible to use glass cleaner (transparent, not colored). This product must be applied liberally to the stain and left for a while.

If the stain is old, it is worth keeping a section of contaminated fabric in window cleaner until the paint begins to peel off from the fabric.

Afterwards you need to wash the fabric with laundry soap.

Many women, seeing that the fabric is stained with dye, immediately begin to panic. However, the item does not have to be immediately sent to the garbage disposal. There are many ways to remove paint from clothes, depending on the composition of the substance. You can try to remove any stain yourself if you know some of the secrets of the procedure.

How to remove paint from fabric

First of all, you need to determine the type of contamination. All dyes are conventionally divided into groups:

  • water-soluble (watercolor, water-based solutions, gouache, tempera);
  • other dyes that dissolve in different substances (oil, acrylic, latex, enamel).

Fresh watercolor stains on children's clothes can be washed off with cold water. It is recommended to pre-soak old traces of dyes for 15-30 minutes. Gouache contains an adhesive and oil base, so it takes longer to wash off than watercolor. How to remove paint from clothes made of thick fabric? This is not difficult, and the means at hand can be found in every home. For example:

  1. you can prepare a solution of oxalic acid and ammonia;
  2. no less effective is a mixture of glycerin, technical alcohol and ammonia.

Tempera in composition refers to intermediate compositions between water and oil dyes. In this regard, removal should be carried out in the same way as getting rid of grease stains. Water-based mortars can be easily removed from work pants with soapy water. How to remove paint from clothes made of delicate fabric: it is better to use special stain removers, such as Bos or Vanish.

Acrylic or latex dyes are water-soluble, but over time the stain will be impossible to remove after one wash. Fresh dirt should be carefully blotted with absorbent material to prevent the composition from being absorbed into the fabric. How to remove acrylic paint from clothes? It is recommended to rub the old stain under running water and load the item into the machine. Wash at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees.

Oil and enamel dyes are the most difficult stains for fabric. Before deciding how to remove paint from clothes, you need to make sure that the material will not be damaged. Serious solvents can damage fabric, so test before use. How to remove oil paint from clothes? Use solvents (eg 646 or 647). If the case is very complex and advanced, try acetone. To reduce gasoline pollution, get the formula from the hardware store, not the one you use to fill your car.

Several ways to remove paint from clothes:

  1. Dishwashing detergents will help you if you've just stained your clothes. The stain just needs to be rubbed with a sponge and washed off with water.
  2. Cleaning powder with butter also helps solve problems with such stains. Mix the substances in a 1/1 ratio, rub the stain for some time, rinse with water. After this, wash the item.
  3. Vegetable oil is suitable for cleaning items made of synthetics, cashmere or leather. Apply it to a cotton pad and rub the stained area until the paint disappears. When the procedure is finished, you will need to remove the oil stain (to do this, pour salt on it and rinse it).
  4. White spirit is suitable for combating different types of stains, but it is better to choose it for removing enamel. You need to wet the tampon with this substance and rub the fabric.
  5. Gasoline is used in extreme cases. They are filled with pollution for a while. The disadvantage of this method is that traces of gasoline may remain on the fabric.

How to remove paint from clothes with solvents

If you get dirty, don’t rush to throw away your clothes. Try to remove the dirt. Acetone, which is part of many solvents, does an excellent job of removing traces of dyes. To remove, you need to drop a little product onto the stain and rinse after 10 minutes. Before using this method, remember that acetone can leave traces on colored material, and this aggressive substance will dissolve silk fibers.

How to remove paint from clothes with alcohol

In the construction industry, water-based solutions or latex paint are increasingly used. If, while painting the ceiling, you stain your trousers, jacket, jeans or scarf, then try to wash the stain with alcohol. To do this, stretch the fabric a little, moisten it with this substance, and wipe it with a cloth. Some housewives get rid of stains by rubbing the fabric with soap and moistening it with alcohol. After 10 minutes, you need to wash everything using the traditional method. This method also helps to get rid of stamp-type pigment.

How to remove paint from clothes with vinegar and ammonia

Acrylic or latex dyes can be easily cleaned with ammonia and vinegar. This method will help save your new jeans from unwanted contamination:

  1. Mix ammonia and vinegar with salt (2 tablespoons each).
  2. Apply the mixture to the stained area of ​​your jeans.
  3. When the mixture is absorbed, wipe it off with a toothbrush.

How to remove paint from thick fabric clothes

How to wash things if the fabric is very thick:

  1. Stains from gouache or watercolor, even if they have dried, come off well after washing.
  2. Try removing the oil stain with acetone. Soak a cotton swab in the substance and wipe away the stain.
  3. Refined gasoline also removes old stains well, but it eats heavily into fabric fibers. This causes the material to lose color.

How to remove paint from light fabric clothes

It is difficult to remove stains from delicate fabrics. It is recommended to use dry cleaning services. Before trying folk remedies, make sure you don’t ruin your item. What you can use:

  1. A cotton swab soaked in alcohol is a good way to remove fresh and old stains from thin material. Rub the dirt from the edges to the center.
  2. Try washing off very fresh stains with laundry soap.
  3. You can try to wash nylon or nylon with alcohol and salt. The dirt is cleaned with alcohol, then washed off with saline solution.

How to remove hair dye from clothes

You can solve the problem of hair dye stains on clothes by regular washing. In addition, housewives always come to the rescue with styling varnish if the dirt has not had time to dry. A white shirt can be washed in a hydrogen peroxide solution. Synthetic and woolen products are effectively cleaned with an acetic acid solution. Henna is removed with ammonia solution (1 tbsp. water, 40 ml of alcohol).

How to remove dried paint from clothes

The most difficult thing to wash off is dye that has dried and become embedded in the fibers of the fabric. How to get rid of stains:

  1. Acrylic dyes can be washed off with laundry soap.
  2. Gouache and watercolor stains come off after washing, even if they have had time to dry.
  3. The dried layer of oil dye must be scraped off with a knife, then poured with vegetable oil or gasoline.

Video: how to remove paint stains from clothes

Our world is full of colors and you can get dirty anywhere: while walking in the park, while coloring your hair at home, renovating your home or office, or on the playground. Even children's creativity with watercolors or gouache can ruin the appearance of clothes.

Is there a chance to wash things?

It’s easy to remove gouache-based paint from clothes - wash the item with soapy water. But with oil-based or water-based paints you will have to tinker.
There is a chance to save clothes if a little time has passed since the moment of contamination. If weeks or months have passed, then the paint has most likely already combined with the fibers of the fabric and it is too late to correct the situation. In addition, pay attention to the area of ​​damage, because it is easier to remove small stains than to cope with a large amount of work. So, if the paint damage is old and large, it is better not to suffer and throw the clothes in the trash.

To save clothes from paint stains, remember the rules for working with solvents:

  1. Paint stains are easier to remove when they are fresh. Taking immediate action increases the chances of keeping your clothes looking neat.
  2. Try to immediately determine the type and composition of the paint, the type of fabric, so as not to make a mistake in choosing what to wash the paint with.
  3. When working with solvents, be sure to wear rubber gloves. Work in a ventilated area to avoid skin irritation and respiratory tract damage.
  4. Before use, test the solvent on an inconspicuous area on the wrong side of the fabric.

Removing dried paint

You can also wash off the paint if you didn’t notice the stain right away. Take your time and calmly follow the instructions:

  1. Before removing stains from clothing, scrape off the top layer with a knife or razor. Use a stiff brush to remove old paint.
  2. Soften the residue with an oil solution or ointment: Vaseline or vegetable fat.
  3. Use solvents to remove paint from clothes at home.

The choice of solvent depends on the type of paint and type of fabric, so before use, read the recommendations:

  • Oil and powder mixture. A mixture of 1 tablespoon of butter or vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of washing powder will help to remove old paint from colored clothes. Apply the prepared paste to the stain and wash it off after a few minutes. The color will remain the same, and the untidiness will disappear.
  • Vinegar-ammonia mixture. Combine 2 tablespoons of vinegar, ammonia and tbsp. spoon of salt. Mix everything thoroughly and apply it to the stain with a toothbrush. Wait 10-12 minutes and wash the items as usual. This mixture is easy to remove acrylic paint.
  • Solvents. Solvents - gasoline, acetone, turpentine - can deal with dried stains. Apply the product on the wrong side with gentle movements from the edge to the center so as not to smear the paint and prevent it from absorbing deeper.
  • Solvent mixture. The paint will come off if you use a mixture of turpentine, gasoline and alcohol in a 1:1:1 ratio. Just wet the paint stain and it will disappear.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove old dried hair dye. Treat the stain with the solution and soak the clothes in water with added hydrogen peroxide, then rinse out the reagent and wash as usual.
  • Glycerol. Glycerin will save colored items from hair dye. Treat the stain with soapy water, then apply glycerin to the stain using a cotton swab and leave for a few minutes, and before washing, treat with a salt solution with a drop of ammonia.

Washing off fresh paint

Removing a fresh paint stain is easier than removing a dried one, but this also requires knowing some tricks.

  • Hair dye can be removed from clothing by treating the stain with hairspray: it contains solvents that will remove the stain.
  • It is not difficult to wash oil paint at home, the main thing is not to scrub it with a solvent or wash it with powder. When working with such paint, treat the stain with dishwashing detergent for the first half hour, and when the stain becomes wet, remove it from the clothing.
  • Gasoline can handle a fresh stain. This solvent can be found in stores; it is used to refill lighters. Soak a cotton swab with solvent and apply to the stain.
  • Acetone will help effectively remove fresh stains. The product effectively removes pigments and allows you to remove paint from clothes. Apply the solution to the stain and wait 10-12 minutes.

When using acetone, be careful:

  1. It may discolour colored fabrics.
  2. You cannot use acetone to remove stains on synthetic fabrics; it will dissolve such fabrics.

Any alcohol-containing product will help remove water-based construction paint. Treat the stain with a cotton swab with an alcohol solution, sprinkle with salt, leave for 10-15 minutes, and wash. The dirt will come off the clothes.

Not only the composition and type of paint should determine the cleaning assistants. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric so as not to completely ruin things.


When removing paint stains on white cotton clothes, use a mixture of gasoline and white clay; after 3-4 hours, the clay will push the pigment out of the fabric and the stain will be washed off.

Cotton fabric will become clean if it is boiled for 10 minutes in a solution of soda and crushed soap, per 1 liter. water, 1 tsp. soda and a piece of soap.


Silk will help save alcohol. Rub the fabric with soap, and apply an alcohol-containing product over it with a swab or sponge. Rinse the fabric and it will be as good as new.


If your synthetic fabric is damaged, solvents will burn it. How to remove paint in this case? Ammonia solution and salt will help you. Treat the stain and soak in salt water.


A mixture of heated alcohol and laundry soap will help return the coat to its normal appearance and remove oil paint. Apply the mixture with a sponge to your coat or sweater, wipe and you're done.


Vegetable, castor or olive oil can save leather items. Dishwashing detergent will help remove grease stains.


Gasoline or kerosene will help remove dye from jeans. Solvents will not damage the fabric and will clean the surface from contamination. If after cleaning it remains in place, try using an oxygen-containing stain remover.

You can also remove paint stains using newfangled stain removers; only with this option, carefully read the instructions for using the product. Well, if they can’t handle it, take your favorite item to the dry cleaner, they will definitely handle any misfortune.

A paint stain on clothing can be very disappointing, especially if the item is new or a favorite and you can’t buy a second one. It is unlikely that you will be able to wash the item in the usual way, but it is possible, but it is very easy to ruin it. The question of how to remove paint from clothes is relevant for many, because prices for goods rise almost every month. And throwing away a good thing damaged by paint is an unaffordable luxury for some. Then folk methods and professional remedies enter the battle against stains, which we will now talk about.

How to properly remove paint from clothes at home

When we talk about paint stains on clothes, we often think of a painter’s work uniform or old clothes that people often renovate at home. But even a small child painting his masterpieces in oil or watercolor can stain clothes with permanent dye. An office worker can stain his suit with stamp paint, a careless outdoor enthusiast can stain his clothes with paint by sitting on a freshly painted bench, and a student can stain his clothes with a leaking marker. We can give many examples when our things are hidden by an insidious and persistent dye. Therefore, how you can remove paint from clothes primarily depends on the type of dye. A product that can easily cope with watercolor paints will be powerless against stains from enamel or acrylic.

But no matter what dye you stained your item with, there are several rules. They must be followed so that the stain comes off easily, does not damage the fabric and does not aggravate the situation by sending the suit “to the country.”

  • The easiest way to remove a fresh stain is to get to work as soon as you learn how to remove paint from clothes
  • Before processing an item, place several layers of cotton fabric underneath it, and then the clothes will not get dirty
  • Before trying any method on a visible place of the item, try the product on an inconspicuous area
  • You need to wipe the paint stain towards the center so that it does not spread further throughout the fabric.
  • If you treat stains with a cotton pad, change it regularly. Otherwise, you will not remove the stain, but will spread it over the surface, driving the dye deeper into the fibers of the fabric
  • When you have succeeded in removing paint from clothes, wash the item first by hand, then in a washing machine, adding a stain remover. It is necessary to rinse the product more than once and then dry it in fresh air. To remove paint from clothes, substances with a strong unpleasant odor (acetic acid, thinner, gasoline, kerosene, etc.) are often used. Repeated rinsing of the item and proper drying will help get rid of the smell as much as possible.

Be sure to carry out all work with gloves and in a well-ventilated area.

In this article we will look at how to remove paint from clothes if the item is dirty:

  • Watercolor, gouache, oil and other painting compositions
  • Stamp inks
  • Acrylic or latex
  • Alkyd paint (enamel and oil)

The choice of means and methods for removing stains also depends on the type of fabric and whether the stain is fresh, old or dried.

How to remove paint from an item

Children and artists often get dirty with painting materials. The easiest way to get rid of watercolor and gouache stains is because they have a water-soluble base.

How to remove watercolor paint from clothing:

  • Rinse the item under cold running water until only a barely noticeable trace remains.
  • Wash by hand or machine, with plenty of powder.
  • Wash at temperatures up to 30 degrees, otherwise the pigment, on the contrary, will penetrate better into the fabric

Removing old watercolor paint from clothing requires a little more effort. Use one of these methods:

  • Rub the stain with laundry soap
  • Apply stain remover according to the type of fabric
  • Heat some vinegar and pour it onto the stain
  • After applying the product, wait an hour and then wash the product.

How to Remove Oil Paint from Clothes

  • Rinse the stained area with cold tap water
  • Apply dishwashing liquid to the dirt
  • After an hour, wash the product by hand
  • If you need to remove dried oil paint from clothing, use a stain remover suitable for the fabric.

Is it possible to remove stamp ink from fabric?

This paint is used to refill ink pads or stamps, so the problem is relevant for office workers. You can also easily get dirty when refilling the printer and ruin your expensive suit. How to remove paint stains from clothes in this case?

Method for silk and other delicate fabrics:

  • Add water to mustard powder and mix well
  • Apply the paste to the stain and leave for a day
  • Now remove the dried compound from the fabric
  • Wash the item of clothing by hand or in the washing machine

For coarser fabrics, you can use a mixture of turpentine and ammonia, mixed in equal proportions. Pour onto the stain and wash the item

You can remove a stamp dye stain from leather clothing as follows:

  • Mix glycerin and denatured alcohol in a 50/50 ratio
  • Warm the mixture and then wet a cotton swab with it.
  • Gently wipe the stain without going beyond its borders.

How to Remove Acrylic Paint from Clothes

If there is a small fresh stain on an item from acrylic or latex paint, then you can remove it with the same folk remedy that is used to remove stains from watercolors and gouache. If there are a lot of stains, or the contamination is extensive and old, then the process will have to be somewhat more complicated.

  • Rinse the item from the inside out under a cold water tap
  • Squeeze a little
  • Sprinkle laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid onto the stain
  • Gently rub the product into the affected area with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Wash in a washing machine at a temperature appropriate for the type of fabric.

If you need to remove an acrylic paint stain on silk clothing or other delicate fabric:

  • You need to wet the item and rub the stain with regular laundry soap.
  • Heat the denatured alcohol in a water bath and wet a new dishwashing sponge with it.
  • Treat the stain directly over the laundry soap
  • Remove the remaining paint with a piece of cotton wool or a disk.
  • Blot the fabric with a towel to dry it
  • Sprinkle talcum powder on top and wash after an hour

How to remove enamel paint from clothes

Enamel is a type of alkyd paint; the second type is oil paint based on drying oil. An important feature of such dyes is their moisture resistance, i.e., they do not dissolve in water. This is a big plus for use in rooms with high humidity, but a minus for those who get dirty in it and are wondering how to remove old oil paint from clothes.

If paint gets on clothing made of dense material, then its top layer must be carefully removed with a toothpick, coin or other moderately sharp object.

How to remove fresh paint from clothes:

  • Soak a cotton pad with white spirit or refined gasoline
  • Gently wipe the alkyd enamel stain
  • Heat glycerin or ammonia in a water bath
  • Apply the composition to the area of ​​contamination
  • Rinse the item and then wash it

How to remove old paint stains from clothes:

  • Pour clean kerosene onto the stain
  • After a minute, wipe with a piece of cotton cloth soaked in ammonia.

Second way:

  • Take equal amounts of turpentine, alcohol and gasoline
  • Mix the ingredients and pour directly onto the stain
  • After an hour, the paint will soften and can be removed with the blunt side of a knife.
  • Rinse the item, and if a stain remains, wash it with laundry soap

How to remove oil paint stains from clothes? The above methods using household chemicals or flammable substances (gasoline, kerosene, white spirit) are effective. Or you can try traditional methods.

Folk remedies for stains and paint marks

Butter against oil paint stains:

  • Soften 80 grams of butter to room temperature
  • Mix with the same amount of washing powder. There should be a homogeneous consistency
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and rub in with a toothbrush, removing excess with a napkin.
  • Apply the paste to the cloth a second time and, without rinsing, cover with cellophane film.
  • After half an hour, wash the clothes first by hand using laundry soap
  • And then - powder in the washing machine

How to remove water-based paint from clothes with vinegar and ammonia:

  • Grind 30 grams of table salt and combine with 65 ml of vinegar (6 or 9%) and 50 ml of ammonia
  • Do not use iodized salt, it will “eat” the pigment of the item itself
  • Place a piece of plastic bag under the stain on the wrong side of the item
  • Apply the mixture to the stain
  • After 8 minutes, scrub the stain. If the fabric is thick, use a toothbrush; if delicate, use a soft cotton cloth.
  • Rinse off any remaining pigment under running water and wash the item by hand or in a washing machine.

A combination of vinegar and ammonia will help remove acrylic paint stains.

Paint stains from both colored and white fabrics can be removed with vinegar essence:

  • Dilute 75 ml of essence with three liters of filtered water
  • Pour the solution into a basin and place the clothes with the paint stain there
  • Soak for an hour and a half and then machine wash

Enterprises often use vinegar essence to brighten colored items, so in moderation the product can be used to remove paint stains from clothing. But if the stains are small and there are few of them, it is better to carry out local treatment of the stains rather than soaking the entire thing in the composition.

How to Remove Dye from White Clothes

Chlorine bleach will help remove stains from white or very light-colored fabric. An important point is that clothes should be made of cotton or linen; more delicate fabrics can be damaged by chlorine.

  • Pour 80 milliliters of “Whiteness” into an aluminum bucket
  • Add 6 liters of water there and put the container on the fire
  • When the solution boils, lower the paint-stained item and leave it to “cook” for half an hour
  • If the item floats, it needs to be put back down. Use special tongs or a wooden stick for this.
  • After this, wash the clothes in a machine using bleaching agents for this type of equipment.
  • You need to dry the product in the fresh air, but so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Clothes

If the cosmetic dye stain is fresh, you can try to get rid of it with laundry soap. The stain should be rubbed with the product and left for half an hour. Then wash the item by hand or in the washing machine. But if the paint is old, only “heavy artillery” can help:

  • Fill the stain with 9% vinegar
  • After half an hour, wash the item in the machine.
  • It may take at least 5 procedures to get rid of caustic contamination

A similar method exists using hydrogen peroxide:

Wet the paint stain generously and wash it in the machine after twenty minutes. Relevant for white things, but it’s better not to experiment with colored fabrics.

You can try removing paint from clothes with a solvent, using white spirit, acetone, kerosene or gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab with the product and wipe the stain until it disappears.

Sometimes they try to remove the stain with a chemical hair curler, such as “Curl”, etc. You need to moisten a cotton pad with the chemical, wipe the stain and put it in the washing machine.

When trying to remove paint from clothes at home, remember that you do so at your own risk. This is especially true for hair dye, since it often contains not just coloring pigments and oils, but brighteners. There is a chance of ruining the fabric, but still not getting rid of the stain. It will not be possible to remove stains if you dyed your hair not just with hair dye, but with a lightening powder or composition.

We advise you to use these methods if the item is inexpensive and you have only two options: either throw it away immediately, or try to “save” it first. If the item of clothing is not cheap and is made of expensive fabrics, it is better to use professional dry cleaning.