What is the name of the black gem in the ring. Semiprecious stones: description and names


Rose quartz is not as common as white, and yet this shade is quite common. One of the most common minerals on earth is precisely quartz, whose family includes many semi-precious stones. Many varieties of quartz have long been endowed with healing and magical abilities. For example, rock crystal balls are one of the obligatory attributes of fortune tellers and sorcerers. The stone has a good density, so the cut can be of any shape.

Pink pomegranate - a phenomenon not so frequent, but still happening. Most often, garnet has darker shades, and pink is rhodolite. In ancient times, it was believed that carrying a pomegranate with him could see the way in the dark, in addition, the stone would protect him from evil spells. Therefore, many travelers of those times wanted to take a pomegranate amulet on their trip. The most common cut for real garnets is oval, round or pillow, but other shapes can sometimes be found.

Pink - the phenomenon is also not the most common. This group of minerals is called corundum and among the valuable stones it occupies one of the leading places. Since this stone has been valued since ancient times, a great many legends and myths have been created around it, which endow it with both healing and magical properties. It is believed that sapphire protects the owner from envious people and can protect against poisoning. When traveling, this stone helped with reflection, so it was often taken with them on long trips. The density of sapphire is high, so it is cut into any shape, even cabochon.

Coral is formed from the fossilized skeletons of coral polyps in the oceans and seas. The jewelry industry uses red, pink, black and white varieties of corals. Jewelry from it has been popular since ancient times; this stone symbolizes immortal happiness. Despite its softness and fragility, it occupies not the last place in the world of precious stones and is very popular. Pink and red corals from the Mediterranean are valued above all others.

Pink jade is very rare and highly valued. This mineral of any color was most revered in China, where magical abilities were attributed to it: it was valued as highly as gold, and imperial seals were made from it. According to legend, the heavenly throne of Buddha was made. Small pebbles of jade often circulated along with money. Currently, jade is used as a decorative ornamental material and a precious stone in jewelry. An important factor in the evaluation of jade is the uniformity of color. White and pink shades are the most expensive and valuable.

Black. The list of these minerals is very large.

In addition to beauty, they have magical and healing properties. Many of them are kept in the form of amulets or amulets. Now we will describe the most famous black gemstones.

Agate is quite an interesting mineral.

This stone is popular. It is easy to process. Characteristic features that will help to accurately identify such a stone are the striped color due to chalcedony (a rare type of quartz). But the type of mineral itself is quite interesting. The composition of chalcedony makes it possible to attribute agate to the list of cryptocrystalline quartz. Its feature is resistance to acid.

This stone is found most often in such countries: Russia, Mexico, Brazil, USA, Argentina, India, Australia, Botswana. There is a legend that agate is the favorite mineral of Pomona, the goddess of gardening. As for the origin of the name of this gem, opinions are divided. Some believe that it is of Greek origin and means "happy" in translation. Others say that the name comes from the area where it was mined, namely from the Ahates River. But there is no confirmation of the first and other versions.

Properties of agate

Interestingly, agate is not only black. Moreover, this stone has more than a thousand species. It has already been mentioned above that it differs from other minerals: stripes in color and a layered structure. Agate is found in such colors: gray, green, white, pink, red, moss. And black is any mineral in the structure of which there is a dark blotch. The brightness of the color is given with the help of various technological treatments. After all, in nature itself there is no black agate.

This stone has magical properties. Many argue that it will help find love, build family happiness, protect children from the evil eye, improve health, resolve difficult relationships with people, stop quarrels and conflicts, improve financial situation. When choosing black gems, you should definitely pay attention to agate.


This is a very famous mineral. Structure - petrified clay. Through millions of years, it turned into stone. Translated from Greek means "dense clay". There are other varieties of argillite with such names: mud stones and halits.

The structure of this stone is thin-layered. It is difficult to destroy with water, and it does not have plastic. It can be weathered, and when moistened, the smell of clay is formed. Interestingly, mudstone was very popular among the Indians, especially the Haida tribe. They used its pieces as knives and other tools that they used for hunting.

If you are looking for black gemstones, then you might want to check out argillite. It is native to the Queen Charlotte Islands (Canada). Argillite can also be found in such countries: Ukraine, Estonia, China, Russia, Central Asia. This black has an interesting and unusual. In addition, it has magical properties, helps to focus and make the right and meaningful decision in any situation. Argillite also helps to protect a person from mistakes, soothes. It is indispensable for people suffering from apathy, depression, stress.

Argillite properties

Ancient tribes performed various magical rituals with the help of argillite. With them, he was a guide to the world of the dead and helped to summon spirits. This black gemstone is often used in home amulets. It helps to preserve the hearth, protect all its inhabitants from diseases, evil eyes, and envy. Thanks to argillite, there will always be well-being, success, and health in the house. Various figures, sculptures, souvenirs are made of stone. Such products are not cheap, despite the fact that even raw stone has a small price.

But the work of the master and his product will cost much more. By the way, argillite jewelry has healing properties, but it is very difficult to find such accessories.


If you are interested in black transparent gemstones, then pay attention to hypersthene. It belongs to the class of silicates. By its very nature, it is a rare metal. It contains iron and magnesium. In addition to black, there are yellow, green, brown hypersthenes. There is also a characteristic pearlescent sheen. It is rare to find a valuable transparent crystal in nature.

The name "hypersthene" in Greek means "very strong". Then the stone was renamed enstatin. People still use this name today. It translates as "shockproof". Kachkanar, Russia is considered the birthplace of the stone. Now it is also found in such countries: Ukraine, India, Canada, Bavaria, Norway, Iran.

These black gemstones are widely used in the jewelry industry. Although one of the most popular types of hypersthene is bronzite. This stone has a brownish green and hazel hue. It is very popular with jewelers. It looks great in earrings, rings, various pendants and pendants. Interestingly, the mineral, crushed into powder, is used in the manufacture of powders and blush.

This black gem, the photo of which can be seen in the article, is often used to create decorative furniture items or souvenirs. Even museums store unique samples of such a mineral. And collectors are desperately hunting for unique hypersthene elements.

Hypersthene properties

Like all stones, this one also has certain magical properties. It protects from negativity, protects health and protects a person from accidents. Amulets, talismans, amulets made of hypersthene are recommended to be worn by people who have to risk their lives in their profession, for example, the military, emergency workers, and police officers. This stone is able to maintain fortitude, morale. It will always help you get out of a bad mood.

Hypersthene is very famous for its medicinal properties. These stones are able to strengthen the immune system, fight viral diseases, and normalize the functionality of almost all vital organs. Many today use this black gemstone. It is not always possible to remember the name of such a mineral, but its powerful power will be remembered for a long time.


This stone is also known as the history of the mineral is very interesting. A warrior named Obsidio was the first to bring this stone to Rome. It was named after him. In the national language, Caucasians call it "fragments of the bones of Satan", and the Americans - "tears of the Apaches." There are also different literary names: Icelandic agate, resin tree.

A characteristic feature of obsidian is the variety of colors and patterns. Nature gives rainbow, snow and peanut shades. characteristic of snow obsidian. It has crystalline inclusions that are very similar to snowflakes. Black obsidian is the most popular. In its composition, it has a large amount of such a mineral as magnetite.

Obsidian is created in nature in the process of lava solidification and does not have a crystalline structure. Its appearance resembles mica. This is where the name came from - volcanic glass. Interestingly, the first such stone was found about nine thousand years ago. Now it can be found in countries such as Japan, USA, Turkey, Ecuador, Ethiopia.


These gems (black) are widely used in the manufacture of various jewelry. After polishing, they are used to make earrings, bracelets, beads, rings, pendants. They also decorate vases and even glasses. This, of course, gives uniqueness to such products.

Among jewelers, the mineral has been popular since ancient times. It is considered a semi-precious, malleable stone. The whole world knows the works of Faberge, in which obsidian is used. It is widely used in building materials because it retains heat well. These stones have healing and magical properties. They are used as amulets and amulets.

A small conclusion

Now you know the names of black gems. We also described the properties of these minerals. We hope that the information was useful to you, and you will be able to choose a strong black amulet for yourself.


Semi-precious and precious stones of black color have long attracted attention with their unusual appearance. Among the most famous minerals are opals, sapphires and onyxes. Jewelers highly appreciate the brilliant black sapphire with asterism effect. This is the name of the manifestation of the image of a star on a stone when it is illuminated. Tourmaline and noble spinel can sometimes be raven.

Semi-precious jade and black agate are much less common. Diamonds lead in popularity and exclusivity among dark-colored minerals. Natural black pearls are considered a rarity, and therefore jewelry with it is highly valued. When choosing, you need to beware of fakes with artificial or dyed pearls. Ornamental obsidian of coal-black color is widely used.

Stones that give strength

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Dark colors symbolize aristocracy, sophistication, sophistication and commitment to tradition. These properties are also present in black stones. They contain the entire color spectrum, so these gems combine the magical and healing properties inherent in stones of other shades.

Black precious minerals are the source of earthly strength, the embodiment of its energy. Stones make their owner active, courageous, stubborn and self-confident. They support the weak and hold back the strong. A black stone balances thoughts, emotions and all life. It is often used in meditations and spiritual rites, since black helps to reject the fuss and imbue with thoughts of the High.

Black spinel is called noble and is highly valued by lovers of jewelry. This transparent shiny mineral gives happiness in love and family life. An artist or a poet is inspired. The stone tends to reflect and enhance all the qualities of its owner. But wearing a stone is not always recommended, so as not to exacerbate character flaws.

Tourmaline black color was called "sherl". It was considered a stone of witches and magicians because of its ability to reflect the strongest magical actions. The precious mineral has a positive effect on the human mind, strengthens memory and clarifies thoughts. During meditation, the stone affects the base chakra and forms a neutral aura. It neutralizes all negativity directed at its owner.

Volcanic glass The black color is called obsidian. The mineral is the carrier of the strongest magical energy, therefore it is recommended to wear it only for strong personalities, skeptics and cynics. On a weak person, a stone can act depressingly. Obsidian helps develop intuition and the gift of divination. Items made from this mysterious stone are often used in séances.

Your name onyx derived from the Greek "onyx", which means "nail". This shiny black chalcedony is most often decorated with transverse stripes - a kind of braid of white, brown, red or yellow. Pure onyx is much rarer. The stone is able to reflect negative energy and accumulate positive. In moments of great physical or mental stress, onyx will share strength with its owner.

Who needs black minerals?

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A precious black mineral will appeal to a respectable man who holds an important position or leads a large number of people. A strong person can wear black stones quite often. For a suspicious or overly modest personality, it is recommended to wear them several times a month.

Black stones are able to get rid of negative or excess energy and diseases. Therefore, they should be washed regularly under running water and rested in a dark place. The effect of black minerals on the human psyche and nervous system is especially noticeable. They have the ability to stop the storm that reigns in the soul, calm the mind and feelings. Therefore, a black stone is recommended to be worn by those who experience difficulties of an emotional or psychological nature.
Astrologers advise wearing precious jewelry with black stones to representatives of strong zodiac signs. They will help Aries, Scorpio and Leo to curb their feelings, distribute energy and direct it in the right direction. It is useful for Libra to have a black mineral for greater determination and courage. It is advisable for Cancers and Aquarius to wear transparent dark stones that will feed them with strength in difficult times.

Talismans with black gems

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A precious black gem is the strongest amulet. Its action is aimed at the physical protection of a person from diseases, injuries, accidents. The energy of the stone is able to repel a hostile magical attack, protect from damage or the evil eye. Precious jewelry with black minerals or products from them protect against any physical impact.

The jet, which is otherwise called "black amber", has the ability to ward off dangers from its active and courageous traveler master. It is useful for pregnant women to have it as a talisman. The stone helps to easily endure pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. Gagat pacifies excessive excitement, craving for adventure and idle curiosity.

Onyx, used as a talisman, will promote career advancement, as he "loves" powerful and purposeful people. This semi-precious stone helps to win the authority and love of the team, attract the attention of the audience, control large crowds. Onyx protects against the intrigues of rivals and increases the number of associates.

It is very useful to wear onyx for the development of your own business and the accumulation of capital. The mineral enhances entrepreneurial abilities, activates business acumen and develops eloquence. Therefore, jewelry with it is a wonderful gift for a businessman. The gem will attract good luck and luck on his side. The stone relieves excess energy, helping to avoid stress and conflict.

Obsidian protects a person not only from external enemies, but also from internal demons. It is useful to wear it for those who are prone to various vices. The stone cleanses from aggression, replaces laziness with activity, apathy with diligence. Any vessel made of obsidian charges the water with positive energy, which keeps from evil magic and one's own bad deeds.

Lithotherapists consider schorl one of the strongest talismans. The stone is able to protect from deadly dangers along the way, warn against fatal mistakes and prevent accidents. The power of the earth is concentrated in schorl crystals, so it is useful for weakened people to wear the mineral. It helps restore health, heals wounds and reduces pain.

Noble black spinel has a second name - picotite. It has a positive effect on the work of many internal organs. The beneficial effect of picotite on the condition of the skin, hair and the entire appearance has been noticed. The gem will serve as a good talisman for a woman. He will take care of her beauty and attract the attention of men to her. The mineral activates creative impulses and promotes spiritual development.

Black stones

Black stones make up the most numerous group. It includes precious and semi-precious crystals. Precious samples of black color are a colossal source of strength and energy. They are preferred to be worn by mysterious and powerful personalities. Black is unusual in that it absorbs all colors.

- one of the most beautiful ornamental stones. Its structure is distinguished by hardness and sponginess. Various products from this mineral were popular in antiquity. Among the Greeks, agate was considered the stone of the goddess, the patroness of gardening and harvest. In general, he was the talisman of hard workers. Black stone protects from dangers and evil forces. This gem is an antidote for any kind of poisoning. The origin of agates is associated with the volcanic properties of rocks, lavas. In medicine, this gem is used to treat bronchitis, dental diseases. Therefore, it is better to wear a stone in a bracelet.

The name onyx from Greek means "nail", it is considered a stone of leaders. It is a valuable and very beautiful mineral. Jewelry is made from it, this gem has magic, helping to get rid of bad habits. Black onyx is considered the stone of businessmen. Also, this sample of the breed treats diseases of the nervous system and strengthens the spine. As a talisman, the stone is suitable for people of creative professions. He also likes to help leaders by nature, risky, decisive. In jewelry, the mineral is inserted into rings and earrings. It is most active on the neck and chest.

The name tourmaline (shorl) comes from the Sinhalese language. This word means "colourful". According to the chemical composition, it is aluminum silicate, boron-containing. This element is a crystalline substance that looks like a prism. There are a considerable number of jewelry varieties of tourmaline. Its various types include elements such as iron, lithium, magnesium, etc. Large samples are known in Brazil, where they are called "Brazilian emerald". Tourmaline, a gem that is actively used in medical equipment. For a person who wears jewelry with black tourmaline, it helps to awaken creative energy.

Jade stone got its name from the Greek "nephros" kidney. In ancient times, it was believed that it relieves ailments and bestows fidelity. Jade stone has tremendous strength. In China, it is considered a sacred element, and represents religion and authority. Therefore, it is better to wear it for those people who are trying to change something in life. In order for black jade to manifest itself with greater strength, it is more useful to wear it framed in silver or platinum. This stone is not recommended for children. People believed that this gem protects the earth from hurricanes. In the production of jewelry, it is widely used for inserts into rings, bracelets and pendants.

is a solid crystal, noble and precious. In nature, it occurs in the form of formations of dense masses, similar to glass, sometimes in the form of stalactites. This mineral is concentrated in hot springs. The largest black element was mined in Australia. In jewelry production, black noble opal is used. The stone has healing properties. The water in which the opal lay for a long time was used for heart diseases. This talisman helps talented people, enhancing their gift. And there is also a belief that this semi-precious sample contributes to longevity.

Pearls arose in the process of life of mollusks. The color of this stone is varied, it can be from white to black. This is a lovely gem created by nature. Pearls are considered a precious stone, despite their organic origin. It is found in the depths of the earth and reservoirs. The element is amazing in its beauty, valued since ancient times. It may take twelve years until a particle of sand that has fallen into the shell of a mollusk is covered with mother-of-pearl and turns into a small pearl stone. It is better to wear this jewelry yourself, and not to give it to someone. If the pearl loses color, then it warns its owner about the disease.

The obsidian gem is formed as a result of the rapid cooling of volcanic lava. It was named after Obsidia, the ancient Roman warrior who first brought it. In different countries of the world, it is called differently. He received the well-deserved name of the "dark" stone. The mineral was often used by magicians. Black obsidian was very widespread in the manufacture of jewelry and amulets. Today, it occupies a leading position in the list of ornamental stones. Beads, key chains, rosaries and much more are made from it. Obsidian is a wonderful amulet, and in folk medicine it cures colds.

The mineral quartz exists in the form of crystals of various colors. Chemically, it is silicon oxide. Crystals are more often in the form of a rhombus or pyramid. This gem is also called the stone of Tamerlane. Crystal deposits are Africa, Brazil and other countries. As jewelry, this black quartz is best inserted into silver. So it brings good luck, prosperity and happiness. Quartz will be very useful if it is lowered into a filter with water. And when periodically washed with such water, the skin of the face will become much younger. Black pendants with quartz crystals protect the human immune system.

Spinel crystals are very beautiful, slightly cloudy, black in color. From Latin, the name is translated as "thorn", and from Greek - "spark". Such a mineral belongs to precious stones. It is actively mined in Tajikistan, Afghanistan and the Pamirs. These are high-density crystals, formed by changing existing rocks. Jewelers call this stone a "double" (sometimes, it replaces sapphires, rubies and emeralds in the manufacture of jewelry). And black ones can even pass for diamonds. In medicine, spinel relieves pain, increases blood pressure, and helps with digestive disorders.

Shungite is a black mineral resembling coal. It mainly consists of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur. The element got its name from the Karelian village of Shunga. Large deposits of this sample are located in Kazakhstan. The stone has a bactericidal property, it is useful to use it as protection against electromagnetic radiation. Shungite is infused with water, which is useful for a large number of diseases: gastritis, depression, bronchial asthma and others. Strong amulets are made from this mineral. They can even neutralize the negative impact on a person.

Each listed black mineral has a strong influence on the human biological field. Cubic-shaped items help businessmen to sign profitable contracts, while round-shaped items help to improve relations between people. Crystals are actively used as basic decorative blanks. Many are widely used in massage, in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

From this article you will learn which stones are black, gray and brown.

In the photo: garnet, hematite, aegirine, spinel, magnetite, morion, obsidian

Precious and semi-precious stones of black color have attracted attention since ancient times with their mysterious appearance. This color is usually chosen by people prone to classics and conservatism. Jewelry with precious stones in calm neutral dark, gray and brown colors is great for both girls and men. Such products are often chosen to create a casual look.
Learn about the main cause of color in gemstones and its main components in our article on DK color.

In the photo: star sapphire from Thailand, 17.22 carats

Black sapphire is a very dark corundum. Usually it is opaque or slightly translucent. If some of these corundums are shined through with the bright light of a flashlight, then you can see that in fact they have a dark blue, brown, gray or green color. Of particular interest among collectors and connoisseurs of precious stones are black star sapphires (black star sapphire). Their name is due to the fact that they have the effect of asterism, when a bright star with six rays can be observed on the surface of the cabochon under spotlight. Such specimens are mined mainly in Thailand and Tanzania. Similar sapphires with asterism effect were one of the favorite stones of Elvis Presley.

Spinel black- opaque "semi-precious" stone. When cut, spinel can look like black sapphires, dark garnets, and can even imitate diamonds. This color of the stone may be associated with a high content of iron, chromium or zinc. The mineral spinel is characterized by excellent hardness and brilliance of facets. Its cost is not high, so it is often used to make beads and bracelets. This stone is great for making men's jewelry. On the world market, this variety of spinel usually comes from deposits in Thailand.

In the photo: black spinel, 4.19 carats, Thailand

In the photo: an opal belonging to the type of black opals. Australia

Noble black opal- a gem that has a game in the form of bright colored flashes. Under the name "black" it is customary to understand opals, where the main one is any dark color. In the same sample of opal, you can observe all the colors of the rainbow in the form of bright colored spots that can change their color depending on the angle of view and lighting. Often the main colors of "black" opals lie in the blue-green range. The presence of orange and red flashes in the sample significantly increases its value. There are a large number of varieties of opal, depending on the pattern created by the colored spots. The rarest and most expensive variety of black opal is called "harlequin". The design of this opal resembles a bright harlequin costume. Australian opals are the most expensive in the world.

Black pearl is a gemstone formed inside the shell of a clam. The brilliance and play of pearls is due to the interference of light at the boundary of the mother-of-pearl layers. Black pearls only seem so at first glance. Often it has a dark gray color, which is characterized by the presence of overflows, for example, in the form of green and purple. A bluish tint increases the price of pearls. It is generally accepted that mostly black pearls come from Tahiti. Unfortunately, it is often imitated, or dyed or irradiated low-grade cultured pearls may be sold under the name "Tahiti pearls".

In the photo: cultured black pearls

In the photo: black diamond

Among the jewelry and ornamental and ornamental stones of dark colors, one can also single out the most expensive kind of coal called jet. Black tourmalines, used in jewelry, are schorls in their composition, less often - dravites. Black chalcedony is very popular in products (in trade it is called onyx), but often it is blackened artificially. In nature, these chalcedony are usually dark gray in color, the color is often uneven, and even light-colored varieties of chalcedony can be painted over. The "semi-precious" obsidian stone can be dark grey, brown and black. In beads and bracelets, you can find hematite, which has a silvery-gray color and a metallic sheen. This mineral contains a large amount of iron. Garnet melanite, smoky quartz (better known as rauchtopaz) and morion, varieties of quartz, also have a dark color.

Precious and "semi-precious" brown stones in trade can be described by the names "cognac", "tea" or "chocolate". These gems include unrefined zircons from Tanzania, Cambodia and other countries. Topazs mined in Pakistan also have a brownish color. Their color is enhanced by irradiation. Quite widespread are smoky quartzes with a grayish-brown color. During their heat treatment, it is possible to obtain specimens of citrine color in yellow and orange tones. Zircons, andradite garnets, including topazolites mined in the Urals, have a brown scale. Occasionally, opals, chrysoberyls and sphenes have a yellowish-brown tint. The most expensive brown gemstone is the diamond. "Cognac" diamonds are mostly of Australian origin.

You can get acquainted with natural stones in the Gem Lovers catalog.