What can you give graduates from first graders. Gifts for a first grader: a selection of original ideas. Charm in the form of a toy

What to choose a gift for a first grader?

This question is asked by both parents and grandparents of grown-up kids who will soon take the next step in life, called “school”.

The first time in the first grade is an event not only for the child, but for his entire family.

And on this occasion, it is necessary for the child to give something that will both please the child and be useful.


An equally wonderful gift for a first grader will be an interesting pen in the shape of some animal, or an unusual map of the world or a globe depicting the inhabitants of the land and the ocean.

Nice addition to the main gift

The boy will be happy to receive as a gift:

  • toy railroad,
  • helicopter or car with remote control,
  • and also a soccer ball will cause a real delight in the boy.

By giving a child a toy, you let him know that the wonderful time of childhood continues, and school will not become a dividing line in his life.

Give your first grader a treat!

A cozy chair that will allow you to do your homework in comfortable conditions. An original table lamp with bright decor or a miniature aquarium. A beautiful bookshelf that will allow a first grader to place not only his books, but also various souvenir toys.

cool alarm clock

For lovers of a late morning, an interesting alarm clock with a funny melody or backlight will be a wonderful gift.

Charm in the form of a toy

A talisman toy will be a wonderful gift for a first grader, which will remind him of his home at school and protect him.

DIY gift

If the family budget does not allow making an expensive gift for a first grader, you can always make such a gift yourself.

An original gift for a first grader will be:

  • organizer,
  • photo album, made in one of the interesting techniques,
  • interesting schedule,
  • toy or funny origami.

Ideas for such interesting gifts can be gleaned from the Internet.

The child will carefully keep such a gift for many years, and this present will forever remain a part of childhood for the baby.

Gadgets and devices

The rating of the most popular gifts is undoubtedly headed by various gadgets:

  • phones,
  • computers,
  • laptops, etc.

It is foolish to ask how the child will react to such a gift? Stormy joy! But this present for a child is primarily a toy, not a functional thing.

If you have firmly decided that your child cannot do without the use of gadgets, it is better not to present them, but simply give them away for use.

In this case, the child will be able to develop an attitude towards the gadget as a useful device, and not an ordinary toy.

What gifts should not be given to a first grader?

The most important rule to follow when choosing a gift for a child: A gift should bring joy!

It is unlikely that the following types of gifts will cope with this task:

  • clothing "for growth",
  • a book that, due to its age, is not yet interesting,
  • roller skates that are still too big.

And even clothes that are “in time” are unlikely to bring joy to the kids. After all, for them it's just ordinary things.

If you have already decided to give a first grader a piece of clothing, then let it be a T-shirt with the image of your favorite cartoon character or one like that of an adored athlete!

Sweets will not be a memorable gift. Even if it's exquisite Belgian chocolate or candied violets delivered straight from Vienna. For a child, this is just a sweet, which can be a nice addition to the main gift.

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On the last bell, it is customary for graduates of grades 11 and 9 to give gifts from first graders. This time I propose to celebrate the end of the school year with a sweet gift. Such an original individual packaging of sweets in a jar is within the power of any first-grader. You can make them with your own hands right at school at a labor lesson. And so, in this master class, you will see how quickly and beautifully you can arrange a small amount of any sweets and how interesting it is to give gifts to school graduates.

Take these materials and tools:

  • candies;
  • small glass or plastic jars with lids;
  • thick felt of various colors;
  • white or gold thread;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • awl;
  • transparent universal glue "Dragon".

How to make packaging for candies from a jar as gifts for graduates

Place a glass jar on a sheet of cardboard with a lid down. Draw a square whose side is 1.5-2 centimeters larger than the diameter of the lid.

Use a cardboard square as a template and cut squares of different colors from thick felt. For each colored square, cut strips from the corresponding felt 1.5 centimeters wide and a length equal to the perimeter of the jar lid.

Apply glue to the strips and sides of the lids. Glue the strips, and fix their ends with clothespins.

While the glue dries, fill the jars with candy.

From a thick thread, make tassels for hats of graduates.

With an awl, pull the thread through the center of the top of the hat.

Apply glue liberally to the surface of the lid and glue the colored felt squares with tassels.

After the glue has completely dried, twist the candy jars. Additionally, you can write an individual congratulation on the glass or just the name of the graduate in the genitive case.

All! You can give sweets in a themed jar!

I note that such an original package of sweets is suitable not only for a gift to school graduates of the 11th or 9th grade from first graders. So you can arrange gifts for kindergarten graduates.

The end of kindergarten means the beginning of adulthood for a child. The graduate goes to the first grade, he has new responsibilities. How well a child will do in school depends on how well adults can motivate him. And in order for the school to evoke positive emotions in the future first grader, he should be encouraged by carefully considering what gifts to give for the graduation party.

The last matinee in kindergarten is a special event that every child remembers. There are many options for holiday gifts. The event should evoke positive emotions not only in children, but also in parents. Therefore, all questions regarding graduation should be decided in advance at the meeting, given that the budgets of individual families differ significantly. Purchased presents should be memorable and at the same time inexpensive.

Many parents, as can be seen from the reviews on the network, collectively decide to give their children some of the school supplies. It is important that the gifts are the same for everyone. The only thing that may differ is the theme for boys and girls. Suitable would be:

  • album and colored pencils;
  • textbook stand;
  • paints;
  • pencil case;
  • a set of colored pens, etc.

We had a lot of arguments and proposals about graduation gifts for children. They offered globes, wristwatches, microscopes, and even mobile phones, but they still settled on pencil cases with filling. I think this is the best option.

oksana minakova


Video: a gift to a kindergarten graduate

Should I make commemorative gifts?

At graduation, it would be useful to prepare gifts that in a few years will be able to remind grown-up children about the years spent in kindergarten. An excellent option would be a photo album with an original design. To create it, they invite a professional photographer who chooses interesting subjects for shooting and does the job really well.

Another memorable gift is a CD with the video "One Day in the Life of the Group". Parents will be able to see how their children behave in their absence. And in a few years, the children themselves will be interested in remembering the time spent in kindergarten.

You can choose other inexpensive souvenirs for memory:

  • alumni badges;
  • certificates with comic nominations (“The most fair-haired boy”, “The most blue-eyed girl”, “Mr. fidget”, etc.);
  • medals with the name and surname of the child;
  • alumni ribbons.

The graduate's folder will be an original gift. It will contain the brightest drawings and crafts of the child, which he created throughout the year in kindergarten. And on the title page, the teacher writes who the baby wants to become in the future.

Gifts from parents for graduation from kindergarten

If group gifts should be inexpensive and the same for all children, then at home parents are not limited in their imagination and act to the best of their financial capabilities. All gifts that can be presented to a future first grader are conditionally divided into several categories.

School theme: necessary and interesting sets

Parents can give the future student everything that is useful for studying. Not bad if you manage to go for the office with the baby, and he can choose a pencil case, backpack, notebooks and pens to your taste. An excellent gift option from relatives would be a gift certificate to a children's goods store.

Examples of other gifts with a school theme:

  • an original alarm clock so that the first-grader is not late for lessons;
  • wristwatches to make the child feel like an adult;
  • table lamp with different modes;
  • a tie or bow tie for a school uniform for a boy;
  • hair ornament for a school uniform for a girl;
  • globe;
  • a set of notebooks with beautiful covers;
  • bag for shoes.

A good but expensive gift for graduation in kindergarten can be a desktop computer, which, with reasonable use, will allow the child to develop, learn to filter information correctly thanks to Internet access.

Gifts for the interests of preschoolers

Each child is an individual with their own talents and hobbies. This should be taken into account when choosing a gift for the end of kindergarten. If a boy plays football, it is appropriate to give him a quality uniform and a ball. For a small researcher, you can choose a microscope. Does the girl like to sew for dolls? Then the sewing machine will be the best surprise for her. Interest presentations can also include:

  • hobby kits (sculpting, embroidery, assembling car models, constructors, etc.);
  • kits for creativity (brushes, albums, colored paper, paints);
  • desktop educational games;
  • sets "Young chemist", "Young physicist", etc.

Consider the interests of the child when buying him a gift for graduation from kindergarten

What to give educational gifts for boys and girls

This category contains gifts that will not only be of interest to children, but will also be able to teach them something new. A good option would be the board games "Erudite", "Soon to School", "Our City". With their help, you can have fun family evenings. Also suitable:

  • interactive posters on various topics (mathematics, foreign language, animals, cities and countries, etc.);
  • educational tablets.

Encyclopedia or personalized book for an inquisitive child

A useful gift for a future first grader will be a large encyclopedia dedicated to cities and countries, various animals, other peoples - there are many topics. This bright book with large letters and colorful images will encourage your child to read.

With a colorful book, the child will quickly learn to read

You can also give a baby a personalized or personalized book. This is a special edition, which is created to order in a single copy. An interesting fairy tale will be described here, the main character of which will be the future first grader. Thanks to such a gift, the child will be able to learn about true friendship, to understand what is good and what is bad.

As a gift for a graduation party in kindergarten, any children's book with large letters can be chosen, which the child will soon be able to read on their own.

Original DIY surprises

In order to please the future first-grader, large financial investments are not needed. Parents can make original and useful gifts with their own hands. A good option would be an organizer for school supplies. For its manufacture, it is necessary to prepare in advance:

  • two plastic containers (possible from under the products) with a diameter of 10 cm and 20 cm;
  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

The organizer is very easy to make.

  1. A container with a smaller diameter should be 5–7 cm higher than a container with a larger diameter. The excess must be cut off.
  2. Both containers must be glued with wrapping paper.
  3. The smaller container is placed in the center of the larger one and fixed with glue. Organizer is ready!

The child will be even more delighted with such a gift if the organizer is filled with brand new stationery (scissors, felt-tip pens, colored pens).

Master class: "Flower - seven-flower"

Master class on paper plastic (working with paper, crafts for a gift).

Purpose: making gifts for any holiday; production of decorations for the holidays, interior decoration.
Use of the lesson will be useful:
- in work with children from the age of 7 years (with the help of adults), older children and adults.

Purpose of the lesson:
To develop the child's creative abilities, accuracy, accuracy, imagination, fantasy.
To form a propensity for creative opportunities and talents of students for needlework by expanding their horizons and creating conditions for the creative self-realization of the child's personality.
- to form an interest in arts and crafts.
- to consolidate and develop the ability of students to circle according to the template.
- develop accuracy and patience in work.
- Encourage creativity and non-standard solutions in the performance of work.
- correction of general and fine motor skills.
- develop artistic taste and focus on the quality of products.
- develop cognitive interest in arts and crafts.
- to promote the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.
- master new technologies

The last bell is a traditional holiday for schoolchildren finishing their studies. The last calls in schools take place at the end of May, when studies have already ended, and the final exams have not yet begun. The last call draws a line, puts an end to the long-term educational marathon with all its lessons and breaks, tests and homework.
The last bell is a big school-wide holiday, which is addressed to graduates, teachers and parents. The solemn ceremony includes speeches by guests, the director, the first teacher, parents, greetings from first graders, parting words from 9th and 11th grade students.
Traditionally, girls wear school uniforms. Boys wear formal suits on this day. For a long time, a school uniform of the Soviet period with a white apron was common, but recently it has begun to be replaced by a more modern form. This day is celebrated in all schools. Classes are coming to an end for graduates and there is a difficult exam summer ahead. If the school has existed for more than a year, most likely it has already developed traditions for celebrating the day of the last bell. Somewhere a certain order is accepted once and for all, and somewhere this day is celebrated every year in a new way - and this is also a tradition. This academic year, we decided to give graduates not boats, but flowers - seven-flowers.

Materials and tools:

glue stick;
leaf template;
colored paper.
In the rain or in the heat
But in due time
Every new spring
There is a final call!
He's like an exam,
He sums up
ten school years.
He is the prelude of the entrance
In the infinity of roads
He is in any weather

Will call for the threshold.
He's beautiful, desperate
Ready to become a springboard
He signals to start
The main steps in life.
So many promises!
This call is calling in the distance.
It contains the bitterness of goodbyes,
And a million hopes.
In the rain or the heat
But in due time
Every new spring
There is a last call!

Manufacturing steps:

For one petal, we need a 10x10 square. You can take other sizes, depending on what you want to get.

We fold the square in half (from corner to corner).

The resulting triangle is folded in half again.

Expanding. We have a fold line. We bend corners to it.

For one flower, seven multi-colored leaves are needed. It is advisable to use thick paper.

We attach a template to the workpiece. The sharp corner should be attached to the center of the square. If you attach it wrong, the leaf will not work.

Can be circled and cut. You can not circle, but cut according to the template.

Bend the petals in the middle so that the unfolded part is outside.

Lubricate only the tip with glue.

Lubricate with glue in turn and apply the next petal. Secure with a clip to dry well.

We remove the clamp.

We glue the last petals, closing in a ring.

We take a wire 20-25 cm.

We twist so that a stand is formed.

Cut a strip 2 cm wide.

Fold in half along the length and wind onto the wire. We glue the tip, remove it from the wire.

We string the flower blank on the wire.

We attach double-sided tape to the very tip and put on the middle. We press well so that it sticks to the adhesive tape.

Turn over and use tape again.

We do not remove the protective film yet. Gently bend the bottom leaf and turn it along the fold line to the other side.

We remove the film from the adhesive tape and fix the flower on the leg.

You can use another mounting option. It's easier)))

Now we glue a leaf with a wish to the middle and the flower is ready.

Our first-graders before the holiday.

Of course, we are talking about handmade gifts, namely, sweet presents. Children are children and sweets are good any day :). Turn chocolates with sweets into unusual gift, from which the eyes light up with delight, the original gift packaging, for example, a box in the form of a volume unit or a book box, will help. We will be engaged in the manufacture of such boxes with you.

Box "One"

This is the simplest gift wrapping option from today's selection. It is made very quickly, and if you wish, you can congratulate a whole class with such September 1st bonbonnieres.

You will need the following materials and tools for this:

- thick paper (160-230 g / m²),

- stationery knife and ruler,

- creasing tool

- double-sided tape, scissors.

Yes, and you will also need a printable 3D unit template, you can download it just below.

The beginning of the assembly is quite traditional: we print the template on a sheet of A4 paper (it can be colored, designer paper or paper with a decorative background printed on the printer), cut it out, crease and bend the scan.

We stick double-sided tape on the areas shown in the photo (on the front and back sides):

Now we glue the top of the box with the back side-one, as shown in the photo:

And then we glue the front side, finally gluing the side valve with adhesive tape.

By the way, this 3D unit is suitable not only as a gift for schoolchildren, but also for celebrating such significant dates as a year old child, the first wedding anniversary, May 1. In general, there are many reasons. The main thing is to choose the appropriate design, and then the matter is small =).

Download the template and use:


"A Primer for the Sweet Tooth"

The best gift, as you know, is a book. And for first-graders, the main book of the first months of their school life is the Primer. So I thought, why not make a box for chocolates in the form of a book, i.e. in the form of a Primer, only special, with a secret? The son once expressed a wish that we make him a book of paper and cardboard for games. It was just that everything coincided, and as a result, the ABC Book for the Sweet Tooth appeared.

Creating our box-book will require a little more time and accuracy. The crusts themselves are made almost entirely according to the classical binding technology. I allowed myself to deviate from it only in terms of using glue - I took not PVA, but an ordinary glue stick. Firstly, it turns out faster (no need to wait hours for the glue to dry completely and use a press), and secondly, it’s safer for the cover that I printed on the printer.

In general, I tried to simplify the manufacturing process as much as possible while maintaining the maximum similarity of the box to a real book. I think that for 2 hours of unhurried thoughtful work with the "Primer for the Sweet Tooth" it is quite possible to manage. Moreover, in addition to the set of templates, you will have the opportunity to get ready-made cover and endpaper layouts that I used for free.

Another "highlight" of the book is a poetic congratulation for a first grader. It is located on the flyleaf:

Especially for our "Primer" it was composed by Natalya Ilyina. Those who followed the competition “Gifts for your loved ones with your own hands” that took place on our website will probably remember her work “Openwork Paper Candlestick”, which eventually won first place. As it turned out, Natalya is not only passionately and fruitfully engaged in needlework, sharing the results of her creativity on the pages of her blog "Plyushkin Dom", but also makes friends with rhyme.

In my opinion, it turned out very cool, and the poem fit perfectly into the "Primer" :). Natalia, thanks again!

But back to the actual manufacture of the box-book. We need the same set of tools as in the previous case. And from the materials you will need the following:

- 3 sheets of A4 paper with a density of 200-230 g / m² for the indoor unit (dense drawing paper is well suited for this);

- cardboard 1-2 mm thick (as an alternative, you can use several glued sheets of ordinary cardboard for creativity) - for crusts;

- a sheet of thin cardboard - for the spine;

- glue stick;

- double sided tape (optional)

- ribbons / ribbons - for ties.

You can download the template set here:

First of all, let's make the inner block of the future book. To do this, print the appropriate templates №№1 — 6.

I printed out the templates on ordinary office paper, and then I stapled these sheets with sheets of thick paper with a stapler and scored and cut out the details according to the templates. The thing is that when printing on very thick paper, my printer distorts the dimensions a little (reduces them along the long side of the sheet), so the method with additional sheets for templates avoids this error.

Then apply double-sided tape to the areas indicated below.

You can, in principle, use a glue stick at all stages. But I decided to use adhesive tape for the indoor unit in order to reduce the risk of staining the white paper. Well, and it turns out more clearly :).

Next, to make the inner block look like a block of a real book from the sides, we will create an imitation of pages by drawing a groove along the ruler on the side surfaces of the groove parts with a creasing tool. It is enough to draw lines at a distance of about 2 mm from each other. As a result, the illusion of book pages will be created visually and to the touch. Such a simple method and excellent results.

If the paper is thick enough, then this "mockery" over it will not lead to a significant decrease in the rigidity of the block. In extreme cases, additional reinforcing paper strips can be glued from the inside.

After that, you can assemble the indoor unit. Glue the details 2, 3, 4 And 5 to detail 1 . It is immediately necessary to make markings for precise gluing of the valves of the inner walls to the bottom of the block. To do this, at a distance of 25 mm from the fold lines of the part 1 you need to draw lines parallel to them (if you print the template immediately on paper, then you don’t need to draw anything extra, the markup is already present).

We glue the side walls of the block with each other.

Now glue the part 6 to the bottom so that the seams are not visible. Here it is already better to use a glue stick. When using double-sided tape, you will not have the right to make a mistake.

The inner block for the book box is ready. In order for it to be fastened to the cover, it is necessary to prepare endpapers.

The template file contains special markup for the flyleaf. But it's more of a guideline. In reality, the dimensions of the block may differ slightly from the calculated ones, so it is better to correct the markup for the flyleaf.

On a simple sheet, I printed out the markup and, attaching the finished internal block, marked where to add.

Then I put the markup sheet on the printed layout and cut out the flyleaf, having previously punched it in the middle.

We glue the endpaper folded in half to the block, smearing (at the endpaper) with glue a strip 5 mm wide along the fold line.

Similarly, we prepare and glue the second flyleaf on the other side of the block.

And now it's time to do the cover for our gift "edition".

Cut out crusts from thick cardboard 109 x 173 mm. Spine size 27 x 173 mm cut out of ordinary thin cardboard.

On the wrong side of the cover, print the markup and glue the crusts and the spine in place. The surfaces of the crusts and the spine must be completely smeared with glue.

Then we glue the protruding edges of the cover: first - the long sides, then - the short ones.

Also glue the ribbons to the edges of the crusts in the middle.

After waiting for the glue to dry, you can glue the cover to the endpapers. You need to do this one by one: first we grease one flyleaf with glue, apply the cover, carefully centering the inner block, press it lightly, and then open the “book” and smooth the flyleaf well on the crust. Then we do the same on the other side.

With a plastic handle of scissors (or something similar), carefully run along the spine on both sides to make a recess.

Well, now you can take a breath - "The Primer for the Sweet Tooth" as a gift to the future first-grader is completely ready.

It fits exactly 14 portion chocolates "Kinder" - a whole wealth :).

I think, as in the case of the “One” box, you can come up with many options for using the book box. There is a lot of room for imagination when designing packaging.

For a “snack”, I want to offer you a couple of original scrapbooking gift wrapping ideas for chocolates. The author is Albina Zinoviev, an experienced scrap-worker with her own style, who loves to invent unusual packaging and brilliantly embodies her fantasies. I have already demonstrated her briefcases for chocolates here (by the way, they are also a very nice option for a gift to schoolchildren or teachers). And the new two variants of chocolate packaging are just from Albina's school series.

Pencil case

Bright, colorful and very childish packaging.

Pencils are sized specifically for portioned chocolates "Inspiration" of the Babaevskaya factory, and exactly 10 pieces fit into the pencil case (that is, exactly as many servings are contained in the original packaging).

To make a "pencil case" you can use colored pastel paper. With the help of ready-made templates, this can be done quite quickly.

In this case, the grass is cut by hand and pasted in three layers. White clouds are cut out of watercolor paper and taped to a backing of blue pastel paper. The letters are printed on the printer, cut into squares and also planted on a contrasting substrate. To create volume, the clouds and letters are glued to the pencil case using foam tape.

Do you want to give your child an amazing surprise? Take the idea into service!

Chocolate Pencil Girl

It's just a classic! It is perhaps difficult to think of a more characteristic “school” image than a pencil. Although limiting the use of this package only as a gift to schoolchildren or teachers, I think it is still not worth it. A chocolate box in the form of a pencil can also come in handy just for a birthday present, as a gift for office workers - but you never know where else. In the profession and interests of the gifted, you can find many suitable clues :).

The only “minus” is that for the manufacture of this package, a sheet of a larger format than A4 is required. Therefore, there is no printable template. But there is a drawing with dimensions (the picture is clickable):

Since we are talking about pencils, I can’t help but remind you of pencil boxes. With their help, you can quickly collect sweet gifts for first graders, and in different sizes.

Both versions of paper pencils are available in the Children's Gift Wrap Collection.

And in the same place there is another version of a typical school gift box - "Knapsack".

And color design templates for this bonbonniere box can be purchased at. All you have to do is print the templates and assemble the product.

On this, perhaps, today's selection of gift ideas will end. And so it turned out to be a very voluminous material. But, I hope it didn’t tire you too much, and the proposed ideas will come in handy more than once :).

There are many more interesting things ahead! Subscribe to site updates to learn in a timely manner about the appearance of new master classes on KARTONKINO.

Happy holiday! I wish all schoolchildren interesting studies and new achievements, and their parents - only good news from school =). And, of course, I wish everyone success in their work!


Yours Inna Pyshkina.