What to wear to a meeting with a man. The most expensive evening dress. T-shirt with a funny picture or inscription

It is worth straightening your shoulders, taking an open pose, looking a man in the eyes, smiling - and consider that you are practically guaranteed a date with him. This is where the second question arises, how to properly organize a winter meeting so that later you do not have to regret the wasted time.

According to the rules of etiquette, the first date is best spent in the daytime. This indicates the seriousness of the intentions of the parties. Alas, early sunsets characterize the winter period, so it will most likely be possible to meet after dark. In order to smooth this moment and not seem too frivolous, accessible and frivolous to a man (and as soon as the sun hides behind the horizon and all women begin to be seen by men in this light), specify in words the limited time of your date. In this way, you will kill several birds with one stone: you will relieve the man of the responsibility for having to be with you for too long (and everyone is a little afraid of this at the first meeting), get the opportunity to escape if you do not like the date and minimize the risk of winter discomfort. In the cold season, long walks can be tiring, more often you want to go to the toilet, and indeed go home - to a light but warm bathrobe, your favorite slippers, a blanket and such a cozy nightlight.

What to wear

Even with a love of expression, you should not dress too brightly on a first date so as not to alienate a man. Let him fall in love first, and then he will not care what you are wearing. At the same time, do not try to radically change your usual image, just to please him. Look for the golden mean.

For a first date, it is best to choose clothes in pastel colors. It will help both feel more comfortable. To make a man feel more relaxed, as if you have known each other for a thousand years, stop at a less formal option. Of course, it all depends on where you are going to go. But, in any case, let it be one of your usual and favorite things. This will allow you to act more naturally and avoid the usual nervousness of a first date. By the way, you should not expect comments from your partner about your clothes. According to psychologists, it is their absence that will indicate that the outfit is chosen correctly.

where to go

Only 3% of girls, according to statistics, would like to spend their first date in a museum or at an exhibition. The same applies to men. So leave the educational program for the future. Going to the cinema is also not the best option, because you still don’t know each other at all, so it will be difficult to find a film that would suit both. Of the two classic options - a romantic walk or a trip to a cafe - it is better to choose the second one. It is cold and unsafe to wander along the slippery streets, and in a small warm restaurant you can relax and enjoy socializing.

Choose an inexpensive cozy place. A tiny cafe stuffed with tables and visitors is not the best option, because for a first date it is extremely important to create a personal space in which only you and your partner will be. You will also feel awkward in a chic VIP-class restaurant, especially if you remember that a helpful waiter will come up to you every now and then to inquire about your well-being and wishes. Such a dinner "for three" is unlikely to help you relax and build relationships.

What to talk about

Each of us expects care from a man. That's how it is, but on the first date, it is the woman who will have to take care of her companion. He will certainly be attacked by tongue-tied tongue or shown talkativeness, because men at the first meeting with a woman are much more worried. Your task is to calm your counterpart and reduce his anxiety. During meals, men are extremely receptive to information (which is why many of them are able to combine breakfast with reading newspapers and watching the news). Talk about pleasant things, find common ground, try to listen carefully to your partner and actively ask questions that interest you. A man will cling to them as an opportunity to escape from excitement. This is the most favorable moment to find out everything that interests you.

Don't complain or brag. Use the particle "not" less often in a conversation. Remember that every man wants to see a woman nearby who is both independent and in need of his care.

In order to make the conversation more sincere, choose a corner position at the table, to the left of the man. Do not sit opposite the interlocutor - this is a negotiating position that does not encourage a frank conversation. You should smile with restraint, because too wide a smile can be perceived by especially sensitive individuals at their own expense. This does not apply to those moments when the two of you laugh at something. In this case, laughter is very unifying.

What to order and when to leave

On a first date, it’s better not to limit yourself to one coffee, but also not to get involved in full-fledged heavy meals. Salads and dessert are the best choice. These dishes will help you to be remembered in his eyes as truly feminine, namely, femininity most of all turns men on, forcing them to remember a beautiful image every now and then. If you order too expensive dishes, you always run the risk of getting into trouble when paying the bill; suddenly your companion does not have enough money to pay off? The cheapest menu item can give the impression that you have low self-esteem. So choose dishes that are familiar to you, not too expensive, but not cheap either.

Follow your partner. Frequent change of position, leaning back in a chair, looking around - all these are signs that it is time to end the meeting. It is important to leave at the peak of interest in you, leaving only pleasant impressions. You can fix the meeting if the man offers to accompany you. On the way, draw his attention to a building you like, a romantic lantern, or a snow-covered tree. Subsequently, when passing or passing by, he will always remember you - this place will become, as it were, a common one, the first anchor of your future relationship.

First date… Just the thought of him makes my heart beat twice as fast. Choosing clothes is one of the biggest problems that a guy or girl faces when going on a date. By planning ahead and allowing enough time to prepare, you will be able to dress appropriately for your first date. After reading this article, you will get some universal tips that will help you look great on your first date and make a good impression on your date.


Part 1


    Find out the details related to the date. Regardless of who initiates the date, you or the person you plan to spend time with, figure out where your first date will be. Knowing this, it will be easier for you to choose your outfit. So figure out where your first date will be. Thanks to this, you can easily find the right clothes.

    • If you are going out to dinner or to a movie together, wear nice and trendy pieces of clothing. Don't forget to discuss where your date will be. Thanks to this, you will be able to look decent.
    • If you are planning a walking tour together, casual jeans and a T-shirt or tracksuit is a great option for such a date!
  1. Go shopping. There's nothing wrong with updating your first date wardrobe, especially if you're planning on doing something out of the ordinary and don't have the right pieces of clothing for it.

    • While it's not necessary to change your wardrobe, wearing a new piece of clothing for a date will show that you've put in the extra effort to prepare for it.
  2. Consider several options. Before deciding what to wear on a date, consider a few options. It is possible that when you put on the selected items of clothing, you will find that they do not fit well with each other. Therefore, you should have an alternative option ready.

    • If you're going to be moving around a lot during your first date - perhaps you'll be dancing or riding horses - make sure you're able to move around freely and comfortably in your chosen attire.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing. As a rule, the first date is always associated with a large number of experiences. So, if you don't want to add to your anxiety even more, don't choose uncomfortable, tight-fitting, see-through garments. Also refrain from clothing with a large neckline.

    Choose clothes that express your personality. Everyone wants to look perfect on the first date. If you are not planning to attend a Halloween party, make sure that your outfit does not match the image of someone present. Choose items of clothing that emphasize your personality.

    • You will feel more relaxed, and the person who accompanies you will enjoy communicating with you.
  4. Make sure your clothes are clean. You don't have to wear a brand new outfit or expensive clothes to impress the person you like. First of all, your clothes should be clean, neat and ironed. Get your clothes in order beforehand.

    • If you are going to wear new clothes on a date, be sure to remove the price tag and similar items. It is unlikely that you want the person who invited you on a date to find such a find on your piece of clothing.
    • To keep your clothes clean and tidy for a long time, store them, as well as additional accessories, in your closet in a clothes bag.
  5. Decide on a hairstyle and practice doing it in advance. Depending on where you are going to spend your first date, choose the appropriate hairstyle. A few days before the expected date of the date, practice doing the chosen styling. Thanks to this, you will be able to see if your hairstyle matches your clothes. You are unlikely to want to fuss with a hairstyle in the last minutes before a date.

    • If you're planning on doing makeup, be sure to try it out a few days before your date. You need to be clear about what you want and how your makeup will go with your overall look.
  6. Shave before your date. If you are a young man, your date should see your freshly shaved face on a date. If you are a girl, wax your eyebrows a few days before your date so that the young man does not see the inflamed eyebrow area. This will make you look flawless.

    • While self-care routines are important, don't put yourself through dangerous routines for the sake of a date. If it seems to you that your appearance is all that can affect a person, believe me, it does not suit you. You deserve to be loved the way you are!

Part 2

  1. Double check the weather. Double check the weather before dressing. Even if you plan to spend most of your time indoors, you still need to be outside to get to your destination. Your clothes must remain dry and clean.

    • Bring a raincoat if it's raining, or ditch the idea of ​​wearing a long-sleeved shirt and trousers if it's hot outside.
    • If it's slushy outside, you can take an extra pair of shoes. In one you will get to your destination, the other pair you can put on before a date.
    • If you know your companion's clothing size, bring an extra sweater, umbrella, or raincoat if the weather is bad and the person forgets to bring essentials. Your companion will be impressed by your act and will be pleased that you have thought of everything in advance.
  2. Take a shower. Even if you participate in a marathon on your first date, you will be pleased if you smell fresh and clean when you meet a person.

    • If you need extra time to wash and dry your hair, make sure you have it.
  3. Take enough time to get dressed. When you're stressed or in a hurry, there's usually something wrong. Anything can happen: a button comes off, a lock breaks, or an arrow goes off on pantyhose. If you are prepared in advance, you will be able to handle an unpleasant situation and avoid the fuss. Dress in advance and make any necessary adjustments if necessary.

  4. Prepare and pack a change of casual clothes. Even if you plan to dine at a posh hotel or visit the theater, be prepared for the fact that plans can change. For example, you will have so much fun that you will want to take a walk and eat ice cream or watch good old movies all night long.

    • Take something comfortable so you can enjoy your time together in peace!
  5. Double check that you have everything you need. Make sure you have everything you need. It could be a wallet, a bottle of water, or something similar.

    • Make sure your mobile phone has enough power in case of an emergency.
    • Be sure to take some extra money in case your date doesn't end the way you'd like and you have to drive home on your own, or if your date doesn't want to pay for your extra dessert.

The first date leaves an indelible impression of a man and leaves an imprint on subsequent relationships. That is why it is important to take care of your image, carefully choose an outfit. After all, as you know, they are met by clothes. In addition, knowing how to dress for a girl on a first date, you can hide figure flaws, give yourself confidence, which is also important at the first meeting.

First of all, you do not need to strive to create the perfect image. If a fictional picture does not match reality, this can greatly spoil the overall mood. The main thing is to be natural in order to feel comfortable. It is best to use the usual style of clothing. At the same time, in order to gain greater confidence, it is necessary to ensure that the reflection in the mirror pleases oneself.

Avoid items of clothing that will restrict movement: tight blouses, short tight skirts, uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. This also includes new, unworn shoes that you want to throw off as soon as the date is over. A new piece of clothing can behave unpredictably, diverting attention to itself. At some point, all thoughts will be occupied with the fact that the legs hurt, the skirt rides up too high and flaunts what was not included in the plans, etc.

Clothing and shoes made of synthetic materials are also prohibited. They do not allow the skin to breathe, sweating in them is more intense, which is completely undesirable when meeting.

It is desirable to give preference to outfits that give femininity to the image. This will subconsciously arouse in a man a desire to win, protect a woman, continue a relationship with her. And that's exactly what's expected of a first date.

You also need to understand where and under what conditions such an image will be suitable, and take this into account. To begin with, it is worth finding out about the plans for the evening from the man in advance, and then choose how best to dress. So, high heels and an evening dress will be of little use during a walk. This would be, to say the least, somewhat absurd.

What to wear in summer

Even with excessively hot temperatures outside, you should not dress too revealingly for a first date.

Tops, short skirts and T-shirts are prohibited. It is best to wear a tunic or blouse and a knee-length skirt. A dress or a summer sundress would be ideal, but, again, everything should be in moderation.

In shoes, preference should be given to ballet flats or sandals.

What to wear in spring or autumn

In warm, clear weather, it is likely that the date will take place on the street in the park, on the alleys of the city - in this case, it is recommended to dress accordingly. In cool cloudy weather, most likely, you want to spend time in a cozy place, and this should also be guided by. At the same time, the status of the institution itself is important, the choice of clothes depends on it.

What to wear in winter

Note! In winter, when it is cold enough outside, it becomes not up to any conventions. It is much more important to stay warm so as not to overshadow the impression of a date with a cold for the whole next week.

It would be appropriate to wear warm jeans, complemented by a jacket or sweater, decorated with large beads, with which the image will be brighter.

Date in a cafe

If a young man proposes to spend the evening in a cafe, it is recommended to give preference to a skirt that emphasizes femininity, rather than trousers or jeans. Shoes are selected according to clothing.

Date in a restaurant

In this case, you can not do without an evening dress. To him, you need to pick up jewelry and elegant high-heeled shoes. In winter, it is permissible to replace shoes with no less feminine ankle boots. With what to wear winter ankle boots, read.


Nature, park, city streets - in the warm season, it is better to prepare beautifully finished ballet flats or more athletic shoes for a walk. There is nothing worse when all thoughts during a date are only occupied with how to quickly throw off uncomfortable shoes, and the conditions do not always allow you to walk barefoot. At the same time, clothes should also be comfortable enough for walking, so that you do not have to endlessly adjust a high skirt, a treacherously slipped shoulder strap, etc.

Movie date

Comfortable attire is best for a first date at the movies. A short skirt will not allow you to sit comfortably in a chair and relax, switching your attention to watching a movie. We must also not forget that, most likely, you will have to make your way to your seat through other seated spectators, which creates a risk of clothes catching on the chair, legs - it is better to choose an outfit in such a way that this does not happen.

Finally, after the film is over, the gentleman will certainly want to take his companion home. If the cinema is not far from it, then most likely it will be a walk, which should also be taken into account.

Image examples

In the summer, it is easiest to create a romantic look: a light flying dress, pumps or ballet flats.

If the dress is inappropriate, it can be replaced with light summer trousers and a light romantic blouse. As shoes, you can choose comfortable shoes or sandals with a stable low heel.

In both cases, one should not forget about accessories: light, non-provocative beads or a beautifully tied scarf will complete the look. Just follow the measure. If you choose beads, read how to wear them correctly.

Note! For a chilly evening or spring day, grab a stylish cardigan or blazer to throw over. Read about choosing a cardigan in our article.

If the weather allows, you can give your preference to shorts or a skirt above the knee, but pairing them with a thin jumper will keep some intrigue. In general, there is no need to unnecessarily open, and if the skirt is short enough, then the deep neckline of the blouse in combination with it will be too vulgar. While the same blouse with trousers or a floor-length skirt will look much more elegant.

In autumn, when it’s not hot at all, it’s worth warming up. Jeans at this time of the year will be more than appropriate. A warm jumper and a fitted trench coat will be good for them.

In cold winter, warm jeans and a sweater will be the most relevant - they are both comfortable and cozy, while the image can be quite feminine and sophisticated if you correctly choose the texture, length and shape the silhouette.

Photo of outfits for the first date

What to wear on a summer date? What is the best makeup? These questions haunt girls and haunt them before any date, especially the first one. But this year's fashion trends give you 15 cute summer outfits that will make you irresistible on any date. We offer a complete guide for girls on how to look beautiful even in hot summer.

Every girl wants to look stunning on a date, and what better time of year than midsummer? Show off what nature has given you. Using your summer wardrobe, you are guaranteed to make a fantastic impression on your chosen one!

This summer, however, as always, a short dress with straps is a great option for a date. So why not take a chance and flaunt a bit of your body with a petite off-the-shoulder halter dress? It is not only sexy, but also romantic.

If mini and halter necks aren't really your style, or you don't feel comfortable exposing too much of your body, opt for a bright and puffy maxi dress. Just choose models that emphasize the waist, or use a thin belt yourself for an extra effect.

A fantastic element of the date look that no girl can ignore in the summer is modest denim shorts. They are guaranteed to hide in the wardrobe of every girl. Shorts look great with bronzed legs, and when paired with the right clothes, they don’t look vulgar or defiant.

How about coral denim shorts and a solid light tank top? Coral is the color of natural summer and suits all skin tones. Other colors popular this year are pink, blue, yellow, orange and white.

Jeggings are also a great date outfit. They are gaining more and more popularity in modern fashion and are in perfect harmony with a leather or denim jacket and a regular tank top.

What shoes to wear in summer?

The great thing about the summer season is that heavy boots and rubber boots are finally in the closet, and heels and sandals come into play. Always remember, if you prefer to wear open sandals, your feet should be well groomed and your nails painted with the appropriate shade of nail polish.
Platform sandals always create a graceful and sexy look. This shoe model is perfect for a girl to show off her beautiful legs.

Plain solid color summer boots are also a great addition to any summer outfits. They look great paired with denim shorts and tank tops for a slightly edgy street style.

Suitable summer makeup

Summer is perhaps the only time of the year when bright colors look appropriate. Shimmery eyeshadow and glossy lips are the perfect combination for a date and just a pretty summer look.

There is a huge palette of pink lipstick shades that will not only suit your skin tone, but will also go with the color scheme of your outfit. In addition, a colorless shine will become a worthy item of your cosmetic bag.

Forget about dark colors for the summer and experiment. But don't get too carried away! If you picked up a bright lipstick, apply shimmery skin-colored shadows. Conversely, if you have bright shadows, it is better to go with a pale pink or colorless gloss.

Summer accessories

Summer is the season for which designers specially develop entire collections of unique accessories. Your arsenal should definitely include floral hair ornaments, large-framed glasses, flower rings and lots of bright bracelets or bright watches.

I offer 12 more stylish ideas for a summer date.

1. Bright peplum top and leather pants

Leather pants can be replaced with black skinny jeans. It is best to complement this look with high-heeled or platform shoes so as not to look squat. Don't forget a small purse or clutch.

2. Light dress in pastel colors

Despite the fact that it’s summer outside, it’s better to choose an outfit in calm pastel shades for an evening romantic date. A light, flowing dress combined with low-soled pumps will create a very romantic and delicate look.

3. Jeans and a bright top

For an active evening date, for example - in a club, the outfit should be comfortable and not restrict movement, but at the same time look sexy and stylish. Dark tabernacle jeans and a bright top with a plunging neckline or bare shoulders/back are ideal. Complete the look with flowing hair, heeled pumps and metallic jewelry.

4. Short striped dress

A great option for a summer date is a short dress made in black and white. If it's long enough to expose your legs, opt for a low-cut cut to balance out the amount of exposure. With such an outfit, a bright bag harmonizes perfectly.

5. Sleeveless top and high waisted skirt

The skirt can be either a classic pencil cut or a mini skirt made of light flying fabrics. In the first case, it is better to complement the image with stilettos, in the second - flat ballet shoes or sandals.

6. Denim top and skirt

A thin summer denim shirt and a short skirt are the perfect example of how to balance the amount of nudity. Thanks to the long sleeves that cover the shoulders, you can unbutton a few additional buttons in the neckline.

7. Short top and bright pants

If you are going on an active date (biking, picnic, bowling), we recommend choosing jeans or summer trousers in bright colors and a cropped top or a wide “alcoholic” T-shirt, wearing a sports bra (or strapless top) under it in a contrasting color.

8. Top and lace skirt

Lace clothes always look romantic and cute. For such a date, you can pick up a short multi-layered skirt in light colors and a top with a closed neckline, but bare shoulders. It is best to complement the image with ballet shoes or low-soled sandals.

9. Red top and animal print skirt

It is in summer that animal print clothes look most appropriate. If you pick up one of the elements of the image of such a defiant color, other details should be solid.

10. Fedora Hat

For daytime dates, a small Fedora hat and oversized glasses are perfect for almost any outfit. We recommend a light voluminous T-shirt and a short skirt made of light flying fabrics.

11. Polka dot skirt

If you pick up a puffy skirt with polka dots or stripes, combine it with a light-colored top, best of all, a fitted silhouette.

12. Look for teenage girls

Teenage girls should not look older and wear high heels and short dresses. Skinny jeans, tank top, flats or moccasins, maybe platform sandals, lots of bracelets and a small handbag are perfect for any date, no matter where it takes place.

Choose the best and most suitable images for you!