The miracles of pregnancy are real stories. My difficult pregnancy

Many women remember the period of their pregnancy as something bright, extremely exciting and pleasant. My pregnancy was a living hell, I have very few pleasant memories of it. To begin with, my husband and I have a complete physiological incompatibility, we should not have a child at all. But by some miracle I managed to get pregnant.

The result of the test was a complete surprise for me, if the sky fell to the ground, I would be less surprised. After all, up to this point, we almost always used protection, and I was a college graduate, and I never wanted children. On the contrary, I always said that I would have an abortion. However, when I saw the result, such thoughts, for some reason, did not arise.
I found out about pregnancy on - I was convinced to do a test for incomprehensible chest pains, because. menstruation has not stopped. I immediately went to the residential complex, but I got registered only at eleven weeks.

Starting with me, I was tormented by terrible toxicosis, up to. But I was throwing up (sorry), I only got sick after breakfast. Lucky...

The doctor could not give me a deadline for a long time, in the first three months I went for ultrasound 9 !!! once. It was an absolutely amazing feeling. Lying on the old couch, I could hear my son's heart beating fast.

By the way, from the very beginning, I was absolutely sure that there would be a boy, I don’t know why, that’s all I felt.

Sometimes, at night, lying in bed, I began to feel my stomach, and sometimes, on the verge between sleep and reality, it seemed to me that I could feel a tiny tubercle in the lower abdomen, and sometimes I felt it pulsing.
In the residential complex, I, like everyone else, was forced to undergo a whole bunch of tests every week. By the twentieth week, it turned out that I have a blood type of -3, and my husband is +1. I was given a whole bunch of injections, I hated hospitals and all doctors.
I began to feel movements by the 15th week. At first it was interesting, my husband often put his hands on the moving mound and chatted with him.

It seems that this is a common occurrence in boys, and with a Rh conflict, but it is not dangerous and most often goes to childbirth. But I still panicked. Moreover, I was prescribed an additional bunch of tests and doctors. It was beating in my head: "since they check it so carefully, it means that something terrible is for sure!". Until the third screening.

In the second trimester, I started eating a lot. Exactly, I ate an insane amount of food. She could get up at night and stomp to the refrigerator, but the doctor considered this normal.

During my entire pregnancy, I gained more than thirty kg. It was terrible, but I could not control my appetite at all.

I started very, I almost didn’t get out of the toilet, and I planned all my routes taking into account the proximity of places where you can pee. I think everyone knows this)

At the sixth month, I got sick. Nothing out of the ordinary, runny nose, cough. I thought I would heal quickly. Yeah, how. I was prescribed a bunch of drugs, but they were of little use. I was treated for more than three months, they put ARVI, and closer to the eighth month, pains in the lower abdomen began to bother me, my stomach turned to stone. I was given a uterine tone, sent to the hospital. But they didn’t take me to the hospital, with the words: “we have quarantine, and you are sick, go home, get treated.”

I was told that the alarm was in vain, all the cysts were gone)

After a couple of weeks of my unsuccessful attempt to go to the hospital, I woke up at night, with a persistent feeling of suffocation. I looked at myself in the mirror, and could not help screaming in horror - my neck and cheeks doubled in size! Called an ambulance. Quincke's edema was immediately diagnosed. It turned out that the incessant cough, runny nose and pain in the larynx were far from SARS. It was a banal allergy that not a single doctor saw, but only spurred her on with pills. The result of this treatment is two days in the intensive care unit of the allergological department.

By the way, after the hospital, the cough immediately disappeared, but a terrible runny nose tormented me until the very birth, I naturally suffocated, without the strongest nasal drops, I could not live even an hour.
It became difficult to walk. I weighed like a hippopotamus, my back and legs hurt insanely, I could not get out of bed on my own. At night I got up to go to the toilet five or six times. And every day I prayed that it would all end soon, it was hell.

At the ninth month, I still remember it with trembling, I could not walk, I was out of breath, my taste sensations completely disappeared, elementary actions were given to me with incredible difficulty, I constantly wanted to sleep and go to the toilet.

The deadline was set for March 1st. She gave birth on the thirtieth. I switched for exactly a month, begged to do, or stimulation, but they didn’t even send me to the hospital. And all this extra month, I naturally felt like the child was sucking me out - I had no strength, my nails began to break, my hair climbed in bunches. I recovered like a cow, weighed almost eighty kg, and looked at my second chin in complete horror.

Childbirth began suddenly. I got up in the morning to take my beloved to work, and felt pain in my stomach. Not strong, so at first I did not pay anyone attention to them. They have hardly subsided over the past two months. But after fifteen minutes, I realized that something was not right.
My stomach ached and stopped immediately. And the intervals were only three minutes, I timed.
As soon as I found out, I immediately went to the hospital.

I decided to tell my story about my very unexpected pregnancy, everyone was shocked ...

we didn’t plan a pregnancy ... we wanted a second baby, there were talks ... but that’s right now, but for nothing ....

it was a very busy year, I found a job with difficulty, another year I study to the tower ... then we decided to get into debt and buy a new normal car, since the old four was nothing at all. they took a brand new crossover, what can I say. not cool, China, but still looks like a car))

Here, in an unexpected way, an apartment was left from my grandmother, before that we rented an apartment. I had to quickly make repairs and move in, but here before that there was such a srach ... they did it all over again. in general, everything that they wanted suddenly appeared, though with two more loans in addition ... but what to do, therefore, the question of a second child was in the background. and what are my years, I’m only 23, and my husband is 27, we’ll have time for the second)

I drank OK for a year, then I had some kind of hormonal failure ... menstruation either went or not ... the doctor canceled the pills and prescribed me to restore the cycle. drank 3 months. and here again I have a delay. yes what is it!!! like just treated, really did not help??!!! didn't say anything about it to anyone. I mean, I was waiting for my critical days, but they are not and are not ... well, I think okay ...

In the morning we wake up for work, we are still lying down. my husband says to me for no reason: - I just had such a dream, I went nuts! I dreamed that you were showing me a test with two stripes!

Well, we laughed, and he forgot about the conversation. and I decided just to calm my soul to do the test. On my way to work I went to the pharmacy. doing it means… well, I think it’s all the same that one will show up now, what I’m doing at all. I look ... and I have two bright stripes !! I was hit on the head. I was shocked beyond words. I call my husband, I say: well, Nostradamus, your dream is in your hand! I have two stripes. he was at work at that time ... I hear nervous laughter ... I couldn’t connect two words ... I made out only one “I was freaking out” I didn’t even know what it meant, or I was so glad ... it was generally a nervous breakdown ... but no one even talked about abortion didn’t stutter … of course we give birth, what else!

and I still can't believe it. that there will be more of us soon ..)) the tummy is already big, I even photographed it on purpose

I've never been particularly thin ... average build. Gained 3 kg in all this time. but it’s like the waist or, like, it’s still visible, what will happen next, we’ll see))) kicks in full))) let’s call Mikhail)) The first one is Dmitry Ivanovich, and the second is Mikhail Ivanovich)) at least the relatives are all against this name for some reason, but to me I like it, it's kind of my own, dear ...)

Sonny is waiting for his brother, he kisses my tummy, he says that he loves his brother, he will ride in a wheelchair, he will feed him, teach him to talk and in general he will live in a room with him, otherwise he will be bored alone))) what a caring)) handsome mine) here he is 2.6 years old)

in general, I am very happy with everything that is happening, although it will be very difficult for us financially, I don’t know how to live on the remaining 15 thousand after all payments ... loans and debts are pulling, and I don’t expect help from relatives ... but nothing, we’ll manage ... the main thing is to the child was born healthy, fashionably upsets ... I’m very afraid of the second caesarean (((eh ... how I wanted to give birth myself, apparently not fate

The news of the pregnancy was not a surprise to me, I have been friends with my boyfriend for the third year. My boyfriend was a student and sat perfectly on his parents' neck. But after the technical school he entered the evening department at the institute and got a job at the factory. True, at the plant, wages were not often paid. I worked from the age of 16, and at 18 I went to work in a very good company. In addition, she worked in one more place on the second labor.

At first we were just friends, then the relationship became closer ... I got pregnant almost immediately. It was 1994. I was in my 19th year and I knew where babies come from. Only I did not know that the news of pregnancy would cause tremendous stress.

I was scheduled for an ultrasound at 7 weeks. And they immediately offered to have a “quick” abortion. It's like going to the bath. This caused me even more stress. Fortunately, my self-preservation instinct is well developed, and my brain works very well under stress.

The bosses at work were not delighted, they simply began to “squeeze” me out. I wrote a statement "on my own" and set sail with a clear conscience. This is where the adventure begins...

Not only did my colleagues persuade me not to be stupid and to have an abortion “quietly,” but also in the antenatal clinic they began to “press” me on this topic. And they had a thousand and one arguments in favor of abortion (then doctors simply received money for abortions).

Where did the guy go? And he consulted with his mother and decided that I didn’t suit him, and in general it’s too early for him to get married, but he needs to study ... Well, a classic of the genre. When they lived, everything was fine, but then suddenly it took and stopped. At 23, it turns out it's too early. So it was necessary to tie everything in a knot and lie quietly on the sofa. I had a cavalier before him, but no, I beat him off, he didn’t let me pass. And then it turned out that I was running after him, it turns out ...

My parents had been divorced for a long time, and each had his own family. I lived in my mother's city apartment. Mother regularly came, took one salary and half of the second from me, supposedly to pay utility bills. But having received the money, she instantly forgot that she had to pay for the apartment. And her husband didn't work. Why should he work? M-yes...

As a result of my trust (my mother can’t do anything bad to me), a court notice soon arrived that the apartment was on trial for debts. I don’t know how I managed, but I paid off all the debts for eight months for an apartment, electricity, etc., left without savings, but with an apartment. And what? No money, no boyfriend, no job, relatives left, friends safely betrayed. I am pregnant, and from all sides: do, do, do an abortion! Yep, right now!

I always had a disgusting character, my boyfriend always said that in our couple I am a man, because. I like to do things my way. And I decided. Run. Run to save the most precious thing I had - my child. So that relatives could not put any conditions on me, and did not force me to have an abortion.

How did I survive? I don't know, to be honest. Perhaps God has seen. The three most faithful friends remained, and shared with me all the hardships. Some people whom I no longer remembered came and said that it was time for them to repay me for my good deeds towards them. And they gave me food and shelter, loaned me money for an indefinite period, helped me in any way they could. It turns out that good deeds are excellent investments, long-term and reliable.

Nine months of pregnancy flew by like one day. And now it's time to go to the hospital. We were escorted all the way through. The birth was difficult. Nobody knew if I would live. The child was born healthy and beautiful. When I woke up from anesthesia, a doctor, a midwife, the head physician of the maternity hospital were standing nearby and smiled sweetly. The head physician explained that they had never heard such a mat in poetic form ...

I was constantly shoved some kind of paper so that I would sign the waiver of my child. They motivated me by the fact that I am a single mother, and in general I will die soon, and, you see, it will be difficult for them to draw up documents. Type: in order not to "steam", do not look for relatives. And my healthy child will be adopted immediately.

My son was brought to me on the second day. Try not to bring! He refused to eat and yelled wildly for the whole maternity hospital for two days without ceasing. The entire staff was hooked on a sedative. Relatives came running to the discharge as cute, former colleagues drove by car and with gifts, true friends came with money, tipsy and with champagne. It was a wonderful summer day, some of the guests went by car to the apartment, and some of them walked two stops to the house with me. The son slept peacefully, everyone carried him in turn in their arms. I was given a bouquet of flowers and told to relax.

Then my mother and I nevertheless reconciled, rented out an apartment and left for the village, for milk and fresh air. We lived there for several years, then returned to the city. Mom was left a widow, her husband tragically died in an accident ...

My son is now seventeen and a half years old. Studying in 11th grade. Received additional education at the course "video cameraman and TV media technologies". Nice guy for me. I'm not married, I work. Good relations with friends and colleagues. And all the troubles have resolved themselves. I paid off all my debts a long time ago. I don’t know anything about the father of my child, how his life turned out. Yes, it's no longer interesting. For women, I want to wish: Believe God, believe in the Holy Trinity, and everything will work out in your life.
Don't have an abortion! Give birth. Do not doubt! Choose LIFE.

Photo - photobank Lori

I know why a good half of the girls come to the site. For the children! The other day I was talking with a friend who recently received the status of a newly-made wife ... But all the toi thundered among a couple in love, and the kelin, for 2 months, does not please potential grandparents with news about the stork. But the decoration of any home is its children. Besіksіz uyde bereke zhok, - says the Kazakh proverb (Welfare is in the house where the children are). As it turned out, now my friend is always looking for those same magic pills, and she finds support on the portal from our real mothers and futuremoms.

Therefore, the topic how to get pregnant and have a healthy baby Well, it's just super requested by many of our readers. Confirmation that the "miracle" is happening today, here and now, were the stories that I heard. It so happened that in the process of searching for those same stories about the long-awaited pregnancy and safe childbirth, I met two women who, through long efforts and not without the professional help of doctors, each at one time, finally felt the nascent life in themselves.

How to get pregnant and have a healthy baby

Salima, 30 (mother of two)

"...why don't my kids want to come out alive?"

I got married out of great love, and after the wedding we decided, like many others, to live for ourselves. A year later, I already wanted my little ones. I was completely healthy, except that there was an erosion of the cervix. She treated her, and began to start with her beloved. To my surprise, I got pregnant instantly. It was unbearably joyful, everything turned out so well, as they themselves had planned. At the 5th week of pregnancy, she went to her clinic for an appointment with an uzist. My baby's heart was only beating 100 beats per minute, and babies in the womb should have a fast heart rate. Uzist advised to check and go for a general examination. The next day, my child's heart stopped beating altogether. The miscarriage… It was very, very painful. What it is like to lose a long-awaited baby, only those who have experienced it know. My husband strongly supported me, encouraged me, said that next time it would definitely work out. Despite all the stress, we did not give up. And two strips again showed that I was expecting a baby.

Checked, the doctors said that everything is fine. But by the 8th week - again a dead fetus ... I was just broken. This time everything was terrible in another way - there were difficulties in extracting the fetus. My hopes were melting every day, I was just at a loss why my children do not want to come out into this world alive. Hell pains and 2 dead little souls. Hysterics…

Passed the analysis of HLA typing - genetic abnormalities

Many at such moments begin to resort to the help of all sorts of fortune-tellers and mediums, but we are very religious. We asked for salvation only from Allah alone, and decided to take an even more serious approach to solving the problem before again coming to the result of another unsuccessful pregnancy. At the consultation, the geneticist said that they have suspicions of genetic abnormalities, such an analysis is done after the second miscarriage. I asked for this test immediately. It's called HLA typing. It allows you to find out the genetic cause of non-carrying of the fetus and conduct a special treatment - immunocytotherapy. My husband and I donated blood and waited for the results. After 2 weeks, the doctor's fears were confirmed. We had a very rare disorder - a match at three loci in the histocompatibility genes. If a brother and sister, for example, have 2 identical genes, then we, completely unrelated people, turned out to have 3 of them! Therefore, my body did not recognize the fetus. Here lies the cause of all our troubles. After the final diagnosis, treatment awaited us, as I said earlier - immunocytotherapy. It is difficult for the uninitiated to explain what this procedure means - I was prescribed special injections under the skin of specially processed lymphocytes from a male donor.

The birth of the first child and tears of happiness

I got pregnant again, but was already under the supervision of experienced doctors. I won’t say that the pregnancy was easy, I was tormented by severe toxicosis. I felt sick until the 5th month, I just lay there, I couldn’t eat or drink at all. Lost 6-7 kilos. But the child and the body needed vitamins, and the doctors did everything possible to save the pregnancy. Strong fears tormented me inside that a miscarriage might happen again ... I was very worried, probably every mother will understand me. You are literally shaking for this life inside of you. My 9 months filled with feelings and fears passed and, finally, childbirth occurred. The husband was also present, and even saw the baby first. You should have seen us at this moment, there were tears of happiness. It's just an indescribable delight. Thank you so much doctors and God.

Pregnancy planning under medical supervision

I did not give up hope to give birth again, and I did it! I was prescribed a detailed schedule for when it would be possible to plan the next pregnancy. Exactly three years later, I gave birth to my second child. Many people think that I spent fabulous sums, but I can be surprised that it cost me ridiculous money at all. But it is priceless to have your own children. I was ready to do everything for the sake of these two lumps of my everyday joy. I wish all women to become mothers as soon as possible and not give up if it doesn’t work the first time. Turn to professional doctors, of course, everything is in the hands of Allah, but doctors also contribute their share to the appearance of healthy babies. Thank them!

Gulnara, 40 (mother of one child)

Late pregnancy, yes, also for the first time

You have no idea how I was looking forward to meeting my blood! Now he is only 6 months old. I received it with great difficulty. The fact is that my first pregnancy came at a mature age, at the age of 39, and I had an increased risk of losing not only a child, but also dying, God forbid, myself. All this was a consequence of late pregnancy. Probably, everyone knows firsthand that giving birth in adulthood is not the best idea. Since, you endanger not only the unborn child, but also yourself. This whole bouquet of diseases is seasoned with the fact that in the process of bearing a lot of experiences, because the child is very desirable. For me, his birth was the most important decision for me.

Preeclampsia in pregnancy is not a death sentence

My diagnosis is preeclampsia. This is when in the body of a pregnant woman, characterized by high blood pressure, protein in the urine, a sharp increase in weight (about one kilogram per week), and edema are detected. I gained weight drastically and had headaches all the time due to pressure. And yet, after all, the child in the stomach, it was necessary to move around on urgent matters. My pregnancy is like a rollercoaster ride right now. There were moments when I thought: "well, that's it, the end of everything." Difficult, in a word. My mistake was that I went through this for a very long time and did not go to the doctors a little earlier. It was possible to predict the development of preeclampsia even in the early stages of pregnancy and receive treatment before the development of my disease. Then there would be no preeclampsia at all! Such a test is called Delphia-Express.

When I already began to feel that the end was already there, not a single clinic accepted me, because there was a very high risk.

And only in the center of molecular medicine they agreed to conduct my pregnancy and help solve the problem. Remained the last months, the pressure returned to normal. The treatment was successful. And the time has come. I gave birth to a healthy child. Now, looking back, I understand the risk that my baby and I were exposed to. But we have a happy ending. I was able to give birth and become a mother. I'm happy! It seems to me that the health of her child is the most important thing in the life of every mother. Speaking without embellishment, in fact, the inner faith and professionalism of doctors help.

These are the stories these two charming women told me. As you can see, they were so frank and directly, without conventions, told about difficult and sad at first, but then - happy life stories.

Dear readers who have not yet become mothers, we sincerely wish you to see two stripes as soon as possible and be in a better state of expectation. Everything will work out!

We thank the leadership of the Center for Molecular Medicine for their assistance in the search for heroines and for permission to film.

Pregnancy makes a woman truly beautiful. But during pregnancy there are many questions that need to be answered. Especially if it is an unusual pregnancy in every sense, as, for example, in these women .. and men.

Today we will tell you about unusual cases of pregnancy and childbirth.

The woman who gave birth after doctors pronounced her dead

Christine Bolden died after suffering a brain aneurysm, but the baby inside her was still alive for more than a month. After the birth of healthy twin boys, the girl was disconnected from the life support apparatus.

A woman with two wombs was pregnant with two babies

In 2010, a woman named Angie Cromar became pregnant with two babies, but they weren't twins. The girl was born with two wombs and she managed to conceive children in both wombs.

The smallest mother in the world is pregnant for the third time

Stacey Herald risked her life when she decided to get pregnant. But she and her husband (who is of normal height) now have three healthy children.

World's oldest mother gives birth at 70

In 2008, Omkari Panwar became the world's oldest mother to give birth to twins, a boy and a girl by caesarean section. The woman became pregnant through IVF.

The woman gave birth to twins with a total weight of 10 kg

The siblings from North Carolina are among the largest twins ever born: Sean and Abigail weighed 10kg at birth. Both children were healthy.

The world's first pregnant man

Thomas Beaty was born a woman but underwent breast surgery. He and his wife Nancy decided that her husband would become pregnant through artificial insemination. His pregnancy was the first of its kind where a man gave birth in a traditional marriage to a woman.

The woman became pregnant while she was pregnant

Julia Grovenburg became pregnant twice within two weeks. She is one of 11 women ever to get pregnant while pregnant.

Grandmother who gave birth to her grandchildren

When Kim Koseno and her husband realized they couldn't have children, they were heartbroken. However, a solution was found, Kim's mother became a surrogate mother for their children. As a result, triplets were born.

Woman who gave birth within 75 days

In 2012, a Polish girl gave birth to three children with the longest interval between births. Joanna Krzstonek was pregnant with triplets when one of the fetuses was born prematurely and died at the fifth month of pregnancy. The doctors advised the girl to lie in bed with her legs raised above her head during the remainder of the pregnancy. Twins Iga and Ignatius were born at 32 weeks pregnant.