The gift of clairvoyance is very diverse! What types of it are there? Your superpower: clairvoyance

The proposed training and practice will be divided into 3 stages

(1) preparation and “contact” with the third eye or ajna chakra,

(2) activating it, and directly,

(3) management of its work.

With each stage there is an increase in the complexity of practices.

Step-by-step implementation of practices is mandatory!

That is, you need to start by mastering and practicing the first stage, then move on to the second and then to the third. Otherwise, you simply will not get the results you need, or you will get something completely different from what you expected.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the exercises and practices offered in this section are not a set of random techniques from different resources, but a generalized database of exercises, analyzed and collected for more than one year. This may seem strange, given the small size of the section, but nevertheless, it is true.

In this section, the work that you are going to do using this manual is a serious, esoteric and spiritually advanced path that can significantly influence the psyche and worldview of a person.

First stage. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening the third eye”

This stage is devoted to basic practical skills of “contact” with the third eye chakra. The goal of this stage is to learn to sense the chakra and visualize it (imagine it mentally). Despite the simplicity of the stage, many will find it quite difficult to do this. The location of the third eye chakra is between the eyebrows, the place on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Perhaps some of you have already experienced similar sensations - a feeling of fullness in this area or a slight “stirring”, like a breeze. This could also happen during ordinary reading of literature on esoteric topics.

It is important to learn to control this feeling. The stage can be considered completed if you learn to freely concentrate on this area at any time and feel it, a feeling of slight pressure or expansion in it.

Exercise 1.

Take a calm, comfortable meditative pose. Discard unnecessary thoughts. Next, you need to focus on the area between the eyebrows and try to feel this area. Perhaps someone will immediately feel a feeling of slight pressure - this is a good sign. If you find it difficult to feel this area and concentrate on it, help yourself by rubbing the area on your forehead between the eyebrows with your knuckles. An option for the first time is to use some kind of adhesive material that can be glued to the specified area in order to feel it better. Maintain concentration on the indicated area for as long as you can.

Positive signs will be considered a feeling of fullness, pressure, “moving” of air in the area between the eyebrows. For some individuals, this practice can already cause paranormal activity and manifestations of the chakra, this can be expressed in the appearance of some visions, flashes of light, or even involuntary astral exits. If this happens, gently stop the exercise until the next day.

It is recommended to perform this exercise as often as possible, including in your free time. Time limits can be limited with experience. The color of the chakra is sky blue or blue. Rotation is counterclockwise. Target images – a ball of blue radiant energy, an energy funnel, a clot of light.

At this stage, you also need to learn how to visualize the third eye chakra, that is, its figurative representation. Let me remind you that these two points are very important for further practice - sensation and visualization. Be sure to practice the proposed exercises to the greatest possible perfection.

Exercise 2.

Take a comfortable position, sit, relax, get rid of unnecessary and obsessive thoughts. Close your eyes and try to lift them and look at the area between your eyebrows. Of course, do this carefully; you don’t need to lift your eyes into an unknown direction or try to bulge them until it hurts. All you need to do is slightly raise your gaze to the area between the eyebrows, while your eyes are closed. Feel the area between the eyebrows, as you did in the previous exercise.
Observe the sensations.

Try to imagine any of the above images - a bright blue energy ball, a clot of light, a solar disk - whatever is more convenient for you. Mentally transfer it to the area between the eyebrows, reducing the image to the size of a walnut. It may be difficult for you to do this right away, in which case you can imagine yourself from the outside and put an image of your imaginary self between the eyebrows. Maintain the visualization for as long as possible - a ball of light in the area between the eyebrows.

You will have to work thoroughly with this exercise; it is quite difficult for beginners to master, and many may have problems with visualization (imagining an image). Look for good pictures or images on the Internet and use them in your practice. The criterion for a successfully completed exercise can be considered the appearance of a feeling of lightness, some euphoria, and increased energy.

Exercise 3.

Recommended for those who may have problems with visualization (figurative representation). For this you will need a candle. Darken the room slightly. Light a candle. Take a comfortable meditative position, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts. Contemplate the candle flame with a calm gaze. Spend about 5 minutes contemplating. Then close your eyes. Mentally transfer the bright image from the candle flame that remains in the imagination and on the retina to the area between the eyebrows, imagining it as a clot of bright energy or a ball, or like a funnel. Maintain the visualization for as long as possible. Then open your eyes, shake yourself, wash your face. The exercise is over.

TIP: Ways to improve cerebral circulation are useful for this stage, as well as for preparing for the development of clairvoyance. For this purpose, a regular massage or self-massage of the head and neck-shoulder girdle will cope.

If you smoke, drink alcohol or like fatty rich foods, all this will be a serious obstacle to your practical work. It is important to monitor and maintain the cleanliness of blood vessels, especially the blood vessels of the brain, in order to provide the brain with sufficient blood supply and nutrition.

Stage 1 completed. It is recommended to practice the proposed exercises regularly. Without obtaining clear skills from this stage, it will be difficult to pass further ones. Practice the exercises carefully, try to achieve perfection in their implementation.

The approximate period for working out this stage is on average 1-2 weeks.

Second phase. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening the third eye”

This stage will be devoted to techniques of energy activation, cleansing, removing blocks that interfere with the manifestation of clairvoyance, and active techniques that promote the development of the third eye chakra.

Exercise 1. “Energy Breathing”

One of the simplest and most effective exercises for controlling the flow of energy passing through the third eye chakra. All you need is to take a comfortable position, relax, and concentrate on practice. Visualize or feel the area between the eyebrows, imagine a ball of energy there, as you did in the previous exercises.

Next, you need to concentrate on your breathing, inhale - exhale. As you inhale, imagine how pure energy coming from space fills the chakra ball, expanding it, and as you exhale, it leaves the chakra back into space. The time to complete the exercise is up to 5-7 minutes. It is advisable to visualize (imagine) or feel the sensations, to breathe not through the nose, but through the energy center.

Similar exercises are often found online in single form, that is, as an independent means for developing and activating selected chakras. We suggest performing it in combination with other exercises at this stage to achieve a faster and more harmonious effect.

Exercise 2. “Energy pyramid”

Similar to the first exercise, and performed almost similarly. Get ready for practice, sit comfortably, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts.

Rub your palms together and slowly spread them apart, feeling the resistance of the energy between them, creating an energy ball. Concentrate on your breathing for a while, imagining how, as you inhale, you take energy from the surrounding space, and as you exhale, you fill the ball between your palms with it until you feel bursting and full. Then you need to make a triangle with your palms (fingers touching, palms apart), and place them in the area between the eyebrows, so that the third eye chakra is its base. Do the same thing, forming an energy ball between your palms, use breathing. With the difference that in this case you fill with energy and compact the ajna chakra.

Exercise 3. “Removing blocks”

This simple exercise is aimed at visual work to remove energy blocks that interfere with the development of your clairvoyance and activation of the third eye chakra.

Take a practice pose, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts. Feel and visualize the area between your eyebrows. Then, using the fingers of your right hand and without touching the area between the eyebrows, make a grasping movement, as if removing a veil from the chakra or removing an energy plug.

The exercise can be varied with a large number of options, as your imagination suggests. Here is one of them - press firmly with your fingers on the area between the eyebrows and hold your hand there for a while, imagining that you feel an obstacle or block in the chakra. Then slowly, very slowly, release the pressure and move your hand away from your forehead, while imagining how the obstacle disappears, or how you pull out some imaginary clamp.

Exercise 4. “Seeing Light”

This exercise also helps to develop and train in seeing and sensing subtle energies and developing the third eye chakra. You will need a light source (such as the sun or a bright lamp) and a white piece of landscape paper. The sheet is placed close in front of the eyes, like a mask. Through it you need to contemplate the bright light, achieving the creation of a uniform, white light field before your eyes.

After some time of such contemplation, the eyes begin to observe bright spots or sparkles, concentrate your attention on them. You need to look without straining, with an absent-minded gaze. Approximate execution time is 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to use the sun as a light source. Another variation of the exercise is to look at the sky during the day. The gaze is distracted. Notice bright dots or flashes of light that flash before your eyes.

Breathing energy practices

Yoga treatises describe many useful breathing exercises that have no equal in effectiveness. Breathing exercises are generally a very powerful practice and useful for self-development. At this stage, two exercises will be given, the regular implementation of which can have a powerful effect in the shortest possible time, even using them as an independent practice. They help to powerfully fill the body with energy and recharge, so it is not advisable to perform them right before bed.

For the development and activation of the third eye (Ajna - chakra), holding your breath IN INSPIRATION is useful.

Exercise 1 a.
Sit comfortably, your spine should be straight. The most correct position would be the lotus position. Relax, tune in to practice. Take several calm and deep breaths. Then start breathing rhythmically. Take the deepest, quickest breath possible (about three seconds) and immediately exhale as deeply as possible, also quickly (about 4 seconds).

An important detail: as you inhale, first try to fill your stomach with air, then your chest. Exhale in reverse order. You can exhale normally quickly if it is difficult to breathe as indicated, but it is advisable to inhale this way - first the stomach is filled with air, then the chest. This inhalation and exhalation are counted as one cycle. There should be no breaks between cycles, as well as between inhalations and exhalations. Sharp inhalation - exhalation, inhalation - exhalation. Take 10 such breaths. With experience, you can increase to 15-20.

Breathing will be facilitated by slight dizziness - you are actively saturating the body and brain with oxygen. On the last cycle, after exhaling, take a deep breath and hold your breath for as long as you can. During the delay, you can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows. Then exhale smoothly and calmly. You have done 1 approach. It is advisable to do at least 2-3 such approaches (rhythmic breathing and then holding air), with short breaks. You can do it in the morning and evening. The practice is quite powerful in itself, but if you have serious health problems, it is not recommended. A certain effect can be felt already on the 3rd day of execution, even without doing all the previous exercises.

Exercise 1 b

This breathing exercise is calmer and can be done after the above. Take a comfortable position, preferably the Lotus position. Take several deep and calm breaths in and out. During practice, it is advisable to provide an influx of fresh air, and the most optimal way is to train in nature, away from highways. Just open the window (if you don't live on the first floor). Close your right nostril with your finger and inhale through the left, approximately equal to 4 seconds in duration. Hold your breath the same way for about 4 seconds. Now close your left nostril and exhale through your right, at the same time as inhaling and holding. So we ended up with a 4-4-4 cycle. Inhale again, this time through the right (the left is closed), hold, close the right and exhale through the left. We continue this breathing for 10-15 minutes, closing the nostrils alternately.

With experience, it is advisable to increase the time intervals. While breathing, it will be useful to visualize the chakra and filling it with energy.

Exercise 5. “Candle”

It is believed that simple contemplation of a candle flame is one of the best ways to promote the development of clairvoyance and vision of subtle energies. At the same time, it has an excellent harmonizing effect against everything negative. Choose free time (preferably in the evening, in the twilight) and devote to this exercise. Contemplate the candle flame, watch the rays of light, the blue halo of the flame. Close your eyes, watch the colored spots and images that float before your eyes. Duration – no more than 5 minutes. After the exercise, shake yourself up and wash your face.

Exercise 5 a. "Lock"

Get on your knees. Make a lock with your hands - your right hand (palm) clasps your left - similar to how men shake hands; your hands should be in the same lock as if you were shaking hands with yourself. Next, lower yourself to your elbows. You need to rest your forehead on the palm lock, with the back of your left palm facing your forehead, so that the approximate center of the palms is at the level of the area between the eyebrows. Close your eyes and focus on the pulsation between your palms. Observe and track any images that appear before your mind's eye. Completion time is approximately 5 minutes.

Exercise 5 b. “Autotraining”

To remove psychological blocks that can also interfere with the development of your clairvoyance, it is useful to periodically use auto-training formulas. Here are some approximate options (you can come up with the rest yourself, which is most suitable for you):

“I am clairvoyant.”
“My third eye is open, I can see whatever I want.”
“I see the essence of things”

Exercise 6. “Working on etheric vision”

The already familiar exercises for practicing etheric and astral vision will be useful for tuning your third eye. They are quite simple - contemplation of the outline of your hand against the background of a white sheet, or in the twilight, contemplation of the reflection in the mirror, in order to see the ethereal areola, and so on. We definitely recommend taking the “Aurovisor” course as part of this course. All this will help you tune in to the perception of subtle energy.

Exercise 7. “Dreaming images”

This exercise involves the ability to observe images that appear before the eyes in the pre-sleep state. Every time you go to bed, try to stay on the edge of sleep and wakefulness; an uncomfortable position will help you do this, or your hand raised and placed on your elbow will fall if you fall asleep and wake you up.

While in this state, try to observe what will emerge in your consciousness. These can be brighter images, visions, pictures. Try not to fall into them and observe dispassionately. Emotions and experiences will also be unnecessary; the position of an impartial observer is what you need and is important. With experience, you can try to set a “theme” for the performance. Wish to see something specific. Or imagine that you have already seen it. Train this ability whenever possible. Considering that each of us sleeps in one way or another every day, you should have such an opportunity in any case)

Third stage. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening the third eye”

This stage will be a little unfinished. It will be devoted to the most difficult thing - controlling what you managed to awaken and activate. Methods of control are very individual, so it is difficult to derive any specific dogmas. However, a few basic tips will be given.

Exercise 1. “Screen of perception”
Set a specific goal, for example, to see what is behind the wall. It is very important to imagine exactly what it will look like. Imagine a screen in front of your eyes on which the necessary images will appear. Imagine how this happens. Next, activate the chakra and establish contact. Imagine it as a bright clot of light or energy. Eyes closed. Imagine how the light from the area between the eyebrows falls on the wall, shining through it. Try to look not with your eyes, but “through” the area between the eyebrows, through a clot of light. Slowly open your eyes, trying to maintain and concentrate on the connection - “eyes - third eye - wall or selected object.” If the exercise is successful, you will probably be able to see what you need on your “inner screen”. The exercise needs regular practice in order to achieve success in it.

Exercise 2. “Vision in the dark, X-ray vision.”
Do exactly the same. Preferably in a darkened room. Establish contact with the chakra, imagine exactly how you will see in the dark, what objects will be in front of you. Close your eyes, look “through” the chakra, which is a bright clot of light. Imagine how its light fills the twilight of the room or room where you are training. Gradually open your eyes, maintaining the “eyes – third eye – object” connection. After doing the exercises, shake yourself up and wash your face.

The gift of clairvoyance is a non-standard ability to receive information about the world without the help of the five senses known to modern science (vision, smell, touch, hearing and taste). The ancients believed that this ability is inherent in every person. But, like any other property, it must be discovered and formed. But how to develop clairvoyance? After all, if this is not done, then the opportunity will be lost.

Human civilization has long been formed on the basis of the material perception of the world. And everything that does not fit within the framework of realism is considered to some extent nonsense and madness. However, in practice, next to the “greats of this world” there is always a specialist in extrasensory perception, every day in all media they discuss about “the mysterious and unknown world”, psychics and sorcerers officially practice. But even this is not the main thing. For some reason, it is believed that a person is harmoniously developed if he leads a healthy lifestyle, exercises and increases his intellectual level.

Why do human extrasensory abilities remain in vain? And how can human development be called harmonious if a huge part of the human personality remains in an atrophied state all his life? The vast majority of people are limited, perhaps due to the fact that their bright extrasensory abilities, which do not fit into the material consideration of the world, remain in their infancy. But, without having basic knowledge, how to discover the gift of clairvoyance in yourself?

Can a person himself, already formed by material civilization and ignorant (or better yet, dense), discover extrasensory abilities and understand the vast real world? Hardly. It's like asking a three-year-old child to cook fricassee. But there are methods by which the development of the gift occurs. Fortunately, they have not been lost. The first thing you need to do is take a clairvoyance test. It will show to what extent a person has abilities and how much they have been erased from his psychophysics by modern upbringing. A specialist, after analyzing the data, will be able to build a methodology for developing clairvoyance in a specific person.

But, as a rule, this issue is not of interest to curious people, but to those who have noticed signs of clairvoyance. Perhaps it was some kind of “flash” of a picture from the future or from an unknown past, a premonition. Perhaps a person in certain situations sees what needs to be done. Perhaps he hears “voices”, but not delusional ones, but giving real practical advice.

Often, this is a manifestation of a person’s suppressed extrasensory abilities. They look like some kind of insight, but the rational mind refuses to believe it. You can forget about the results shown by the clairvoyance test and the “strange” manifestations, but more often people begin to think that it is necessary to develop the ability of clairvoyance. But it is not recommended to do this on your own, since you can get lost in an unfamiliar world.

Methods and techniques for developing clairvoyance

So, psychic abilities have opened, but how to develop the gift of clairvoyance? The methods involve qualifying lessons, including special exercises aimed at developing the abilities of beginners. It is better to learn these lessons under the guidance of a specialist, since it is difficult for beginners to objectively assess the changes taking place in him.

First master the science of concentration, without it it is impossible to develop any ability at all. Then the required degree of concentration is mastered. At first, the exercises are simple: concentration, for example, on a black dot placed on a white sheet. Then the tasks get more difficult, and beginners concentrate on photographs, paintings, three-dimensional objects.

The next stage is learn to see what is hidden by physical vision around us. Beginners look for hidden things, guess upside down photographs and cards, examine a person's aura, and learn to get answers to questions from objects, such as a pendulum or runes. After a person has learned to “see the invisible” indoors, further travel begins, both in space and time. But this is not the end yet. Extrasensory perception (hypersensitivity) has developed and clairvoyance becomes possible. That is, the exercises taught beginners some techniques, but this is far from “mastery of the subject,” but only its understanding and mastery of basic knowledge. From this moment the next stage of development of abilities begins. So how to learn clairvoyance?

Development of acquired clairvoyance skills.

The next stage of training is exercises directly to develop the ability of clairvoyance. This stage of development requires special composure and attention, it won’t hurt ability to enter an altered state of consciousness. Practice shows that these states are characteristic of a person during periods of severe illness, between sleep and wakefulness, under hypnosis or during severe exhaustion. The difficulty here lies in learning to discover this ability and maintain it. For beginners this is extremely difficult. The whole point is that an unformed, untrained ability of clairvoyance can come to a person even when he does not need it and master it completely. In the course of real life, this is extremely inconvenient and causes insurmountable barriers between the person mastering esotericism and the people who surround him.

One of the exercises:

Therefore, it is necessary to continue the exercises and be extremely reserved in public. For beginners, it is better to continue training under the guidance of a specialist who will teach you how to manage abilities (correctly enter a state, stay in it and exit it). Only a fully mastered course will provide the opportunity to intelligently and competently manage the gift of clairvoyance. Otherwise, everything could end badly. But the main thing you need to initially understand is that these abilities do not give a person either power over other people or life events, or wealth, or love, or health. This is simply an opportunity to exist in this world harmoniously and fully, feeling the Universe as it really is.

Useful tips

Become a psychic (or improve your intuition enough to develop the ability to foresight) – it's not as difficult a task as you think. Moreover: this is an interesting process that will allow you to know yourself and learn to live in harmony with the world.

But, as is the case with any new business, developing clairvoyance will require some effort from you, time for training and, of course, appropriate patience. If you follow these simple rules, you will soon discover new opportunities in yourself that you could not even dream of before.

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance: five effective exercises

Upgrade your psychic abilities!

Developing your “psychic muscles” is a process that is quite similar to physical training. With regular training, you will achieve results faster than, for example, pumping up your abdominal muscles. Remember: under no circumstances don't give up in the first weeks of classes, and then you will succeed.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to take the first step and then maintain regularity in training. Usually for beginners The hardest thing is to learn to concentrate. Are you ready to face these challenges? Then let's get started!

Practice One: Develop Your Visualization Ability

All clairvoyants have the strongest ability to visualize. Based on this, it is worth your time to become an excellent visualizer. And the more often you develop this ability in yourself, the easier it will be for you to develop it.

Remember: when they say that clairvoyants see, they mean that they “see” with their inner vision! To be absolutely precise, it's about the third eye– the chakra located just above your eyebrows, between them.

In other words, you learn to see images, pictures and symbols, figuratively speaking, in your head. Receive information and it is possible to see images only then, when your chakra, that is, your third eye, is open. This is why it is extremely important to regularly practice visualizations that help open this chakra.

How to properly develop visualization ability?

It is necessary every day, for a few minutes, to visualize various images, pictures and scenes using your mind's eye. This is a very effective, fun and even relaxing way to develop clairvoyance.

Imagine, for example, that you are on stage singing along with your favorite performer during a concert. Or imagine yourself arranging furniture in the house of your dreams on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

More like dreams? Exactly. You should start learning visualization with such scenes, as it will be more pleasant and easier for you to imagine them. Regularly visualizing your dreams and other plots, you will contribute to the opening of the third eye, helping to develop clairvoyance abilities. Having trouble with this? Start with simple things.

Visualize numbers and bright colors

Close your eyes. Imagine the number “1” in front of you as clearly and distinctly as possible, “see” it with your in my mind's eye. Try to hold the image of this number for ten seconds, make it stable and clear, and then move on to the number “2”, “3” and so on - up to “10”.

Can't imagine again? Take a brush and some bright colors and then paint a big, bold number “1” on the paper. Don't hold back your imagination be creative. Paint the unit bright yellow and then apply bright red stripes, or blue spots.

Then take a close look at the product of your creativity. 30 seconds or so is enough. And then close your eyes again and repeat the number visualization exercise again. This approach will help your mind's eye begin to visualize. It is also useful to start by imagining beautiful flowers and brightly colored objects.

Development of psychic abilities at home

Practice Two: Play Clairvoyance Games

As a child, did you play games designed to develop human memory? If yes, it will be much easier for you. If not - you should work on your memory. The easiest way to train your memory is in the form of a game - no matter how old you are.

The fact is that part of these trainings is working with pictures. An important point in such work is your desire to “see” the corresponding picture with your inner vision. Don't just try to guess: After all, the goal of your studies is to develop “clear vision”. So what are these games?

The first game for developing clairvoyance

Take two identical decks of cards. Choose eight identical pieces from each deck (this is for starters): for example, from six to eight of each suit. Shuffle selected cards from both decks together. Then arrange them neatly, face down, in four rows.

Turn over the cards, trying to find matches (that is, find two sixes of spades, two sevens of clubs, two sixes of hearts, and so on). To start turn over no more than two cards at once. The cards are flipped back over regardless of whether you found matching pictures or not.

Your task is not only to remember, but also to try to “see” with your inner eye where the cards of the same suit and value lie. When 16 cards are not enough, add additional cards from both decks, gradually increasing their number. You can also use a set of pictures from the children's game Memory or similar ones with duplicate cards.

Second game for developing clairvoyance

Here is another interesting game that will perfectly help develop your “sixth sense”. Ask your friend to place ten objects on the table in a completely random order and leave the room or turn away.

Then walk into the room (or turn around) and look carefully at the table for ten to twenty seconds. Close your eyes and try using mind's eye, imagine each of the objects you saw. Don’t just remember, but “see” each object, its place, size, color.

How to develop clairvoyance abilities during the day

Describe each item, remembering as many details as possible. Then open your eyes, look at the table again and check how you completed the task. This game, among other things, forces you to practice visualization, which will undoubtedly also help you master it.

You can do this same exercise yourself. For example, if you are sitting on a park bench, in a new room, or drinking coffee in a cafe, take note of what is around you At the moment. Then close your eyes and try to visualize what you just saw, remembering as many details as possible.

The third game for developing clairvoyance

This is an extremely interesting and extremely useful way for a future clairvoyant to develop their abilities. However, for this you will need so-called Zener cards. We are talking about a deck of cards (or, more precisely, cards), consisting of five repeating patterns. The designs are simple - a square, a star, a cross, a circle and three wavy lines. You can print such cards on a printer.

For this game you will need a partner - without this there is no way. This could be your friend, a close relative, or just a loitering acquaintance who is interested in this kind of experiment.

The main task is to look at this or that drawing, visualize it, and then try to send thoughts about it to your counterpart. The partner's task is feel your vibes and guess the picture. You should also do this procedure in reverse order: then your friend sends you signals, and you try to catch them.

Practice Three: Using a Crystal to Open the Third Eye

For this exercise, you need to have an ordinary transparent quartz crystal, which can be purchased at any souvenir shop. Since ancient times, crystal has been considered attribute of extrasensory perception and esotericism, since this solid body has a unique ability to accumulate different types of energy and transform them.

The crystal exercise is a great way to open your third eye. The practice of developing clairvoyance with the help of a crystal is that it should almost always be with you, accumulating your energy(for example, in moments of meditation), and then, at the necessary moment, give you its transformed part.

The ability to relax is the key to developing psychic abilities

Don't let the word "meditation" scare you. Of course, mastery of this practice gives you undeniable advantages in the development of psychic abilities. That is why mastering meditation included as a separate and important item in the list of exercises necessary for the development of clairvoyance. But more on that later.

It is important to understand that at the initial stage (at least at the stage of interaction with the energy of the crystal), it is enough to remain in a quiet and peaceful environment, try, by relaxing the body, to achieve at least some degree of internal concentration and concentration. And the crystal will help you with this.

Keep your crystal handy at all times

In moments of shallow meditation or relaxation, let your crystal be before your eyes. Before going to bed, it also makes sense to place the crystal at your head, or stare at it for a while, trying to get rid of extraneous thoughts.

It is helpful to carry your crystal in your pocket. Feeling its presence with your hand, you will constantly remember your goal - development of clairvoyance abilities. Feel it, make it your talisman, which will help you in the future to discard extraneous “noise” in the form of unnecessary thoughts and useless information.

How to develop supernatural abilities

Practice Four: Keep a Dream Journal

People with psychic abilities often see very vivid, memorable dreams, filled with deep meaning. But there is also feedback: working with your dreams- This is an excellent way to develop clairvoyance abilities. Moreover, this is a rather pleasant and tireless activity.

Why are dreams so important to our business? Because it is through our dreams that we communicate with various supernatural entities, regardless of whether you believe in them or not. Perhaps these are angels, the souls of deceased loved ones, and other intangible substances that are difficult for us to understand.

After all, when we sleep, the conscious part of our mind rests. But our subconscious, on the contrary, is activated, traveling through the spiritual worlds, the existence of which we ignore or simply deny in the waking state.

What else is a dream journal for?

The time we spend sleeping is a great opportunity for our subconscious to express itself; do something peculiar astral travel, contact astral entities. What else can our spiritual nature do when our physical body is resting?

So, keep your dream journal by your bedside at all times so that you can write down memorable images as soon as we woke up. After a while, you will learn to snatch the most important things from your dreams; find various signs and even symbols by writing them down in a journal.

Some clairvoyants claim that through this practice they were able to record events from their past lives! You may not believe in reincarnation, but there is no doubt that you will encounter amazing things, which were previously ignored (or simply forgotten).

Keeping a dream journal is also useful from another point of view: your notes will become a kind of criterion that will allow you to track, how your clairvoyance abilities develop. Agree, there is no better motivation than the one that gives you the opportunity to monitor your own progress in this matter.

Learn to ask questions before bed

Once you feel that your dreams are more than just an incredible combination real events and fantasies(as boring pundits often talk about dreams), move on to the next stage of working with dreams.

Now, before going to bed, try to tune in to a certain image (of a friend, loved one, your guardian angel), mentally asking him a question that interests you. You may not immediately be able to see the person you want in a dream, much less get an answer to your question.

However, this practice of working with dreams is extremely beneficial for your subconscious and spiritual self. Just show your readiness get the necessary information, demonstrate your openness. The answer may not come in explicit form, so be sure to record the dream in your dream journal for later analysis.

How to become a psychic

Practice Five: Meditate

The time has come for one of the most important practices (and the most difficult to master). But, if you cope with the previous four exercises, then learn the art of meditation. Moreover, this is extremely important for you, as a person seeking to develop the ability to clairvoyance.

But why is meditation so important? The point is that this practice will allow you to clear your mind of unnecessary tinsel; she will strengthen internal vibrations, which will give you the opportunity to feel the subtle spiritual energies of our universe; will teach you to see beyond the boundaries of the material world.

Meditation will help you open your third eye.

Meditation, like visualization, can open your third eye. In principle, any meditative practices sharpen your inner vision. Some are quite difficult to master, as they require you to be able to enter a special mental state, which requires long-term training.

Clairvoyance is the ability of the human brain to perceive information that is not available to most people. In particular, to see the future, to communicate with the other world. Most people sooner or later wonder who is given clairvoyance, how does it manifest itself and what is it?

The gift of clairvoyance and its forms

It is believed that the gift of clairvoyance is inherent in every person by nature. But in fact, only a few have it. It is believed that it can be developed using certain techniques.

Clairvoyance usually manifests itself in the following forms:

  1. “Third Eye” - superpowers are concentrated at the point located between the eyebrows, and allow you to see the structure of the Subtle World, the creatures living there, and the human aura.
  2. Spatial clairvoyance is the ability to see events occurring at a remote distance.
  3. Internal clairvoyance is the receipt of information in the form of “pictures” that are transmitted at the visual level.
  4. Clairaudience - capturing sounds from the Subtle World, as well as answers from unearthly beings to questions asked.
  5. Opening an information channel is a person’s connection with Higher powers that can provide an answer to a question of interest or information that appears in the head from an unknown source.

Clairvoyance can also manifest itself in other forms that are less common: clairvoyance, clairvoyance in time, and others.

How does clairvoyance manifest in an ordinary person?

How to feel the gift of clairvoyance, how does it manifest itself in everyday life? Many people can tell a story about how at a certain time they had a bad feeling before some unpleasant event, or they felt something inexplicable. These possibilities manifest themselves as follows:

If you suddenly wake up and are wondering what could have woken you up, and after a short time a noise is heard. It turns out that the brain received information about what will happen soon and reacted to it.

  1. The ability to see prophetic dreams.
  2. If you are constantly lucky, and you come out of the most difficult situation with minimal losses. They say that such a person has a good guardian angel who tells him the right path.
  3. If, when approaching a technique, it malfunctions, or vice versa, it works more productively.
  4. If you feel other people's experiences.
  5. If events often occur that you guessed about long before them.
  6. You don’t like to be in a room with open doors - this means that subconsciously you want to save your energy.
  7. If troubles happen to the person who offended you without your participation, it means that you have powerful energy that can influence other people.

Often, superpowers appear in a person after a severe stressful condition: serious injury, coma, electric shock, death of loved ones, etc. Sometimes this gift manifests itself from birth.

Developed intuition is often considered to be the initial signs of clairvoyance. It can help a person, prevent the occurrence of certain problems, and save the life of oneself or another person.

Famous people possessed the gift of clairvoyance; with its help they made new discoveries and created brilliant masterpieces. DI. Mendeleev, for example, saw in a dream a table of chemical elements that he subsequently invented. Niels Bohr and Rene Descartes made similar discoveries.

If a person has felt signs of clairvoyance, how does this superpower manifest itself in him, is it possible to develop it? There are many techniques for this. If you decide to master them, you should not rush, and you need to understand exactly what consequences such training leads to. In addition to the fact that you can fall into the trap of charlatans, you can damage your psyche. If this gift was not revealed from birth, then it is better to use other abilities that nature has awarded.

If not all, then very many people would like to have paranormal abilities. After all, knowing in advance what will happen, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from possible troubles, learn to see through those around you, understanding their true intentions and feelings - any doors to the unknown open...

Many people believe that the gift of clairvoyance can only be inherited from relatives with similar abilities. In reality, this is not entirely true; paranormal abilities can be developed in oneself if desired.

The development of clairvoyance - this is what we will talk about in this article.

Clairvoyance is a person’s ability to see (hear or receive information in any other way that remains inaccessible to the perception of most others).

Clairvoyants are able to sense the vibrations of a person’s energy field, see their own aura and distinguish the so-called astral light rays. Everything that is inaccessible to an ordinary person is instantly recorded by a clairvoyant.

How can you develop clairvoyance on your own? We will answer this question further.

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance

It is necessary to immediately clarify the point that all people are completely different, and for some the development of clairvoyance will be much easier than for others. Only one thing can be confidently stated: it is impossible to develop clairvoyance in yourself in an easy way. You will need to put in some effort, constantly practice, doing various exercises (developing concentration, relaxation) and be sure to meditate.

If this prospect does not frighten you, then you can move forward.

  1. To develop the gift of clairvoyance, it is important that a person has good thoughts and pure thoughts in his heart. The less negative energy comes from you, the faster the final result will be obtained.
  2. When you become a fairly good “specialist” in the field of clairvoyance - that is, your skills, abilities and knowledge have developed sufficiently, your Ego will try to take over your personality - it is important to prevent this under no circumstances. Always remember that you are only part of a huge system, and no matter how much information you have, most of it will still be inaccessible to you.
  3. In order for the final result of your practice to be successful, perform all the exercises regularly, without giving yourself any indulgences or making omissions.

How to develop clairvoyance abilities - exercises

Exercise “Seeing through the skin”

You need to prepare two squares for this practice - white and black.

The exercise itself is performed as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, relax your body (in particular, your right palm).
  2. Then you should raise your palm about eight centimeters higher from the squares. Hold it first over one, and then move it to the other.
  3. Pay attention to your inner feelings. What will you feel - coolness, warmth, or maybe a slight pleasant tingling sensation? Be sure to remember what color these sensations belonged to.
  4. Perform regular training on one of the recognizable colors. Have someone hold one of the squares under your hand while you determine its color. When you can identify black and white colors without errors, add another red square.
  5. Use this exercise every day for at least seven days. Concentrate on each color for four to five minutes, remember your feelings.

You can further consolidate them in your memory by saying a special formula:

“I can easily determine the color with the help of my palm, remember the sensations of my hand, they are stored in my memory, compared and I get the correct answer.”

Exercise “Borderline State”

A large number of clairvoyants resort to borderline states when the body is in an intermediate phase between the sleep and wakefulness phases. You can learn to get into this state consciously.

To do this, when you lie in bed at night, you need to calm down and monitor the moment when sleep begins to come to you.

Control the state of your consciousness along with the changes occurring in it. Of course, at first this will not be easy for you, but over time, with persistence and regular practice, you will succeed.

As soon as you learn to recognize the intermediate state, ask your subconscious at night a question disturbing your soul, repeat it many times until you fall asleep.

When you are in a borderline state of consciousness, the answer to your question comes in the form of visions, words or thoughts. Don’t rush to get upset if it doesn’t work out for you the first time - in most cases, after a couple of attempts, the answer comes.

If you want to know the events of the near future, before falling asleep, mentally say to yourself the exact date (year, month, day) when it should happen. You can use this technique to clarify certain moments of the past.

If your question concerns a specific person, visualize his image as accurately as possible.

Exercise “Hypnographic images”

It is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. You sit in a position that is comfortable for you, but you cannot make any movements. The only movement that is allowed is breathing.
  2. Relax your body and calm your mind, normalize your breathing and close your eyelids. Carefully observe the images that will appear on the back of the eyelids (they are called hypnographic).
  3. Now imagine as if you are now in a cinema hall and expect that the film will start soon. “Peer” at the blank screen. Then various fuzzy lines, stains, spots will begin to appear on it - these are all images coming to you from the depths of your subconscious.

Give your attention to every form and movement that appears before your eyes. Pay attention to how they change, in what direction they move.
Over time, you will find yourself in a light trance. If you want to get out of it, make any sudden movement with your body.

  1. Continue looking into the distance, but without eye strain. You must be in the state of an ordinary contemplative. If, after twenty minutes, sleep does not come to you, then the images that appear on your internal screen will become more clear.
  2. The more often you perform the training, the more vivid and distinct the hypnographic images will become. Over time, they will become so realistic that it will be difficult for you to even distinguish them from the real ones. This will be an indicator of the success of your practice. You can safely turn to your subconscious with any questions and count on receiving reliable answers.

How to learn to see the aura

An important skill for a true clairvoyant is seeing the energy shell of people and various objects. It can also be learned with regular practice. The following exercise will help you a lot for this.

  1. You need to close your eyes and peer into the outlines appearing on your “inner screen”.
  2. Initially, the practice is carried out for ten minutes every day for ten days.

Then you can begin the second stage.

  1. Relax and close your eyelids slightly.
  2. Take a look at any small object that is in your room.
  3. Looking at it, try to “see” with your inner eye the radiation emanating from it.

If you regularly devote enough time to this practice, you can learn to see the biofield of everything that surrounds you.

And if you train on people, over time you will be able to distinguish different color variations in their aura. Thanks to this, you will learn to instantly receive information about the character of your interlocutor and his thoughts, at the first glance at him.

The main goal of all the exercises described in this material is to develop paranormal abilities in a person and expand consciousness. After completing this practice, you will establish a close connection with your Higher Self, which will help you in life, sending information on issues of interest and allowing you to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Now you know how to develop clairvoyant abilities yourself. Learn, practice, improve your skills and then very soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: