Decoupage of champagne bottles: getting ready for the New Year! New Year's souvenir in decoupage technique. Master class with step by step photo Decoupage Christmas theme

Toys are a very exciting activity that even those who have not been fond of anything like this before can cope with. Create some crafts for the Christmas tree yourself. They will delight you every time you prepare for the New Year holidays.

List of required tools and materials

  1. The most important thing is napkins with a suitable pattern or simple pictures.
  2. Next, you will need decoupage glue. It can be replaced with simple PVA glue, which must be slightly diluted with water.
  3. Tassels. It is better to take synthetic ones, since the pile practically does not crumble from them.
  4. Varnish. You can take a special one for decoupage, craquelure to create cracks, or one that is available.
  5. A piece of sponge. You can cut off a little from a kitchen washcloth for washing dishes.
  6. Acrylic paints. Quantity and color depends on your wishes.
  7. Ribbons so that the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.

The rest of the list depends on the design of the crafts. So, for example, to make New Year's toys with a three-dimensional texture, you will need to take a structural gel. It is applied in strokes, hardens and takes shape. Then it is painted in the desired color.

Various sequins, beads, rhinestones and other small decor may also come in handy. To stick these materials, it is better to use a cool gun.

What crafts can be made from

Decoupage of New Year's toys cannot be done if you do not have a base. In its capacity, you can use the following materials:

  • old ;
  • special round shapes made of foam (there are any diameter);
  • wooden bases of any shape (for example, a ball, Christmas trees, stars, and so on);
  • transparent glass or plastic balls;
  • old light bulbs;
  • thick cardboard, from which various figures are cut out, and much more.

Decoupage of New Year's toys - a master class for all design options

Instructions on how to make crafts using decoupage technique:

  1. Take your base and, if necessary, clean it of dirt (such as peeling paint, paper labels, etc.).
  2. Cover the base with a layer of acrylic paint. If you want to completely decorate the craft with a napkin, then take white paint as a substrate. If you will be gluing small elements, then draw the background of the desired color.
  3. Cut out the part of the picture that you will glue. It is best to soak the brush in water and run it over the napkin. Tear off excess paper easily.
  4. Coat the area on the base with glue and lean the picture.
  5. Go over the picture with a thin layer of glue.
  6. Let the craft dry completely.
  7. Then pour some of the paint you used for the background onto the paper or palette, lightly dip a sponge into it and go over the edges of the pasted drawing. Movement should be light.
  8. Cover the craft with a layer of varnish.
  9. Attach a ribbon to hang on the Christmas tree

Decoupage completed. At your discretion, you can sprinkle glitter on top, paint individual elements of the picture with paint or make a shadow, glue rhinestones or beads, and so on.

Possible options for decorating Christmas tree toys

  1. Take the finished base (for example, an asterisk or a ball), cover with a layer of paint, and then glue the entire napkin. Turn the base over and go around the edges with a brush dipped in water. Tear off excess paper. Do the same with the reverse side. Coat the edges with paint.
  2. You can make Christmas toys. The master class consists in the fact that, after the glued pattern has dried, a structural gel is applied to the base. With it, you can depict snow or some elements. It is better to mix the gel with paint in a separate container or cover with acrylic at the end.
  3. Take a ball and cover it with a layer of paint. Then tear the patterned paper into several pieces. Glue each piece separately. It will turn out a very beautiful New Year's toy.
  4. Prepare the base. Cut out the circle and glue it on. Cover the craft with varnish. Using a glue gun, place flat-bottomed beads (special droplets) along the outline of the picture. The image will appear to be in a frame.

This master class was born quite spontaneously, and the work was done literally in the evening. In general, not very complicated, but incredibly sweet, and looking at her, you want to smile and believe in a fairy tale.

Let's get started. There are not very many photographs, and the main thing here is materials for creating frosty patterns - Maimeri Body Painting Gel and Snow White Glitter(I have Rayher, such as in the photo, only completely white, without any color overflows).

Everything is clear about glitter, so I’ll tell you about the gel. This is actually a texture paste that retains its volume and becomes completely transparent and glossy when dry. It can be tinted, but you need to apply it in a not very thick layer, no more than 3-4 mm, and it dries for a very long time if it is a thick layer (a very thick layer may not dry inside at all and remain white). But we will apply it in a very thin layer :)

So let's get started.

Master class on decoupage paintings with frosty patterns

1. We take an ordinary frame with glass, my backdrop turned out to be cardboard, but it’s even better.

2. We print a suitable picture on a regular office sheet of paper ( laser printer) - I have Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, very sweet and kind, not funny, not comic, but just like real ones, surprisingly there are not many such pictures on the Internet ...

Winter holidays will come very soon, and crowds of people will again pour into shops to choose gifts for their relatives. Giving presents to the closest people is a very good tradition, but we often forget that no purchase can replace a gift made with our own hands. After all, creating personally even the smallest souvenir, a person puts a piece of his soul into it, which makes it more valuable than any, even the most expensive thing.

Recently, one of the most popular areas of needlework is the creation of elegant items in the decoupage style. Gifts made in this way are always relevant and guaranteed to evoke pleasant emotions in any person.

Decoupage is a unique needlework technique in which a decorative coating is formed from colorful paper napkins. This style is best suited for decorating smooth glass surfaces without significant damage.

To make a decoupage decorative item, you will need beautiful napkins (preferably with New Year's holiday motifs), a container of PVA glue, thin nail scissors, a sponge, a small brush and some acrylic paints to create a primer.

Also, if desired, you can add sparkles, ribbons, tree branches and other attributes that help create a fabulous festive atmosphere.

  • Decoupage Christmas decorations
  • Decoupage bottles
  • Decoupage of candles

Christmas decorations are an indispensable attribute of every New Year. Without their participation, it is impossible to imagine the festive outfit of the coniferous beauty - the main symbol of winter celebrations. It is they who create that fabulous atmosphere in the house, which is then remembered for many years. Therefore, a decorated toy can be a great gift for the New Year, both for a child and an adult.

Decorating a Christmas tree toy in the decoupage style can be done in many different ways, it all depends solely on the imagination of the master and the preferences of the person to whom the present is intended.

To decoupage a Christmas toy, you will need:

  1. spherical blank (glass or plastic);
  2. a piece of sandpaper;
  3. alcohol-containing substance for degreasing;
  4. themed napkin;
  5. lace.

If desired, everyone can add their own individual decorative elements, so that the result is an absolutely original thing.

1. As for the blank, it is best to choose a ball of a neutral color, in which the colors would not merge with the newly created design. Otherwise, it is necessary to carry out the so-called "skinning" of a New Year's toy (removing a layer of paint with sandpaper), which allows you to remove unnecessary drawings from the work surface. This procedure is quite simple and will not take much time.

2. The next step in creating a unique gift is degreasing the workpiece. This is done with alcohol, by rubbing and cleaning. Then a primer is applied to the cleaned ball in two layers. An additional primer coating is necessary so that the future decoupage is as firmly fixed as possible when gluing.

3. Before applying the image to the toy, it is carefully dipped in paint with a sponge. This action gives the necessary fixing effect and allows the napkin to adhere well to the surface.

4. At the final stage of creating a souvenir, the item is varnished and decorated with additional elements.

Champagne is an irreplaceable attribute of any festive table. It gives brightness to the celebration, evokes pleasant emotions and creates an unforgettable atmosphere. Thus, decorating a bottle with a sparkling drink is a very original version of a New Year's craft for a gift.

To decoupage a bottle you will need:

  • a bottle of champagne;
  • themed napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • sponge;
  • thin scissors;

1. The first stage of decorating is to clean the item from the label and traces of glue. A thin (ground) ball of paint is applied to a clean bottle, which must be brought to dry completely. This procedure is repeated several times until the surface of the decorated product loses its transparency.

2. PVA glue is applied to the prepared surface of the bottle at the place of decoration with a wide brush and a colorful napkin with a festive motif is attached. To make the image look three-dimensional, and there were no noticeable defects along the edges, the outline of the picture can be painted over. Acrylic lacquer, which needs to be coated with the product, will help to give strength to the composition.

With the help of candles in any room you can create a pleasant atmosphere of home comfort. This property is especially appreciated during the winter celebrations, when large families gather at the same table and everyone wants to feel as comfortable as possible. In addition, a beautiful candle is always a great gift, especially if you decorate it with your own hands.

To decoupage candles you will need:

  • a candle (necessarily a light shade);
  • themed paper napkin with beautiful motifs;
  • spoon;
  • a small flame for heating items used in the process of decorating the original crafts.

1. From a paper napkin, we need only the topmost layer on which the image is applied, so it must be carefully stratified.

2. The drawing obtained in this way is applied directly to the surface of the candle and cauterized with a heated teaspoon. The cauterization procedure should be carried out until the picture taken from the paper napkin is firmly stuck to the candle wax. Paraffin, due to its low melting point, melts upon contact with a heated object, literally absorbing the image into the surface.

3. After carrying out the above manipulations, the surface of the candle must be carefully sanded, getting rid of all irregularities and defects. Use plain paper or a soft cloth for this. An even, colorful candle is individually decorated with additional decorative elements (ribbons, sparkles, branches, cones, etc.), after which the New Year's craft can be considered finished.

New Year's souvenir using decoupage technique, master class with step by step photo

Badakhova Vera, 9 years old, studying at the youth center in Yeysk, Krasnodar Territory
Teacher: Lavrenko Tamara Mikhailovna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DO Youth Center, Yeysk, Krasnodar Territory
Description: work can be done with children of primary school age. The material can be useful for teachers of preschool and additional education, teachers, children and their parents.
Purpose: New Year's souvenir, can also be a decoration for home and exhibition interiors.
Target: decoration of a decorative plate using decoupage technique
- introduce the basics of decoupage technique
- develop cognitive interest, imagination and creativity
- cultivate artistic taste and creative attitude to work, perseverance in achieving goals, accuracy, frugality
- single-layer paper napkin with the image of snowmen
- white disposable plate, diameter = 17cm
-PVA glue
- different color sequins
- soft cloths
- flat brush, synthetic
- jar for diluting glue
- acrylic lacquer
-Double-sided tape

Now we will make a New Year's souvenir in technology decoupage.
Decoupage- an old technique that has again become fashionable literally in recent years. The word "decoupage" is of French origin, meaning "to cut". This decoration technique was invented by Chinese peasants in the 12th century. In those days, poor people decorated and updated their household items by cutting and pasting beautiful paper pictures, then varnishing them many times. It was the Chinese who learned how to make thin colorful paper and began to decorate various objects with it. This interesting method of decoration came to Europe in the 17th-18th centuries along with beautiful lacquered Chinese furniture. Then the Decoupage technique spread throughout Europe.
Products made using the Decoupage technique and varnished look like a painting. Now, having become a popular hobby, decoupage has received a second life. For applications, motifs cut from paper napkins are used, because. napkin drawings best imitate painting.
To make a New Year's souvenir, we will take a napkin with the image of snowmen.
Who is a snowman? Where did the tradition of sculpting these "merry fellows" from snow come from? ... Russian people have long sculpted snow figures and called them snowmen, snow women and even Snegurochka. Snowmen used to be made near houses. They were the epitome of the fabulous owners of the yard, they were richly decorated with toys and garlands. Scarves were wrapped around them, and brooms were inserted into their hands. Their clothes were primarily mystical in nature: a nose with a carrot in order to appease the pagan spirits of fertility; a bucket on the head for prosperity in homes and families. And today, modeling cheerful smiling snowmen is one of the favorite children's winter fun. The snowman is one of the favorite characters of the New Year - an indispensable assistant to Santa Claus. A huge number of children's riddles, fairy tales, songs and poems are dedicated to him.
The snowman stood on a hill
Not dressed at all.
He brought Yegor to him
Dad's old jacket.
Nina knitted a scarf for him
Together with his grandmother.
Marina took out the hat -
Nothing without margins.
Snowman for local kids
Thank you from the bottom of my heart:
What a wonderful outfit
Given by kids!
(T. Nesterova)

We take a plate, put a napkin on it. The napkin is square, and the bottom of the plate is round.

Fold the napkin four times and cut along the arc.

Let's put it on the plate again. Now the cropped napkin just lies at the bottom of the plate.

Take a small jar, pour a little PVA glue and add the same amount of water, stir well. We will use such diluted glue.

With a brush, drop glue into the middle of the plate.

Very carefully, evenly coat with glue in a circle, you can slightly lift the edges of the napkin.

When the glue is applied all over the napkin, take a soft cloth and put it in the center of the napkin, press it a little and start using the “roller” method to stick the napkin to the plate, remove excess glue, expel the air under the napkin. We work with a cloth from the center to the edges. If it gets wet, turn it over to the other side. We try to work with the dry part of the rag.
Attention! You need to work very carefully, because. The napkin is very thin and can break at any time!

When all the glue is wet, the image will turn out bright, beautiful, as if it were a painting.

For beauty, glue sequins in the middle and on the edges of the plate on undiluted PVA glue.

If you wish, you can paint the edges of the plate with blue gouache or acrylic paint. To keep the plate for a long time, you can cover it with acrylic varnish. Acrylic varnish dries after the first layer 1 hour. This varnish does not cause allergies. It does not smell like nitrolac and can be used even by children.
If we stick double-sided tape on the back of the craft, you can hang it like a wall panel.

New Year is associated with a fairy tale. It is not difficult to create a miracle from an ordinary bottle, moreover, with a minimal budget.

A few words about decoupage

Decoupage is an application of pictures, made according to a certain technology, using paints, glue and varnish. He took a worthy place in the "piggy bank" of interior design ideas.

This activity delights adults and children, it can become a hobby for life. With the help of a simple technique, it is possible to create exquisite things and unique gifts for loved ones and loved ones.

In our case, the New Year's bottle will be the subject of design. Holding this work of art in your hands (I'm not afraid of this word), it's hard to believe that recently it was a nondescript piece of glass. A little imagination, a little patience, plus diligence and a New Year's masterpiece in your hands.

Historical facts

Decoupage, or the technique of implanting paper designs into objects, has a rich and interesting history, and takes its roots from around the 17th century.

Even in ancient China, people learned how to create beautiful dishes by drawing pictures from rice paper on it. Such work was considered difficult and expensive.

France became the trendsetter for decoupage. World-famous ladies, the mistress of Louis XV Madame de Pompadour and Queen Marie Antoinette, spent their evenings doing this.

The royal passion was picked up by the inhabitants of foggy Albion, and after them, the love for decoupage technique swept over the United States. In Russia, this fashionable trend became known much later, only at the beginning of the 21st century.

Choosing pictures-stickers

First, let's think about choosing pictures for future design. Since our theme is dedicated to the New Year and Christmas, we also select images in a playful and winter theme.

Most of all I like calm winter landscapes, as well as red-breasted bullfinches and funny snowmen, a cheerful Santa Claus or a fluffy Christmas tree. All this will perfectly fit into the festive atmosphere.

"Where can I get pictures?" - you ask. Professional decoupage napkins are sold in specialized stores or can be ordered online. To be honest, I often meet successful options on the shelves of hypermarkets and buy them for good.

Napkins should have two or three layers, single-layer napkins are not suitable for decoupage.

In the decoupage technique, in addition to napkins, you can use other materials: rice paper, newspaper and magazine clippings. Too thick paper will have to be slightly soaked and the excess layer removed, and it is advisable not to take glossy pictures into work.

Rice paper is the most convenient to work with, especially for beginners. It is more reliable than napkins, fits well on the surface and leaves almost no wrinkles.

How to make a picture on a printer

Previously, I was frustrated that I could not create a festive bottle with an image I liked. It turns out that blending pictures are easy to make. For this photo, I download pictures from the Internet and print them on a color laser printer.

Images printed on an inkjet printer, when interacting with a humid environment, blur and do not give a high-quality result.

Then the paper will need to be thinned with tape. Make it elementary. The adhesive tape is pasted on the reverse side of the sheet and removed. Thus, I get a thin and almost transparent leaf, which I later use to blend the bottle.

improvised materials

And so the picture was chosen by us and a visual representation of the future masterpiece was obtained. Time to think about working materials and study the main stages of work. You will need:

  • Degreaser for glass surfaces. It can be acetone, white spirit or nail polish remover.
  • Glue for decoupage. I use regular PVA, which I buy at a hardware store.
  • White acrylic paint. It can also be bought in the building materials department. It will cost much less than professional decoupage acrylic.
  • A set of multi-colored acrylic paints in jars and clear acrylic varnish. You can buy all this in a special department "Everything for needlework and decoupage".
  • 2 brushes, 2-3 cm wide. I use one for working with glue and acrylic, and the second is needed for applying varnish.
  • A piece of foam. A sponge for washing dishes will do just fine.
  • Stationery scissors.
  • Hairdryer, if you want to speed up the process.
  • A bowl with water.
  • Small rubber spatula or roller.
  • A thin brush for painting if you want to add artistic touches.

Choosing a bottle

Finally, it's time to choose a bottle. It should be the most common form (any wine or vodka will do). Let me remind you that we are decoupage the New Year's bottle. And what is the symbol of the New Year? Of course champagne! I advise you to stop your choice on it.

You can arrange an empty container, but it is best if it is with contents. Put it on the festive table or under the Christmas tree. Gift to loved ones. Success in any case will be guaranteed.

Decoupage bottles - step by step

I am preparing a bottle for work. I put it in warm water to peel off the factory labels. I remove the rest of the paper with a knife, wipe the glass dry and degrease it with acetone. And now the fun begins.

1 step. Prepared

On a clean and fat-free glass surface, apply a primer with a brush or foam rubber. As a primer, I use white acrylic paint, diluted with PVA glue, in a ratio of 2: 1. Apply the first layer and let it dry.

For color depth, apply the second and third layers. The number of layers depends on the quality of the primer. Dry the product with a hair dryer or dry it naturally. Thus, a perfectly white blank is obtained, which just asks to be decorated.

2 step. Choose an image

Here it is important to understand how the chosen picture or motif will fall on the bottle. Most likely they will need a preliminary "fitting". The pattern can be cut with scissors. I prefer the "manual pull" option. Rough, torn edges of the appliqué look more natural.

The pattern can be cut with scissors or use the "manual tear-out" option

Choose small pictures for application, they are easier to stick.

3 step. Paste the picture

We divide the napkin into layers, take the top one into work. We apply PVA glue to the workpiece and apply a prepared piece of napkin to it. Then gently smooth it with a roller or brush. Remember that when wet from glue, the napkin becomes fragile and can be torn from an awkward movement.. Glue can also be applied over the application. Both options are used by me in practice.

A fragment of a paper napkin with an image should lie as evenly as possible, without wrinkles and bubbles.

4 step. finishing touches

With a piece of foam rubber, with tangential movements, paint over the decoupage bottle. In this way, you can hide and smooth out the transitions of paper pictures so that the impression of the integrity of the picture is created. I like to draw the elements of the image with gold or highlight them with brighter colors.

5 step. Adding zest

The New Year's masterpiece is almost ready. Apply a few chaotic strokes of PVA glue to it and roll the bottle in the salt scattered on a sheet of paper - you will get snow. Instead of salt, you can take colored beads - you get a scattering of fireworks. As an option, I use materials for nail design. Then everything should be dried again.