Accountant's Day April 21 congratulations. What date is the accountant's day in Russia: the rules and traditions of an unofficial holiday. Several congratulations

Every year, leading accounting professionals celebrate their professional holiday on April 21. The event has no official status.

The purpose of the holiday is to show understanding and recognition of the hard work of chief accountants, to inspire them to new labor exploits.

history of the holiday

The purpose of this holiday is to remind the management and employees of companies that financial flows and financial reports do not form by themselves. They are supervised by chief accountants. “We urge everyone who encounters chief accountants in their work to put aside their affairs at least for a while, find a few minutes and congratulate them by saying “thank you” to them for their hard, but such necessary work,” say the organizers of the holiday.

In the Russian Federation, the holiday was established in 2002. The initiative was taken by the employees of the highly specialized magazine Glavbukh, well known in the professional financial environment. Date - the release of its first issue in mass circulation. The term "accountant" itself appeared in 1498. Its author is Christopher Stecher, who served in the Innsbruck Chamber of Accounts.

Prior to this, all people who dealt with finances were called scribes. In Russia, the word "accountant" began to be used during the reign of Peter the Great. The development of world accounting was greatly influenced by the work “The sum of arithmetic, geometry, the doctrine of proportions and relationships”, written at the end of the 15th century by Luca Pacioli. The mathematician was the founder of "double" bookkeeping, which prescribes the differentiation of monetary amounts into debit and credit.

Chief Accountant's Day in Russia is not just a holiday, but the brightest and most sparkling day of the year. Get ready, colleagues, on April 21 you will see an inexhaustible stream of fantasies and creativity that will come from these nice women. You want poetry, you want songs, you want a theatrical performance. What do you think, accountants only count money, but shift papers? In fact, they are all creative people.

Accountant's day - every day

They came up with this holiday in the editorial office of the notorious publication Glavbukh. Tired of accounting to sit underground and be a pale shadow of their employers. And they decided that the day of the chief accountant should be done in the spring, when the mood is already good, the sun is shining brightly, and real spring is in the soul. After counting all the pros and cons, checking the balance, it was decided that there was no better day than April 21st.

The real reason for the holiday

According to one accounting conspiracy theory, it was no coincidence that they decided to celebrate the day of the chief accountant at the end of April. And now a little insider: immediately after the holiday, you can take a vacation and return to work only after all the May holidays. To break away on April 21 and return to your favorite job three weeks later - what can be better motivated than a long vacation. But there is another version, more plausible. When the day of the chief accountant was not yet celebrated, it was decided to start issuing a specialized publication for everyone involved in this profession. Thus, the Glavbukh magazine was born, and it happened, as you might guess, on April 21st.

On April 21, in our country, financial geniuses of any organizations - chief accountants - celebrate their professional holiday.

Chief Accountant's Day (Chief Accountant's Day) This holiday was established by a popular special journal on taxation and accounting, which enjoys great prestige among economists: it is called “Chief Accountant”. The date was chosen to commemorate the release on April 21, 1994 of the first issue of the magazine.

In 1996, the law "On Accounting" appeared - it was signed on November 21, so all accountants decided to consider this date their professional holiday, also unofficially.

In general, everything is very confusing with accounting holidays in Russia: this approach does not correspond to the spirit of the profession in any way - after all, accountants love accuracy, but it turns out that way.
November 10 is the International Day of the Accountant, the 16th is celebrated by Moscow accountants, and St. Petersburg - the day before. In general, November is a festive month for accountants, but logically, it would be worth celebrating Accountant's Day in Russia on November 25 - such a decision was adopted by the Presidential Council of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia.
But the proposal of the Glavbukh magazine was very timely: after all, both employees and heads of companies and enterprises often “forget” that the movement of finances does not go by itself, and that the economy of the whole state depends on how chief accountants treat their work.

The day of the chief accountant is managed by teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions. Among those celebrating are auditors, subordinates, former and current employees of organizations of private and state ownership. Friends, acquaintances, relatives, close people join the celebrations.

Honoring specialists are informal. They have not received official status yet. Perhaps, in the near future, traditions associated with the celebration of the Chief Accountant's Day will arise in your company, and the holiday itself will receive official status in our country.

This holiday is for all those who work hard and are especially hardened in the battles of accounting and financial reporting. This significant date is allocated for chief accountants, as their positions are more responsible and labor-intensive compared to other masters in this area.

A celebration is needed so that these specialists feel the significance of their hard work and hear words of sincere gratitude from management, subordinates and employees.


Throughout the existence of the entire civilized world, there has always been a need for specialists in counting numbers (monetary calculations). Even in ancient times, records were kept of domestic animals, crops, and household items. For reports, special clay tablets were used.

Trade and industry developed. Money appeared. All this led to the emergence of new concepts, systems, methods of accounting and control. Accordingly, the specialty of an accountant has become very popular. This term began to be used in Rus' during the reign of Peter the Great.

This profession requires special perseverance and accuracy from the personality of a person. Not everyone will be able to take responsibility not only for material values, but also for the possession of confidential information. Only those who do not spare their time and effort, are scrupulous in their work and are stress-resistant, can try to become the chief accountant.

This day became festive at the initiative of the editorial board of the specialized magazine Glavbukh, which is in demand in narrow circles.

Proposing this particular date, the organizers cited two important (in their opinion) factors that influenced the choice:

  • the possibility of a little relaxation before the upcoming May holidays;
  • on this day, the first copy of the magazine was published (in 1994) and went on sale.


Traditionally, the editors of the magazine and its staff present their readers with souvenirs and creative gifts, comic surprises. Many pleasant words and congratulations can be read on its pages in honor of those on whom the growth of production profits, the success of activities, the image of firms and companies depend.

The heads of cities and regions at their level hold festive corporate parties, where famous artists are invited. At meetings in collectives, financial workers are noted and singled out. Chief accountants are awarded certificates and cash prizes.

People of almost every existing profession have the opportunity to celebrate at least one professional holiday every year. There is a teacher's day, a doctor's day, a motorist's day, a miner's day, a journalist's day. And they did not forget about such a direction of labor activity as accounting. Masters in counting numbers in business documents and financial reports are honored in Russia on November 21st. Well, what should the chief accountant do? Since this position is more responsible and time-consuming, we decided to allocate a separate significant date for its representatives. It falls on April 21 and is called Chief Accountant's Day.

The history of the holiday Chief Accountant's Day

Chief Accountant's Day is a relatively new phenomenon. It was founded only a few years ago by representatives of the editorial board of the famous narrow-profile magazine of the same name, Glavbukh. Encouraged, one might say, the labor activity of financial specialists. The creators of the holiday pursued a very transparent goal - to demonstrate to employers the importance of the presence of chief accountants in the staff of their firms. After all, it is impossible not to agree with the fact that it is on the latter that the financial affairs of any company are held, and the success and prosperity of these very affairs directly depend in many respects on the activities of these specialists.

The holiday on April 21 is literally a call to show respect and express sincere gratitude to the chief accountants for their work.

It is no coincidence that the date of the holiday falls on April 21st.. The organizers of the Chief Accountant's Day explain this by the need for a little relaxation before the long weekend in May. The second factor that influenced the decision of the founders of the holiday is of more serious importance: on April 21, 1994, the Glavbukh magazine was first published and saw the light. In addition to creating such a wonderful holiday, the editorial staff of the publication also present unique souvenirs to their readers-subscribers.

History of accounting

There have always been financial specialists, except for the primitive era. As long as the civilized world exists, starting from the most ancient civilizations, so many masters of money calculations work. This is evidenced by the finds discovered during archaeological excavations in Assyria, Babylon - these are banal accounting reports. The age of these documents is about 7000 years. In that distant period, people needed bookkeeping to keep records of livestock and crops, that is, to record income and expenses regarding the main sources of livelihood.

Time passed, the inhabitants of the Earth acquired textiles, dishes. Agriculture was making good profits - more sophisticated methods of accounting for expenses and incomes had to be applied. The then accountants used for this purpose clay figures of various shapes, each of which was intended to characterize a particular product.

Around 3700 BC trade was born. It happened, according to historians, in Sumer. The purchase and sale transactions made by merchants were recorded by them on clay tablets. These reports were supervised by scribes. The ancient peoples acted in a similar way, but the financial procedures were recorded by the ancient Greeks on whitewashed plaster boards.

With the advent of money in the world, the need for bookkeeping has increased even more. A whole financial system was created, including such concepts as tax collections and treasury, as well as bureaucracy. It was most developed in ancient Rome.

We know today that the basis of accounting records is the recording of funds in debit and credit. This system is called "double", and it appeared in northern Italy in the period from 1250 to 1350. already AD This method was much more convenient and more eloquent than the one used before.

A huge contribution to the development of accounting was made by the mathematician Luca Pacioli. His pen belongs to the work "The sum of arithmetic, geometry, the doctrine of proportions and relationships", written and published at the end of the 15th century. In principle, it was Pacioli who provided evidence for the need to write double-entry bookkeeping - and this is not his only merit. This method streamlined the accounting system, facilitated the process of exercising control over expenses and incomes.

I must say that intelligent, literate people always become accountants, and the profession itself was worthy and respected in society. The status of a financial accountant originated in the 16th century. On the territory of our country, the word "accountant" began to be used during the reign of Emperor Peter the Great - he, in fact, introduced this term into use. Translated from German, the word literally means "book holder" (from buch - book, halten - to hold). In 1772, the regulation of the Admiralty and the shipyard was established, which served as a positive factor in the further development of the accounting system. No less high-profile event that influenced this process was the abolition of serfdom in Russia. The development of industry, the publication of the journal "Accounting" in 1888 also played a positive role.

In Soviet times, with the advent of the planned economy system, the accountant turned into a banal accountant, and the profession itself lost its prestige. Today, the profession of an accountant is quite in demand and adequately paid.

Fundamentals of the chief accountant profession

The chief accountant is the right hand of the director of the company, but not in the sense of substitution and cooperation in the direction of the development of the company, but in a completely different sense - financial. This specialist is the owner of sufficiently confidential information, this alone requires respect and loyalty to him. The chief accountant can easily be intercepted by the firm's competitors, and then the management will not only have to look for a worthy replacement, but make certain adjustments to the functioning of the company in order to prevent opponents from overtaking on the path of progress.

The profession of chief accountant is one of the most responsible, requiring a person to have a strictly defined set of qualities - both personal and specific, characteristic of this particular qualification. First of all, we should mention perseverance, scrupulousness, accuracy. A person who wants to become a chief accountant must have the desire to constantly develop in his direction and spare no effort and time to work. Very important in the profession of chief accountant are qualities such as stress resistance, communication skills.

The chief accountant has a higher economic education, but they “grow” to a specialty of this level gradually, and even then not all of them. They start with an ordinary accountant or even a PC operator. And then it all depends on determination and luck, of course. However, the high financial responsibility of the chief accountant can reduce the desire to choose this path of professional development. Significant disadvantages of the specialty are health problems that arise in the course of work, in particular, vision and spine. Allergies and conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome are also likely. If that doesn't scare you, you can learn a profession!