Children's hat knitting for newborns. Beautiful hat for a newborn, knitted. Patterns with a description of knitting hats for newborns

Hats are usually knitted from the bottom up. First of all, the yarn and the pattern are selected, then the loops are calculated. For the correct calculation, we need to knit a sample of 15 x 15 centimeters. We find the central part of knitting and calculate how many loops are included in one centimeter (count the loops both in width and in height). The resulting number of loops in width should then be multiplied by the girth of the head. However, you should remember that. that the product will stretch during operation. Therefore, from the resulting number we subtract the number of loops in two centimeters. That is, in the calculation we use the volume of the head minus 2 centimeters.

Further, the calculations for the product “knitted hat for a newborn boy with knitting needles” should take into account the features of the pattern we have chosen. If you decide that a simple smooth surface is boring and want to decorate a hat with a three-dimensional pattern, then you should have the number of repeat loops of the pattern you have chosen. Further, if we knit a hat with two knitting needles and it will have a seam, then we also add 2 edge loops to the resulting number of loops.

Now you can start knitting a flat part of the hat for your baby. How high to knit? It depends on how you are going to wear it. Typically, the depth of a baby hat is 12-14 cm.

After we have decided on the depth of the cap and knitted the even part to the desired height, it is time to take on the bottom. To do this, do the following:

1. Knitted hat for a newborn boy with knitting needles: how to knit a bottom, option 1

We divide the loops into 6 parts (in other words - 6 wedges). If you can’t divide the number of loops by 6, it’s okay, one or more cap wedges can be made with a little less loops. If it’s more convenient for you, mark the wedges with pins or knitting clasps. At the beginning of each wedge, you need to make reductions. The second decrease is done in the fourth row after the first. After that, decreases are made in every second row. If you need a more elongated bottom, a third decrease is made on the fourth row from the second decrease, and then the loops decrease on every second row. After 1-2 loops remain on the knitting needles from each wedge, the working thread should be cut off, leaving an end of about 50 centimeters. Next, we thread the end of the thread into the needle and collect the remaining loops on it. We stretch the thread twice through the loops. We use the same thread to complete the occipital suture.

2. Knitted hat for a newborn boy with knitting needles: how to knit a bottom, option 2
We divide the loops into 8 wedges. At the beginning of each wedge, decreases are made in every fourth row (several times), then we make decreases in every eighth.
The loops at the beginning of the wedge can be reduced in one of the following ways:

1. We knit two loops together with the front one with an inclination to the right. The thread should be left at work. We introduce the right knitting needle into two loops on the left knitting needle at once, while making sure that the loops are captured by the front walls. We knit the loops of the front.
2. We knit two loops together with the front one with an inclination to the left. The principle is the same, only the loops are captured by the back walls.

Knitted hat for a newborn boy with knitting needles: a selection of schemes with descriptions

Many mothers love to craft in their free time and create beautiful things for their babies. And in the first year of life, a child is so tender and fragile that you want to decorate him, make him warm and pleasant. A crochet knitted hat, created especially for the baby, will remind and leave bright for a long time about this period of time when the child just entered this world.

The ears of a baby are too sensitive in the first months of life, they must be protected. Therefore, for a newborn, a crochet hat will come in handy, especially if it is also warm. By creating a variety of decorative elements on such a hat, you can evoke pleasant feelings not only in the baby, but also in the people around him. It doesn't matter if you are an inexperienced knitter.

Making a baby hat is not too difficult and accessible to many. Having mastered simple crochet patterns for newborns, you can create a work of art for your little child. Learn to knit the warp first, and then experiment with other shapes. Tie a hat so that the child's ears are securely closed from cold and wind.

Preparatory stage - choose yarn and calculate the size

All you need for work is a hook, yarn, a thick needle, scissors. Before you start knitting any product, you need to pay attention to the quality, color and thickness of the threads, because the success of your work depends on these criteria.

If you want to crochet a summer hat for a newborn, then it is better to choose cotton yarn, because it contains viscose, which, as you know, makes things shine in the sun. Remember that dark colors attract the sun's rays towards them, which can cause sunstroke, and we do not need this. An example of the threads we need can be iris, chamomile and many others, if you are not sure of your choice, check with the yarn seller.

If we talk about color, it is better to choose bright shades, what child would want to wear a dark and unattractive thing? The thickness of the yarn should be medium, because a thick thread will look rough and not well-groomed, and a thin one simply will not keep its shape and will sag. For winter products, it is important to choose a denser yarn that will protect against low temperatures and cold winds.

You can use any soft yarn, depending on what season you want to knit a hat for. In addition, it should not irritate the delicate skin of the child. Natural yarn, which is made from cotton and wool, is excellent. Today, you can even find special threads for children on sale.

The main thing to do in subsequent work is to correctly calculate the size. To do this, you need to take measurements from the head of the child. It should be done at more protruding points of the ears, because we do not need the cap to be small and press on the child's head. To know what size to make the bottom for the cap, you need to measure the volume of the head. Then this value will need to be divided by 3.14 (pi number). The resulting value will be the diameter of the bottom of the cap.

Crochet hat for beginners - master class

This job description is suitable as the simplest example. In order to knit a hat, you first need to make an amigurami ring, as it will set a beautiful start. Thanks to him, there will be no ugly hole in the middle of the bottom of the cap.

After the ring is created, three air loops are made. There should be 12 columns in the first row, so we knit 11, plus you will already have one column.

In order to complete the first row, you need to knit the last column and the third loop together. Do this with a connecting post. Before doing this, do not forget to pull off the ring.

For the second row we throw three more loops (count them as a column). At the end of the row, connect into the third air loop of the first row.

Additions are necessary in order for the base of the cap to expand. In each row, 12 new loops should be added. To achieve uniformity, you need to add 12 columns in the second row.

But in the next row you need to add through the column. In other rows, the addition is done through two, then three, then 4, etc. We look at the diagram, everything is clearly shown there. You can easily understand how new rows are added afterwards and without any scheme.

When you have finished knitting the main part of the hat, which will make up the bottom, measure it with a centimeter tape to understand that its size will suit your baby.

After the bottom is finished, you simply knit the hat along the length. Each row starts with three air loops, at the end of the connecting loop. Knit until the hat is as deep as you want.

Calculating the depth of the cap is quite simple: divide the value of the girth of the head by three and add two centimeters. But it’s still worth focusing on the child, always try on whether this size is suitable for him or not.

After you get a hat of the depth you need, cut the thread and try to remove it from your eyes. You have a base, which is a simple knitted hat. Subsequently, you can use purl and front loops or openwork patterns in your knitting. By tying the resulting bonnet with double crochets around the entire circumference, you will improve its shape and give it a more interesting look.

How to tie ears

Make nine air loops. Then make another loop, which you will need for this. So that you can go further. Find the second loop and work 4 rows. Each row consists of 9 columns of shackles, do them without a crochet. On the fifth row, decrease one loop, make one single crochet, knit to the end of the row. You should have 6 single crochets.

Then in the next row, decrease one column 3 times. And when you have 3 columns left, you can close them. You can make ties to the ears. To do this, knit 25 loops to each ear. If you want the ties to be strong, tie them with connecting posts.

A pom-pom will undoubtedly decorate a crochet for a newborn baby boy. Take the threads and wind them around a cardboard square or ruler. Wind up until you get the volume you need. Cut the thread, lay the skein aside. Remove the wound threads and tie them tightly with another thread. Cut the loops along the sides, shape the pom-pom to your liking with scissors.

Examples of original hats for newborns

Show your imagination and make children's hats original. Consider some examples

Bear. After you have knitted the base, you can tie the ears and sew them to the top of the hat, like a bear.

Frog. Take green yarn, knit the base, ears and attach button eyes to the ears. You will get a funny frog.

Little mouse. You will need to take gray threads. Ears can be made from yarn of any color. For girls, you can tie a bow to the hat. v/span>

Things to consider when knitting a hat:

  • The number of stitches should be kept to a minimum. The seams should be outside, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the child.
  • A baby hat should be loose so as not to tighten the head and not damage the ears.

But do not forget that, despite the season, crocheting for a newborn girl can be decorated with beads, large beads, patterns, lace, artificial flowers and various other decorations, because this way she will give joy not only to the child, but to everyone around.

You can choose any description and patterns for a hat for a child, even for an adult, and knit it according to the size of the child's head. The same hats for mother and child will look quite original.

By knitting a hat for a child, you will make him elegant and beautiful. This item will be exclusive, which no one else has. Give your child joy and comfort!

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


The birth of a baby in a family is a great joy. Mom wants to envelop the child from the moment of birth with universal care and love. What could be better than knitting a baby hat with your own hands, which will warm him in the cold and decorate? After all, the things in which the mother's soul is invested are a kind of amulet and protection for the crumbs.

How to knit a hat for a newborn with knitting needles

If you do not have the slightest experience in knitting, do not despair. This type of needlework is easy to master. Try to make a simple hat model. Knitting for newborns is a fun activity that can become an exciting hobby and even generate income. There are many models of knitted hats for newborns with knitting needles, but it is better to take those that:

  • tight to the head;
  • do not contain seams;
  • have ties.

Before starting, you should determine the size of the head of the crumbs. If you are only planning the birth of a little one, then you need to cast on a series of loops with an average length of thirty-four to thirty-seven centimeters. Always choose only soft yarn so that it is gentle to the touch, does not cause itching and irritation on the sensitive skin of the child. The thread should not be excessively thick, so take a yarn of 250-300 m, and choose a tool with a size of 2.5-4. We present the most popular baby hats with knitting needles with a description for newborns.

Classic style with ties

A simple shape of a knitted hat will look very neat on the baby's head. To make it, you should take:

  • delicate yarn from a combination of down and wool - 50 g;
  • knitting needles No. 3 and 2.5 - for knitting gum;
  • beads for decoration - optional.

Knitted hats for newborns with knitting needles are easy to make:

  1. We start with gum. We take the number of loops so that there is a correspondence with the girth of the head, and this is 34-38 cm.
  2. We knit four centimeters with alternating wrong side and front side. You should get a rectangular segment.
  3. Then we do alternation in the rows of purl and facial viscous. We do five or six centimeters.
  4. Then each row, which is connected with front loops, is reduced by six loops, one from the next sixth part.
  5. The last six loops should be knitted, and the thread should be fastened.
  6. Make ties from the three remaining loops.

Hat for a newborn boy with ears

Hats with earflaps are relevant not only in the fashion of adults, but also in children. The product is practical, comfortable and warm. You can decorate to your taste: for example, trim along the edge with fur. Knitted hats for newborns with knitting needles are made if:

  • yarn - 50 g;
  • straight and circular knitting needles No. 2.

The knitting pattern is not complicated, but you should start not with the main part, but with the ears, which you need to complete with a handkerchief pattern. First of all, you need to dial four loops, and then knit sixteen rows, making additions in symmetry on each side:

  1. We knit the second and fourth rows with the addition of one loop on each side.
  2. Sixth row: throw on a couple of pieces on both sides.
  3. Eighth row - three loops.
  4. Fifteenth and sixteenth row - we return to one loop on both sides.
  5. We transfer one ear to twenty-two loops on a circular knitting needle model, add another eleven loops.
  6. We proceed to the second ear, which we do in the same way with a set of twenty-five loops.
  7. We knit thirty rows of satin stitch. To get the crown, you should remove the loops only in even rows.
  8. We divide the total number into five zones: from each you need to reduce one by one, for one row you get minus ten loops.
  9. If six loops remain, then we already make a decrease through the row.
  10. Through the loops that remain, tighten the thread. Knitted hat for a newborn with knitting needles is ready to use.

Openwork hat for a newborn girl with knitting needles

Mothers choose hats for girls with special predilection. I want the baby to look like a doll already from the cradle. A hat for a newborn girl with knitting needles in openwork weaving will decorate a little princess. For work you will need the following materials:

  • Mixed yarn. Threads of medium thickness made of acrylic and cotton are ideal. You should take a skein of 50 g with a length of 160 m.
  • Circular knitting needles No. 3.

The knitting scheme at first glance may seem impossibly complicated, but this is not at all the case if you do everything step by step:

  1. We string 57 loops, which will be about 28 cm, and then we knit 12 rows for the lapel with the Boucle pattern.
  2. After we apply the pattern "Openwork diamonds" by 7.5 cm. The length in distance from the first row should be 11 cm.
  3. We divide the entire quantity in the canvas into three equal zones of 19 pieces.
  4. We knit the bottom according to the principle of decreasing loops, as according to the scheme for the heel of the sock. The central ones are made with an even “rhombus” pattern, and the extreme ones are treated with knitting on both sides, capturing one loop in the first and third parts.
  5. We bend the lapel to the wrong side. Ties will be 55 loops high. We make 15 loops from the selected half, where the “Rhombic” pattern, after 10 will fall on the bottom, and the last fifteen on the other side of the product. At the end, do not forget to knit another 55 loops for ties on the other side.
  6. We make a couple of rows with a Boucle pattern, close the loops, cut off the thread.

Knitted cap for a newborn with a description

Such a hat is perfect for a girl and a boy, the main thing is to decide on the color. Before starting work, you should acquire:

  • Knitting needles of straight or circular type No. 1, 5 and No. 2. It is desirable to knit the product using two pairs of knitting needles of different markings. Hosiery tools are suitable for elastic to make it look neater.
  • Yarn - about 50 g.

Remember that the knitting density should be 28 loops for every ten centimeters. Next, it is recommended to use the instructions for knitting:

  1. We collect 75 loops on the knitting needles of marking No. 1, 5. As a result, the circumference comes out 27 cm.
  2. We knit with an elastic band in the front and back ways, 2 cm each.
  3. With knitting needles No. 2 we knit the fabric with the front stitch (length 8 cm).
  4. To tie the bottom of the product, we divide all the finished loops into three identical zones and knit them like a heel for a sock. We make the central part with the capture in each row of the loop from the extreme sections.
  5. If the bottom is tied up to half, then on both sides we gradually begin to reduce its width. By the end of knitting, it should be equal to three centimeters.
  6. We knit the elastic with knitting needles No. 1.5. From the lower section we knit loops for the neck: 2.5 cm with an elastic band on one front and one wrong side. We close and make ties.

Video: how to knit a hat for a newborn with knitting needles

Instructions for knitting hats for newborns can be found in the videos below. Illustrative examples make it possible to fully understand the process of needlework and understand how to knit a hat for a newborn boy with knitting needles, and also what model to choose for a girl. From the different headwear options, you will choose the right accessory for your baby, which will warm him in the cold and serve as a real decoration.

For work, in addition to yarn, you will need:

  • knitting needles and a set of stocking knitting needles No. 2.5 (we start knitting on simple knitting needles, in the end, to complete the work, we need a distribution of 4 knitting needles);
  • hook number 2.5;
  • hook number 4 for knitting a lace.

Since the hat is included, the knitting patterns will be exactly the same as those used in the manufacture of booties. Let me describe them again.

Rubber: alternately 1 persons. cross., 1 out..

Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops. In circular rows, knit simply facial.

Zigzag pattern (width 4 p.): knit according to the scheme, which shows only the front rows (odd circular rows). In the purl rows (even circular rows), knit the loops according to the pattern, while:

  • in out. rows of nakida knit out. and persons. cross knit out. cross;
  • in even circular rows, knit yarns with facial and facial crossed ones, knit also with facial crossed ones.

Repeat rapport from the 1st to the 12th rows.

Instead of a row of holes knitted with knitting needles, the hat will have an openwork row, crocheted along the bottom of the product, when it is already knitted. The "holes" in the openwork row are larger and in some way more reliable. Here's how to knit it:

Openwork row:* 1 tbsp. s / n, over 1 p. of the previous row, tie 1 air. p., repeat from *.

Instructions for knitting a hat for a newborn with knitting needles

Cast on 86 stitches and knit 6 cm in ribbing. Then, between the hem knit with a zigzag pattern (you get 21 rapport).

After 7 cm from the elastic, distribute the loops on 4 stocking knitting needles and knit in circular rows with the front stitch, while in the 1st circular row evenly reduce 2 sts and in the 2nd circular row knit every 7th and 6th loops together with the front .

Decrease over the 2nd round dec in the same way (3rd row - 5th and 6th, 4th - 4th and 5th, etc.) until there are 12 p., which should be pulled together with a working thread.

We got the "frame" of the cap, it remains only to process the bottom edge for the ties.

We tie the bottom edge 1 next to the b / n columns and 1 with an openwork row.

With hook No. 4 we knit a chain of 150 air loops with a thread in 2 additions and stretch it through the holes of the openwork row.

That's all, the hat is ready! On the baby, you can put it on, starting from the day of discharge from the hospital. Just do not forget that the skin of the crumbs is sensitive to everything that comes into contact with it. For example, in order to avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions, it is not recommended to contact with wool and synthetics - either the yarn should be cotton, or a hat should be worn on a cotton cap.

So, a universal hat is suitable for both a boy and a girl. Just select yarn in pink or blue tones and go.

The hat is knitted according to the description from the book by Zoe Mallor "Knitting for the little ones".

In the description, the smallest size is 6-12 months. But I took thinner yarn and knitted on knitting needles No. 3. Therefore, the number of loops, which is given in the book for 6-12 months, I just got for a newborn baby (approximately OG 38-40 cm)

And now the description from the book and my photos, with comments on the knitting process:
You will need: Yarn Jaeger Matchmaker Merino DK - 100g red or blue (M) and 100g white (A) Needle size 3.75 and 4

Age 1 2 3 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-3 years

Knitting density

10 x 10 cm = 22 p. x 30 p. knitting needles number 4 persons. satin stitch


2 in. out. - 2 p. together purl; 2 in. persons. - 2 p. together front; auxiliary - auxiliary; close - close; out. - purl loop; persons. - front loop; persons. surface - front surface; p. - loop, loops; rep. - repeat; approx. - add, adding; Herod. - continue; pov. - turn; R. - row, rows; with him. - remove


When knitting the motif, use separate balls of yarn of each color. When changing colors, twist the threads to avoid holes in the fabric.

Description of knitting a hat (I knitted on knitting needles No. 3 in the smallest size)

On knitting needles No. 4 with a thread M, type 7 (9/11) p. Knit faces. satin stitch, starting from the river. persons. n. and alternating stripes every 2 p.

1st p. (thread M): all p. persons., approx. 1 p. at the beginning and at the end of the river. = 9 (11/13) p.

2nd p. (thread M): all p. out., approx. 1 p. at the beginning and at the end of the river. = 11 (13/15) p.

3rd r. (thread A): all p. persons.

4th p. (thread A): all p. out., approx. 1 p. at the beginning and at the end of the river. = 13 (15/17) p.

5th p. (thread M): all p. persons. p., approx. 1 p. at the beginning and at the end of the river. = 15 (17/19) p.
6th p. (thread M): all p. out.

7th p. (thread A): All P. persons, approx. 1 p. at the beginning and at the end of the river. = 17 (19/21) p.

8th p (thread A): all p. out.

9-14th (16th / 18th) p.: knit straight, keeping the stripes alternating.

With him. n. on the auxiliary knitting needle.

Complete the second eye in the same way.

On knitting needles No. 3.75 with a thread M, type 12 (13/17) p., Knit faces. 17 (19/21) sts of the first ear, cast on 32 (36/44) sts, knit faces. 17 (19/21) p. of the second ear, dial 12 (13/17) p. = 90 (100/120) p. Next, knit 3 p. persons. satin stitch, starting from the river. out. P.

(Here I have already switched to circular knitting needles) and then knitted on them to the end.

Switch to needles No. 4 and knit the motif according to the following scheme, in the following way:

1st p.: 38 (43/53) persons., 14 points according to the scheme, 38 (43/53) persons.

2nd p.: 38 (43/53) out., 14 p. according to the scheme, 38 (43/53) out.

3-16th p.: knit according to the scheme.

(Here's the motive I got)

Top (for all sizes)

1st p.: all p. persons.

2nd p.:*2 in. out., 8 out., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 81 (90/108) p.

3rd p.: all p. persons.

4th p.: all p. out.

5th p.:*7 persons., 2 vm. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 72 (80/96) p.

6th p.: all p. out.

7th p.: all p. persons.

8th p.:*2 in. out., 6 out., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 63 (70/84) p.

9th p.: all p. persons.

10th p.: all p. out.

11th p.:*5 persons., 2 vm. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 54 (60/72) p.

Size: 1

12th p.:* 4 out., 2 vm. out., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 45 p.

13th p.:*3 persons., 2 vm. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 36 p.

14th p.:*2 in. out., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 18 p.

15th p.:*2 in. out., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 9 p.

Size 2

12th p.: all p. out.

13th p.:*4 persons., 2 vm. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 50 p.

14th p.: all p. out.

15th p.:*3 persons., 2 vm. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 40 p.

16th p.:*2 in. out., rep. from ' to the end of the river. = 20 p.

17th p.:*2 in. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 10 p.

Size 3

12th p.: all p. out.

13th p.:*4 persons., 2 vm. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 60 p.

14th p.: all p. out.

15th p.:*3 persons., 2 vm. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 48 p.

16th p.: all p. out.

17th p.:*2 in. persons., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 36 p.

18th p.:*2 in. out., rep. from * to the end of the river. = 24 p.

19th p.:*2 in. persons, repeat from * to the end of the river. = 12 p.

For all sizes

Pull yarn through remaining sts, pull tight and fasten off.


On knitting needles No. 3.75 with a thread M, type and knit faces. 12 (14/17) p. back side, 31 (37/43) p. along the ear, 32 (36/44) p. along the initial p. before, 31 (37/43) sts along the ear and 12 (14/17) sts along the initial river. back side. Close n. according to the drawing.


Sew the back seam. Thread the ends of the threads. Prepare 3 threads M, 60 cm long. Pass the threads through the center of the bottom of the ear and fold them in half.

Take the threads by the ends and weave to the base. Tie a knot at the end and trim the ends. Tie the second eyelet in the same way.

This is how this hat looks on Dasha's doll :)

Knitted hat with knitting needles with a tassel for a baby 1 - 6 months

knitted hat with a jacquard pattern stripe and garter-knit lugs, decorated with a tassel.knitted hatknitting needles in Peruvian style.

Cap sizes

From 1 to 6 months.


Yarn for knitting in% (40; 35; 25, respectively - acrylic, chlorofiber, combed wool): for I skein of yarn col. ecru, dark beige and dark brown; knitting needles - No. 3.

Type of knitting loops and patterns.

Elastic band 2 - 2:
I-th row: * II (two) persons. p., II out. p-li * 2nd p.: * 2 persons. p., 2 out. P. *.
Handkerchief knitting:
in persons th and out. rows - persons. p-la.
Facial smoothness: * in the face-th row - face-I p-la, in the inside-th row - out-I p-la. *
Jacquard uz-r faces-howl stitch:
knit according to the scheme, do not forget to cross the threads when changing colors to avoid the formation of holes.

Cap knitting density

The square of the side is 10 cm, connected by persons. Stitch = 24 sts. and 32 p.

knitted hat


We knit ears.
Dial VIII p. with a dark beige thread. Work with garter knitting, starting from two stitches in each II (second) p. IV times I p. At a distance of 4.5 cm-ra, from on-la work, remove 16 p. knitting needle. Tie the second same ear.
We knit a hat.
Dark beige thread. Cast on 12 sts for half of the back of the head. Then attach the sts of one ear, dial 22 sts for the forehead, attach the sts of the second ear and dial 12 sts for the second half of the back of the head. Knit 2 cm with an elastic band 2 - 2 all 78 p. Continue faces. stitch, adding I p-lu in the middle of the I-st ​​p. = 79 p. Starting from the 3rd p., tie 17 p. jacquard pattern, starting with the VIIIth p. of the scheme. Next, a thread of dark beige color. tie 3 p. persons. stitch, then start decreasing for the top: I chrome. p-lu, * 9 persons. p., II p. together persons. * VII times, 1 chrome. n. Tie 3 p., then in the next. row: I chrome. n., * VIII persons. n, II n. together persons. * VII times, 1 chrome. n. Tie 3 p., then: 1 chrome. n., * VII persons. p., II p. together persons. * VII times, 1 chrome. n. Continue to decrease one over the other in each IVth p. until 16 sts remain. In the next. p-du knit all p. II. According to out. side, return to the beginning of the river. Pass the thread through all stitches, tighten and fasten securely. Sew the hat with a hidden seam. Decorate the top of the hat with a small tassel of threads. ecru.Knitted tassels.
Pattern for a cap in the Peruvian style.

Knitted hat with ears in Peruvian style is ready!

Knitted openwork hat with knitting needles for a child 1-6 months

openwork cap description of knitting. Knitting pattern for an openwork pattern. Assembling the hat according to the description. Size for baby 1-6 months.

To make an openwork hat, you will need.

Yarn for knitting (100% cotton): 1 skein of white yarn, knitting needles No. 3, hook No. 2, 60 cm of satin white ribbon ~ 1 cm wide

Types of loops and patterns on the knitting needles

Shawl knitting: you can see on p.knitted hat
Openwork pattern: repeat. 10 stitches and 12 rows according to the scheme, making sure that each yarn over corresponds to 1 simple broach along the edges of the work.

Cap knitting density

A square of a product with a side of 10 cm, knitted with an openwork pattern on knitting needles = 27 p. And 35 p.

Description of knitting

The cap is knitted in one piece, starting with the oval of the face. On the knitting needles, dial 95 p. Tie 1 p. persons. p. on the wrong side of the work, then follow the openwork pattern, starting with the 1st loop of the scheme. At h - 13 cm on both sides, close 33 p. Continue to knit the center. 29 p., decreasing on both sides in each 8th row 4 times I p. Close the remaining 21 p. on h - 25 cm.

Assembling an openwork hat

Sew the back of the hat. Crochet 1 p. pico on the extreme row: * 3 tbsp. b / n., three air loops, I semist. without a crochet in the 1st air. P. *
Inlay on the neck: on the bottom edge of the cap, dial 82 p. Perform 11 p. garter knitting, knitting in the 1st p. five times 2 sts together in part A (= 72 sts), and make a row of openwork holes in the 6 (sixth) p.: * 4 loops, I yarn over, 2 loops together *, 4 sts.
In the 12th r. close all p.
Pass the ribbon through the openwork holes.
Sizes for knitting an openwork hat.

Openwork hat. knitted according to the description is ready!

Hat for a newborn

on stocking needles
Master class by Natalia Lazareva
For knitting a hat for a newborn, I used Wendy "Chester" yarn 100% acrylic 400m/100g. Pekhorka's yarn "Children's Acrylic", "Children's Caprice", Vita "Baby" or any other yarn of a similar thickness is also suitable.
And the same stocking knitting needles No. 3.5 and hook No. 3.5 - 4, lining fabric: fleece, needle, matching threads.

1. Cast on 73 stitches

2. We distribute 18 loops, on the second knitting needle - 19 loops

3. Knit in circular rows.
The first row - all the loops are facial.

4. Like this

5. Second row - all purl loops.

6. Third and fourth rows - all front loops.

7. This completes the knitting of the cap strap, then we will knit the main part of the cap - rows with decreases and increases to form the ears of the cap and the "visor". See schematic

8. First row designation: front loop (lp) crossed crochet (crochet)
1 lp,
1 yarn over, 10 LP, knit 2 LP together with a slope to the right,
1 lp,
Knit 2 LP together with a tilt to the left, 10 LP, 1 yarn over,
1 lp,
1 yarn over, 7 lvl, 2 lvl with an inclination to the right,
1 lp,
2 lv with an inclination to the left, 7 lv, 1 yarn over, 1 lv,
1 yarn over, 10 lvl, 2 lvl with an inclination to the right,
1 lp,
2 lv with a slope to the left, 10 lv, 1 yarn over, 1 lv.

9. This completes the first circular row of the main part.
10. Second row - all front loops without decreases and increases.

11. We knit in the same way according to the scheme of 20 rows, in the 19th row at the beginning and end of the circular row, do not increase. This will form a slope for the ears and visor. See photo

12. Next, the knitting of the top of the cap begins: we perform decreases according to the scheme, there will be no more increases. See diagram - the top of the cap consists of 4 wedges - 2 large of 22 loops and 2 small of 11 loops.

13. Photo for clarity

14. A decrease in a small wedge does not occur in every second row, unlike a large wedge. Follow the diagram carefully.

Knitting 21 row (or the first top of the cap)
1 edge loop if you knit on simple knitting needles and just the first front loop if you knit on circular ones, remove it without knitting it if on straight lines or knit it on the front one if on circular ones.

then 2 loops together tilt to the left
further 7 facial loops
next 2 together tilt to the right
1 front
2 together tilt to the left
18 facial loops
2 together tilt to the right.

1 front loop - the middle of the cap.
2 together tilt to the left
18 facial
2 tilt right
1 front
2 tilt left
7 facial
2 tilt right
1 edge/front loop left.

15. This is how the hat closes.

16. Bind off according to chart until 11 sts remain on needle.

17. In the small wedge, the last decrease is to knit 3 loops together.

18. Crochet the remaining loops with a working thread.

19. Pull the thread to the wrong side and fasten.

20. The main part of the cap is ready.

Who found a joint at Hedgehog - take a pie from the shelf)))

21. Making a pom-pom.
Take a piece of cardboard and cut out a circle with the diameter of the future pompom. Cut a circle inside for winding the thread.

22. Evenly wind the yarn around the mugs. The more yarn, the thicker the pom-pom. Cut the thread in 4 additions to tie a pompom, about 40 - 50 cm long.

23. Thread the hook inside the pompom, pressing it firmly against the cardboard to grab all the threads.

24. Pull the cut thread through the pompom

25. And VERY STRONGLY tie it in a knot so that the pompom does not fall apart

26. Cut the threads gradually along the edge of the cardboard.

27. Remove the cardboard.

28. Gently fluff the pompom.

29. And cut so that all the pom-pom villi are the same.

30. This is what I got.

31. Pull the pom pom ties through the top of the hat in different places and tie them tightly together.

32. Ready pomp)

33. :)
34. We cut off the threads in 2 additions, 80 - 90 cm long for ties. For each ear 6 threads.

35. See photo: a pigtail of 3 strands of 2 threads. Each thread in 2 additions is folded in half and tied with a loop.

36. Like this.

37. We carry out 3 strands, stretching the caps for the entire strap. We do not tighten the loops.

38. And strands weave a VERY WEAK pigtail. So that it is soft and does not crush the baby. Tie a knot at the end.

39. Do the same for the second ear.

40. Now fleece lining.

41. Each fabric has a lobar and transverse threads. In knitted (knitted) fabric, the transverse thread stretches well in width. Therefore, make sure that your lining is cut along the share and stretched in width.

41. We sew a rectangle of the required length and width (see the previous photo) on a typewriter or manually as follows. see photo.

42. Cut out the bottom with a “zigzag” - I just attached a cap and cut it out, making a 1 cm allowance for the bottom hem.

43. We turn the knitted base inside out, and the finished lining on the front side. We insert the knitted part with the wrong side to the wrong side of the fleece.

44. See photo.

45. Additional photo for clarity.

46. ​​We bend 1 cm of the bottom of the fleece fabric inward and sew it with a seam “over the edge” around the entire perimeter of the cap, the seam should not be tightened too much.

47. We fix the thread, we turn the hat out.

48. Done!

49. The hat is waiting for the appearance of his mistress or owner)))

50. Hat knitting pattern.