Children's poems about mom: a collection of the best children's poems. Short poems about mom for kids A poem for mom to a 3 year old child

Do you remember your very first rhyme that you yourself learned as a child and then happily proclaimed it everywhere? Most likely, it was a short poem about your mother, which you repeated for the hundredth or thousandth time, and your mother, with tenderness and love in her eyes, no matter what, listened to him for the hundredth time with bated breath.

Years have passed, today you, in the status of a mother with your child, are learning such a rhyme, only now you are expecting these emotions with bated breath. Even as an adult, you may remember some of them to tears even today, which you dedicated to your mother from your daughter, remember that first “thank you mom”. On this page, poems by famous authors have been collected and published, as well as the shortest poems for toddlers and older children composed by our team of authors, which the smallest children can easily learn (see more different poems in the section). By the way, children are happy to learn, tell poems about mothers that will be useful for holidays in kindergarten, which the teacher will be incredibly happy about, to congratulate mother and grandmother on March 8, on Mother's Day, to congratulate her beloved mother on her birthday or on a professional holiday day.

Before choosing a particular verse to memorize, read them all to the child (do not rush to do this on the same day, depending on age, the child can get tired quickly), pay attention to his emotions, he will like one of them more everyone. Some of the selections for your child will seem very sad and touching, he will not want to learn them, while others are funny and cool - such children can easily repeat after reading. Therefore, let the baby himself choose the best little verses that he himself wants to repeat and will love to repeat it daily.

Short children's poems about a beloved mother for the youngest children

I help mommy
I clean up at home:
I'll lose my dishes
I'll spill all the juice!

Mommy and grandmother
I give you a poem.
Dear, good -
Most of all I love you!

My mommy
The best in the world.
Makes me happy
Sweet candies.

I love my mom
I'll help her today.
I'll lose my socks
I'll tear the tights!

I am a hostess with my mother
We play patty together.
Then mom cooks to eat,
And I play and grow.

Mother(Y. Akim)
Mother! I love you so much
I don't know right!
I am a big ship
I will give the name "Mom".

Mom's portrait(G. Vieru)
I will wipe the glass and the frame
Because in the frame - mom.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I really love my mom!

Eyelashes(G. Vieru)
I'll sleep next to my mother
I will stick my eyelashes to her.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up your mom.

My mom(V. Russu)
Many mothers in the world
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy!
Mom caresses us ...
Mom caresses us
The sun warms.
The sun, like mom,
Only one happens.

My mom(N. Sakonskaya)
Once I said to my friends:
There are many kind mothers in the world,
But not to be found, I growl,
Such a mother as mine!
She bought for me
On the wheels of a horse,
Saber, paints and an album…
But is that the point?
I love her so
Mommy, my mommy!

Poems for Mother's Day

Mom's smile(T. Shorygina)
There is nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
Like the sun shines,
Darkness will dispel unsteady!
Like a twinkle,
gold fish
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!

Mom's help(N. Grozovsky)
I save my mother's work,
I help as much as I can.
Today mom for lunch
Cooked cutlets
And she said, "Listen,
help out, eat!"
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

Mother's day(G. Vieru)
Here is a snowdrop in the meadow,
I found it.
I'll take the snowdrop to my mother,
Even if it didn't bloom.
And me with a flower so gently
Mom hugged me
That my snowdrop opened
From her warmth.

Mother's day(Elena Blaginina)
I walk, I think, I look:
“What will I give my mother tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe some candy?"
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - a light!

Mom's hands(Rodina M.)
They say that mom's hands are not simple,
They say mom has golden hands!
I'll take a closer look, I'll take a closer look
I stroke my mother’s hands - I don’t see gold.
Why are our factory people
They say mom has golden hands?
I won't argue, they can see better
After all, they work with my mother.

My mother's hands(Tatyana Shorygina)
My mother's hands
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
So much love in them!
They fly all day
It's like they don't know.
Bring comfort to the house
A new dress will be sewn,
Caress, warm -
Mom's hands can do everything!

Who came to me in the morning? - mommy.
Who said: "It's time to get up"? - mommy.
Who managed to cook the porridge? - mommy.
Tea - pour me into the bowl? - mommy.
Who braided my hair? - mommy.
Whole house swept one? - mommy.
Who picked flowers in the garden? - mommy.
Who kissed me? - mommy.
Who childish loves laughter? - mommy.
Who is the best in the world? - mommy.

Mom is the sun
Mom is the sun
On the home side.
With mom in the house happiness and comfort.
Like notes-grains
Splashes on the bottom
I sing this song to my mother.

*** (Olga Kopteva)
I am a scarlet flower
On a small leaf
I'll draw, I'll give it to my mother.
mommy smiles,
And a dimple on the cheek.
I love sunshine mom.

Mom's medicine(A. Valeeva)
Mom frowns gloomily forehead, daughter got sick
Beat her all night chills, wet shirt
Mom is the best doctor in the world, daughters have a sore throat
She will quickly cure with honey and raspberries
She will put compresses on her, give her fresh milk to drink
Amazing bedtime stories for daughter to tell
And my daughter will have a dream that half the kingdom is ready
Even the king to give, Gvidon, for her medicine.

Beloved mother, I congratulate you,
On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if apart,
I always remember your tender hands.
May your every day be filled with light
Be warmed by the love of your relatives, like the sun.
I'm sorry, sometimes I upset you
Believe that involuntarily ... I reproach myself.

About mommy(Agniya Barto)
It was quiet in the house in the morning,
I wrote on the palm
Mother's name.

Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,
Not on a stone wall
I wrote on my hand
Mother's name.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,
It got noisy during the day.
- What did you hide in your palm? -
They started asking me.

I opened my hand:
I kept happiness.

I am a colorful gift
Decided to give it to my mom.
I tried to draw
Four pencils.
But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, behind the red immediately
Purple broke
And then the blue broke
And orange broke ...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!

The popular verse Let's sit in silence"(E. Blaginina)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:
I also want to move.

Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered over me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!"

I welcome guests and friends of my blog. Today I have prepared a wonderful selection, the best and most beautiful, touching and funny poems about mother for children of different ages. Among them there is a sincere work both for peanuts 3, 4 years old, and for older people, including schoolchildren. Separately, you will find options for sons and daughters.

How often do you spoil your mother with poetry? And it doesn’t matter how old you are, 10 or 30. It is insanely touching for any mother’s heart to hear a poem dedicated to her. Let's more often please our close soul mates, and make their lives happier. One of the many other options is, you guessed it, poetic. Let's get to it.

We will start with short poems about mom, which are perfect for kids 3, 4 years old, for performance in kindergarten or at a family holiday, for example, in honor of March 8th. In general, it's great when kids learn to express their love and respect for their parents from an early age. Reading poetry brings pleasure not only to adults, but also to the children themselves.

I think it touches many mothers to tears, so sincerely and sincerely, our soundboards can read beautiful lines to us. Before you start learning a piece, choose the option that the child will definitely cope with in terms of the development of speech and memory.

I'll sleep next to my mother
I will stick my eyelashes to her.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up your mom.

Mom, I love you so much
I don't know directly.
I am a big ship
I will give the name "Mom".

There is no more important word in the world
There are only four beeches in it
Like warm pajamas
Mom will always warm us

I love my mom
I will give her a gift
I made a gift myself from paper with paints
I will give it to my mother, hugging affectionately.

ruddy apple
I won't have one
half an apple
Give to my beloved mother.
(E. Stekvashova)

I am a hostess with my mother
We play patty together.
Then mom cooks to eat,
And I play and grow.

Mom's hands are warm
Mom's eyes are bright
Mom's fairy tale in a dream
Mom's genes in me
Mom's thoughts are with me
My earthly bow to my mother.

Mom, I love you very, very much.
I love it so much that I can't sleep in the dark at night.
I peer into the darkness, hurry the dawn,
It's already dawn, there is no one in the world better than mom

I will collect for my mother
Such a robot
To do all the work
He did housework
And washed and ironed
Roasted and boiled
And the floors in the apartment
Sweep and wash

Mom's smile
Brings happiness into the house
Mom's smile
Needed everywhere, in everything!

Mommy and grandmother
I give you a poem.
Dear, good -
Most of all I love you!

My mother's hands
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
So much love and power in them!

Many mothers in the world
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy! V. Russu

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.
mommy gift
I'll cook.
The most beautiful Mom I have! ( O. Chusovitina)

Mom caresses
Mom will cheer.
If it breaks
It will always forgive.
With her I'm not afraid
No villain.
There is no better and better
My mothers!

Beautiful poems even for such a small age, isn't it? Further, our poetry page will be continued by poems for older children, approximately 5, 6, 7 years old. Perhaps some children at the age of 4 will already be able to remember and tell them.

In the world
kind words
Lives a lot
But all the best
And more tender one
Of two syllables
A simple word - "mother",
And there are no words
Kinder than it!

Mom is sunshine
The look of wonderful gentle eyes.
Save from a thousand troubles
And help a thousand times.
Childhood is a golden age.
How wonderful to know what's wrong with me
Mom, like an angel, good,
My friend is the best, dear.

Me and mom in the whole world -
True best friends.
I'm in tow with my mom
Where mom, there I am.
Together in the kitchen and in the shed
In the garden and in the garden
We eat and play together
And we swim in the pond.

I want to collect tender words in a bouquet,
I'll give it to the best mom in the world.
I'll tie it with a ribbon of love
There is no one in the world more precious than a mother.
For love, for affection, for priceless work,
Let my bouquets bloom for her!

Who came to me in the morning? - mommy.
Who said: "It's time to get up"? - mommy.
Who managed to cook the porridge? - mommy.
Tea - pour me into a bowl? - mommy.
Who braided my hair? - mommy.
Whole house swept one? - mommy.
Who picked flowers in the garden? - mommy.
Who kissed me? - mommy.
Who childish loves laughter? - mommy.
Who is the best in the world? - mommy.

Congratulations to my dear mother.
And I'll tell mommy: "I love you!".
I am happy to play with you,
Listen to songs together, dance together.

Mom has warm hands like the sun,
So gently they know how to caress,
Heal the pain, relieve the boredom
Ready to hug at any moment.
Playing, my hair will gently ruffle,
They bake pies on the weekend in the morning,
And fun legs tickle in bed,
When I don't want to wake up myself.
Iron all dresses, shirts and trousers,
And then another job will be found ...
I stroke my mother's tired hands,
Let them get some rest.

Our mother is like spring:
The way the sun laughs
The way the summer breeze
Touches my head.
That gets a little angry
As if a cloud ran
Just like a rainbow, she:
Look - and shine!
Like a caring spring
Do not sit down, do not get tired.
Here she comes home
And then spring will come.

Already moved? Even more touching works are ahead. In the meantime, I propose to move on to humorous and funny poems.

funny poems about mom

Poems with humor in a touching atmosphere at a children's matinee in the garden will add variety and amuse mothers. Moreover, they will give them time to dry their wet eyes from sounded sentimental poems.

Mom, happy holiday to you
I congratulate you, love
You, dear, are the best
I love your sweet laugh
To hear it, I
I will obey you
To behave,
Just buy candy!

You're tired, mommy
- I would rest, lie down,
Read, tied
The TV would turn on
Maybe I sewed something
Washed, cooked
I would sweep the floor, wash ...
Well, you forgot peace
- Again and again you look sadly
Either in a diary, or in a notebook!
And you sit next to me
And you pierce me with your eyes.
You, Mom, are tired,
Yes, I would like to take a walk

When I'm around town
I go with my mother
Mom's hand
I'm holding on tight
Why should she
Go and be afraid
What can she
Get lost?

I take care of my mother's work,
I help in any way I can.
Today mom is for lunch
Cooked cutlets
And she said: Listen,
Vypychi, eat!
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom knows everything
Knows everything in the world!
Why do wasps bite?
I ask directly.
And to ALL my questions
mom answers.
Will tell me where from the sky
Snow is taken in winter.
Why a loaf of bread
Is it baked from flour?
Why is the dog barking?
What will dream in a dream?
Why does the icicle melt
And trembling eyelashes?
Why is there a cloud in the sky
Is there a lawn in the forest?
I'm velcro why
And she is a know-it-all!

My mom and I are friends!
Where my mother is, there I am!
If he cooks soup, I help:
I dismantle cups and pots.
Mom washes the floor - I'm next to her,
spilling over the floor harder.
If there is laundry in the house, I am not shy,
I pour the powder and do not regret it.
Well, if mom is on the Internet
here I am needed more than anyone on the planet!
I help my mom a lot.
Buttons with zeal I press!
Mom looks at me and sighs.
All clear. Obviously approved!
This is how my mom and I are friends:
Where my mother is, there of course I am!

Poems about mother to tears

I hope you smiled, and now let's move on. Now I will offer you beautiful sincere, touching poems to tears. I will not highlight the age in them, look at the readiness of the child. Usually, such poems are read on holidays and at matinees, sometimes at reading competitions at school.

I'll fix your hair
Kiss you many times
There is no dearer voice in the world,
There is no warmer eyes in the world.
There are no stronger prayers in the world
What are you sending after me?
There is no better you in the world
And there is no dearer either ...
I'll fix your hair
Kiss you many times
There is no dearer mother's voice,
There is no warmer mother's eyes (Natalia Koshkina)

Tell me where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
- The stork brought you to us.
And my grandmother told me:
- They found you in the cabbage.
Uncle joked:
- They brought you from the station in a basket.
I know it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just don't know the answer
Where did my mother take me?
My sister grumbled at me:
- You turned everyone's head.
And I started from the beginning:
- Where did I live before my mother?
Nobody is a secret from adults
I couldn't explain it to me.
Only my mother answered simply:
- You lived in my heart, son.

If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That lunch is tasteless.
If mom is not around
It's cold in the apartment
If mom is not around,
Bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away
It is very difficult for children.
I'll tell you straight:
- Take care of your mother!

I will bind your life
From fluffy mohair threads.
I will bind your life
I won't lie a single loop.
I will bind your life
Where a pattern across the field of prayer -
Happiness Wishes
In the rays of true love!
I will bind your life
From cheerful melange yarn,
I will bind your life
And then I will give from the bottom of my heart.
Where do I get threads?
I never confess to anyone.
To bind your life
I secretly dissolve my...

Our dear mother,
These tender lines are for you.
The cutest and most beautiful
The best on this earth.
Let sorrows not enter your house,
Let sickness go away.
We would put the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.
But even that wouldn't be enough.
To repay your kindness
All our life, our dear mother,
Indebted to you.

Thank you, dear, for raising
For not asking for anything in return.
What grief and joy, dividing in half,
In everything, you wished us the best.
You are kind and beautiful, tender in your heart.
Dear, beloved - we need you!
You are our hope, support and happiness,
You give us affection, love and participation.
Always be healthy and cheerful
May the sun of good luck light your path.
So stay young for a long time
Just as gentle and caring
Give us happiness, affection and warmth,
We are all very lucky to have you!
Live a hundred years, guarding our hearth,
The only one dear!

And now I will show you a video of the most beautiful song about my mother, which I myself heard at my son's performance in kindergarten. It was Mother's Day. To be honest, I had never heard of her before. For those who liked her, below I publish her words.

I wake up early in the morning from your eyes.
They will replace the sun for me.
The world, believe me, exists only for the two of us.
The sun laughs at you.

Mom, I love you crazy
Mom, I adore you too

A bird without a wing.

Mom, hug me soon
Mom, let me warm up, mom,

May adversity and sorrow be far away,
And closer will be happiness.
You and I cannot live in sadness and longing,
And drive away the bad weather.
Mom, I love you crazy
Mom, I adore you too
Mom, I'm like a bird without a wing without your eyes,
A bird without a wing.
Mom, you know, you are not dearer,
Mom, hug me soon
Mom, let me warm up, mom,
Near your hands, as if by the fire.

Do you think that's all? No! There are many more beautiful creations to come!

Mom means tenderness
This is kindness, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom - a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer
It's snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!
Mom is the tenderness of affection,
Happiness, joy and warmth,
Lullabies and fairy tales
Where good always reigns.

Our mothers are like fairies
Fulfill all dreams
They love us and believe very much
Whatever we achieve!

Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.
You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

Thank you, mommy, for childhood,
Your love and tenderness of hands!
You left me a legacy
Palette of feelings and heart beat!
Be generous as always
Your world arose from tenderness!
Be the same - good-natured,
Beautiful, clean, like a spring!

I want to tell you directly:
Mom will always help me.
And love in this world
There is nothing stronger than mothers to children.
No kinder, gentler, more beautiful,
And even more responsive
For all living children
Your sweet mother.
I wish every day
She is in good health, mood.
And I'll reveal my secret:
There is no mother like me!

Poems dedicated to mom for school age

Poems that schoolchildren can read to their mothers are already longer, emotionally complex and deep. Remember that thanks to the artistic presentation, any work will sparkle with bright colors and open up new meanings. So, we learn these verses with feeling, really, arrangement.

Take care mothers, take care!
And often call them, write.
And often just run like that,
Don't forget to say your love!
Sit next to your mom, sit...
Tell me about your life,
Warm your mother's hands in the palms,
Pity your mother, pity!
How many times did she forgive you with her heart,
How many tears have I secretly wiped away from you,
How many silently prayed in a whisper,
So that everything in life works out for you.
You smooth her wrinkles with care,
Do not explain your laziness with work.
True, mothers need a little:
Just know that everything is with you, thank God!

I offended my mother
Now never ever
Let's not leave the house together
We don't go anywhere with her.
She won't wave out the window
I won't wave either
She won't say anything
I won't tell either...
I'll take the bag by the shoulders
I will find a piece of bread
I'll find a stronger stick
I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!
I will follow the trail
I will look for ore
I'm across the stormy river
I'm going to build bridges!
And I will be the chief
And I'll be with a beard
And I will always be sad
And so silent...
And then there will be a winter evening,
And so many years will pass
And here's a jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.
And on my birthday
That plane is coming.
And mom will come out of there,
And my mother will forgive me!

My mother gave me everything in the world,
Warmth, and affection, and love.
Always gave me advice
When I didn't know the right words.
She opened her eyes to the world
And she showed me the way.
Always loved so sincerely
And dispersed grief, sadness.
When I cried, consoled
When I was having a hard time.
You always gently hugged
I felt your warmth.

I'm happy that you exist, dear,
You are the best, the most valuable.
You are my happiness, dear
Nothing more is needed.
When there is a mother, life is beautiful,
She's an angel on earth.
She is like a ray of sunshine
She is like the stars in the sky.
Friends, you appreciate mothers,
After all, they won't always be there.
Love them and cherish
Never forget!

If mom is nearby, the world of miracles is full,
You don't need anything if mom is here
I'll take her by the hand,
I will not give my mother to anyone in the world.
If mom is nearby, the world is flooded with sun,
She will help me in everything, she will forgive everything,
He will tell me a story, sing a song,
If mom is around, she will understand everything.
I won't cry if I fall
Mom will be there, take away the trouble,
Kiss you hard and hug you to your chest
If mom is nearby, the pain will immediately go away.
If my mother is at home, I will play with her,
Everything, of course, is more fun to do with mom,
I do not hide anything from my mother,
I never get tired of playing with her.
If my mother is near me, I'm not afraid of rain,
Even if it rains with hail, so what
I will never cry again
If mom is nearby, the rain does not matter.
If mom is nearby, then I can do everything,
I protect my mother from all sorrows,
I fall asleep to her songs.
Let my mother dream in a dream.

It happens -
The dog is barking
Rosehip prick,
The nettle stings.
And dream at night
Huge hole.
You will fail.
As you fall, you cry out:
- Mother!
And mom will show up
Next to me
And everything that scared
Will pass by.
She will smile -
Splinters will disappear
scratches, abrasions,
Bitter tears…
“What luck! -
I think -
What is the best mother -

Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.
I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother! (Davydova L.)

Mommy, sweet, gentle, glorious,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
"Thank you" - for everything I tell you.
Live, smile adversity-years,
We will share worries with you in half.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
Love will light your life path
Thank you Mom for caring
by which we are surrounded
What are you, how kind
Light angel,
Protect our dreams.

In return for rewards without expecting
You flutter like a bee.
There is nothing like it in the world
What would you not be able to do for us!
Thanks for your advice
For the tenderness of the hands, the radiance of the eyes,
You are the light of the sun and our summer,
You are an example for us.
And that your love is holy
Saved from sorrows and evil,
I ask one thing from God
So that you are happy!
And so that fate keeps you
Saved us from the storm!

Poems about mother from daughter

I wish all mothers who have daughters to become close friends with her. In this wonderful collection you will find beautiful poems from your daughter about mom, which are touching and tender.

Mom worked for a long time:
All things, things, things...
Mom is so tired for the day
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand by.
Let her sleep a little -
I will sing a song to her.
I will be closer to my mother
I love her very much!
It's a pity that he can't hear
Mom my song.
There is no better song.
Maybe sing louder to me
To mom this song
Was it heard in a dream? ..

I love your sonorous laugh, Mom,
You are the best in the world, Mom!
Open the doors to a fairy tale, Mom,
Give me a smile, Mom!
If you sing a song, Mom,
Then the rain will be heard, Mom,
"Good morning" you say to me, Mom,
The sun will flash in the window, Mom!
Stars are watching from above, Mom,
It's good to have you around, Mom.
Smile, sing songs, Mom,
I will always be with you, Mom!

If it hurts me
Mom good hand
Soothes pain
And brings peace with it.
And when the toy is new
I rejoice noisily
Smiling with me
My dear mother.

Let the wind carry you
What I will reveal to everyone:
In the whole world, in the whole world
My mom is the best
Mom, how radiant you are!
How beautiful and kind
how i want something like that
Be, dear, on you!
I admire you
I adore you
Mom, honey, you know -
I love you very much!

Who opened this world to me
Not sparing your strength?
And always protected?
The best mom in the world.
Who is the cutest in the world
And warm with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?
This is my mommy.
Reading books in the evening
And always understands everything
Even if I'm stubborn
I know my mother loves me.
Never get discouraged
He knows exactly what I need.
If, suddenly, a drama happens,
Who will support? My mom.
I walk the path
But my legs are tired.
jump over the hole
Who will help? I know mom. (Olga Chusovitina)

I am my beloved mother
I will give gifts:
I will embroider a handkerchief for her.
Like a living flower!
I will clean the apartment
And there will be no dust anywhere.
Delicious bake a pie
With apple jam...
Only mom on the threshold
- Here and congratulations!
You are my mommy
I congratulate you:
With this holiday, with spring,
With the first flowers
And a good daughter. (I. Chernetskaya)

Poems for mom from son

When a son declares poems about his mother, this is especially heartfelt and sincere. Enjoy the options of works, among which you can choose the most dear to your heart.

Mommy, beloved, dear,
My priceless treasure
Nothing in the world is dearer to me
Than your mother's heart.
I would embroider your portrait in gold,
If only you were even more beautiful.
I will shout so that everyone around can hear:
"I want you to live forever."
You won't cheat, you won't betray
Always wishing well.
And give a helping hand
Thanks Mom for being you.

The house is empty
Very sad,
Want nothing -
Doesn't sing
Doesn't fight
Don't even want to...
I sat silent.
Someone knocked.
I opened - and right
In front of me - Mom!
And not boring
And it's not sad
I want to run, I want to jump
And laughs and sings
And laughing with might and main!

If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste my time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash my shirts
I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I'd peel the potatoes myself
All my own toys
I would put it in place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would have said:
"Well done, son!"

Warm eyes of your tender joy
Gives me both hope and faith!
Your hands in heat or cold
A light breeze will blow, warm.

You reassure with your smile
And in moments of doubt you will support
Every time with your magic word
And encourage me and console me!

The most devoted friend and reliable,
You inspire confidence in the heart,
With his wisdom, tender faith
You lead me and inspire me!

Write in the comments how you like the poems about mom that I offered you. I hope that by reading them, you have chosen the right option for yourself. It would be interesting to know how you prefer, heartfelt and touching, or light and fun.

See you soon, Anastasia Smolinets

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most beautiful poems about mother for children. They can be used as congratulations on Mother's Day, March 8 or Mom's Birthday. These verses will be pleased to hear every woman from her children.


I will plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout
Open the flower -
He really needs me.

Winds rush outside the window
With snowy winter
But will be higher
Every day
Grow my flower.

When is the calendar
Spring time will come
Eighth of March
I will give
I am my mother's flower!

(V. Shugraeva)

I wake up today at dawn
Brushes, paints I will get again,
I'll draw on a big, big easel
Your greatest love

I'll draw my mother today
Her eyes that always shine with kindness,
Her cheeks that I kiss so often
Her hands that caress in bad weather!

I wake up today at dawn -
I won't miss this moment today.
I'll draw my mother on an easel
Because I love her!


I offended my mother.
Now never ever
We won't leave the house together
We don't go anywhere with her.
She won't wave out the window
I won't wave either.
She won't say anything
I won't tell either...
I'll take the bag by the shoulders
I will find a piece of bread
I'll take a stick stronger
I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!
I will follow the trail
In a terrible, terrible frost.
And across the stormy river
I will build a bridge.
And I will be the chief
And I'll be with a beard
And I will always be sad
And so silent...
And then there will be a winter evening,
And so many years will pass
And here's a jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.
And on my birthday
That plane is coming!
And mom will come out of there,
And my mother will forgive me.

(E. Moshkovskaya)

Mom can do anything!
All children are proud of their mother!
My dad is good too
But without your mother you will be lost.

Who will cook delicious porridge for me?
Who will braid the hair?
Who will tell me a story?
Who will sing me a song?

Who will blow on the knee
What if I suddenly fall?
I'm going to hug my mom
I can't live without her!

All she

Who loves you children more
Who loves you so tenderly
And takes care of you
Without closing your eyes at night?
- "Mom dear."
Who shakes the cradle for you,
Who sings songs to you
Who tells you fairy tales
And gives you toys?
- Golden Mom.
If, children, you are lazy,
Disobedient, playful,
What happens sometimes
Who is shedding tears then?
- "That's it, dear."

(Ivan Kosyakov)

My mom is the best!
She has a cheerful laugh
Mom is so smart
Mom knows everything!

Whatever you ask, you will get an answer.
How many planets are in the sky?
What do monkeys eat in the morning?
Do elephants wear panties?

When I grow up big
I read many books
To become smart like a mother,
And know the answers to everything.

gift for mom

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.

mommy gift
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

(O. Chusovitina)

Love Mom while she laughs...
And her eyes burn with warmth ...
And her voice pours into your soul ...
Holy water, pure as a tear...
Love Mom - because she is alone in the world ...
Who loves you and is constantly waiting for ...
She always greets with a smile...
She alone will forgive you and understand.

Song about mother

First word,
main word
In every destiny
Earth and Sky -
The world gave
Me and you.

It just so happens
If it happens
Trouble in the house
mother's hands,
Mom's heart
Near always.
Mom's hands
Gently caress -
It will get warmer.
Mom's heart
Flare with love -
Get brighter!

You become an adult
And like a bird
You will fly away.
Only for mom
You, as before,
Cute baby.
Sleepless at night
Mom, maybe
Quietly cry...
Where is my son?
Where is my daughter?
How does he live there?

Another song about mom

Thank you my mom!

You are near, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you my mom
For the fact that you are in the world!


First word,
main word
In every destiny
Earth and Sky -
The world gave
Me and you.
(Yu. Entin)


Thank you for your love and kindness
Which you always surrounded me.
Thank you for your favorite stories
What did you read every evening then.

Thank you for your great kindness
For the fact that you once gave me life.
Forgive me, mom, I'm sorry for the negligence,
I won't do it again, I understand everything.

I'm sorry for the mistakes I made
For all the grief, dear, I'm sorry.
After all, in life you met them, and a lot,
On this long and difficult journey.

Now, my dear, I promise
That I will continue to listen to you and take care of you.
Live long, long. I wish you
Health, good luck, smiles and meetings.

(Irina Polyakova)

Talk about mom

From the heart,
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom.
We love her
Like a good friend
For what we have
All together with her
For what, when
We're having a hard time
We can cry
At the native shoulder.

We love her for
What sometimes
Are getting stricter
Wrinkled eyes.
But it is worth confessing
Come head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass.

For what is always
Without concealment and directly
We can trust
She has her heart.
And just for
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her.
(N. Sakonskaya)


Cold wind blows in the sails
Fog descends on the sea melting,
And I close my eyes
And as if in a fairy tale I'm flying home.

And the white sail carries me into the distance,
My ship of city and country passes,
In which life sings like a nightingale,
And my mother's love and tenderness blows to me.

(Livshits Semyon Efimovich)

Mom and Motherland are very similar ...

Mom and Motherland are very similar:
Mom is beautiful, Motherland too!
You look closely: mom's eyes
The colors are the same as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat
What is earing in the endless fields.
Mom's hands are warm and tender,
They remind me of a ray of sunshine.

If mom sings a song, then she
A cheerful and sonorous stream echoes ...
So it should be: what is dear to us,
Reminds me of our mothers.
(A. Starikov)

Mom's hands

Mom, like the sun, has warm hands,
So gently they know how to caress,
Heal the pain, relieve the boredom
Ready to hug at any moment.
Playing, my hair will gently ruffle,
They bake pies on the weekend in the morning,
And fun legs tickle in bed,
When I don't want to wake up myself.
Iron all dresses, shirts and trousers
And then another job will be found ...
I stroke my mother's tired hands, -
Let them get some rest.
(I. Morozova)

Who loves you guys...

Who loves you, kids,
Who loves you so tenderly?
Without closing the eyes of the night,
Is everything taking care of you?
Mom dear!

Who shakes the cradle for you,
Who amuses you with a song
Or tells a fairy tale
Who gives you toys?
Mom is golden!

If you guys are lazy
Disobedient, playful,
As it happens sometimes
Who is shedding tears then?
She is all native!
(A. Maykov)


If mom is happy
If she loves
Let snow and showers -
It's always spring in the house!

(Oleg Bundur)


Busy with good deeds at home
Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night
It was good yesterday.
And where, you ask,
So much kindness in the house
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:
It's mom, mom, mom!
(L. Nikolaenko)

Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
I sat down and sit.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:
I also want to move.

Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!"
(E. Blaginina)

iron health

I take three popsicles,
I chew icicles and ice
I go without a hat and hands
I put it in cold water.

Iron health straight:
I can't get sick
So that a kind, gentle mother
She could sit with me.

(Oleg Bundur)

Lullaby for mother

Mom worked for a long time:
All things, things, things...
Mom is so tired for the day
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand by.
Let her sleep a little -
I will sing a song to her.
I will be closer to my mother
I love her very much!
It's a pity that he can't hear
Mom my song.
There is no better song.
Maybe sing louder to me
To mom this song
Was it heard in a dream? ..
(I. Chernitskaya)

Where mom, there I

Me and mom
In the whole world -
True the best
I'm with mum
in tow,
Where is mom
There I am.
Together in the kitchen
And in the barn
In the garden
And in the garden
We eat together
Let's play
And we swim
In the pond.
(O. Driz
Per. from Jewish T. Spendiarova)

About mom

The house is empty
Very sad,
Want nothing -
Doesn't sing
Doesn't fight
Don't even want to...

I sat silent.
Someone knocked.
I opened - and right
In front of me - Mom!

And not boring
And it's not sad
I want to run, I want to jump
And laughs and sings
And laughing with might and main!
(E. Karganova)

Mom is near

Autumn, spring,
Summer and winter
Who is next to you
Next to you?
In the joy of any
In sorrow, any
Who is next to you
Next to you?
At night and in the morning
Today, like yesterday
Who wishes you
Any good?
(A. Kondratiev)

Our song with dad

What's on our way
scary pit
Or danger
From the corner, -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
Was at home!
We are on top
Let's get straight in
Won't scare
Steep rock -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
Waiting at home!
We trampled
There are many paths
planet soon
Becomes small -
If only mom
If only mom
If only mom
Was with us!
(A. Kondratiev)

Our mothers are the most beautiful

The song flies into the blue sky
From the big school window.
Our mothers are the most, the most beautiful,
Spring gave them a song.

Winter no longer smokes powder,
The sun is peeking into our classroom.
Our mothers are the best, the best -
Who knows better than us!

White as swan feathers
Fluffy clouds float in the distance.
Our mothers are the most, most beloved
In a world full of stars and cornflowers!

Rainbows play with iridescence,
They shine over the expanses of the earth ...
Our mothers are the happiest -
We read it in their eyes!

(M. Plyatskovsky)

You are the best in the world, mom

I love your ringing laugh
You are the best in the world
Open the doors to a fairy tale
Give me a smile

If you sing a song
That will hear the rain
"Good morning" you say to me
The sun will shine in the window

Watching the stars from above
It's good that you are near
Smile, sing songs
I will always be with you
(M. Plyatskovsky)

without mom

Carousel in our house:
Kissel flows in a stream,
Plates on the table
They jump like squirrels.

Masha is looking for a cat,
The cat is looking for a bowl
Misha is looking for dad
Dad is looking for a hat.

And no one finds anything!
Misha whimpers,
Masha is crying
The cat is sick of the white light! ..
What does that mean guys?

It means that mom is not at home!

Here is mom. Finally!
Everything falls into place.

(E. Serova)


Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up"?
Who managed to cook porridge?
Tea - pour into a bowl?
Who braided my hair?
Whole house swept one?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who childish loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?

(W. Rajab)

without mom

Carousel in our house:
Kissel flows in a stream,
Plates on the table
They jump like squirrels.

Masha is looking for a cat,
The cat is looking for a bowl
Misha is looking for dad
Dad is looking for a hat.

And no one finds anything!
Misha whimpers,
Masha is crying
The cat is sick of the white light! ..
What does that mean guys?

It means that mom is not at home!

Here is mom. Finally!
Everything falls into place.

(Elena Serova)


I'll sleep next to my mother
I will stick my eyelashes to her.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy!

(G. Vieru)


Mom caresses
Mom will cheer.
If it breaks
It will always forgive.

With her I'm not afraid
No villain.
There is no better and better
My mothers!

Favorite Mom

ruddy apple
I won't have one
half an apple
Give to my beloved mother.

(E. Stekvashova)


Mom, very very
I love you!
So love that at night
I don't sleep in the dark.
I peer into the darkness
I'm in a hurry.
I love you all the time
Mommy, I love it!
Here the dawn shines.
It's already dawn.
Nobody in the world
There is no better mom!

(K. Kubilinskas)

Why Velcro

Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom knows everything
Knows everything in the world!
Why do wasps bite?
I ask directly.
And to ALL my questions
mom answers.
Will tell me where from the sky
Snow is taken in winter.
Why a loaf of bread
Is it baked from flour?
Why is the dog barking?
What will dream in a dream?
Why does the icicle melt
And trembling eyelashes?
Why is there a cloud in the sky
Is there a lawn in the forest?

(T. Bokova)


Mom's dresses
Well right
Do not count.
Blue is
And there is green
There is blue
With big flowers
Each serves
In my own way, my mother.

It goes away
She's at the factory
In this to the theater
And he goes to visit
Sitting in this
Busy drawing...
Each serves
In my own way, my mother.

thrown carelessly
On the back of the bed
Old, shabby
Mom's robe.
I serve it
Take care mom
And why -
Guess yourself:
If he puts on
colored robe,
So all evening
Stay with me.

(G. Demykina)

That would be like mom

My mom sings
Always at work
And I always give her
Help with the hunt!

Looks like mom
I become.
I am learning to iron
And cook
And erase
And I wipe the dust
And I'm sweeping the floor...
I dream, I dream.

I dream, I dream...
I dream
How is your mom,
Know how to do everything
And maybe
How is your mom,
I will learn to sing.

(M. Sadovsky)

With mom in the city

When I'm around town
I go with my mother
Mom's hand
I'm holding on tight

Why should she
Go and be afraid
What can she
Get lost?

(S. Wheat)

Mom's help

I take care of my mother's work,
I help in any way I can.
Today mom is for lunch
Cooked cutlets
And she said: "Listen,
Vypychi, eat!”
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

(N. Grozovsky)

What does mom smell like?

Saturdays in spirits
Smells like mom's clothes
So they go to mom -
And spirits, and theater.

Sunday - pancakes
Breakfast - here it is, ready!
He suits his mother so well
That smell of pancakes.

Monday - business
Immediately our house smelled
He suits his mother so
That smell of papers.

But I will say, between us,
I'll tell you in secret:
I am native to my mother
I fit the most!

(O. Bundur)

What kind of mother

When mom puts on an outfit,
Hanged in the closet under the cover,
Dad is terribly happy:
You are simply a gorgeous woman!

If mom is wearing a bathrobe
And something is stirring in the pan,
Dad comes in and is happy again:
- You are a very nice woman!

When we are on the beach and mom is walking
Along the sea with pebble coastal,
Dad looks with his mouth open:
“You are just a goddess—not a woman!”

It seems to me: at least put your mom in a jacket
With some kind of paint smell,
Dad will watch every day
And rejoice!

(O. Bundur)

Take care of mom

If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That lunch is tasteless.
If mom is not around
It's cold in the apartment
If mom is not around,
Bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away
It is very difficult for children.
I'll tell you straight:
- Take care of your mother!

(E. Ranneva)


It happens -
The dog is barking
Rosehip prick,
The nettle stings.
And dream at night
Huge hole.
You will fail.
As you fall, you cry out:
- Mother!
And mom will show up
Next to me
And everything that scared
Will pass by.
She will smile -
Splinters will disappear
scratches, abrasions,
Bitter tears…
“What luck! -
I think -
What is the best mother -

(V. Borisov)

About mom

Our mother is like spring:
The way the sun laughs
The way the summer breeze
Touches my head.
That gets a little angry
As if a cloud ran
Just like a rainbow, she:
Look - and shine!
Like a caring spring
Do not sit down, do not get tired.
Here she comes home
And then spring will come.

(S. Ivanova)


Make in the light
we can do a lot
in the depths of the sea
and in space too.

Let's go to the tundra
and to hot deserts,
even the weather
let's change it!

Affairs and roads
there will be a lot in life ...
Let's ask ourselves:
Well, where do they start?

Here it is, our answer,
The correct one:
Everything we live
It starts with mom!

(A. Kostecki)

If mom is around

If mom is nearby, the world of miracles is full,
You don't need anything if mom is here
I'll take her by the hand,
I will not give my mother to anyone in the world.

If mom is nearby, the world is flooded with sun,
She will help me in everything, she will forgive everything,
He will tell me a story, sing a song,
If mom is around, she will understand everything.

I won't cry if I fall
Mom will be there, take away the trouble,
Kiss you hard and hug you to your chest
If mom is nearby, the pain will immediately go away.

If my mother is at home, I will play with her,
Everything, of course, is more fun to do with mom,
I do not hide anything from my mother,
I never get tired of playing with her.

If my mother is near me, I'm not afraid of rain,
Even if it rains with hail, so what
I will never cry again
If mom is nearby, the rain does not matter.

If mom is nearby, then I can do everything,
I protect my mother from all sorrows,
I fall asleep to her songs.
Let my mother dream in a dream.

(T. Frolova)

Quarrel with mom

Mom was rude to Nikita,
And now she's angry!
It is necessary, without a doubt,
To apologize!

Although Nikita was stubborn,
Still goes to mom.
After all, not life, but just grief,
If you get into a fight with your mom!

Who will hug you tenderly?
Only mom, of course!
She will forgive you everything
And give you candy.

Sorry Nikita,
And the insult is forgotten!
Things are going well
If mom is happy!

(E. Popova)


Moms love to eat jam
Sitting in the dark in the kitchen
Sing while dancing on Sunday
If no one sees them.

Moms love to measure puddles,
Finding them in the hot summer
Forget the keys to the door
And then loiter somewhere.

Moms like to sleep on Saturday
And sculpt elephants out of snow
And skip work
And in the winter without a hat to run.

Moms love to chew on candy.
And ride the tram
But they are silent about it
No one knows…

(D. Gerasimova)


Everything I do for my mother:
I play scales for her
For her I go to the doctor,
I study mathematics.

All the boys climbed into the river,
I was alone on the beach
For her after illness
Didn't even swim in the river.

For her I wash my hands
Eating some carrots...
Only now we are apart,
Mom in Pryluky
Fifth day on a business trip.

And tonight all evening
There is nothing for me to do!
And probably out of habit.
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.

(Agniya Barto)

The happiest

The sun came out
Glittering in the meadow.
I'm towards the sun
I run on the grass.
And white daisies
I vomit on the fly.
I will make a wreath
I'll weave the sun.

The day sparkles with joy
Beckons me into the distance
I need a rainbow
merrily ringing,
By the river under the willow
I hear the nightingale
The happiest
This morning I!

I collected in my hands
pure dew,
Rainbow and sun
I carry it in my hands!
And flowers over the river
Song and dawn -
Everything that I meet in the morning
I will give mom!

(K. Ibryaev)

Mom is a true friend

It's getting dark outside the window
And the evening yawned on the go.
I'm in a hurry from kindergarten,
I'm going to my beloved mother!
Mommy will smile
And brighter around
Because mommy
The best friend!
It was a happy and sad day
So many things happen during the day
And mommy really, really needs me
Quickly tell about everything.
My mother understands everything
It's not even a problem for her.
And if, it happens, he scolds me,
So this is always the case.
It was completely dark outside the window,
But we don't turn on the fire
Here mommy sat down quietly next to
And only listens to me!

(M. Sadovsky)

If I were a girl

If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste my time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I'd wash my shirts.
I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I'd peel the potatoes myself
All my own toys
I would put it in place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would have said:
"Well done, son!"

(E. Uspensky)

Who loves us dearly?

Who loves us dearly?
Mom mom.
Who wakes us up in the morning?
Mom mom.
Reads books to us
Mom mom.
Humming songs
Mom mom.
Who hugs us?
Mom mom.
Praise and caress
Mom mom.

(I. Arseev)

My mom

Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.
You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

(P. Sinyavsky)

About mommy

Who cherished my dolls
I sewed funny clothes,
Helped me cradle them
And played toys with me?
- My mommy!
Who gave me advice
When you fall and hurt
And wiped away my tears,
He said: "Don't cry, that's enough..."?
- My mommy!
Who read me fairy tales at night,
Leaning over me a little
(And I closed my eyes,
And I was so calm)?
- My mommy!
Who carried me to bed
Wishing you good night
He whispered to me softly, sweetly:
"Sleep soon, daughter!"?
- My mommy!
Who is the smartest in the world
Do not find her a better glory,
The kindest, the wisest?
- Well, of course, my mother!

(Larisa Kasimova)

colorful gift

I am a colorful gift
Decided to give it to my mom.
I tried to draw
Four pencils.
But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, behind the red immediately
Purple broke
And then the blue broke
And orange broke ...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!

(P. Sinyavsky)

On March 8, little son
I embroidered a handkerchief for my beloved mother,
He embroidered, worked, pricked his palm,
But by March 8, I embroidered a little!

This is the gift he holds in his hand,
A white dove is embroidered on a scarf!
The guests were surprised, mother has no daughters,
Who embroidered her handkerchief so beautifully?

Women's Day

Mother's Day is coming
Women's Day is coming!
I know that my mother loves roses very much,

poppies and lilacs!
But there are no lilacs in March,

roses and poppies can not get ...
But you can on a piece of paper

draw all the flowers!
I pin this picture

I'm at my mother's table.
In the morning I will hug and kiss my dear mother

And Happy Women's Day!

I am my beloved mother

I am my beloved mother
I will give gifts:
I will embroider a handkerchief for her.
Like a living flower!
I'll clean the apartment -
And there will be no dust anywhere.
Delicious bake a pie
With apple jam...
Only mom on the threshold -
Here and congratulations!
You are my mommy
I congratulate you:
With this holiday
Happy spring
With the first flowers
And a good daughter.

I love mom

Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.

I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

(L. Davydova)

Mom's smile

There is nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
Like the sun shines,
Darkness will dispel unsteady!

Like a twinkle,
Gold fish -
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!

(T. Shorygina)

without mom

Carousel in our house:
Kissel flows in a stream,
Plates on the table
They jump like squirrels.

Masha is looking for a cat,
The cat is looking for a bowl
Misha is looking for dad
Dad is looking for a hat.

And no one finds anything!
Misha whimpers,
Masha is crying
The cat is sick of the white light! ..
What does that mean guys?

It means that mom is not at home!

Here is mom. Finally!
Everything falls into place.

(E. Serova)

On a winter evening

Twirled, twirled
And you can't see the road.
Will mom get lost?
I'll go meet her.

I'm getting dressed, I'm going
Coat, mittens, scarf...
And while I was going -
Mom is on the doorstep!


Sitting thinking
Day and night,
Who is this?
Dear mother.

Always ready
help everyone,
Who is this?
Dear mother.

Rising above all
In its simplicity
Who is this?
Dear mother.

Calm down
In any fuss
Sweet, sweet mother.

simple word

In the world
kind words
Lives a lot
But all the best
And more tender one:
Of two syllables
A simple word "ma-ma"
And there are no words
Kinder than it!

Love mothers alive
As long as you can hug them
They don't need much in this world
They are very easy to lose.
And they will not replace mother's hands,
Neither husband nor faithful girlfriends,
Neither money nor the love of children

2. Lullaby for mom

Mom worked for a long time:
All things, things, things...
Mom is so tired for the day
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand by.
Let her sleep a little -
I will sing a song to her.
I will be closer to my mother
I love her very much!
It's a pity that he can't hear
Mom my song.
There is no better song.
Maybe sing louder to me
To mom this song
Was it heard in a dream? ..
(I. Chernetskaya)

3. Mothers have sacred rights...

Mothers have sacred rights:
Execute and pardon
Hope and cry.
And your lot
Having barely acquired
Carry through joy
And slush.

Mothers have one responsibility:
Forgetting yourself
Spread in worries.
Both flesh and soul
Laying out to the bottom
Soul and flesh
To repeat in someone.

And ask for nothing in return!
Only sacrificial
Hope and believe
Loving with such love without change,
What by earthly standards
do not measure.

Mothers and aspirations alone:
Life is running out
Stand up for life.
And in some way it's akin
They are great
Mother Nature.

And let for everything
She will be rewarded generously!
Collected in a bouquet
Love and revelation
Come children
To my mother
And stand in front of her
On knees.
(V. Romanchin)

4. Don't hurt mothers

Don't hurt mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.
Before parting at the door
Say goodbye to them gently.

And go around the corner
Don't rush, don't rush
And to her, standing at the gate,
Wave as long as you can.

Mothers sigh in silence
In the silence of the nights, in the silence of the disturbing.
For them, we are forever babies,
And it's impossible to argue with that.

So be a little kinder
Do not be annoyed by their guardianship,
Don't hurt mothers.
Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer separation
And we are on an endless road
Without maternal good hands -
Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them soon
And don't be shy about high words
Don't hurt mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.
(V. Gin)

5. Mother

Here is the fate! beg, give birth,
Nurture, feed yourself -
And protect this son
Native country from robbery.
Yes! And give birth, and protect,
And get up to the victorious feast!
And then walk for a whole century
With one unshed pain.
(V. Korzhikov)

6. The happiest

The sun came out
Glittering in the meadow.
I'm towards the sun
I run on the grass.
And white daisies
I vomit on the fly.
I will make a wreath
I'll weave the sun.
The day sparkles with joy
Beckons me into the distance
I need a rainbow
merrily ringing,
By the river under the willow
I hear the nightingale
The happiest
This morning I!
I collected in my hands
pure dew,
Rainbow and sun
I carry it in my hands!
And flowers over the river
Song and dawn -
Everything that I meet in the morning
I will give mom!
(K. Ibryaev)

7. Who opened this world to me

Who opened this world to me
Not sparing your strength?
And always protected?
The best MOM in the world.

Who is the cutest in the world
And warm with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?
This is my MOM.

Reading books in the evening
And always understands everything
Even if I'm stubborn
I know my mom loves me.

Never get discouraged
He knows exactly what I need.
If, suddenly, a drama happens,
Who will support? My mom.

I walk the path
But my legs are tired.
jump over the hole
Who will help? I know - MOM.
(Olga Chusovitina)

8. From the cycle "In memory of the mother"

We say goodbye to mothers
Long before the deadline -
Even in our early youth,
Still at the native threshold,

When we need handkerchiefs, socks
Good hands will lay them down,
And we, fearing a delay,
We are rushing to the appointed separation.

Separation is even more unconditional
For them it comes later
When we are at the behest of our sons
We hasten to notify them by mail.

And sending them cards
Some unknown girls
From a generous soul we allow
To love their daughters-in-law in absentia.

And there - behind the daughters-in-law - grandchildren.
And suddenly the telegram will call
For the very last parting
That old grandmother mother.
(A. Tvardovsky)

9. Mom

Every year we grow up
Everything changes around
Only mom is not nicer
Children of any age.

Those moments that you are near
So easy and so light...
For children there is no better treasure -
It's mother's warmth.

Your word warms my heart
Not afraid of hail or thunder...
Only mom is not kinder
Children of any age.

We love you dear
You are very dear to us.
Frozen with excitement
Poetic line.

You are always ready to help
We're nowhere without you...
Mom, mommy is healthy
Be for many years!
(V. Sibirtsev)

10. Give love to moms every hour

Give love to mothers every hour
In the sublunar world, fragile and beautiful,
Where deep are the transparent skies,
Her warmth prolongs their life.
Give them care and participation
At any time - not only in the spring,
Do not tear their hearts to pieces with longing -
In mothers, they are doubly sensitive.

We are all in the thrall of the pursuit of luck.
And, only when the thunder strikes in the back,
We, stumbling, falling and crying,
We hasten to confess to a forgotten house.
Write to moms, come to moms,
Give mothers flowers all year round,
Thank them day by day for everything -
They are for us, like angels, holy.

Until the grave hill hid their eyes,
They worry about us
And they pray to God that he, the almighty,
Saved their relatives from troubles and grief.
Do not be indifferent to their prayers,
Wherever the fate of the train would take you.
Give love to mothers every hour -
They are the beginning of all beginnings for us.
(Z. Baeva)

11. The sun is dear!

Mommy! You are the sunshine,
For me - a field flower.
You live, dear, for a long, long time:
It's hard to be alone in this world!

You knit mittens for me
Warming with a tender soul,
Dear, good, dear,
I know you can't be different.

Moms relatives of the whole planet,
We only wish you well.
Let all the children kneel
Asking for forgiveness forever.
(O. Tsivash)

12. Mom

Warm eyes of your tender joy
Gives me both hope and faith!
Your hands in heat or cold
They will blow with a light breeze ... they will warm you.

You reassure with your smile
And in moments of doubt you will support
Every time with your magic word
And encourage me and console me!

The most devoted friend and reliable,
You inspire confidence in the heart,
With his wisdom, tender faith
You lead me and inspire me!

13. Three mothers

Tanyusha came from a walk in the evening
And the doll asked:
How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
It's just trouble with these daughters,
Come to dinner, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Tanya's mother came home from work
And Tanya asked:
How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden,
Managed to forget about food again?
Lunch! Grandma screamed a hundred times
And you answered:
Now! Yes now!
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Come to dinner, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Here grandmother, mother's mother, came
And she asked her mother:
How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again, I didn’t find food for a minute,
And in the evening I put it in my mouth
Dry sandwich?
You can't sit all day without eating!
She has become a doctor, but everything is a fidget!
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Come to dinner, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with daughters stubborn?
Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!
(E. Serova)

14. Mom's prayer

Meekly lit up the room lampada;
The mother stood over the cradle, bending over.
And in the garden an angry storm howled,
Above the window dark shaking trees.

The rain was noisy, thunder was heard;
And it seemed to thunder over the roof of the house.
The mother looked tenderly at the little son,
Shaking the cradle, quietly sang a song:

“Oh, calm down, you storm; don't make noise, eat!
My baby sleeps quietly in the cradle!
You, the storm of the Lord, do not wake the child!
Sweep away, black clouds to the side.

Sleep, child, calmly ... Here the storm subsides,
Mother's prayer protects your sleep.
Tomorrow, when you wake up and open your eyes,
Again you will meet the sun, and love, and affection.
(A. Pleshcheev)


15. Mom's profession

Warm things quickly and quietly
Sewing for the kids mother-dressmaker.

Milking a cow early in the morning
In a clean paddock, mom is a milkmaid.

Sick teeth without any injections
Mom will cure - a dentist.

There are a lot of activities in kindergarten.
Mom is a nanny and teacher there.

The school has less work. See:
The mother-teacher puts marks.

From the root will not get tired of growing
Miracle plant mom botanist.

Writes articles and notes for newspapers
Mom is a writer and journalist.

Delicious sausages got from the window
Mom, she is a store clerk.

Hurry up to eat buns and buns!
They were baked for us by our pastry chef.

Jumping out of an airplane at risk
Courageous skydiver mother.
(Nastya Kindness)

16. The most expensive

There are no more words in the world!
Whichever path you follow,
Mom's love shines over her,
To help you in difficult times.

Mom illuminates with a tender heart
Days, roads and your deeds.
Justify your mother's hopes -
Do good every day!
(A. Kostecki)

17. Mother's hands

These hands, easy to work with,
Mother's hands in your destiny
Swift-winged in every care,
Sparkling in any work.

Children of the world!
Infinity life
Driven by the courage of mothers.
The sun's ray in the spring splashes brighter,
Mother's heart is the spring light of rays.

No matter how long we live in the world,
No matter how many roads are measured,
Father's house on the way always shines for us
And calls to his native threshold.

Sunbeam, heat, spring of immortality
In a single name, in the word Mother.
With every generation, believe me
We are better able to understand this.
(L. Irsetskaya)

18. Separation

Everything I do for my mother:
I play scales for her
For her I go to the doctor,
I study mathematics.
All the boys climbed into the river,
I was alone on the beach
For her after illness
Didn't even swim in the river.
For her I wash my hands
Eating some carrots...
Only now we are apart,
Mom in Pryluky
Fifth day on a business trip.
And tonight all evening
There is nothing for me to do!
And probably out of habit.
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.
(Agniya Barto)

19. Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:
I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

20. About the faith of our mothers...

About the faith of our mothers,
Forever not knowing the measure,
Holy trembling faith
in us
Growing children.
Her, like a light in a birch forest,
Will not corrode anything in the world:
Not a single one in the diary
No angry complaints from neighbors.
Mothers are such a people -
Take a breath
We are dead with a long look:
“Let them get carried away. It will pass." -
And again they believe, they believe, they believe.
So only mothers believe
Exactly and patiently.
And - they are not noisy - they
They don't consider it a miracle.
And just nothing of the year
Their faith, quivering and tender;
That's just us
Not always
We justify
Their hopes.
(V. Korotaev)

21. Mom is a true friend

It's getting dark outside the window
And the evening yawned on the go.
I'm in a hurry from kindergarten,
I'm going to my beloved mother!
Mommy will smile
And brighter around
Because mommy
The best friend!
It was a happy and sad day
So many things happen during the day
And mommy really, really needs me
Quickly tell about everything.
My mother understands everything
It's not even a problem for her.
And if, it happens, he scolds me,
So this is always the case.
It was completely dark outside the window,
But we don't turn on the fire
Here mommy sat down quietly next to
And only listens to me!
(Mikhail Sadovsky)

22. What a mother!

Mom sang a song
Dressed my daughter
White shirt.

White shirt -
Thin line.
Mom sang a song
Shoe my daughter
Fastened with an elastic band
For every stocking.

Light stockings
On my daughter's feet.

Mom sang a song
Mom dressed the girl
Red dress with polka dots
New shoes on legs...

That's how mom did it.
Dressed up my daughter for May.
That's what mom -
Golden right!
(Elena Blaginina)


23. Mom, why?

- Why on your head
Is one hair whiter than the other?
- From worries, love and anxiety:
You are the only one with me, son.

“But grandma is whiter than you.
Does my grandmother love me more?
She just has more kids
So the grandmother became whiter.

- Well, my aunt is even whiter.
But the aunt has no children at all?
- Yes, son, she is even whiter:
She spends her life all alone.
(G. Vieru)

24. Take care of mothers!

Everyone stand up and listen standing up
Preserved in all its glory
This word is ancient, holy!
Straighten up! Get up!..
Stand up everyone!
This word will never deceive,
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
He has no end.
Get up! I pronounce it:
- Mother!
(R. Gamzatov)

25. Mom is loved by everyone in the world

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend.
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.
If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mommy comes to the rescue
Will always help out.
Mom a lot of strength, health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

26. To my mother

How can I tell you, dear,
What do you mean to me
I can't think without you
Not a moment, not a day...
You are at work, you are in creation,
You are in study and aspiration.
You create, cook, serve,
You cherish and dove
You sew, you erase, you write, you wash
You cannot live otherwise.
I love you like this
You will leave - I yearn,
You will leave - I expect.
Because I know you differently
Sweet, affectionate, tired,
Knowing the pain and sorrows.

Everything happens in life:
Someone doesn't understand us
Someone might judge
Envy, forget...
But against the odds
Together we! And this is happiness!

Mother! How I love you!
(M. Tolmacheva)

27. About mommy

Who cherished my dolls
I sewed funny clothes,
Helped me cradle them
And played toys with me?
- My mommy!
Who gave me advice
When you fall and hurt
And wiped away my tears,
He said: "Don't cry, that's enough..."?
- My mommy!
Who read me fairy tales at night,
Leaning over me a little
(And I closed my eyes,
And I was so calm)?
- My mommy!
Who carried me to bed
Wishing you good night
He whispered to me softly, sweetly:
"Sleep soon, daughter!"?
- My mommy!
Who is the smartest in the world
Do not find her a better glory,
The kindest, the wisest?
- Well, of course, my mother!
(Larisa Kasimova)

28. Mom

I traveled half of Russia.
Took me away from home...
Mother! I'm not the best son.
Forgive me for this, mom!
I got to experience a lot.
For a long time, pain pierced through the heart ...
To dispel my anger,
Mom, you are the only power!
I can go crazy with pain.
It's so ridiculously mixed up!
And no one wants to regret.
Mom, you're the only pity!
Ringing with loud timpani,
Or just tinkling weakly,
No matter how life glorifies me,
Mom, you are the only glory!
Will love be in my destiny
Or the saddest story
If I forget about you
Mom, you are the only conscience!
Life is in a hurry in a dream and in reality.
Everything gets faster.
But as long as I live in the world,
Mom, you are the only eternity!
(Yu. Belinsky)

29. We often disturb our mother over trifles ...

We often mother
We worry about trifles:
Sometimes you spend the night with a friend,
And the mother does not sleep
And thinks maybe
What happened to his son.
She is not sleeping.
Minutes feel like an eternity
Pass in front of her like a question.
Mother will cry
And she seems to feel better...

What if she doesn't have enough tears?
(V. Firsov)


30. Mom caresses

Mom caresses
Mom will cheer.
If it breaks
It will always forgive.

With her I'm not afraid
No villain!
There is no better and better
My mothers.

31. And the mother's heart ...

And a mother's heart is one
Cries and sobs with you,
And we are not given that understanding,
How mothers sometimes suffer for us;

And a mother's heart is the only answer
To all questions, the mysteries of all life,
And do not forget us that wise advice,
What did the mother give in the Motherland-Fatherland;

And the mother's heart, when you are far away, -
It is like a compass correct and accurate,
And you walk briskly, lightly -
It will show your immaculate path;

And the mother's heart keeps from all sorrows,
It always goes with you and is indivisible,
Watch it carelessly, don't break it
It is forever one, unique;

And a mother's heart is the most honest of all,
It always wishes us good luck
With his love, success awaits in everything,
Hurry to comfort when mom is crying;

But sometimes you will pass with a chill,
You don't notice the pain in your heart at all.
Remember: a mother's heart is one,
You are responsible for him before God!
(Yu. Belinsky)

32. Mom

In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nAna",
And in Avrian - affectionately "baba".
From a thousand words of earth and ocean
This one has a special destiny.

Becoming the first word of the year, our lullaby,
It sometimes entered the smoky circle
And on the lips of a soldier at the hour of death
The last call was suddenly.

Shadows do not fall on this word,
And in silence, probably because
Words are different, kneeling,
They want to confess to him.

A spring, having rendered a service to a jug,
This word babbles because
What remembers the mountain peak -
She passed for his mother.

And the lightning will cut through the cloud again
And I will hear, following the rain,
Like, soaking into the ground, this word
Calling raindrops.

I will secretly sigh, grieving about something,
And, hiding a tear in the clear light of day:
"Don't worry," I tell my mother,
Everything is fine, my dear, with me."

Worries about her son all the time
Holy love is a great slave.
In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nAna"
And in Avar - affectionately "baba".
(R. Gamzatov)

33. Sly mother

Saying goodbye to tomorrow
with kindergarten,
a daughter walks with her mother next to her.
But here it ached along the way:
I'm tired of walking...

Why walk? -
mother said.-
Try to jump as a rabbit.
Like this.
Come on again!
Hey bunny!

Now try to show me
like mincing a hedgehog to the hole ...
Now - how the puppy runs.
Headlong, without feeling your feet!

How does a cat sneak after a chick?
Inaudibly, insinuatingly, watchfully...
How does a big elephant walk?
The walls are shaking!
And how is the squirrel? ..
But wait!
Here we are at home!
(Sergey Pogorelovskiy)

34. I offended my mother

I offended my mother
Now never ever
Let's not leave the house together
We don't go anywhere with her.

She won't wave out the window
And I won't wave to her
she won't say anything
And I won't tell her...

I'll take the bag by the shoulders
I will find a piece of bread
I'll find a stronger stick
I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!

I will follow the trail
I will look for ore
And across the stormy river
I'm going to build bridges!

And I will be the chief
And I'll be with a beard
And I will always be sad
And so silent...

And then there will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass
And here's a jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday
That plane is coming
And mom will come out of there,
And my mother will forgive me.
(Emma Moszkowska)

35. From whom do we learn kindness?

Who do we learn from
At smoky blueberries
On the bush
At the starling flying
With a worm
By the meadows, combed
At the ears ripening
On the fields,
By the rain that has come
In the clouds,
At the jester who gives
People laugh
And the gentle sun
For all,
At the big nods
Us elephants
And at daddy's song,
What is without words
-Everything open
We are around
But first - at my mother's
Good hands.
(Mikhail Sadovsky)

36. Read to me, mom

When my mother reads a book to me,
Not at all what I read myself.
Although I know all the letters perfectly
And I have already read "Aibolit".
But if mom sits next to a book,
How interesting to listen to this book!
As if in the wheelhouse a brave captain,
Who is not afraid of evil pirates,
As times and there is I himself!
Or I go on patrol at the border,
Or in a rocket heading for the sun
And the fearless astronaut is me too.
I beg you, you read to me, mother.
Today I seem to become a bird
And save poor Thumbelina!
(Irina Tokmakova)

37. Talking letter

In polar evil latitudes
On a ship covered in ice
The pilots delivered the mail:
Envelope with a speaking letter.

In a cabin filled with noise
The tired lamp is on.
The navigator listens thoughtfully,
As the old mother says.

And, as if through the noise of bad weather
Hearing from your mothers
The team is crowding at the entrance,
And the boatswain crouched at the door.

And the ship is covered with snow,
Blizzards of revenge and revenge ...
Here the voice is silent, but they ask
Start the plate again.

And for a long time the sailors do not sleep,
Everyone looks into the running darkness.
And the youngest dreams
That mom comes to him.
(V. Korzhikov)

38. Mommy

Everything in our house smells like mom:
Poems written by her
And memorized scales,
Bell at the front door...
Mommy smells like yesterday
And my flight in a colorful dream
Mustachioed cat, like us, home,
And the cobweb on the wall...
And the line on my shirt...
Everything smells like my mom!
And even dad's tea in a cup ...
And the wonderful laughter of my friends ...
My pillow smells like mom
She smells like I'm not in vain,
And she smells, beloved herself,
Leaf in the soul of the calendar!
(N. Pilkina)

39. Write letters to mothers (can be replaced with "Call mothers more often")

Sing guitars marching strings
in the taiga, in the mountains, among the seas ...
Oh, how many of you are young today,
lives away from mothers!

You are forever, young, on the road -
then declare there, then here ...
And your mothers are worried
Everyone is waiting and waiting for news from you.

They count days, weeks,
words dropping out of place ...
When mothers turn gray early -
not only age is to blame.

And therefore, serving as a soldier
or wandering the seas
anyway guys
write letters to mothers!
(N. Starshinov)

40. Kind heart

I once brought a puppy into the house,
homeless tramp,
To feed him a little
Hungry poor man.
- Well, - said my mother, - let
He will live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There is a spoon of soup ...
I found in the yard later
A little bit alive kitten
I also brought it to the house,
Mom said again:
“Well, then,” she said, “let
He will live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There is a spoon of porridge ...
I found a chick under the nest
Crows hovered over him
I hid in a tomboy's hat,
We came home with him.
- Well, well, - said my mother, - let
He will live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There is a crumb of bread ...
Once I brought a hedgehog
snake and turtle
And the hare ran into our door,
Probably out of fear.
Mom said: - Let them live
The apartment is so wonderful
If you make room, here
And we have a place!
(Mikhail Sadovsky)

41. Mom

Mom's dresses are innumerable.
There is blue and there is green
There is blue with large flowers -
In this she goes to the factory,
In this he goes to the theater and visits,
Sitting in this, busy drawing...
Each serves its mother in its own way.
Thrown carelessly on the headboard
Old, shabby mother's dressing gown.
I serve it carefully to my mother,
And why - guess for yourself:
If you put on a colored robe,
So, the whole evening will stay with me.
(Galina Demykina)

42. Talk about mom

From the heart,
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom.

We love her
Like a good friend
For what we have
All together with her

For what, when
We're having a hard time
We can cry
At the native shoulder.

We love her for
What sometimes
Are getting stricter
Wrinkled eyes.

But it is worth confessing
Come head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass.

For what is always
Without concealment and directly
We can trust
She has her heart.

And just for
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her.
(N. Sakonskaya)

43. Terrible Mom

I want to get on the roof.
But what do I, citizens, hear?
- Get down! Where? Oh oh oh! Ah ah ah!
Trouble will happen! Well, get down quickly!
I want to swim far, far away
Where it is scary, dangerous and so deep!
But again I follow:
- Oh oh oh! Ah ah ah!
There isn't even a bottom! Come out! Get out!
I want to start a real fire.
But I hear boring:
- Do not touch the matches! Complete disorder!
The obnoxious mother is terribly stubborn in her anxiety!
I'll show everyone! I'll prove it to her!
I'm just going to lie down, I'll lie down...
The lifeguards in the boat caught me.
A bubble from fire hurts on the palm,
And it didn’t work out with a roof - his head was in bandages.
So mom, guys, is it right???
(Irina Gurina)

44. Tell me, where did I come from?

Tell me where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
- The stork brought you to us.

And my grandmother told me:
- They found you in the cabbage.
And uncle joked: - From the station
They brought you in a basket.

I know it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just don't know the answer
Where did my mother take me?

My sister grumbled at me:
- You turned everyone's head.
And I started from the beginning:
- Where did I live before my mother?

Nobody is a secret from adults
I couldn't explain it to me.
Only my mother answered simply:


45. How many songs and poems

How many songs and poems
Dedicated to my mother.
I don't need other people's words
For the one you love.

me for my mom
I won't look for them
They are all in my soul
I love my mother so much.

46. ​​In memory of mother

We leave home for a long time
We are no longer held by the mother.
But as before, on sleepless nights,
Patiently she will wait.
For a long time it will still seem to her
The tramp of our children's feet in silence.
After all, for the mother we are still children,
For her, we are always babies.
(1976, Suslov S.N.)

I present to you a specially selected selection of short poems about mom for kids.

Kids love to learn poetry, and learning a poem about mom is especially great.

All in mom!

With beloved mother

There are two dimples on the cheeks.

I have them too

I look like mommy.

How she smiles

How do I dress.

curls curl

Like mom. We are twins!


Many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mommy!

* * *********************


ruddy apple

I won't have one

half an apple

Give to my beloved mother.

(E. Stekvashova)



I'll sleep next to my mother

I will stick my eyelashes to her.

You eyelashes, don't blink,

Don't wake up your mom.

(G. Vieru)


When I'm around town

I go with my mother

Mom's hand

I'm holding on tight

Go and be afraid

What can she

Get lost?


I take care of my mother's work,

I help in any way I can.

Today mom for lunch

Cooked cutlets

And she said: "Listen,

Vyrychi, eat!”

I ate a little

Isn't it help?


Mom's portrait

I'll wipe the glass and the frame

Because in the frame is mom.

I'll wipe the frame clean:

I really love my mom!

(G. Vieru)


My mom is a teacher

- Why are you so stubborn?

Do you not listen to my mother?

I used to listen to my mother

I am her son and student!

(G. Vieru)


Only mother is alone in the world

How many stars in a clear sky!

How many spikelets in the fields!

How many songs the bird has!

How many leaves on the branches!

There is only one sun in the world.

Only mother is alone in the world.


Short poems about mom for kids


Mother! I love you so much

I don't know right!

I am a big ship

Give the name "Mom".


I am my mother's daughter

My name is Nastya.

Mom told me

That I am her happiness!


On mommy's cheeks

Two magical dimples

And when she laughs

Laughter so radiant pours,

Mom my sunshine

I am her sunflower.



You are the most beautiful,

You are the best.

To the gentle sun

And looks like the moon.

I give you a smile

I give a big flower:

I want you to flutter

Always like a moth.


I hope you enjoyed our short poems about mom.