Dynamics by day. What happens after ovulation? Dynamics by days Checklist of early recognition of pregnancy

On April 21, 2010, my happiest cycle began! The most beautiful, the most pregnant and the most amazing! On this day a year ago, a cozy place in my tummy for my baby began to prepare. It was then that such a small egg cell began to emerge, which had such a long, interesting and difficult path of 9 months, from a tiny cell to my dearest and beloved daughter!

In that cycle, for the first time in my life, I dreamed of fish (on DC 7 and 8 (cycle day)), and also striped tests for the first time, and all of mine (on DC 14).

Then I redid a bunch of tests for O (ovulation), but not one showed it (and this happens).

And just before ovulation, I spoke with a psychic on the phone, and she told me that I would definitely become pregnant within a year and I would have a girl. These are the miracles. She also said that 1 ovary was inflamed (but now it already seems to me that she confused the inflammation with the fact that it was simply enlarged, since O was about to happen). But then my trips to ultrasound and gynecologists began with these words, since the right ovary really ached ...

I went to the first G (gynecologist) at 21 DC (3 DPO (day after ovulation) and was shocked by her words. The gynecologist looked at the ultrasound and said that I might be pregnant! She showed me a spot in the uterus, which, according to her, looks like to a developing new life. Miracles!!! She said to do a pregnancy test tomorrow morning. I did, it was crystal clear ... I still don’t understand what and how G saw then in the uterus ... But she really was right! I wanted to believe her , but after the test, hope was gone ...

And on DC 23 (5 DPO) I went to another uzist. The diagnosis was as follows: chronic inflammation of both ovaries, now the right one is inflamed (size 30 x 19) and it is cystic, there is nothing in the uterus, it is normal. Something like this. After this ultrasound, I began to treat the ovary with homeopathy and signed up for another ultrasound (vaginal probe) and my sister advised me to go to her gynecologist.

At DC 25 (7 DPO), the ultrasound result was as follows:

G said everything was fine. And on the chair, she looked at me, said that there are genital warts on the small lips, it is necessary to remove (how many went to gynecologists, no one said anything like that). I took swabs. The next day, on toilet paper, I found a bunch of egg white with a bit of blood. Then I thought it was because of the swab. And now I think it was implantation (at 8 DPO).

27 DC (9 DPO). Here is what I wrote that day: The PU (right ovary) still hurts, it had O, and according to the ultrasound there is a corpus luteum 12 mm (at 25 DC). Stitching influxes, like waves with a frequency of 5 minutes, and such a stabbing pain lasts about 10 - 15 seconds, then subsides, and again after 5 minutes. And it's been about 10 days now. The nipples also hurt a lot if you touch them (this has been going on since ovulation itself). This has never happened before, NEVER. I go to G, who was advised by my sister. Outcome: Everything is fine. The uterus is preparing for menstruation (eh ...). She said that my appendix was tingling, but I could live with it.

In short, I realized that everything is fine, there is no inflammation, we are waiting for the month.

31 DC. The day before the expected months. In the evening he began to ache in his stomach, began to pull his lower back. And I'm already prepared to meet the Monks.

(DAY X). 32 DC, 14 DPO. The day of the expected period. I measure BBT (basal temperature) already on autopilot. I look at the thermometer, and there 37.1. I freaked out, usually on this day the temperature drops. And then such a tiny hope crept in, “What if?”. And I ran headlong to the toilet to do a test for B (pregnancy).

As I remember now: I peed in a coffee cup, opened the test, put it in, waited, put it down, and went nuts. The strip appeared immediately! I was confused, I did not expect this, I also did 2 tests, and they also streaked right away. Emotions cannot be conveyed. My hands began to shake, tears welled up, I could not believe in such a miracle and that this was happening to me .... I woke up my husband (the time was 7 am, Saturday). I say "You will be a dad!". Showed tests. He hugged and kissed me!

All! World turned upside down! It has bright colors! Now we knew that there were three of us! That a new life was born inside of me! This is something inexplicable, magical, bewitching. To know that a little man lives and develops inside you!

With these two strips on the test came a feeling of happiness, care, anxiety and worry. Confusion and at the same time composure. There was a feeling that I was no longer alone, a very pleasant burden of responsibility appeared !!!

And that's it, a new life has begun, full of new things, emotions and impressions!!!

On the same day, I ran to take hCG (it turned out to be 167) !!! And on that day we agreed to go to nature. I could not resist and shared with a friend joy. And she showed me a method for determining the sex of a child (“pendulum”). He showed me the girl!!!

At 35 DC, hCG was 864, and progesterone was 24.88. Tests brightened:

At 6 weeks I decided to do an ultrasound, as I was very afraid of an ectopic.

At 7 weeks, severe toxicosis began. With this diagnosis, I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. They immediately did an ultrasound: the gallbladder and pancreas are inflamed, the threat of interruption (detachment of the fetal egg, 2 pieces of 1 cm each). And I was sausage on the couch in black, I didn’t think anything. But when the uzist turned on the sound to listen to the baby's heart, I was immediately released, and I burst into tears. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks under droppers for toxicosis and to maintain pregnancy. I prayed that everything would be fine with my baby! They did ultrasound there a few more times. At 57 DC: The term was set at 7 - 8 weeks, the heart is beating, the embryo is already 13 mm !!! At 65 DC: the deadline was set at 8-9 weeks. The fetal egg is 38 mm, the embryo is 21 mm. Discharged. But the toxin remained light, I felt sick from smells and if it was stuffy for up to 15-17 weeks (I don’t remember exactly).

Here she herself made an ultrasound according to the plan:

At 14 weeks I decided to take beautiful pictures of testicles, as a keepsake:

At 14 weeks I really felt the first tremors. This feeling is incomparable. And from 15 weeks I already felt them as if on schedule: in the morning, at lunchtime and at night. And from 17 weeks there was already a constant feeling of perturbations and kicks. It's a miracle!!!

At 16 weeks, she came to be registered at the place of residence. They measured me, wrote out papers for various tests. And when the doctor looked at me on the chair (she inserted the mirror very painfully, I had never been so hurt), she said that the threat showed blood on the gloves. Wrote a referral to the hospital. Although I think she scratched me there.

Went to the hospital. The doctor looked at me on the chair, said no threat, everything is fine, the discharge is good. I took a swab. Sent to ultrasound. Uzist looked and also said that everything is fine !!! The child is moving all the time. Presumably a girl! Uzi us 15 weeks and 3 days.

I was in the hospital for a week. The smear was of an inflammatory type (many leukocytes). They treated me, cleaned my liver and let me go home.

18 weeks. Kicking, tossing, climbing in the belly, we are very funny

Ridiculous manyunya, settled down on the right side

19 weeks. First wedding anniversary!

At 20 weeks, she was registered at the place of registration to a good G. I read good reviews about her on the Internet! She also made her first 3D ultrasound! They already said for sure that we have a girl!

21 weeks. Our daughter got a name!!! Marianna Alekseevna!!! My husband and I re-read the characteristics of all the names.

23 weeks.

31 weeks. My husband and I took birth preparation courses. Since they decided to give birth together a long time ago. (by the way, thanks to the courses, they really helped, I pushed correctly and gave birth quickly).

33 weeks. Phoned the doctor who decided to give birth. Then we met and talked. Cool aunt. Sent to ultrasound.

34 weeks. I was on ultrasound at the maternity hospital, they said that everything is fine, but my girl is thin. I went with this ultrasound to my district police officer G, she said that the weight of 2100 grams is too small for my term, and my placenta is already 1 - 2 degrees of maturity (she says it has become too early to ripen), lack of oxygen, iron, I have hemoglobin 108. She prescribed me iron preparations. She said EVERYTHING WILL BE GOOD!!!

35 weeks. I decided to arrange a photo session for myself, as something with a girlfriend could not be docked.

Manyunka has already become strong, she only hits like that. On the liver and ribs at a time.

37 weeks. Last ultrasound.

And this is how my daughter's house grew.

39 weeks. 01/21/2011. I went to the hospital for a checkup at 10 am. Disclosure of 2 fingers, polyhydramnios. I got home and started feeling contractions. at 16:45 came to give birth. We were born on 01/22/2011 at 00:50. Weight 3 kg, height 51 cm. Girl Marianna. She gave birth for attempts 4 - 5, but the contractions were terribly exhausted, it was very painful. But when this warm, blue, little lump was plopped on my tummy, then pain, fatigue ... everything disappeared somewhere, and a feeling of great happiness appeared !!! Many thanks to my husband, he helped as best he could, if it were not for him, then I probably would not have given birth ... I love him and our daughter !!!

So ended such a long and fascinating journey from a small cell to a little man. And a new, so unknown and interesting new life began in this vast world full of colorful colors, various sounds and voices, new faces and emotions!

My baby girl will be 1 year old soon! She is already a full-fledged person and a new person in our world! Very curious and funny girl!

Will an ovulation test show pregnancy? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.

Ovulation is the shortest period of the menstrual cycle, during which a mature egg is released from the ovary for fertilization. Ovulation is considered an important criterion for a woman's physiological cycle, since in its absence, a woman is infertile.

What will the test show on day 11 after ovulation? Let's find out further.

Signs of ovulation

The presence of a two-phase menstrual cycle with full ovulation is a special characteristic of health, since it indicates the normal functioning of the ovaries and the central link "hypothalamus - pituitary", which regulates this process. Irregular ovulation does not always mean serious functional or structural disorders.

It is impossible to accurately determine the onset of ovulation without certain tests and laboratory tests. Conventionally, ovulation is considered to be the middle of the menstrual cycle. However, if the cycle differs from the physiological norm in its duration, this phenomenon is shifted in time. The egg sometimes leaves the follicle a little earlier or later. For physicians, it is extremely important not so much the specific time of ovulation as the usefulness of the egg. Early ovulation with a correct two-phase cycle does not correlate with pathology. If it does not affect reproductive functions, it can also be taken as an individual norm for a particular woman. Just like early, late ovulation may not always be associated with certain dysfunctions. If the basis of the displacement of ovulation is a pathological process, for example, hormonal dysfunction or inflammation, this requires medical attention.

Ovulation in most cases is asymptomatic. However, since there is a sharp change in the balance of hormones during this period, with a particularly careful attitude to their symptoms, some women may notice indirect signs of the onset of ovulation. These include identical monthly subjective sensations and discharge from the genital tract, which appear approximately in the middle of the cycle, and occur in subsequent cycles. Women learn about pregnancy, as a rule, after about 3 years, when symptoms begin to appear that indicate this. If you are extremely careful, even before such a time you can notice indirect

On the 11th day after ovulation, the test will show successful fertilization? Let's figure it out.

The moment of fertilization

It should be noted right away that fertilization occurs only during the ovulatory period, which lasts only a day. If at this time the sperm does not reach the egg, it dies, and the woman will not be able to become pregnant until the next ovulation. Given this fact, when planning a pregnancy, it is imperative to plan all sexual contacts in order to increase the chance of conception.

If unprotected sexual intercourse occurred on the day of ovulation or 3 days before its onset, the likelihood of pregnancy increases several times. In the event that the organs that are responsible for childbearing are healthy and work correctly, within 8-12 hours after sexual intercourse, spermatozoa reach the egg. Such a meeting takes place in the fallopian tubes, and at this time the fusion will begin, as a result of which a zygote is formed, which subsequently turns into a blastocyst and moves towards the uterus and for introduction into its cavity. As soon as this happens, a woman may feel the first slight signs of pregnancy.

On what day after ovulation can pregnancy occur?

As for the question of when pregnancy can occur after ovulation, it is worth considering the day when sexual intercourse occurred. If sperm enter the uterus on the day the egg is released, pregnancy occurs 7-10 days after ovulation. If a little later, then the fact of pregnancy can be ascertained on the 11th day after ovulation. If sexual intercourse occurred earlier than ovulation, pregnancy will occur 4-5 days after the release of the egg. In this case, a woman will be able to determine the presence of pregnancy with an ordinary test purchased at a pharmacy, already at the end of the menstrual cycle.

But most often it is the 11th day after ovulation that is indicative. Although there are exceptions.

Possible symptoms of conception

For every fourth woman, the first sign of pregnancy is a disorder of digestive functions. As a rule, a similar symptom appears after the fertilized egg passes into the uterine cavity and the restructuring of the hormonal system begins in the female body.

Against this background, in the body for a certain time there is a slowdown in all processes, including those associated with the absorption of food. And since intestinal motility is significantly reduced, a woman may experience excessive gas formation. In addition, the development of intolerance to certain foods may be observed, which in most cases is accompanied by diarrhea and nausea. Sometimes the nature of the discharge on the 11th day after ovulation changes.

Usually, experts attribute all these manifestations to the symptoms of early toxicosis and advise for a while to stop taking products that have become poorly tolerated. As clinical practice shows, as soon as the embryo is no longer perceived by the body as something alien, all digestive problems disappear on their own, and the woman returns to her usual diet.

What else can be found on the 11th day after ovulation in case of pregnancy?

Feelings in the abdomen after conception

After fertilization, women usually do not feel any special symptoms. All the time while the zygote is being formed, the girl may not be aware of the pregnancy. However, after the embryo reaches the uterus and is fixed in it, the body begins to prepare for gestation and childbirth.

That is, only a test on the 11th day after ovulation can tell them about fertilization.

Many women already feel like they are pregnant. Almost immediately after the introduction of the embryo, they have a slight tingling in the abdomen, which in certain cases may be accompanied by a brown discharge, but this should be such a discharge that looks more like mucus than blood. If spotting occurs, this may indicate that the embryo could not gain a foothold and died, and the body begins to reject it. In addition, heaviness in the lower abdomen, not due to real causes, may occur, not accompanied by any other symptoms. It disappears in most cases immediately after the formation of the neural tube of the fetus begins.

Basal body temperature 11 days after ovulation

If a woman uses basal temperature measurements to determine ovulation, then you can find out about the delicate situation even before a special pregnancy test can determine it. To do this, you must carefully monitor the indicators that do not exceed 36 degrees before ovulation. However, after the release of the egg from the corpus luteum, the temperature begins to rise to 37 degrees. In cases where conception did not occur after ovulation, it again drops to 36 degrees and remains within these limits until the next ovulation process. If pregnancy does occur, the basal temperature will remain at 37 degrees 10-11 days after ovulation.

HCG level after conception

During pregnancy, the synthesis of special substances begins, including the hCG hormone. It is produced by the tissues of the nascent embryo and reflects the normal course of the pregnancy process. supports the growth of the fetus, and the first "notifies" the woman of her special condition. A pregnancy test is based on determining the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine of a pregnant woman. The hormone is produced by the membranes of the fetus, therefore, in the absence of pregnancy, it cannot be detected. It appears in the body immediately after the start of fertilization, it is possible to determine hCG on the 11th day after ovulation, that is, only after the egg meets the sperm and begins to divide.

As clinical practice shows, the maximum levels of this hormone are observed at the 10th week of pregnancy, after which a slow decrease in the concentration of this hormone begins. It should be borne in mind that in the first weeks after the onset of conception, the level of hCG may be minimal. This usually happens as the embryo attaches to the uterus. So the body creates the most positive conditions for this process to go well and quickly. After the embryo is fixed, the hCG level will begin to rise rapidly.

On the 11th day after ovulation and possible fertilization, a woman can already conduct a pregnancy test, since at this time the hCG level is already optimal for the test to show a positive result in case of pregnancy.

What other symptoms can implantation on the 11th day after ovulation provoke?

sore chest

Immediately after conception, intense hormonal changes take place, as a result of which the body of the future mother begins to prepare for the birth of a child and breastfeeding. It is hormones that are the reason that the mammary glands of a woman begin to hurt. In particular, this is influenced by the hCG hormone, which triggers the processes of stimulating their growth. Immediately after the embryo begins to develop, hCG provokes an increase in the reproduction of glandular cells. For this reason, the cells of the glandular epithelium begin to put pressure on the nerve endings, and as a result, the woman experiences unpleasant pain in the chest. Some, in addition to pain, sometimes experience itching, tingling and a slight burning sensation.

Psychological changes after conception

The initial period of pregnancy development is a serious stress for the female body. The main reason for such negative consequences is considered to be hormonal chaos, which is observed immediately after fertilization. This uncontrollable hormonal storm greatly affects the state of the nervous system of the expectant mother. As a result, a woman can become very irritable, nervous and whiny. Her mood changes in a matter of seconds, she can laugh and cry at the same time or fall into apathy for no reason. In addition, sleep disturbances may occur in the first weeks. At the same time, women feel pathological, inexplicable by real factors, daytime fatigue, however, at night they may experience cheerfulness.

Such problems, as a rule, do not accompany women throughout the entire process of pregnancy. After the tenth week, the placenta begins to intensively produce hormones that normalize its condition and sleep.

Sometimes it happens that on the 11th day after ovulation, the test is negative, although pregnancy has occurred.

Symptoms of conception in the first week

According to medical experts, it is a period that shows whether the embryo will be able to gain a foothold in the uterus or not. After the meeting of the egg with the sperm, at least 7 days must pass before a viable embryo appears in the female body. During this period, the female body is preparing to secure the embryo, and the first indirect symptoms of pregnancy can already be observed. A woman may experience slight bleeding, which is accompanied by mild pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, spotting occurs during the period when intensive renewal of the epithelium in the uterus begins.

Such discharge may occur after another couple of days, however, in this case, the implantation of the embryo becomes their cause. You should not be afraid of such symptoms, but you need to be vigilant about them. If they begin to intensify, you need to urgently see a doctor. It is likely that some kind of failure occurred in the body and the woman begins a spontaneous miscarriage.

Signs of pregnancy on the 11th day after ovulation are pronounced.

Manifestations of conception in the second week on days 8-11

Throughout the second week after the onset of fertilization of the cell, the embryo intensively divides and its size increases. Such processes are almost imperceptible for a woman. However, approximately on the 11th day after ovulation and conception, her body begins intensive preparation for childbirth, and against this background, the first signs of toxicosis may develop.

There are several theories for the development of toxicosis. The most substantiated among them is the neuro-reflex, according to which, in the subcortical structures, where the majority of protective reflexes are formed, activation of vital processes begins to occur during pregnancy. The brain contains the vomiting center and olfactory control zones, which are involved in the control of internal organs, in particular the heart, stomach, salivary glands, and lungs. Hence the increased heart rate, excessive salivation, digestive symptoms in pregnant women. However, whatever the mechanism for the occurrence of toxicosis may be, the woman's body behaves in such a way as to endure and preserve the embryo. With manifestations of early toxicosis, which occurs, as a rule, in a mild form, vomiting occurs no more than 5 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to supply the body with a sufficient volume of fluid. If attacks occur more than 12 times a day, one can judge the development of severe forms of toxicosis.

Another characteristic symptom of the second week of pregnancy is vaginal discharge. If during the period of ovulation they are more like egg white, then after fertilization they become absolutely transparent. Odorless and colorless mucus indicates that everything is fine with the woman's body and the pregnancy is proceeding correctly. If 8-11 days after ovulation, yellow or green discharge was a sign of conception, then this is a reason to be wary, since mucus of a similar shade indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.

Symptoms in the third and fourth weeks

So, on the 11th day after ovulation, the test will show pregnancy? Yes, it will show.

The third week after ovulation and presumptive fertilization (from 11 to 21 days after ovulation) in gynecology is usually called a completed pregnancy.

This means that the embryo has successfully taken root in the uterine cavity and the process of its development is in full swing. It is during this period that its internal organs begin to form, and three protective covers are formed around the fetal egg, which will later become the bone, circulatory and nervous system.

Against the background of such processes, a woman is increasingly beginning to feel the signs of pregnancy. Approximately in the fourth week after the onset of ovulation and conception, drowsiness and pronounced mood swings appear. In addition, women often develop soreness of the mammary glands and the formation of Montgomery tubercles begins.

We examined the signs of pregnancy on the 11th day after ovulation.

Today is already the 12th or 13th DPO ("The Day After Ovulation" - I throw in professional terms).
This is the longest 2 weeks of my life! Never before have the days gone by so slowly.

Periods are expected on Monday. To come or not to come, that is the question.

I have always trusted my intuition. She tells me that everything worked out. But the Mind reminds me of how we ovulated, and I forcefully convince myself that nothing happened. Otherwise, it will be incredibly difficult to experience failure.

But I keep a Calendar of sensations, and I want to publish it here - maybe it will help someone in the future. If everything worked out - this Calendar will tell you ahead of time, which you did too. If you fail - this Calendar will show all the futility of tracking the smallest "farts" of the body, and you will be less nervous.


1-2 DPO (on the way from Helsinki to St. Petersburg): unusual tingling in the sacrum, a sudden runny nose for an hour and a half
On the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow: on the train at night I woke up from strange sensations in the lower abdomen, something like butterflies in my stomach or tickling. I could not sleep, very unusual sensations. Maybe it's just nervous anticipation.
2-3 DPO: the next night again couldn't sleep properly, again this strange incessant tickling in the stomach. I figured it was nerves. I read on the Internet that it's too early for any sensations, I feel like an idiot.
3-4 DPO: Thursday all day this nervous tickling in my stomach, I can't work properly. I found on the Internet that in some women with hypersensitivity, the body thus signals that fertilization has occurred. All in hope.
4-5 DPO: coughing started at night, temperature 37 in the evening, sensations of numbness of the hands. Shootings in the small of the back, reddish stools. I read on the Internet that just from 4 to 7 DPO, the fetal egg attaches to the uterus, and very often the body specifically blocks the immune system so that the uterus does not reject the egg. I was terribly happy about my temperature - it is quite possible that this is the process of implantation.
5-6 DPO: I continue to get a little sick, but there are no other signs besides the temperature. No cough, no runny nose. The second night is tormented by insomnia. I thought this one was from nerves, but I read that this is also a sign of implantation. Rejoiced. At the same time, I read that the uterus rejects almost every second egg. Damn, now I have to worry about this too ...
6-7 DPO. It seems to me, or have my breasts increased and the nipples have increased in size ?! I couldn't resist and took a pregnancy test. Of course, it is negative, because it is recommended to do it no earlier than 13-14 DPO. But many track the appearance of a ghost strip in this way (yeah, there is one).
8-9 DPO: couldn't sleep until 4am, sleep in neither eye, started coughing. Strong pulling of the abdomen on the right side, coupled with numbness of the right leg. I read that this happens in connection with the increasing corpus luteum. Oh, well, you can go crazy ... Alya twists at her temple and asks to stop.
9-10 DPO: I tested again, again negative. No new sensations, except for numbness of the right leg, I continue to hurt.
10-11 DPO: bought an expensive ultra-sensitive electronic test - negative. I read that I'm a fool and it's too early.
11-12 DPO: held on, no more tests. In the afternoon, strange sensations began in the bladder, as if there was a shot and gave it to the left leg. Fuck, stop, you're going crazy!

12-13 DPO today and tested again. I am sure that a weak second streak appeared there (called a ghost streak), which can be seen if you look very, very closely at a certain angle, but Alya does not see anything at close range and begs me to stop torturing myself. The chest has definitely increased, but before menstruation this is normal. BUT! She does not hurt and does not ache, as it used to be! You will not believe, but this is also a sign of such ...

Here is such a Diary of a Psycho! :))))))))) To be continued...