Gemstones suitable for women. Which stones are suitable for scales

Before purchasing any stone, you need to clarify your zodiac sign. This will help you choose exactly the mineral that will help a person.

Representatives of the Libra sign are those people who were born between September 24th and October 2nd. Venus is the ruler of this sign. Those born in the first decade are distinguished by benevolence, gentleness and meekness of character. They often lack strength and firmness.

To enhance the missing qualities they are suitable for:

  • amethyst,
  • quartz,
  • diamond,
  • Moonstone,
  • lapis lazuli,
  • rhinestone,
  • malachite,
  • jasper.

Born in the second decade (October 3rd to 13th) ruled by the planet Saturn, and this category of people is distinguished by modesty. They think more about others than about themselves. They do not aspire to fame and fortune. The following stones can help give these people a small amount of selfishness that they really need:

  • emerald;
  • opal,
  • sapphire,
  • tourmaline,
  • topaz,
  • amethyst,
  • ruby
  • zircon.

But those whose birthdays fall on period from 14th to 23rd October. The planet of these people is Jupiter. These representatives love life and the benefits that it can provide. Especially suitable for them are such natural stones as:

  • diamond,
  • emerald,
  • topaz,
  • chrysoprase,
  • tourmaline,
  • beryl,
  • ruby,
  • sapphire
  • aquamarine.

Which stone is suitable for Libra women?

The king of stones for Libra women can be called a diamond. This stone is included in the group of the most important minerals for Libra. He symbol of moral purity and transparency of Libra women. Diamond rewards its mistress with fortitude, which she sometimes needs so much when making important decisions. This stone reflects negative energy that can be directed towards a person. He also makes his owner more active and pushes her in the right direction.

Aquamarine is also very suitable for Libra women. It helps during important negotiations, and will be especially useful for women diplomats. It softens sharp corners in conflicts and nullifies it. Helps to formulate clearly thoughts, for greater understanding by the interlocutor. Aquamarine harmonizes the internal state of Libra and gives a good mood. And in this case, the work will be necessarily fruitful. This stone is an excellent assistant to Libra in achieving important goals.

Scales have natural modesty and unpretentiousness and because of this, they rarely achieve huge success. Lapis lazuli will help to activate the dormant ambition in them. If a Libra woman wants to prove herself and succeed in a certain business, then she needs to choose this particular mineral. He will endow his mistress with perseverance and luck. Also, lapis lazuli strengthens friendships and love relationships, brings joy and happiness to a person. Helps relax.

Libra has some duality of nature, and to get rid of this quality, tourmaline will help them. To make it easier for Libra women to make a certain decision without duality, and also to direct their thoughts in a certain direction, this particular stone can help them. The stone gives a person the ability to independently make important decisions without the influence of an emotional state. Tourmaline calms and balances the people of Libra and harmonizes the internal energy flows.

Opal is great indecisive Libra women. Decorating with this stone will help them feel more confident. Libra is characterized by some apathy and laziness, and opal changes these qualities into cheerfulness and an active life position. In addition, the mineral is good for health, namely for the immune system. Sets in a positive way, and get rid of negative thoughts.

Precious Talismans

Libra has a large number of talismans. The image of the Libra sign itself has a positive effect on the character of these representatives - it restrains the excessive influence of the outside world and helps to reveal the positive aspects of the personality.

Frog mascot decoration and Cupid's heart will help the Libra woman in love affairs.

And for business representatives, jewelry with Japanese or ancient Greek symbols will become an assistant. Both hieroglyphs and any mythological drawings are suitable.

Where to wear a stone talisman for Libra women?

An ideal option for wearing a talisman stone is a pendant. It is possible that the stone was in the form of a pendant or a medallion.

If it is supposed wearing beads or a bracelet with stones, then let the size of the beads be the same and their number be even.

Amethyst is best combined with gold or silver; it will also “get along well” with other stones.

Suitable stone for Libra according to the horoscope

Beryl is a talisman stone for this sign. This mineral strengthens friendships and also makes the family union stronger. Beryl is a stone that balances these people. It helps to achieve a certain balance that this zodiac sign needs.

Opal is a strong amulet for women according to the horoscope Libra. To be successful in a new endeavor and avoid failure, the Libra needs to wear an opal. Regardless of the form in which the stone will be, processed or not, it will suit this representative of the air element. And the maximum strength will be from the mineral that was acquired independently or inherited. But what you should not do is give it to this sign.

Women according to the horoscope Libra are feminine and charming natures, they know how enjoy life, adore communication and flirting. But it is very difficult for them to decide in all spheres of life, from the choice of shoes, and ending with the choice of husband and profession. Because of this, there are cases that they remain like this all their lives at a certain crossroads.

For unmarried ladies of this air sign of the horoscope, jewelry with this mineral is very useful. It protects their love and also has a beneficial effect on health, in particular, on immunity. Opal helps improve logical thinking. It also helps you make the right decision.

Which mineral is suitable for pregnant women?

It is considered the best option for turquoise. The stone will be able to protect not only a pregnant woman, but also her unborn child.

In addition to turquoise, an excellent amulet for this representative of the horoscope is jewelry with lapis lazuli. He normalizes the psychological state women and helps her to tune in to motherhood.

This was the basic information regarding which stone suits the scales, and knowing exactly your horoscope, you can choose the right talisman for yourself.

Representatives of the sign of Libra are extraordinary, changeable, impulsive, fickle people with a constantly changing mood. They have a high IQ and a well-developed intuition. The dispute with Libra can be endless - they will always find an argument to object to the opponent. Periods of great activity for representatives of this sign must be alternated with rest, otherwise there is a risk of overwork.

Libras know how to win respect and captivate people. It is extremely important for representatives of this sign to feel their need. The negative side of this property is a kind of duplicity, Libra tends to please everyone, and for this you have to be different.

Among the virtues of Libra are such qualities as kindness, sincerity, prudence, justice and sociability. The disadvantages of Libra include indecision, laziness, dominance, coupled with a weak will, fear of loneliness, dependence on the opinions of others, narcissism.

Choosing a stone by date of birth (by decade)

Libra of the first decade (October 24 to 2), gentle, benevolent and soft, is influenced by Venus. Often these people lack the firmness and strength that will allow them to defend themselves. Stones suitable for representatives of Libra of the first decade:, and.

The planet Jupiter protects the representatives of the sign, born in the third decade (from October 14 to 23). These are the most refined natures who value life and its benefits. The scales of the third decade are suitable for stones such as: diamond, tourmaline, sapphire, topaz, ruby, and emerald.

Stones for scales, talismans and amulets

Lapis lazuli will make Libra happier and more persistent, will help to achieve success in the chosen activity. This stone will help the owner to prove himself. Jewelry with this stone will strengthen friendships and love relationships, give happiness and joy. Lapis Lazuli is able to set the owner to rest and relieve emotional stress.

Diamond is a symbol of transparency and moral purity of Libra. This is one of the main stones of this sign. He will be able to give the owner the necessary fortitude, which will allow him to make independent decisions. Diamond is a talisman, ways to reflect negative energy directed towards its owner. This mineral will push the representatives of the Libra sign in the right direction and will stimulate their activity.

Beryl strengthen family and friendship ties. This mineral is an excellent amulet for representatives of the Libra sign. He will establish a balance, so necessary for the changeable nature of the owner, and establish an internal balance. Beryl will help Libra in scientific and philosophical research, will favorably affect the mind and thinking of the owner. The mineral will protect Libra from danger on a long journey.

Women's weight stones

Opal will balance the fickle mood of the Libra woman, give stability. It is a stone of loyalty and reliability.

Stones for weights men

Aquamarine stabilizes the mood swings of representatives of the Libra sign. This amulet will contribute to the establishment of any kind of relationship. Thanks to this stone, Libra is able to pull himself together, get together and not let bad moods and negative emotions spoil relationships.

Opal will bring friendship, harmony and peace to its owners, smooth out the transitions from apathy to vigorous activity. A talisman made of this stone will not allow representatives of the Libra sign to go to extremes, it will keep them from various abuses. It is with the help of opal that Libra will be able to redirect their energy to good deeds.

Reduces the spread of behavior and moods of a changeable sign tourmaline. This amulet will give optimism, faith and hope for the best. Tourmaline will gently bring Libra's “cloud-flying” representatives from heaven to earth, so that they tirelessly achieve success and brilliantly cope with their affairs.

Zircon will assist in business, give persuasiveness in business negotiations and endow with eloquence. This talisman attracts profitable offers and financial benefits. A zircon ring will help Libra to make the right decisions quickly.

Beryl will return Libra strength, optimistic mood and good spirits.

Stones that are contraindicated for the sign of Libra

Representatives of the Libra sign are contraindicated in wearing jewelry with and.

Since the sign of Libra is the opposite, Libra should not wear jewelry suitable for Aries, for example: carnelian, rhodolite, sardonyx, hematite and the vast majority, blood-colored.

A sign that constantly fluctuates, changing priorities and mood. These are modest workaholics who do not require recognition. However, trying to please everyone, they lose themselves. To make the representatives of the sign stable, true to themselves, precious stones for Libra are called. There are many of them, there is a suitable option for everyone.

What should be the stones for Libra

Libra belongs to the element of Air. Classifying the stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, astrologers singled out translucent minerals with a slightly heterogeneous structure for them. Their colors are the whole gamut of blues and greens plus white.

Universal Libra stones: diamond, beryl, amethyst, malachite, lapis lazuli, zircon, tourmaline, emerald.

Stones suitable for Libra are energetically combined with all minerals. Only with water minerals unpleasant vibrations are created.

Selection by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers suggest making a choice of patron stones by date, taking into account the date and month of birth.

September 24 - October 2

People with a birthday in the period from late September to early October are subject to the influence of Venus. The mistress of the decade endows them with good nature and languor. However, natural softness often does not allow them to stand up for themselves or defend their own opinions. By date of birth, their lucky stones are diamond, lapis lazuli, malachite, crystal, amethyst, selenite.

October 3–13

The children of Saturn are inconspicuous workers, caring for the good of relatives and others. It would never occur to them to demand decent pay, let alone honors for their work. But having made a decision, they will not back down.

Stones suitable for Libra of this ten-day period are tourmaline, sapphire, amethyst, ruby, emerald, zircon, topaz, opal. They will balance the public and the private without causing pangs of conscience.

October 14–23

Aesthetes and sybarites of the second half of October are the favorites of Jupiter himself. They will need topaz, tourmaline, beryl, chrysoprase, aquamarine. Diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald - this magnificent four will reinforce the love of life.

Depending on the year of birth

Magic stones are often selected according to the year of birth:

  • Rat. Amethyst is useful for men, protecting from addictions; ladies - a diamond that stimulates a realistic assessment of oneself.
  • Bull. The emerald will teach you how to get along with relatives, keep the peace and tranquility of the hearth.
  • Amethyst will protect the Tigers from impulsive decisions or actions.
  • Rabbit (Cat). Topaz organizes career advancement and financial independence.
  • Amber will make the Dragon indulgent to his own or other people's weaknesses.
  • Snake. Jewelry with opal is designed to implement the principle: keep it simple, and people will be drawn to you.
  • Horse. Emerald or turquoise will help to appreciate the inner world, create conditions for personal growth.
  • Goat. Sapphire, emerald, green garnet are useful for intellectual improvement.
  • Monkey. With aquamarine, he will become a reliable, purposeful person, will bring the work he has begun to the end.
  • Rooster. Topaz will reduce his pride to ordinary ambition.
  • Dog. Amber will cheer you up, add activity in your chosen field.
  • Pig. Lapis lazuli will facilitate the process of self-knowledge, attract success in business, and make an able-bodied, strong-willed person.

Any Libra stone is effective in jewelry, crafts or crystals.

Women's Libra Stones

Nature has created gems for Libra women for all occasions, tastes and finances:

  • Turquoise. The symbol of peacefulness and luck will make the hostess happy. With an amulet, the evil eye or witchcraft are not afraid, especially when traveling to exotic regions. Jewelry with a pebble is put on if it is not possible to extinguish a conflict or quarrel.

  • Chrysolite. It is necessary for too active or emotional natures to perceive life philosophically.

    Chrysolite ring

  • Business women or careerists are advised to wear jewelry with beryl. They will submit to the career ladder, up to the highest level. Wearing a talisman clarifies thoughts, makes you smarter and more enterprising. At the same time, the stone will protect from negative influences such as the evil eye, envy or curses. Become a magnet for money.

  • Opal. Useful for women Libra, constantly changing priorities or decisions. They will become wiser and more circumspect. For unmarried ladies, the stone will create marriage bonds.

    Gold ring with opal

  • Suspicious women Libra suits amethyst stone. He will save you from bad thoughts, winding yourself up, strengthen your will.

  • An emerald is necessary for a girl who wants to always be on top and not get into a mess. An older lady will help to remain attractive, youthful, not to worry about trifles.

    emerald jewelry

  • Lapis lazuli will awaken dormant ambitions, teach you to think on your own or depend less on the opinions of others. Libra is very modest and the stone will make them appreciate themselves anew. Attract luck in love or career.

  • Pomegranate. Having a talisman with a stone, the lady will find a way out even from a hopeless situation, will receive answers to important questions. The gem helps to cope with excitement, makes you wiser.

    Golden ring with garnet

  • Malachite. An almost universal talisman for a woman: it will slow down aging, make the hostess calm and attractive. Creative people will be inspired.

    Malachite green

Gemstones can be worn in jewelry or used as a beautiful thing on the desktop.

Libra men stones

The following minerals are recognized as the best allies of Libra men:

Almost all stones for Libra men smooth out mood swings, improve it, strengthen self-confidence. An attribute of wealth and financial prosperity is zircon.

Individual talismans and amulets

Astrologers offer the following amulets and talismans for Libra:

  • Diamond. The best talisman for Libra, who has the means. Owning a stone means belonging to the elite. The power of the diamond makes the owner just as solid and self-sufficient. Able to protect against negativity of any kind, tells where to go, what and how to do.

  • Lapis lazuli. It improves relationships in all areas, sets up a calm rhythm or rest, removes the effects of stress. It will help to catch luck, persistently go to the goal. It allows you to express yourself, therefore it suits young Libra.

    Gold bracelet with lapis lazuli

  • Beryl. A good amulet when traveling or on a business trip. Balances Libra's mood, establishes peace of mind. Attribute of people of mental labor: activates the thought process for the successful outcome of scientific or philosophical research. Strengthens relationships with family and friends.

  • Coral. It slows down the aging of Libra, protects the skin, so it is suitable for both sexes who are concerned about their appearance. Protected from the evil eye, aggressive people or other external negativity. It helps to clearly formulate and voice personal opinion, quickly make the best decision.

  • Tourmaline. A stone that relieves Libra of turbulence in thoughts and deeds, making nature whole. A person will begin to resolve issues without being led by a momentary whim, mood or temptation. The talisman creates inner harmony and balance.

  • Sapphire. The stone is a talisman for Libra, protecting against betrayal by enemies or friends. It will make the owner resistant to outbursts of anger, heal mentally and physically. A pebble in a ring is able to abruptly turn the fate of a Libra woman into a happy course.

    Purple sapphire

  • Amethyst. Stone for Libra, in need of moderation. Amulets with a gem will make a person inaccessible to the destructive effects of alcohol, drugs or other temptations. Passions will not overwhelm him, gossip, black magic, illness, a fatal combination of circumstances or sadness about the past will bypass him.

    Amethyst bracelet

  • Topaz. A person will become generous, say goodbye to nit-picking and pettiness. Acquires the ability of intuition.

  • Amber. The best love stone for Libra. It will help to determine the personal sphere or friends. The talisman will make the beloved person pay attention to the hostess / owner.

    Amulet from amber

  • Moon rock. A child who does not sleep well on moonlit nights is placed under the pillow with selenite. A good talisman for a Libra girl: she will be more confident, calmer, more feminine.

For the sign of Libra, you can choose a strong "professional" talisman. For artists, architects or designers, tourmaline is ideal; for writers, amethyst is indispensable. Emerald is suitable for everyone - regardless of occupation or social status.

Healing minerals Libra

People of this sign are not particularly painful, but failures happen. The following natural minerals are suitable for Libra as a talisman that protects health or helps restore it:

Stones are useful for Libra women and men. Semi-precious or precious gems are equally effective. They are used as a natural supplement to traditional medicine.

Connection with chakras, metals, trees, names

The fourth chakra Anahata (heart) is associated with the Libra symbol. Her color is green. Gems used in chakra manipulations are malachite, emerald or tourmaline.

Green tourmaline

As the material of the box, you can pick up a tree recommended by the druid horoscope:

  • hazel: September 24 - October 3;
  • mountain ash: October 4–13;
  • maple: October 14–23.

It is good to use their symbols in the design of the box: a bunch of mountain ash, a hazel fruit, a maple leaf.

The mineral is also selected by name. That is, in the general list, stones are found according to the sign of the Zodiac. For example, rauchtopaz, lapis lazuli and jasper are considered suitable for Catherine. Of these, lapis lazuli corresponds to the constellation Libra.

What stones can not be worn sign

According to the Libra horoscope, the following stones cannot be used:

  • coil;
  • onyx;
  • jet;
  • cornelian;
  • rhodolite;
  • sardonyx;
  • hematite.

Stones drive into depression, disorganize, take away energy, are dangerous for the health of Libra. The last four minerals are considered talismans of the zodiac Aries, and he is in opposition to Libra.

Features of using stones

Jewelry accessories work more efficiently if stones are worn correctly:

  • amethyst for Libra is especially powerful in silver; white, azure or green stones aesthetically harmonize with metal;
  • a ring or ring with zircon is Libra's ideal assistant in making the best decisions;
  • a mineral with antique, Chinese or Japanese motifs is useful for business or career;
  • talismans that bring good luck to Libra in love affairs - hearts, frogs or cupids;
  • amber should be worn in a ring on the index finger;
  • the best jewelry for Libra is a pendant or pendant;
  • links of a bracelet, necklace or beads are preferably of the same size or diameter, their number should be divided by two.

Agate is good for Libra according to the horoscope. When choosing jewelry with this gem, color matters. The white color of the stone is suitable for enhancing intuition, moss - gaining constancy of feelings, gray - clarifying the mind.

Moss is a light-colored stone with incredible patterns.

It is desirable that at least five types of gems be presented in the box.

When purchasing a talisman, it is advisable to take into account not only the sign of the Zodiac, but also navigate by date of birth.

Gemstones of Libra by decade of the sign

  1. Libra included by date of birth ( September 23 - October 2) in the first astrological decade, are under the influence of Venus. They are characterized by daydreaming and the need for communication, most often, these people are trusting and treat others well. Suitable Libra stones for this decade are amethyst, agate, quartz, moonstone, amazonite, jade, tiger's eye, lapis lazuli, jasper, rock crystal and malachite.
  2. In the second decade of the sign by date of birth ( October 3 - 13) includes Libra, subordinate to Saturn. They are distinguished by prudence in everything, modesty and unpretentiousness in life. What stones are suitable for Libra of this period? Among these minerals are ruby, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, tourmaline, topaz, zircon and chrysolite.
  3. Libra, by date of birth ( October 14 - 22) related to the third decade, feel the influence of Jupiter. They are creative and respect traditions. Representatives of this decade are suitable for chrysolite, zircon, aquamarine, ruby, diamond, topaz, emerald, sapphire and tourmaline.

Talismans and amulets for Libra

Gems of Libra should develop willpower and a sense of responsibility, since representatives of this zodiac sign are subject to temptations and often cannot organize effective activities.

A suitable stone for them is a diamond. The talisman with him gives determination and courage, which the suspicious Libra lacks so much.

The stone gives recognition and respect in society, weakens the negative character traits of its owner.

Useful stones for Libra should bring harmony and attention from others. Lapis lazuli with its soft energy, it is able to resolve internal contradictions in the soul of its owner. The mineral will help suppress outbreaks of aggression if the hidden feelings of Libra still break free. Jewelry with lapis lazuli allows representatives of this zodiac sign to find a common language with others without losing their own opinion.

Amethyst is needed by Libra like no other signs. This stone protects against all bad habits that often appear in weak-willed representatives of the Zodiac sign. The Libra talisman with amethyst will help them develop intuition and increase intellectual abilities.

In addition, the gem helps to strengthen the nervous system of Libra, subject to carefully hidden stresses and upheavals.

Opal- a strong talisman for Libra. This stone is suitable for fighters for justice, brave and noble people. This is what most representatives of the zodiac sign are like. Opal helps its owner cope with melancholy and mood swings. The mineral teaches Libra to make decisions and set goals without delaying this process. Some astrologers do not recommend that Libra wear opal jewelry too often.

What minerals to choose Libra of the weaker sex

According to the date of birth, astrologers recommend Libra women to wear jewelry with tourmaline. It is difficult for representatives of this zodiac sign to arrange a personal life, since Libra women are often stingy with emotions. Tourmaline helps the soul to open up, teaches to show their feelings. The mineral reduces the negative impact of the fickle nature of Libra women. The stone brings success to its mistress in all professional fields, but tourmaline is especially useful for women doctors and teachers.

Libra women really need love and attention from others. Coral will help its mistress become the soul of society. In addition, jewelry with it strengthens marriage bonds and cherishes love. Corals protect women from external negativity, anger and envy, pushing them away from their owner.. Wearing corals has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and overall well-being.

Precious jewelry with malachite is a strong talisman for the Libra woman.

The stone has a soft energy, coinciding with the strength of the sign. gives a woman harmony in everything: in the family, relationships and work. The mineral contributes to self-realization and the implementation of plans. Talisman with malachite enhances the eloquence of Libra, makes them more convincing and diplomatic.

Emerald also suits the Libra woman. A talisman with it helps to maintain a beautiful appearance. Most of all, emerald is suitable for women who dream of pregnancy, or for young mothers. The gem protects both the physical and mental health of its mistress.

Libra men and gems

Yellow and colorless sapphires are suitable for Libra men according to the horoscope, as they increase resistance to external influences and make mental activity more productive. This is very important for the representatives of this sign, as they think for a long time, and then do nothing. Sapphire makes men more determined and courageous. In addition, the stone helps to win high positions in any society.

It is useful for Libra men to have a talisman with chrysolite. The mineral helps to calm down and relieve internal stress.

Libra appreciates comfort, and chrysolite attracts financial well-being and success in life to its owner. The gem protects honest and decent people in responsible positions. Chrysolite protects its owner from temptations and deceptions. The stone is able to raise self-esteem and neutralize feelings of guilt for imaginary misconduct.

Often they refuse to fight in any of its manifestations, preferring to adapt. Astrologers advise them to purchase a talisman with opal. It is not necessary to wear the stone, it is enough to look at it for several minutes a day. This will make a man stronger, responsible and independent. Opal gives determination and courage. The mineral helps the bachelor to decide on the choice of the second half.

Astrologers warn

Among the minerals that are not suitable for Libra, astrologers single out jet. This black stone causes bouts of misanthropy, which is contrary to the essence of the philanthropic Libra. Gagat is able to bring discord into the life of the representatives of this sign, to make them depressed.

Hematite and onyx are also unsuitable stones for Libra. Onyx enhances the control of emotions, helps to contain them inside. And Libra already tends to withdraw into itself, hiding its sorrows and joys in the soul. Onyx accumulates energy, including negative. Representatives of the sign will not be able to fight it, but absorb it into themselves.

It is undesirable for Libra to wear hematite too often or for a long time. The mineral contributes to the fulfillment of desires, but Libra often does not know what they want. Hematite harms people with a weak character, because it helps to achieve not only good goals, but also bad ones. In addition, the strong energy of hematite can harm the health of Libra.

The first decade of Libra is between September 24 and October 2. People born in this decade are in the captivity of Venus. They are located to communicate, gentle, naive and dreamy. Such people are very tactful, polite, respect others. In general, very pleasant and helpful people. They sometimes lack rigidity, so their main talisman is. Stones of Libra of the first decade:, rocks of rock crystal and, tiger's eye, and.

The second decade falls on the period from 3 to 13 October. The scales of this decade are more subject to the influence of Saturn. These are shy people who live ordinary lives. They are characterized by prudence and diligence. The work of such Libra is always for the benefit of society. Their main stone is . He is strong and a little selfish, which will only benefit the selfless and simple Libra of the second decade. They need stones that will help pay attention to their needs, fulfill their desires without remorse. Amethysts will be useful.

The third decade covers the period from 14 to 22 October. People of this time are sensitive to the waves of Jupiter. They are not devoid of talents, they have refined manners and an original perception of the world. The scales of this decade tend to respect traditions, appreciate life and its possibilities. The best stones for Libra of this period: emerald, topaz, ruby, sapphire, tourmaline.

Personal Jewels of Libra

Amulets and stones of Libra, first of all, should strengthen willpower, because people of this sign are more prone to dangerous temptations than others. The development of responsibility and effective activity is also important.

The best talisman for Libra is a diamond. He is able to solidify the suspiciousness of the sign, add courage and determination to it. As a rule, Libra does not need recognition, but the diamond will open this pleasure to them in full. The stone awakens respect for its owner among others, repels negative thoughts and feelings. Diamond dulls the negative traits of the representatives of this zodiac sign.

Hardworking and humble Libra needs success and attention. They are able to give a stone called lapis lazuli. Such a talisman creates harmony both within a person and in relations with people, which is what closed Libra needs so much. The stone effectively suppresses aggression, although this is a rare occurrence for a restrained sign. The soft effect of the talisman allows you to interact with the world without neglecting your own opinion.

Which stone suits Libra more than other signs - amethyst. He does not allow a weak-willed sign to be carried away by bad habits. The stone develops intelligence, activates intuition. It can help calm the nerves, relieve stress and fight depression. This is a useful property, because Libra often suffers from internal experiences.

Strong stone of Libra - opal- suits that part of the representatives of the sign that boldly defends justice and nobility. This stone controls the mood well, does not allow its swings to develop into melancholy. Opal helps to quickly make decisions, set goals and develop an action plan. Although astrologers do not advise wearing opals all the time, they will come in handy during a period of stagnation and boredom.

A talisman with beryl strengthens relationships in the family. It protects on a long journey, opens up new horizons and paths to them. help form your point of view and think quickly. They make wonderful amulets from the evil eye, damage and envy.

Like their symbol - two scales - people of this sign are prone to duality. Tourmaline will help to get together and choose a single position. The stone removes any influence (even one's own mood), and makes it possible to independently resolve issues. The talisman will be useful to scattered and nervous people, because it pacifies, makes the owner calm and balanced.

Sapphires are very suitable for Libra. This sign of the zodiac easily gives in to negative emotions, and sapphire will easily eliminate them. The talisman resolves love issues and attracts sympathy.

Talismans for women

Stones for female Libra should simplify the personal life of the owner. Tourmaline works well for this. It reveals the usually shackled emotions of women of this zodiac sign, teaches them to show emotions and feelings. The stone also pacifies changeable notes of character. Thanks to this, Libra women find it easier to find a life partner. Tourmaline is especially useful in that it teaches and heals, although it promises success in other areas.

Corals give a woman the love of others. A talisman with these stones liberates and allows you to conquer society, improve family life. Having a coral with her, a woman will be protected from a sidelong glance, a bad word, envy. Astrologers assure that the stone preserves youth, skin tone and well-being.

Representatives of the charming sex, who lack harmony, can use malachite. The talisman will regulate any relationship in the life of the owner. In addition, he will reveal eloquence, diplomatic qualities and the gift of persuasion, which in turn will help to realize and realize the intended goals.

Emerald - the answer to the question which stone suits Libra dreaming about children. The amulet not only decorates the appearance, but also fulfills the secret desire of girls about motherhood. Emeralds will be useful for young mothers to maintain mental and physical health. protect from the evil eye, reconcile with her husband and protect on the road.

Opal also cares about the privacy of his mistress. The stone of fidelity will balance the mood of this zodiac sign, establish mutual understanding with your loved one. Talismans with beryl have powerful protection, and malachite will enhance the attractiveness of a woman. Amethyst blocks bad thoughts and destructive energy.

Precious amulets for men

The Libra stone for men is undoubtedly a sapphire. A precious yellow or transparent talisman is ideal for Libra men, and blocks outside influences, which helps to make thoughts more productive. Since this zodiac sign is constantly thinking, the properties of sapphire will be simply priceless. Owning such a stone, a man will become more determined.

From tension and stress, Libra men have weapons in the form of chrysolite. He reads the owner success in life and career, promises wealth. However, a cunning pebble will honestly serve only a decent person. Chrysolite is able to improve a person's opinion of himself, remove guilt for supposedly bad deeds and protect the owner from lies.

The influence of opal on this zodiac sign is so great that it is enough to hold it in your hand for a few minutes to recharge for the whole day. Opal gives strength, allows you to independently and decisively deal with problems that often make men step back. Such a talisman helps to choose a life partner.

Libra can gather his thoughts under the influence of aquamarine. Tourmaline will pacify the changeable mood and charge you with optimism. Zircon can be taken with you to negotiations in order to enhance eloquence.

Deadly stones for Libra

Libra should beware of stones that show their opposite - Aries. This , and . Talismans of bright red and bloody color send harmful impulses to Libra.

A bad stone for representatives of this zodiac sign is. He wakes up a misanthrope in a person, which goes against the loyal principles of Libra. Even in appearance, such people rarely like it, because it is a black stone. One of its colors is able to drive soft Libra into depression.

Harmful Libra stones are onyx and hematite. Onyx hides the already modest emotions of this sign even deeper. Hematite grants wishes, but Libra never knows exactly what they want. Its strong energy can negatively affect the physical health of weak people.

If other signs of the Zodiac can wear other people's stones, then Libra is strictly prohibited. Their weak will will surely be defeated. Talismans must be worn in pendants. It is allowed to make a stone a pendant or store it in a medallion. When making beads or a bracelet from stones, you must use an even number of them. Stones for Libra must be of the same size and shape.

Libra is recommended to insert amulets in silver. The best colors of this zodiac sign are white, green and blue. Amethysts can be worn in gold or with other stones, because this talisman is one of the most "friendly".

Jewels that are inherited can do harm, even if they fit a person according to their characteristics. The fact is that the stones keep the memory of the former owners and pass it on to the new one. It is not a fact that a beautiful family ring with a diamond will not turn into a tragedy for Libra. Their subtle mental organization will not withstand the pressure of past passions, and a person will become discouraged.

Precious and semi-precious stones of Libra

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