Gemstone for the year of the snake. History and legends. Stones for Taurus man

The mineral serpentine is not a precious stone, but it has long been known as a decorative gem. This mineral is a rock of green or yellow-green color with characteristic veins and dark dots, which makes its color and pattern similar to the skin of a snake. That is why people call it serpentine, and in mineralogy it is called serpentinite, which in Latin means "serpent stone". Chemically, serpentinite is a magnesium silicate.

History and legends

Historians and archaeologists claim that the serpentine has been known to people for about 5 thousand years. Indeed, items made of noble serpentinite were found in China, which are dated to the 3rd century BC. The Indians of Central and South America used the processed serpentine as ornaments and for ritual purposes more than 1000 years ago.

But in Europe, they began to process the coil relatively recently - only in the 16th century. Among the alchemists and pharmacists of medieval Europe, there was a belief that the serpentine enhances the medicinal qualities of many medicinal powders and liquids. Therefore, apothecary vessels, mortars, vials were carved from this mineral. Because of this, 500 years ago, in European countries, the serpentine had another name - “apothecary stone”.

Scope: products, decorations, stone finishing

Since ancient times, the serpentine has been an ornamental stone. They made and now produce jewelry, interior items from it, it is used for wall cladding and interior decor elements. These areas of application of this mineral are associated with its properties. The serpentine is a relatively soft or, as professionals say, viscous stone. According to the mineralogical hardness scale (Mohs scale), the serpentine has a hardness factor of 2.5 to 4 (at the level of natural gypsum, for example), which makes it easy to process.

Serpentinite withstands heating up to 600 degrees. Recently, the refractory properties of the stone have been used to create a special heat-resistant material - chrysotile asbestos. The fact is that the soft structure of the mineral allows it to be divided into thin fibers, from which a flexible material is then formed. By the way, the Ural master stone cutters have long known about this property of the serpentine, and for this they called it very poetically - “stone tow”.

The magical and healing properties of the mineral

Like all other gems, the serpentine has long been credited with magical properties. Therefore, earlier only sorcerers could wear serpentinite jewelry. It is believed that the serpentine has the ability to relieve headaches, lower blood pressure, with its help bones grow together faster in case of fractures, and colds are treated.

SNAKE (wisdom)
If the SNAKE has a bad reputation in Christian countries, then in Asian countries, on the contrary, it is revered for its wisdom, insight and will. The SNAKE man is sentimental and pleasant, has humor. The SNAKE woman is beautiful and often successful due to her beauty. In Japan, when they want to compliment a woman, they usually say: My dear, you are a real snake. This compliment would sound a little different in Western countries.
ZMEYA dresses very elegantly and even somewhat pretentiously: always a little bit dandy. Women have a mania for exquisite accessories. Not talkative, much and deeply reflects. He is an intellectual, a philosopher. Although she is wise, she could do without this quality, since she has a wonderful intuition. If she is educated, her intuition can become clairvoyant. The SNAKE trusts impressions, sensations and sympathies more than facts, own experience and the experience of others, judgments and advice. She seems to have a sixth sense.

She is very determined to finish what she starts. She hates failure, and although she is calm by nature, she makes decisions quickly. She can turn the earth to achieve her intended goal. This is a bad player.

The SNAKE does not like to lend, but because of sympathy, it can come to the rescue. Rarely pays in specie, more often with itself. Alas, she almost always goes to extremes, and her good will to help others always consumes her whole. SNAKE tends to exaggerate, and if she has done someone a favor, she becomes obsessed and more embarrassing than helpful. Instinct pushes her to wrap herself around the one who owes her and even strangle him. Therefore, think first before seeking help from the SNAKE. You may regret it.
When it comes to money, SNAKE is lucky. She doesn't need to worry about them. She will always find them when she needs them, and she knows or rather feels this so well that she does not worry about it. By old age, she can become a miser.
The SNAKE can perform any work that is not associated with any risk, even in cases where a lot of work needs to be done. And yet the SNAKE is lazy...

In love, she herself chooses a partner. Intolerant and jealous, even if she no longer loves him. In any case, she will wrap herself around him, leaving him no freedom of movement, often due to a simple whim, as the anemone itself. This is especially true for male snakes.

Male or female, the SNAKE will seek out extramarital affairs that complicate her life. It is desirable that she
fought against this trend and if she could dedicate! their best feelings to the family, her life would be harmonious and

This is her sore spot. The SNAKE will often try to bind a partner in one way or another, and one of these ways is having a large family.

The SNAKE will be happy with the BULL, who will willingly let the SNAKE take over him, provided that he plays the main role, which the SNAKE willingly concedes.

The fight of the SNAKE against the COCK, if they are married, friends or engaged in a common cause, will be favorable for the mutual correction of their shortcomings. It's a pity for the PIG if it falls, let's say, into the paws of a SNAKE. She will be paralyzed, captured. The SNAKE will turn it all out, confident in its impunity. The SNAKE should not allow the TIGER into your life. TIGER - destroyer.

The first phases of a SNAKE's life will be relatively calm. Attention to the last phase. It is at this moment that her sentimental and passionate nature, her taste for adventure, can do a disservice even when she could have a calm old age. Everything can change depending on whether the SNAKE was born in summer or winter, night or day, and even depending on what the weather was like that day. She only likes warmth. She is afraid of cold, squalls, bad weather. In short, she will be happier if she was born in a hot tropical country on a hot day than on a cold December night. The fate of the SNAKE is so dependent on the weather that, born on a day when there was a storm, she will be in danger all her life.

Years of the snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

For the wise Snake, the favorite stone is wiki>. This gem will further sharpen her intuition and even bring out her dormant gift of clairvoyance. The stone will give the Snake strength when they run out on the way to overcome various life barriers. The snake always knows a lot about clothes. She always creates her exquisite image. Here is her constant helper stone wiki> golden hue. The snake will be able to pick up for itself the rarest and extraordinarily beautiful jewelry with wiki> ohm, and will amaze everyone with its grace and taste. Even expensive Snake watches need to be adorned with a wiki.

Compatibility horoscope: taurus zodiac sign year of the snake stone - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Taurus is such a zodiac sign that symbolizes life's wisdom and wealth. Such people simply need to have their own position and weight in society. To achieve location and protect themselves from negativity, Taurus simply needs to have their own talisman.

The talisman of Taurus is, first of all, his personal thing, which is able to strengthen his energy field and help him become more stable. An amulet can be any thing that symbolizes a high position in society (for example, a bull or an elephant, but not made of ivory). It can be a toy made of plush or plastic.

The ruling planet of this zodiac sign is Venus. This means that an object that embodies beauty and sexuality can be a talisman. A jeweled box or figurine is perfect for this purpose. It is very good if it is copper.

What stones to choose Taurus

Taurus, by their soft nature, are very fond of bright, massive and weighty jewelry and jewelry. But this does not come from the fact that they do not have a sense of taste, just the men and women of this sign love a certain weight and solidity. They do not strive for luxury and wealth, they just know how to accumulate their savings. Therefore, they quite often are the owners of quite rare and exclusive jewelry, decorated with the same rare and expensive stones.

Minerals such as agate or chalcedony, cacholongs, onyxes, topazes, diamonds and diamonds are suitable for people who are born under the Taurus zodiac sign.

Taurus men and women must have an agate talisman. This stone, translated from Greek, means “happy” and is a stone of clairvoyants. Such a charm will add persuasiveness and eloquence to its owner, as well as help him become more perspicacious. The best amulet for a Taurus man will be black agate. And for women, representatives of this zodiac sign, a light-colored agate stone with a large number of stripes of bright colors will be a talisman and protector.

Cacholong, a stone of a milky white hue, is great for a woman of the Taurus zodiac sign. It has a very good effect on the state of women's health, protects peace and tranquility in the family. To enhance the positive qualities of this stone, change its location on your body more often (if it is a ring or bracelet, put it on the other hand).

A precious mineral, from light green to dark green colors with streaks of black or red tint - onyx. He protects from loneliness, inspires faith and gives optimism. This stone will give its owner great determination and will attract good luck and wealth to him. Such a mineral is very good for closed Taurus.

It is also believed that rock crystal or diamond, the stone of "happiness" for Taurus born in April. And those men and women who were born in May must wear an emerald or chrysopaz stone.

Flowers - talismans of the zodiac sign Taurus

Depending on the date of birth, there are three flowers - a talisman.

  • For people born in the period from April 21 to 31, a dahlia will be a reliable and faithful protector. Such Taurus should not completely assign all responsibilities to luck, they need to be more balanced and rely only on their own strengths. This rule applies to personal life as well.
  • Those born between May 1 and May 10 are generous and open people. Lily of the valley women need constant and reliable protection. They are clean in their work and love order.
  • Taurus - purslane are born in the period from 11 to 21 May. They are distrustful, often afraid of a dirty trick, this also applies to relationships with the second half. It is quite difficult to deal with such people, both at home and at work. Purslane must be protected and cherished.

Trees are talismans for Taurus

To more accurately determine your tree - a talisman, select it by the date of your birth.

  • If you were born between April 21 and 30, your talisman is a nut. Such people are quite contradictory and capricious. They are often moody and selfish. Anything can be expected from such people. "Nuts" carefully take care of their style and image. Their manners are refined and refined. People born during this period often turn out to be excellent strategists. "Nut" relies only on its own strength, it is independent and isolated.
  • People who are born from May 1 to May 14 have a tree - the talisman of jasmine. They are mobile, sociable, they have many friends. Such people often attract to themselves with their individuality. "Jasmines" hate restrictions in freedom, do not like to be indebted to anyone. They are never afraid to work, they know how to properly organize relations in the work team. Such people are highly appreciated by the authorities. These people are very fond of children.
  • "Chestnuts" are born in the period from May 15 to 24. They are full of vitality, love space, and hate injustice. Such people are aimed at convenience and comfort in domestic conditions. People "chestnuts" are quite gifted and prone to dreams, so they very often change their field of activity.

Taurus is such a sign of the zodiac that loves expensive gifts in beautiful and stylish packaging, they appreciate the feeling of warmth and comfortable conditions. Along with these qualities of his, he cannot stand abrupt life changes, fuss and haste. In order for Taurus to achieve that very harmony in his life, he simply needs to choose the right talisman for himself.

Taurus, who was born in the year of the Snake, is an earthly and practical person, he does not fly in the clouds, does not bow to romance, everything in his life is simple and comfortable. In all areas of his life, the Taurus-Snake acts in a businesslike way, always and everywhere, knowing what to do and how to act, hardly anything can confuse him or force him to change his far-reaching plans and long-formed principles . Such predictability and constancy, omniscience and omniscience, even a certain mundaneness, can, over time, get bored, turning life into a theater where everyone knows their roles and the overall outcome of the play.

Taurus born in the year of the snake

Taurus Snakes are very independent and independent, they prefer to abstract from persons and events, they build only winning and prize combinations, failures and collapse are alien to them. These are reliable and responsible comrades and friends, devoted and skillful partners and lovers, knowledgeable and experienced employees, irreplaceable and wise workers, wonderful and caring parents.

The combination of working qualities in these people is perfect, therefore, in the labor field, all paths are open to them, they always and everywhere achieve only success. Commanding inclinations are observed behind them, indeed, they are super leaders and organizers who know all human weaknesses, therefore Taurus Snakes are understanding, kind, decent and honest. And their hard work and dedication is not the limit at work.

In love and relationships, Taurus born in the year of the Snake know how to make a real holiday. These are really gourmets and sweet tooth, they appreciate everything beautiful, they know how to dress with taste and present themselves. Children do not have a soul in them, they are beloved mothers and fathers.

The interests and hobbies of people who combine the zodiac sign of Taurus and the year of birth of the Snake are quite extensive: travel, garden, vegetable garden, applied arts, needlework, home cooking, sports and fishing. In addition, they love pets and houseplants.

A horoscope of the Astrological sign is Taurus, born in the year of the Snake

Both the sign of the Zodiac and the eastern sign of the year of birth of a person have individual properties, qualities and conditions that are mainly manifested in the character of a person and his relations in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The sign of the Zodiac forms tactical abilities in a person's character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth forms for a person the conditions and laws of the external environment, his relations with the people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the sign of the Zodiac. The year of birth assigns a person one of the twelve levels for self-realization. The Eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person, and in this field the Eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around to a person.

Taurus is the third sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by the nature of their birth, are excellent leaders among ordinary performers of public tasks.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Taurus is " boss". A person of this zodiac sign is able to effectively demand from interacting people the fulfillment of the task assigned to him. Taurus is practical in achieving goals. Taurus lives by the principle: " Be collected, but not constrained". He delves into the details of working relationships, not yielding to the interacting people in the processes of detailed dialogues. Due to the dispersion of attention to details, Taurus often experiences a constrained state, which he tries to overcome with impudent behavior.

Eastern sign year of the Snake – 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941,1953,1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049, 2061.

The Year of the Snake forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the sixth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Snake are surrounded by relationships with people who absorb a lot of attention on the history of past events. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, a person born in the year of the Snake has to participate in work processes in which interacting people take the positions of specialists: “ artists, teachers and media". Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Snake, in order to extract something interesting or ripe, useful to them. Surrounding people, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relations with a person born in the year of the Snake, show increased intuition in the direction of past events in his presence, being excessively carried away by emotional mood to an aggressive state. Interacting people in a relationship with a person born in the year of the Snake conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Scorpio: “ Relax, take it, but in moderation ».

Taurus horoscope, born in a year snakes.

This combination of signs is manifested in a person by impudent behavior, in relations with people of educational and acting abilities. This person resists the moods of those interacting, he tries not to yield to the people around him in anything. Taurus is constrained, and in order to overcome his fear, he tries to influence the mood of the people around him. Taurus tend to leadership in all respects, regardless of the nature of their activities. The Year of the Snake in circumstances forms the conditions for scenarios and acting, manifested in the behavior of people around. Zodiac sign Taurus, born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, is in circumstances in which interacting people play roles with different images that Taurus may need. Such actions deceive this person. A person born under the sign of the Zodiac Taurus in the year of the Snake tries to push others to solve their own and common problems. Interacting people are overly addicted to their activities, because of this, Taurus can fall under the influence of others, leaning to various extremes. Taurus tries to manipulate interacting people, he is tempted to everything that is available and possible to extract from relationships with interacting people. Interacting people are able to control Taurus with the help of his sexual preoccupation. Taurus often depletes his resources in excessive relationships with interacting people.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by the signs of the Zodiac and the year of birth in the programs " Individual Scanner" And " crown of education". In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, the Zodiac or the Eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called " psychonomy ».

Taurus Stone

When choosing stones for Taurus as a gift, you need to consider that representatives of this sign really appreciate material wealth. Therefore, the sign is suitable for a talisman that attracts money and success in work. A good amulet for Taurus, both men and women, will be jewelry with turquoise.

This gem contributes to financial well-being and comfort. Turquoise suits many signs of the Zodiac, but it will give Taurus confidence in their decisions, relieve them of their inherent slowness and fear of making a mistake.

Taurus are moving forward to achieve their goals. On this path, they often meet envious people, whom a talisman with topaz will help to resist. This stone protects the sign from slander, envy and negative energy. Topaz has magical properties that protect its owner from disease.

Topaz able to protect Taurus from depression or melancholy. Astrologers do not recommend wearing a yellow stone if it has not been inherited. Taurus, like many other signs, is suitable for blue topaz.

For the Taurus man, topaz becomes a source of generosity and prudence. A talisman with this mineral protects the family life of representatives of this zodiac sign, helps them fight their own jealousy and stubbornness.

Another useful Taurus stone is blue or blue sapphire.. Talismans with him will help the sign to cope with the unbridled desire for sensual pleasures.

Sapphire will limit its owner a little, directing excess energy into a more rational direction. A very useful mineral for family Taurus, it maintains trust and love between spouses.

Choosing precious stones as a talisman, Taurus often intuitively stops at emeralds. These minerals are very suitable for a slightly selfish and overly economical Taurus. Emerald teaches its owner to enjoy not only material values, it helps to develop kindness and generosity. A talisman with an emerald drives away gloomy thoughts and energizes.

Suitable Stones for Taurus Women

Stones for Taurus of the weaker sex should gently and smoothly lead their mistress to the goal. The strongest talisman for the beautiful representatives of this sign is turquoise. The mineral will help achieve success in the material sphere and will help build a happy marriage.

It is sometimes difficult for Taurus women according to the zodiac sign to realize their plans because of the fear of stumble. Talismans with turquoise give them courage and determination. The stone protects from flattery and deceit, which women of this sign are so greedy for. In addition, turquoise is a strong talisman for women's health, protecting against many ailments.

Agate gives hope for a better future and does not give up in a difficult situation.

The lucky stones of the female Taurus are agates of various colors and colors. Talismans with these minerals will bring success both in the professional field and in personal life.

White and green agates give women born under the sign of Taurus energy and good mood. Black stones help in business and other financial matters.

Very useful for a Taurus woman according to the horoscope will be cacholong. The stone is able to lift its slightly mundane mistress above ordinary everyday life. Women of this sign often cannot show their feelings for children or a loved one.

Cacholong will help them become more open and emotional. This mineral promotes conception and a favorable course of pregnancy.

Many astrologers consider cacholong an ideal amulet for Taurus women.

For an unmarried woman, opal will be a good talisman. It helps to make romantic acquaintances and at the same time protects against deceit and disappointments in love. Opal is also useful for those who are focused on a career or study, as it helps in communicating with superiors, and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge and experience.

Stones for Taurus man

A Taurus man is suitable for a talisman with agate. Any color of this stone favorably affects the representatives of the sign. Black agate is especially useful for men. The mineral will become a talisman against diseases and energy attacks. Black agate helps the male Taurus to significantly improve his financial situation. For such a materialist as a man of this sign, agate will be a reminder that in addition to a career, there are other aspects of life.

Taurus men, whose activities are related to influencing other people, it is useful to have jewelry or a product with cacholong.

This mineral will sometimes make callous and mercantile politicians, doctors, teachers more humane and noble. In addition, cacholong attracts good luck to its owner in all monetary matters.

Suitable stone for Taurus man - emerald. The gem struggles with greed and bad habits. Jewelry with an emerald helps to distract from depressive thoughts and prevents Taurus from falling into melancholy. The mineral contributes to creative impulses, which are lacking in the mundane representatives of the sign. In addition, the emerald makes its owner more open and sociable.

Which gems should be avoided

Some astrologers do not advise Taurus to wear amethyst. There are some exceptions to this rule. Amethyst is suitable for representatives of the sign born before May 1st. In addition, Taurus children can sometimes wear a gem. The stone will increase attentiveness and help you concentrate on your studies.

Amethyst is known for its ability to fight addiction. Taurus, in pursuit of a pleasant life, may be captured by drunkenness, gluttony or other harmful excesses.

Amethyst becomes very useful for Taurus during such periods of life. But having got rid of bad habits, you need to stop wearing the mineral. Also, Taurus can sometimes wear an amethyst, which has been inherited for many years. It is undesirable for a woman of this zodiac sign to wear jewelry with amethysts.

Stones for Taurus should not have strong energy. What gemstones should not be worn by representatives of this zodiac sign? Astrologers rank among undesirable minerals: heliotrope, amber, pyrite, obsidian. Also, be careful with yellow topazes, rubies, jade and rock crystal.

Stones for other zodiac signs:

taurus zodiac sign year of the snake stone

Horoscope of the sign Taurus, born in the year of the Snake. In any case, she manifests herself as an enterprising and resourceful person. Natural charisma and grace in the Taurus Serpent are successfully combined with realism and stability. The Taurus Snake is careful and attentive, before embarking on any task, she needs to foresee all unforeseen situations and be ready for them.

A person of such a combination of signs tries to surround himself with positive and love, without focusing on negativity and resentment. The Taurus Snake is used to planning everything and always adheres to a clear organization. She does not like unexpected surprises. The Taurus Snake cooks well and appreciates good cuisine, knows how to dress stylishly and beautifully. It may seem that the Snake-Taurus is too mundane a person, perhaps this is the case. But no domestic difficulties and worries can disturb her peace of mind. The Taurus Snake stands firmly on its feet, it is a person who is confident in his abilities and strives for power. In relations with the opposite sex, the Taurus Snake is always ready to have a holiday. Such a person loves children, is ready to create a family and appreciates home comfort.

On the one hand, he is a romantic and kind person, on the other hand, he is absolutely adamant and stubborn. A man of such a combination of signs is hard to converge with new people, does not like change. The Taurus Snake man is used to trusting only his own opinion, he is busy with himself. In relationships with women, such a man is stable and predictable. He treats his chosen one with due attention and care, and demands a lot in return. For the benefit of the family, he works a lot and without rest. The house appreciates order and comfort.

This woman surrounds herself with beauty, she strives for harmony and tranquility. The Taurus Snake Woman is not afraid of difficulties, she is able to resist them. If she has set a goal for herself, then for her sake she will endure any negative living conditions. In her personal life, the Taurus Snake woman manifests herself as a real romantic. She is ready to take care of her chosen one. On the other hand, such a woman is very rational and practical. A woman of such a combination of signs adheres to the principle: more work, less words.

It is very difficult for her to endure separation from her beloved man. The Taurus Snake Woman needs his constant presence. The power of her love is so powerful and all-consuming that sometimes it puts pressure on a man. It will be difficult for her partner to resist such a pressure of feelings, which can be the cause of many conflicts and quarrels.

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The snake is a symbol of wisdom and secret knowledge. Each Snake has a well-developed sixth sense. This helps her in life - she always correctly chooses the direction in which to move, the people with whom it is worth communicating, and the time for activity and for waiting. Waiting is the Snake's favorite pastime, so from the outside it may seem lazy. In fact, she knows when the right moment will come to throw, and sees no point in fussing ahead of time.

She is persistent, tenacious and patient. If she froze without moving, this does not mean that she is marking time in one place. While the goal is unattainable, it is being prepared: it is accumulating knowledge, money and connections that will be useful to it later. Therefore, the Snake is considered stingy. She does not like to share what has got to her. No wonder in the East, snakes were considered the guardians of hidden treasures. Her stinginess is not only about money. She never fully reveals everything she knows. Because of this, she appears to be more knowledgeable than other people. For Snake women, the ability to mysteriously remain silent gives a special charm.

Any person of the year of the Snake has beauty and sex appeal. In love, the Snake is reasonable. Only very young Snakes allow themselves to choose a partner at the call of their hearts, and in adulthood they try to combine feelings and reason, look at the chosen one for a long time, look for a person with whom there will be not only love, but also good compatibility and material well-being. Having made a choice, the Snake becomes very jealous and attached to a partner and family.

In work, the Snake manifests itself as a diligent and diligent employee. She works hard, but does not like hands-on work and connects her intuition in order to notice the danger in time and avoid it. She is talented in matters requiring good taste, patience or developed intuition, endowed with the ability to successfully negotiate. Professions of the Snake: diplomat, politician, boss, fortune teller, designer.

- secondary protection

Red stones (heliotrope,) - bring good luck

- brings financial luck, helps to gain wealth, protects financial transactions

- a secondary amulet, protects against not the most serious troubles

- increases luck, adds strength and inspiration, increases self-confidence, nobility and intuition. Changing color warns of dangers.

– restores physical strength, protects on the road

According to the Eastern calendar, the Snake is a symbol of wisdom. She also personifies infinity, cyclicality - a snake biting its own tail - an endless ring. People born in the year of the Snake are distinguished by their bright, refined appearance, extraordinary charm and grace.

In addition to temperament and appearance, each sign has its own symbols that personify it. In the year of the Snake, talismans can be in the form of open circles - a necklace with a clasp, an expanding ring, spiral bracelets. It can also be safely attributed to mascots and boas - the very name of this accessory means a snake, all belts and belts - after all, the Snake looks like two peas in a pod!

Separate conversation about stones-mascots. Since the Snake is a very changeable nature, her stone is constantly changing. This year, the talisman stone for the Snake should have a greenish color, reminiscent of the water column with the Snake hidden in it. These stones include emerald, jade and malachite. Jewelry and decorations, souvenirs and crafts with these stones will delight any Snake, give it extraordinary strength and charm.

Also, Snakes love, regardless of the year, jasper, hematite, topaz and spinel. Jewelry with these stones personifies the mystery and mysterious power of the Serpent, which is nourished from the very depths of the planet, where these stones were born.

In addition to the year, the date of birth is of great importance, and each of them has its own stone. It is easy to pick up a talisman stone by date of birth, you only need to know the number, the month can be any.

Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th belong to the “one” - her patron is Leo, Leo’s mascot stones are amber, aventurine and carnelian.

Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th belong to the “two”, the patron is Cancer, stones, respectively, he has pearls, moonstone, coral and opal.

"Three" - born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th, patrons Pisces and Sagittarius - their stones are amethyst, turquoise and chrysolite.

4, 13, 22 and 31 numbers - they are patronized by Aquarius, the stones of Aquarius are jade, sapphire and jasper.

Born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd under the wing of Gemini and Virgo. They laid stones - emerald, agate, crystal and tiger's eye.

"Six" - born on the 6th, 15th and 24th under the auspices of Taurus and Libra, their stones are diamond, pearl, agate and coral.

On the 7th, 16th and 25th, the Pisces wards were born, their talisman stones are ruby, amethyst and malachite.

Born on the 8th, 17th and 26th, they are patronized by Capricorn, and the following stones help: garnet, ruby, malachite, black agate and onyx.

And the children of the "nine", born on the 9th, 18th and 27th, are under the care of Aries and Scorpio, their stones are diamond, topaz and hematite.

In addition, you should know several dates that are directly related to talisman stones tied to them directly:

19.02, 8.04, 12.06, 19.08 and 26.09 – aventurine;

1.03, 9.05, 2.07 and 30.12 – amazonite;

12.02, 11.03 and 21.03 - sardonyx;

20.02, 17.04, 22.05 and 5.07 – coral;

2.03, 7.05 and 25.06 - pearls;

March 12, April 6, April 24 and April 25 - pomegranate;

21.02, 21.06, 24.07 and 25.07 – sapphire;

3.03, 7.09 and 16.10 - rock crystal;

March 13, May 16 and July 10 - olivine and chrysolite;

February 22, June 9 and August 22 – amber;

4.03, 20.05 and 20.09 – carnelian;

March 14, May 29, June 8, June 19, July 3, and August 10 –beryl;

23.02, 2.04, 1.05, 23.06, 28.06, 13.07 and 23.09 - jade;

20.01, 5.03 and 13.04 - lal - spinel;

15.03, 6.05, 5.06, 26.06, 18.07 and 19.07 - moonstone;

24.02, 21.04 and 3.09 – chrysoberyl;

6.04, 10.04, 27.05 and 17.09 - amethyst;

20.02, 16.03, 17.04 and 22.09 – coral;

25.02, 21.07, 17.08 and 22.11 - jets;

7.03, 25.06 and 24.07 – sapphire;

March 17, March 24 and September 21 - chrysoprase;

26.02, 31.08 and 15.10 - rhodonite;

March 8, March 30, June 22 and August 3 - aquamarine;

March 18, March 23, July 1 and October 21 - charoite;

27.02, 20.3, 10.05, 21.05 and 22.07 – emerald;

9.03, 22.03 and 25.10 - ruby;

19.03, 21.03, 4.04 and 13.08 - sardonyx;

10.02, 28.02 and 29.02 - tiger's eye.

The main thing to remember when using these talisman stones is not to wear them all the time. The stones should be periodically given rest, and then, having accumulated magical power, at the right time they will be able to give these powers to the owner. The task of talismans is to help in certain matters, therefore, you need to put on these stones immediately before starting this business.

Now it is fashionable to count everything according to the signs of the Zodiac. And how to choose a talisman stone, starting from the Zodiac, you can find out further.

So, Aries is a diamond, ruby ​​and amethyst.

Taurus - emerald, sapphire, opal, agate and turquoise.

Gemini - amethyst, carnelian, amber and tiger's eye.

Cancer - emerald, selenite, moonstone and pearls.

Leo - diamond, emerald, ruby, amber, topaz and carnelian.

Virgo - jade, onyx, malachite and jasper.

Libra - aquamarine, coral, quartz, light agate, jade and malachite.

Scorpio - alexandrite, garnet, coral, hematite and smoky topaz.

Sagittarius - sapphire, amethyst, aquamarine and lapis lazuli.

Capricorn - rock crystal, malachite, agate and obsidian.

Aquarius - sapphire, amethyst, turquoise, aquamarine and rock crystal.

Fish - pearls, aquamarine, emerald and amethyst.

All signs of the Zodiac belong to the four elements, so you can choose a stone that matches the desired element.

Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) - all transparent stones: emerald, diamond, sapphire, ruby, aquamarine, rock crystal, amethyst, zircon, citrine, topaz and chrysoberyl.

Water (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) - iridescent stones: opal, alexandrite, aventurine and selenite.

Air (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra) - smoky and translucent stones: jade, amethyst, chalcedony, chrysolite, onyx, agate, carnelian and chrysoprase.

And finally, the Earth (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) - opaque stones: lapis lazuli, malachite, jet, jasper and rhodanide.

Armed with the necessary knowledge, it is easy to choose the right talisman stone for yourself. But most importantly, no matter how beautiful the stone is, it is necessary that the future owner like it, so that some kind of contact is established between them. Then the talisman will help a person in business and protect him from adversity.