Cousin granddaughter or great niece. Relationships: Husband, Wife, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Brother-in-law, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Daughter-in-law

Not so long ago, families were large, when several generations of near and distant relatives lived under the same roof or in the neighborhood. People of the same kind were united by common interests and values. We still say: “Looks like an aunt; spitting grandfather." And whether the child looks like a great-grandfather - we no longer know. The circle of relatives has narrowed: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother ... The further the relationship, the more difficult it is to determine who is the "seventh water on jelly." But the real confusion begins after the wedding, when new relatives appear.

  • Father-in-law - husband's father
  • Mother-in-law - husband's mother
  • Father-in-law - wife's father
  • Mother-in-law - wife's mother
  • Brother-in-law - husband's brother
  • Brother-in-law - wife's brother
  • Sister-in-law - husband's sister
  • Sister-in-law - wife's sister
  • Brother-in-law - sister-in-law's husband
  • Son-in-law - daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband
  • Daughter-in-law - son's wife in relation to father
  • A daughter-in-law is a brother's wife, a son's wife to his mother, a brother's wife
    relation to the wife of another brother; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law
  • Matchmaker - the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  • Matchmaker - the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  • Grandfather (grandfather) - the father of the father or mother
  • Grandmother (grandmother) - the mother of the father or mother
  • Great Uncle - father's or mother's uncle
  • Great aunt - father's or mother's aunt
  • Grandson (granddaughter) - the son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a cousin (granddaughter) is the son (daughter) of a nephew or niece
  • Nephew (niece) - the son (daughter) of a brother or sister (relatives, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly, the child of a cousin (sister) is a cousin of a nephew, a second cousin (sister) is a second cousin of a nephew
  • Great-nephew (niece) - the grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister
  • Uncle (uncle, uncle) - father's or mother's brother, aunt's husband
  • Aunt (aunt, aunt) - the sister of the father or mother in relation to nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews
  • Cousin - related by grandfather or grandmother to the children of their sons and daughters
  • Second cousin - the son of a cousin's uncle or cousin's aunt
  • Cousin - the daughter of an uncle or aunt
  • A second cousin is the daughter of a great-uncle or great-aunt

In addition to modern concepts of the degree of kinship, it turns out that there are more ancient names of relatives in use.

Father and son.
Father and daughter.
Mother and son.
Mother and daughter.

grandfather and grandchildren,
Grandmother and grandchildren.

Great-grandfather and great-grandchildren
Uncle and nephews
Aunt and nephews.

Cousins ​​and brothers,
Great-uncle and great-nephews (nieces),
Great aunt and great-nephews (nieces).

Great uncle and great nephew (niece).

Second cousins ​​and brothers.

Getting acquainted with the terms of kinship, it should be remembered that the terms of consanguinity consist of keywords and definitions of the degree of kinship:

Grandmother, grandmother - the mother of the father or mother, the wife of the grandfather.
Brother - each of the sons of the same parents.
Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.
Bratanna - brother's daughter, brother's niece.
Bratelnitsa - a relative in general, cousin or distant.
Bratych - brother's son, brother's nephew.
A grandson is the son of a daughter, a son, as well as the sons of a nephew or niece.
Granddaughter, grandson - the daughter of a son, daughter, as well as the daughter of a nephew or niece.
A grandfather is the father of a mother or father.
Grandfather, grandfather - aunt after uncle.
Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.
A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.
Dshcherich is the nephew of his aunt.
Dschersha - niece by aunt.
An uncle is the brother of the father or mother. Thus, an uncle and aunt are the brother and sister of the mother or father. “The aunt has a nephew, and the uncle has a niece,” folk wisdom remarks.
A mother is a female person in relation to her children.
A father is a male person in relation to his children.
The father is the eldest in the generation.
Otchinnik, stepfather-son, heir.
A nephew is the son of a brother or sister.
Nephew and niece - the son and daughter of a brother or sister. Grand-nephews are the grandchildren of a brother or sister. By the way, grand relatives are any relatives in the third generation (second cousin): a cousin's son can be called a grand brother. In a relatively recent era, these native Russian terms of kinship have been supplemented by the words cousin and cousin, French in origin, denoting cousins ​​and sisters, as well as any distant blood relatives in the same tribe.
A niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.
Plemyash - relative, relative.
The progenitors are the first couple known by pedigree, from which the genus originates.

When we get married or get married, we immediately have twice as many relatives. And they all have a name. You won't remember right away. No, well, you can’t confuse your mother-in-law with anyone! And now we'll deal with the rest ...

New relatives of the wife (bride)

mother in law is the husband's mother. For the mother-in-law - her son's wife will daughter-in-law.

father-in-law is the husband's father. For the father-in-law - his son's wife will daughter-in-law.

sister-in-law is the husband's sister. For the sister-in-law, her brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

brother-in-law is the husband's brother. For a brother-in-law, his brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

New relatives of the husband (groom)

mother-in-law is the wife's mother. For the mother-in-law, her daughter's husband will son-in-law.

Who is father-in-law

father-in-law is the wife's father. For the father-in-law, as well as for the mother-in-law, the husband of their daughter - son-in-law.

brother-in-law is the wife's brother. For the brother-in-law, the husband of his sister, as well as for the parents - son-in-law.

sister-in-law is the wife's sister. For the sister-in-law, as for the brother-in-law, their sister's husband will son-in-law.

New family ties between the parents of the bride and groom

Svatya- this is the mother of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

brother-in-law- this is the husband of one sister in relation to the husband of another. In-laws are also called any family ties between people who are not closely related.

Who are godfathers

Qom And godfather- godfather and mother, but not for the godson, but among themselves and in relation to the parents and relatives of the godson.

Other relatives

All other relatives of your husband/wife will be called for you in the same way as for him/her. If your husband has a niece, she remains a niece for you too. And you will be her uncle's wife for her.

In ancient times, it was customary to know your ancestors, honor their memory and remember the names of the grandfather and grandmother of your grandfather and grandmother. Today, often people do not even know what kind of relative they are to each other and what is the correct name for this

Kinship history

Kinship is divided into consanguineous, close and distant. Even 200 years ago, it was customary for blood relatives to live in the same yard. For this, a house was built for the son, where he brought his young wife, next to his father's shelter. It used to be that houses of the same family clan lined up along the street, and such a concept as great-nephews (these are the grandchildren of a sister or brother) was quite common for understanding the depth of kinship.

Family ties were so strong that mutual assistance was not considered something like a favor, but was natural for the survival and preservation of the family. With this approach, people knew not only their blood and relatives, but also distant relatives, such as fourth cousins ​​and brothers, and even deeper.

Nowadays, parents and children can live in the same city and see each other infrequently. Blood ties are no longer supported by the common way of life, the survival of the family is not under threat, so the more distant relationship is no longer tracked. Thus, the spiritual family connection is lost. People who are relatives among themselves are actually strangers to each other, and it is sometimes difficult to understand who belongs to whom.

Blood relations

Family ties by blood are divided into:

distant blood relationship

  • The fourth degree of consanguinity, but more distant relationship includes cousins ​​and brothers, cousins ​​grandfather and grandmother, as well as great-nephews - these are the grandchildren of siblings.
  • The fifth degree of consanguinity, but distant relationship - great uncles, aunts and nephews.
  • The sixth degree - second cousins ​​​​and brothers. They are the children of cousins ​​of their parents.

Further kinship is considered even more distant, therefore, it is possible to determine who belongs to whom only by digging into the pedigree.

Non-blood relatives

Each family where children grow up and marry acquires new relatives, which do not belong to the category of blood relatives, but are called in-laws. For each representative of in-laws, there are names of kinship, which are forgotten by many today.

Phrases like "brother of the wife of the brother of the husband" sometimes make one think about their meaning.

In fact, everything is very simple:

  1. For the bride:
  • husband's mother - mother-in-law;
  • father - father-in-law;
  • husband's sister - sister-in-law;
  • brother - brother-in-law;
  • brother-in-law's wife - daughter-in-law;
  • sister-in-law's husband is son-in-law.

2. For the groom:

  • wife's mother - mother-in-law;
  • wife's father - father-in-law;
  • wife's sister - sister-in-law;
  • wife's brother - brother-in-law;
  • brother-in-law's wife - daughter-in-law;
  • sister-in-law's husband - son-in-law.

The brothers' wives are Yatrovkas, and the sisters' husbands are brother-in-laws. Thus, it sounds in a new way - "brother of the husband's daughter-in-law." All relatives of the bride or groom of the second and subsequent degrees are the same relatives as blood relatives, but in-laws.


Nephews are blood relatives, and sometimes they replace their own children. So called the offspring of sisters and brothers. Between themselves, these children are cousins, they are also called cousins ​​and cousins.

There were cases when marriage unions arose between so many, which were accompanied by the birth of children with genetic abnormalities. In many countries marriages between cousins ​​and brothers are not encouraged, but such unions do not experience any persecution.

For nephews, the sisters and brothers of the parents are aunts and uncles.


Such kinship as great-nephews is a deepening of the branch of the clan on the part of sisters and brothers. When a brother or sister has their own children grow up and get married, it gives a new branch to the family tree.

The more children in the family, the more beautiful and magnificent the generic “crown” will be, and the degree of kinship is determined solely by the depth of the “roots”.

To understand, for example, who a great-nephew is, it is worth considering in detail the family life of a woman who has brothers and sisters. The children of a woman for her blood brothers or sisters are nephews. When they grow up, get married and have children themselves, these kids become grandchildren for a woman. For her siblings, a sister's grandson is a great-nephew. Thus, the entire depth of the clan will be called tribal - grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, etc.

Genus Depth

The number of generations of children who are related by blood determines the depth of the family family tree. The crown, or branches of the family tree, are the families of these children. Sometimes it is difficult to trace all weddings, divorces, births and deaths, so in the old days it was customary for aristocratic families to keep their own family chronicles.

Nowadays, it is not customary for most families to enter names and dates of births into the chronological table, so the degree of relationship cannot be traced deeper than the third or fourth generation. When, for example, a child is born in a sister's family, some loving uncles and aunts ask themselves the question: "Who is my nephew's son?"

In fact, all children born on the part of nephews are called nephews. This may be a niece grandson or granddaughter, great grandson or great granddaughter, and further down the depth of birth. In turn, the nephew's uncle or aunt becomes nephew's grandparents.

A brother's grandson can overnight make a pretty young aunt and uncle a grandma or grandpa. It often happens that the grandson (granddaughter) of a brother is of the same age or even older than the youngest child of his sister. Such children grow like the weather, and are often called sisters and brothers.

Although this is not as close blood relationship as the offspring of their own children, nevertheless, great-nephews are still grandchildren.

Cousin Depth

Cousins ​​and cousins ​​of parents are great uncles and aunts to their children. Accordingly, the children of a cousin or cousin are called great nephews. The child of a great-nephew is called a great-aunt.

This is a category of consanguinity, but distant relationship. For aristocrats, keeping track of all branches of the family is important in connection with the proof of aristocratic origin. Even 200 - 300 years ago they knew not only their main roots, but also their offshoots - families living in other cities and provinces. The same became applicable then to the merchants and wealthy townspeople.

Until now, families whose ancestors were their founders still live in the ancient cities of Europe. Usually the pedigree is traced from the father and passed on to the son. Therefore, the birth of an heir was so important for most royal and aristocratic families. If it was not there, then the family surname faded away and a new branch began with the surname of the married daughter.

Nowadays, such deep roots are no longer traced, and the inheritance is transmitted regardless of the gender of the child.

15 chose

In fairy tales, everything ends with a happy wedding, but in life everything just begins with it! Immediately after the registration of marriage, complete with your chosen one, you will receive a complete set of new relatives. From that day on, you have two families that have merged into one and entered into complex family relationships. Once upon a time, the question did not even arise of who is brought to whom and by whom, but today, alas, much has been forgotten and we cannot figure it out even in our closest relatives. Let's go back a couple of centuries ago, when families were large, a patriarchal way of life reigned, and even the most distant relationship was held in high esteem.

blood relatives

With blood relatives, everything is more or less clear: mother, father, brother, sister, uncles and aunts, nephews, grandparents. This is if you do not go deep. And if you try to figure it out, you might think that in the family all people are brothers!

  • Bratanich- brother's nephew
  • Bro- cousin's wife
  • Bro brother's daughter, brother's niece
  • bratelnitsa- cousin or distant relative
  • Bratova- brother's wife
  • Bratych brother's son, brother's nephew
  • Bro, bro-cousin

It's the same with sisters.

  • Sister, sister, sister- cousin
  • Sister- cousin, daughter of mother's or father's sister
  • Sister, sister, sister (ancient Russian)- mother's sister's son (sister's nephew)

Do you know how to call your grandparents' brothers or sisters? great aunt- the sister of a grandfather or grandmother (cousin) and great uncle- the brother of a grandfather or grandmother. And that's not all - there are also cousins, second cousins ​​and a number of great-great-great… .

You can get confused even among grandchildren! Judge for yourself: grandson and granddaughter this is not only the son and daughter of a son or daughter, but also the children of nephews. In grandchildren and grandchildren, you can get confused at all:

  • Grandbrothers and sisters- second cousins
  • Great-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister
  • Great cousin-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a cousin or sister.


Let's go back to the wedding, after which the number of relatives grows at least twice - this in-laws.

For whom do not marry, but the mother-in-law and father-in-law (parents of the husband) are provided for you, however, like the father-in-law with the mother-in-law to your chosen one! But they, in turn, acquire you as a relative.

Let's take it in order:

  • Father-in-law and mother-in-law- husband's parents for a young wife
  • Father-in-law and mother-in-law- wife's parents for husband
  • matchmaker, matchmaker-parents of husband and wife in relation to each other
  • son-in-law- daughter's husband
  • Daughter-in-law (she is the daughter-in-law for the father-in-law)- son's wife
  • brother-in-law- Brother husband, yatrovka or intercourse- brother-in-law's wife
  • sister-in-law- husband's sister
  • sister-in-law- wife's sister
  • brother-in-law- wife's sister's husband brother-in-law men whose wives are sisters
  • brother-in-law- brother-in-law, Shurich- brother-in-law's son

By the way, if, in addition to family ties, we also mention family relations, then most often the father-in-law is more kind than the mother-in-law in relation to the daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law). With father-in-law and mother-in-law it can be anything - if father-in-law is always a friend to a son-in-law, then mother-in-law can be different - both in the form of an "old saw" and in the form of a best friend.

Even "stars" and princesses have mothers-in-law!

Close but not related

It turns out that there are relatives and close ones, but not relatives. Not very clear? Now let's figure it out!

If a husband or wife has children from previous marriages, they are considered stepbrothers and sisters. At the same time, the mother's husband stepfather and the father's wife stepmother. Not a native son - stepson, not his own daughter - stepdaughter. So it turns out that they seem to be close relatives, but not relatives.

Close, but not relatives are also considered:

  • Named daughter, named son- adopted children
  • named mother, named father– adoptive parents

If the young people got married, then they have more planted parents - planted mother and planted father replacing parents at the wedding ceremony.

When a child is baptized, the following are added to the number of relatives, but not relatives:

  • Kum and kuma - godfather and mother in relation to the parents of the godson and to each other
  • Godmother- spiritual mother
  • Godfather- spiritual father
  • Godson- godson
  • Goddaughter- God daughter
  • Godbrother (sister)- son (daughter) of the godfather

There was a custom of exchanging pectoral crosses, and people who performed such a ceremony, kissing three times, also became close:

  • Brother of the cross, brother of the cross
  • Cross sister, sister-in-law

It also happened that it was necessary to look for a nurse for a child when her own mother could not feed. The nurse became milk mother, and her children and the child she nursed became dairy brothers and sisters.

So many relatives around...

Try to figure out who is who and by whom!

Long ago, for many centuries, every family knew their grandparents several generations ago. Each of them was remembered by name, they did not cease to honor the memory of those who had passed away from this life, and they always told the story of the family to the babies who were born, new family members. Today, unfortunately, such traditions are irrelevant. Perhaps someone considers it unfashionable, someone does not need to study it, someone simply, for many reasons, cannot learn practically anything about their ancestors. And the result of such family illiteracy is complete ignorance and misunderstanding of who belongs to whom, how to properly call your relatives and what kind of family ties between members of the same family.

You can try to understand one point of such connections and understand who the great-nephew is?

These days

The family is a definite unit of modern society. Every person needs the important values ​​of the institution of the family, because without them the whole life becomes meager, incomprehensible and inferior. In order not to be mistaken in the correct name of all, without exception, the numerous members of a large family, one should first understand the relationship between them.

Yes, unfortunately, in the modern world, very few people know and understand the question of who is who and who is in the same family. Yes, and families are different, with a diametrically opposed concept of family values. And the number of people is also different. If the family is small - children, parents, grandparents - then everything is clear. But if it is huge, then it is very easy to get confused. After all, there are times when an aunt is about a quarter of a century younger than her nephew, and a granddaughter is ten years older than her grandmother. But this, of course, is possible if the relatives are cousins ​​or second cousins.

Family ties

Family ties to an outsider for such a family will seem terribly confusing and incomprehensible to a person. But family members can easily figure out what's what.

The connection between relatives in any family, regardless of the number of its members, is a kind of building blocks with which it is quite possible to build strong interpersonal relationships.

Family ties are certain bonds that form a certain closed community of people. It is these ties that exist between relatives that underlie inheritance and family law. It is they who can determine most aspects in the life of modern people with great accuracy.

Do you need to know and why?

We have decided on the concept of family ties. But do they have their own species and do modern people need to know them? What is it for?

Literally 100-150 years ago, families were large, there were at least three or four heirs. As a rule, several different generations of relatives, both close and distant, lived in one house at the same time.

Do you remember how in the film “For Family Reasons” the character of Lev Durov said: “Where, tell me, can you find such large tables now? But what is there ... And where are such large families?

Always, regardless of what worldview or financial situation in the family, people of the same kind were united precisely by family ties. After all, all their concerns, values, experiences or needs were absolutely similar. Even the well-known expression “similar as two drops of water” meant that two people from the same clan who are compared with each other, for example, an aunt and a niece, are the closest relatives.

Who are you, great-nephew?

With parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, everything seems to be very clear. And the question of who belongs to whom does not arise. A little more difficult with the definition of relatives that are a little further in the degree of relationship.

For example, a great-nephew. Who will this be? How to understand: a close relative or a distant one?

A great-nephew is a child born from the natural nephews of a sister or brother. Thus, if the sister or brother of a person who is interested in this issue has a son, then for him, that is, who is interested, he will be his own nephew. When the son has his own little son, then this little one is the very mysterious great-nephew. This is who and how it turns out (such a line of kinship), it is not difficult to understand. After all, a great-nephew is the grandson of the sister or brother of the one who is interested.

Step jumping

So, since we have come to the denominator in the question that the grandson of a sister or brother is a great-nephew, we can easily determine who the grand-nephew is. Here, at first glance, it is a little more complicated, and you can get confused out of habit. But only at first.

If a brother or sister is a second cousin in relation to the person who is interested in this issue, then the nephew acquires the weighty significance of a cousin. If a brother or sister is a fourth cousin, then the nephew will be a second cousin. That is, if I may say so, it is always one step lower than the relatives of the person who is interested in whom he is the grandson of.

Who am I to him?

Now the interested person may have a new question: who am I to my great-nephew? Let's try not to get confused when answering the question.

Since the previous difficulties seem to have all been resolved, there should be no conflicting explanations for this. So, a great-nephew is a child born to a sister's or brother's own nephew. Thus, if a sister or brother has their own children, then for the one who is interested they will be great-nephews when the sister or brother becomes a grandmother or grandfather. We repeat once again: great-nephew - who is this? This is the grandson of a sister or brother. Accordingly, the subject is a great-uncle.

The inverse relationship can be defined as follows: if one person is the grand-nephew of another, then this other, in turn, in relation to the first is a cousin of the grandfather.

About brothers and sisters

A relative in a direct line on the part of a brother or sister is a great-nephew. They always say that when they want to say that this is, for example, the grandson of a sister. Otherwise, you can determine the relationship - this is the child of the native nephew of a person who is interested in family ties. What if there is a brother in the family? In this situation, the grand-nephew will be the grandson of the brother.

Thus, if the interested person has a brother or sister, and they, in turn, have sons, then for the interested person they will be native nephews, and when they get their own babies, they will be great-nephews and at the same time grandchildren of a sister or brother.

From whichever side you come, the line of kinship in any family, regardless of the number of relatives, will be exactly the same.

Logic or habit?

If we turn to old Logic, we can say with confidence that a great-nephew is rightfully called a cousin. Then the reciprocal relationship will simultaneously have both a certain degree of kinship between people (that is, a cousin in this situation), and a specific indication of the difference in generations (granddaughter-granddaughter).

But historically it happened exactly as it is written above: in these names they specifically indicate:

  • relationship and its degree: nephew cousin;
  • the difference in generations: the grandchild is two generations younger.

After all, whatever one may say, the concept of “cousin grandson” does not exist in Russian. It is precisely because of such a difficult at first glance situation that such family relationships are denoted with some “shift” in the names: great-nephew - great-uncle; great cousin-nephew - second cousin grandfather.

Of course, the first time you can get confused. But they are our relatives. And from whether we call them correctly, our love for them will not decrease.