Environmental education and enlightenment crafts for children. Game "Ladder": Ecological crafts from garbage and waste. Hedgehog made of cones

Crafts on the theme “Ecology”- one of the methods of environmental education for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. From early childhood, children need to be explained how important it is to take care of the environment: that you cannot throw garbage on the street, but only in trash cans; that many waste materials can be reused in the household and in creativity.

It is not surprising that in 2017, environmental education classes were held in many preschool institutions, in which crafts were made from waste material, because 2017 was declared the year of ecology in Russia. Don’t forget that you can use a wide variety of materials for creativity; children will be happy to create both paper and plastic.

Crafts on the theme “Ecology”

On the eve of May 12, when Russia will celebrate the Day of Environmental Education, environmental events are being held throughout the country, the main goal of which is to educate everyone - young and old - about the enormous importance of events aimed at preserving the ecosystem of our planet. With the development of technology and chemical production, the planet is faced with a huge danger - some corners of the planet that previously could boast of their green forests are now literally buried in mountains of garbage. You can look at the small streets of your city - there are plastic bags and plastic bottles lying everywhere, materials that take a very long time to break down in natural conditions.

Unfortunately, in our country there are very few factories and enterprises that would process secondary raw materials, so it is important to raise a young generation that will understand how important such production is. After all, a plastic bottle does not have to be immediately thrown into the trash bin; it can be used in the household: make an organizer for pens and pencils, a container for storing bulk products, etc. Many options for use can be found in a summer cottage: making a fence for a flower bed, greenhouse, and even a small outbuilding. By the way, the use of plastic bottles as building materials is popular not only in poor third world countries, but also in high-tech Japan.

Children can contribute to the preservation of the ecosystem - at home with their parents or in kindergarten DIY crafts on the theme “Ecology”, using plastic containers, various packaging and other waste materials. Children in such classes will be able to learn how to breathe new life into those materials that we usually throw into the trash without regret. To make it in elementary school, it is not at all necessary to buy a new package of colored paper, because wood is used for paper production, which means that trees die somewhere for every sheet of paper; you can take a variety of other materials that have already served their purpose and are ready for recycling use.

DIY crafts on the theme “Ecology”

Creating children's crafts on the theme "Ecology", the children not only contribute to the preservation of the ecosystem, which they certainly need to be clearly told about, but they can also have fun. You can work on the craft independently or in a team with other students in the group. Most likely, in the creative process, children will need the help of adults, especially if they have to work with thick cardboard or plastic.

You should start with the easiest thing, for example, a simple application is suitable for middle school students. As the main decorative material, we can offer preschoolers candy wrappers - shiny and bright, they will become a real decoration of our applique.

In the process, children will get acquainted with the fascinating world of creativity, learn how to make colorful appliqués using not only paper, but also a variety of waste materials. Of course, such an activity contributes to the development of children's imagination and creative imagination. In addition, before starting work, the kids will have a great excuse to eat some delicious chocolates and use their wrappers as decorative material. You can organize a small container at home where children can put candy wrappers throughout the year, and then they can be used in creativity.

  • Paper
  • Wrappers
  • Glue stick
  • Pencil
  • Stationery scissors

We will need some candy wrappers with a black back side, others with a bright pink side. On a piece of paper you should outline the outlines of the future tree with a pencil; this can be done by a parent or teacher. Parents can also mark the outline of all the pieces on the candy wrappers to make it easier for their child to cut them out. Pupils of the senior group or junior students can independently draw the outline and cut out all the necessary details.

Crafts on the theme “Ecology” for kindergarten in the form of an applique depicting a flowering tree, it starts from the trunk; for this you need to use the reverse, dark side of our candy wrapper. First you need to cut out the trunk and glue it onto paper, then you need to cut out small “gnarled” branches to give the tree a finished look.

For the flowers, we will need a candy wrapper with a pink pattern, from which we need to cut out flowers; these can be flowers like those in the presented master class, or of a different shape. The cut out flowers must be glued to the branches, after which the work can be considered completed.

Additionally, the applique can be decorated with butterflies, the leaves of which will also be cut from candy wrappers, as well as dragonflies.

If you want to do this with your child, then you should choose orange, yellow and red candy wrappers, and the leaves for the autumn tree should be cut into small, oblong shapes. And don't forget about crafts made from natural materials on the theme “Ecology”, because the best material for creativity is fallen autumn leaves, which excite the imagination with their unusual shapes and rich colors.

Crafts on the theme “Ecology” for kindergarten

When it comes to crafts made from waste materials on the theme “Ecology”, you always want the master class to cover only those materials that are always at hand and that we usually throw away. In addition, it is imperative to choose materials that will be easy for the child to work with, even with the help of parents.

For example, every family regularly consumes juices and milk. What do we usually do with tetrapacks? That's right, we throw them in the trash, but this is an excellent material for creative ventures. Firstly, tatrapack is, first of all, a product made of thick cardboard with an additional coating, and cardboard can be cut, bent, and painted, which means that all these manipulations can be done with tetrapack.

The very idea of ​​​​creating a house from tetra-pack is more suitable not for classes in kindergarten, but for a home hobby. The child will be happy to work with his mother to create such a house, which can then be used in home games or in a children's puppet theater.

Tetrapack houses are crafts on the theme “Ecology”, photo which will truly delight you. They turn out so bright and colorful, truly fabulous. Not only will you not want to throw them away, but after that the child will collect other tetrapacks - small and large - to build an entire fairy-tale city. It is convenient to place such “buildings” in a child’s room on a windowsill or along a wall; they do not take up much space, and are very convenient and safe for playing. Children will not be able to get hurt on the cardboard, and they will not be able to break the houses themselves. The perfect homemade toy!

If you can make a multi-story doll house from a large cardboard box, where there will be several rooms with homemade furniture for Barbie, then such small houses are more suitable for playing with Lego men or other miniature toys.

  • Tetrapack
  • Paints
  • Paper
  • Scissors

The set of necessary materials may be minimal, but if you wish, you can use various additional decorative elements. For example, the surface of a tetra pack can be painted with several layers of paint or covered with colored paper or wallpaper. Windows and doors can be drawn or pasted with an applique of rectangles of colored paper. Using rope and toothpicks you can make a rope ladder. In a word, your imagination is not limited by anything, and you can use a variety of materials. Using the same principle, you can make not only multi-story residential buildings, but also a hospital, shops, a school, and “signs” can be printed on a printer.

And if mothers want to make a convenient organizer for jewelry out of tetra packs, then you can rest assured that the children will immediately come to the rescue and will take every possible part in the process. And girls will want the same box for their jewelry.

Crafts for the garden on the theme “Ecology”

Often used for decoration and functional decoration of the garden plot. Plastic bottles are the material for which craftswomen have found many uses. Firstly, they are often used in the household as a convenient container for water and bulk products. Secondly, many gardeners with plastic bottles not only make fences for beds and flower beds, but also use them as containers for growing seedlings, and even make unusual planters for fresh flowers that adorn the backyard.

Many mothers choose plastic bottles for children's creativity, and in the process of work, preschoolers can be told about how dangerous plastic is for our ecosystem. Unusual garden craft on the theme “Ecology” will allow not only to join an exciting creative activity, but also to learn a lot about the environment.

We will create a bright caterpillar on wheels, and for this craft we will take the most ordinary plastic bottles. Such a caterpillar can be played at home and in nature, and if any part breaks down, then there is no reason to be upset, because you did not spend a penny on this toy.

  • Plastic liter bottles - 10 pcs.
  • Plastic bottles, volume 2.5 l. - 2 pcs.
  • Multi-colored acrylic paints
  • Bottle caps - 12 pcs.
  • Double sided bolts
  • Nuts to match bolts
  • Glue "Moment"
  • Wire
  • Jute rope

This craft involves joint action by adults and children, and all family members can be involved - there is a task for everyone. Adults will cut the plastic and make holes, and children will do all the work of coloring and decorating the finished caterpillar.

Crafts on the theme “Ecology”: photos

You will definitely be attracted and craft on the theme “Ecology” for a schoolchild, which may become part of a thematic exhibition. Environmental events and campaigns will definitely be held in schools in order to educate schoolchildren about the need to preserve the environment. Of course, the “Caterpillar” craft will be more to the liking of preschoolers.

First, you need to cut off the bottoms from the bottles with scissors; as a result, you should get ten bottoms from a liter container and two bottoms from large bottles. A hole should be made in the middle of each plastic blank using a drill or awl, which must be heated over a flame. You can thread a rope through this hole to connect all the track pieces.

Now it's time for the child to work on the Caterpillar toy: the bottoms must be painted in pairs in bright colors, in total we need six colors of acrylic paint.

The corks will be used as wheels, so a hole should be made in the center of each and prepared bolts should be screwed into this hole. We will have 10 wheels in total. It remains to bring together all the painted parts of the bottle and attach the wheels, and decorate the head with eyes and mouth, attach wire horns.

You can use other ideas on how to create crafts on the theme “Year of Ecology”, which will help highlight the environmental problems of the planet. For example, you can create a thematic wall newspaper for a school.

It invites us to figure out what is good and what is bad we are doing in relation to nature, and how we can reuse something that served us once and is ready to turn into garbage. In the selection that the column leader made for us Maria Kostyuchenko , collected ecological (nature-saving) crafts and games that invite you to be more attentive to your “eco-footprint”.

On May 12, Russia and the countries of the former CIS celebrate Environmental Education Day. On this day, various environmental events are held in cities and towns, which are both educational and practical in nature: exhibitions, conferences and children's creativity competitions on the topic of nature conservation are held, people participate in environmental activities - cleaning the banks of rivers and reservoirs, cleaning parks, landscaping areas. This holiday concerns everyone who takes part in promoting the idea of ​​protecting nature.

The importance of environmental education is difficult to overestimate. It is the knowledge of what nature is, how it lives, how a person can influence nature, what the role of each of us is in all this that allows a person to realize what catastrophic phenomena harmful habits in relation to nature can lead to and understand how to avoid such consequences. The highest goal of environmental education is to form a so-called environmental culture.

So that caring for the environment not only brings benefits, but also works for overall development, allows you to get involved in the process with understanding and interest, I want to offer you today some interesting ideas, mainly these are various environmental games and crafts.

Let's take a pencil!

We will start by talking with the child about why and why we need to protect our planet, our nature, our forests and fields, rivers and lakes. And in order not to forget about this, you can do original notebook, in which you write what you can’t do, and what you can do, to keep our planet clean!

Poster dedicated to... garbage

Next, we’ll talk with the child about waste, about the garbage that people litter our planet with every day. Can be done huge poster on whatman paper, on which you and your child will post drawings or items that go into the trash every day - for example, plastic bags, bottles, food packaging or boxes, and much more. Next to each of the indicated items you can write your ideas for recycling or replacing them to litter less. For example, use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic bags.

Creative crafts made from trash

The poster is ready! Now let's start acting eco-friendly!
You can start with creativity. Namely, from waste recycling.

One of the most common waste items is toilet paper rolls that are left behind after use. But you can come up with so many crafts and useful things from them!

  • Firstly, rolls can be an excellent basis for creating a storage system for stationery and art supplies. You just need to decorate them beautifully and fasten them together - and here is a beautiful desktop stand ready.
  • You can make unusual ones yourself from rolls toys and heroes of your games. With the help of such toys you can create your own fairy tales or act out existing ones.
  • And if your baby loves music, then give him rain stick from a roll of foil or paper towel.

Crafts from caps and corks

  • The second most popular waste (for me personally) are lids and corks. The most ordinary corks can be an excellent basis for creating unusual chess.
  • Baby puree lids will help your baby explore emotions, learn to compose human faces and animal faces, show your imagination!
  • And you can make incredibly beautiful things out of bottle caps. animal and people appliques.

Crafts from Kinder Surprise capsules

Third in line are capsules from Kinder Surprises! Do your kids love these delicious chocolate eggs? What about playing with toys? Where do you send the capsules? Let's stop throwing them away and come up with a second life for them.

  • If you have a lot of capsules of different colors and sizes accumulated at home, then I suggest you make set of nesting dolls!
  • And if only small yellow capsules have been preserved at hand, then come up with an image of some hero for each such capsule, for example, images minions, because the yellow capsules of Kinder surprises seem to be created for minions!
  • Is your baby still small? Then fill the capsules with cereals, peas, pasta, pebbles, secure the capsule with electrical tape (so that the child does not open it) and make noise! Let the baby learn to make sounds, look for pairs of sounds and just enjoy the process.

Crafts from disposable tableware

What else can be recycled? Disposable tableware! We buy it so as not to wash it and quickly throw it away. What if you wash it? You can make incredible things out of just one package of plastic spoons. adorable insects, develop the child’s horizons and take an unconventional look at the most ordinary things.

And if we stop throwing things away, we can build something like this: Ferris wheel.

  • More ideas

And if we do a little magic with the bottles, we can make handbags out of them for walking. What can you store in these bags? Pebbles, leaves, twigs. For what?

Ecological fairy tale game

How can we finish our lessons? Of course, a fairy tale. You can make finger toys depicting natural phenomena, people, garbage and put on a small performance.

Fiction or reality?

I would like to end today’s post with a reminder of one story.

Recently, Dasha and I read Kir Bulychev’s story “Vacation on Penelope.” This is one of the stories about Alisa Selezneva, with whom almost every parent is familiar. So this story is about an unusual planet on which there were no predators, no people, nothing bad. Astronauts found it and made it a planet for tourist trips, but at the same time they tried to treat it with care.

At some point, a man appeared who did not spare the planet, he caused her pain. He killed animals, blew up trees - and the planet changed. Predators appeared on it and earthquakes began. This would have continued until all the people died if Alice had not met a talking snake, which turned out to be the voice of the planet itself.

Planet Penelope was alive! She felt, she suffered when she was offended, and she tried to destroy the source of pain, which was people. So this story of Alice inspired me to think that maybe there is such a talking snake crawling around our Earth, or a lion walking, or a swallow flying, which are the voice of our planet, we just can’t hear them, we can’t stop and think about about what we are doing...

How quickly and powerfully we destroy the planet on which there is still life! And if Alisa Selezneva could board a spaceship and fly to another planet and live there, then you and I cannot. There are no such planets yet, or we don’t know about them yet, so all that remains for us is to take care of our dear Earth!!!

We once had a page dedicated to the issue, where community members shared posts about the ways in which they instill respect for nature in their children. The topic of waste, in particular its sorting, was also touched upon a little.

- here we have collected for you the Top 40 ideas for the most creative crafts from empty plastic bottles that we constantly encounter in everyday life. And here are 25 original ideas.

Do you do something similar with your children? Please share your ideas on how you can give a second life to seemingly unnecessary things. Tell and show what crafts from garbage and waste you can create with your own hands together with your children.

Rules for participation in the Ladder:

Immediately after publication, the new “Ladder” will be added to the list so that everyone can find out what community members wrote on this topic in their blogs, as well as add links to their posts - at any time.

Hello, friends! Over the past three days, I have been persistently wandering the Internet in search of... garbage) Or rather, in search of crafts that can be made from it. And, you know, some crafts are so good that it’s hard to even imagine that they were made from something that could just be taken and thrown away.

In this article I want to present you with a large overview of “garbage” masterpieces. Crafts made from trash that are worthy of praise!

Lesson plan:

From empty matchboxes

They say that matches are not a toy for children! And it is right! But from boxes you can make not only toys, but even real educational games. See for yourself.

By gluing the boxes with colored paper and writing letters on them, we get the alphabet!

And inside we hide figures whose names begin with different letters of the alphabet. The result is an interesting developmental and educational toy. And multifunctional too! After all, a child learning the alphabet can:

  • try to arrange the letters in order;
  • make words from letters;
  • place items in the correct boxes.

And this not only develops thinking, but also fine motor skills.

Tired of learning letters? No problem! You can also relax! You can always build something out of colored boxes.

Another version of the game with boxes is “Who eats what?”

I just want to say bravo to the author for such an idea. Here, on the outside of the boxes there are pictures of animals, and inside there are different places where they live. The boxes are being dismantled. Well, then you need to assemble them correctly. Are we developing our horizons? But of course! We also train our memory.

I think many mothers, when they were still girls and had two or three little dolls, had furniture made from matchboxes. I had! I am sure that modern girls will also enjoy making it with their own hands and playing with such interesting doll furniture.

After all, there are so many shelves, so many cabinets. And you can hide so many things there.

Were you accidentally asked to make a math pencil case in kindergarten? We were not asked, but I heard about such a thing from friends of kindergarten parents. And it is made again from matchboxes. And it looks like this.

This pencil case helps children learn geometric shapes, counting, and colors.

If there is a needlewoman in the house, then she will certainly be pleased with such an organizer for all sorts of different handicraft little things.

And there is nothing complicated in making it. The main thing is to turn on your imagination!

You can also make puzzles out of boxes.

Just take one beautiful picture, cut it into rectangles, stick the rectangles on match houses and the puzzles are ready!

From toilet paper rolls

From matchboxes we move on to another popular material for making crafts. Let me introduce toilet paper rolls, which give almost unlimited possibilities to young craftsmen.

Let's start with a cool stationery organizer.

This is such a caterpillar. I think that if it settles on a first-grader’s desk, it definitely won’t be boring) The body of the caterpillar is made of bushings. They are covered with corrugated cardboard and look very good. Do you agree? It would not be a shame to take such a craft to school for a competition.

We continue our review with a sorting game for children.

10 colored sleeves. They have 10 numbers. And various little things, buttons, some figures, large beads in little bowls. The game will help you figure out colors and get acquainted with counting.

Strange as it may seem, bushings are used to paint pictures! You just need to cut them, and then make different flowers, leaves, and circles from the pieces. And glue it all in a random, beautiful order.

It turns out very tender and beautiful.

If you press the top of the sleeve a little, you get ears. And then animals with ears. Variety. And very beautiful.

Here are the heroes of various games.

Or you can try making animals like these.

It's a little more complicated, but the results are worth the effort.

These stands for felt-tip pens look interesting.

And the idea is simple. You need to take the threads and carefully wrap them around the bushings. Then build a decoration from fabric or felt. That's all! Original and pleasant to the touch holders of colored pencils are ready.

From egg trays

We also quite often throw away the trays in which eggs are sold, without even thinking that they can turn out to be very cute little things.

For example, these are such charming caterpillars.

Someday they will definitely become butterflies, but for now they stand, look, what else to chew)

Or these chickens. Probably laying hens! Just a couple of simple touches and the poultry yard is ready!

Or you can be original! Take a cardboard tray, cut it into separate cells, paint them in different colors, string them on threads, and then tie these threads to a stick.

Here is an interesting bright pendant that will please the eye and lift your spirits)

And the trays also make very beautiful flowers. You can make very simple flowers, like daisies, or you can make them more complex, like roses. There are a lot of options.

Well, you can decorate anything with these flowers. For example, a photo frame or a mirror frame.

You can also make beautiful flowers from plastic trays. But I think it's a little more complicated than the cardboard ones.

Well, now it’s not really a craft from a tray, but rather from what’s in the tray. From eggs. Or rather, from an empty eggshell. First you need to carefully remove the egg from the shell and leave it almost intact, removing only the top part. Then fill the shell with soil and plant the seeds of some fast-growing herb in it. Wait and water! And after some time, you will meet such funny herbalists.

Just so that they can wink and smile at you, you will need to draw eyes and mouths for them)

From empty juice or milk boxes

Do you like juice? Do you drink milk? Where do you put the boxes? You probably throw it away, but in vain! After all, in the soul, every box is not just a box, but a real person! With your own face and your own character. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

Large empty boxes can be used to make vehicles.

And land ones.

And air ones.

And even waterfowl.

Well, for those who like to grow something, we offer this option.

Vegetable garden in boxes. A very convenient way to grow different seedlings. It’s neat and you don’t need to spend money on special trays.

Now let's get serious. How to make sure there is always order on the table? Of course, install an organizer! You can, of course, buy it. But it’s much more interesting to make it yourself from the same irreplaceable boxes. And decorate to your liking.

From used disposable tableware

Well, now let’s move on to crafts made from disposable tableware. Let's start with plastic spoons. What interesting things could be made of them? Maybe flowers, and at the same time ladybugs?

Well, just like alive)

And a couple more representatives of the insect kingdom, only larger in size.

These bugs are made from paper plates. In my opinion, they are simply adorable!

How about this gorgeous hat?

It is made of two plastic plates. One deep and one flat. The middle of a flat plate is cut out and a deep one is glued onto it. Don't forget to paint your hat in your favorite color and decorate it. Here, by the way, flowers from egg trays, which were discussed a little earlier, would be suitable.

If you like to organize home theater performances, then plastic plates are ready to help you with actors. You can make the faces of different animals out of them, and then glue a small stick to each one. And the puppet theater artists are ready.

And if you cut out eyes in the faces, you will get masks. And you are guaranteed a fun children's masquerade. Then you will look at the photo and remember how great it was!

And now about the beautiful things. Look what a miracle it is.

This is a fan made of plastic forks. The forks are attached to an old unnecessary disk. The fan is decorated with ribbons, flowers and lace.

A real work of art that can decorate any interior!

And in this photo you see a fan of large and small spoons.

It's also very beautiful.

I also advise you to pay attention to the article about and from them.

That's all for today! I hope you liked the review, and you already want to create something with your own hands!

I wish you creative success!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Let's protect the planet from garbage together with MAAM! More than a hundred publications by teachers on environmental topics: garbage fashion, miracles from the trash can, games for waste separation. Get inspired!

Lesson notes, games and activities on a “garbage” theme.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Costumes made from waste material. Eco-friendly fashion, clothes and dresses made from waste for children

Showing publications 1-10 of 473.
All sections | Garbage. Activities, scenarios, crafts on an environmental theme

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