He learns the child if the child is constantly criticized. "And who asked you?", or When a child is criticized by outsiders.... How not to yell at a child: reasons from the child

She grew up in a good, cultured family and everything in her childhood was wonderful, except for one “BUT”. Her mother, being a very intelligent person, did not know that her merciless criticism of her daughter turned out to be a lot of problems for the girl in her future adult life. According to my friend, she always considered herself a second-class person, because no matter what she did, her parent was almost always not happy with her. The result of such a critical upbringing is an unfulfilled personal life and career, with quite good external and intellectual data.

If you look into the explanatory dictionary, you can be sure that criticism is a negative opinion about something or someone, indicating shortcomings.

What the consequences of constant screaming at children can lead to is described in the article: Why you can’t raise your voice at a child.

Think about it - why do we want to point out to the child his shortcomings? Of course, in order for our child to abandon ineffective behavior patterns and acquire new, more effective ways of interacting with others.

But very often parents judge the inefficiency of their children's behavior in a hurry, succumbing to momentary emotions. In this regard, the question arises: who are the judges? After all, those “flaws” that some parents try to “comb” sometimes are not at all. And if you look closely, sometimes even virtues that a child could be proud of. Therefore, I will undertake to give advice: before criticizing, think about whether it is possible to do without criticism. If you are in any doubt whether to criticize or not, it is better to refrain from criticism.

It turns out that criticism can be constructive and destructive. The second causes severe damage to the child's psyche, belittles his dignity, deprives him of self-confidence and raises inferiority complexes in the child.

When you use criticism in communicating with your child, you need to clearly understand what kind of criticism this is, whether it plays a creative role, whether it helps in solving a specific issue, whether it helps to understand something new, whether it hurts the child ...

Often we are sure that we criticize only constructively. Of course, we want the best for the child, we want to help. Such criticism, constructive, can be helpful. But at the same time, with all good intentions, it is necessary to be very careful with criticism.

If your upbringing is replete with criticism, you run the risk of turning in the eyes of the child into an eternally dissatisfied parent. In this case, children do not perceive the parent, they can become rude, thus demonstrating a defensive reaction.

We criticize the child correctly!

How to criticize the child, so that he would not be offended and perceive everything correctly? I want to repeat that criticism should be resorted to only when it is really necessary. Forbid yourself from preventive criticism. I follow the rules with my children: let them learn something slower than lose faith in themselves and that I will always help them. I believe that a child should constantly feel parental love, both when he is successful and when he makes mistakes.

Respect the personality of the child, observe the inviolability of his personality. Evaluate only the actions that the child has committed, and not the child himself. For example, instead of saying "you are stupid", say "you did not act wisely."

Do not shame your baby in front of other people, avoid comparison with others. Do not speak negatively about the child in a conversation with another person in his presence, such a mistake can turn into quite a serious psychological trauma for the child, and you may never know about it. Use positive humor. Humor helps to defuse the tension of the situation and keep the peace in the relationship.

Give the child the opportunity to correct the mistakes after your criticism. Advance the baby with praise: "I'm sure you will succeed" "you can."

Do not communicate with the child in an orderly tone, do not make fun of him, this is humiliating. And especially do not use violence! Understand that if your criticism is like an order, then it naturally causes a desire in a child to rebel, cry - and this is a normal reaction of his personality to humiliation.

Remember, your child is a colossal world of emotions, creative undertakings, experiences, despair, joys and entertainment. Love your baby the way he is. Not for anything, but simply because he is. Remember that the child's actions are a mirror of your own behavior, think about where and in what you act, in such a way, for which you criticize your child as a result.

Understand that a child is not property, it is a person, and you must respect this person and reckon with his opinion, even if you do not like it. Look for ways to explain to the child what exactly is wrong in terms of logic, calmly and competently.

If: The child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate. The child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate. The child lives in enmity, he learns to be aggressive. The child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn. The child grows up in tolerance, he learns to be noble. The child grows up in honesty, he learns to be fair. The child grows up in safety, he learns to trust people. The child is supported, he learns to value himself. The child lives in understanding and friendliness, He learns to find love in this world. He learns to find love in this world.

School 24 was opened on September 1, 1947. School 24 was opened on September 1, 1947. 511 students study, of which 210 are in primary school; 511 students study, of which 210 are in primary school; The school has 42 teachers; The school has 42 teachers; The school building has 38 rooms, including 21 classrooms, workshops, a gym, a library, a canteen, a medical office; The school building has 38 rooms, including 21 classrooms, workshops, a gym, a library, a canteen, a medical office;

Title documents Law "On Education of the Russian Federation"; Law "On Education of the Russian Federation"; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Model Regulations on an educational institution; Model Regulations on an educational institution; School charter; School charter; Rules of the internal work schedule of the school; Rules of the internal work schedule of the school;

Traditions of elementary school: Initiation into students Holiday of the Primer New Year's performances Sports holidays and competitions Conducting subject weeks Participation in the olympiads "Kangaroo" and "Russian bear cub" of students of 3rd and 4th grades Birthday days Trips to museums and theaters Excursions Farewell to elementary school Dedication to students Holiday of the Primer New Year's performances Sports holidays and competitions Conducting subject weeks Participation in Olympiads ah "Kangaroo" and "Russian bear cub" for students of 3rd, 4th grades Birthday days Trips to museums and theaters Excursions Farewell to elementary school

A first-grader is a child ... a teacher, a group of educators, a group of carelessness, carelessness carelessness, carelessness game game kindergarten (preschooler) kindergarten (preschooler) teacher, peers teacher, peers requirements, responsibilities requirements, responsibilities educational activities educational activities school school (schoolchild) (schoolchild)

Features of teaching first-graders: Features of teaching first-graders: 1. Three lessons are held in September-October. 1. In September - October, three lessons are held. 2. Beginning of classes - 8.50 am. 2. Beginning of classes - 8.50 am. 3. Lesson duration - 35 minutes. 3. The duration of the lesson is 35 minutes. 4. Training is conducted without scoring throughout the year. 4. Training is conducted without scoring throughout the year. 5. Pupils of the first class are not left for a second course. 5. Pupils of the first class are not left for a second course. 6. The maximum class capacity is 25 people. 6. The maximum class capacity is 25 people. 7. Homework is not assigned during the year. 7. Homework is not assigned during the year. 8. Additional weekly holidays in February. 8. Additional weekly holidays in February.

Set "Primary school of the XXI century" The overall goal of education is the formation of the leading activity for this age. The goal of the school teacher is not just to teach the student, but to teach him to teach himself, i.e. educational activities; The aim of the student is to acquire the ability to learn. Educational subjects and their content act as a means to achieve this goal. The overall goal of training is the formation of a leading activity for this age. The goal of the school teacher is not just to teach the student, but to teach him to teach himself, i.e. educational activities; The aim of the student is to acquire the ability to learn. Educational subjects and their content act as a means to achieve this goal. The main task is the formation of educational activities, with a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren. The main task is the formation of educational activities, with a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren.

Integrated approach Read Read Write Write Mathematical knowledge Mathematical knowledge Educational activity Educational activity Writing Writing Knowledge Knowledge Natural science Natural science Social science Social science Diploma Reading and writing World around

Diagnostics Diagnostic tasks Allow to find out at what level the child came to school; Allows you to find out at what level the child came to school; The level of development of attention, thinking is determined, i.e. the child's readiness for learning The level of development of attention, thinking, i.e. readiness of the child to learn Conducted throughout the training to determine the learning outcomes of each student Conducted throughout the training to determine the learning outcomes of each student

Man, like a star, is born Amid an obscure nebula, milkiness. It begins in infinity and ends in infinity. The earth is imperishable by generations, Age by age, Man is born like a star, So that the universe becomes brighter. D.Golubkov D.Golubkov

EMC "School of Russia" Purpose: to provide modern education for junior schoolchildren in accordance with the National Doctrine of Education in Russia, the latest achievements of pedagogical science. Basic principles: Personal development education (spiritual and moral development) Personal development education (spiritual and moral development) Problem-search method of teaching; Problem-search method of teaching; Encouragement and maintenance of creativity in the child. Encouragement and maintenance of creativity in the child.

Russian language Literacy education, speech development, extracurricular reading Literacy education, speech development, extracurricular reading Literary reading Literary reading Phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and speech development. Phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and speech development. Principles Principles Availability, continuity, independence, taking into account individual characteristics.

Mathematics Provides Accessibility of education Accessibility of education Awakening interest Awakening interest Formation of knowledge, skills, skills of students Formation of knowledge, skills, skills of students Material Material Algebraic Algebraic Arithmetic Arithmetic Geometric Geometric Initial course

ACCESSORIES LIST for first grade students ACCESSORIES LIST for first grade students Backpack. Backpack. Sports uniform. Sports uniform. Sneakers. Sneakers. Indoor shoes. Indoor shoes. Bag for interchangeable shoes. Bag for interchangeable shoes. Pencil case Pencil case Pen. Pen. Eraser. Eraser. Sharpener. Sharpener. Ruler. Ruler. Simple pencil (T) Simple pencil (T) Colored pencils. Colour pencils. Watercolor paints (honey). Watercolor paints (honey). Album for drawing (thin) Album for drawing (thin) Covers for notebooks. Covers for notebooks. Bank - non-spill. Bank - non-spill. Plasticine is normal. Plasticine is normal. Colored cardboard. Colored cardboard. Colored paper. Colored paper. Scissors with blunt ends. Scissors with blunt ends. PVA glue. PVA glue. Board for plasticine. Board for plasticine. Folder for work. Folder for work. Constructor 1-4 Constructor 1-4 A set of brushes. A set of brushes. Split alphabet. Split alphabet. Notebooks (narrow ruler, cage). Notebooks (narrow ruler, cage). Folder for notebooks. Folder for notebooks.

School of "Future First Graders" from April 4 at o'clock School of "Future First Graders" from April 4 at o'clock Preparation of the hand for writing (development of small muscles of the forearm, hand, fingers, freedom of movement) Preparation of the hand for writing (development of small muscles of the forearm, hand, fingers, freedom of movement) Theater "Rhetoric" (teaching children effective communication, developing interest in speech); Theater "Rhetoric" (teaching children effective communication, developing interest in speech); Mathematics (development of mathematical skills of children); Mathematics (development of mathematical skills of children); Philosophy (generalization of children's ideas about ways of knowing the world around) Philosophy (generalization of children's ideas about ways of knowing the world around)

Every woman knows how to properly raise her own children, what limits are allowed and forbidden for them to set. Therefore, many parents perceive with hostility any attempts of others to impose their principles of education.


But it is one thing when relatives - grandmothers, aunts, friends - instruct a mother and his child. And it’s completely different when someone else - a strange mother on the playground or a gray-haired man in a trolley bus - scolds your baby for inappropriate, in their opinion, behavior. How to respond to this kind of "intervention"?

Rebuke for justice

Having heard someone’s remark about their own child, many mothers try to answer something like that to the “educator”. But in fairness it should be said that not all other people's censures are groundless.

Angelica, mother of 3-year-old Masha, says:

It happens that, after chatting with girlfriends on the playground, many mothers do not notice how their children sprinkle sand on someone or take away toys. We have a rather friendly yard, so we make all remarks to other people's children in a polite and gentle manner. And no one is against this principle of education.

If your child has been reprimanded for justice, do not enter into an argument with the newly minted "mentor". Like, don't get in, I'll figure it out myself. Thank you for your attention and repeat to your little one what aunt asked for.

For example, not pushing on a hill or not destroying other people's sand castles are quite sensible remarks. In addition, some requests from the outside influence the child much more effectively than parental ones, and are able to instantly cool the child's ardor.

However, there are situations when, it seems, the child was reprimanded fairly, but it was uttered in a rather rude form or in a rigid order. In such cases, there is not the slightest desire to pull up a little naughty. Rather, even vice versa.

Marina, mother of 2-year-old Pasha, says:

One day my son was having fun with the wooden lid that covers the sandbox. To be honest, I did not see anything terrible in this lesson. However, someone's grandmother immediately ran up to my child, and hovered over him like a kite with outstretched wings.

Like, stop pulling the doors, they can break. When the child did not stop what he was doing, she asked menacingly: “Did you hear what I told you?”

I, watching the scene from the side, calmly explained to the formidable woman that such a small child probably does not understand the meaning of the words she said in such a tone. In addition, it is unlikely that he has enough strength to break something here. There was nothing to answer the ardent defender of children's sandboxes.


To enter into a debate with individuals who love scandals is not the most successful outcome of the emerging conflict. Again, thank the outsider for their vigilance and warn that you will take care of the rest of the educational moments.

If the "guardian of order" does not let up, ask him to stop screaming, because the child is afraid of the formidable aunt and is ready to burst into tears. Surely she herself will be frightened by the fact that she offended the child, and will slow down.

It can also be argued that children are likely to be more willing to listen to the requests of strangers if they are presented clearly, correctly and politely. Argument that being rude to others, whether it be a young child or an adult, is not an example that should be imitated, especially for observant children.

And you don't need a reason

Anna, mother of 5-year-old Kirill and 2-year-old Nastya, says:

Once the children and I went to play in another yard, sat on a bench near the entrance. The guys did not run, did not make noise, did not break anything and did not offend anyone. Suddenly, a grandmother leans out of the window and for no reason starts to drive us away.

Like, go, you guys, to your yard and sit on your benches. I was so taken aback by such rudeness that, without thinking twice, I moved away from here with the children: you never know what this aunt has in her head.

Although, maybe she just wanted to go out and sit on this bench with a neighbor, and she didn’t think of another way to free up the crown place.

Galina, mother of 4-year-old Gordey and 6-year-old Vanya, says:

One day my children, playfully, climbed under a tree that grew near the house opposite. And earlier, long before us, hooligans were clearly in charge here: they broke the branches of the plant.

They hung ugly with dried stems, and my sons decided to give the tree a beautiful look - to remove everything obsolete. And then some elderly lady, lighting a cigarette on the balcony, decided that the children were spoiling the natural property, and began to “water” them with such words that they had probably never heard in their lives.

Of course, I could not restrain myself and asked if she had the right, demonstrating bad habits and speaking deliciously, to teach something to children. This ended our dialogue.


Surely every mother will remember from her life a case when her child was pestered by such grumpy personalities. Moreover, it is not uncommon for “unlucky” parents themselves to get from such persons, who “raise the wrong way, teach the wrong way, dress the wrong way, buy the wrong toys.”

Anastasia, mother of 1.5-year-old Amalia, says:

Not so long ago, my daughter and I wandered into someone else's playground. One of the young women completely unfamiliar to me, seeing a diaper on Amalia, grabbed her head and began to reproach me that I still had not given up this good.

She herself, according to her, had been holding her daughter over a basin since four months. I just smiled at the remark and sympathized with how much time and effort this mother wasted in vain.

I want such people to seem smart - let them seem like that to themselves. You should not try to start an argument to prove your case: believe me, this is almost impossible.

In addition, you will not only provoke your opponent even more, but you can become a bad one - scandalous, screaming, sometimes swearing (yes, sometimes it’s hard to restrain yourself) - an example for your children.

And when you feel an unbearable desire to swear in response to the instigator, remember one good saying: never argue with a boor - others may not notice the difference between you. And humor and wit will help you win in any situation.

Marina Vasilek

"WHAT THEY TEACH IN THE FAMILY" or 10 rules of family education

1. If a child is constantly criticized, he learns ... (to hate).

2. If a child lives in enmity, he learns... (to be aggressive).

3. If a child grows up in reproach, he learns ... (to live with guilt).

4. If a child grows up in tolerance, he learns ... (to understand others).

5. If a child is praised, he learns ... (to be noble).

6. If a child grows up in honesty, he learns to be ... (fair).

7. If a child grows up in safety, he learns ... (to believe in people).

8. If a child is supported, he learns ... (value himself).

9. If a child is ridiculed, he learns to ... (to be withdrawn).

10. If a child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns ... (to find love in this world).

What should you teach your child?

There are many things in life that a child has to learn as he grows up. Some skills and knowledge are more important than others. American educator Eda LeChamp highlighted several important points that parents can and should teach their child in order to prepare him for adulthood.

1. Love yourself.Loving yourself does not mean doing only what you want. To love means to value your own life. To love yourself means to control your feelings, your emotions. To love yourself is to take care of what surrounds you. To love yourself is to do so that there are no unnecessary remarks, teachings, punishments. To love yourself is to feel like a person, and a good person, and not flawed. A sense of one's own uniqueness is a vital part of human existence.

2. Interpret behavior. The child must understand that a person's mood can depend on various reasons and that if his behavior does not match the mood of adults, then this can cause conflicts. You need to be able to see the mood of other people and build your behavior in accordance with this.

In addition to the fact that the child needs to be able to see the mood of other people, he needs to learn how to explain his own behavior. Awareness of their behavior, their misdeeds will help the child make the necessary decision in each case to get out of the situation.

3. Communicate with words. Any child should be able to express their feelings and experiences in words. This is important so that an adult can understand him and, if necessary, help make the right decision.

4. Understand the difference between thoughts and actions. Not knowing how to do this, the child is very difficult to enter the work. Thoughts, especially disturbing ones, fill his entire mind, and he is unable to switch to the task. It is important to teach the little person that you can successfully do only what you think about. If you do one thing and think about another, it is very difficult to do the job well.

5. Be interested and ask questions. The child is naturally inquisitive. And in order to know a lot, one must be able to ask, ask questions. Do not kill this desire in a child. Without the desire to ask questions, there will be no desire to learn. It is important that adults not only answer the child's questions, but also teach him to independently find answers to emerging questions through reasoning, and maybe even recommend that he read about it in a book. Encouraging the curiosity of the child, we develop his intellectual abilities. The child needs to know that some questions do not have an answer. He may have to answer some of them himself. Science and practice have not yet received answers to many questions.

6. Do not be afraid of failure. This is a necessary condition for growing up. To learn anything, we must not be afraid of mistakes. People tend to learn from their mistakes. The ability to survive failure, to start all over again, and not to lose heart is a very important skill. No great discovery has been made without a large number of trials and failures preceding it. Any work is a risk, where either a win or a loss is always possible. We must not be afraid to take risks.

7. Trust adults. Try not to deceive the child, be honest with him. Children are sensitive to falsehood. We pay with the child's trust in us for the games we play with them to avoid tears. Try to be honest in almost all cases, and if something does not work out, then try to explain it to the child. It is quite possible to make it clear to the child that not all people are equally kind, but the majority are still kind. Distrust arises from the feeling of unpleasant qualities of a person's personality. For children, this feeling is not uncommon. It is important to show the child that some people are endowed with negative traits. They are in almost every person. A person cannot be made up of merit or demerit. If there were no shortcomings, there would be no visible advantages, and vice versa.

8. Think for yourself.This is easy to learn. You just need to encourage the child to express his opinions without fear that he will be punished. When we show respect for his opinion, discuss the situation "on an equal footing", express our opinion, we teach the child to analyze the consequences of actions before he commits them. We are preparing him to make independent decisions. It is especially important to teach a child to say "no", to refuse something - this is a very important quality of a person. Not everyone is able to say "no".

Children's whims, their bad behavior and pranks sometimes bring the internal indicator of parental anger into a state of activity. Moms scream, dads scream. As a result, the problem, as a rule, does not go away, but the nervous system of adults has already suffered, as well as the psyche of the child. Maybe it's worth looking for reasons? Is it even possible to do this? Perhaps the child's behavior is not so bad and does not deserve aggression? Or maybe it's about you? A little advice on how not to yell at a child, and is it possible at all.

You probably scold yourself every time you yell at your child. And again you ask yourself the question “Why am I raising my voice to him now?”, “Why am I bringing my most beloved little man to tears?”, “Am I doing the right thing?”. If a child is naughty for the sake of prank, that is, obviously deliberately causing you suffering, then you should contact a child psychologist - here constant conflicts will only aggravate the situation, and the psychologist will help you sort them out. Well, what if by chance? Due to age? Internal state? How to stop constantly swearing?

How not to yell at a child: reasons from the child

Have you ever thought about your behavior? For example, you are washing the dishes and break a mug. Silently collect the fragments and with the words "it's for good luck" throw them away. But if your child drops the same mug, then in many cases the following will follow: “Why are you walking here ?!”, “Be careful,” “I told you not to touch my things.” This happens without finding out the reason, without trying to restrain oneself, not taking into account the randomness of the situation, and simply the fact that your child is still small in order to be dexterous and skillful, like you, he did not have time to learn to be as attentive as possible.

In addition to age, there are other reasons why children's behavior deteriorates, and they cannot contain the consequences of such a disorder.

you ask too much

If your personal achievements are great, this does not mean that you should expect the same from children. In addition, beyond expectation and persistent insistence on achieving your goals can break the child's psyche, as a result of which you will no longer receive trust. He gets nervous because of failures and misbehaves, splashing out negative energy. In this case, the dilemma of how not to yell at a child rests on your own ambitions - you cannot equate your abilities with those that another person has, especially a baby.

You are raising me wrong

Too strict or too soft, pampering too much or reacting inadequately, unable to restrain oneself in some cases, practice constant control over every step. You can analyze your pedagogical approach - imagine that you are a good psychologist yourself.

Excessive child fatigue

And he can't stop her. If he goes to kindergarten or school, then to extracurricular classes, in the evening to compulsory education, and then to sleep and again in a circle, do not be surprised that you suffer constant breakdowns. Fatigue even for an adult spoils the mood, but what a child! Unload it, give more time for personal affairs and rest.

The desire to show my "I"

Almost every child goes through the formation of personality through conflicts. For some, they are inconspicuous everyday, and someone is faced with notes “I left home” or a toy thrown at you. The parent needs to become an ally of his child, you can not scream in vain. Want an extreme hairstyle? Support. If you suspect bad habits (swearing, smoking), try to help assert yourself in something useful. A great option is sports, improving skills in your favorite business. In the end, get a dog - let it walk.

Conflicts at home

If parents often raise their voices at each other, it is strange to expect a child to be obedient and diligent. A lot depends on the atmosphere in the family - you can’t yell at each other in front of children, don’t set a bad example, because this can have one serious consequence in the form of a broken childhood.

Such heredity

As child psychologists often say, to whom parents complain about the rebellion of their children, character is made up of the bricks of ancestors. Yes, it is individual for everyone, but most likely, if you think about it, you will find a lot of similarities in the behavior of the child with you in childhood or with grandparents.

Children often misbehave when they are sick. The cause may also be a mental trauma (divorce of parents, moving, changing kindergarten or school, loss of a loved one). Perhaps the baby cannot cope with something (build a castle, thread a string, and much more), which makes him nervous and acts ugly, even screams at adults. It would be right for parents to deal with the cause of the problem before they start yelling at the baby or, even more so, punishing them physically. You can’t use force on a child just because he didn’t finish his soup or dropped a vase - instead of not restraining yourself, figure it out first.

How not to yell at a child: reasons from parents

When your nerves are naughty, and the child suffers, this is unfair. Just take control of your condition. Sit down, relax, ask yourself a few questions.

First, fatigue can affect the nervous state. And then, no matter what the baby does, it will seem to you that he is wrong. Psychological fatigue has the most influence. For example, you are preparing for an important meeting, thinking a lot, making action plans. Coming home, immediately go to the kitchen to feed the family, and additionally mentally analyze the day. Rest comes only at night. Let you agree to exhaust yourself, but as a result, intemperance and unreasonable shouting at a child is a mistake.

Secondly, anger at another person can very well be guilty of constant swearing. You are angry at a colleague, mother, husband, and break down and scream at the child. Really, who else to break into?! He can't answer, give back. Solve the problem of your relationship outside the home and family hearth. At the very least, you should learn to restrain yourself and turn off thoughts and emotions in relation to the sources of aggression during the moments of being with a child, think about the consequences.

Thirdly, the tendency to scold and yell at the child may be against the background of a sense of guilt in front of him, as psychologists assure. For example, you carefully monitor the health of the baby, and he caught a cold. Your hyper-responsibility makes itself felt, you are indignant about what and where you missed. From here, the nervous system suffers, and you show your anxiety in screaming and accusations, unable to contain your resentment for your “incompetence”, and are puzzled how not to scream at the child.

Fourthly, psychologists often note that many parents, especially mothers, change their lives after the birth of a child, limiting communication with the outside world, denying themselves former pleasures. Anger arises at the child, subconsciously he is perceived as a burden, a burden. Just learn to relax, find the strength to leave your baby in the safe hands of grandmothers, nannies, and live a full life as a healthy and beautiful woman. A happy and contented mother who will not scream for any reason, without thinking about the consequences, will be much more pleasant for the child.

If the child is often scolded

Imagine that various factors will constantly affect your nervous system: either they will piss you off, then they will bring you to tears, then they will offend you. The child's psyche is so vulnerable that the slightest wrong step can lead to its irreparable distortion. Scolding a child with regularity, for no reason and for a reason, you run the risk of hanging on him a lot of complexes, making him a closed person in the future.

Children take screaming and swearing literally, they are not able to really criticize the behavior of their parents at a very young age. The thought “If they scold, then I’m bad, I did something wrong” turns on. And so from time to time, from day to day. They feel inferior, incapable and pathetic. Look for compromises, build relationships. If you can't do it on your own, see a psychologist. It is important to find out for yourself in time how not to yell at the child and influence his condition.

Quarrel rules: how not to yell at a child

Follow important rules when scolding a child for something:

  • The punishment must be justified. The reason for swearing is conveyed to the baby in the most accessible form.
  • It is best to deal with punishment with general phrases like “You can’t do this,” “People hurt when they are beaten,” “If kids fight, no one is friends with them.” By getting personal, you run the risk of hearing insults addressed to you.
  • Do not scold the child in front of everyone. If the conflict took place on the street, speak quietly, as if in secret from the rest of those around you. You should not come home and defiantly inform other family members about the conflict that has happened.
  • Communicate as equals. The child must be given the opportunity to speak out, to prove his case. You should not swear and say that you are right because you are older or because you are mom or dad.

In the end, I would like to note that the very fact that you began to think about how not to yell at the child speaks of your sincere desire to correct the situation, to learn how to get along with the child. Start with yourself, study your habits. Maybe you set a bad example by talking rudely on the phone, throwing things in a fit of feelings without noticing it yourself. Adjust the atmosphere in the house, create comfort. Those parents who seek and know how to find a compromise grow happy and psychologically healthy children.