How else to say. How else to say how else to say no

Wishing good night to your friend, you can show yourself as a connoisseur of foreign languages. To do this, you just need to search the Internet for the necessary dictionary of foreign words and translate the phrase “good night” into the language of interest. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of this language. It is not always possible to do verbatim. Often in different languages ​​stable phrases are used.

Thus, you can say good night in the language by saying good night, in German - gute nach, in Spanish - buenas noches, in French - bonne nuit or fais de beaux reves, in Czech - dobrou noc, etc.

You can also, without going into the wilds, wish good night in some local dialect or in a national language that is well known to you. For example, in the Bashkir language it will sound “haerle yoko” or “tynys yoko”.


If you decide to simply replace the phrase “good night” with another one that is close to it in meaning, then you can wish, for example, pleasant dreams or good night. You can also wish that fluffy clouds will take you to the mysterious world of dreams and sweet dreams.

Poetry Good Night Wishes

It will be much more interesting if you wish good night in poetry or in a song. Moreover, the content of such a wish depends on the personality of the person to whom you address it.

So, if a familiar girl or a lonely woman came to visit you and stayed overnight, then you can wish her before going to bed: “In a new place / Dream of a bridegroom.” In Rus', it was believed that if you say so, you will have a prophetic dream in which a sleeping girl will appear.

When putting your child to sleep, you can sometimes do without the phrase “good night”, replacing it with the lullabies known to small Russian TV viewers “Sleep my joy, sleep ...” or “Tired toys are sleeping, books are sleeping ...”. In children's literature and in folk art, you will find many other lullabies that contain the wish of a good night.

Before going to bed, you can send a beautiful postcard with a poetic wish to your beloved girl. An example is the following quatrain: “I wish you sweet dreams! / And I secretly hope / That I will meet you in this land / Of blessed and heavenly flowers! You can also quote individual lines of the relevant topics from the poetic works of great poets.

23 Ways to Say "Hello" from the online language school

The article contains options
greetings in English.
And ours, please contact 🙂

23 Ways to Say Hello

You may know two or three ways to greet a person, but in fact there are a couple of dozen such expressions. Why do we need so many alternatives to "Hello"? One reason is that English speakers try to avoid repetition. If one says "Hello", then the other will most likely want to say something else, like:

  1. "Hi" (Hello). This is the most common greeting from the "every day" series and most likely the most popular.
  2. "Good morning" (Good morning). Say this when you first meet a person in the morning. This greeting sounds good, if a bit formal. Can be used in restaurants, hotels, shops or at work among colleagues.
  3. Morning! (Morning!). This shortened greeting is already much more informal and is suitable for friends and informal settings.
  4. "Good afternoon / Good evening" (good afternoon / good evening). This is a more formal way of greeting. Use it to address a client you don't know very well, or on stage at the beginning of your speech.
  5. "Hey" (Hey). You can use this greeting with people you know well. This will not be regarded as rudeness when referring to a stranger, but may cause slight bewilderment. Most likely, he will think “Hmm, do I know this person?”
  6. "Hey there" (Hi there). This is usually a friendly, informal greeting. Can be used among good friends or by boyfriend and girlfriend in conversation, letter, sms, voicemail and email.
  7. "What's going on?" (What's happening?). This informal greeting can be used among friends or acquaintances in some informal setting, such as a party.
  8. "Hey! What's up?" (Hey how's it going?). This is the same informal cool greeting. Used among friends, colleagues, relatives, etc. Even though it looks like a question, you don't need to answer it.
  9. "Sup?" (How is it?). It's a slang derivative of "What's up?". Use it if you are a teenager or want to pretend to be one 🙂
  10. "How are you doing today?" (How are you?). This formal greeting can be used by a specialist and his client, company employees and their superiors, for example.

I'll tell you, tell me, owls. 1. Owls. to speak in 2 and 5 digits. "I'm used to always and in front of everyone to tell the truth," he said proudly. L. Tolstoy. “Which rascal told you that I am an old man?” Chekhov. “Tell me that you fell out of love with me, that everything is between us ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

say- Here's the whole (or my last) tale (colloquial) expression, used in the meaning: it's over, I won't say anything more, don't expect anything more from me. Stupid you, here's the whole tale to you! Saltykov Shchedrin. Said done saying, used 1) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

Adverb, particle and conjunction. I. adv. 1. interrogative. Denotes the question of circumstances, image, mode of action: how? [Chatsky:] Ah! how to comprehend the game of fate? Griboyedov, Woe from Wit. How did that putty get into his pocket? Chekhov, Steppe. ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

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State testing of a combat vehicle is a lengthy process and, as a rule, takes place over a vast territory covering all climatic zones and almost the entire range of road and soil conditions in the middle lane, tundra, northern regions, mountains and desert ... Encyclopedia of technology

If, after military parades, the models of equipment that attracted the most attention of specialists were determined, then after May 9 last year, the winner would certainly have been outwardly discreet, in many ways similar to their predecessors and at the same time ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

Once again about love Genre melodrama Director Georgy Natanson Scriptwriter Edward Radzinsky In g ... Wikipedia

When a product, be it meat, fish or vegetables, has gone through all the operations from cutting to heat treatment, and when the dish is almost ready, then, even if everything is done correctly, it still does not have a finished taste, it still lacks something. This… … The Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

how (you) see / how (you) see- introductory expression It is distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2) And yet, as you can see, I have to wear an English overcoat (which, by the way, ... ... Punctuation Dictionary


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Compare with this one:

The other day I couldn't talk because nothing came to mind.

Last week, during a conversation with a potential client, I could not say a word because my head was empty.

Which example do you think is more successful and more likely to grab people's attention? Of course, the last one.

If in 1987 US President Ronald Reagan in his speech R. Reagan's speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin about the Berlin Wall said something like:

This wall is something umm... that shouldn't be there, so let's get it down as soon as possible.

Such a message would simply be lost in the information flow. Instead, a concise and capacious challenge was thrown:

Tear down this wall!

Surely you noticed (if not for yourself, then for someone around you) speech defects of a rhythmic nature. When words are pronounced abruptly, with too long pauses, or vice versa, a person chatters so that the listener does not have time to understand his thoughts.

To feel the difference in perception, try saying the phrase below. Speak each syllable clearly and take short pauses between words. Hear the sound of your speech:

Today I will go to the gym. Perhaps with a friend.

You will end up with what is called "stepped" speech, in which there is too much emphasis on individual syllables, and this is a mistake.

Now try to mix each word with the next to make it look like one whole passage. Read without a hitch, but without too much haste:

Today I-going-to-the-gym-possibility-with-a-girlfriend.

It may seem that this option sounds somewhat casual. In fact, speech with such smooth transitions becomes easier to listen to.

With regard to too fast a pace, there is a risk not only to be misunderstood, but also to blurt out something superfluous (for example, in a fit of emotions). Again, recording on a voice recorder will help track the speed of speech.

Try to take a deep breath before each sentence and think that you are being listened to with great interest and you have nowhere to rush.

3. Inability to use body language

Many people know the difference between closed and open options, but continue to use closed gestures when they should, on the contrary, open.

Movements and facial expressions are characterized as open if they express a friendly attitude and readiness for interaction: when the palms are not hidden, the gaze is directed into the eyes of the interlocutor, the feet are turned in his direction, and the like. Closed gestures include crossed arms or legs, looking away or at the phone, clenched fists - anything that shows tension or even aggression.

We all have natural inclinations to behave in one way or another depending on the situation. If you disagree with someone, the body automatically reacts: you narrow your pupils, turn your head away, cross your arms. Conversely, when you are understood, listened to and supported, you unconsciously open up.

However, it is not always necessary to give non-verbal signals to the interlocutor, often the situation requires the opposite. Try to control your body movements and facial expressions when speaking. Pay attention to the position of the hands, to which facial muscles are tensed. With practice, you can manage it.

4. The habit of arguing

Disagreement in and of itself is not a bad thing. As they say, truth is born in a dispute. This is how creative ideas appear, an incentive to learn and improve something. All this can be useful and necessary for social interaction, even if you are against many people.

Disagreement can be considered a mistake only when nothing depends on the consent or disagreement of the interlocutors and does not change. That is, if it is an empty argument that does not bring any results other than irritating opponents. The point of such discussions is not to learn something new. When you claim that someone is wrong, you enter into a verbal status battle with them. And that's why most of the debaters remain unconvinced - to maintain dignity.

The next time you hear a point of view that is ridiculous or wrong, in your opinion, first find out why the person thinks so, and do not rush to refute it.

If, even after listening to the arguments, you do not agree with someone's opinion, do not enter into useless. Instead, move the conversation to another topic where you can come to an understanding. Does such an area not exist? Then just stay away from that person.

5. Lack of topics for conversation

In an unfamiliar company or in a conversation with people new to you, words can dry up very quickly due to the difficulty in choosing a common topic. Probably, each of us at least once in our lives had to pull out some phrases from ourselves, trying to fill awkward pauses. In order not to get into uncomfortable situations, you can come up with a list of topics on duty in advance and use them on occasion.

Imagine the circumstances when you want to start a conversation with an unfamiliar or unfamiliar interlocutor: near a cooler at work, when meeting in a cafe, at a bus stop.

Prepare 10 topics that are suitable for talking to anyone in any situation.

It's easier than it looks. For example, you can always ask about life or work (of course, unobtrusively and delicately), discuss the latest news (but it is advisable to avoid politics), ask for advice on some issue. A win-win, though not very interesting option - talk about the weather.

6. Illiterate speech

Do not forget that a conversation with a literate, educated person is perceived better than with someone who gets confused in cases and vocabulary. Improve the culture of your speech, read more, use dictionaries. But at the same time, it is important to remember a sense of proportion: do not turn into a boring smart guy and do not load the interlocutor with phrases and terms that are too complicated for him.

These are the most common mistakes in speaking. Do you have any of them? Maybe you know a good way to get rid of them? Share your experience in the comments.