Print fragments of a wall newspaper for the new year. Do-it-yourself wall newspapers for the new year. New Year's posters. Where to download and print New Year's posters - a selection of free templates

The old year is leavingLeaving without a return
The thread of worries is leaving,
Which we don't need.
And it will sink into oblivion
What we wanted
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly
The names are gone
Moments, looks, songs,
Times go by
Where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye old year
Farewell, not goodbye.
New Year is coming to us
And he makes promises!

The old year is leaving
Leaving without a return
The thread of worries is leaving,
Which we don't need.
And it will sink into oblivion
What we wanted
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly
The names are gone
Moments, looks, songs,
Times go by
Where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye old year
Goodbye, no goodbye
New Year is coming to us
And he makes promises!

The old year is leaving
Leaving without a return
The thread of worries is leaving,
Which we don't need.
And it will sink into oblivion
What we wanted
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly
The names are gone
Moments, looks, songs,
Times go by
Where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye old year
Goodbye, no goodbye
New Year is coming to us
And he makes promises!

New Year is celebrated in different ways in many countries.

in Italy For example, the new year begins on January 6th. All Italian children are looking forward to the good Fairy Befana. She arrives at night on a magic broomstick, opens the doors with a small, golden key, and, entering the room where the children sleep, fills children's stockings, specially hung by the fireplace, with gifts. For those who studied poorly or were naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal. It's a shame, but he deserved it!

French Santa Claus - Per Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked in the New Year's cake receives the title of "bean king". And on a festive night, everyone obeys his orders.

In Sweden before the New Year, the children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia. She is dressed in a white dress, a crown with lit candles is put on her head. Lucia brings gifts to the children and treats to the pets. On a festive night, the lights do not go out in the houses, the streets are brightly lit.

In England Santa Claus is called Santa Claus. On New Year's days for children in theaters, performances are played on the plots of antiquity, English fairy tales. In this country, a custom arose to exchange greeting cards for the new year.

In Germany Santa Claus appears on a donkey. Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and they put hay treats for his donkey in their shoes.

To Holland Santa Claus arrives on a ship. Children joyfully meet him at the pier. Santa Claus loves funny jokes and surprises and often gives children marzipan fruits, toys, candy flowers.

WITH then eight chimes of the bell herald the arrival of the New Year inJapan . On New Year's Eve, Japanese children hide under their pillows a picture depicting a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness. In this country, the New Year is celebrated in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year.

In Australia the new year falls at the very height of summer, so there are no snowmen and sleighs with bells at the holiday. But Santa Claus is still there. He only appears on a surf from the ocean. He may be without a fur coat, but in the same red cap and with a snow-white beard.

H new yearin our country - the most favorite holiday of children. In every house, children and adults are preparing for his arrival. At midnight on December 31, with the last stroke of the clock, the new year begins. In the morning, under the Christmas tree, children find gifts left by Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

Exhibition of winter compositions

New Year, this bright and cheerful holiday, is celebrated in different countries in different ways, however, everywhere it is loved and expected. Starting from mid-December, in cities, villages, in every team and every family, the approach of this winter celebration is felt! Our school is no exception!

Students of all classes take part in creating a festive atmosphere with great pleasure!

The oldest ones diligently decorate the hall (after all, it is there that events are held to celebrate the school New Year) and decorate the Christmas tree. By the way, this year our class was lucky enough to decorate the “green beauty”! And it was so great! .. It's great to hold amazingly beautiful, huge, shiny balls in your hands; it's great to hang tinsel, little "Santa Claus", "stars" and other cute toys on the branches; it's great just to be near the main attribute of the holiday and breathe in its indescribable coniferous aroma!..

At this time, other classes are trying to create a festive splendor on the stairs, braiding the railing with colorful "rain" and pasting snowflakes and New Year's posters on the walls.

But some class performs another very important task: it decorates the columns and walls of the first floor near the entrance to the school. And rightly so! .. The festive mood should be felt immediately after opening the door to the inside of the room!

The younger grades were also able to show their imagination. They had the opportunity to create amazing compositions on the windows of the first floor corridor (this wonderful tradition appeared in our school relatively recently). And it should be noted that the guys did their best! Each window sparkled with colors, came to life and became a separate fairy-tale world! Here are real handsome snowmen, dressed in bright scarves, with brooms in their hands, and roses powdered with “snow”, and live spruce branches, and beautiful snowflakes, and all kinds of Christmas trees-crafts: from tinsel, from paper, and even, you will be surprised , using pasta!

As a result of all this pre-New Year's merry fuss, our school in the last days of the second quarter was saturated with the atmosphere of the holiday, good mood (decorated and involuntarily charged with the joy of the upcoming fun), the smell of pine needles ... The posters drawn by the children “shouted” congratulations on the New Year from everywhere! Somehow, the whole school environment as a whole began to play in a new way, filled with liveliness and festive comfort! ..

And, to be honest, studying, usually always tedious by the end of the term, during this period of time brought only the most positive emotions!

Sheremetova Elena

11 "A" class student

Miracles at the Christmas tree

New Year is the most favorite holiday for both adults and children. On the eve of this celebration, we were spectators at a school performance. The festive atmosphere met us already on the threshold of the school. Everywhere - garlands, snowflakes, congratulations. In the center of the assembly hall there is a magnificent beauty tree. The hall shone from the bright eyes of children sparkling with joy. How many different costumes: fairies, snowflakes, bears, bunnies, cats. Here one could meet little princesses and princes, brave cowboys and musketeers, pirates and robbers. And the fairy-tale heroes-high school students had fun with the guys at the New Year tree.

Koschey came to the New Year's ball with his assistants. With various pranks and dirty tricks, they tried to spoil the holiday, kidnap Santa Claus and pick up New Year's gifts, but attention, intelligence and ingenuity helped the guys cope with all the tasks of uninvited guests. The holiday continued. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden were spinning with the children in the New Year's carousel of miracles. Everyone danced, played, sang. There was a feeling that one big and friendly family gathered for the holiday.

In an atmosphere of general fun, we, adults, forgot about our problems for a while and plunged into a fairy tale. School artists were so sincere, kind and charming that none of those present wanted the holiday to end. The children brought with them a lot of joyful emotions and cheerful mood. Thanks to the organizers of the school performance for the opportunity to at least briefly return to childhood and believe in magic again.

4th grade parents

New Year's ball of high school students

Our school has a wonderful tradition - every New Year, high school students prepare a performance. This year was no exception. This time, thanks to the excellent organizational skills of Shcherbinina S.I. and Deshina V.I., students of 10 "A" class, together with dance groups of 9 - 11 classes, as well as a vocal duet of girls 11 "A" managed to create an amazing concert. The guys who decorated the hall also worked hard. It looked simply fabulous: lights, glitter, decorations, and, of course, a Christmas tree decorated with hundreds of iridescent toys everywhere! Apparently, it was all this that delighted the audience. After all, how not to applaud the tenderness of the girls and the inner strength of the spirit of the guys dancing the waltz, the unusually beautiful voices of the vocalists, and, of course, the beloved fairy-tale heroes - Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. Throughout the holiday, those present did not leave the feeling of a real "New Year's fairy tale".

10th grade student "A"

Yashchenko Evgenia

rabbits considered ambitious and talented. They are always respected and trusted by friends and colleagues. Often friends and just acquaintances come to them for advice, and they can be sure that they will really get it. People born under this sign usually have many friends and at the same time cannot stand even minor conflicts. Their house is always open to guests. It cannot be said that sincerity and frankness is their main feature. They are ready to listen to any problems and help in solving them, but they themselves are revealed very, very rarely.

Cat (Rabbit) accustomed to any blows of fate to fall on all fours. You can call him lucky. He is ambitious, but in moderation, gifted, modest, refined, restrained. He may well become a wonderful companion who will not deceive or let you down. And everyone who communicates with a cat knows this. He is also noted by the ability to speak beautifully and a lot and always sensibly evaluates himself. With all these many advantages, Cats have one rather unpleasant drawback - they are superficial. And all the feelings and character traits that can be seen in him also lie on the surface.

Cats love to invite guests over and just throw parties.
It is almost impossible to bring the Cat off balance. He is unruffled and calm. Because of some trifle, the Cat may well cry uncontrollably, and after a few minutes he will be comforted and continue to enjoy life. The cat is used to being conservative. If something can shake the life of the Cat, change it, or, moreover, cause complications, he will vehemently hate this “something”, trying to get rid of it by all available methods. Its top priorities are safety and comfort. He will never flog a fever, and makes decisions only after all the pros and cons are carefully weighed.
Cats are smart, erudite and dexterous in any business.
Cat affectionate, helpful with loved ones. Ready to die for those who trusted him.
Cat dreams of a calm, peaceful existence. He does not like wars, revolutions or catastrophes. They violate his well-established comfort.

Among the Cats were born such outstanding personalities as I. Stalin, A. Einstein, I. Kurchatov, A. Grechko, S. Vavilov, V. Scott, V. Zhukovsky and many other outstanding personalities who achieved recognition in poetry, art, politics, sports and science.

But what do the people who most often communicate with them - their class teachers think about "rabbits" and "cats".

Children of 5 "B" class ... Children born in the year of "cat" and "rabbit" ... Who are they? Which? All I can say is they are the best! Kind, hardworking and responsible. Talented and inventive. Sometimes childishly naive, sometimes maturely serious. And look into their eyes... They are radiant and sincere, filled with light and joy! Comedians and entertainers. They always delight me with their grades and craving for knowledge. These are my “cats” and “rabbits”!

Class teacher 5 "B" class

E.Yu. Dmitrieva

Why is there no unequivocal opinion - a rabbit or a cat?

According to the legend explaining the formation of the Chinese horoscope, on the day of his birth, the Buddha invited all those animals who would only want to come to him. The rat, the buffalo and the tiger came first. The tiger lagged behind the Buffalo a little, a competition ensued between them. The Buddha and other guests, distracted, could not carefully see the one who came after the tiger. Some thought it was a rabbit, others thought it was a cat. The truth could not be established immediately, and it could not be established later. Since then, it has become customary - who says "year of the cat", and who says "year of the rabbit" - and both are right!

What is the name of Santa Claus?

In Italy - Bobo Natale,

in Cambodia - Father Heat,

in Sweden - Lucia (Queen of Light),

in Finland - the Christmas Goat,

in Holland - St. Nicholas,

in the Czech Republic - Mikulas,

in Iran - Nowruz,

in the Netherlands - Sinterklaas

in about France - Pere Noel,

in Greece - Agios Vasilis,

in Brazil - Pai Natal,

in Bulgaria - Dyado Koleda,

in China - Sheng Dan Laozhen.

Santa Claus is not so kind!

H our kind grandfather Frost was originally called the Great Elder of the North and was cruelpagandeity. He collected sacrifices in his bag, often preferring small children (yes, there was no talk of any gifts then). In the forest, this lord of cold and blizzard used tofreezepeople (such an image is preserved, for example, in Nekrasov's poem "Frost - Red Nose"). In general, if he appeared in your house, you should not climb on a stool to tell a rhyme, but run away with all your might.


the history of the christmas tree

An ancient legend tells how on the night of the birth of Jesus, a new, extraordinarily bright star lit up in the sky, welcoming his birth. Many saw and understood the meaning of this sign. The surrounding shepherds and wise men-magicians, who lived far in the East, hurried to that place. But not only they, but also birds and animals, rushed to the newborn from all over the world. And the plants also brought their gifts to the baby. Some plants are delicious fruits, others have an unusual aroma, others have bright flowers and delicate leaves. The very last came Spruce, her path was not close, because she came from the North. She approached and modestly stood aside. "Why don't you come in?" - everyone was surprised. “I would like to,” answered El, “but I’m afraid that

nothing to give a baby. In addition to hard and tasteless cones, but sticky resin, I have nothing. I’d rather look at the baby from afar, otherwise I’ll inadvertently frighten him or prick him with my needles. And then all the plants began to comfort El, they shared their gifts with her. Balls of apples blushed on its branches, bells of flowers filled with a gentle chime, dandelions showered prickly needles with soft silver fluff .... Spruce was delighted, completely bolder, went up to the baby. Seeing such a beauty, little Jesus smiled. And the Star of Bethlehem flared brightly right above its top. And, as the legend goes on, since then, the spruce has remained green all year round, and once a year it comes to every house and pleases children and adults with its festive attire.

In the New Year 2011
I'll tell you everything!

Aries you go to school
Adults, Aries, don't be rude.
Treasure every day
You will find knowledge in it!

School is your home, Taurus!
If so, you are great!
You will be friends with the school
Life will be more interesting!

Gemini needs patience
It is difficult to learn suddenly,
Or just an obsession
Maybe even bad luck...
It will be the hardest for you
But success will come to you!

Cancers, you go ahead
Yes, learn all the lessons!
Then the prize will be waiting for you,
Needed crayfish surprise for everyone!

Proud Lions, worthless to you
"Deuces" to receive.
You are excellent in life
Everything will be on the "five"!

D eve, at school you, of course,
Very charming!
New victories are waiting for you!
Exactly, definitely!

Oh, and you are shaky, Libra!
You and I know this.
You get good luck
Be honest in school!

Scorpions, your sting
Even sharper than a dagger.
Be kind to everyone
And you will find friends!

Our very accurate Sagittarius
Let's just say - well done!
You find goals in teaching,
You will be in business all year long!

Don't be afraid, Capricorns.
Long journeys await you
The country of discoveries is different.
And various victories!

Aquarius is the soul of friends!
Nothing to be sorry about.
There will be a school, like a consolation,
Looking forward to the next year!

Pisces, you are not silent at the blackboard,
What do you know, speak up.
It will be easier to live in school
And be friends with the sciences!

You are all signs of the zodiac!
Don't forget, however
That everything depends on you!
ours is first class!

There is a day in frosty January, colored with joyful, some kind of spring mood. This is January 25 - Tatyana's Day, Students' Day. January 25 is a holiday that any self-respecting student loves and celebrates!

As history testifies, among the Moscow patronal holidays, Tatyana's Day - Tatyana's name day and the holiday of students of Moscow University, celebrated on January 12 according to the old style (on the 25th - in a new way), was special.

Why this day and why students' day? In 1755, the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana acquired a new meaning in the history of Russian science. On January 12, 1755, on Tatyana's Day, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a "Decree on the establishment of a university and two gymnasiums in Moscow."

Initially, this holiday was celebrated only in Moscow, and was celebrated very magnificently. The annual celebration of Tatyana's Day was a real event for the capital. It consisted of two parts: a short official ceremony in the university building and a noisy festivities, in which almost the entire capital took part.

In the 18th - the first half of the 19th century, solemn acts to mark the end of the academic year became a university, and therefore a student holiday, they were attended by the public, awards were handed out, speeches were made. At the same time, January 12 was the official university day, celebrated with a prayer service in the university church. But it was not called Tatyana's Day, but "the day of the founding of Moscow University."

Then followed the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. Thus, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Tatiana's Day and Student's Day.

Years passed. Students became doctors, lawyers, teachers, writers. But Tatyana's day was not forgotten and did not change. On this traditional day, old people and young people, famous and unknown - everyone was familiar, everyone was equal.

Tatiana's day today has become a student holiday, Student's Day. On this winter day, we congratulate students of all generations, with a sense of gratitude we remember our teachers who opened the Temple of Sciences for us.

Tatyana's Day is a holiday of youth, a holiday of all those who keep the fire of creativity in their souls, the thirst for knowledge, search and discoveries. Joy to you, students and teachers of all generations, hope and happiness!

Dear Tanyushek, Tanechek, Tatyana, congratulations on the holiday!

Tatyana's Day,
Tatyana's Day,
Still not happy with the lilac,
There are still snows all over
There is still a blizzard outside the windows,
But it's time for January
Prepare the sleigh from the yard.
And February hurries to the throne,
Piercing the whistle of the wind far.
Go to Tatyana and tell
Words from the heart, from the soul,
Congratulate her and wish
Happy days and long years
So that joy beats over the edge,
And the light of good omens came true.

In the traditional version, which is called in the old fashioned way, it is customary to draw up a wall newspaper on an ordinary A1 paper paper, and make inscriptions and drawings with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens and multi-colored markers.

This version of the wall newspaper for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster will be discussed today.

Necessary tools and materials:

  1. Thick sheet of paper (Whatman paper).
  2. Office glue.
  3. Brushes, paints (watercolors, gouache), felt-tip pens, markers, colored and pencils, wax crayons, etc.
  4. Colored paper.
  5. Photos of people who are in the team, for which the wall newspaper is drawn up. Suitable for both individual and group shots.
  6. New Year's tinsel, "rain", sparkles, snowflakes, serpentines, natural materials, etc.

New Year's wall newspaper design for 2017

A layout of the future New Year's "edition" is being created. To do this, on whatman paper with a simple pencil, places are marked for the title, for textual information, for drawings and photographs. This will allow you to correctly manage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet of paper and place all the planned information.

It might look like this, for example:

Or like this:

There are a huge number of options for decorating a wall newspaper. It depends on the imagination, sense of humor and the ability of the authors of the wall newspaper to draw to the limits of the available resources.

The next step in the design of the New Year's wall newspaper is the placement of graphic and textual information, according to the approved layout.

Text information in New Year's wall newspapers is traditionally:

  • summing up the results of the outgoing year, voicing plans for the next year;
  • congratulations in verse and prose;
  • interesting facts from the life of the team;
  • interesting facts about the symbols of the next year;
  • signs, superstitions, traditions associated with the celebration of upcoming holidays;
  • and etc.

For those who are confident in their calligraphic talents, you can write the text on whatman paper with markers or felt-tip pens in the places where it was planned to place the text when marking. For those who are said to be “like a chicken with a paw”, printing out the necessary text on a printer and gluing it on paper can be an acceptable option.

Graphic information includes:

  • Images of symbols of the outgoing and future years.
  • Other New Year's symbols: all kinds of Christmas trees and snowflakes, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, New Year's toys, winter themes, images of wrapped gifts, etc.
  • It is quite common to make photo collages in New Year's wall newspapers. The photographs of the members of the team are either simply pasted on paper, or various figures are cut out of newspapers and magazines, which are pasted into the newspaper, and heads and faces cut out from photographs of colleagues and comrades are glued to them. As a rule, such “photo collages” turn out to be the most sincere and cheerful.

And the final touch in the design of the New Year's wall newspaper 2017 can be decorating it with New Year's tinsel. In order not to overload the sheet of the newspaper with excessive brilliance and bright colors, the tinsel is glued to the outer office of the newspaper. Tinsel will give the newspaper a festive shine and a complete look. In addition to shiny tinsel, natural materials can revive the newspaper - not large spruce twigs, cones, moss, tree branches.

Examples of New Year's wall newspapers design

The New Year holidays are approaching and very soon preparatory activities will begin in preschool and educational institutions. As a rule, this is the decoration of classes and venues for holding matinees, rehearsals of performances and the creation of congratulatory wall newspapers. Of course, every class or group should have editors to produce them. Usually, these are talented children who not only know how to draw well, but also correctly present any information so that it is fun, interesting and attractive.

But, unfortunately, at present, among children there are not always those who want to engage in creative activities. Therefore, wall masterpieces are made in turn, or this mission falls to the delinquent students. Moreover, in kindergartens and elementary grades, mostly parents are engaged in wall newspapers. For many dads and moms, this is a good reason to remember childhood, to take a direct part in the school life of your child, and most importantly, to have fun, developing a message for creativity in your child.

What to consider when creating a New Year's wall newspaper

  • First, you need to remember that any wall newspaper must be original and unique. Children perfectly remember all the details of past issues, so repetitions will not be interesting for them.
  • Secondly, in addition to congratulations and thematic drawings, the newspaper should carry information related to school and extracurricular activities, summarizing the results of 2016 and facts from the lives of individual students.
  • And thirdly, it is necessary to dilute the school theme by posting interesting facts about the symbol of the upcoming 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster. Based on the horoscope, you can make up what awaits the children in the next academic year, add information about each New Year's holiday and character.

What materials are needed for a wall newspaper

By standard standards, the wall version of the newspaper is created on Whatman paper in A1 format. To make colorful drawings, any improvised means for drawing are used: pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, and so on. To facilitate the task, you can print ready-made templates for inscriptions, frames, patterns and images. But more on that later…. So, in addition to "drawing" materials and paper, you will need:

  1. simple pencil;
  2. eraser, ruler, compasses;
  3. multi-colored paper;
  4. artistic brushes;
  5. scissors;
  6. stationery glue;
  7. shiny rain, tinsel, serpentine, sparkles, etc.;
  8. photographs or printed scans of people to whom the wall newspaper is dedicated.

By the way, to create a New Year's composition, you can use shreds of fabric, ribbons, ribbons, small spruce branches, bells, miniature Christmas toys - such an original mix of patchwork and eco-decor styles. In fact, there are many options for decorating a wall newspaper, you just need to dream up a little.

How to arrange a wall newspaper

For those who have never had to engage in such creativity in their lives, we suggest using our advice. The first thing to do is to make a list of content: texts, photos and drawings. For each of them, it is necessary to allocate a separate block and decide where it will be placed on the Whatman paper. Therefore, we take a ruler, a simple pencil and make markings. We sign sections of the template (with a graphite pencil, then erase with an eraser), for example: a title, congratulations, text about the year of the Rooster, a drawing of a Christmas tree, a collage of photographs, etc. This will make it possible to clearly distribute the space of the wall newspaper and make the correct orientation of the available information.

Wall newspaper example:

Important! Start creating a wall newspaper as early as possible so that you can come up with something fun, original and informative without haste, as well as pay attention to the quality of graphic content.


If you have an even and beautiful handwriting, then it will not be difficult for you to write the text directly on the drawing paper. Do not forget to draw horizontal lines (then erase with an eraser) so that the lines are even. For writing, you can use multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.

If your handwriting is lame or you need to write a lot of information, then we suggest using an excellent option - type text on a computer along the width of a wall newspaper column, print it on a printer and stick it on paper with PVA glue. Here you can already apply graphic tools: a beautiful font and a Christmas frame. Keep in mind that your masterpiece will be read by people of all ages, so make the letters larger.

Advice! Templates can be used for headings. Therefore, we have selected an excellent gallery of templates for you. Also below are various graphic templates for the New Year theme that will help people who have poor knowledge of drawing techniques.


Graphic elements are of particular importance in the design, because only they can create a festive atmosphere, make the newspaper interesting, colorful and informative. What images must be present:

  1. Red Fire Rooster. This is a symbol of 2017, so the bird drawing will be the most relevant. You can draw the master of the year yourself by adding sparkles to the crest, wings and tail. But if this process turns out to be difficult for you, then you can use our template, thanks to which the cockerel will turn out to be more believable.
  2. The traditional decoration of the New Year's wall newspaper will be fairy-tale characters and holiday attributes: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Santa Claus on a reindeer team, old man's helpers forest animals, snowflakes, gifts, toys and of course the beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. As the practice of many years has shown, the brightest, discussed, funniest and most memorable feature of a wall masterpiece is a photo collage. It is desirable to arrange it as follows: cut out the heads of people in photographs and glue them to the drawn human figures.

Another drawing tip. A great way for amateurs to create a professional drawing is to use a children's coloring book template. It can be printed on a printer and transferred to whatman paper using carbon paper.

Additional materials and elements

And finally, the last and brightest touch in creating a New Year's wall newspaper is the use of a variety of sparkles, rain, serpentine, etc. Apply PVA glue to the places of the picture that should shine and shimmer. Then sprinkle evenly with small sequins. Excess powder simply blow off or turn the paper sheet over and shake lightly.

Advice. The best shiny topping will be a small crumb of a spoiled glass Christmas tree toy. Wrap a ball in thick paper and beat it well with a hammer on a hard surface. And don't forget about safety precautions, it's still glass!

Also, an important component of the New Year's wall newspaper is the opportunity to take part in its creation for everyone. Leave an empty space for wishes. Let everyone write their congratulations in honor of the New Year and Christmas. An alternative option would be a special pocket or an envelope with paper leaves in the form of snowflakes. You can write your congratulations on them. To do this, place a glass with multi-colored shiny felt-tip pens next to the wall newspaper.

Of course, our version of the wall newspaper may not suit everyone, so show your abilities and come up with your own masterpiece. We wish your congratulations to become the most beautiful personification of the festive mood not only for you, but also for those around you. And our New Year's gallery of templates will help with this ...

DIY wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 - templates

Lettering "Happy New Year!"

These templates are perfect for wall newspapers with little content. The congratulatory inscription will serve as a heading, and the highlighted sections will serve as a place to place the text. But we advise you to use only images for the central part, and place blocks with the rest of the content around.

letter stencils

Such templates are useful for creating beautiful headlines. Of course, to cut letters on paper, you have to try a little, but it's worth it. Thanks to this small gallery, the originality and colorfulness of your wall newspaper will be 100% guaranteed!

Helpful advice! In order to make a beautiful inscription, install Adobe Photoshop on your computer. There you will find a huge number of beautiful fonts. Write in the application the title you need, save it as an image and print it on the printer. It remains to take a clerical knife and cut out the letters.

Christmas character templates

Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Santa Claus, Snowman... How can a New Year's wall newspaper do without these characters beloved by all children?! Download and print images of these cute fairy-tale characters and transfer them to whatman paper using carbon paper. Also, as an option, you can copy the image using a printer onto A4 paper, decorate, cut and paste.

Christmas tree

This tree is the brightest symbol of the New Year and Christmas, so a special place has been allocated for it in any wall newspaper.

Do you need to make a New Year's wall newspaper? And you don't know where to start? Then stay with us and find out everything. Our ideas and templates will help you prepare your school wall paper for the year of the rooster.

So, so - have you done your homework yet? Which task? But didn’t they tell you in kindergarten and at school to make a wall newspaper for the new year 2017 with your own hands? New templates for the wall newspaper will help you complete the task and get five for it. Our authors have collected the most useful and interesting information so that you can easily do everything quickly and efficiently. And so, let's look.

To start making a wall newspaper, you need to think about the rules for yourself that will help you do everything efficiently and quickly. For example, you must clearly know what will be on your version of the wall newspaper. We have a plan that might work for you. Let's get a look.

1. The first is a beautiful inscription at the top in the middle. The inscription is a kind of table of contents, like a book. Here you can think about what to write. For example, like this: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Or on a larger scale: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Decide for yourself, we did this:

2. Next, we need to think about what inscriptions will be made on the wall newspaper. These are poems, congratulations, riddles or toasts. You can choose everything, but then the question is where to put it all? We offer to dwell on congratulations and poems. Congratulations can be written directly under the numbers 2017, and poems can be placed on the sides. Approximately like this:

At the same time, we highlighted the place where congratulations are written. Go ahead.

As you can see, we have decorated the top of the wall newspaper. Branches of a Christmas tree with toys were drawn in the upper corners. And near the inscription there are twigs with cones. Now let's decorate the bottom.

4. Our wall newspaper is almost ready, but it lacks the main characters of the new year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees and the symbol of the year - the rooster. Let's fix the situation.

Hi all!

In our kindergarten group, preparations for the New Year are in full swing.

The task was to make a wall newspaper, or rather, on the door of congratulations, with decorations. To cheer up and people see when opening the door that they enter a group where children are waiting for Santa Claus!

In general, I received such a task and went to the store for the weekend for material for creativity. I was not in the first, often at school, and then at the institute, I got to “draw a wall newspaper”. But that's it was not hunting to draw. I wanted to work with modern materials. By the way, a lot of time has passed since I made the last New Year's poster, and materials have appeared that are a pleasure to work with!

I decided to make a newspaper in scrapbook style. Or rather, somehow go beyond 2D at least a little. I wanted the picture to become three-dimensional and I wanted to touch it. Lure-attractives in the form of decorative tactile elements - this is my favorite pastime today!

In the store, already in place (based on the assortment), a plot arose and the color scheme of the picture picked up by itself.

For the wall newspaper I needed:

Colored thick paper

Finished paper with a snowman

Pre-printed verses on the printer


White beads

half beads

Self-adhesive rhinestones

Satin ribbon

White gouache

Christmas trees cardboard

Foam rubber stamp


Glue for beads

Double-sided tape and double-sided sticky pads.

I did not use paper glue at all, because it wrinkles.

Let's take a closer look at the trees:

Finding such Christmas trees is a great success. They are flat, but have an openwork pattern. One side of the cardboard is etched (artificially aged, therefore in vintage style), and the other is plain white. I chose the first one. And I decided that this extruded drawing must be beaten!

Namely - to create a shadow under the openwork, space. For this, the level of Christmas trees will be the third (1 - cardboard, 2 - inscriptions). With the help of sticky volumetric pads, I will slightly raise them above the background plane.

But first, squeeze them out and decorate them with bows:

So there will be a feeling that they are attached to the paper with ribbons.

We still have little snowflakes left:

We decorate them with half beads. We put them on glue. Will play the role of rivets-buttons)

What do we do with text?

I thought that if you just stick it on colored cardboard, the white sheets will look like “not native”, jump out.

Therefore, I cut off the edges with curly scissors and, as it were, shade with a pencil of a shade matched to the tone of the main background.

You can do this with a special stamp pad (these are also sold), but I took my son's pencil, sharpened it sharply and ...

carefully shaded the edge of the paper with the plane of the pencil. Like before, you may remember: you hatched coins through paper and the images appeared.

This is how it will turn out:

Now the inscriptions will look softer and there will be no such rough poster effect.

We stick double-sided tape on the "Snowman".

I step back a little from the edge to create the feeling that this paper was laid, and not glued tightly.

And here is a sheet with the text glued on the pads:

There will be a third level of relief.

This is how it happened:

and on top we glue rivets-beads:

Meanwhile, this is how the snowman smiles at us:

For this, we will give him a rivet-button snowflake. He is an accent comrade, so he cannot do without 3D decorations.

We take the largest and most beautiful Christmas tree, glue pads to it:

in the most important places for her)

We glue it to the background and next to it is a verse about it:

“I lit the lights on it” - you have to light it)

“and there is snow on the branches” - you have to powder it.

We'll come back to it later...

In the meantime, let's take care of her girlfriends. There are three of them and they are smaller.

They will stand at the bottom of the newspaper and pretend to be a forest:

While the Christmas trees are sorting out who will stand where, I found the “horses”:

These are window stickers. I “hooked” them in a grocery supermarket, near the cash registers. I decided that Christmas trees and snowmen are wonderful, but now you can’t do without Horses. Still a symbol of the New Year)

Glue one ball to the side of the text:

Just a poem about a ball)

At this time, our beauties Christmas trees decided on their places. We glue pillows to them:

And place the triplets at the bottom:

I could not resist and not "sew" the beads on the glue, which I liked so much after working with.

glued Snowman fields on each snowflake:

I like this glue because it leaves time for adjustments and at the same time glues quickly. You can wipe it with a cotton swab if there is too much. And it does not spoil either the paper or the color of the beads / rhinestones.

Let's get back to the beads and rhinestones)) that is, to the lights and snow ...

This is what the microbead looks like:

These are small shiny balls.

I warn you: after work they will be everywhere!

And everything and everyone will shine with them. But it's not scary! New Year's)

We can afford!

But just in case, without sudden movements and cover everything around, trying to “catch” stupid snowflakes in time) - beads.

I called the elder for help: his task was to drive Tim the cat away from this bead ...

As far as possible, safely continue to glue.

First, rhinestones - lights, and then microbeads.

Draw waves with glue and sprinkle with beads on top:

Sprinkle generously, then, if anything, you can correct with a stick.

Pour off the extra microbead.

This is how the main tree turned out:

And don't forget about the girlfriends from the forest:

their skirts are also powdered with beads.

With a brush, draw footprints in the snow:

between the fir trees, obviously someone ran on business.

or maybe it's a cowardly gray bunny ... or an angry wolf? most likely. But he won't hurt the guys! He had already escaped)) only traces remained.

We get rubber stencils:

Cut out your favorite snowflakes for convenience:

glue them and take out the foam rubber stamp:

We blot with white paint with a stamp:

Look here, if children, dads promise to be neat, then you can connect them to stencils). But it is better to work under supervision.

Carefully fill in as many snowflakes as we want ...

and peel off the stencil. Yes, paint must be free of water!

The paint that remains on Sponge Bob's brother must be used for the benefit of the composition.

Therefore, I entrusted the stamp to the three-year-old Leva. In the garden, they were already making “snow snow snow ...”

So we make a fashionable effect "and it's snowing" together:

wherever you want

and this is what we ended up with:

let's also let the effect of a fairy tale:

Thus, the obligatory “Sadikovskaya wall newspaper program” turned out to be a pleasure for us and another field for creativity!

And for the mood in the process of work, I definitely include New Year's songs. This is what I played:

for some reason I like to listen to "Russian Santa Claus". I like children's voices and a sense of pride and patriotism.

P.S. In principle, I don’t glue any Santa Clauses and reminders of him, I try not to use his colors. Not because it's against him. But because my children should know closer our Santa Claus, and then Klaus. Because he is kinder)

Thank you for your attention to our crafts and in advance - for your comments!

Good luck preparing for the New Year!