The baby feces are liquid yellowish. What does unusual stool in a baby mean? Bowel movements after the introduction of complementary foods

The state of health of the child, especially in the first year of life, requires extremely close attention. Any alarming symptoms and signs of distress in an infant require immediate consultation with doctors and the adoption of the necessary measures. The sooner the baby receives medical care, the lower the risk of complications and health problems in the future.

In the first year of life, the child and his parents most often encounter troubles from the gastrointestinal tract. One of the signals that something is wrong with the baby's digestive system is diarrhea, or diarrhea in infants.

A newborn baby is not yet able to describe in words the signs of his discomfort, so parents themselves need to be extremely careful, daily monitoring the condition of the crumbs.

How does diarrhea in babies manifest?

It would seem that the definition of diarrhea is quite simple - it is frequent loose stools. In fact, diarrhea in a child under one year old, especially in the first 6 months, can not be determined immediately. The stool in a child at this age, especially if the baby is breastfed, normally has a very soft, even watery, mushy consistency, which is why some inexperienced parents may start to sound the alarm.

In reality, the frequency and appearance of the stool in a child changes throughout the first year of life, and the normal options may be as follows:

  • in the first month of life, a child can have a chair after each feeding, that is, up to 8 times a day. At the same time, it is a rich yellow color, it can be a little liquid or resemble gruel with a sour-milk smell. Do not be afraid if the newborn's stool contains whitish lumps or a small amount of mucus: the baby's stomach and intestines are adjusted - this is quite normal;
  • from 2 months, the frequency of stool in a child decreases. The baby can empty the intestines up to 5 times a day, the appearance and smell of the stool normally remain the same;
  • from the age of 3 months, the child's stool occurs 1-2 times a day, it becomes a little thicker, acquires a uniform consistency and a darker color.

As the baby is introduced to complementary foods and the baby becomes familiar with the new food, the baby's stool will continue to change, becoming darker and denser, and acquire a different smell.

It should be noted that the stool of formula-fed babies is normally more dense and thick, has a very light yellowish or brown tint and a specific smell.

What symptoms should alert parents in this case:

  • very frequent watery stools;
  • Strong smell;
  • discoloration (greenish, unpleasant brown);
  • the stool contains foreign inclusions: pus, blood, a large amount of mucus, particles of undigested food;
  • redness, irritation, rash on the skin around the anus of the child.

As a rule, diarrhea is acute, occurs suddenly and disappears within 1 to 2 days. However, when the following symptoms appear, it is absolutely not necessary to wait until it "passes by itself" and you need to see a doctor immediately:

  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • stomach ache;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • high or low temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting, severe regurgitation.

Such conditions of the child require immediate qualified medical care.

Causes of diarrhea

The child's body is a very fragile and not fully balanced system. Therefore, any unpleasant factor from the outside can cause its negative reaction, one of the manifestations of which will be diarrhea. The causes of stool disorder in infants may be as follows.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis most often causes diarrhea in a child at 1 month. There is a debugging of the gastrointestinal tract, the intestinal flora is formed, and the slightest failure in this process causes digestive disorders.

Overfeeding the baby can also provoke diarrhea. Due to excessive and too frequent feeding, the stomach and intestines of the baby are forced to work faster and often fail, in some cases simply removing undigested food.

The introduction of complementary foods often accompanied by stool disorders in a child at 4 months. Therefore, when new foods are added to the baby's diet, his well-being and digestion must be carefully monitored.

Diarrhea in a child at 6 months often occurs as a reaction to cutting teeth. not considered too dangerous, however, if signs of dehydration appear, you should consult a doctor.

Intestinal infections, helminths, food poisoning often cause diarrhea in a child at 8 to 9 months. When children begin to sit and crawl, they begin to actively explore the environment: they grab various objects, put them in their mouths, taste everything they see. It can be difficult to keep track of the cleanliness of the baby’s hands, hence the various troubles with the intestines.

The baby may have diarrhea with a cold or inflammation(otitis, SARS, pneumonia, rhinitis). Diarrhea can also appear during the treatment of these diseases when taking antibiotics.

Loose stools in babies can be a symptom allergic reaction. In this case, irritation and a rash around the anus are most often observed.

Diarrhea is one of the symptoms lack of any enzymes. In infants, most often it indicates lactase deficiency (the inability of the intestine to break down milk sugar), but it can be a sign of celiac disease (intolerance to cereal proteins) or a more formidable disease - cystic fibrosis.

Babies are very sensitive to the environment, so diarrhea as a response to stress or climate change also a common occurrence.

Close observation of the baby, analysis of his nutrition and activity in the days preceding the liquefaction of the stool can help determine the cause of the disease. However, the final diagnosis can only be established by consulting a doctor.

What should parents do?

If diarrhea occurs after the introduction of a new product into the diet, it must be immediately canceled. Be sure to continue breastfeeding, this will help the baby compensate for the lack of fluid.

For formula-fed babies with stool disorders, sour-milk, soy or lactase-free mixtures are recommended. Feed the child according to his appetite, in no case do not force-feed and do not supplement. Be sure to see a doctor.

As for medications for diarrhea, it is necessary to give them to children under one year of age with extreme caution. It is strictly forbidden to use fixing agents (Furazolidone, Loperamide, Imodium) for the treatment of diarrhea in infants.

It would be appropriate to take the following funds:

  • "Linex", "Hilak-forte" (contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora, can also be used for preventive purposes);
  • "Filtrum" (has an antimicrobial, sedative effect, is indicated for the treatment of diarrhea in infants);
  • Activated charcoal is a proven effective absorbent, but it is difficult to give to infants;
  • "Smecta", "Enterosgel" (remove allergens from the body, cleanse the body of toxins).

Before giving the baby medicine, you need to carefully study the instructions for use. The dosage of the drug should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Dehydration: signs and treatment

The most severe consequence of diarrhea in an infant is dehydration. With the loss of fluid in the body, metabolism is disturbed, immunity drops sharply, since the volume of useful electrolytes (salts) decreases. The following symptoms are worrisome:

  • extremely rare urination (urine is dark and concentrated) or its absence;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • dry lips and tongue, lack of tears;
  • dryness and inelasticity of the skin;
  • pallor, dark circles under the eyes;
  • retraction of the anterior fontanelle;
  • lethargy, apathy, immobility.

Dehydration is an extremely dangerous condition for the body that requires immediate treatment. The main task in the treatment of dehydration is to replenish the lost fluid and normalize the water-salt metabolism in the child's body. For this it is recommended:

  1. Be sure to take special saline solutions (Regidron, Gastrolit, Oralit), which normalize the exchange of electrolytes in the body. Ready-made solutions are sold in a pharmacy and have no age restrictions on use.
  2. To drink saline solutions to the child after each stool, the volume of a single dose of the solution is calculated by the doctor. It is necessary to take the solution slowly, in small sips, babies can drip through a pipette.
  3. Plentiful drink. For dehydration, ordinary boiled water, highly diluted juice, rice water, blueberry compote, special children's teas are suitable. They should be given in the intervals between taking solutions.
  4. Breastfeeding babies should be breastfed as often as possible, provided the diarrhea is not caused by overfeeding.

It is necessary to take all possible measures to restore the baby's water supply in the body, since prolonged dehydration can lead to extremely serious consequences.

Mom's nutrition

It is believed that children who eat breast milk are less prone to intestinal disorders, since mother's milk has a perfectly balanced composition for the child. It contains all the substances necessary to maintain normal intestinal microflora and is completely sterile, which helps to avoid infections.

In fact, breastfed babies are not immune to intestinal problems. Most often, the reason for this is the diet of a nursing mother.

All the substances she receives with food pass into breast milk. Most often, they do not bring harm to the child, but some foods used by the mother can cause allergies and indigestion.

That is why a nursing mother should be strict about the type and quality of the food she eats. To protect your baby from trouble, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • reduce to a minimum or exclude from the diet foods high in dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives;
  • limit the use of exotic products (tropical fruits, seafood, etc.);
  • refrain from food that causes unpleasant intestinal reactions or allergies in the mother herself (otherwise the child will experience the same symptoms);
  • reduce the use of foods high in gluten and sugar (confectionery and bakery products, sweets);
  • completely eliminate alcohol.

If a child develops diarrhea as a reaction to a new one tried by the mother, the product must be completely excluded from the diet for a while.

Diarrhea in infants, especially in a newborn, is always a concern for mothers. And it is right. Dehydration in babies develops very quickly and can be life threatening. In addition, it is quite difficult to treat a baby. But every mother should know what exactly is considered diarrhea and be able to help the child before the doctor arrives. After all, almost no one succeeds in raising a child and never encountering diarrhea.

The intestines of the child before the onset of childbirth are sterile. It contains neither beneficial nor harmful bacteria. The initial colonization of the intestine by microorganisms occurs during childbirth. It is advisable to immediately attach a newborn baby to the breast. At this point, along with the mother's bacteria, antibodies are also transmitted to the child. Breastfed babies are less prone to intestinal infections.

It is desirable that in the first weeks of life a minimum number of people come into contact with the newborn, so that only microorganisms from the skin of the closest people, especially the mother, are transmitted to him.

What should be the chair of a child up to a year

Before talking about diarrhea, you need to understand how normal the feces of a small child should be.

Liquid and frequent stools in a newborn or baby up to a year old may not be a sign of any disease. In breastfed babies, stools look like liquid porridge, and are usually yellow in color, often with a brownish or greenish tint. There may be small white patches. This is what a normal baby feces looks like in the photo.

In a child who receives exclusively breast milk, feces have a slightly sour smell. For artificial people, it is unpleasant, changing when switching to another mixture. Formula-fed babies often have green stools. This color is caused by iron, which is part of the mixtures, and is considered normal.

After the introduction of complementary foods, the feces become thicker. Its color also changes. It can turn yellowish brown and even green.

A breastfed newborn can soil diapers up to 10 times a day. In a one-month-old baby, stool frequency usually decreases. But the normal range is quite wide. Some babies get their diapers dirty every 2-3 days, while others have 5 stools a day. And all this is normal if the baby is healthy, cheerful and gaining weight well.

But if the baby does not gain or even lose weight, and the child’s stool is with foam, mucus and a sharp unpleasant odor, then you need to see a doctor. Most often, the cause of such symptoms is poisoning, infection, and artificial babies are also allergic to the milk protein contained in the mixture.

Cases when it is necessary to urgently show the child to the doctor

Since diseases in infants often develop rapidly, with certain symptoms, it is urgent to call a doctor or an ambulance.

The main causes of diarrhea

Depending on the cause of diarrhea, the actions of the mother should be different, therefore, in order to properly help the child, it is necessary to recognize why the diarrhea occurred. And of course, a doctor should help to do this.


Diarrhea is often caused by a bacterial or viral infection. In this case, abdominal pain, fever and vomiting are added to the sudden diarrhea. The severity of the problem is indicated by diarrhea with blood in the baby, as well as the appearance of mucus and foam in the feces. Infections are especially difficult in the smallest, newborns, and children. If you do not immediately help the baby, then you can end up in intensive care.

But treatment is symptomatic. Before the time to stop diarrhea means to increase the time the child's body interacts with the poison. Whereas diarrhea is a powerful reaction of the body, aimed at removing poisons from the body. But it is necessary to replenish the supply of fluid and salts in the body. You also need to reduce the temperature with Paracetamol if it is too high.

Errors in nutrition

Food intolerances can lead to bowel problems and diarrhea. In infants, the cause of problems may be errors in the diet of the mother. Intolerances are often caused by cow's milk proteins and gluten, which is found in many grains such as wheat, rye and barley. If these products are consumed repeatedly, then diarrhea can be permanent. Added to this are bloating, poor weight gain, and sometimes skin rashes.

This should be treated by simply eliminating the product from the diet. In general, a small child needs to be fed as simply as possible, it is not necessary to introduce “adult foods” into the menu ahead of time, to which the baby’s body is completely unsuitable. This can be done even after a year.

But sometimes intestinal upset is not even caused by some product that appeared in the diet of a child or mother, but by improper organization of breastfeeding. If a woman constantly transfers a newborn from one breast to another, and he does not receive full-fat milk, then his digestive organs cannot properly digest such nutrition. The liver can't handle it. Lactose does not have time to be digested, due to the rapid passage of too liquid food through the intestines. All of these can lead to green stools and diarrhea.

Taking antibiotics

Antibiotics kill not only harmful microbes, but also beneficial ones. And if the baby has an intestinal disorder after a course of antibiotic treatment, then taking probiotics and prebiotics can help him, the names of which and the dosage should be determined by the doctor. Self-selection of the drug is dangerous for the health of the child.

Children under one year of age may be prescribed the following drugs:

  • Linex;
  • Acipol;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Bifidumbacterin forte;
  • Probifor.


This process can be accompanied by various reactions of the body, in particular diarrhea. If the child has obvious signs of teething, and at the same time loose stools appear, then nothing needs to be done.

Surgical pathologies

Diarrhea can also accompany acute surgical diseases, such as appendicitis. It is suspected by severe, most often paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, as well as fever. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately show the child to the doctor.

Other diseases

In young children, the intestines are very unstable and sensitive. And diarrhea can accompany any disease, such as otitis media or bronchitis. Loose stools can cause overheating and even fright. Therefore, with diarrhea, you need to look at other changes in the child's condition in order to make a correct diagnosis. And only a doctor can do this.

How to treat diarrhea in infants

Diarrhea itself is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at cleansing the intestines. It cannot be stopped abruptly, especially in the case of an infection. Slowing down the cleansing of the intestines from pathogenic microbes and their toxins can worsen the condition of the child and lead to serious complications.

For babies, dehydration that develops rapidly with diarrhea is most dangerous. If vomiting joins diarrhea, then the body loses fluid and salts associated with it even faster. Therefore, the main activities should be aimed at replenishing the fluid and salts in the body, and not at stopping diarrhea.

The causative agents of diarrhea injure the delicate mucous membrane of the small intestine, and it cannot fully absorb the liquid. In a pharmacy, as prescribed by a doctor, you need to buy a special drug (electrolyte solution) that restores the mucous membrane. Non-infectious diarrhea usually does not require any other medication besides rehydration agents. If the diarrhea is caused by an infection, your doctor may prescribe appropriate antibiotics.

Rehydrators: how to stop dehydration

For children under one year old, the following rehydration preparations are used:

A child needs at least 100 ml of solution per 1 kg of weight per day. The solution is best given after each episode of loose stools or vomiting.

When treating young children, Regidron should not be used. This medicine contains too high a concentration of sodium salts, which is dangerous for babies. It is used only for children over 14 years of age and adults. In the most extreme case, in the absence of other drugs, Regidron can be used by diluting it with twice as much water.

But it is better in this case to prepare a rehydration solution yourself. In 1 liter, add 3 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. It is best to use salt with the addition of potassium.

Solutions must be prepared strictly according to the instructions, since insufficiently concentrated solutions have no effect, and too concentrated solutions increase vomiting and diarrhea, which further worsens the baby's condition.

If a child older than 6 months refuses to drink the solution, then he can be offered dried fruit compote. In this case, a very small one must constantly offer breasts.

Yes, the baby is very sorry, but sometimes you have to force water, for example, from a syringe without a needle. The liquid is poured in small portions over the cheek. This is better than making systems in a hospital later.


With some types of diarrhea, the use of absorbents, for example, Smecta, gives a good effect. This natural preparation is allowed to be used from birth. But a doctor must prescribe it. The fact is that with some diseases, Smecta can not be taken categorically. This applies, in particular, to rotavirus infections, which just very often cause diarrhea. Also, newborns may be prescribed the drug "Polysorb".

How to feed babies with diarrhea?

Adults with diarrhea are usually prescribed abstinence from food during the first day of the disease. But hunger is contraindicated for small children. Therefore, infants need to restore normal nutrition as soon as possible.

Breastfed babies continue to be breastfed on demand. But at the same time, the lost fluid is replenished with the help of rehydration solutions. They are given between feedings every 5-10 minutes for 1-2 teaspoons. If you give a large amount of liquid at once, you can provoke vomiting.

Artificial feeders begin to feed the usual mixture approximately 6 hours after the first portion of the rehydration solution is given. But for very young children, up to 6 months, the diluted mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. After some time, go to a 1:1 dilution. The child is returned to normal nutrition within 2-3 days.

If the diarrhea is mild and the baby is older than 6 months, then he can be fed as usual. But be sure to give rehydrators. Severe diarrhea accompanied by severe dehydration requires hospitalization and intravenous fluids.

Diarrhea in young children is an alarming symptom that requires adequate care. But it is necessary to distinguish diarrhea from the normal loose stools common to many babies and be sure to contact the doctors in time, who should prescribe treatment.

The child's body has its own characteristics of functioning. The gastrointestinal tract is no exception. In babies, it is still immature, and the secretory function of the digestive glands is low. The color of bowel movements depends on many factors, including the food you eat. Since the main food of infants is milk, it is not surprising that the color of feces and the frequency of bowel movements differ from adults. What should I do if my child has yellow diarrhea? What is the normal amount of feces in infants?

Normal breast stool

Diarrhea is an increased frequency of bowel movements. The motor function of the intestines in a one-month-old child is quite energetic, which is manifested by frequent bowel movements: in the first two weeks in a newborn - 3-5 times, during the first year of life - 1-3 times a day, in a one-year-old child - 1-2 times a day. In infants, the process of defecation is a spontaneous (reflex) act, and starting from the age of two, defecation is a voluntary (conscious) process.

The first bowel movement in a child occurs during the first day of life and is called meconium (original feces). It consists of epithelial cells, bile, enzymes and has a greenish-black color. The manifestation of meconium is necessarily recorded in the history of the development of the newborn, as this indicates intestinal patency. The stool in a breastfed baby has a yellow color, the consistency of liquid sour cream with a sour smell.

Since artificial formulas for feeding are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract longer than breast milk, the child can defecate 2 times less often. In this case, the volume of fecal masses will be greater. The stool in an artificially fed baby has a light yellow color with an unpleasant odor. If formula is not well absorbed in the digestive tract, white lumps may appear in the stool.

Normal stool in a child has color shades ranging from bright yellow to light yellow. The color of the feces begins to change and becomes brown only after the introduction of complementary foods at 6 months. In the first year of a child's life, yellow loose stools are not a pathology and do not require treatment.

Causes of diarrhea

Why does yellow diarrhea occur in a child? In a small child, liquid yellow stools can occur for a number of reasons:

  • violation of the feeding regimen;
  • improper introduction of complementary foods;
  • changing the diet of a nursing mother;
  • intestinal infections;
  • diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver;
  • overfeeding the baby;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • teething.

In an infant, diarrhea after antibiotics may occur due to the suppression of normal intestinal microflora by antibacterial drugs. In this case, it is necessary to pass a stool culture for dysbacteriosis, a stool analysis for opportunistic microflora and a coprogram. According to the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Loose stools in babies often occur during teething. At the same time, the baby begins to salivate profusely and the temperature may even rise slightly.

Rapid liquid foamy yellow stools in a newborn may be a sign of physiological dysbacteriosis. It occurs during the first two weeks of a child's life, as the intestines are actively populated by new microflora. At the beginning of the 3rd week in healthy full-term babies after feeding with mother's milk, this condition self-destructs. A sign of dysbacteriosis can also be frequent loose stools with white lumps.

Foamy diarrhea in a child without fever occurs with lactase deficiency, increased gas formation, and with an allergy to foods that a nursing mother eats.

When to see a doctor?

In the first months of life, it is quite difficult for parents to determine whether a child has diarrhea, since defecation occurs much more often than in adults.

Signs of "danger":

  • the number of daily acts of defecation exceeds the norm;
  • accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • the child refuses to eat;
  • diarrhea with foam in a child;
  • yellow diarrhea with mucus;
  • watery stool;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • the baby is constantly restless, crying, knocking with his legs or lethargic;
  • signs of dehydration: the fontanel sinks in the newborn, the mucous membranes are dry;
  • mucus in the feces, after the introduction of complementary foods, there may be pieces of undigested food.

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, then you should immediately contact a pediatrician to determine the causes of diarrhea in children.

In a newborn, loose stools with “water” always lead to dehydration and are a very dangerous condition. What to do in this case? Treatment involves adequate replenishment of the body's water balance. Rehydration agents are administered intravenously or orally, depending on the degree of fluid loss.

Frequent loose stools with white lumps may indicate severe intestinal dysbacteriosis. Also, this condition can be in children who are bottle-fed, since not all mixtures are equally well digested in the child's gastrointestinal tract.

Types of diarrhea

Foamy diarrhea in infants, which has a pungent odor and is accompanied by fever, as well as intoxication, indicates the presence of an intestinal infection. Classification of acute intestinal infections by type of diarrhea:

  • invasive type. Acute intestinal infections of bacterial etiology. Caused by salmonella, shigella, some types of Escherichia, Yersinia and other pathogens. Pathogens can invade the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract and cause foamy feces. Watery diarrhea with mucus in a child is yellow-green in color with blood impurities, often indicates salmonellosis. Fecal masses of green color and a small amount (“rectal spit”) indicate the occurrence of shigellosis.
  • secretory type. Such diarrhea in an infant can be of bacterial etiology (Vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic Escherichia, Klebsiella, Campylobacter, etc.) or viral (rotaviruses, coronaviruses). These pathogens multiply only on the surface of the intestinal epithelium. This type of diarrhea causes a very loose stool in a newborn, which looks like “water”. Yellow diarrhea in an infant and older is a clear sign of a rotavirus infection.
  • Mixed type. Caused by a mixed infection, clinical signs include symptoms of both invasive and secretory types.

To isolate the alleged pathogen, feces, vomit, gastric lavage are used, where it is identified by bacteriological examination. Its main disadvantage is a long holding time (5-7 days), sometimes diarrhea in a newborn can be cured even before results are obtained. Serological studies are also used to detect the titer of antibodies to a specific pathogen.

Treatment of acute intestinal infections is prescribed by a doctor, since loose stools in an infant can quickly lead to dehydration with severe consequences. Rehydration, detoxification therapy is prescribed, and in case of bacterial infections - antibacterial drugs.

Prevention of yellow diarrhea

In a newborn, diarrhea is easier to prevent than to treat. To this end, you must adhere to the rules:

  • a nursing mother should be on a hypoallergenic diet;
  • follow the rules for the introduction of complementary foods (at 6 months - vegetable puree, at 8-9 months - low-fat mashed
  • meat, at 10-12 months. - steamed fish cakes);
  • keep child care facilities clean;
  • observe the expiration dates of food;
  • carefully thermally process food;
  • do not allow the child to be fed cow's milk.

Liquid yellow stools in a newborn are the norm. If diarrhea occurs, frothy, watery or greenish stools appear, you should contact your pediatrician.

Loose stools in a breastfed baby is a reality that always raises a lot of questions and concerns for parents, but you should read the topic carefully enough, and everything will fall into place - the main thing is to know the norms and deviations in the child's condition.

Parents often worry about loose stools in a newborn. But it is important to understand that breastfeeding is a normal physiology. There is no need to worry if there are no other signs of a violation of the condition.

There are situations when loose stools in a breastfed baby indicate the development of diseases, but this condition is always accompanied by additional external signs.

It is very simple to explain why the stool is liquid in a newborn while breastfeeding. When eating only high-calorie, soft and fatty foods, feces cannot harden. A mushy consistency is the norm until the introduction of complementary foods in infants.

The color ranges from yellow to light brown. At times, the color may change, but if there are no impurities of mucus, blood in the feces, pain in the tummy is not bothered, then everything is fine.

Stool color varies from light yellow to dark brown

If a newborn has a liquid yellow stool, but the baby has good dynamics in weight gain, has no problems with sleep and does not show warning signs, then his parents should not worry in vain. The baby eats liquid, easily digestible food and therefore it is logical that the feces are liquid. This should not be associated with diarrhea.

A breastfed baby can normally defecate 7 to 10 times a day in the first month of life. Bowel movements occur after feeding. From 1 to 6 months - every day the baby goes to the toilet 2-5 times, and after six months - 1 or 2 times, or maybe less often.

With frequent pathological bowel movements, the baby quickly loses the fluid it needs. At this time, the baby needs to drink a lot so that dehydration and disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems do not occur.

If a newborn has loose stools, and he behaves restlessly, cries often and strongly, he has bloating, an urgent need to call a doctor.

Normally, the baby has liquid yellow stools, but it can be greenish, light yellow or brownish. The color depends on the nutrition of the nursing woman. When dairy products are included in her diet, feces are yellow, vegetable products are greenish.

The norm is the absence of mucus and blood in the feces. Sometimes curdled lumps may appear, and they smell like sour milk. With a good health of the baby and a stable weight gain, there is nothing to worry about. This is a natural response to easily digestible food.

Short-term causes of stool problems - complementary foods and teething

It happens that other symptoms are added to teething, painful sensations in the gums, the flow of saliva and irritability. One of them is a violation of the consistency of the feces.

The baby is teething, he cries and feels discomfort

A very common cause when a baby has loose stools is teething. under the influence of a bacterial infection.

It enters the child's body due to the fact that he begins to intensively drag his hands and any improvised objects into his mouth in order to scratch the inflamed gums.

Saliva protection in infants is poorly developed, so the infection manifests itself in the intestines, causing diarrhea.

To reduce the negative impact on the body of the process of teething, you need:

  • periodically wipe saliva from the chin;
  • pay more attention to hygiene - change your blouse more often so that saliva does not accumulate on it;
  • wash or dry hands frequently with wet wipes.

To avoid diarrhea during complementary feeding, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. monitor the quality of food, introducing complementary foods very carefully;
  2. when restructuring the body, one should carefully consider the choice of dishes;
  3. Proper nutrition will reduce the risk of dysbacteriosis.

Often the causes of loose stools in infants are the adaptation of the digestive system to new foods.

At the same time, the intestinal microflora is populated with beneficial bacteria. But a sufficient amount of enzymes is not yet produced, and the anatomical location of the gastrointestinal tract helps to speed up the digestion of food.

What is the difference between norms and violations

Diarrhea can be distinguished from a normal physiological condition by the following features:

  • increase in the number of bowel movements per day;
  • liquefaction of the stool and its wateriness;
  • sudden release of bowel movements;
  • pronounced sour smell;
  • green tint;
  • the presence of blood streaks, foam and mucus.

Additional features

  1. colic and gaziki;
  2. and also at night;
  3. poor appetite;
  4. causeless whims;
  5. rise in temperature.

But often the color and consistency of feces in the normal state will depend on the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

What parents can do, nutritional correction rules

Tips for preventing diarrhea in babies:

1 Do not stop breastfeeding. Some young mothers stop breastfeeding because of their inexperience. This is completely wrong. There are special substances in breast milk that help the immature body overcome intestinal infections, as well as resist the influence of allergens. Microbacteria in milk will allow the gastrointestinal tract to work properly. if milk is gone, we tell in a separate article. With diarrhea, the body loses a huge amount of fluid, and milk helps to replenish it.

2 Change of mother's diet. The diet of a nursing woman significantly affects the baby's stool. Greens, fruits, vegetables and juices especially change the consistency of stool. Mothers are advised to keep a diary, where to note the time of introduction of new food and the reaction to it.. You need to include products in the menu one at a time, in small quantities, monitoring the well-being of the child.

3 Watch how the baby's body reacts. If it only gets worse, you need to urgently call a doctor.

4 Make sure that the baby drank the whole breast. It is known that mother's breast milk is divided into anterior (watery) and hind (more fatty, high-calorie). If the baby often sucks out only the front milk, then the frequency of going to the toilet will increase. Feed with one breast until you feel completely empty, and only then invite him to proceed with the second. If it freaks out, carefully study the possible sources of problems from our article. In the event that the mother has a chest pain during feeding, it is imperative why this can happen. These symptoms do not bode well.

5 Do not be nervous. Parents often get nervous even at the slightest deviation. If, against the background of liquid stool, the baby remains calm and in a good mood, nothing terrible happens.

When you need a doctor

Watery stools in infants with frequent repetition should be the reason for contacting the doctor.

There are a number of additional signs of diarrhea that indicate abnormalities:

It is worth paying attention to the presence of concomitant symptoms
  1. Anxiety in behavior. When the baby knocks with his legs, does not take the breast, does not sleep well, it is clear that his stomach is bothering him - call the doctor.
  2. Dangerous signs - when loose stools in an infant are supplemented by vomiting, severe fever and weight loss. All this can be life threatening and you should immediately call a doctor.
  3. Symptoms of dehydration- they develop just with diarrhea - this is a general weakness and lethargy of the child, a weak cry, the absence of tears, tightness of the skin, a sinking fontanel, a dark shade of urine with a pungent odor, a diaper that remains dry for a long time and high temperature.
  4. A clear putrid smell of excrement - this may indicate the development of pathogenic intestinal microflora.
  5. Dysbacteriosis- develops in case of violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora. Get tested to confirm the diagnosis.
  6. lactase deficiency. This diagnosis is also made only on the basis of tests. In the first weeks of a child's life, the lactase enzyme is not produced in his body - namely, it breaks down carbohydrates from breast milk. Therefore, diarrhea develops, the baby becomes restless and gains weight poorly. For the diagnosis of lactase deficiency, a stool sample is required in the laboratory.
  7. Intestinal infections. They run differently. In this state, a very liquid stool, like water, in an infant is accompanied by fever, vomiting, blood and mucus in the feces. After the analysis, an increase in the concentration of fats and leukocytes is diagnosed.

In addition to the above disorders, diarrhea may indicate an allergy to certain foods consumed by the mother or to the food itself. To normalize the condition, you will need to eliminate the allergen product from the diet.

If a child has problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, he will definitely show this with his behavior. When the baby feels good, is cheerful and plays, then, most likely, he does not have any violations.


Loose stools in infants is a physiologically normal condition. It is much worse when the baby suffers from constipation, he develops bloating and develops colic. The color, texture and smell of infant feces make it possible to timely diagnose disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. If there are no additional pathological manifestations, this is not an indicator of violations.

For more information about which feces are considered normal, and when not, you can find out from the video:

Diarrhea in infants is a cause for concern, since the dehydration of the body characteristic of the state develops rapidly and can threaten the life of the child. It is also necessary to react quickly to the presence of liquid stools for the reason that it is difficult to treat a crumb and you can lose precious time. Not all groups of traditional medications are suitable for breastfed babies.

Features of the chair in infants

For infants receiving breast milk, frequent loose stools are typical. If the baby is gaining weight well and remains calm, then there is no cause for concern. For a baby, it is considered normal if the contents of the diaper have a light yellow tint and resemble a liquid slurry in consistency. Stool frequency - 2-5 times a day.

Any visual change in consistency and color, as well as the addition of an unpleasant odor, indicates the development of diarrhea (diarrhea) in the child.

The difference between physiological loose stools and diarrhea (diarrhea) - table

Causes and factors provoking the development of diarrhea in infants

Babies can develop diarrhea during breastfeeding for a variety of reasons. Most often it is:

  • intestinal infection. One of the most common reasons infants suffer from intestinal upset is intestinal infection. Pathology can develop due to the imperfection of the immune defense of the child's body;
  • lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is another common cause of infantile diarrhea. For a chair in this case, a frothy texture and a sour smell are typical. The development of diarrhea is due to a lack of a special enzyme in the baby's body - lactase, which is responsible for the breakdown of lactose (milk sugar that comes with mother's milk). Accumulating lactose and causes an upset baby stool;
  • . Dysbacteriosis is usually called the deviation between the "good" and "bad" intestinal microflora. By its signs, the pathology resembles an intestinal disorder. In infants, the condition develops if the nursing mother or the baby himself takes drugs of the group;
  • feeding errors of a nursing mother. Sometimes the cause of diarrhea in infants is non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother. For example, a woman can introduce white cabbage or representatives of the pea family into her diet, which causes a thinning of the stool in an infant;
  • teething. In most cases, during the period of teething, the child also develops diarrhea. In this case, the stool becomes liquid, but it does not have a pungent odor. As a rule, diarrhea is accompanied by a rise in temperature and profuse salivation.

Diarrhea in newborns - video

Symptoms of loose stools in babies while breastfeeding

It is possible to distinguish a normal baby's stool from diarrhea by several typical signs. This:

  • increase in stool frequency. The baby begins to soil diapers two to three times more often;
  • the feces become watery, and the usual yellowish color changes to a greenish tint;
  • there is an unpleasant pungent odor. It can feel putrid notes;
  • the child suffers from increased gas formation and painful colic.

Mucus, blood streaks, atypical flakes may appear in the composition of the feces.

The behavior of the baby also changes:

  • the baby becomes restless and irritable;
  • often crying;
  • may refuse to breastfeed.

A dry tongue indicates severe dehydration. This is a very alarming signal that requires an immediate response: the baby needs to call an ambulance team.

When a child needs urgent medical attention

The disease in infants sometimes develops very rapidly. There are several symptoms that require urgent hospitalization of the infant.

  • The stool becomes very thin and copious, contains a lot of foam.
  • There are blood streaks in the stool.
  • The baby has frequent vomiting.
  • There are signs of dehydration.
  • Diarrhea lasts for a day, and the child refuses to drink.
  • The baby has not urinated for more than 8 hours.
  • The baby has a high temperature.
  • Violent colic.

If at least one symptom appears, the child must be hospitalized.

How to treat diarrhea in breastfed babies

There is no standard treatment for diarrhea in infants. In each case, the pediatrician prescribes different drugs, taking into account the condition of the baby. But general recommendations, nevertheless, are available.


Mothers should remember that diarrhea is a protective reaction of the child's body, which helps to actively cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. And doctors forbid abruptly stopping diarrhea, because the intestines begin to absorb toxins and this only worsens the general condition of the baby.

With the development of diarrhea, the baby needs to be constantly given a drink. It can be pure water, but it is best to use special rehydration preparations. In a pharmacy, you can buy funds that are allowed in children of the first year of life. This:

  • Orasan;
  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • Gastrovit;
  • Hydrovit;
  • Maratonik and others.

On the day the baby should drink at least 100 ml of electrolyte solution for every kilogram of weight. You need to drink the child fractionally: every 5-10 minutes, drink 1-2 small spoons. If you give the baby a larger amount of funds and do it more often, then you can cause him to vomit severely.

Regidron should not be used as a rehydrant for infants. It contains a high percentage of sodium salts. But if there is no other drug, then when diluting the drug, a double volume of liquid is used.

It is best to make a solution on your own: everything you need can be found in every kitchen. Dissolve sugar (3 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp) in 1 liter of water. Drink the child according to the standard scheme.

When preparing the compositions, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions attached by the manufacturer. A remedy in a weak concentration will not give the desired therapeutic effect, and an excess of the dosage of salts will only increase diarrhea.

A good effect in some varieties of childhood diarrhea is given by absorbent preparations. These include Smekta, but it is forbidden to use it on your own. In some diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea, in particular, rotavirus infection, the drug is prohibited.

Infants can also be prescribed Polysorb and Enterosgel.

Sorbents allowed for babies - gallery

Polysorb performs the task well, without posing a danger to the immature intestines of the baby Enterosgel has an excellent ability to absorb toxins and quickly remove them. Smecta envelops the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, eliminating pain and discomfort typical for diarrhea


Drug therapy is selected by the pediatrician, and in each case it is individual. As a rule, the child is prescribed broad-spectrum drugs, for example, Cefazolin.

For a long time, products containing beneficial bacteria are prescribed. If necessary, the baby receives enzyme-containing preparations.

Breastfeeding mother's diet

The diet of a nursing mother is already quite limited, but with the development of diarrhea in a child, a woman must follow a strict diet. Any error in nutrition will only exacerbate the existing problem.

From the menu it is necessary to completely exclude:

  • any products containing preservatives, chemical dyes and additives;
  • exotic foods and fruits;
  • sweets, bread and other pastries;
  • alcohol;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes - peas, beans;
  • onion and garlic;
  • coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks.

Treatment of diarrhea in infants folk remedies

If it is decided to use alternative methods of treating intestinal disorders, then you must first consult a pediatrician.

You can apply the following recipes:

  • lime blossom infusion. It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, which helps to restore the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Dry color (1 tsp) is brewed in a glass of boiling water, infused and filtered. It is necessary to give the baby a few spoons a day instead of water. The diarrhea will stop in twelve hours;
  • decoction based on green aspen buds. Pour a tablespoon of the product with a glass of boiling water and cook for half an hour at a minimum boil. Cool, filter and give the baby a teaspoon three times a day;
  • mint infusion. In a glass of boiling water, brew a spoonful of chopped mint, insist and strain. Drink a spoonful in the morning and evening;
  • rice broth. Boil concentrated rice broth: 100 grams of rice flour is taken per 1 liter of water. Cook for 5 minutes at a minimum boil and constant stirring. Cool down. Dilute the cooled liquid with clean water in a ratio of 1: 3 and give the child a little;
  • infusion of dry rosehip flowers. Pour a tablespoon of the product with boiling water (1.5 tablespoons). Insist for an hour, strain. Give a little every two hours;
  • donkey decoction. It is recommended to use it for especially severe diarrhea. Pour a tablespoon of grass with water (1.5 tbsp) and cook at a minimum boil for 5 minutes. Strain, cool and drink to the baby a teaspoon 5 times a day.

Folk remedies for diarrhea in infants - gallery

A decoction of linden blossom helps to restore the normal functioning of the intestines of the baby
A decoction of mint leaves is a good remedy for intestinal upset in an infant. Rice decoction is a traditional remedy for stopping diarrhea, completely safe for the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. A decoction of rosehip flowers can be given to babies without fear

Breastfeeding cannot be stopped. The breast should be offered to the baby as often as possible.

Disease prognosis and possible complications

The prognosis for early and adequate treatment of the child is favorable. In the absence of therapy, there is a risk of developing the following pathological conditions:

  • loss of most of the baby's weight;
  • poor-quality assimilation by the intestines of the child of nutrients supplied with mother's milk. This can provoke rickets;
  • a lack of calcium is fixed;
  • the baby becomes inactive;
  • body temperature drops;
  • there are signs of dehydration.

It is dehydration that is one of the most serious complications in infantile diarrhea, since the baby's body actively loses useful electrolytes (salts).

Signs of dehydration are:

  • rare or complete absence of urination;
  • urine becomes very dark;
  • baby is losing weight
  • lips and tongue dry up, the child cries without tears;
  • the skin is pale and dry, bruises appear under the eyes;
  • there is a sinking of the anterior fontanel;
  • the baby becomes lethargic and lethargic.

The main task of the mother when such symptoms appear is to replenish the fluid lost by the child's body. It is recommended here:

  • give the infant rehydration solutions. The dose should be selected by the attending physician;
  • give the baby a drink in between taking rehydrates;
  • offer breasts as often as possible.

These measures will help restore fluid reserves.

Prevention of diarrhea in infants

To avoid diarrhea in babies, experts give the following tips:

  • Stop breastfeeding in the summer heat is not worth it. During this period, bacteria multiply most actively, and breast milk helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • observance of hygiene rules. A woman is advised to wash her hands and breasts before each feeding.

If the baby, nevertheless, has signs of diarrhea, then the first thing a nursing mother should do is to review her diet.

What to do with diarrhea in premature babies

In premature babies, changes in the structure of the stool occur especially often. The cause of frequent functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is its immaturity and lack of intestinal enzymes necessary for the digestion of fats and carbohydrates.

With the development of diarrhea, the child must be prescribed treatment. The therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. But it is highly desirable to maintain and continue breastfeeding, because with mother's milk the baby receives hormones, protective substances and enzymes that accelerate the maturation of the intestines and stop diarrhea.

Diarrhea in an infant should not be ignored, because in the absence of adequate treatment, the crumbs can develop serious complications. And only timely prescribed treatment will help to avoid serious consequences.