Tricks of home hair coloring. Coloring hair roots at home

A strange pattern - every blonde at least once in her life wants to become a brunette, and vice versa, girls with dark strands certainly want to lighten them. And how to color the dark roots of a blonde if they are already long enough and visually look completely sloppy? This is not at all difficult to do if you know a number of nuances.

Choosing the right dye

In order not to paint every couple of weeks until the end of your days or not to get a pink or green scale on your hair instead of the desired shade, you need to heed the advice of professionals. First of all, a blonde with dark roots must decide what is more priority for her. The choice of dye directly depends on this. If the roots do not differ radically from the rest of the hair color, you can try to dye them using a gentle method. Today, the manufacturer offers a lot of them and in completely different versions - these are tint gels, balms, foams and shampoos. The main advantage of such products is that they absolutely do not harm the hair, rather, on the contrary, they make them more vibrant and shiny due to the caring substances in their composition. They are washed off after the 6th-8th shampoo, paint over weakly, no more than one or two tones, require frequent use.

If a blonde with dark roots aims to grow her hair to a natural shade, she should choose a second or third level paint. The difference here is that soft, ammonia-free dyes of the second level will have to be applied a little more often, they are washed off the hair faster. Coloring agents with a third level of durability work, of course, better and stay on the hair for at least a month, but their structure is detrimental.

Deciding on the right shade

Coloring the roots in a dark color in blondes is not an easy process and requires careful selection of the desired color. Ideally, if it matches your own, and for this it is best to visit the nearest professional store and use the farb card. Working with her is not at all difficult, the main thing here is to understand the numbers and clearly define your wishes. The first number in each of the natural colors presented in it determines the level of lightness. We take into account here the fact that each company has its own numbering system, in this regard it is better to consult with the seller, who is knowledgeable in these matters. The second number is the paint color itself, and the third is its shade. So, for example, the color 7.35 is a golden walnut.

Professionals here point out an important point: if before that, paint from another company or with a darker shade was used to darken the roots, the result may be unexpected, up to green or red. Therefore, with radical changes in color or lightening it by more than one or two tones, it is better to go to a good master for advice.

Tricks for successful coloring

A blonde with dark roots, that is, regrown with her natural color, as well as girls who decide to do the staining procedure on their own for the first time, should take into account a number of tricks that stylists always use:

  1. When coloring tone on tone, if you want to achieve a smooth transition from dyed hair to the root, it is better not to use the 6% oxidizing agent completely, but to use only one third of its bottle - so the effect of the dye on the hair will be more gentle.
  2. The coloring of the roots should be carried out in stages, first we apply the composition to this part of the hair, wait the prescribed time, as a rule, it is 15-20 minutes, and then distribute the paint over all the curls with a comb with even teeth.
  3. One of the important secrets of specialists is that a cardinal game with color can knock out a different shade on the hair. Here you need to be very careful, so, for example, if the roots were previously painted in a golden hue, and now you want to make them light brown, the result will be emerald green.

Natural dyes

If a girl decided to return to her native color, she doesn’t want to spoil her hair anymore, how to dye the roots in a dark color for a blonde in this case? This is where plant dyes come in handy. They have long been used by residents of the East, whose beauty and density of hair the whole world has heard about. Such natural dyes not only do not spoil the hair, but, on the contrary, improve its appearance. Henna stains weakened hair to strengthen and heal it. But even here there are nuances. It is perfect for hair prone to oiliness, weak curls, frequent use of henna will dry even more. Also, such a natural dye has one biggest drawback: it does not wash out of the hair over time, and if you decide to dye your strands with henna, think well, they will be healthy, but you won’t be able to change the color.

Preparatory stage

How to dye the roots in a dark blonde color, it is better to consider step by step, especially if this procedure is performed independently for the first time:

  1. It is better to choose a high-quality coloring agent, its cost, of course, is noticeably higher, but the composition will contain many useful and hair-caring substances.
  2. With self-coloring, you should not choose a shade that is radically different from your own hair color. Limit yourself to a difference of 2-3 tones.
  3. Prepare the right amount of coloring composition in advance so that it is enough for the entire surface of the head, and the result is uniform.
  4. Shades for dark roots and light ends must be in harmony.

DIY coloring tools

They also need to be prepared in advance so as not to be distracted during the process and not end up with an uneven tone on the roots. You will need:

  • selected hair dye;
  • any oily skin cream;
  • non-metallic container;
  • brush for applying the coloring composition;
  • old unnecessary towel;
  • hair clips;
  • a special comb with a thin handle for easy separation of strands.

Staining procedure

Before using the paint, be sure to read the instructions for it. To get the result - a blonde with dark roots - it is better to start coloring with a preliminary washing and drying of the head. In order not to stain the skin, apply a greasy cream on it, dilute the required amount of the coloring composition.

  1. The sequence of actions when staining the roots in a dark color or lightening them is almost the same. The only difference is that the dark pigment eats into the skin, so a greasy cream is needed, when lightening, more attention should be paid to the quality dyeing of each hair, since light patches will be clearly visible.
  2. The most harmonious blonde with dark roots will look when stained with the balayage technique. It is important here to paint the roots first, and then pay attention to the tips. By the way, you can lighten only the ends and middle of the hair, then the roots will remain healthy, it all depends on the original color of the curls.

Master Class

Do not forget to test for an allergic reaction, after which you can proceed with the procedure:

  • we divide the hair into four approximately identical zones, more simply, with a cross - one parting in the middle, the other strictly perpendicular to it;
  • do not forget about gloves: using a brush, apply the coloring mixture first to the middle parting, then with a long comb from one of the four strands we separate a small strip of hair and so, step by step, we color the entire head;
  • having worked all over, collect the curls again in bundles and pay attention to the temporal and parietal areas;
  • the head can be wrapped in cellophane and left for the allotted time;
  • if you need to get only dark roots, combing and shifting dyed hair is not recommended so that the coloring pigment is not distributed over areas we do not need;
  • Rinse the mixture from your head with warm water, be sure to apply a special care product.

Now blondes with dark roots are at the peak of fashion, the photo proves the beauty of this coloring. A dark, correctly colored root zone gives fair-haired girls a natural look and beautifully sets off the face, making its features more expressive.

Overgrown roots, contrasting with the color of the rest of the hair, make the appearance untidy and sloppy. Fortunately, you can fix this at home.

Even girls who prefer to dye their hair in salons may find it necessary to touch up their roots at home. There is not always time and opportunity to sign up for this procedure with a professional hairdresser, but it must be done regularly. Overgrown roots, contrasting with the color of the rest of the hair, make the appearance untidy and sloppy. Fortunately, fixing this nuance is easy and at home.

Items needed when painting the roots of the house

If you decide to touch up the roots of your hair yourself, make sure you have everything you need:

  • hair clips or hairpins to secure strands;
  • comb-comb for separating strands;
  • plastic bowl for mixing paint and oxidizer;
  • brush for applying paint;
  • hair dye of the desired shade;
  • paint oxidizer.

The process of dyeing hair roots at home

Before coloring, test for an allergic reaction, even if you are using the same paint as last time. To do this, two days before staining, apply paint to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If discomfort, itching or burning sensations appear, it is better not to use such paint.

To obtain a uniform effect, it is better to choose the paint of the same company that was used when dyeing the main part of the hair.

Get ready to paint. To do this, mix paint and oxidizing agent, comb your hair, cover your shoulders with a towel so that the paint does not get on your skin and clothes, put on disposable gloves.

Now you can proceed directly to the staining process.

  1. Divide your hair into several sections. It is convenient to divide them into four zones: make one parting in the middle of the head and two more from the crown to the ears.
  2. Roll the resulting large strands into bundles and secure with clamps.
  3. Paint over the roots of the hair along the long parting with a brush. Then paint over the side partings.
  4. Do not forget to paint over the area near the ears.
  5. If the ink gets on the skin, immediately remove it with a cotton swab.
  6. Dissolve one of the strands and, dividing it into thinner strands, carefully paint over the hair roots. Do the same with the rest of the strands.
  7. Keep the dye on your hair for the prescribed time (specified in the instructions).
  8. Then wash off the paint with warm water using shampoo.
  9. At the end of the staining, do not forget to apply a special balm that is attached to the paint.

Root staining contraindications

It is worth postponing the painting of the roots when:

  1. Fever, colds. In addition to the obvious inconvenience of dyeing hair in a diseased, weakened state, this can lead to an incorrect final color.
  2. In the presence of abrasions, scratches, wounds or skin diseases. Paint in this case will cause additional irritation and discomfort.
  3. Recently permed or laminated. After such procedures, the hair should recover.
  4. It is not recommended to dye your hair during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

To achieve the desired result and not find an unpleasant surprise in the mirror, do not overdo the hair dye on the roots. You can severely damage your hair and even get a scalp burn.

Be sure to dilute the paint in a non-metallic container. Metal can react with paint and this will lead to unpleasant consequences. For the same reason, you can not use a metal comb during staining. Do not add foreign ingredients, shampoo and balm to the paint. The final color will be unpredictable. Apply the dye to your hair immediately, without waiting.

Apply paint only on dry hair. Although wet strands are easier to separate, they absorb paint less well, as a result of which the effect of dyeing is reduced. Choose a quality paint brush. A hard brush will not color the strands well, and as a result you will get an uneven color.

The paint should not be washed off with hot water. It can wash away most of the pigment and significantly reduce the effect of staining. It is preferable to wash off the paint with warm, comfortable temperature water. Do not use shampoos. They have very deep cleansing properties and are able to wash out the pigment.

If you are using permanent hair color, it is recommended not to wash your hair 2-3 days before coloring. But the hair must be clean if you are using a tinted shampoo. It is better to use resistant paint: tint shampoos and semi-permanents may not give the desired effect. Styling products should also not be used before staining. If gel, foam, or styling spray remains on the hair, this will prevent the dye from soaking into the hair.

Immediately after staining, you should not use deep restorative masks. Such products can wash off paint that has not had time to "grab". Hair treatment with masks should be started 2 weeks after dyeing. Special products for colored hair can be used the next day after dyeing the hair roots.

After dyeing, use special shampoos, masks and balms for colored hair. They will restore the hair and keep the color in all its glory.

If the result does not satisfy you, do not rush to repaint the roots. This will severely damage your hair. Wait at least 2 weeks, and then try to color the roots again, to the desired effect.

Be aware of the cumulative effect of paint. As a result, hair becomes duller over time. To reduce this effect, you need to use special tools. Their selection is individual, a professional stylist can help here.

If the roots differ in color from the rest of the hair by no more than 1-2 tones, you can use a harmless paint without ammonia. If the roots are darker than the rest of the hair, it is easier to dye them, but there is a risk of getting an unpleasant yellowish tint. To avoid this, you must, firstly, use high-quality paint and 9% oxidizing agent. Secondly, it is useful to use a tint shampoo that will help correct the color. If the roots are lighter and need to be dyed a darker shade, it is better to take a dye a shade darker than the main part of the hair.

Comment on the article "How to dye hair roots at home"

The process of dyeing hair roots at home. clips or hairpins to secure the strands I How to dye your hair yourself at home. We dye our hair. Coloring - dyeing the entire mass of hair with strands of different colors.

Your hair color: how to choose? Hair coloring in the salon or at home. Section: Hair care. how to finish hair coloring? How to dye your own hair at home. After the timer rings, wash off the paint with warm water ...

Coloring gray hair. Hair care. Fashion and beauty. Someone paints in such a situation with henna? How does the hair feel and is gray hair painted over? Or maybe there is some kind of shampoo that is not very chemical, which can be done at home?


Hairdressers don't talk about henna very much, because it deprives them of their legitimate income for painting :) I've been dyeing with henna for several. years, normal flight. And on the temples and on the neck, I just ask them to shave off the fuck. After I started to dye with henna, I hear a lot of compliments, just from hairdressers (and not only!) that I have a very interesting hair color :) It used to have a slight red tint, but this shade was visible only against the light. And now it's completely clear.

Girls, thanks for the advice!! Having stood in front of the mirror for half an hour yesterday, I came to the conclusion that this is not the case, after all, it’s more likely that the hair near the head seems gray because the face is tanned and the scalp is not. Moreover, they burned out on top and generally became yellow. In connection with my age, I decided that I was going gray. I read the Internet for half a day as a result)) on the subject of gray hair. I realized that if you can paint over with henna if you keep it for a long time and add basma, however, it works when not half your head is gray. When it’s already more than 50%, then hairdressers write women aged after henna to paint, and then they have a problem, because henna clogs the surface of the hair for several years and it turns out to paint on it with paint and it’s bad and unpredictable, what shade the paint will give along with henna. Some really write that it turns out very karsivo in the end)) - but almost always with red. But in general, this is what I need - my gamma is just "autumn" all my life.
There is another option - paint over gray hair with tinted shampoos. Irida shampoo is praised - it really paints over gray hair, but it dries and stinks)). Enough for about 15 washes. But there is a tint balm - the same Irida - it does not stink and still paints over if you keep it on your head for about an hour. But you need to paint once every two weeks, then it washes off, it's a balm because it's not paint. But it doesn't stain anything at all. Another minus of henna is that, in addition to keeping it on your head for a long time, it also stains the infection. In short, it’s a disaster)). I’ll have to cut my hair shorter when I turn gray.

06/14/2012 09:02:38, Lindaaa

Fine sparse hair. Hello local girls. I want to ask you for advice. Maybe with examples. I have light thin ones, let's start with "thickening" - to give the hair thickness, alas, they must be dyed. and in order not to spoil them with this painting, you need to use paints ...


I will start not with a haircut, but with care. unfortunately it's not cheap :(

rather, a good hairdresser is a key moment, of course, especially since he will select the right means, but something is in your hands;)

let's start with "thickening" - to give the hair thickness, alas, they must be dyed. and in order not to spoil them with this painting, you need to use good paints, that is, either study the products in detail and try to do it at home, or still surrender to the hands of a professional.
here is another point that is important: what is problem-free for ordinary hair - henna, for example (it is also colorless), for thin hair, maybe. excessive load, so naturalness for you and me is not a panacea

Let's continue with volume. volume holds well on relatively short hair, i.e. when choosing a haircut - if the shape of the face allows - it is worth choosing the length at which short hair can still be styled, i.e. hedgehog - also not our option :). in order for the hair to fit well, they need some stiffness, i.e. the right combination of shampoo, conditioner and styling products. I have all of the above - Kerastase, silver series (condo, sometimes shampoo - pink, for colored ones)

well, we’ll finish with regular care: all kinds of masks (without kinks, once a week or two - IMHO, it’s enough), protection from the sun, from high temperatures (if you go to the sauna), a high-quality hair dryer, and, if possible, a healthy lifestyle :)))

then even the average hairdresser will have more room for creativity :))

19.08.2011 13:29:16, arte

it is difficult to advise a haircut without a photo, yet a very important role is played by the shape of the face, facial features, general style, etc.

the main thing is not to paint in contrasting skin colors, black / dark chocolate, they emphasize sparse hair.

and daily styling, of course.

What paint do you recommend for self-coloring? And another question is Coloring gray hair. How to dye your own hair at home. Root staining contraindications. Tips for dyeing hair roots at home ...

The procedure for dyeing hair in a dark color Caring for hair after dyeing For example, when dyeing hair in natural colors, you need to consider some rules: hair at the roots is always How to dye your hair yourself at home. Coloring.


For those who are interested, come and see what happened! I apologize for the quality - the child has been sleeping for a long time and I didn’t want to wade behind a normal camera)
When claiming lighting looks great. In short, I got what I wanted!
Thanks to all!

I posted a photo. This is my current color. I like it .., but the color of the roots does not suit me (it is not particularly visible in the photo, but it is darker)

What to do with regrown highlights? Hair care. I bought paint and dyed it at home. It worked out pretty well. True, then I got tired of it and I decided to return my hair. Firstly, regrown hair will be dyed there.


Girls, thanks for the answers! Can I answer everyone at once, won’t you be offended? :) Oh, and you puzzled me, in May highlighting was still in fashion, but now it’s not :(. Well, it’s certainly not scary for me to look like a limiter here, but I still want to be stylish :) Well, what should I do now? In one color? Well, it requires care, every month, at best, to the hairdresser's, now I will sob.
Today I went to the hairdressing salon for a consultation (not the one in which I painted), they said that if you don’t like the colors, you need to drown them out first, and then highlight the overgrown top too :(.
And now I have another question, highlighting and highlighting, is it the same thing or not. And do you have links to sites with fashionable hairstyles? Thanks again, Ira

I don't think it's fashionable right now. And it looks like something
in a limited way. Sorry - didn't mean to offend anyone. And the author of the topic
I want to say that this problem is being solved and for the better - with a simple
repainting in one color, and not in a stripe. If you don't like
own. Although I think that my color is still better, and my hair
unpainted to the touch is much more pleasant.

Your hair color: how to choose? Hair coloring in the salon or at home. Dye is applied to the hair and held for half the period specified in the instructions, then washed off with a damp cloth and the strand is dried How to properly dye the hair roots at home.

Oribe Airbrush Tint Spray

A convenient little spray that you can always put in your bag with you, has rich shades and paints over the roots so that the mosquito does not undermine the nose! You can always have it with you if you don't want to torture your hair with permanent dye too often. It works extremely simply: spray on the roots from a distance of 20-30 cm, comb gently. Here's the Photoshop effect for you!

Price: about 2000 rubles.

Salon Fix No More Roots Spray

The principle of operation is the same as that of the previous remedy - this American spray simply paints over the hair. It is presented in four shades - platinum blond, blond, light blond, dark blond. The choice is not great, but the spray seems to adapt to the color of your hair, so the result will not disappoint you.


Price: about 1000 rubles.

Color Wow Root Cover Up Tint Powder

Powder with a convenient double-ended brush is presented in the five most common shades. With it, you can quickly and efficiently mask the fact that the roots already require staining. Perhaps the brush method is even more convenient than a standard spray, and the density of the color is easier to adjust. Try it - you won't regret it!

Price: about 3000 rubles.

Root Touch-Up Highlighting Pen by Oscar Blandi

You can always take a practical pencil with you on a trip - it will qualitatively paint over regrown roots without sticking your hair and leaving no lumps. In addition, a tint for hair roots will even cope with gray hair! Great wand for emergencies.

Price: about 1500 rubles.

Root Concealer by Rita Hazan

How to paint over the roots? Concealer is not only for the face, but also for hair - now you know about it! Designed by celebrity stylist Rita Hazan, it was released as a spray in five shades that will help in different cases. Spraying it from a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface of the hair, you will get the effect of tinted roots. The pigments in the composition of the product are not afraid of moisture and do not stain hands and clothes, but they are washed off the next time you wash your hair.

Price: about 1800 rubles.

After dyeing, the hair looks smooth and perfect, but after 2-3 weeks, roots grow that spoil the aesthetic appearance. The procedure for coloring the root zone can hardly be called a salon; for its implementation, you do not need to have hairdressing skills. However, as in any other business, staining the roots has its own nuances that are important to consider. Let's consider everything in order.

Necessary tools and materials

  • polyethylene or rubber gloves (often come with paint);
  • flat comb with fine teeth;
  • sponge or brush for coloring;
  • dishes for mixing components (glass, ceramics);
  • cosmetic tampons;
  • fat cream (can be for children);
  • coloring pigment.


  1. For the procedure, it is very important to choose the right paint. If possible, purchase the composition with which the entire surface of the hair is colored. Otherwise, the imposition of one chemical composition on another may give an undesirable shade in the connection zone.
  2. After purchasing the dye, carefully read the instructions. When diluting the paint, it is strongly not recommended to violate the proportions of mixing the activator and the main pigment. If you are using a professional series, the amount of colored mixton should not exceed 10% of the total mass of the composition.
  3. Take a ceramic, plastic or glass bowl, mix all the ingredients in it in the right proportions. When combining the dye with the oxidizing agent, make sure that none of them remains on the walls of the container in its pure form. Blend until smooth, then apply immediately. Do not use iron utensils, upon contact with the activator, it can react, which will significantly change the final shade.
  4. Change into old clothes or put on a hairdressing apron, put on gloves. Apply oil to the hairline along the neck and forehead. Treat the area behind the ears and the ears themselves so that the paint does not soak into the skin. When applying the cream, do not touch the roots, especially the hair near the forehead in the parting area.

Root staining technology

  1. Comb your hair, divide it into 2 equal parts, so that a straight parting is formed on the crown and back of the head. Carefully treat the root zone, try not to touch previously dyed hair. Set the brush aside and begin to gently massage the scalp at the staining site, this will allow the product to be distributed evenly.
  2. After processing a straight parting, draw a comb from one temple to another (closer to the ears). Repeat the previous steps: first paint over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots, then gently massage the scalp in the area where the composition was applied. Ultimately, you should get a kind of cross on top, consisting of 4 squares. Paint over the hair roots in the ears, try not to get on the skin.
  3. Comb your hair from the back of your head to your forehead, work through the parting that has formed. Using a comb, separate the strands from the back and side of the head, dye the roots one by one. Since your hair is now combed forward, you need to return it to the opposite position. Slowly grab the strands from the crown, returning them back, immediately paint over the resulting parting. Gradually move towards the forehead and temples. It is necessary to apply paint along the top of the head in rows: combed back, painted over, combed again. Do not forget to massage the scalp after each application of the pigment.
  4. When you color the roots on the entire surface of the head, the hair will stick out in different directions, do not smooth it. Now you need to detect the time and wait a certain period. Find in the instructions for the paint a section marked "Dyeing the roots", the manufacturer indicates the exact exposure time. Wait for it, then take a flat comb and comb the strands, distributing the composition along the entire length of the hair. After that, wait another 10 minutes for the paint to soak in. Such a move will hide the border of the imposition of a new pigment on the old one.
  1. If you are a dyed blonde, try to apply the composition without getting on the previous hair color. Otherwise, the transition zone will be lighter than the roots and base color.
  2. Any use of persistent and semi-permanent dyes involves a chemical effect on the hair. To minimize the damage, do not wash your hair for two days before the procedure.
  3. In cases where previously untested paint is used to stain the roots, a test for a possible allergy should be carried out. 40 hours before direct staining, dilute a little of the composition and apply it to the occipital region (closer to the neck). Wait, rinse, evaluate the result.
  4. If you paint over gray hair, give preference to persistent (ammonia) paints. Henna, basma and semi-permanent dyes will cope with the task only by 60-70%.
  5. Pregnant and lactating women are strictly forbidden to dye their hair roots with ammonia pigments.
  6. To avoid differences between the base color and the root zone, do not forget to time yourself. Always add 10 minutes after the composition has been distributed over the entire length.
  7. The optimal frequency of dyeing the hair roots varies from 1 to 2 times a month. At the same time, you can not dye the roots for a week after the perm procedure.
  8. Diluted paint is not allowed to be left for the next time, and also stored open for more than 3 hours. Try to use the composition immediately after its preparation.

Coloring the hair roots is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to do everything quickly, clearly and accurately. Divide the hair into partings, color them, then proceed to corrective processing, choosing individual strands. After the procedure, use a rinse to maintain color.

Video: lightening hair roots at home with toning

And so you dyed your hair. The color pleases you, the hair is elastic, smooth and very shiny.
But, after a month, a problem appears - regrown roots!

Let's talk about how to dye your hair roots yourself at home.

First, we buy all the necessary material:

1.several hair clips - 2-3 pcs
2. brush for coloring - at one end there should be bristles, at the other a pointed long handle - it is very convenient for her to pick up and separate the strands
3. and of course the gloves and the paint itself

First, we color the regrown roots, slightly climbing onto the already dyed hair. After everything is dyed, comb the hair from the roots - this will smoothly distribute and “stretch” the color from the newly dyed roots to the main length.

Each manufacturer indicates its own time required for staining the roots.
As a rule it is from 10-20 minutes.
If your original color is darker than the one you are dyeing, then you should leave the paint on for more than the maximum number of minutes. And if the original color is lighter than the color in which you paint, you should choose the minimum number of minutes.

For high-quality professional paint - a period of 1 month - is not so critical. Since even after 30 days your color can remain very beautiful. Therefore, if the color suits you, then you can stop at tinting the roots. And do not distribute the paint over the entire length.
In this case, there will be no difference between the colored roots and the entire length if you comb your hair well from the roots and along the main length.

But if the color has deteriorated a lot in a month, and you want to refresh it along its entire length, then you should act according to plan B.
First, dilute a portion of the paint for the roots. Color the roots, comb from the roots along the entire length. Wait 10 minutes. Dilute a portion for the entire length and paint over the rest of the hair.
This is where clamps are needed. Divide your hair into sections that are convenient for you - and harden with clips. Leaving one part free. After you paint over it, twist it and harden it with a clamp. And move on to the next one.

Why is it not recommended to dye the entire length of the hair monthly using the same technology as for the first time dyeing?
- so as not to injure the hair strongly with paint, especially the tips. To restore shine and enhance faded color, exposure to paint does not require as much time as the first time.

Is there a way to avoid this monthly staining of regrown roots, you ask? At the moment, there are a lot of ammonia-free paints. Their use is beneficial not only because it injures the hair less, but also because when washed off, such paints leave a very smooth line between the roots and the total length.