Christian congratulations for the wedding. Christian wedding wishes from the Bible

“On this day there were many parting words and wishes for you, but no one said that the family

They built a bridge towards each other,
It was made from the most durable substances.
You secured its composition with strong love,
And they vowed to surround them with more care and guardianship.

The wedding took place in a beautiful church, I was amazed,
I am delighted with the divine mystery.
Real Christian marriage, congratulations,
And according to the laws of God, I want to live in a family.

Today in church you got married beautifully,
And all your plans were crowned with happiness.

I wish you to live in a spiritually sweet flight.

Live according to the laws of heaven with spiritual simplicity.
So that the house becomes a full cup, the most expensive.
You love each other so much, endlessly,
And may the union be happy forever.

Congratulations on your happy marriage,
I also greatly admire your wedding.
I wish you to live in bright light,
Happiness and fun will not arise in the fog of relationships.

Congratulations on your radiant and most faithful marriage,
Congratulations tenderly and approximately.
At the turns of fate, help each other,
And press the gas pedal at the right time.


So that you can live and live, and not suffer,
And, having lived a century, do not repent of what you have lived!
And we want to wish you on your wedding again and again
Advice, happiness, and love!

In the temple it is solemn, festive,
Everyone held their breath!
You are initiated into the sacrament
From the first minute of the wedding!
Children, we wish you in the future
Remember the vow of Orthodoxy!
Live and raise your little ones
In joy, happiness and health!
Let the commandments of God
They give support to the family!
Let there be peace and harmony in the house,
Things are looking up!
Let the appearance of children
Will give you joy and happiness!
May virtue and love
Decorate the present!

Let the sun shine in the morning,
The moon is twinkling in the evening!
We wish you happiness and goodness,
Today you are married!
Let every moment give light,
Love and understanding!
Let the passage of years revive
Mutual attention!

Best gift!

I wish you to be the happiest of all!
So that life is as bright as day,

Health and good luck in your destiny.

I wish that the candle of love always burns
To be loved, respected,
Good luck, joy, luck!
More happiness means less trouble.

Let happiness smile in your heart
Never be afraid of anything
Lots of joy, fun and laughter
Good luck, happiness and luck.

I wish you success quickly,
To help you.
Good luck, awe, always prosperity,
More joy of love.

Let the bad weather pass,
So that you don't need anything,
I wish you great luck in everything from the bottom of my heart.
More good warm days.

Let your health not be naughty,
Never be upset
Lots of happiness and love
Victory for a long time in everything and prosperity.

I wish you joy and songs,
So that great success awaits you in everything,
Have a lot of money in your account
Good luck in everything, I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you only the best,
May your family be strong.
Good luck at work and, of course, in your career,
Lots of good things on the way.

I wish you eternal beauty!
May you be loved for decades to come!
Health and joy to you!
More joy, fun and laughter.

I wish you more light
So that a foldable life is like a song,
Many bright colors in this life
We wish you good luck on the road.

(for a wedding)

Once upon a time there lived a violin,
But there was no bow.
And even though she was beautiful,
The melody didn't work.
All the strings are tuned
Ready to make a sound.
But singing alone is so sad...
“Where are you, bow, my friend?”

Once upon a time there was a bow in the world,
He was tall and slender.
But also, lonely,
He was silent and sad.
My soul wanted to sing like that
Melodies of love!
Years passed, life flew by...
“Oh, violin, where are you?”

But here is a loving violinist
One day I took the violin
And immediately suitable
He picked out the bow for her.
The violinist said with a smile:
“There must be music.
After all, not a bow without a violin,
Not a violin - without a bow!
But the instrument is the same
Created by a craftsman,
So that, guided by him,
He served for the good.
Meant to be together
They are their creator:
Like a conductor with an orchestra,
So a violin – with a bow!”

And with deft hands
The violinist brought them together
The melancholy and sadness are gone,
For them, their time has come!
In the hands of a musician
Suddenly they met
And we realized that we were apart
We couldn't live anymore.
"I'm happy that we are together,
Oh, my violin!
Let our song flow
Ringing stream!
Let it turn into bloom
Our life landscape.
Happy wonderful birthday,
Our wonderful union!”

“I’m also very happy!
You were made for me.
What is our reward?
Given from the violinist!
Now we will be with you
Serve him in love,
Bring joy to people
Live for his glory!”

And ran along the strings
Bow with joy,
And the violin poured out
Your sweet voice.
They played in harmony
They are melodies;
They contain both delight and happiness,
And the music of love!

And they sang a song
Gifted to us:
"It's so good to be together
To two loving hearts!
Who waits with faith
Your love, then
She rewards
Take them forever!
Who loves with all his soul,
He will be loved himself!
Such a wish
And to our young ones.

So, my dears,
And the violin and the bow,
Let your sounds flow
Into the life-giving stream!
Today the Creator Himself
Combined you in love,
So that everyone in this life
They complemented each other!

Don't be afraid of difficult games,
Through difficulties - forward!
Just be afraid of disagreements
False notes in the song.
With Christ in the family choir
You will merge in unison.
He will be the conductor
Will set the right tone for you.
So that you, carrying through life
Major sound in the mouth,
Everyone was encouraged in love
Both in deed and in words!

So that your hearth is a family one,
Like the Garden of Eden, it blossomed;
So that the holy heavenly world
I found shelter with you.
To double the strength
Go forward with Christ.
On the way, no matter what you encounter,
Always be together!

And hold hands
You are always strong
Grab the other one
Hand for Christ!
A thread twisted in three
Don't break it that easily!
The Lord will build your house
And it will help.

Do His will
And your house will stand:
Jesus with His love
Bless him!
And the holy angels
They will sing to you sweetly,
And your Christian will be
The hearth is always burning!

When with victory soon
Let's return to the Father's House,
We are in the Ecumenical Choir
Let us sing the hymn of glory!
May sweet hope
Carries us on wings
To where everyone's Fatherland is
In the love of Eden awaits!

And there, under the vault of Paradise,
In the holy native Land
Eternity will marry you
To an imperishable family!

Today I want to present to you a small wedding wish in verse, which I wrote after receiving inspiration from
God. This wish concerns some important aspects of how to be successful in marriage. This is unity and
God's blessing.

2 years ago I was at a wedding of non-believers. Most of the guests wished the newlyweds material well-being and everything connected with it. People in the world very often forget the importance of relationships in marriage.

And this plays a big role in subsequent life together.
The Bible talks about the importance of unity in marriage: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh; so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. So what
God has united, let no man separate.” (Mark 10:
7-9) “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor: for if one falls, the other will lift up his companion.

But woe to one when he falls, and there is no other to lift him up. Also, if two people are lying down, then they are warm; How can one keep warm alone? And if one begins to overcome one, then two will stand against him: and the thread, twisted three times, will not soon break.” (Ecclesiastes 4:
9-12) Also in marriage, blessings from
God. "…If
The Lord will not build a house; those who build it labor in vain...” (Psalm 126:
1) The blessing that parents say to their children plays a particularly important role. Wedding wishes in verse
We are all glad that
You found each other
Gave you love and grace. Great
Created you for each other
So that
You could praise
Give him back. So let it be
God of love,
Our Lord
May your wonderful union be blessed forever,
May your hearts unite forever
And two rings remind you of this!
Perhaps this wedding wish in verse will be useful for you or your friends.
I also suggest listening to a song about the wedding of the Christian group “Sinai” (found in
Internet, I really liked it; happy, positive song). With a brotherly Easter kiss. Your brother and pilgrim... My dears, we believe in
Light to the sons
We will be light and unite with
The Lord will strengthen you on the path of salvation.

^ Congratulations and congratulatory messages
Merry Christmas

According to the greatness of the remembered event, Christ is celebrated more solemnly than all holidays, with the exception of
Easter. Saint
Chrysostom calls a holiday
Christ "the most honest and most important of all holidays", "the matter of all holidays."

The joy of this event is so great that
Since ancient times, the Church has decided to accompany the entire day of the holiday with church bells.
Solemn glorification
after Christ
Divine services in churches are transferred to the homes of believers.

In many families for the holiday
Christmas trees are being installed.
This custom is based on the words of the prophet
Isaiah about
Savior: “And a branch will arise from the root
Jesse, and a branch will grow from his root" (Isa.:
1) and in the words of the church hymn in honor of the event
Hristova: “Christ is a branch from the root
Jesse and the color grew from him
You are from

Decorating cut down branches of Christmas trees with candles, lights and sweets shows that our nature is a barren and lifeless branch, only in
Christ - the source of life, light and joy - can bring spiritual fruits: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, self-control (see Gal.:
22-23). Congratulations on
Merry Christmas, as opposed to congratulations on
Easter, there is no obligatory, time-honored formula with which to begin. These could be the words of the irmos from the first Christmas song, “Christ is born, praise!”: CHRIST IS BORN,
PRAISE! Dear sister in
My congratulations to you on your birth today
Christ and prayer wishes to grow throughout your life in
Christ according to age
His. How to cleanse your heart in order to get closer to the great mystery of piety: “God appeared in the flesh?” I wish you help
Divine Infant
Christ in your godly deeds.

Here is one of the congratulations on
Merry Christmas
Saint of Christ
God bless you
By you, my dear
Warm greetings
Happy holiday and prayerful wishes to you.

May God fill our hearts, may He reign not only in people of good will, in people of good will, but throughout the whole world. I call on
God's blessing. Most Honest
Mother Superior with everyone
Sisters of Christ!

Happy holiday
Congratulations to Christ
You, mother, and all the sisters entrusted
Holy monastery for you. Unfortunately, nowadays congratulations are often sent and arrived at the wrong time. This is a bad and ungodly habit. Although
Easter or
Christ is preceded by many days of heavy fasting, and the last days before the holidays are filled with troubles and worries - yet this is not an excuse. We must make it a rule: to congratulate people on holy holidays on time.

^ Should we celebrate the New Year?

Should we celebrate?
New Year? Many Orthodox people, especially the new ones, ardently reject this holiday, especially since it falls on
Christmas post. They believe that the Orthodox have a different time and that the true
The New Year can begin according to the “old style” only on January 14.
In fact, the civil new year, or
New Year,
It is not rejected by the Church.
On the eve of the civil
On New Year's Day a thanksgiving prayer is held. Once upon a time
New Year's Eve
Russia was celebrated on September 1 and coincided with the church new year.

Until now, it is on this day that the liturgical circle begins. Only when
Peter I civil
The New Year was moved to January 1, as in
Europe. Answering the question: Should we celebrate?
New Year, father
Alexander (Shergunov) says: “In general, this number is completely arbitrary and, in the end, one could choose any day at random, starting the countdown of the new year from it.

Participation in the celebration
New Year's Eve is our natural human communication, and we should participate in it like everyone else. This is as normal as if we call a city exactly by the name it is now called, and not by the name we want.

New Year is a particularly warm holiday for all people. It’s like the breath of spring, it’s like spring in the middle of winter. Everyone feels solemn, and evil seems to go away. No matter how bad a person feels, he, out of nowhere, gets the hope that a miracle can happen, that good will prevail. On New Year's Eve, a person seems to flutter a little - as if he is no longer walking, but flying. But what does this poetry mean, where does this renewal come from, as if each of us does not grow older by a year, but becomes younger by a year - more than a year? Our life has been shortened by another year, and perhaps the coming new year will be the last year of life for some of us. Our life has been shortened by another year, and we have moved closer to eternity by another year. This is where the key to this holiday lies. Perhaps youth is still waiting for the dazzling novelty of earthly gifts, but maturity knows that everything will happen again. What has been is what will be, what has been done is what will be done, and “there is nothing new under the sun.” On earth there is tedious repetition, but every year we get closer to that eternally new, endless novelty, which from
God, from eternity. Therefore, even in a war under bombing, in mortal danger, people cannot help but meet
New Year. "I want to live at least until
New Year,” says the hopelessly ill man. Not to live another year on earth, but to feel this New Year's lightness and joy. The immortal soul of every person is Christian by nature and unconsciously feels the mystery, but only Christians understand what this means. New Year is a holiday for all people. He's like
Christ for those who don't know
God. And we, Christians, are given the opportunity to see how
Eternity enters time, the significance of our stay on earth and the value of human life in
God. There is so much grief and evil on our land, and we know that in the new year we will not be able to avoid new troubles. I would like to forget about this at least for the duration of the holiday, but this is a world in which we stand on the threshold of a new year. But no matter what - in
The New Year offers gifts to everyone, everyone is given a new opportunity. There is a certain sparkle in the New Year; every person, as one child said, feels a little like a Christmas tree toy, as if illuminated by an invisible sun. Happy New Year with a new happiness!" There are many church holidays during the Nativity Fast, when fish and wine are permitted according to the charter. And in
On New Year's Day, there is nothing reprehensible for an Orthodox person to sit at the festive table with his loved ones and drink a glass of wine with them.

^ Congratulations on the patronal holidays

^ Festive meal

The entire parish is congratulated: the rector, mother, and all the church servants and parishioners. In the warm atmosphere of people who have known each other for a long time, you can congratulate the rector and parishioners with a simple syllable, starting like this: “Dear priest!” (or dear father rector) and all parishioners we congratulate you on the patronal holiday - Intercession
Our Lady
Mother of God and

If the situation is more formal, then the style should be strict and official. To a deacon, priest, hieromonk you should address: “Your Reverence,” to an archpriest, abbot, archimandrite: “Your
Your Reverence."

At the table in the parish refectory, at the head of the table (that is, at the end, if there is one row of tables) or at a table placed perpendicularly, sits the rector or the senior priest. On his right is the next most senior priest. On the left is the priest by rank.

Next to the priesthood sits the chairman of the parish council, council members, clergy (psalm-reader, reader, altar boy), and singers. The abbot usually blesses guests of honor to eat closer to the head of the table.

If you arrive at a time when the majority of those gathered at the table, then you sit down in an empty place, without forcing everyone to move, or where the abbot indicates. If the meal has already begun, then, having asked for a petition, they wish everyone: “An angel at the meal” - and sit down in an empty seat. At the festive meal, moderation is observed in everything: drinking, eating, talking, joking, and the duration of the feast.

^ Congratulations on the day
Festive table, gifts

A name day is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor a Christian is named. Other names for this day are namesake day, day
Angela. Day
Angela is a special day.

We celebrate here on earth the memory of our saint, so that, as the righteous saint writes,
Kronstadt, and our saints “remembered and interceded for us before
God... Birthdays and name days should be primarily weekdays before all other days, turning hearts and eyes to heaven, with grateful feelings towards
To the Creator,
Provider and
To the Savior, with the thought that ours is there
Fatherland and
Father, that the earth is not a fatherland, but a place of coming and wandering, that to cleave to perishable things is reckless, sinful... it is disgusting to God, that to
We must cling to God with all our hearts.”
Orthodox people visit the temple on their name days and take communion

At home, a meal is served with loved ones and guests. The confusion is caused by ignorance either by the guest or the host of the usual form of greeting for believers. Anyone entering the house says: “Through the prayers of the saints our fathers,
God, have mercy on us." To which the owner replies: “Amen.” Or the guest says: “Peace to your home,” and the owner replies: “We accept you in peace.” When inviting guests to such a holiday, it is advisable to seriously consider the composition of the guests.

People who are believers and those who are far from faith may not find a common language at such a holiday. A non-believer will find conversations on spiritual topics boring and incomprehensible, and as a result, he will leave offended and in a bad mood. On the other hand, due to different worldviews, heated and even offensive disputes may arise and the holiday will be forgotten.

But if the person invited on the path to faith longs for the spiritual, then such meetings at the table can be of benefit to him. At a festive meal, congratulating the birthday person, they usually sing a troparion to his saint, wishing for the help of the heavenly intercessor.

Among other things, of course, they desire spiritual fruits. And in order for this wish to really be imprinted in the heart of the birthday boy, it is important to think through congratulatory words and toasts well in advance. Fun at a friendly meal is natural, but it should not go overboard.

Good recordings of sacred music or a film about holy places can enliven and make the evening more complete and interesting, but, of course, in moderation. It is important to choose the right gifts for such a special holiday.

It is better if they are of a spiritual nature - icons, books, some church utensils, sweets, flowers. At the end of the feast, the birthday boy thanks those gathered for their congratulations, and the guests sing “Many Years” to him.

It should be remembered that if the name day falls on a fast day, then the holiday treat should be fast. During Lent, name days that happen on a weekday are moved to the next Saturday, Sunday, or even to
Bright Week.

When writing congratulations on the day
Do not forget to wish the angel the most important thing - the help of a heavenly intercessor.
I would like to convey the congratulations of the saint
Afanasia (M.

Sakharov), addressed to the famous Moscow priest, “shepherd of godless times”, priest
Golubtsov: Mercy
God bless you
By you, beloved
Lord father
Warm greetings
Happy Saint's Day to you

I ardently wish you, and the prayers of the saint
Nicholas is kept
You on all paths
May your life be promoted
To you in building a temple of the soul
Yours and
Your home church, in
Your service flowing into
Your temple for Orthodox people.
Here are a few more examples of congratulations on the day

Dear, dear, venerable and never forgotten father
Hearty congratulations
Happy day to you
Your his
Angela. We wish with all our hearts
to you from
God of health, may he strengthen
Your spiritual and physical strength in the feat of pastoral service in the field
Christ for many years, many years.

* * *

Congratulations to our dear mother and children on their dear birthday. With love about
Always praying to the Lord
You are a spiritual daughter.

* * *

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the day
Your his
Angela. Yes he will send
To you
Lord, with prayers
Your great patron, physical health and spiritual strength for zealous passage
Your pastoral ministry.

* * *

you with
As a representative angel
Your salvation. Eagerly desiring
You rejoice about
Lord, I ask for holy prayers
Yours and blessings. Will reward
To you
Lord for love
Yours and gracious greetings
Your great mercy

^ Wedding congratulations and gifts

Accomplished solemnly and joyfully
The sacrament of marriage. From the multitude of people: loved ones, relatives, acquaintances, from the shine of candles, from church singing, somehow the soul involuntarily becomes festive.

After the wedding, the newlyweds are greeted at the entrance to the house by the seated father and mother or parents with an icon and bread and salt. And then the guests continue the celebration at the table. The main manager at a wedding is the best man.

Together with a close friend of the bride, he goes around the guests to collect money, which he then donates to charitable causes. Congratulations, toasts and wishes that are pronounced at a wedding in families of believers, of course, should be primarily of spiritual content: about the purpose of Christian marriage, what love is in the understanding
Church, about the responsibilities of husband and wife according to

About how important it is to build a real Christian family - a home church. The wedding of church people should take place in a pious atmosphere, observing decency and moderation. Written congratulations on marriage contain those spiritual wishes that were written about above. Congratulations may look like this: Please accept sincere congratulations on your entry into legal marriage, we sincerely wish you all the best and favors from
Heavenly. Congratulate each other, brothers and sisters, on our Orthodox holidays, share the indescribable joy that they give us, and may our brochure help you do this with dignity and piety. Peace and
May God's favor be with you.

video congratulations on the wedding

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Christian congratulations for the wedding

“Marriages are made in heaven” - everyone knows this, and many people use the phrase. If you know that young people think the same way, you can use Christian texts, warm and sincere, for congratulations. Such a text would be especially appropriate after the wedding, when the newlyweds will be married not only before the state, but also before God.
On the site you will find various options for Christian congratulations for relatives and friends. But the most important thing is to say them with all your heart. Then everything you wished for the young will certainly come true. Weddings - Recitations, congratulations, wedding wishes
You are getting married today, friends,
And I can’t help but congratulate you.
I, like everyone else, wish you

It's a frosty day, but my soul is warm,
Our dad is celebrating his birthday!
And today we have a lot of kind words
On behalf of the whole family we want to tell you!
The family hearth is holy for you,
And you put a lot of health,
Work and nerves for your family
She knew no need and lived calmly.

That day when a simple word “Yes!”
Everyone was informed that hearts were united,
We wish you never to forget.
The day you guys got married.

Live in happiness for many, many years,
Not knowing troubles, not knowing sadness.
May every dawn we meet together
It will be the way you dreamed then.

Let the tender words not dry up,
And may the cup of affection not become scarce.
Let your head spin from love,
And may your life always be a fairy tale!

Every year lived after the wedding,
As a reward for a wonderful family.
Much has been passed, much has been gained,
There is no life without each other!

Move forward together as well,
Loving every moment and action.
You are a wonderful sweet couple,
You are proudly called family!

You went to sea for thirty long years,
He was a mechanic, and then a chief mechanic.
Earned honor from management
And respect from colleagues in the workshop!

Happy wedding anniversary!
Happiness to you, and peace, and goodness,
Tenderness, mutual understanding,
May you always be drawn home.

May your union be very strong,
May the offenses be forgiven.
Let the two of you never get bored.
Be as in love as ever.

You have lived together for so many years!
It wasn't easy at times,
But you valued your family,
And you are a mountain for each other!

We want to stay together
Love each other and appreciate
And never part
And live together until your gray hairs!

And love, and, of course, comfort,
And a bag of great happiness,
And so that every minute in life
It meant a joint step!

Great husband, wonderful family man,
You are a kind, gentle, moderately strict father,
There are not many such men on Earth,
You have become an example for your sons!

Happy anniversary!
Let joy live in the house,
And let love be strong
Protecting from adversity.

Soul to soul, together, side by side
Be happy always
So that with your hand and tender gaze
Warm each other in the cold!

Happy wedding anniversary! We wish that with each subsequent year, life together becomes even better and more beautiful. Let your common desires and dreams certainly come true. Live easily, beautifully, soulfully and peacefully. Happiness to your home and great love in your eyes!

I wish you on your wedding anniversary,
So that you are always nearby.
Goodness, mutual understanding,
So that they never quarrel.

I wish you great health,
Joint plans and victories.
So that the house is shrouded in love,
I wish you many, good years!

May your relationship
They only get stronger from year to year,
Let love's ardor and trepidation
They are gaining momentum.

And today I would like to wish
Good health to you, good luck, happiness!
Greet every new day with a smile,
Live a full, real life!

Cherish your marriage
Give in to trifles
After all, family unions
Made in heaven.

Days and years have flown by
And you don't care -
Through everyday worries
The two of you walk together.

So that support and support
You were for each other.
To help each other
Make your dreams come true.

I accomplished three main things in my life -
Every man dreams of making them:
You built a house, you grew a tree,
And he raised - not just one - three sons!

Today is the day when they tied
Two hearts loving their own,
When, looking into your eyes, they said,
That you can’t live without each other.

We congratulate you on this date!
Always live in joy
Love, believe and dream,
After all, you are bound by heaven.

Today, on this greatest day, I want to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day. Let only Faith, Hope and Love live in your home. You have more kids, less sorrows, a lot of money, hot nights and happiness without limits. Live together, take care of each other

What a bright, grandiose event! What a happy married couple! And how many exciting discoveries await you ahead! Sincere admiration and a whole heap of wishes - upon meeting. Can not wait!

Happy wedding day, sweet couple! Let your first common holiday be the right start to a happy family life!

A newborn family is like a diamond. I wish you to turn it into a delightful diamond, cutting it with consent, wisdom and love!

Today is a true holiday of the triumph of love! May this joyful day last you a lifetime. I wish you mutual understanding, family comfort and children's laughter!

The most beautiful family was born today! And may this family be so strong that it can withstand all life’s trials. Remember that only together are you strong. Hold on tight to each other!

On their wedding day, I would like to wish the newlyweds to always remain in love with each other, tender and devoted, ready to help and support their soulmate in any situation. So that family life is filled with smiles, children's laughter and pleasant surprises!

Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you to cherish your love for many more years! Peace and prosperity to your family! May your happiness be an endless ocean!

There is probably no feeling more beautiful than love,

And you gave it to each other! To a single destiny for many years

We wish you to love even more strongly, May kindness and joy fill your home, And may tenderness and affection protect your wonderful family on any day!

Let even your life be serene!

Family dates, significant, big, There are still many to be celebrated! So let every moment give you joy! Your family is the most beautiful in the world!

Your feelings and views are so tender, There is so much light in them, so much kindness! You are still happy around

It’s as if the wedding day was just yesterday!

Let love remain forever, Decorate the year! Let everything succeed in your life, Be happy together always!

To a great couple in honor of a special date: So significant, so big! It's great that you met once

You keep your feelings with tenderness for many bright years. Always love each other dearly! Love for your couple and advice!

Give each other tenderness and your good feelings! Keep hope for happiness,

So let it bloom, And in each of the future days, the Heart, like a star, illuminates, Becomes deeper, stronger!

It’s so wonderful and joyful to love! After all, all days are illuminated with love, It’s so difficult to keep a family together for years.

The sun's light and comfort fill your home, Kindness and warmth, understanding, Let love burn brighter, stronger day after day, Fulfilling all your desires!

We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary! We wish you a happy life, together, and love!

There are many wonderful events in the history of your family, Love illuminated all the days

We wish you success in business, health, family happiness! May grace await you in the future and make life happy in the present!

Your wedding anniversary is a dazzling date, it’s so wonderful to be married,

May love warm you and give you happiness and joy! And marital fidelity will be your reward!

Other congratulations in verse for a wedding anniversary

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I wanted to wish so much, But sometimes the words are so small. As if you were burning, burn your deeds for God!

May God bless you in everything, strive to be like Him, and may He guide your path correctly

I wish you good things with all my heart, love without measure, May life, as it extends, leave a glorious mark in the years, And may God’s faith not weaken in life,

And may the Lord protect you from storms and troubles.

It's so hard to wish for something on a Christian's birthday. There is nothing better than God's salvation!! Who can give more than God? Empty cliches about health. Why are they if you belong to Christ; You are healed by the Holy Blood and by faith - truly healthy! Good luck, change is a bird. Wishing for it is a waste of time! Accept whatever happens!

The candle does not go out, hope strengthens, May there be joy in the heart and blissful peace, May your clothes always be snow-white,

So that at the hour of the trumpet the Lord will call you to the wedding feast.

May God bless you, May He give joy to your soul, May He pour out abundance of rain.

I really want your eyes to shine with happiness on this day. Let no shadow of sadness slip into them, Let all bad weather be forgotten. I want to wish you an abundance of warmth and light, so that your soul is warmed with goodness, may God’s blessing hand always be over you.

May God protect you from evil And from people with callous souls, In whose eyes there is a veil, They just don’t see someone else’s pain, May there be peace in your life, May your hearts be softened with kindness, And everyone will be very happy,

Live Christianly in everything, keep peace in your soul, and never agree to change yourself in anything. Appreciate your every birthday, As God's most valuable gift. And all the good moments

Happy birthday, live with God. Let a little of everything be enough. And there will be no refusal of anything, and prosperity will come to your home. Don't lose your faith in yourself

I really want to congratulate you on your birthday, and wish you so many warm words. So that you are sensitive to God's commands,

Happy birthday! May the Lord give you love, health, and prosperity, and order in righteous deeds. May he reward you in full for your good deeds. Continue to believe in God

It’s not for nothing that God the Creator brought you into the world And at the right time sent renewal for your heart In response to the cry and pain of a desperate soul.

I wish you the best with all my heart, love without measure

We wish you from our hearts on your birthday We wish you so much happiness, But our true blessing

Happy birthday! May God be with you. I bless you. May Faith not leave you for success and love and support your soul. And drives me out of my heart

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Congratulations on the wedding anniversary 25 years in verse Congratulations on the wedding anniversary 35 years in Congratulations on the wedding anniversary in verse Congratulations on the wedding anniversary Christian Congratulations on March 8 in kindergarten. We make gifts and crafts our own

I pray for you, dear ones, on this Day, now with all my heart and soul. Blessed be your union

Let respect reign in marriage And it will be strong according to the will of God, Today the wedding anthem sounds to you,

The Lord rewarded you with love, you make a vow to Him, and this is the main condition

Congratulations! Marriage is a support for united souls and hearts. Let there be no disputes in the family

Your relatives congratulate you, young people, and all your acquaintances send you greetings. The Lord blesses your marriage from heaven -

So let joy come to your family!

Live in peace, amicably and with dignity, in harmony with each other and with your soul! Let life flow smoothly and calmly!

Love you strong, true and big!

Lord, now bless the newborn family from the heavens of the saints! Give them a strong home, light, warmth, comfort,

Let their patience and agreement never leave them from now on, And give them one happiness for both

Bride, know that the wife was given as a gift to her husband by the Lord. Always listen to the holy word,

I also want to say: Don’t forget yourself, Always be cheerful, beautiful -

Take care, husband, of your young wife! God gave it to you for the rest of your life! For your golden wedding

Cherish her, sweet and gentle, Help her with everything every time! God willing, your hopes will come true,

My beloved sister! Congratulations on your wedding! Be protected by the Lord,

So that a river full of happiness flows faster into your house, so that everything comes true for you,

Congratulations, brother - you have now become a husband! May the marriage be strong and holy -

Honor and love your wife, like yourself, brother! So that you complete your family

Toastmaster at your wedding, Invited by me personally! We won't be bored with him,

Copying poems and posting on the Internet is prohibited

Christian Congratulations on your wedding anniversary » Beautiful words Congratulations in prose on your birthday for a musician

Let there be no loyalty
Punishment for you
Let it be pleasant
She's a test!

Sublime wedding poetry expresses the height of wonderful feelings and experiences of a young loving couple. The beginning of a new path for newlyweds is only the starting point in a long and, at times, harsh journey together. That's why it's touching wedding poem can be the best instruction for the bride and groom. Inspire to heroic deeds!

So they say: The husband is one." And "zero is the wife, so they say. But everything can change depending on how these two numbers line up - wedding poem

A deadly scream exploded the silent silence, unable to survive the loss, the swan soared into the clouds like an arrow, in an instant he decided his fate, hitting the ground from above!

A funny poem about the delights of a selfish, single life in comparison with the sublime happiness of the opportunity to love and be loved. Life is simpler for bachelors - I shed light on their lives, while my wife...

And the hour goes... from my father’s house to a friend’s house, and the girls will be happy to see off again. Parting will bring tears for an hour, and will fade away with a sensitive confusion. As of today...

Attention! Attention! The event has happened. Today _____. With _____. We decided to live together. Desire ripened in them, They confessed their love. And, having made a promise, they united before God. They received parental consent for the marriage. And marriage...

How did the word "family" come about? Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him... But Adam said to Eve before the wedding: “Now I will ask you seven questions.” Who will give birth to children for me, tell me, my love? And Eva quietly answered: - I am. - Who will raise them...

When any disputes or friction arise between you; It will help you to overcome all difficulties... [patience]. She can move mountains. Anyone who has it can do anything. Perhaps she can see something invisible, Perhaps the size of a mustard seed. AND…

To be together is such a blessing, to understand everything and forgive everything. And in the weather and in bad weather, love is the same. Don’t bend from the blows, Don’t become pessimists, Stay young, Let’s say sixty years. And let your life be a festive pattern...

Happy day for us today. You are next to me, and I am next to you. Not long ago we were apart, Today we are a new family. Let someone think: we are not suitable for each other, But people are not able to penetrate our hearts. I remember what you said in difficult moments...

White dress, shoes, veil, The color of purity and purity, The union of two loving hearts in marriage, The seal of Heaven and there is no stronger bond! The years pass, the flame burns, the bonds grow stronger, God says: “Sweet was the honey at your table, I will lead you to the house of a feast with wine!”...

Here, friends, are two birds sitting, who have decided to get married. And at this wonderful hour I will tell a story about them. This little bird, before getting engaged, began to think and wonder WHO she should marry? There was Albatross in the beginning. He is sailing above the wave...

What a wonderful day it is outside the window, the bride and groom are already at the table. And we begin the feast by saying this word: The marriage has arrived and everything is ready for it. Guests came to honor the young people in deed and word, to sing and play their advice...

Triple twisted thread is always more reliable. Therefore, you will forever intertwine your “I” and “you” with the thread of God - Feelings of love and purity. And then this family knot No trouble can break. All you have to do is give the Lord Jesus the first place in the family.

Yesterday you were just brother and sister to each other, And now before us is _____ - husband, wife. I won’t say too many unnecessary words. May God be with you and love with Him. You will be sad and dark without Jesus, After all, the earthly life often suffers disaster...

Yes, your day has come, the most important, It is the purest and most holy. He is the most, the most, the most important, And the most, the most expensive! He is the most joyful, happiest, He is the brightest and dearest, He is the most, the most, the sweetest, Well, in general, he is the only one...

Childhood, adolescence - golden years. Carefree and joyful days. You flew away, as there, in the sky, the cranes are melting sadly in the haze. Dear friends _______, _______, The carefree time is over: To you today with quiet steps Youth will say goodbye...