Is there a bang. The easiest way to determine if a haircut suits you

K arera has become a haircut that emphasizes the rebellious spirit of a free, working and independent woman, who finally received the right to vote. In addition, it impresses with a variety of styling options, easy care and the ability to choose the perfect hair length.

Elegance and versatility

Kare helps to create any image. With such a haircut, a woman can look like a businesslike, strict lady, and like a languid beauty, and even a mischievous girl. A variety of haircut options allows each lady to show her individuality. Any type of caret looks stylish and quite interesting. In addition, you can experiment a little and add a special zest to the chosen option - use contrasting bright strands, deep thinning or asymmetry in the temporal zone. Bold decisions will allow you to add fashionable touches to the image and create a unique, individual style.

There are several options for a bob haircut, and before giving preference to any particular one, you should pay attention to the recommendations of specialists.

  • You can never choose a hairstyle, looking at a neighbor, colleague, friend. Selection must be carried out individually, based on the type of hair, face shape.
  • Pay attention to composition. In order not to create a sharp dissonance between a large body and a small head, it is better for a full lady to refuse a short bob.
  • For ladies with thick, thick hair, a smooth haircut is ideal. If the hair is thin, then it is worth giving preference to an asymmetric, graduated caret, which will create the required volume and give lightness.

However, these are just general recommendations that you should pay attention to when choosing an individual option. Kare also needs to be selected according to the shape of the face, and only the right decision will allow you to create a mysterious, regal image, endowing the owner with magical charm.

Haircut Options

For more than a century, women all over the world have preferred kare. It can rightfully be called the number one haircut. Strict geometric lines and a smooth texture have become distinctive features of the caret. However, do not get hung up on the classics. For each age, depending on the type, shape of the face, you can choose the perfect version of this versatile haircut.

  • Corner square. An excellent solution for owners of an oval face. Strands beveled at an angle will hide protruding cheekbones and the face will acquire the correct proportions.

  • Graduated caret. The best option for a round face shape with large features. Torn ends, oblique bangs and side parting will beautifully frame and ideally soften, harmonize a heavy appearance.

  • For young girls with neat, delicate features, a short bob is perfect.
  • In order not to miss with a bang, pick it up for your type of face. See our magazine:

  • Creative haircut - asymmetrical bob. This option is suitable for almost all types of faces. An integral element of such a haircut is often torn bangs, highlighting. In this case, ladies with a round face should choose longer strands, making the difference more contrasting.

In addition, a bob haircut in any of its variants is surprisingly easy to care for and takes only a few minutes to style. That's why it has become the perfect option for ladies who aspire to look seductive, stylish and trendy, but can't afford to spend half a day getting their hair done.

With love, Editorial

Every year the fashion industry undergoes certain changes. Leading designers dictate fashion trends, and therefore modern girls and women try to keep up with the gorgeous models from the covers. Equally important is given to various types of hairstyles and styling. It is worth noting that fashionable and original personalities love short or elongated bangs. Therefore, this article will discuss the different types and shapes of bangs, which are selected according to the type of hair. Some women of fashion prefer to cut their own strands at home.

Bangs give the image femininity, confidence and originality. The mysterious look from under the long bangs does not leave indifferent the fair sex. Many Hollywood beauties have tried on fashionable hairstyles with bangs. Therefore, in order to understand whether you are ready to take this step - to radically change your image, you need to carefully read this article and learn about all the important details.

Choosing a trendy haircut is easy if you turn to a professional hairdresser who will individually select a hairstyle based on the color type, face shape and, of course, style.

It is important to know that short bangs are not for everyone. Therefore, you should choose the right length of hair so as not to look ridiculous.

Fashionable and popular styling with bangs remain at the peak of popularity this season. To learn how to choose the right haircut and at the same time make a bang, you need to listen to the advice of stylists. Knowing who the bangs are for, you can create an unusual image.

Bangs by face type

Will bangs suit you?

Bangs are a unique element of modern haircuts. Thus, you can afford a colossal change of image. Cutting your hair yourself at home, you become almost a different person. Therefore, this issue must be approached with full responsibility. If you do not know how to cut curls, then it is better to refrain. Thanks to a beautifully done haircut, you can mask some imperfections on the face. But if you also want to look younger than your years, then, of course, you should cut your beautiful and stylish bangs. How to choose a bang, professional hairdressers will tell you.

Now, let's try to figure out in more detail who suits the bangs and who really does not. Before making a bang, a professional hairdresser must determine what type of face yours is in order to choose the right bang length. Based on these main features, you need to choose the appropriate haircut, which, in turn, will emphasize the individuality and character of the owner of the newfangled hairstyle.

How to choose bangs according to the shape of the face, you will learn in this section. After reading carefully the main characteristics, you can cut your hair at home. But if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to seek help from a true professional in their field.

How to choose bangs

Graphic bangs

The modern and stylish shape of the bangs was introduced into fashion by American actress Rooney Mara, who played in the movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Owners of thick curls can afford bangs that reach the eyebrows. Fashion stylists and designers demonstrated different types of hairstyles this season. If you want to look bright and original, then bangs can be worn casually. This image is mainly chosen by bold and fashionable individuals who are not afraid to experiment with their appearance. It is worth noting that graphic bangs are elongated as well as short. Everything depends on your discretion.

Universal bangs look beautiful and original on both short and medium curls. This type of bangs can even go down to the chin. It is important to know that such bangs are suitable for almost all women, especially those with a square face shape. The elongated bangs allow you to do various styling. Some girls and women like to pin their hair back. Therefore, if you do not have time for styling, you can use the accessories and remove the extra strands on the back side.

Owners of torn bangs are always distinguished by their persistent character. Cutting your hair with ragged ends can create a pretty perky look. Ragged bangs are straight and asymmetrical. Girls and women whose hair is cut very short can walk with torn bangs. For example, a few years ago, Rihanna showed all her fans an original haircut with tattered bangs. Today, women of fashion are less and less likely to cut their hair short, as they prefer to have long and luxurious strands. But if you want to stand out among others, then you can create a bright image.

Bangs for one day!))) bangs WITHOUT SCISSORS

It is really difficult to understand whether a short bang suits you or not. After all, many girls and women crave change. Therefore, it should be noted that short bangs are not suitable for every woman. A creative hairstyle is done exclusively in beauty salons according to the type and shape of the face. Hair, in turn, should be medium, otherwise, short bangs will look very ridiculous on long and thick curls.

Before deciding on a short bang, it is advisable to consult a hairdresser. He will tell you with confidence whether short bangs suit you or not. After that, you can get down to business. For example, short bangs look great on the gorgeous Hollywood actress Rooney Mara. Many girls prefer to cut their own bangs at home.

It is not difficult to understand whether a bang suits you or not, if you collect your hair in one bun and carefully examine the shape of your face. Wide bangs make models for fashion shows. In everyday life, not many people decide on such a haircut. But it is worth considering that such a hairstyle will go well with long strands. Owners of a square face shape should refrain from such a haircut.

Sometimes you want to make a fashionable bob ...

Or pixies...

"But will it suit me?" - that's the main question. “Maybe keep your hair long!”

The head stylist of the British branch of John Frieda Salons Giles Robinson invented his formula. He knows exactly who will suit the haircut, and who - only long hair. Do you want to know? You will need a ruler and a pencil.

Place the pencil under your chin and hold it horizontally. Measure the distance from the earlobe to the pencil.

If this distanceless than 2.25 inches(or 5.71 cm) - then youhaircut will go. If the distance exceeds 2.25 inches, you'd better stay with long hair.

What did you get?

Tip #1: Consider the shape of your face
Short haircuts can suit any face shape, with the exception of a round one. Women with a round face are more suitable for haircuts below shoulder level. Bob on a round face shape looks like a helmet. In this case, it is necessary to visually lengthen the face, and therefore leave the length of the hair.

Tip #2: Do you have beautiful shoulders, chin and neck?
Short hair will certainly emphasize them. If you have a short neck, a double chin, or broad shoulders, you should not cut your hair above your collarbone.

Tip #3: Do you have curly hair? think twice
Curly hair tends to be frizzy if it is short. Some stylists say that curly hair should be cut no shorter than five centimeters below the chin, but I have seen luxurious options for short haircuts on curly hair. The secret is in the layering. Cutting curly hair is an art, so choose your stylist carefully so that you don't look like a poodle after visiting the salon.

Tip #4: Fine Hair Looks Best in Short Haircuts
Very fine hair looks flat if it is long. If you have thin or thin hair, cutting it short will add volume, just be careful with the layers. Try to keep all your hair the same length as possible. A large number of cropped hair can affect the volume.

Tip #5: Trick
I found this tip in Allure Magazine's Beauty Editor Linda Wells' Confession. Take a photo of yourself with a light or dark background, depending on your hair color (if you are a blonde, choose a dark background, if a brunette, choose a light background). Grab your scissors and cut your hair in the photo to see if a short haircut suits you or not. We advise you to start with longer hair so as not to waste the photo.

Experimenting with hair color is a fun and easy way to change your look. If you have long dreamed of creating a new look for yourself with blond hair, there are a lot of things to consider before diving into the alluring waves of a light shade. Blonde hair can be beautiful and even gorgeous. But beauty costs money. Blonde hair is a big responsibility that requires care and love. The process of transitioning to your chosen shade of blonde hair can be a big blow to your hair and wallet. The good news is that no matter what your skin tone is, there is always a shade of blonde hair that suits you. Well, if you are up to the challenge, read the article and start the process.


Consider your interests and personality

    Think about your daily life. With blond hair, you will have to change your lifestyle to a more careful one. For example, being a blonde, you can't jump into a pool. Blond hair will absorb chlorine and other elements, which will change its color to green. Also, blond hair, if washed in the shower, where the water is rich in copper or iron, can turn orange-red or green. It is also recommended to shampoo blonde hair every three days to keep it looking healthy and in the right tone.

    • If you just need to wash your hair daily, it will be difficult for you to be a blonde.
  1. Think about how blonde hair suits your personality. They say that blondes know how to have fun, but get ready for the fact that you will attract excessive attention to yourself. If you do decide to go for blonde hair, you will have to develop immunity to jokes about blondes. Such jokes are usually not harmful, they are just rude and tasteless. In addition to negative attention, blonde hair attracts positive attention as well, so be prepared to be stared at anyway.

    Ask a friend's opinion. If you're not entirely sure that you're ready for such a big hair color change, you can seek advice from family and friends. Tell them you want to go blonde and see how they react. If they are both in favor and seem inspired by your decision, then this may be a good sign for you. If they express concerns, please explain why.

    • Take their opinions and advice into account, but whatever they may say, do what makes you happy.
  2. See how you look with blonde hair using Photoshop. There are plenty of hairstyle sites out there that will let you upload a photo of yourself and experiment with hair colors so you can gauge your potential look before you take the plunge. You can also experiment with different colors and haircuts to match your look!

    Choosing the right tone for blonde hair

    1. Determine your skin tone. This is one of the best ways to choose the right shade of hair dye for you. If you choose the wrong shade, it may wash out. No matter how fair or dark your skin is, your skin tone falls into one of two main categories. Most people have either a warm or cool skin tone, with only a handful of people falling somewhere in between. Here are the best indicators of what skin tone you have:

      Choose the right tone for blonde hair. There are many different shades of blonde hair color, and once you have determined your skin tone, you can start choosing.

      Consider your natural hair color. If your natural hair color is more ashy or deep brown without a reddish undertone, you should look for cool shades of blonde hair dye. If your natural hair color has warm undertones, such as red or gold, you should choose warm shades of blonde hair color. Keep your natural hair color in mind and you will make your new blonde color look more natural.

      • To understand which shades prevail in your hair, take a closer look at them in sunlight.
    2. Consider how dark or light your skin color is. Your result will be better if you choose a paint color that provides a more striking contrast between your skin and hair color. The hardest part about choosing a paint color is finding one that both contrasts with your skin and complements it.

      • Don't choose a color that is almost the same tone as your skin.
    3. Try highlighting instead of coloring your entire hair. Highlighting is a great way to brighten up your face. When highlighting, you get the same effect as being completely blonde, but without much harm to the hair. What else is good about highlighting is that it is easier to care for it. As the roots grow back, it won't be as noticeable and you'll need to visit the salon less frequently. You can do both thin and thick strands if they are everywhere, or you can only frame the face.

    Maintain and care for blond hair

      Determine the degree of hair care that suits you. Blonde hair needs more care than other hair colors. Keep in mind that going more than two shades from your natural hair color to a darker or lighter hair color will require more maintenance. Once the roots start to grow back, you will need to see a specialist to make sure everything goes smoothly when you freshen up the paint. If leaving can be a problem for you, think again carefully about whether you should become a blonde.

      Make professional hair lightening and toning. Do not lighten or tone your hair at home. Lightening is a very harsh chemical process that destroys hair follicles. You'd be better off paying a salon professional to switch to a lighter hair color and take care of it afterwards. Of course, do-it-yourself painting will be cheaper, but it can create a real hair nightmare for you, which you yourself will not be able to handle later.

      • You can easily burn your hair, make it orange or lose volume completely. For everything to go well, you should consider whether you can afford to use the services of a professional.
    1. Regularly work on the roots and touch up the tone of the hair. In order to keep your hair in the desired shade, and the roots do not stand out, you need to touch up the tone every 4-6 weeks. When the roots start to sprout, you need to lighten them and give them a tone so that they do not differ from the rest of the hair. You should also trim your hair, as blonde hair is more prone to split ends.

    2. Consider the time it will take you to become a blonde. An abrupt transition to blond hair is not recommended. Of course, it is natural to want to become a blonde right away, but it is very important to do everything in stages. Depending on how dark or damaged your hair is, your stylist will gradually lighten your hair with highlights, gradually increasing the area of ​​your colored hair over time. This will keep your hair from falling out.

      • Most stylists will not want to lighten all their hair at once, as they know how deadly it is for your hair.
      • Your stylist will most likely ask you about past hair dyes. It's important for a stylist to know how badly damaged your hair follicles are and how strong your hair is, so be honest.
    3. Plan your financial expenses. You have to go to the salon many times before you can show off one beautiful shade of blonde hair, and it all costs money. An excellent solution would be to plan out financial expenses in order to be prepared.

      • You can call salons and ask for their prices, but in principle, in order to give you an exact price, the stylist will have to check and inspect your hair to determine the next course of action for you personally.
      • When you discuss what you want and how you can achieve it, your stylist will have a good idea of ​​how much it will cost you to go blonde.
    4. Look for quality hair products. The chemicals that give you a beautiful blonde color also take a heavy toll on your hair follicles. To restore the necessary vitamins, minerals and moisture in the hair, you need to use quality products. This includes shampoos, conditioners, deep conditioners, heat protectants, and moisturizers. If you want to keep your hair healthy, buy quality products.

      • Ask your stylist what products they recommend for blonde hair.
      • It is very important to take care of the renewal of moisture and strength, which washes out the lightening. You may notice changes in the texture of your hair after you color your hair, and you may need to use additional products to restore shine, volume, and softness to your hair.
    • If you are drastically changing your hair color for the first time, contact a professional.
    • Go to the colorist and ask if the chosen shade of blond suits you.
    • Professionals will also be able to advise you on haircuts that will favorably emphasize your chosen hair color.


    • If you are going to swim in a pool that has chlorine in it with blonde colored hair, don't forget to shampoo after swimming to prevent your hair from turning green. Such a shampoo helps to neutralize the chemicals present in the water in such a pool.

The question of how to find out which haircut suits me excites the minds of thousands, if not millions of women. Especially if you are not a fan of experiments, for a long time you have preferred the same haircut. And then another morning comes, you stand at the mirror with unstyled hair and think which haircut will suit your face. And it seems that you can’t do without the help of a professional, but this is a fundamentally wrong position.

How to choose the right haircut?

Any specialist will tell you that the choice of the right hairstyle is based on the shape of the face and the structure of the hair. These two components are the basis of a competent hairstyle. If you are not determined with the shape and structure, then the perfect haircut is not foreseen in the near future. Usually girls are aware of their type on an intuitive level, but how do I know which haircut is right for me? It's simple, first we define the shape of the face.

What are the forms?

It is not enough to determine a typical classification, it is important to figure out how to determine your face shape with absolute accuracy. It is customary for experts to divide the following forms:

  • Round - the width of the face is approximately equal to the length.
  • Oval - the face narrows towards the bottom, the cheekbones protrude. considered the ideal form.
  • Square - the forehead, cheekbones and chin are the same in size.
  • The shape of the heart - the cheekbones and forehead are wide, the chin is narrow and elongated.
  • Rhombus - cheekbones protruding against the background of the forehead, a narrow chin.
  • Elongated shape - the forehead, chin and cheekbones are the same in length.

Someone will be able to determine the shape of their face immediately if it is, for example, pronounced round. And someone will have to work hard and resort to the help of the test.

Shape Test

To definitely determine the shape of your face and not make a mistake with a haircut, you should pass a small but effective test, consisting of four stages.

  • Step #1 - Stand in front of a mirror, comb your hair back and tie it up so it's out of the way.
  • Step number 2 - prepare a long ruler in advance, and in its absence, an A4 sheet, as well as a pen. The task of the second stage is to measure the length of the face from the roots of the hair on the forehead to the tip of the chin.
  • Step number 3 - now you need to use your mathematical abilities and divide the resulting length by three. This result has a symbolic designation as “result A”.
  • Step number 4 - next you need to measure the gap from the bridge of the nose to the end of the chin and mark it as "result B".

This is where our measurements end, we can begin to announce the results and answer the question of how to find out which haircut suits me:

  • if the length of A is greater than the length of B, then the shape of your face is elongated or square;
  • if the length A is less than the length B - round or diamond-shaped;
  • if the length of A is equal to the length of B - oval or heart-shaped.

Based on the results of the test, you can easily determine your face shape. Based on this, you can choose the perfect hairstyle, because an unsuccessful haircut can ruin even the most beautiful facial features.

Haircuts for a round face

The problem with chubby girls is that even the thinnest faces can look plump due to such a circular shape. Women who are overweight are even less fortunate. Therefore, the task of a haircut is to visually reduce the volume and lengthen it in all possible and impossible ways. It's time to answer the question of how to find out which haircut suits me with a square face shape. The following hairstyles are strictly prohibited for girls with a round face shape:

  • Forget about perms, because of the small curls your face will visually become even larger.
  • For the same reason, you will have to abandon excessively lush hairstyles.
  • Never comb your hair back, the face will become even more round.
  • You should beware of short haircuts, but if you really want to, you should definitely discuss the choice with a specialist or use an application that will help you find out from the photo which haircut is suitable.
  • Caution should be taken with high hairstyles for those ladies who, in addition to a round face shape, have a long neck. The hairstyle will visually lengthen not only the shape of the face, but also the neck, which will seem indistinct.

We figured out the limitations, now let's move on to what will definitely fit a round face:

  • Multi-layered, multi-layered and once again multi-layered! Such haircuts, in which each layer has a different length, are ideal for chubby ladies.
  • Large curls will look great.
  • Do not forget about long haircuts, where the hair falls below the chin.
  • If you really want something shorter, pay attention to the bob haircut.
  • As for the hairstyle - sleekness is useless here, but the creative mess is just that.

Choose based on personal preferences and advice from really good experts.

Haircuts for an oval face

Any hairdresser will tell you that this face shape is considered ideal. This is because almost any hairstyle suits the owners of this form. But still, you will have to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  • For thin hair - medium length haircut.
  • For thick and thick hair - a long haircut.
  • And do not forget about the bangs, the owners of an oval face will suit any. When choosing, start from facial features.

If you are a happy owner of an oval shape, then there should be no problems with the choice. Based on taste preferences, and the question of how to find out which haircut suits me will not be relevant.

Haircuts for a square face

This shape is considered very difficult, as the wrong haircut will make your face too masculine, athletic or full. A good haircut with styling will help to correct the shape.

You need to pay attention to the following options:

  • multi-layer milled oblique bangs;
  • asymmetric haircuts with side parting;
  • large waves and a haircut below the shoulders;
  • ladder and graduation - an ideal option to smooth out rough facial features;
  • a high hairstyle will visually stretch the face.

Forget about the following hairstyles:

  • short haircuts are taboo, they will only emphasize the "squareness" of the face;
  • lush hairstyles will make the face even wider;
  • straight hair, even bangs and parting - a nightmare for owners of a square face.

If you really want a short hairstyle, an option with an elongated oblique bangs is possible.

Haircuts for a heart shape

This shape cannot be called ideal, but its advantage is that it can be easily corrected through the right haircut. What haircut suits a heart-shaped face?

  • A torn bang will bring the heart-shaped shape closer to the ideal oval, which will open the central part of the forehead.
  • Short haircuts and too long hair are a moot point, shoulder-length haircuts would be ideal.
  • You should also be careful with curls, smooth and straight hair is the best option.

To choose the best hairstyle as accurately as possible, use the advice of specialists. How do I know which men's haircut is right for me? You should also pay attention to the shape of the face and the rules listed above.