Injections of vitamins for the face are an ambulance for many problems. Facial Injection Options

How vitamin injections for the face work: consequences and methods

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For a long time, scientists have been working on creating a “magic” remedy that can return a fresh, young and toned appearance to tired and aging skin. This is how unique vitamin injections of youth were invented, which radically change the quality and appearance of the epidermis in just an hour. It is about this popular procedure that we will describe in our article.

What information will you learn:

What can vitamin injections do?

Vitamin injections for the face are called mesotherapy procedure

The second name of this technique, which returned lost youth to millions of women, is the term mesotherapy. It is able to show real miracles in renewing and healing the age-related epidermis of the face, without affecting the body as a whole.

The range of action of injections of "youth and beauty" is wide and varied. They help solve problems:

  • exhausted, tired and aging skin, experiencing constant stress, lack of care, moisturizing, nutrition, peeling, inflammation and age wrinkles;
  • weakness of the epidermis, which consists in a decrease in the strength of the cellular structure, which instantly manifests itself on the external state of the face, making it blurry, devoid of clear contours and a regular oval;
  • reduced protective properties (skin immunity), when under the influence of many external and internal factors, the ability of cells to resist viruses, bacteria, infections, fungal infections, and so on is significantly reduced. As a result, the skin surface can be covered with pimples, ulcers, acne;
  • bags and puffiness in the eye area, restoring radiance to the look, eliminating dark circles and the effects of chronic fatigue;
  • with wrinkles and other age-related changes in the skin, contributing to its smoothing and smoothing of the wrinkles that have appeared;
  • dryness and dehydration of the epidermis, filling the cells with valuable moisture and enhancing their nutrition;
  • insufficient synthesis of own collagen and elastin, which significantly increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin tissue;
  • the second chin, eliminating this defect and significantly tightening the oval, as well as the contours of the face.

What do vitamin shakes contain

The procedure is aimed at rapid rejuvenation and saturation of the skin tissue with valuable substances represented by:

  • amino acids - the most important building materials of skin structure cells;
  • hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains water molecules for intense and long-lasting hydration of the epidermis;
  • vitamins necessary for the full functioning of cells and the correct passage of basic processes;
  • minerals (magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc) that have an antioxidant and protective effect;
  • fatty acids that maintain the necessary energy balance of epidermal cells;
  • enzymes that help speed up all metabolic processes;
  • fruit acids, which have a whitening and regenerating effect;
  • extracts of medicinal plants (for example, witch hazel, ginkgo biloba), which have an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

The ingredients of such solutions are active, capable of causing allergic reactions, so the procedure involves the individual selection of all components of the cocktail, taking into account the patient's history and the reaction of his body to certain components.

Vitamin injections can be done independently at home using a mesoscooter

When the technique is prohibited

Injection manipulations should be carried out by an experienced cosmetologist who has completed special training courses and received official permission to carry out such procedures. He must take into account and warn each patient about the existing contraindications in the form of:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic and other individual reactions to the constituent components of the drug;
  • hypertensive pathology (high pressure);
  • exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases;
  • endocrine, renal, vascular and oncological diseases;
  • insufficient degree of blood clotting;
  • acute heart failure;
  • recently performed plastic or surgical operations on the face;
  • diabetes mellitus, which is in the stage of decompensation.

How is the procedure performed

After clarifying the reaction of the epidermis to the composition of youth injections (preliminary testing for an allergic reaction), the cosmetologist performs a thorough cleansing and antiseptic treatment of the patient's face skin.

With a low pain threshold, a layer of a special gel is applied to the epidermis with an analgesic effect that reduces the degree of sensitivity of the receptors and blocks discomfort.

Using a sterile disposable syringe equipped with a thin needle, the cosmetologist injects the selected and formulated vitamin cocktail under the patient's skin surface, paying special attention to areas of the face with age-related changes and other defects.

The course of injections of vitamins is performed 1 time in 7 days for 1 - 2 months. Then a break is made for six months and, if necessary, the procedures are repeated.

Skin care after manipulation

The first few hours after the injections, there will be traces of injections in the form of red dots on the face, hyperemia is possible, small bruises that disappear on their own the next day.

You should protect the skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation - protect the epidermis with sunscreens with an SPF factor of at least 35 or wear a wide-brimmed hat (in summer), and also do not go to the sauna, bath, solarium during the same time period.

Mesotherapy is a very popular cosmetic procedure. It helps to improve the condition and appearance of the skin by eliminating its imperfections: pigmentation, dryness, rashes, wrinkles, dull color, etc. This is because facial mesotherapy cocktails are distinguished by a wide variety of components. And if their composition is chosen correctly, you can get rid of many skin problems.

Read in this article

Why appoint

Beautiful radiant skin is not given by nature to everyone. Even in their youth with her, many have all sorts of problems. Moreover, they occur with age. Poor ecology, malnutrition, stress, and fatigue play a role in the deterioration of the skin condition. She is deficient in many substances necessary for beauty, which makes her look worse, makes her owner feel uncomfortable.

It is enough to quickly restore a radiant and healthy look to the skin by introducing the missing components directly into the problem area using injections. The penetration of nutrients into layers deeper than the epidermis gives an excellent effect, much more pronounced than the surface application of creams, masks, serums. Mesotherapy solves the following skin problems:

  • pigmentation of the cover caused by uneven distribution of melanin;
  • loss of elasticity, leading to the formation of wrinkles, omission of tissues;
  • stretch marks formed after childbirth or weight loss;
  • scars resulting from mechanical damage, burns (including chemical ones);
  • dryness or excess sebum, enlarged pores;
  • the formation of a double chin;
  • violation of the outlines of the face;
  • the appearance of a vascular network on the surface.

The procedure will be useful in the absence of these shortcomings, as a preventive measure. The skin after it looks fresher, healthier. Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of stress, insomnia, headaches, which also has a positive effect on the epidermis and deeper layers. There are formulations that solve problems with hair and scalp: excessive hair loss, dandruff, itching, dull appearance, split ends, seborrhea.

Types of cocktails

The high efficiency of the procedure is ensured not only by the method of introducing skin formulations, but also by their contents.

Types of cocktails for facial mesotherapy Characteristic
Allopathic The products contain well-known components, the effectiveness of which has long been tested. These are substances of plant and animal origin. They are combined in different ways to address specific skin concerns. The dosage of the components is quite large, so the positive effect becomes apparent after 1-2 procedures. The components of allopathic cocktails have a strong effect on the skin
homeopathic Their goal is not so much to provide tissues with useful substances, but to awaken the body's own resources. The components of homeopathic cocktails are combined on a water basis, they are absolutely natural. The influence of substances is aimed at combating not only the consequences, that is, external skin problems, but also the causes that caused them. The effect of homeopathy does not appear as quickly as from the use of allopathic cocktails. These funds simultaneously eliminate the pathology, the damage caused by it, and restore the functioning of cells. Each component enhances the action of other components

What is included

For such a common procedure as facial mesotherapy, the composition of the cocktail is of paramount importance. It is chosen by a specialist based on a study of skin problems, age, and other features.

Allopathic formulations may contain:

  • hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes tissues well, giving youth;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, biotin, normalizing cellular metabolism;
  • pyruvic, glycolic acids, which stimulate the production of substances responsible for its elasticity;
  • collagen and elastin, also working for rejuvenation;
  • placenta derivatives, DNA acting on cell regeneration;
  • minerals (zinc, silicon, cobalt, nickel) that stimulate nutrition or regulate fat metabolism;
  • thioctic acid, L-carnitine, dihydroergotamine, coping with pathological conditions;
  • extracts from medicinal plants (melilot, chamomile, artichoke, ivy, etc.).

Homeopathic remedies contain only natural vitamins, nutrients, plant extracts in minimal doses. When mesotherapy is supposed to be, which cocktail is better for the face, it is impossible to say for sure. It depends on the skin problems you have. In each case, a specialist who needs high qualifications and experience should decide. After all, the compositions are not only ready-made, they can be made by a cosmetologist.

Facial Options

Facial skin care is by no means only the concern of older women. Young mesotherapy is no less important to maintain a decent appearance. And the variety of skin problems dictates the need for careful selection of the composition used during the procedure. In accordance with the condition, as well as age, there are the following types of face mesotherapy cocktails:

  • Therapeutic or curative. These products are designed to eliminate skin diseases, such as, for example, age spots. To solve these problems, not only vitamins and trace elements are needed as indispensable components of a cocktail. Antibiotics can cope with pathologies, which must be included in the composition, with stains - bleaching agents. If rosacea is a problem, ingredients that stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels are needed. But the therapeutic effect is not the only thing that can be obtained from such compounds. In addition to eliminating the main problem, they help improve skin color and slow down its aging. This kind of mesotherapy vitamin cocktail for the face uses the following brands: Vitaflash, Vitaline, Hydroline.
  • anti-aging. Such compositions are needed for women who want to smooth out age-related changes in the skin of the face. Their main components are hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, and vitamins. If you need to get rid of excess fluid, choose a cocktail with diuretic components. All these substances neutralize the destructive effect of free radicals, stimulate natural rejuvenation. Thanks to them, swelling, age-related flabbiness disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out. The best cocktails of mesotherapy for a face with age-related changes, according to experts, are Antiflacidez Cocktail FCE, DNA-RNA Complax. It makes sense to apply them not earlier than 25 - 30 years.

About what drugs are used for mesotherapy, see this video:

Procedure procedure

Mesotherapy is a complex event, divided into several stages:

  • the skin is cleaned of cosmetics, fat, sweat with the help of special products;
  • then the surface is wiped with an antiseptic to prevent the presence of bacteria and their entry into micropunctures;
  • an anesthetic cream is applied to the face to minimize the discomfort associated with injections and penetration of the agent;
  • the specialist applies markings on the skin, in accordance with which he will make injections;
  • according to the planned scheme, the cosmetologist injects the drug in accordance with the planned amount.

For information on how facial mesotherapy is performed, see this video:

The main stage, that is, the introduction of an agent that improves the condition into tissues, can be carried out using a special apparatus - a mesoinjector. This will reduce the risk of mistakes, and is also preferable for sensitive skin. If facial mesotherapy is performed, moisturizing cocktails can be administered without injections at all. First, the desired composition is applied to the cleansed skin, and then it is subjected to sonication.


The procedure gives a pronounced effect, that is, it has a strong effect on the body. It can be unfavorable in the presence of the following problems and conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe kidney pathology;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • acute infections;
  • active period of chronic diseases;
  • skin rashes, other kinds of inflammation;
  • severe degree of hypertension;
  • serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • taking blood-thinning medications;
  • intolerance to individual components of the cocktail.

Possible consequences

Facial mesotherapy products can give, and not only rejuvenation and elimination of skin problems. Complications that can occur after the procedure:

  • Pain syndrome. It occurs with a reduced threshold of sensitivity, insufficient action of the anesthetic, with an incorrect technique of the procedure.
  • Bruising and swelling. May appear as a result of damage to blood vessels, their increased fragility, too deep penetration of the needle.
  • Erythema. Redness of the skin at the needle insertion points is normal if it goes away after half an hour. The long-term presence of erythema is considered a complication and may develop into a more serious condition.
  • Necrosis. It looks like an inflamed tubercle with pus inside. A problem arises as a result of neglect of sterility, the rules for administering the drug, incorrect calculation of its volume and lack of proper care.
  • Allergy. It has two manifestations: immediately occurring swelling, blisters, itching or shortness of breath, anaphylactic shock.

With the development of cosmetology, many opportunities have appeared for ladies in the form of comprehensive care for their bodies, the elimination of certain skin imperfections using cutting-edge methods, which can include both gentle and more intensive methods.

The intensive struggle of women with signs of aging has led to the development of a number of procedures and complexes for the face, which are injections. Although this method is associated with penetration through the skin barrier, it is quite effective and fast-acting.

Injection cosmetology includes the introduction of various substances that have a certain effect on the skin and eliminate problems for a long time.

Hyaluronic acid

The procedures for the introduction of this substance by injection have been carried out for a long time, it has become very popular among the fair sex for its highly effective action. This is not surprising, since this acid is capable of:

  1. reduce the number of fine wrinkles and the depth of more significant ones;
  2. face contour correction (chin, cheekbones), eyelids and lips;
  3. increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, hands, neck, decollete;
  4. get rid of skin imperfections (acne, post-acne) and rejuvenate it, anti-couperose properties appear.

For the above purposes, different concentrations of the drug are used, and the depth of administration also varies. The effect is usually noticeable after the first procedure. Reneall or Princess Rich may be used in this case.

Active influence is aimed at such processes:

  1. activation of regeneration, skin elasticity, synthesis of intercellular substance;
  2. optimization of antioxidant protection;

For the optimal action of peptides on problem areas, targeted means can be selected:

  • for the reconstruction of the dermis;
  • for bleaching;
  • for immunomodulatory and anti-edematous effect (Timalin drug);
  • for a botulinum effect.

Also, with its help, you can get rid of recent acne scars (acne), heal inflammation and heal wounds. Modern fillers contain peptides as the main active ingredient.

Popular in the use of women who are 35 years old. A popular drug is Aquashine, which contains both peptides and hyaluronic acid, as well as coenzymes, amino acids and vitamins. And Laennec has a similar effect, but is a hydrolyzate of the placenta. These drugs are injected under the skin.

Vitamin injections

Treatment of many skin problems can occur by introducing a vitamin with a different spectrum of action into the skin, eliminating many cosmetic problems. With a lack of vitamins inside the body, skin troubles will become noticeable, which can be expressed as:

  • redness, peeling, increased work of the sebaceous glands, acne, freckles, etc.;
  • a sharp increase in the number of wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin, grayness of the cover, swelling under the eyes and dark circles under them, acne marks;
  • expansion of pores and the appearance of "black dots".

All the possible problems that may arise due to the lack of these elements cannot be listed. The missing vitamins, which are individually necessary, will be selected by a qualified cosmetologist. They can be prescribed both in pure form (injections of ascorbic acid or vitamin C), and as complexes (a cocktail of the necessary vitamins, minerals, for example, zinc).

Vitamins A, E, C, K, group B are popular and so lacking for the skin. They are the best helpers in the fight against imperfections if they are injected under the skin by injection. The course is carried out from 3-5 sessions, once a year or two. Can be used upon reaching the age of 25.

Vitamin injections can also cause negative consequences, especially if there is an allergy to one of their components.


A newfangled remedy for combating many skin imperfections, capable of exhibiting anti-aging properties. Ozone therapy is used as one of the components of the complex for skin care, it can include facial massage, placental masks, peelings. Ozone procedures are carried out in the amount of 5 - 10 sessions, their number is determined by a cosmetologist. The possibilities of this therapy are:

  1. rejuvenation and care;
  2. fight against acne;
  3. anti-couperose and anti-burn action;

Ozone therapy does not have any period of effectiveness, as it has a curative nature, and not a temporary cosmetic one. Widely used even from adolescence.

It is also used for body shaping.


In almost all of the above possibilities of “beauty injections”, they also have contraindications, in the presence of which it is worth refusing to use them. Are they harmful? Not if you follow a few rules. Namely, do not apply for the procedure if:

  • there is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • inflammatory processes occur in the body or there are viral diseases, oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation, blood diseases;
  • problems with the nervous system (epilepsy).

All possible negative consequences or contraindications for each facial injection procedure are discussed individually with the specialist who will conduct the session. The consequences of neglecting the rules can be varied: from peeling and redness to purulent rashes and itching.

Video: 9 reasons not to do beauty injections

Cocktails for mesotherapy of the face and body in general are very popular not only in traditional medicine for prevention, but also in aesthetic cosmetology to eliminate the consequences and remove all sorts of defects. Mesotherapy itself became known a little over 50 years ago, but it was able to quickly establish itself as the best alternative to the well-known plastic surgery.


The essence of the method lies in the procedure for introducing various therapeutic injections into the middle layer - the dermis. The injections themselves are cocktails for mesotherapy of the body, which enter the skin along with minerals, nucleic acids, as well as extracts of medicinal plants and amino acids. The procedure uses a very thin needle, thanks to which it is possible to inject the drug to a depth of up to 3.9 mm.

Mesotherapy allows you to easily and cost-effectively solve not only local, but also extensive skin problems. The procedure guarantees a noticeable improvement in blood microcirculation, it can increase the elasticity of the skin, but only in the area of ​​​​administration of a therapeutic injection.

The main advantage over traditional methods is the flow of the therapeutic drug into the middle layer of the skin. Thanks to this, internal metabolic processes become active, cell regeneration is stimulated, and blood circulation improves significantly, which the patient immediately notices. It is worth noting that this effect cannot be achieved if only external cosmetics are used.


  • there are clear signs of premature aging or so-called photoaging;
  • sagging of the nasolabial folds begins, and furrows appear around the mouth area;
  • deep and wide wrinkles appear, the skin darkens;
  • gradually arise;
  • several pigment spots appear;
  • there is a tendency to the appearance of spider veins or freckles;
  • there are vessels close to each other;
  • post-acne, postoperative, hypertrophic, keloid are observed).

The method of mesotherapy can be used both before surgery and in the postoperative period. Quite often it is combined with some other procedures, such as chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and dermabrasion.


The main contraindications that completely prohibit the use of cocktails for mesotherapy:

  • lack of good blood clotting;
  • consumption of specific drugs (anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, etc.);
  • rather weak immunity;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
  • allergic reactions to cocktail components;
  • chronic diseases;
  • fever.

Of course, many patients, even in the presence of the above problems, went to the mesotherapy procedure, contrary to the warnings of doctors. Most of them worsened their own health, but there were those who did not receive the slightest injury.

Types and techniques

The use of any particular technique for administering the drug directly depends on the type, as well as the severity of skin problems.

Hair mesotherapy cocktails are most often used in manual or injection techniques. It consists in the manual administration of the drug using a standard syringe and an ultra-fine needle. This procedure necessarily requires careful preparation and, of course, the responsibility of a specialist, because the result depends on which technique is chosen.

In addition to manual, there is also a mechanical technique, where the introduction of a cocktail is carried out not manually, but with the help of a special gun called a "mesoinjector". He also has mesotherapy needles, but they are considered more suitable for this procedure, unlike conventional syringes and needles.

Methods differ from each other in the ways of introducing the main drug, as well as indications. Each of them is characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages, so it is impossible to find an ideal one or a completely terrible one among them. When choosing one or another option, you should not pay attention to the degree of pain, the more important factor will be the desired effect, which must be dealt with first.

The final result depends on several factors, including the age of the patient, the condition of the skin, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism. And the procedure itself should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor (beautician), who, like the client, is only interested in the best effect.

Component composition of cocktails

Many people are interested in the question of what the best mesotherapy cocktails contain. In fact, mesotherapy involves the use of both one drug and a whole complex of substances necessary for the body. Patients do not always understand why some of the elements contained in the products used by mesotherapy are required. The composition of the cocktail is actually not so unusual:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. It is able to stimulate regeneration and also retain the required volume of fluid. This element can be administered both as a monopreparation and in combination.
  2. Phospholipids. They are an essential component for membranes, which makes skin cells much more elastic.
  3. Magnesium and silicon salts. Strengthen tissues, while providing their own elasticity. They are guaranteed to improve cell nutrition, as well as normalize skin tone.
  4. polylactic acid. Supports and improves the natural process of neocollagen formation. And as you know, he, in turn, takes part in the production of collagen.

Mesotherapy cocktails, as a rule, consist of vitamins of various groups, active enzymes, and antioxidants. Sometimes antibiotics and immunomodulators may be present in their composition. At the moment, there are more than 200 different variations of cocktails, which differ in composition and are used for different purposes, which directly depends on the client's skin condition and cosmetic defects.

The use of the mesoscooter

Some people prefer to do this procedure on their own at home. In this case, their main issue is the acquisition of a mesoscooter. This is a special device that gives a fairly good effect if used correctly. For him, ready-made cocktails or faces are usually bought. But you need to look for them only in trusted pharmacies in your city, since an order on the Internet or a request to send them by mail, buying them in another city, can lead to adverse consequences.

The course of the procedure

First of all, the cosmetologist performs a make-up removal procedure, with the help of which he gets rid of decorative cosmetics and dirt that settles on the surface of the skin. Then the surface where the intervention will be carried out is treated with an antiseptic, and only after that cocktails are introduced for mesotherapy of the face, hair, and so on. There is absolutely no need for an anesthetic. Immediately after the end of the procedure, redness, bruising and other reactions may appear, but this is quite a normal phenomenon that passes at a fairly rapid pace.


In just a couple of procedures, the result that mesotherapy provides will be noticeable. A vitamin cocktail that gives a lifting effect, as a rule, the patient feels the very next day after the procedure. Skin color improves significantly, and deep wrinkles become smaller. Dark circles under the eyes, age spots and vascular network will disappear quickly, surprising not only the patient himself, but everyone around him.

Ready cocktails for mesotherapy

It is worth highlighting those funds that have received a lot of positive feedback from customers:

  1. "Silikin". The composition contains organic silicon, it is produced exclusively in 5 ml ampoules, and is used in meso-cocktails for hair and body. It regulates cell metabolism, takes part in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, and also enhances the effect of the cocktail components.
  2. X-ADN gel. It contains hyaluronic acid and elastin hydrolyzate, goes on sale in a 2.5 ml bottle, and is necessary in cases of dry and dehydrated skin, wrinkles in the eye area and atrophic scars. The gel performs moisturizing and renewing functions, improves the elasticity of the connective tissue.
  3. Cytocare 532. A French-made cocktail that contains trace elements, amino acids, a whole vitamin complex, and so on. It is used for mature skin with age-related changes, with the appearance of wrinkles in the cheek area, in order to prevent hyperpigmentation resulting from the aggressive effects of the external environment on the skin.

Which countries produce similar products?

Most countries are engaged in the production of special meso-cocktails, which differ in cost, composition and quality. The following states are the highest quality producers:

  1. Japan. Such solutions contain hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen, as well as many other substances useful to the human body. The production presents options for both young ladies and older women.
  2. Korea. The magical properties of Korean products help people get rid of wilting marks, increase elasticity, and also remove dark circles in the eye area and age spots.
  3. Spain. Products of this production are very effective and safe to use. They combine environmental friendliness of components and new technological processes.
  4. France. Most often, vitamins, hyaluronate and minerals are used in the composition.

Russian production

The domestic manufacturer can really boast of significant success. The most popular means of Russian production are:

  • DMAE is a serum that gives excellent results, capable of accelerating the regenerative properties of the dermis. In addition, DMAE contributes to the positive effect of lifting, as well as rejuvenation.
  • "Kaviar" - contains extracts of sturgeon caviar in the composition, and is used to increase elasticity during age-related changes.
  • "Gibilan" - is distinguished by the presence in the composition of the extract is able to eliminate rosacea, as well as improve blood microcirculation.

Popular remedies

Before choosing a specific substance, you need to familiarize yourself with the entire range of the salon. Cosmetologists, of course, prefer those serums that have already been used in their work, but the choice still remains with the client.

Many manufacturers put on sale options saturated with hyaluronic acid and various additives. There are also products that combine more than 50 substances that are beneficial to the body. For example, the most popular of them are the French NCTF135 and the Italian Yalupro.

Women under the age of 35 often use Russian products (Hialripayer, Hyaluform Mesolift), but the effect can be obtained from Japanese serums (AcHyal).

There are therapeutic cocktails, the composition of which guarantees getting rid of acne, scars and rosacea: the Spanish "Piernas Cansadas" and the Russian Regenerador antiestrias.

A few years ago I was advised this procedure to nourish the skin after frequent flights. Let's see who needs mesotherapy?

  • To those who have.
  • Those who often fly in airplanes.
  • For those who smoke.
  • Those who want to get rid of age spots.
  • Those who have problems with acne or post-acne.
  • Those who are dissatisfied with the condition of the skin depending on the season (spring and autumn are considered the time of beriberi).

Vitamins are included, so first the cosmetologist collects an anamnesis and finds out if you have allergic reactions to certain substances. Then, after analyzing the age characteristics of the skin and the main tasks, he selects an individual complex.

How it all happens (personal experience): The mesotherapy procedure took several minutes and, despite the fears, turned out to be painless. Before the injection, an anesthetic gel was applied to my skin, then a vitamin solution was injected under the skin with a syringe with the thinnest needle. Feelings are not the most pleasant, but tolerable. In my case, the emphasis was on a whitening complex with fruit acids in the composition.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova, cosmetologist:

Skin aging begins after 24 years, so mesotherapy is used already from 25. Depending on the components, mesotherapy nourishes, moisturizes, fills the skin with amino acids and minerals, and stimulates rejuvenation. If a person does not have allergies, then we usually use a complex that includes more than 20 vitamins. Almost all complexes include hyaluronic acid. It varies in density depending on the age of the client: the older the skin, the denser the preparation should be.

What happens after the procedure (personal experience): Yes, gilauronka was also part of my complex. The thought of skin aging is not very happy, but at that moment my main concern was whether marks would remain, as I was going to work the next day.

Red dots remained at the injection sites, which disappeared two hours after the procedure. Fortunately, there were no bruises. The beautician did not recommend immediately applying a corrector or doing makeup, so it’s better not to plan anything on the “mesotherapy day”. If you make injections in spring or summer, during the period of active sun, then immediately after the procedure, apply a cream with a UV protection factor of at least 30.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova:

Redness usually disappears after an hour or two, and bruises with timely treatment with ointment disappear after a week. Mesotherapy is carried out in a course of 7 to 10 procedures, once every 7-10 days. Further according to the indications: once every 3 months or once every six months. As a result, it improves, a blush appears, the skin becomes more elastic. Thanks to mesotherapy, it begins to produce its own hyaluronic acid.

Effective or not?

After the first session, I was very happy: it seemed to me that the result was already there. The skin began to look fresher, paleness disappeared.

Before and after the procedure

But this was a short-term effect. It was fixed only after the third session. In total, I did five sessions and repeated mesotherapy a year later.

Advantages of the procedure (according to personal feelings):

  1. nasolabial folds become less pronounced,
  2. the skin under the eyes is more toned and elastic,
  3. complexion is more even.

In general, there was a feeling of denser, hydrated and younger skin, although there was no radical change in appearance, but the complexion became healthier and more radiant.

By the way, mesotherapy is also used in the neck, décolleté and hands. But I do not plan to spend it in these zones yet.

Cons of the procedure (for me personally): not too long-term effect. That is, I violated the recommendation of specialists and repeated the procedure after a year, and not after 6 months. In general, as always, we come to the conclusion that beauty requires sacrifice and means.

Possible contraindications. Need expert advice