Integrated educational activities in the second junior group. "The train from Romashkov". Summer leisure scenario in the second junior group "romashkovo train" Download entertainment junior group of romashkovo train

Kovylina Galina Nikolaevna,

Shumilkina Maya Grigorievna,

Fedorenkova Natalya Yurievna,

MADOU CRR - Kindergarten No. 177 of the city of Tyumen


ü Continue to acquaint children with objects of animate and inanimate nature: the sun, flowers, birds;

ü Formation of elementary mathematical representations;

ü Improve motor skills and abilities;

ü To instill interest in physical education;

ü Cultivate friendly relations, mutual assistance, culture of behavior.

Integration of educational areas:

ü social and communicative,

the physical,

ü artistic and aesthetic,

ü cognitive development.


caregiver: Guys we have guests today, let's say hello to the guests.

caregiver: Guys, what time of year is it?

Children's answers:(summer!)

Educator: That's right, summer! Summer is a wonderful time of the year. This is outdoor recreation, in nature. In summer, everyone tries to sunbathe, swim, play as much as possible, jump, run, gain strength, play sports. We are going on a journey with you today.

Do you like to travel in summer? What can you travel on?

Children's answers: By car, by bike, by train. (Together with the children we imitate driving on each type of transport)

Educator: Well, what type of transport we will go on a trip today, we will find out when we assemble this puzzle.

(Children assemble the shape of a train from large flat parts)

Educator: That's right, today we are going on a journey from Romashkovo station to Sportivnaya station

(A recording from the cartoon of the same name sounds.)

Attention! Attention!

The fast train "Vostochny" leaves at 10 o'clock.

The Blue Express leaves at 10:10

The train from Romashkovo arrives .... and is late again?

(our train arrives)

Train:(Guilty) I won't do it again.

Educator: The train from Romashkovo promises. No longer!

Train: I will try very, very hard!

Educator: Guys, to get on the train, you need tickets. I have tickets for all of you, they are of different shapes and colors. To get into the trailers, you need to name what shape and color your tickets are and give them to the train.

(I take out the “tickets” from the “cash desk” (box) and distribute them to the guys. Showing and naming their tickets to the train, they stand behind him creating a train of trailers: the arms bent at the elbows are pressed to the body, perform circular movements)

Train: Go!

Educator: I took all my friends for a ride

Our funny ship.

And the beep sounds:

Train:"Tu-tu, I'll give the kids a ride!"

Motor-speech warm-up

Train, choo-choo-choo, ( Walking in a column one at a time.)

I will ride with the wind.

To make it more fun

I'll pump my friends!

Steam locomotive, choo-choo-choo, (Walking with a high knee lift.)

I want to ride you -

Through the meadows, through the forests, (Walking on toes)

Where miracles take place.

Steam locomotive, choo-choo-choo, (Walking on heels).

Like the wind, I'm flying!

Friends will be fun (Jumping on two legs moving forward.)

I sing a song for you!

(Running in circles.)

(Suddenly the engine stops under the trees and listens.)

Do you hear the birds chirping? (Soundtrack of the voices of birds).

Educator: We will be late for the Sportivnaya station.

Train: Yes, but if we don't hear the birds, we'll be late for the whole summer!


Why is it bright and clear

Is the sun shining from heaven?

Why green leaf

Is it going up here and there?

Why are there birds on the branches

Do they sing songs loudly?

Why are there animals in the forest

Is it not up to sleep now?

Because to us guys

Summer is here again, hooray!

Together with the guys we listen to the birds singing (a soundtrack with the voices of birds sounds), we try to guess them by their voices.

Educator: Well done boys! You know a lot of birds, but in nature there are many different types of birds, and one of them is thrushes. They sing very beautifully. Guys let's play a game.

Game "Drozd"

(Children pronounce the words and, in accordance with the text, point to themselves and to the partner)

I am a thrush - you are a thrush

I have a nose, you have a nose

I have sweet - you have sweet (lips)

I have smooth - you have smooth (cheeks)

I am your friend and you are my friend.

(with the last words the children hug)

Educator: Guys, we should go on a journey, but in order to go further we need to overcome an obstacle - a tunnel.

(Children alternately climb through the tunnel at the end of which there is a train and line up behind it. The guys continue along the site to the soundtrack of a cartoon song)

(Suddenly, the train stops again and rejoices at something.)

Educator: Quiet! Quiet! Well, what is it, we are quite late.

Train: Sun! Whoever saw the sun rising. Dawn! Every dawn is unique in life!

Finger game "Sun"

To the sun we knock on the window Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock. knocking

After all, we have been waiting for you for a long time Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock. knocking

Stretch out the rays to us, Two hands forward

Hold us tight. hugs

Educator: It's time to go, because we'll be late.

Train: Yes, but if we don't see the dawn, we may be late for life!

Musical and rhythmic warm-up "The radiant sun loves to jump ..."

(A phonogram sounds, children perform rhythmic movements to the music)

Train: Go

(Children get up behind the train and hit the road to the soundtrack from the cartoon on the road passing over the "railway bridge")

(Approaching the veranda where there are tables and a small engine, our engine stops again)

Educator: why are we standing now?

Train: Look, I met my best friend. Together with him we like to travel in the summer and from his trip he apparently brought us something.

(Takes out colored pencils and sheets with a task from the pipe of a small engine - a colorful picture with two different colorless engines)

The train tells the guys what they need to do.

-- Steam locomotives are different. Which?

(children's answers)

-- And you and I need to color the long train in red, and the short one in yellow.

(Children stand around the tables, independently choose a pencil of the desired color and complete the task)

An analysis of the work performed is carried out. Children are praised for their efforts.

Educator: Well, here you can go.

Train: Go!

Chuk-chuk-chuk, chuk-chuk-chuk,

The steam locomotive is our best friend.

Louder, louder the sound of wheels

The locomotive is moving fast

Let's go faster...

We've arrived at the meadow!

(Children stop in a clearing with green grass, where both fresh flowers and hand-made ones grow in different colors)

Bloomed in the meadow Stand on tiptoes, hands to the sides

white daisies, Tilts to the side

blue cornflowers, Sit down, put your palms to your cheeks

Pink bowls. Stand up, stretch your arms up, smile.

All the flowers smiled

Stretched straight to the sun!

Educator: What beautiful flowers on this lawn! In order for everything around to bloom and grow so beautifully, both the sun and ... rain are needed: the rain waters them, and the sun warms them. Guys, let's show how the sun and rain help plants.

Sedentary game "Sun - rain".

(If the leader pronounces the word “sun”, then everyone shows their palms turned up with their fingers up. If the leader pronounces the word “rain”, then everyone lowers their palms with their fingers down and wiggles them. The leader confuses the players with his gestures.)

Educator: Wonderful field! How many flowers grew on it! So the butterflies flock to them.

(I distribute butterflies to children on a string of different colors in accordance with the color of the flowers).

Game "Butterflies and Flowers"

Children hold butterflies, run around flowers. With the end of the music, they put a butterfly on a flower. (The color of the butterfly and the flower must match)

Together with the children we rejoice at a beautiful summer day.

Educator: Locomotive, on the way to our station "Sportivnaya".

(The guys get up behind the train and go to our final station)

Chuk - chuk - chuk, chuk - chuk - chuk,

The steam locomotive is our best friend.

Louder, louder the sound of wheels

The locomotive is moving fast

Let's go faster...

They arrived at the station.

Sports station.

(Children tell what they saw and did during the trip)


  1. E.A. Lifits "Development of speech, movement and fine motor skills" - M .: Iris-press, 2010. (Preschool education and development).
  2. Compiled by M. Sultanova. Series "Useful tasks". For children 3-4 years old. Workbook, 2014.
  3. NOT. Vlasenko "300 outdoor games for preschoolers": a practical guide. Moscow: Iris-press, 2011.
  4. Encyclopedia of developers. – M.: Eksmo, 2012.
  5. Developing activities with children 3-4 years old / Ed. Paramonova L.A. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2011.

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?


spring fun

for children of younger groups

The phonogram of birds singing, the murmur of a stream sounds. 1

The children enter the elegantly decorated in the spring hall, examine its decoration.

(on the central wall - a smiling sun; in the distance - a railway; in the design of the hall - a forest (trees, stumps, flowers, a stream, birds)

presenter. Look, children, how beautiful it is in our hall! Just like in a real forest!

Do you hear how beautifully the birds chirp? (phonogram of bird voices)

Why is it bright and clear

Is the sun shining from heaven?

Why green leaf

Up tends here and there?

Why are there birds on the branches

Do they sing songs loudly?

Why are there animals in the forest

Is it not up to sleep now?

Because to us guys

Came back to visit...

Children. Spring!

Leading. Spring gave us warmth, so that everything around bloomed again,
So that the birds fill up loudly, so that the leaves quickly bloom.
Guys, you want to meet spring! (children's answers).

Well, let's listen, children, someone is coming to us for a holiday.

The locomotive enters the hall.

Leading. steam locomotive,
He carries everyone, he asks everyone.
I puff, I grumble
I don't want to stand still!
I knock with wheels, I turn
Sit down, I'll ride!

Leading. Where are we going?

Train. I will take you to visit Spring!

Attention! Train departs!

presenter. Let's take a seat in the wagons. We are going on a trip. (Served

horn on a pipe).
(Children get up as a “train”, imitating a train ride. They walk around the hall behind the leader in the hall). To make it more fun on the way, we will sing a song

Song "Train" music by D. Kabalevsky

Leading.Stop "Solnechnaya"

Song - call "Come out the sun"

Oh guys, look how bright the sun is shining! Do you love the sun?
Children. Yes!

Leading. The sun in spring helps to melt the snow and warm the earth. -2-

Let's sing a song about him.

Song - round dance

“The sun is warming, warming” music by Lukonina

They sat in the steam locomotive.

The song was sung.

Let's sing a song together

About spring - beauty,

which everyone likes !

Song about spring

Stop "Flower meadow"

The sun is shining

On the lawn we walk

Oh what flowers are here

Unparalleled beauty!

play with flowers

... hear the sound of rain (phonogram).

song:"RAIN" words and music by D. Kostenko
Rain, rain, don't make noise, drip-drip-drip-drip!
Asking, asking kids, drip-drip-drip-drip-drip!
That's when we go to sleep
You knock again.


Yes, what is it!

The rain never ends... (referring to a child who is reading poetry). Don't you know how the little cloud got lost?
child reads poem: "THE CLOUD IS LOST»
The grandmother-cloud is crying bitterly,
Tears do not appease:
Lost my granddaughter
Where to look for it?

Maybe the north wind
Attacked her?
Maybe spring thunder

Did you scare the cloud?

Leading. The grandmother-cloud cried, and her tears-droplets fell down, -3-

Oops, here they are...
(Our children circled,

And turned into droplets)

Guys! Look, the rain is starting. (Children, together with the leader, become in a circle)

Dance of the Droplets

Guys! And what do we do when it starts to rain? .... (children answer: “We open the umbrella.” That's right !!! We open umbrellas. And after the rain, what appears? ... (children answer: the sun) That's right! The sun appears in the sky! So, let's play Sun and rain game

presenter: Guys!!! While we were playing

the rain is over! Which means

our train is moving.

Grab your seats on the train guys.

Get your seats quickly

Train departs.

Driver, signal!

The journey continues!

(The child blows a pipe.)

Choo-choo-choo, hurry, hurry,
I breathe black smoke.
There are countless cases at the locomotive:
Day and night I spin the wheels
I don't want to rest.

Through the thickets I roll into the distance.

Train.Stop "Spring meadow".

Leading.( The soundtrack of bird voices sounds.) Look, we have arrived at a spring meadow.
A brook murmured in a ravine,
Birds flew in from the south
The sun is warming in the morning -
Came to visit us...
Children: Spring!
Do you hear how happily the birds sing, chirp? They rejoice at the arrival of spring. Here the sparrows are chirping, the magpie is chirping, but the trills of the lark are heard. Guys, how do the birds sing?

1. The sun has become again
warm the earth,
And spring is beautiful
She came to us again!

2. The birds are coming! Songs are sung
And spring flowers bloom on earth. song "What the tit sings about"

Included Spring to the music

What a miracle locomotive -
He brought guests to me!
I awaken nature
After winter blizzards and sleep
Everyone knows - year after year
Spring begins

presenter. Well, Spring, how are you?

Vesdna. I have cleaning.

presenter. What do you need a broom for?

Spring. Sweep the snow off the hill.

presenter. Why do you need streams?

Spring. Wash trash off the paths.

presenter. What are the rays for?

Spring. For cleaning too.

I'll dry the lawns

I will invite you to the round dance.

round dance

"Spring was walking along the path"

sl. And muz. M. Kartushkina

SPRING. How well you dance. How nice in the spring forest. (they hear snoring) Oh, it seems someone is sleeping. (walk on tiptoe)

Spring: Bear, what are you sleeping? Spring is here, it's time to wake up!


I fell asleep completely, it's good that they woke me up, it would be time to warm up, let's play.

Leading. The bear was walking in the forest
All the guys he was looking for
Didn't find them and got tired
Dozed off on a stump.
The children began to dance here,
They began to knock with their feet:
"Teddy bear, get up
And catch up with the kids!”


« Traps »

Bear. I'm a bear, guys, I missed you!

In winter he sucked his paw in the den,
Didn't wake up my mom

neither dad,
To work up my appetite. I invite everyone to dance!

Dance with spoons

Bear. What children are great, well, Spring and our time has come to surprise children.

SPRING. Yes, clubfoot

come on, bring a treat for our children.

(give food).

Spring. And now guys

return to kindergarten.

Leading. So we

finished our

Spring travel.
Do you like traveling children?

(children's answers).

The whistle of a train is heard and the teacher invites the children to go back to their group.

Children leave the hall to the group to the music.

Summer leisure scenario

in the 2nd junior gr.

"Locomotive from Romashkovo"

Purpose: to evoke in children an emotional response to game entertainment and a desire to participate in it; to consolidate the skills of children in stepping, walking, running at a slow pace.

Leisure course.

presenter : Summer walks through the gardens, walks, smiles,

Just like in a fairy tale, here and there all the colors change.

Children, now we have a warm season on the street, summer. And in the summer the bright sun shines, and our children love to play and have fun. Well, let's listen, someone is coming to us.

Train rides to the music .

Presenter: Steam locomotive - carrier,

He carries everyone, he carries everyone.

Train: Whoosh whoosh! - puff, puff, grumble -

I don't want to stand still! Sit down, I'll ride!

Presenter: Where are we going?

locomotive : I'll take you to meet the sun.

Game "Train"

Train: The first stop is the village of Romashkovo. A horse lives here that loves to run and jump, shall we play with it?Game "Horse"

General dance "Strong Friendship"


locomotive : No, we won't be late. Look, kids, how many poultry live here.

presenter : True, look how many birds: chicken, duck, cockerel, geese. Children, let's play a game with you. I will be your mother chicken, and you are my children chickens. And this is a cat that hunts chickens.

The game "Hen - Corydalis"

The presenter depicts a chicken, the children - chickens. One child (older) is a cat. The cat sits on a chair to the side. Hen and chickens walk around the room. The host says:

The chicken came out

With her yellow chicks,

The chicken cackles: “Ko - ko,

Don't go far.

Approaching the cat, the presenter says :

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes ...

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are chasing.

The cat opens her eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, who run away to a certain corner of the room - "home", to the mother chicken.

The host (chicken) protects the chickens by spreading her arms to the sides, and at the same time says: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens! »

When the game is repeated, the role of the cat is assigned to another child. Presenter: Let's not quarrel, but sing a song about a chicken and chickens! Round dance "Chickens" music. Filippenko.

Train: Choo-choo-choo - I'm in a hurry, there are countless cases at the locomotive

Day and night I spin the wheels. Go. (gram record) Stop! Creek ahead!

Presenter: Aren't we late?

locomotive : But we must see what a beautiful stream. How can we get through it?

The game "Go through the stream"

The leader draws two lines (a cord can be used indoors) and tells the children that this is a river; then he puts a board through it (2-3 meters long, 25-30 cm wide) - a bridge and offers: “Let's learn how to walk on the bridge! »Watching that the children only walk along the board, without bumping into each other, the host reminds them that they must walk carefully so as not to fall into the stream. Children walk along the board in one direction and in the other side 2-3 times.

locomotive : Let's go, kids, go faster. Next stop in the forest.

presenter : Aren't we going to be late to meet the sun?

Train: But we must collect flowers in the forest.

presenter : Oh, kids, look how many flowers. Let's dance with them, and then play. And let's collect them. (Two teams.)

The game "Collect the flowers" (transfer one at a time).

locomotive : Tu - that I'm waiting for you. Let's go further. So we got to the stationThe sun". Let's sing a song about the sun, otherwise it does not meet us. The song "The sun has a friend" music. Popatenko.

presenter : Well, where is the sun? Come out the sun, shine on our children.

The host shows the sun.

Presenter: Children, let's play with our sun.

Sun and rain game » General dance "Cloud"

locomotive : Children, look, I have a surprise for you.

The train treats everyone with sweets so that the children grow up faster, invites everyone to go for a walk.

Entertainment for children of the 1st junior group "Merry steam locomotive"

Educational area: cognitive, artistic and aesthetic.

Target: To create a joyful mood in children from singing songs, games, dancing. Strengthen children's knowledge about poultry.

1. Develop curiosity, activity, sociability.

2. Develop auditory attention, the ability to start and end movements to music.

1. To educate children in an emotional response to joint activities.

1. Stimulate the activity of children in singing, dance movements.

Vocabulary work: locomotive, wagons, hisses, cackles, cackles, crows.

Equipment and materials: house, toys: chicken, goose, rooster; the sun, a scarf, a disk with a recording of the voices of poultry.

Entertainment progress:

Wheels knock, knock.

I don't want to stand still.

I turn my wheels, I turn.

Sit down soon - I'll ride.

Song: "Engine" L. Razdobarin

Children enter the hall one after another to the song "Train Engine", sing along and perform movements according to the text. They stop at the chairs.

Girls and boys!

Look how much sun!

Sunny bunnies jump to us in the window.

Come out to the meadow

Let's play early.

Song-game "Sun" by E. Makshantseva

Guys, look what a beautiful house. Who lives in it?

The phonogram of the clucking of a chicken sounds.

The teacher takes out a chicken toy from the house:

I am a Corydalis at the shed ko-ko-ko.

I collect kids ko-ko-ko.

Oh, where are my chickens ko-ko-ko.

Ah, where are my boys.

The song "The chicken went out for a walk"

Host: Guys, let's play with the chicken.

The game is being held: "The Corydalis Hen flaps its wings"

The phonogram of the cackle of geese sounds.

The host takes out a goose toy from the house:

Hissing, cackling,

Wants to pinch me.

The song "Two merry geese"

Game "Geese"

Host: Geese! Geese!

Children: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Host: Do you want to eat?

Children: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Leader: Run to me!

Geese run to her, arms outstretched - wings to the sides, “pecking” grains. Then the leader shouts: Shh! Run in the field!

Sounds like a rooster crowing.

The leader takes out a cockerel from the house:

Who gets up early

singing songs loudly

won't let the kids sleep? »

Game-staging "Cockerel"

That's who lives in the house, a goose, a chicken, and a cockerel.

They are glad to meet you.

And everyone is invited to dance

Dance "Friendship" show.

Dance "Squat"

Have fun, time to go home. Take your seats on the train.

The song "Locomotive" by Z. Kamponeets.

Children leave the hall to the song.

Tasks: develop vocal, choreographic skills, imagination, independence.

Characters: Horn, Stationmaster, Engine, Dog, Boy, Girl, Passengers.

Props: watch, flower, suitcase; tree, bird's nest; lilies of the valley (bouquets)

Additional preparation:

  • Learning the song "Big Field"
  • Learning the dance "Letka-enka"
  • Learning the dance "Clouds"
  • Staging mise-en-scenes "Station", "Glade", "Stop", "Night"
  • Recording of the sound design "Steam Locomotive Whistles", "Nightingale Singing", "Sounds of the Night", "Sunrise", dances "Letka-enka", "Clouds".

The clock is ticking.

Mouthpiece: Attention (hoarsely, coughing), attention! The fast train "Vostok" leaves at 10:00.

The Blue Express departs at 10:10

The whistle of a locomotive sounds, the sound of a departing train

Stationmaster: looks at his watch, notices a thrown flower, picks it up, smells it

Mouthpiece: The train from Romashkovo (passengers run out) arrives and ... and again it is late. (everyone looks at the clock)

The whistle of a steam locomotive.

The dog is looking for a train.

Sounds music number 4

Glade. The locomotive runs through the clearing, returns the chick to the nest .. The dog barks. The train is going to the station.

Engine: (lowering her eyes, quietly) I won't…

Mouthpiece: The train from Romashkovo will no longer be late!

Engine: I'll try very, very hard.

The introduction to the song "The Field is Big" sounds.

All passengers sit down, go, sing a song.

1. The field is large, green forest.

How many ways and roads in the spring.

It's good in the world, the sun shine!

Wish us, wind, a good journey

good, good, good way

The very best way.

2. Everything is interesting, no matter what you look at.

A friendly song is ringing over the world

Stop in a clearing, the Engine sniffs lilies of the valley, collects a bouquet, dances with him.

Boy: (angrily) Disgrace... What an outrage, we'll be late for the station!

Engine: Yes, well, so what ... (dreamy) If we don't see the first lilies of the valley, we'll be late for the whole spring!

Girl: (dreamy) Yes... for the whole spring!

Children tear lilies of the valley, dance round dance

Sounds music "Round dance"

Sounds like "Bird is singing"

Passengers are coming with bouquets… Stop. Everyone runs out.

Passenger 1: Who is there?

Passenger 2: There he is!

Train: Quiet, quiet!

Boy: (angrily) What is it? We're really late!

Engine: (dreamy) Yes, but if we don't hear the first nightingale, we'll be late for the whole summer!

Dance of children "Letka-enka".

Sounds music "Night".

They go, flowers in their hands, they sleep. Stop.

Passenger 1: Who is there?

Boy: (with interest) Why are we standing now?

Engine: Dawn! Every sunrise is unique in life!

Sounds music Dance "Clouds".


Locomotive whistle - everyone turns around.

Train: It's time to go! We are going to be late.

Boy: (instructive, joyful) Yes, but if we do not see the dawn, we will be late for life!

Everyone sings the song "The field is big ..."

Stationmaster: They sing again. So, the Engine has met something interesting!