True friendship arguments from the literature of the exam. OGE: arguments for the essay “What is friendship

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Friendship is one of great feelings, it stands next to love, respect and honor. True friends save us when we are in trouble, rejoice in our victories and help us in difficult situations.

The problem of friendship and its significance in life is well covered in literature, many writers and poets have discussed this topic.
Recall the novel by I.A. and Oblomov. The boring, pessimistic and monotonous hero of the novel - Ilya Ilyin Oblomov lived his life completely aimlessly, having no desire to improve himself or even have fun. But he had a friend Stolz - an educated, intelligent and decent person who tried with all his might to pull his friend out of his meaningless existence. Stolz was a true friend for Oblomov, he experienced Ilya Ilyich as well as for himself. But, unfortunately, Oblomov's life did not depend 100% on Stolz, which is why a friend could not completely change his life. After the death of Oblomov, Stolz took his son to him, and this is what real friends do. Relationships are made in friendship. Friendship is a strong feeling that makes a person better. The strong nature of Andrei Stolz tried with all his might to change the difficult nature of Ilya Oblomov. He tried with all his might to "move" Oblomov off the dead center and push him to some kind of activity. But Ilya Ilyich could not adequately respond to Stolz's friendly concern. Nevertheless, the actions of Andrei Stolz are worthy of respect.
Friendship - real and devoted is rare. Often we become witnesses of false friendship, for example, when the relationship is based on the subordination of one person to another. We can observe a similar situation in I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”. Arkady Kirsanov did not have a strong character and established convictions. His friend Yevgeny Bazarov is the opposite. The friendship of young people lasted as long as Arkady agreed with everything with Eugene and supported his convictions. After arriving at the parental home, Arkady went over to the side of his father and uncle, thereby losing a friend. We see that friendship was unequal, and people like Arkady Kirsanov can be "friends" with absolutely everyone. But will this relationship be called true friendship?!
Finding a true friend in life is a great happiness. Everyone who has a friend is an incredibly rich person. After all, friendly support and advice is indispensable. As it was said in the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba": "There is no holier than the bonds of partnership."

This is the one who is ready to do everything for his comrade, who will never deceive and will always support in a difficult situation. A friend is someone to whom you can entrust the most intimate. Friends are always honest with each other. They will not flatter a comrade in the eye or slander him behind his back in order to get any benefit. You can always get good and honest advice from a friend. But can it happen that a friend becomes an enemy? Can true friendship turn into enmity?

Many writers and poets addressed the theme of friendship in their works. My favorite work on this subject is the novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The protagonist of the novel, Eugene, arrives in the village and meets Vladimir Lensky there. The two men quickly become friends. They were completely different, but, nevertheless, they got together and spent long evenings together.

But once a major quarrel separated them, and in a duel Onegin killed Lensky. Could it be that an ode to a quarrel made friends enemies, or was Eugene and Vladimir never really friends? I believe that their friendship was not sincere, at least on Onegin's part. He was simply bored in the village, and he found himself a friend and interlocutor with whom he could kill time. I do not think that their friendship turned into enmity, because there was no friendship as such from the very beginning.

Another work describing friendship is Goncharov's novel Oblomov. Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolz - the main characters of the novel - have been friends since childhood. Despite the fact that for a long time they did not have the opportunity to communicate, the friends did not lose warm feelings for each other and continued to communicate after several years of separation.

Stolz, like a true friend, tried to help Oblomov cope with his pernicious lifestyle, become more active. Despite the fact that his attempts were unsuccessful, he did not abandon his friend and until the last days tried to help him with everything that was in his power. I believe that the friendship of Andrei Stolz and Ilya Oblomov is a real strong friendship that simply cannot turn into enmity. There were quite a few difficulties in communicating between these two men, but they did not stop being friends.

The above literary examples prove that true friendship, no matter how difficult the trials and quarrels between people, cannot develop into enmity. True friends will always find the strength to forgive or ask for forgiveness from each other. Friendship helps people overcome any difficulties. And if friends suddenly become enemies, it is worth considering whether they were friends at all.

Two random arguments on the topic "Friendship" to the exam:

1) When distrust appears, friendship disappears, because real friendship is based on sincerity, devotion and the ability to sacrifice something. for the sake of your soul mate. In Russian literature, an ambiguous assessment of male friendship is often given. So, in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" Pechorin, skeptical of people, loved to experiment on human feelings. Grushnitsky became his next victim. Pechorin meanly seduced Princess Mary, who was sweet to his friend, and Pechorin's heart did not even flinch when he shot at Grushnitsky in a duel. Thus, true friendship was alien to Pechorin.

2) Aristotle, exalting such a concept as human friendship, said that a friend is one soul living in two bodies. So is the hero of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov Pechorin lived with Maxim Maksimovich soul to soul until he left him. From the first days of their acquaintance, Pechorin became close to Maxim Maksimovich. With the advent of Gregory, the life of a good staff captain became brighter, more interesting: they went hunting together, talked a lot about life, in a word, enjoyed such a mutual feeling as friendly love. However, Pechorin, being by nature an egoist and a loner, left his old friend, because such heroes as Pechorin are alien to the concept of true friendship.

Usage example

For example, at the exam you got a text by D. Granin on the topic of honor. Using our service "Ready-made arguments for writing on the exam", you get the following two arguments * :

1) As you know, A. S. Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet "a slave of honor." The quarrel, the cause of which was the offended honor of A. Pushkin, led to the death of the greatest writer. However, Alexander Sergeevich retained his honor and good name in the memory of people.

2) The hero with high moral character is Petrusha Grinev, a character in A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". Peter did not tarnish his honor even in those cases when it was possible to pay for it with his head. He was a man of high morals worthy of respect and pride. He could not leave Shvabrin's slander on Masha unpunished, so he challenged him to a duel.
Shvabrin is the complete opposite of Grinev: he is a person for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked over the heads of others, stepping over himself for the sake of his momentary desires. Popular rumor says: "take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." Once having tarnished honor, you are unlikely to ever be able to restore your good name.

As a result, most of your essay has already been written: 150 words (arguments) out of 200 (the full length of the answer required for the exam).

* The choice of arguments for a given topic is made automatically, with each new time you get a new pair of arguments.

The article will present materials for the successful passing of the exam in the Russian language. The theme of the text is "the problem of friendship". Graduates need not just write an essay about it. An important component in the presentation of material are arguments.

USE. friendship problem

In many book sources, as in everyday life, there are relevant topics. Their topicality does not depend on the place, time interval and what is happening. Friendship is one of the eternally relevant issues. What does she represent? What is its need? At the Russian language exam, a graduate, when writing an essay on the topic under consideration, must bring arguments to the problem of friendship. He needs to fully cover the topic, using examples from the works of writers and poets.

The problem of love and friendship. Arguments and information relevant to adolescence

Adolescence is characterized by changes in the development and development of friendship and love feelings. The degree of age differentiation is the subjective experiences associated with these emotions, and how they develop. The discovery and cognition of one's spiritual world are one of the main achievements of the early child. The child realizes reality in only one way. They are the outer world around them, into which they can project their own dreams and fantasies. Most often, awareness and acceptance of one's own "I" is accompanied by such phenomena as vague anxiety and a feeling of emptiness inside. It needs to be filled with something.

This is also due to the emergence of new needs for communication and the growth of the intelligibility of a teenager. He feels a strong need for silence, solitude, silence. All this is required in order to isolate oneself from many everyday fuss and hear one's inner voice. In adolescence, a significant place is occupied by the processes of personal and intimate communication, as well as trusting and empathizing. The structure of adolescent relationships is built on the basis of trust and openness. This is also due to the acute need for love and friendship. It is one of the manifestations of growing up.

Features of awakening the senses

Most people want to experience love and live for it. Sometimes some even die. Many, if asked why they get together with someone, can substantiate their answer. Such a phenomenon as love includes elements of friendship. However, it implies a greater degree of intimacy in the relationship. Love is interpreted as a high emotionally positive attitude of a person to an object distinguished from the rest. The latter is at the center of his interests and needs.

Modern realities

The problem of true friendship is now widely discussed. The arguments are mainly about increased social mobility. The rhythm of life has noticeably accelerated, respectively, the circle of acquaintances is significantly expanding. Modern relations of young people are characterized by extensiveness and superficiality. Arguments on the problem of friendship and its modern manifestation can be very different. For example, in a broad sense, it is supplanted by a friendly level of relationships that are based only on a circle of common interests. Nevertheless, friendship has always remained one of the highest. The psychological aspects of youthful relationships as real elements or ideals are characterized by great stability. They take place in various cultural and social environments.

Characteristic differences

There is never the same friendship between different people. There are always gender, age and typological differences. Interpersonal relationships and age attachment in particular are characterized by intimacy and stability, as well as a level of selectivity. Arguments in the problem of friendship have psychological roots. This is due to the increased need for intimate communication. The transition from childhood to adolescence and then to adolescence is accompanied by an increase in the depth of all these phenomena. Close attention is paid to typical and individual characteristics, and the problem of true friendship is also studied. The arguments presented are weak. This is due to the depth and exclusivity of friendly feelings. One of the most important factors are temperament and character traits. It is much easier to open up to the rest of the impulsive personalities. This makes it easier to form friendships, since such behavior is much more likely to cause a positive emotional response.

Exceptional Attachment Features

A person cannot exist alone and be isolated from everyone. These phenomena are simply unnatural. In order not to feel lonely and lead a full life, any individual needs to feel the love of other people, their respect. He wants to be needed by someone. No less important is the knowledge that in a difficult situation, the help and support of comrades will not be long in coming.

There are various arguments to the problem of friendship, honest and sincere. To acquire it, you should choose people who are close in terms of intelligence, spirit and other personal qualities. However, above all, this person must be sincere in communication.

Vision of the classics

The problem of friendship is very clearly revealed in the works of great writers and poets. Arguments from the literature can be found very different. Thus, relationships with peers in the lyceum had a huge impact on the life and work of the great Russian poet - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. For example, I. Pushchin and V. Kuchelbecker were such friends for him. A. S. Pushkin wrote a whole series of masterpieces, which was dedicated to his dear comrades. In his famous novel "Eugene Onegin" the poet reflects on the essence of friendship. It is revealed in the relationship between Lensky and the protagonist of the work. Their example serves as a warning against committing frivolous and selfish actions that can not only break friendship, but also take someone's life.

Contemporary works

In many sources, the problem of friendship is widely and in detail covered. Arguments from literature can be made based not only on classical works. This theme is revealed in the works of modern writers and poets. So, in the story "My first friend, my priceless friend" tells about his childhood friend. He had a strong influence on the author. In his work, the writer presented interesting reflections on imaginary and real friendship. The author seeks to convey to the reader the idea that it is not a formal manifestation of mutual sympathy. This feeling is much deeper than vows and joint walks arm in arm. Friendship is the closeness of the soul and common interests. She is something more valuable and expensive.

Nathan Eidelman, "Beautiful is our union" (ch. XII)

This episode can also be used as arguments on the problem of friendship. In moments of sadness and sadness, the hero writes a letter to his relative Grigory Glinka, a teacher and scientist, who is the husband of his older sister. The message says that Wilhelm was tired of studying, lyceum and the lack of classes that would be to his liking. In a response letter, the relative sympathized with him, recommended that he devote more time to the sciences and at the same time instructed him. Grigory Glinka believed that it was too early to start looking for friends, while he himself was not yet ripe for this feeling. In youth, it is extremely important to pay a lot of attention exclusively to study, since there will be no other time for this, except for the "golden time". The main thing is not to go astray and not to miss the future place in society.

You don't have to be constantly depressed. Youthful time is in no way combined with sad facial expressions and a bad mood. If you constantly look at the world around you from a pessimistic side, you can remain unhappy for the rest of your life for no apparent reason. As a result, only the person himself can determine the boundaries of his own happiness, or vice versa. In general, Küchelbecker agreed with the reasoning of his relative. Wilhelm believed that in a difficult moment, friends would definitely come to his aid, and he would be grateful to them for this.

Reflections of I. A. Ilyin

In the work of the famous Russian writer, philosopher and publicist I. A. Ilyin, entitled "The Singing Heart", one can also find the necessary arguments. The problem of true friendship is revealed in sufficient detail. It was and remains relevant regardless of time. As long as humanity exists, it will wonder what this feeling really is.

I. A. Ilyin distinguishes several types of friendship. For example, those of its types that are associated with patronage, flattery or drinking companionship. In the chapter "On Friendship" the problem of true friendship is fully disclosed. Arguments can be found in the position of the author himself. Ilyin believes that sincerity is one of the highest human qualities. He is even of the opinion that the current younger generation is simply not capable of manifesting it. Many people think that they are with someone, but in fact they are mistaken. Sincerely, only small children can do this. At the same time, there is practically no adult friendship. In this chapter, the author gives a detailed explanation of just such a point of view on this issue.

Some of the most revealing classics

In such texts, it is easier to select good arguments. The problem of friendship is familiar to many. A striking example is the novel "Fathers and Sons". It represents the friendship of people with completely different characters. Also, a well of reflections on this topic is the work of Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, which will be discussed in detail later.

Roman "Oblomov"

This book contains valid arguments. The problem of friendship is consecrated here on the example of the behavior of the main characters. Can such relationships exist between completely different people? How long will they last? Goncharov reflects on these questions and tries to answer them. This topic is revealed by the author through the relationship between Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. Some critics define them as completely opposite characters. Nevertheless, there is an opinion that these two heroes complement each other. Oblomov acts as an open and naive nature. At the same time, the essence of Stolz is in purposefulness and determination. However, he does not manage to lure a lazy friend with his lively interests. If not for him, then Oblomov would hardly have gone anywhere at all. In addition, it was Andrei Ivanovich who instructed Olga to look after Ilya Ilyich. The combination of all these actions is a manifestation of true friendship.

The story of A. Laptev "It happened on May 28 ..."

In the story of this author, you can also draw various arguments. The problem of friendship between boys, who in childhood became practically brothers for each other, is revealed on the example of a real life case. For each of them, the degree of significance of these feelings was different. One thought it was just child's play. At the same time, the other perceived it as true male friendship. With a heavy heart, the author tells about the treacherous act of one of the heroes. A friend abandoned a comrade at a difficult moment for him. The writer is of the opinion that true friendship is not characteristic of all people.

A. Laptev believes that some individuals will be faithful to their comrades to the very end, while others easily betray and instantly forget about the promises made.

The story "Grey", Y. Korotkov

In this work, you can also find relevant arguments. The problem of friendship and mutual assistance of strangers to each other is very brightly consecrated by the text. Two guys were serving in the army. They didn't really get along with each other. However, in extreme conditions, Alexander saved Oleg at the cost of his own life. The young man survived. But all the remaining time he was accompanied by the obligation to continue to live for two.

N. Tatarintsev's story about 11th grade students

It tells about the sincere friendship of two boys. The whole class decided to run away from the lesson. One of them was forced to stay because his mother had just recovered from a serious illness, and he did not want to disturb her again. His close friend immediately understands the reasons for such an act and decides to stay with him. This is a manifestation of true friendship of people who are faithful

Do you agree with the statement of Shota Rustaveli: “Of the enemies, the enemy who pretends to be a friend is the most dangerous”?

Better an open enemy
than a cunning friend.
G. Senkevich

What is a friend? And who is the enemy? Why is it that the most dangerous enemy can be considered the one who pretends to be your friend? It is these questions that I would like to reflect on in my essay.

A friend is the person who will come to your aid without unnecessary words and thought, who will tell the truth to your face, condemn your bad deed and never betray you. And with our enemies, we develop absolutely opposite relationships, which are based on distrust, hostility and hatred. I agree with the statement of Shota Rustaveli that "of all the enemies, the enemy who pretends to be a friend is the most dangerous." After all, from that person who called himself a friend, entered into trust, we do not expect a stab in the back. The fake one will play his role, and then at one moment he can take and put the bandwagon, betray. The correctness of my judgments can be confirmed by examples from the literature. After all, many writers and poets in their work discussed the problem of true and false friendship.

Let us recall the work of the remarkable Dagestan poet Rasul Gamzatov "Former Friend". The author in his poem recalls that he once had a friend whom he completely trusted, considered “almost his brother”, shared his sadness with him, talked about his enemies. The hero could not even think that the one whom he considered his friend would turn out to be deceitful and vile. Smiling at him and saying "kind words", the former friend "set traps" and dreamed of quarreling with friends. The author scolds himself for his naivete and innocence, for his trust. “There was a friend - and no. I will console myself. It doesn’t matter, ”he says, meaning that the worst thing for him is not the loss of a friend, but the fact that now the poet will doubt every person and see him as an enemy. I think that only a person who knew well, as Lermontov wrote, "the lies of friends and the slander of enemies" could write such poignant lines. In my opinion, Rasul Gamzatov's poem is the best proof of the truth of Rustaveli's statement.

As another example, the work of the great Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" can serve. Pyotr Grinev, the protagonist of the story, did not immediately recognize the true face of Shvabrin, at first he trusted him. Both of them are young, come from the nobility. They have similar interests, and they communicate closely. On behalf of Grinev, the author reports that they saw each other with Shvabrin every day. Their imaginary friendship continued until Grinev confesses to Shvabrin his feelings for Masha Mironova. It is at this moment that Shvabrin begins to show his selfish and petty soul. He, having heard Grinev's confession, slandered Masha. When the rebels captured the fortress, he immediately goes over to their side. Aleksey Shvabrin thinks only of himself, in the words of Pugachev himself, "at the first failure ... they will redeem their neck with my head." So, the author shows us that a person who betrayed once will easily betray a second time.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the most dangerous enemy is the one who acts stealthily, strikes in the back, and this person may turn out to be a “friend”. It is very important to be able to choose friends, and if you have found them, then you need to cherish these relationships and cherish them.