How to get pregnant quickly and what to do if it doesn't work. Psychology of infertility: why healthy couples fail to have children Which clinic to contact in case of problems with conceiving a child


Hello, Ninel Evgenievna. To be honest... I don't know where to start... I'm 31 years old, married for seven and a half years. I never thought that I would face the problem of infertility... They started planning the pregnancy a little before marriage (since January 2007), and before that they met for another 3 years. When, a year later, it didn’t work out, I went to the local clinic, they checked me, they said it was necessary to start with me ... However, the tests were all normal. The result is 0. Later, my husband and I went to the regional hospital, where we were checked for compatibility, hormones, and me for tube patency ... in general, they probably passed the whole spectrum. Ovulation and follicles, all right. There was no pregnancy. The miracle happened in November 2011. But... I didn't even have time to believe it... I had an early miscarriage.... it was a shock! And then, then again, tests, it is not clear what the treatment is for and why ... Pregnancy did not come again ... 4 years passed. I don't know how to describe my condition... I have fluctuations from confidence that everything will be fine... to complete apathy and depression. Relations with my husband are going wrong ... He is on his own, I am on my own ... His character is rather complicated, but before that I somehow coped and looked for compromises. Now I'm so tired ... I don't know if it's worth keeping the family ... if you can call it that .. Everyone advises to "let go" of the problem with pregnancy ... I try ... but I can't, to be honest with myself. Some time ago I thought that I would go crazy ... after talking with families with children, I came home, shedding tears ... Now I have become more adequate, in this respect ... but still very hard. Everything is fine at work. But the meaning of life, including family life, is lost... No one can tell us what the reason is... infertility of unknown origin... I am morally exhausted...

Hello. I am flattered by your personal appeal to me. But I don't know yet how I can participate in the situation. You describe your experiences, and I have an emotional response to your letter, and a professional one ... But it seems that there is no place for it - there is no specific question from you, there is no indication of what you expect from a meeting with me. You seem to have a desire, an impulse to meet, to contact, but it doesn’t happen to meet, get something, you don’t show how you can stay next to you ... What has a place and what doesn’t, what are you waiting for , and what they are not ready to accept .... Perhaps, with motherhood, you still can’t meet with you, until some place has been determined, except for the pain and disappointments associated with this? Maybe now it makes sense to relate to this non-meeting somehow, to feel yourself in it, to find your desire and fears that it stumbles upon in moving towards realization? And how could you share your experiences with others, with me? With care and respect. Ninel. 8-916-662-32-57 Skype ninelrofeeva


Thanks for the answer. You're probably right, I'm really a bit confused... I just wanted to speak out and hear an independent opinion. The essence of my problem, apparently, is not only in the absence of children, but also in real thoughts about the viability of my relationship with my husband. I'm on the verge ... But rather one pulls the other. It seems to me that if we had children, then the relationship would be full, and we are so different, it’s amazing that we have been together for so many years, because nothing forces us to keep the marriage, neither joint children, nor financial dependence .. except my fear of possible unknown. In fairness, I must say that we value each other. I think my husband and the thought does not come about the break. And I started thinking about it more and more. Can start life from a new leaf. It is difficult for me with him, but can I do without him?

As we all know, I think, pregnancy occurs when a woman ovulates.

The reality, in our time, is such that a man's high-quality sperm and correctly calculated ovulation time are not yet a guarantee of the rapid onset of such a desired pregnancy. There are nuances, as always, and they must also be taken into account.

It is probably worth mentioning that each woman is individual, and the reasons that affect the ability to get pregnant are different for each.

However, if you cannot get pregnant quickly You can use our tips and try them for yourself. Who knows, maybe this is what you need!

Pass a medical examination

Before starting "official" attempts to conceive a child, undergo a medical examination in order to rule out any medical reasons. Also, be sure to ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins, which will be useful for both mother and unborn baby, as well as reduce the risk of malformations. It is best to start taking prenatal vitamins a few months before you start trying to conceive.

Try to eliminate stress from your life

Stress is one of the leading causes that can prevent pregnancy. Even completely healthy couples amid stress and increased nervousness and fatigue can't get pregnant fast.

If you want to get pregnant quickly, then you need to learn how to relax. There are many ways to relax and relieve stress. A hot bath with aromatic oils will help you, ask your loved one to give you a massage, and simple walks in the park or shopping will have a good anti-stress effect.

Say "No!" bad habits

Smoking...women with this addiction are less likely to get pregnant quickly. The reason is that all the eggs that a woman “produces” in her life are laid during the development of a girl in the womb, new eggs do not appear during her life. That is, all harmful and toxic substances that enter the body of a smoking woman partially settle in the eggs and can cause inability to fertilize or the occurrence of pathologies in the unborn child.

Nicotine and tar from cigarettes are also deposited in the liver, which undoubtedly weakens its function, but it cleanses the body and cleanses the blood. Due to the harmful effects of smoking, the liver begins to work more intensively and produces an excess of androgen hormones, a high level of which prevents the onset of ovulation.

Smoking also reduces the level of the hormone estradiol in a woman's blood, which also reduces the chances of getting pregnant quickly.

Men who smoke have fewer sperm and are less active.

Excess caffeine also negatively affects the ability to conceive, so it is better to exclude coffee from your diet if you are not able to get pregnant quickly.

Try to eat right

It's probably no secret to anyone. Hippocrates also said: “You are what you eat!” And it doesn't make sense.

To increase the chances of getting pregnant quickly, a woman needs to maintain a proper, healthy and nutritious diet. You need a large amount of vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which will affect not only the ability to quickly become pregnant, but also the general condition in general. Bread, cereals and vegetable oils are also needed, in which there is a lot of folic acid and vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the reproductive function of both partners.

Special positions for quick conception

Don't waste time looking for life-saving and magical positions that will help you get pregnant quickly. There is no scientific evidence that one position has a higher rate of conception than another.

Do not overdo it

Constantly having sex in an attempt to get pregnant will not increase your chances of conceiving.

With frequent ejaculation, the value of male sperm decreases, there are fewer sperm in it, and, accordingly, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced.

Generally, having sex every night when you ovulate doubles your chances, as sperm can remain active for up to 72 hours. But, if you like to have sex more often, then the sperm simply will not have time to recover.

Stick to your cycle

Every woman should know her cycle and favorable days for the possible conception of a child. Ovulation is the optimal time for fertilization. This is the best time to focus on conception. You can also use special tests to determine ovulation, there are now a great many of them and they are not at all expensive.

If your cycle is normal, then ovulation should be around the middle of the cycle. Therefore, calculate the middle, take a supply of a couple of days back and forth and get started!

In women with a normal 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs around day 14, but there are also individual differences, so there is still no 100% guarantee.

Stabilize your weight

Women who are too thin or too fat can often have problems conceiving and fail to conceive quickly. These problems arise, of course, not because of the excess weight itself, but because of hormonal failure, which occurs due to excess or insufficient weight.

However, this does not mean that you need to urgently rush to look for a diet for weight loss, or vice versa, start eating off, you need to approach this problem from the other side, and a diet can only do harm.

To begin with, if your weight is very different from the norm, visit an endocrinologist. By the way, women whose weight is constant (and its size is not important) can become pregnant much faster than women whose weight is constantly changing.

Men also need to think about weight: with constant fluctuations in weight, fewer sperm are produced and they are less active.

Limit your medication

And especially antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines (for allergies), they interfere with the maturation of the egg.

Antibiotics have a negative effect on the liver, and violations of its work prevent pregnancy. Antihistamines often prevent ovulation from occurring.

Do not use lubricants during intercourse, they create a sperm-killing environment. Some recommend using egg white instead of lubrication - in no case! There can be so many pathogenic microorganisms in the protein that treatment for them will only prevent you from getting pregnant quickly.

Trying to answer this question, many infertile couples besiege the offices of urologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists. And they do not suspect that the source of their troubles is sometimes not health problems, but ... wrong psychological attitudes.

In what situations can psychological infertility occur? And how do you get pregnant?

Word to our expert - sexologist, psychotherapist, member of the Psychotherapeutic League, doctor of the highest category Elena Aladina.

I want but I can not

Often, when young people get married, one of them wants to have a child, and the other does not. But in order to save the marriage, the "refusenik" says: "Yes, yes, I want a child!" Formally agrees, but in fact does not want to become a parent. And conception does not occur.

What to do: Admit to yourself what you really want: to give the world a new life, or to postpone the decision of this issue for a while. And then discuss the same with your other half.

It would be nice, but...

Another reason why healthy people cannot have a baby is lack of motivation. At the same time, both spouses seem to sincerely want to have children, love each other, want the family to be complete, real. But due to the fact that there are always some other interests, pregnancy does not occur. Either you want to go on vacation in the summer, or you want to get a higher position ...

Many women are afraid of losing their physical attractiveness after giving birth. Others worry that they will drop out of social life for a while, lose their former freedom. Especially if there is no opportunity to hire a nanny.

What to do: Decide what is more important to you: a career, material well-being, a slim figure or a large friendly family and cozy gatherings at a common table in the evenings. Imagine how your life will change after the birth of a child and what it will be like if he is not born.

Communicate more with families with small children. And you will understand that many of your fears are groundless. An amazing atmosphere of love reigns around the newborn. Charge with positive emotions!


It happens that the desire to have a child becomes an overvalued idea, an end in itself. And all other tasks, hobbies, aspirations fade before this. Nothing matters anymore, nothing matters. And often women who are being treated for infertility become hostages of charts, temperature curves and do not understand that they are destroying relationships with their husbands. A man loses his human attractiveness in their eyes, and is used only as a means for conception. Few people like this.

It is not uncommon for women who are eager to give birth to join groups on the Internet, further exacerbating their problem. And, having heard enough of other people's sad stories, they fall into a deep depression.

What to do: Take a break from heavy, obsessive thoughts and just try to enjoy life, chat with friends, spend more time with your beloved husband - and pregnancy will come by itself without any calculations of schedules.

In bed with the enemy

Another reason for psychological infertility is interpersonal conflict in a couple, when one of the spouses, or maybe both, instead of sincerely exchanging their opinions, resorts to manipulation, quarrels, scandals.

Often this happens because each of us has a different family model, our own understanding of marriage, which does not always coincide with the opinion of our chosen one.

What to do: In this case, the husband and wife need to frankly express their claims to each other and reconcile. If it is difficult to figure it out on your own, you can seek help from a family psychologist.

What will people say

Sometimes the opinion of parents and friends can also become the cause of psychological infertility. “Why do you need baby diapers?! Live for yourself!" - such "well-wishers" advise.

What to do: Connect with those who support you and limit the influence and conversations of those who are negative. And, quite possibly, the desired pregnancy will not be long in coming.

-When a woman is fixated on wanting to get pregnant, she sacrifices her life, nature does not reciprocate. And everyone knows cases when a woman “let go” of her desire and suddenly became pregnant.

“I can’t get pregnant, although there are no health problems” - more and more modern women complain about the inability to have a child for psychological reasons. In such cases, doctors shrug their shoulders: from the point of view of physiology, everything is in order with the woman, but for some reason pregnancy does not occur. The author Daily Baby, together with experienced specialists, figured out what psychological infertility is, who is susceptible to it and how to deal with it.

Psychological infertility is not a myth

In order to conceive and endure a baby, physical health alone is not enough. It is important that future parents deal with their psychological problems and be ready for a new stage in life. What does it mean?

Imagine: a couple dreams of a child. Within a few months, young people take tests, go to doctors and prepare to become parents. Experts issue a verdict: you are perfectly healthy and can have children. However, weeks, months, maybe even years pass, and pregnancy does not occur. From a medical point of view, a couple is considered infertile if they do not have a child within a year of regular unprotected intercourse.

So what's the deal if both partners are physically healthy? Having learned such a couple closer, you can see: the girl is terribly afraid of childbirth and the very fact of the appearance of a new person in herself. A man can worry about finances - he doesn’t get much, but you still have to pay a loan for a car. Both sincerely want a child, but somewhere deep inside they put blocks: “we can’t do it”, “it’s not time yet, we have too many problems” and “I’m afraid”.

Oksana Naumova, a clinical psychologist with a specialization in systemic psychosomatic therapy RECALL HEALING, a 2nd stage Gestalt therapist (specialization in Trauma Therapy in the Gestalt Approach), comments.

- Infertility is a complex of various psychological and physiological factors that lead to a violation in human reproduction. When, against the background of physiological health, a couple cannot conceive and bear a child, they talk about a possible psychological reason.

Infertility is both male and female. It can be caused by internal contradictions regarding the birth of children, conflicts with parents, partners, age crises, the desire to build a career.

The birth of children can interfere with such plans. The high level of infantilism of future parents, various fears become a serious obstacle to the realization of the dream of becoming parents.

A symptom is always a consequence, it is necessary to clarify what it comes from, what precedes it.

Perinatal psychologist, doula and mother of four children Yulia Plotnikova also believes that infertility often has a psychological basis.

- A self-sufficient, beloved and loving person, who has been surrounded by care and attention since childhood, has less risk of psychological infertility. If from childhood there were some problems in the family, upbringing, relationships with others, there is a possibility of difficulties with conception. Very often, a woman of childbearing age, healthy and full of strength, is simply not mentally ready for motherhood. Her parents, husband, society put pressure on her: she needs to give birth. And she doesn't seem to mind, but it doesn't work. Nature is amazingly smart. The body feels: something is not right, there is some danger from the outside, this is not the time to get pregnant. These clamps need to be removed by visiting not a gynecologist, but a psychologist or even a psychotherapist, Yulia explains.

By the way, some psychologists prefer not to use the word "infertility". They replace it with the term "unfulfilled desire to have a child." After all, psychological infertility is quite easy to treat, so this diagnosis is temporary and implies that the couple cannot yet conceive a baby.

Some experts are sure that infertility has a psychosomatic nature. The inability to conceive a child is seen in this case as a reaction to a psychological or emotional conflict.

- As long as the problem does not go beyond the scope of psychology, a person does not get sick. But as soon as it passes into the category of physiology, the brain transfers the conflict to the body, and the disease begins to develop. Many illnesses are nothing more than a biological interaction between the part of the brain that controls the problematic organ and that organ itself, which contains the biological conflict. There is a theory that there are no accidents in life. Psychological infertility often signals unpreparedness for the appearance of a baby. The body, as it were, gives people time to rethink their life priorities and realize: are we ready to become parents?

It also happens that a couple despairs of becoming pregnant and adopts a child. And after some time, the couple give birth to a joint baby. This is neither an accident nor a pattern. After all, the reasons stored inside each of the couple are resolved in due time or not resolved, says Oksana Naumova.

Why doesn't it work?

There are many psychological causes of infertility. Here are just some of them:

  • fear of responsibility and unwillingness to change your life because of the baby,
  • fear of childbirth
  • lack of trust in a partner
  • subconscious fear of spoiling the figure, getting stretch marks and tears,
  • financial trouble and, as a result, uncertainty about the future,
  • lack of confidence that you can become a good parent for your child,
  • psychological immaturity: “I am still a child myself, what kind of children do I have”,
  • pressure from others: everyone is forcing me to grow up and have an heir. The body includes protection: in principle I will not follow the lead of “everyone”.

- Each person is the keeper of all or part of the family history, what he heard, saw, experienced.

Everyone is faced with numerous family, social and mental phenomena and processes, trying to find integrity with the appearance of meaning in their existence. “I don’t want to be who I am”: this situation can be the cause of infertility, when a woman unconsciously tries to prevent the appearance of offspring in order to interrupt the lineage, of which she is ashamed. Another psychosomatic aspect of infertility may be the following: "not being the way your parents want you to be." This is such an unconscious protest against parents, says psychologist Oksana Naumova.

According to Oksana, civil marriage can become the cause of infertility, because any woman needs stability and security. And the birth of a child in an unsafe environment is a serious stress for the expectant mother.

- The events of the surrounding world in which a woman is located can affect the functioning of her reproductive system.

The phenomenon of wartime amenorrhea is known, when women did not have menstruation. The female body received a command: “not the time for conception” and stopped working as nature tells it to. Nothing seems to threaten the woman and the descendant, and the “on” button is not pressed.

In peacetime, women feel no less danger and unconsciously do not allow themselves to become pregnant, for example, during an economic crisis. Especially if a woman has financial difficulties, - explains the psychologist.

Often a woman has a fear of pain, a fear of dying during childbirth or losing a baby. This can be especially acute if such cases have already been in the family.

- The unconscious feeling that motherhood is grief can contribute to an internal rejection of it.

There are cultures in which the birth of boys is welcomed and the attitude towards a woman depends on the gender of the child she gave birth to. Unconscious fear of becoming pregnant with a girl can suppress reproduction. Religious attitudes also influence the realization of the maternal sphere. Women are emotional creatures, they clearly feel the attitude towards themselves in society and realize this through their reproductive behavior. One of the important components of the psychological factors of infertility is the motivational conflict in the psyche of a woman. She does everything to get pregnant, while there is no place for the child in her outer and inner spaces. Often it is important for a woman not to lose face, she asks herself the question: can I become a good mother? This is very unnerving for the expectant mother. Anxiety, fear - all this negatively affects the ability to get pregnant, - explains Oksana Naumova.

Julia Plotnikova is sure: it is important to solve psychological problems that prevent getting pregnant in time. After all, they accumulate and form a huge snowball, which over time is more and more difficult to cope with.

- One of the possible causes of psychological infertility is distrust of a partner. A woman either cannot choose a permanent life partner at all, or does not really trust the man who is in her life.

Many psychosomatic situations arise from this, interfering with a calm conception. Sometimes there is a vicious circle. A woman is trying to get pregnant, she doesn’t succeed right away, and fear appears: what if I don’t succeed at all. There are many questions: why does it not work? What is wrong with me? All this negatively affects reproductive function and it becomes even more difficult to get pregnant.

A woman may be afraid of a new role. What will happen when she becomes a mother? There is a fear of losing independence, freedom, status and position in society. How to deal with a child? How to survive childbirth? In what direction will my life change? There are a lot of fears. Such unconscious fears give rise to psychological clamps in the body, contribute to the production of “wrong” hormones that prevent conception. If a person subconsciously feels these fears, naturally, the body is filled with clamps and hormones that do not allow you to relax and live here and now, says Yulia.

Constant tension and the race for the result, in this case, for two stripes on the test - all this only exacerbates the situation. If a woman is obsessed with the idea of ​​getting pregnant, and all lovemaking with her husband comes down to only one thing: to conceive a baby, this can backfire. Failure leads to more fear, then the next failure happens, the fear intensifies. It turns out a snowball. Psychological infertility often arises when attempts to have a child go from quivering expectation to the category of “should” and “should”.

Do men have psychological infertility?

Psychological reasons for the inability to conceive a child in women are much more common than in men. They are more diverse and wider, but, in general, are similar.

- Men are still more often infertile physiologically. However, there are psychological reasons why a spouse may not be able to conceive a baby. A man, for example, is not afraid to give birth, but he may be afraid that his beloved woman will die during childbirth, especially if there have been such cases in the history of his family, says Oksana Naumova.

So, a man unconsciously at the right time for conception can avoid sexual contact, thereby preventing a woman from becoming pregnant.

- During meetings with a psychologist, a specialist identifies the reasons that prevent conceiving or bearing a child. It is very important to understand what exactly prevents this couple from becoming parents. Sometimes it happens that men, without realizing it and not wanting it, become the main cause of the psychological infertility of their beloved wife. Sometimes a man does not understand his wife, does not know how or does not want to support his wife at such a crucial moment in life. The indifference and detachment of the husband lead the woman to the idea that she does not want to have children. It also happens that a man subconsciously or even consciously does not want children from a particular woman or does not want to become a father at all. In this case, his body can produce antibodies that reduce the quality of sperm or sperm motility, explains Oksana Naumova.

What to do?

If during the diagnosis it turns out that from a physiological point of view, the couple is doing well, it is recommended to look for the causes of infertility at consultations with a perinatal psychologist. The specialist will reveal the true reasons for the inability to conceive a baby and help overcome fears.

- Take care of yourself, eat well, exercise, practice good sleep and rest, avoid stress. In addition to psychotherapy, other methods can be used, such as acupuncture. And be sure to work with a professional psychologist: he will help you overcome all fears and complexes, Oksana Naumova advises.

The specialist is sure: it is important to understand that a child is not only difficulties, but also a great happiness. Then the female body will “accept” the pregnancy and “agree” to bear the baby.

Psychologist Yulia Plotnikova adds: sometimes you just need to “let go” of the situation and relax as much as possible.

- As soon as a woman accepts the situation, relaxes and stops worrying about not being able to get pregnant, she succeeds. Children come at the very moment when parents are most joyful, when they are filled with calmness, peace and love. When they do not worry, but live here and now. Even physiological problems with conception can be explained in psychology. They are often associated with a woman's failure to accept her role: she is ashamed of herself, her physiology, femininity, sexuality. All these complexes and clamps must be removed, then the long-awaited pregnancy will definitely come.

  • There are no more “old-timers”, but the risk of infertility increases with age
  • Having a baby after seven circles of hell, or why I believe in miracles
  • “The first time everyone goes to the store for a gift.” Mothers' stories about the difficulties of IVF
  • "Hormones do not agree with the modern prioritization of women"
  • From egg freezing to operations: what women go to so as not to remain childless

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In childhood, many girls fantasize about how they will grow up, get married, have children. And so we learned, started working, met a person with whom we want to be together. The time has come, we thought about the children. It happens that at this point the story stops the course we have planned: pregnancy still does not occur. This gives rise to a variety of feelings, from guilt (“I did something wrong”) to anger (“why is this happening to me”).

According to statistics, in 10-20% of cases it is impossible to establish the causes of infertility: both partners are healthy, but it is still impossible to conceive. Psychologists and doctors agree that this problem can have not only medical, but also psychological reasons: physical processes are disturbed due to emotional conflict.

Most often, with reproductive difficulties, the internal conflict looks like this: a woman simultaneously wants to become a mother and is afraid of it. Most of the fears associated with the birth of a child lie in three areas.

1. Loss of independence

Nastya has been married for three years. She had a favorite job, she and her husband traveled a lot and enjoyed gathering with friends. Everything went well, except for one "but": Nastya could not get pregnant. The girl turned to a psychologist, and in the process of therapy it turned out that in her mind the child means "the end of life": the rejection of a career, travel, entertainment - everything that is dear to her. Nastya wanted to become a mother, and at the same time, the prospect of “losing herself” frightened her. Gradually, the girl was able to cope with her fears and, having completed an important project at work, she discovered that she was pregnant.

Caring for a child does require a lot of emotional and physical resources. A woman has to completely rebuild her life, and for a while she does not belong to herself. Not too long ago, I researched attitudes towards parenting among mothers of babies. When asked what is the most difficult thing in motherhood, the participants most often named the restriction of personal freedom. You need to be prepared for this restriction, but do not forget that it is temporary.

2. Relationship with husband

Masha was married for 8 years, but the couple had no children. Relations with her husband were not easy. He is a musician, he had emotional ups and downs and prolonged depression. He usually blamed his wife for his failures. Masha was responsible for a stable income. In such a situation, she could not relax and feel protected. After parting with her husband, Masha met a man who treated her with more care and attention. 2 months after the wedding, the girl became pregnant and gave birth to a son.

Stress signals the body that external conditions are not suitable for procreation.

During pregnancy and caring for a baby, a woman is extremely vulnerable, it is important for her to rely on a partner and receive support. In a situation of chronic stress, our body is maximally mobilized, and all other processes slow down.

American researchers David Barash and Samuel Wasser developed a reproductive suppression model. According to this model, stress signals the body that environmental conditions are not suitable for procreation. In response to stress, the production of sex hormones involved in the process of conception and pregnancy decreases. The authors of the model include, first of all, the psychological state of future parents as unfavorable factors, because it can prevent adults from taking care of the child.

3. Relationship with mother

Until the age of 32, Olga did not think about children, but gradually all her friends became mothers. Increasingly, seeing off another colleague on maternity leave, Olya heard jokingly: “Well, when is your turn?” The husband was ready and wanted to replenish the family. The girl thought: why not? Someday you still have to give birth, and age is running out. But I couldn't get pregnant.

In the process of psychotherapeutic work, it turned out that Olya's relationship with her mother was not easy, full of rejection and conflicts. Olga was unconsciously afraid to repeat the behavior of her own mother and did not believe that she would be able to treat the child differently. The girl managed to process her childhood experience and believe in herself. A year and a half later, she gave birth to a daughter.

Motherhood is a challenge to our adulthood and ability to love.

If the relationship with the mother is difficult, the very image of the mother becomes repulsive. We find it hard to believe that the relationship between mother and child can be warm and accepting. Psychoanalyst Dinora Pines, in her book A Woman's Unconscious Use of Her Body, writes that anger at a mother can be directed not at a real person, but at the mother in herself. Then the woman unconsciously or intentionally comes to the rejection of motherhood.

Motherhood is an amazing and challenging experience at the same time. It is a challenge to our adulthood and ability to love, a test of our relationship with a partner, and a reminder of our childhood experiences. It is important to strive for the joy of being a parent, but with acceptance to deal with difficulties. This allows you to feel more confident and take a step towards a new unknown experience.

about the author

Psychologist, psychotherapist, specializes in the psychology of pregnancy and parenthood.