How to get rid of yellowness after unsuccessful hair lightening? How to get rid of yellow hair at home

The problem of yellow hair is faced mainly by blondes. The yellow highlight in the hair is not terrible in itself. For girls who, when bleaching, want to achieve a warm shade - a tobacco, golden, brown nuance, a slight yellowness will not hurt and will give a sunny sheen.

Those blondes who initially dreamed of achieving a cold shade suffer from yellowness. They chose paints with purple, ashy or pearlescent nuances, but instead an unwanted “rust” appeared.

Before telling how to remove yellowness from hair, it is worth finding out why it occurs. There are several reasons for the appearance of an undesirable shade:

  • Poor quality hair coloring. This should include cheap dyes, non-compliance or inaccurate adherence to staining technology, the use of other chemical compositions shortly before clarification. When choosing a paint, it should be remembered that bleaching agents only kill the natural pigment, and hair dyes also paint over the hair in the desired color, neutralize the appearance of a yellow tint.
  • Lightening dark hair. The darker the natural hair color, the more difficult it is to get the perfect cold blonde on the first try. To dye your hair without yellowness, you will have to choose: either dye it several times, each time causing harm to your hair, or turn to a highly professional master.
  • Using poor quality water to wash your hair. Bleached hair is deprived not only of natural pigment, but also of natural protection, therefore, rust, iron salts and other impurities contained in running water (in a pond) penetrate the hair structure, giving it an ugly yellow tint.

Choosing products that remove yellowness from hair

You can remove yellowness from dyed hair with the help of ready-made cosmetics - shampoos, tonics, balms. Experts advise using tinted shampoos in purple, ashy, pearl or silver shades. It is better to use diluted shampoo, adding 2-3 parts of the usual shampoo with which you wash your hair to one part of the tint. It is worth using such a mixture during every third or fourth wash. With a dark shade of natural hair - more often, although it is important not to overdo it here - you can get a completely unnatural hair color.

The following products received excellent reviews:

Shampoo L "Oreal Serie Expert Silver

Shampoo Estel Professional Curex Color intense (silver)

Sheer BLONDE conditioner


Line BC Color Freeze 100% Color & Shine

At the same time, there is no ideal remedy suitable for everyone without exception. Everyone has different hair, so you need to try, seek advice from experienced hairdressers who will help you choose the right product, taking into account the structure of your hair. Moreover, there are plenty to choose from. There are a lot of cosmetic products that allow you to get white hair without yellowness.

Before you buy a ready-made remedy, you can try to get rid of the yellowness of your hair with folk methods. Among the remedies that remove the side effects of hair bleaching are honey, chamomile decoction, lemon, green tea, kefir.

Honey mask.

Honey will not only remove yellowness, but also have a caring effect. To do this, slightly warm the honey in a water bath, apply to the hair along the entire length, wrap the head with a film and a terry towel, hold for at least 3 hours, then rinse.

Lemon mask

Dilute lemon juice with vodka in the same proportions 1: 1, apply to hair, trying not to get on the scalp. Leave on hair for 30 minutes. Rinse with water without adding shampoo. Apply any moisturizing balm.

tea rinse

Brew a cup of green tea, dilute in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Rinse hair after washing. Hair acquires a noble cold shade.

A proven way to paint over the yellowness of hair after lightening

In cases where a quick and guaranteed result is needed, it is better to use not some separate tool (shampoo, conditioner, tonic), but the whole arsenal at once.

First, you need a paint that removes yellowness. It can be any brightening paint. It is important that this is not a brightening COMPOSITION, but a PAINT. The difference is that the brightening composition only kills the natural pigment, and the paint gives the desired shade. We recommend choosing a platinum or ash color paint.

Immediately after staining, we use any tint agent (balm, shampoo, tonic) of the same range as the anti-yellow paint. We apply the product in a diluted form: shampoo + tint in a ratio of 1: 1. Leave on hair for 2-3 minutes. It is not recommended to use undiluted drug. Hair will take on a blue, purple or gray tint.

Paint without yellowness works wonders, because according to the laws of color, purple shades "kill" yellow ones.

How to tint the yellowness of the hair that has appeared after highlighting?

It happens that the yellowness of the hair appears on the highlighted hair, despite the fact that this type of coloring is considered more gentle. You can remove yellowness from highlighted hair at home without resorting to salon procedures. To do this, you should buy one of the products: "Tonic" purple hue, LOreal Professionnel Silver Shampoo or Silver Estel Shampoo. Use according to instructions.

You can use folk remedies. Rub freshly squeezed cabbage juice into your hair or wash your hair with shampoo, to which light grape juice (2: 1) is added. It will not be possible to get rid of yellowness immediately, but the curls will become noticeably more well-groomed and healthier.

An article for those who are interested in a perfectly shining blond. Our task is to get snow-white hair, eye-catching and captivating with its cold shine, using proven and affordable ways. So, we offer instructions for blondes, which tells how to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing.

Traditional ways to remove yellow hair


First you need to figure out why an unattractive yellowish tint has formed. Perhaps the paint was incorrectly selected or incorrectly used. The correct remedy will help to correct the situation. Its action should be directed not only to discoloration, but also to staining in a certain shade. Paints from well-known brands do an excellent job with this task. The best choice would be a product whose color is located in platinum or ash tones. A prime example of such a paint is Recital Preference. Her color at number 9.1 is called Viking. Produced by L'Oreal. In each case, a different shade is suitable, so it is better to entrust the choice of hair dye to a good hairdresser, who will select the paint in accordance with the original and desired color, and also take into account the condition of the hair.


If you do not want to use paint, you can adjust the color with shampoos or balms with a tinting effect. It is known that in many cases there is no trace of the hated yellowness. True, it is extremely important to use the chosen tool correctly. If you overdo it with its concentration or keep the composition on your hair for too long, then the color may turn out not snow-white-ash, but bright purple or any other. Please strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of tinted shampoos and balms. Fortunately, the modern market for quality cosmetics offers a range of specially designed products. We list the most popular types of shampoos and balms.

  • Tinted shampoo from the manufacturer "Schwarzkopf" called "Bonacure". Color Freeze Silver Shampoo gives bleached hair a beautiful silver hue.
  • Shampoo "Bonacure" from the "Color Save" series, brand "Schwarzkopf". It is recommended to use shampoo together with conditioner from the same series. Such care protects dyed hair from fading, gently cleansing and moisturizing them, the color does not wash out for a long time.
  • Balm "Irida" with a pearl shade.
  • Conditioner-clarifier "John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "L "Oreal" marked "Professionnel", the name "Serie Expert Silver".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "L "Oreal" marked "Professionnel", the name "Expert Shine blonde".
  • A product from the manufacturer "Shot" called "Love Hair", labeled "reset shampoo antigiallo".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", color - pearl-ash.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", Professional series, name "Curex Color intense". The result is silver.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", designed for cold shades of blond. The name of the drug is "Otium Pearl".
  • The good old remedy "Tonic", the name of the shade is pearl-ash. It is also worth considering other colors from the purple range.
  • Mask from the manufacturer "Lush" marked "Blondie Marilyn". The effect is the elimination of yellowness and obtaining a pure blond.
How to remove yellowness after staining and lightening: treat your hair with a good tint shampoo and fix the result with a homemade mask

Folk methods for removing yellow hair

Fans of traditional medicine also know how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching, they offer alternative remedies. The methods listed below are good because they are completely safe and require meager costs. But there is a feature in the form of low efficiency and lack of versatility. That is, there is no guarantee of an excellent result of home procedures, and in each case the resulting color may differ. But do not be afraid to use home methods - in the worst case, the hair simply does not change color, but it certainly will not be damaged. In addition, masks made from natural ingredients perfectly restore and strengthen the hair structure, making it more elastic and healthy. So, let's highlight the most popular products to eliminate the yellow tint of blond hair.

Lightening hair with honey

For this mask you will need:

  • a small amount of natural honey,
  • a container for heating honey using a water bath method,
  • insulating cap made of polyethylene.

An overnight mask made from natural honey heated in a water bath gives a slight brightening effect and is good for hair. No need to do anything supernatural - just soak all your hair with warm honey, put on a plastic hat and go for a night's rest. Wash your hair in the morning.

Elimination of yellowness with tea

We need:

  • good green tea without impurities,
  • liter container with clean water.

Regularly rinse your hair with a liter of purified or boiled water, where an average cup of brewed green tea without additives is added. After tea, do not rinse your hair with water.

Onion mask

To prepare an onion mask you will need:

  • several bulbs,
  • polyethylene hat and towel,
  • container for boiling onions with water.

Cook several peeled and chopped onions in boiling mode for 10 minutes. Keep the cooled broth on the hair, provided that the head is warmed, then rinse. Exposure time - at least an hour, a maximum of one night. It is not known whether the hair will emit an onion scent after applying this mask, but some reviews claim that there is no smell.

We looked at traditional and folk methods to give hair a beautiful white and silver hue. Unfortunately, not everyone knows yet how to remove yellowness from hair after lightening, so we must actively share our recipes with familiar blondes.

After a cardinal and long transformation from a brunette to a blonde, a new obstacle lies in wait for the girls - this is the yellow color on the curls. If an unpleasant defect has already appeared, it will not work to hide it, immediate measures will be required to eliminate the problem. How and how to remove yellowness from the hair after dyeing, so as not to harm the weakened tips and achieve the desired result, as well as how to keep the perfection of the blond longer, read on.

Causes of the "straw" shade

The appearance of yellowness on clarified strands is a fairly common problem after clarification. A yellow and even a bright red defect looks ugly and spoils the respectable appearance of a newly-made blonde.

Before proceeding to the question of how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening, consider main reasons for the appearance this side effect:

  • Violation of lightening technology- to a greater extent, this item concerns dark blond and chestnut curls. The transformation from brunette to blonde involves bleaching and gradual lightening of the strands. Do not even hope to achieve a cold blond from one staining procedure - this is impossible! So, many girls are in such a hurry that they miss such subtleties, and the result is obvious: the natural pigment is not completely removed, it combines with the light pigment of the paint and a red or yellow tint is obtained, which, in fact, upsets.
  • bad paint- unwillingness or lack of opportunity to visit the master-colorist often results in additional waste. Every professional knows that cheap paints and a number of products from the mass market are not able to fulfill the desire of many brunettes to become blondes, they have a weak effect and can even ruin curls. Therefore, colorists use expensive, professional lines of cosmetics for coloring. In addition, to achieve the maximum effect, several shades and in different proportions are used, such subtleties of the matter are clearly not known to everyone, so home lightening sometimes resembles an experiment and ends with straw-yellow hair.
  • “Underexposed”, “applied to dirty hair”, “it was necessary to start from the back of the head” and other excuses are looking for homemade “beauties” when they see an undesirable effect in the mirror. Really, lack of professionalism and ability to handle paint- a sure path to grief. Before radically changing the color of your hair, contact a professional or consult with him on all possible aspects of the intended lightening.

Advice! Rinse the clarified strands only with purified, and preferably with mineral non-carbonated water. Rust and salt particles in tap water can also leave a yellow tint.

Problem Prevention Secrets

When the reasons for the appearance of an annoying shade are known, it will be much easier to prevent it. The advice of professionals will help you with this. What should you pay special attention to get the perfect hair color?

  • For those who first dared to turn into a blonde, it is recommended to postpone home coloring and turn to an experienced master;
  • The transformation procedure will have to be abandoned if less than 2 weeks have passed since the last dyeing, coloring or perm;
  • Procedures with paint after basma or henna require special care, the result of the interaction of the compounds is unpredictable;
  • You cannot immediately lighten dyed hair before this, first remove the past pigment using the washing (pickling) procedure;
  • Spend staining in this order: the back of the head, sides, the area around the face;
  • Do not save, thoroughly coat each strand with paint during clarification - the result of the procedure also depends on this;
  • The paint is washed off with clean, boiled water, not hot. Then use shampoo and balm for clarified strands;
  • Buy only high-quality products for clarification from the professional line. You need to do this in a specialized store (for professionals) or at a distributor of a cosmetic company;
  • Check the purchased paint so that its expiration date has not expired. This can not only cause unexpected shades, but also significantly damage the hair;
  • To care for bleached strands, use special balms, shampoos and conditioners, they help preserve the beauty of light shades and prevent yellowing;
  • Use homemade face masks regularly. They consist of affordable and natural ingredients, they will turn out to be a lifesaver in matters of strengthening the hair, and at the same time they can correct the shade.

Advice! Entrust the choice of brand and tone of paint to the colorist. Proven compositions will reduce the risk of unpleasant "surprises" with the final color.

Photos before and after

Ways to deal with yellow defect

How to remove yellow hair after bleaching, is of interest to most of the girls who ventured to do home coloring. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • toning;
  • re-staining;
  • the use of tonics and tint balms;
  • the use of "anti-yellow" shampoos;
  • applying home masks.

Each of these methods is good in its own way. When choosing the right option, consider one factor, the more natural the ingredients of the product used, the softer the impact will be and the less risk of ruining the already weakened tips. Let's take a closer look at how to remove yellowness from bleached hair.

Hair tinting from yellowness

Toning is a guaranteed method on how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching. Special tonic paints are used. They envelop every hair, smooth out the disheveled scales on it and fill all the voids with a tinting composition with a selected shade. After toning, the curls are obedient, silky, shine with strength and energy. Toning after clarification solves the problem with uneven color.

Estel, Schwarzkopf, Wella Color Touch and CONCEPT Profytouch professional line are very popular for toning. They gently affect the problem, help to permanently remove the yellow color and improve the condition of the hair after the clarification.

Advice! In order not to spoil the curls and achieve the desired result after one toning, seek the help of a professional.

Useful video: “I just wanted to remove the yellowness from my hair with Tonic ... and what came of it”.


Re-staining- Another way to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening with the help of a professional. This method will help achieve the desired blond, but be careful with the procedure. Re-dyeing is a stress for bleached strands, so it can be done after their active recovery for 1-2 weeks. The procedure guarantees a successful outcome, but for its implementation it is recommended to use gentle formulations, without ammonia and oxidizing agents.

Advice! Using different brands of paint may result in unexpected colors. Therefore, if you decide to change the coloring agent, be sure to consult a professional or experiment on one strand.

Tonics and tints

Tint sprays, mousses, balms- a great option to correct an unpleasant situation and not harm the hair. The modern beauty industry offers the widest range of tint products. Their task is to even out, correct the shade and not harm the curls, fill them with useful vitamins and minerals. The fact is that such products contain natural plant extracts and will be a true friend of your hair.

note, very often a mask or balm goes to tint shampoos. This is a big plus for the health of curls and color fastness, so do not neglect them, but feel free to use them in your care.

To easily remove yellowness from hair at home, you can use the following tint products:

  • Balms Tonic from Rocolor- a wide range of shades can correct the deficiency at home or in a beauty salon. The tool is easy to apply, does not violate the structure of the hair and perfectly corrects hair color;
  • Concept Anti-Yellow Balm "Arctic Blonde Effect"- carefully cares for bleached strands, instantly eliminates unpleasant "warmth" in color. The product belongs to professional cosmetics, so there may be slight difficulties with the purchase;
  • Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Color Correction Spray Conditioner- does not cause difficulties in application, softens curls and corrects the "warm" flaw. The spray is non-drying and smells good.

Advice! Be careful with tint products: many of them dry out curls. If you apply them in moderation and regularly apply nourishing, moisturizing masks, then the problem will dry up by itself.

A useful video on the use of tint products to eliminate the "yellow" problem.

Shampoos that remove yellowness of hair

A separate niche in the fight against the “warm” deficiency is occupied by “anti-yellow” or “silver” shampoos, such a shampoo is also called a hair yellowness neutralizer. Worthy cosmetic companies have studied the problem of women with a yellow tint and have invented a special remedy. Mostly the tool has a silver, blue or purple hue. This is the best option, how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching. "Anti-yellow" shampoos are easy to use and guarantee a high result in just 10 minutes.

Shampoos Concept anti yellow silver, Professional Four Reasons Silver, Schwarzkopf bonacure TrueSilver Shampoo and others will help you stay a real blonde.

Homemade natural masks

You can remove yellowness from your hair at home with improvised means. Prepare simple masks of kefir, honey, lemon, onion peel or chamomile broth. So, you will not only get rid of the problem shade, but also make up for the lack of nutrients and vitamins.

We bring to your attention one of the most popular masks to remove yellowness after unsuccessful clarification:

  1. Heat a little in the bath 200-250 g of natural honey, but always fresh and liquid, candied honey will not work.
  2. Spread the honey generously over the entire length of the strands, but do not touch the roots.
  3. Wrap your hair in plastic or foil.
  4. To create a sauna effect, wrap your head in a warm towel.
  5. Rinse your hair after 1-3 hours. With each procedure, increase the time of the honey mask.

“Being a blonde is not so easy,” say those who don’t know how to remove yellowness from curls. Listen to the advice of professionals, learn how to prevent problems and you will be the most spectacular and happy blonde.

Often, after highlighting or bleaching the hair, the strands instead of a bright white shade acquire an ugly yellowness. The reason may be the unpredictability of the chemical reaction when the dye interacts with curls.

Other factors also influence the appearance of yellowness, for example:

  • washing hair with water directly from the tap;
  • use of low-quality paint or violation of the requirements of the instructions for use;
  • gradual fading of the paint.

The yellow pigment of the strands is difficult to remove and often requires the help of professionals. Masters in hairdressing salons use special corrective agents, various shampoos, tonics and conditioners to eliminate yellowness.

However, you can achieve the desired result after bleaching your hair with the help of folk remedies. What are they and how to apply them? Let's get acquainted with the most effective of them.

9 masks to restore color

Rinses and household detergents

  • Grind well-dried rhubarb root into powder using a coffee grinder. After that, a decoction is prepared: 200 ml of wine from white grapes is taken for a full tablespoon of vegetable raw materials. It is cooked on a quiet fire. When the volume of the broth is reduced by half, it is removed from the fire. "Varevo" is filtered through gauze and used after washing the head for rinsing. The yellow is bleached.
  • Mix a glass of white grape juice with the same amount of shampoo. Wash your hair with this composition for several days in a row.
  • 200 ml of strong green tea is poured into 700 ml of hot water. This product is thoroughly rinsed with strands after washing. The yellow tint is neutralized.

Folk methods are most suitable for those who often use chemical dyes. They will help not only improve the color, but also strengthen the roots and accelerate the growth of strands. Health to you and your lush curls!

The yellow tint on the hair appears as a result of a chemical reaction resulting from the contact of the dye with the hair pigment. The intensity of yellowness depends on the individual characteristics of the original shade. To independently remove yellowness from your hair effectively and quickly, use our not tricky tips.

1. Violation of hair coloring technique.

Often yellowness occurs after stainingwhen the specialist (or yourself) did not follow all the necessary steps of the procedure. In particular, he incorrectly calculated the time required to hold the bleaching agent on the hair, which depends on the original shade of the hair. To avoid such mistakes in the future, go for coloring, highlighting, bleaching, etc. procedures. to trusted beauty salons to masters with good work experience and positive reviews.

2. Poor quality or expired products.

The yellowness of curls can also occur against the background of the use of low-quality or expired products for dyeing or lightening hair. This usually happens when the girls (women) choose such coloring products on their own and do the procedure on their own at home. In order to avoid the occurrence of yellowness on the strands in the future, trust the choice of a specialist.

3. Rinsing after lightening-coloring.

It is very important to use purified water (or mineral water without gas) for the procedure, since the salts, rust and other impurities contained in the tap water can easily penetrate into the open hair scales and react with the “paint”, causing an unpleasant yellowness, creating the effect of unkempt hair.

4. Lightening black strands.

With a cardinal change in the shade of hair (brunette to blonde), yellowness is a natural companion after the procedure. And all because the natural or original hair pigment will try to prevail over the "artificial". In this situation, to obtain a shade of blond, you will have to repeat the bleaching procedure more than once, which is fraught with damage to the hair. That is why hairdressing professionals in such cases warn the fair sex in advance about the possible consequences (brittleness, loss), often persuading them to abandon this decision, so as not to regret the results later. For those who have naturally black or very dark hair color, it is advisable to consult a specialist before the lightening procedure regarding the possibility of acquiring a shade of blond without yellowness, given your natural pigment.

How to remove unwanted yellowness from hair?

There are several proven home and "store" ways to eliminate yellowness from hair. Let me remind you that a lot depends on your initial piment. Therefore, advice that helps in one case, not the fact that it will help in another. In any case, you should not despair, try all the methods of eliminating yellowness one by one, but be sure to keep it for 2-3 days so as not to overload the hair already weakened by bleaching. If it turned out that your natural pigment is very strong and the resulting yellowness cannot be removed in any way, it remains to accept or repaint in a different color.

Silver shampoos.

Similar products are sold in specialized stores, they have a Silver Shampoo mark. The composition of such shampoos contains an active coloring pigment of a bright purple hue, due to which the yellow tint is neutralized, and the hair is given such a desired whiteness. The tool has drawbacks, in particular, if it is overexposed on the strands, a bright ash, light lilac or eggplant shade appears.

Tinted shampoos.

Shampoos and balms (tonics) of mother-of-pearl, pearl, platinum, silver tones have proven themselves well in the fight against yellowness of hair. Features of the impact and disadvantages of such products are the same as those of silver shampoos. For greater effect, they are recommended to be used in combination with regular shampoo in a ratio of 1: 2. Keep the product on the hair for no more than 3 minutes. A similar manipulation should be carried out after every 3-4 hair washes. To really get a good result and remove yellowness, it is better to use professional tint shampoos.

Video: Get rid of yellowness with a tint tonic.

Proper rinsing of the hair after the washing procedure.

After each hair wash, rinse with filtered water with the addition of rhubarb infusion (per 1 liter 2 cups of infusion (for infusion: chop a couple of washed petioles (1 tablespoon), pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist under the lid for 20 minutes, then strain)) . Rinsing can be carried out with acidified water (1 liter glass of lemon juice).

Homemade whitening hair masks against yellowness, recipes

The whitening effect of hair masks is due to the content of active substances with a brightening effect in the ingredients. Such procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a week for a duration of 40-60 minutes, then the yellowness will not bother you for a long time (unless your original pigment turns out to be stronger), and the curls will not only become the desired white shade, but will also recover after the bleaching procedure.

For an additional effect, after washing off the mask, rinse your hair with filtered water with the addition of lemon juice or rhubarb infusion.

Honey mask.

Village honey - 3 tbsp. l. (for medium length hair).

Melt honey with a water bath. Divide your hair into thin strands and soak them generously with honey. As with any mask, wrap your head with polyethylene on top and create conditions for a thermal effect, that is, build a turban from a thick terry towel on top. Keep the mask from 1 to 3 hours.

Rhubarb mask.

Dry rhubarb root - 1 pc.
Good white wine - 5 ml.

Grind rhubarb root into powder. 1 st. l. pour the resulting powder with wine, put on the stove over high heat. When the mixture comes to a boil, lower the heat to medium and wait until the liquid has reduced by half. Then remove the mixture from the stove, cool and strain. Apply to strands, thoroughly wetting areas with yellowness. Keep under a film and a towel for 40 minutes.

Kefir mask.

Kefir fresh - 50 ml.
Vodka - 2 tbsp. l.
Your care shampoo - 1 tsp.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass, distribute it into areas of yellowness. Keep under a film and a warming cap for 40 minutes.

Rhubarb mask with glycerin.

Rhubarb root chopped - 150 g.
Steep boiling water - 250 ml.
Glycerin - 60 g.

Pour boiling water over the powder, add glycerin and leave the mixture to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain and can be used. Distribute the product through the hair, insulate with a film and a towel and leave for 1 hour.

Decoction of onion peel.

If you have yellowness and you can’t get rid of it, try to slightly improve the situation with a decoction of onion peel. The hair will acquire a golden hue, which is still better than yellowness, and it will be revived a little after all the color change manipulations. To do this, pour the husks from several onions (2-3) with water and put on a quiet fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove from heat and leave for 5 hours. Strain the finished infusion and apply to the hair with a sponge. After 30 minutes, apply the product again to the strands, put on a shower cap or a plastic bag, fix it with a towel on top and leave the mask overnight. Rinse in the morning and apply lemon juice to the hair.

Use our tips, and you can remove unwanted yellowness from your hair yourself at home. Everything is very fast, simple and effective. For the future, if you want to become a blonde, think a hundred times and consult with several experts, maybe it is on your hair to achieve the desired blond without yellowness is simply unrealistic. This procedure will only ruin your hair. Well, those who do this procedure regularly, consider your mistakes and do not allow them to recur. Good luck!